Communicated. Selvanee Defeats Auburn After a Qreat Struggle /-jEAO om )

Alabamians' Couraseauso Attack Swept Tennesseans Off Their Feel | %

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Sewanee On the Offensive Throughout. Auburn Made the Great Mistake of Not Following Up First Ad- vantage—Game In Detail.

Sewanee defeated Auburn yesterday aft- ■ 1 ernoon at West End park by a score of 12 to 6. QUARTERBACK M’LURE. The game was practically a victory Auburn’s for Auburn, for the Alabamians held the Offensive General, Who Had Little To Do heavier and more experienced players Yesterday. from the mountains with bull- dog stubborness, contesting every inch file goat at tills time Sewanee did its of territory bitterly. The men of the greatest defensive work. After scoring the touchdown, Auburn and Purple came to Birmingham with inflated kicked, after Shipp had made a splendid short run and a large store of over-confi- pride of nine yards Sewanee was held fot Their was to dence. surprise apparent downs. There followed an exchange oi the spectators when, after three minutes punts by Ware and Shipp. In which Se- of play, Auburn crashed, through the wanee was the gainer. However, after Auburn had punted to Sewanee’s 20-yard Purple line for a touchdown. line there occurred a miserable fuinblu Sewanee has excellent material, far bet- and the Alabamians procured the ball. has an old ter than Auburn. Sewanee By a series of short end runs anti line team of experienced players, several of bucks for short gains Auburn worked the the number being stars. Auburn’s team sphere to Sewanee’s five-yard line. There tlie true Sewane spirit revealed itself is younger and less experienced, and and after a iN HIS STEPS star. plainly, magnificent defense among the number there is not a the ball went over. There is hardly a Sewanec’s men are heavier, and the more doubt but that Auburn would have Won but this advantage was les- aggressive, the game had It scored this touchdown in their ■carelessness, sened by apparent the first half. making their attack vulnerable. Auburn’s to / courage and determination, its anxiety Sewanee’s Sensational Work. Yale and Army Battle and HARVARD DEFEATS get into every play, and its stubborn There followed several exchanges of defense, partially overcame in which Sewaee was the Hart Schaffner 6? Marx magnificent punts, again • 1907 by the men so Copyright their temerity in face of gainer. Sewanee also worked a forward to Zero Score highly boosted. pass for a short gain. At this time the Grimly Tennesseans were on Auburn’s 40-yard NAVAL ACADEMY The Tactics. Respective line. The signal for the forward pass reason we should sell and The was one of the most unique good why you game to right end was given, and Lewis got in Birmingham. Neither team ever played the ball well In his arms. He made a THE HIGH SCHOOL should Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes is or line buy was able to gain by end runs, CNE dive for the goal, sprinting liki a deer, Watch Is the Cause of the The struggle was full of punts, fifteen Thousand Fumbling that are worth the You more than bucks. lie passed everyone save Ware, who was People price. get Se- they forward passes, fumbles and miscues. for every time in these clothes. wanee found Auburn’s line impregnable DEFEATS ANNISTON Small Score you pay They’re Auburn's throughout the afternoon and With all wool. Lots of clothes see are cotton. lads Hie fee you part ends tackled the heavier purpled Struggle cleverly and with telling force. Get the best. CAPTAIN STREIT WAS KNOCKED Sewanee, entirely on the offensive chief NAVY PLAYS WITH RUSH throughout the afternoon, depended Enthusiasm OUT IN THE VERY BEGINNING, true that ly on forward passes, and it is fell false. to i the great majority attempted BUT TEAMMATES CONTINUED $20.00 $5'0.00 the Auburn, on the defensive throughout Harvard Does Not Show Ability In afternoon, punted principaly, and in this GREAT WORK—SPECTACULAR. role, Sewanee starred extensively. Tt al- Holding Ground, While Each Side most Invariably happened that whenever within striking HIE IS BEATEN BACK Resorts To Trick Plays M. WEIL & BRO. Sewanee worked th ball Auburn goal, the Ala- Anniston, October 19.—(Special.)—'The distance of the Without Result. bamians procured it thorugh fumbles. Birmingham High school defeated the Then, Bob Ware was called upon to kick strong Alabama Presbyterian college team 1915 and 1917 First Avenue. And 8! DOUGHTY WARRIORS the sphere from dangerous territory. here this afternoon In one of the most thus the afternoon wore away. sensational and hard fought contests ever Annapolis, Md., October 19.