Notice of Intention to Grant Prospecting Licences Since It
Notice of Intention to Grant Prospecting Licences Since it appears to the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment (the Minister) that there are minerals not being worked under the lands in the areas set out below, pursuant to section 7(1) of the Minerals Development Act 1940, as amended, the Minister intends to grant prospecting licences for Base Metals, Barytes, Silver (ores of), Gold (ores of) and Platinum Group Elements (ores of) to Raptor Resources Ltd., 53 Bayview Avenue, North Stand, Dublin 3, D03 P2Y9, over the following Townlands in County Laois:- Townlands in Cullenagh Barony: Ballinaclogh Lower, Ballinaclogh Upper, Ballygormill South, Ballyheyland, Ballyking, Baunogemeely, Baunree, Boleybeg, Cashel, Clarbarracum, Clontycoe, Coole or Lisnagomman, Cremorgan, Cullenagh, Esker, Garryglass, Graigue, Graiguenasmuttan, Keelagh, Kilvahan, Lisnagomman, Moat, Pass, Raheenduff Big, Raheenduff Little. Townlands in Maryborough West Barony: Ballycormick, Ballyfin, Ballyfin Demesne, Ballylusk, Barkmill, Briscula, Brockra, Camcloon, Cappagh South, Cappanacleare, Cappanrush, Cavansheath, Clonadacasey, Clonagh, Clonbarrow, Cloncourse, Cloncullen, Clondouglas or Clonkeen, Clonehurk, Clonenagh, Clonkeen, Clontyglass, Clontygowan, Deerpark, Derraugh, Derrylusk, Esker, Gorteen, Iry, Knocknakearn, Ockanroe, Oldtown, O'Mores Forest, Redcastle, Ringstown, Rossnagad, Sconce Lower, Springfield. Townlands in Maryborough East Barony: Ballina, Ballycarnan, Ballyclider, Ballydavis, Ballygormill North, Ballyknockan, Ballymackan, Ballymooney,
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