—ISpecial.i usual fleetness was woefully I Sewanee’s Nava! played on an Anniston gridiron. The Final score: Harvard ti, academy <>. S lacking. There was a noticeable slothful- moving. local team the Harvard defeated the Naval academy ness in getting the formations Army Men Really Score a Victory In outweighed Birmingham I Au- It not infrequently happened that noys fully 15 pounds to the man ami today by one touchdown and a goal, the ends tackled the big Se- a Score the Wear- MEN NOT TO BE BULLDOZED burn's accurate Preventing By were fast and aggressive throughout thu llrst 10 minutes of tlie* first half. in the rear of the line. As wanee backs game. The Presbyterian college is coached For the rest of Ht<‘ game the crimson of Au- ers of the Blue and Game an offensive agent, the strength BY OF FANATICISM this season by Alabama university’s star was as much up a stump as If it had THREATS was not fully tested. Sewanee's burn Ends In a Tie. captain and center of last year’s team, defensive was not been playing Pennsylvania. true strength on the •Wash'' Moody. Although outweighed It was a great show for the crowd fully tested. and a team the visiting large of The and well regulated saloon, so will the playing college To the Editor Age-Herald. There was no starring. There was little of outsiders from Baltimore, Washing- that in the for High school eleven outplayed Anniston The prohibition (?) party threatens representatives legislature, that keeps specta- of the spectacular in every department of the game. Coach ton. Philadelphia and other cities, and If on the 28th Instant this county should they are all honorable men who rec- The tors up to the highest pitch. West N. V., October 19.—(Spe- that are servants and not keyed Point, Prince of the High school team said after there was a minute when the vote against prohibition, the legislature ognize they and on account haydly game was rather slow, fiercely and ringed the game: "The High school played will enact a law putting the entire state masters of tire people. They will not cial.)—Battling afUy spectators were not drawing a long breath of the numerous fumbles and promiscuous won the ban of (?), or ignore an expression of popular opinion about a roaring horde 15,000 a good, snappy game and through j under prohibition tame and uninteresting. In by of of anxious suspense, but from a technical fails fresh from the voice of the pun tig, rather their superiority in head work. 1 am that in the event the legislature people. it Is rival enthusiasts, the plucky army spite of that fact, however, positive- with their work." tootball standpoint It could hardly have to do so that the prohibition party will Therefore we warn those of our fellow warriors pleased true that both were out eleven and Yale's doughty Into citizens who agree with us that prohibi- ly aggregations Anniston won the toss and Birmingham been called a creditable exhibition. plunge Jefferson county immediately and torn will for blood. The clashes were terrific, up and down a scarred and off. Streit made the another bitter campaign for the establish- tion NOT PROHIBIT, and that the (ought kicked Captain Fumbling was the main fault on both a total absence of rough OPEN SALOON Is better than the BLIND there was not FULLBACK M’COY, draw here this after- the ball well into the home ment of dispensaries—thus disturbing field to a game kick, placing but the Middies had the knack of tffetios. Who Scored Touch- sides, again the great business and moral in- TIGER, not to be led away and dis- Auburn's Single When the final whistle blew in team’s territory. After the kick Streit. Fatal Error. noon. not catching the bull reduced to the finest of the county. couraged by the threats of the opposition. Auburn’s down 0 to ■well down the Held, made a sensational terests Yesterday. the gathering dusk, the score was Jefferson county has a powerful Influ- We are going to win this fight and Auburn came to Birmingham with the tackle, but in doing so was stunned and possible point. When they did hold the win. It was virtually an army victory. ence irTthe legislation of this state. Its we are going to keep it won. firm belief that Sewanee would This 0. had to retire from tiie game. Although > they wore ho they did drove pigskin surprised immense taxable PROPERTY OWNERS AND GOOD the unanimous well to the rear. Arid Ware with Ills powerful leg the loss of their large population and was fatal. It is opinion playing Beavers weakened by captain, not know which way to turn. Jefferson county first rank. GOVERNMENT CAMPAIGN COMMIT- that had Auburn, after missed him! Lewis scored the touch- down the field whenever who was the strongest man on the team, wealth gives of the spectators the ball far Another element which Harvard TEE. of the the the eleven helped Now, if this county votes for the open scoring the first touchdown game, down, and Shipp's goal tied tally. was too hard threatened the High school held college the army goal lo make as good a showVpg us .she did continued on the offensive and the ag- After this score, Shipp, as one of the and took the ball on downs. Starting and Ewln, the giant ciulck-llmbed gressive, the game would have been, at most aggressive halfbacks in the south, off In whirlwind fashion the Birmingham was the high tackling of the Middies. Ids time and again crushed through any rate, a tie, and probably an Auburn was given un opportunity to show true guard, team scored a touchdown in three min- They went after their'men as if they were tore the it Is true that Sewanee's merit. Sewanee received Auburn's kick the blue line like a ram and utes of A delayed pass to Motley, victory. For play. getting a running start in climbing a touchdowns were not scored on straight- on its 15-yard line. There was a double fine mesh of Yale's trick plays to rib- two bucks by Casey and then Harsh Team greased pole. The top of tho head was To Have Chicago forward football tactics. One resulted pass behind tJhe line, from Barrett to carried the ball over. Haley, Me Cross en bons. | and The back forward S well. Both halves ilie favorite point of attack, but if that from a successfully planned oper- Shipp. great plunged and Moffett also played Yale’s vaunted forward pass was ated forward and the other after with courage and strength, and swept ended with the High school on Annis- couhr not he reached they were strong 1 pass, In tbe of the entire Auburn eleven off its feet. His never for consistent gains The halves were 20 for the crimson run- Or Become Outlaws a run from a kick-off. Both partook good ton's 10-yard line. embracing sweaty t the nature of flukes, and the second was speed was marvelous, and when he face of the army defense and the ono minutes each. ners around the neck. Specimens of clean On the other crossed Auburn's line after a run of rj0 a cut, thus-far-and-no-farther on a fluke most certainly. time It might have been dangerous tackling hand, while Auburn came into possession yards, lie was perhaps ijo feet to the front General Football Results. ihe part of the Admirals was sadly lack- October 19.—Gunther Park is president and magnates of the American fumble spoiled It. Chicago, of the ball by an accident, It is true that of the nearest Auburnlte. The touch- .lot- ing. Harvard, on tho other hand, tackled K association have visited and carefully in- the blue war- Frlnoeton, 40; Washington nml be In the American association direct down however, the of- Battled and enraged, hard and low when tlie wan Wikely to Its touchdown was the result of wasn’t allowed, 0. opportunity spected the plant on the North side, and half to win fersori, William NieseA, tho owner of football. ficials ruling that the runner had gone riors went Into the second offered, but. the Middles are slippery if Aext season. they found it ideal. For five years they straightforward Army, «»; Vale, ft. That first touchdown scored by Au- out of founds. But were beaten nothing else and It was a difficult mat- beautiful ball grounds on tho North- into but by any means. they Pennsylvania, II; Brown, tfye have tried to break Chicago, In burn after the game had progressed only The first half ended with the ball for whenever the 0. ter to pick the method of going after si>ae, has applied for a franchise in the have always been scared away. This time even at tills game, Harvard, G; Navy, three minutes, should have decided the the middle of the field in possession of ft. them. break into Chicago, they are so wrought up over the wrongs whistle that another athlete Syracuse, 9; Williams, league that wants to affair Auburn. signalled In the early part of the second half done them the that conclusively. Phillips Andover, 12; Worcester Itself tho by big leaguer/s they was low It was generally a Yale even tlireatens to declare was coached for de- Tied Score Threatened. laid tho Navy weakened and its cheering / and their own Aubrn evidently ft American :u-e going to take matters into out of the Academy, of the National and fensive work. The men showed an Indis- the inun who was pulled melee, of iTon was decidedly gloomy, despite the equal hands no matter what the outcome. Tiny The second half, even more then Western University Pennsylvania. aversion to get on the offensive, constant yells. Harvard hit the line, ran leagues. Want a club in Chicago and there is but putable first, characterized by failures with half conscious. 3; Muskingum, 0. It Is possible that before a franchise and It was true that Auburn the second that the whistle ft. around the ends and recovered kicks an a. one spot for it, and that is Gunther generally Iho double pass, and fumbles at. critical Not until New Tfampshlro State, 5, Bowdoln, be and before tho league it came seem matter of course until tin ball was will granted, kicked whenever into possession times on the of Hewanee and punting blew did the army’s goal finally 21. Colgate, 9. that Park. part LaFayette. can break Into a big league city, of the ball. Auburn's courage, so marched down to tho 'lungerously near the MlddieV goal, when Gunther Park lias been the home of the great by Auburn, in this way. the bail was sate. Yalo Lehigh, 22; Medico Chlrurglcal. ft. war hhero will be considerable waged on the noticeably oozed away in tho in the falling light all of a sudden the Middles got busy, Gunther's Ball club, one of the most pop- defensive, kept forever in the air, tills moment shadow of posts Georgetown University. 10; Unlverat- tlie National and American organisa- offensive and daring tactics w'ere a forward pass that landed broke through on trick plays, interfered by ular as well as tlie best paying semi- when Hewanee's territory and the next in Au- and ofter ty of Maryland, ft. but the magnates of tho minor cadetR’ ten yard line, with kicks, blocking two hi succession' tions, professional clubs in the city. The Amer- necessary. burn's. The spectators finally believed the hall on the Amherst., II; Trinity, ft. are so determined In the move- shoved hack fifteen yards Fresh- und In the constant change of the bail league ican association magnates would do well Enthusiasm that there would be no more scoring. the blue was Phillips Exeter, 6; Harvard that they are likely to put it Supreme. on fumbles, kicks and forward passes ment to him Into their midst, lie will sur- Hewanee tried the forward pass on every for Interference. men. 0. be declared get What was lacking in spectacular was whirl- It center through even though they and the usual result was a were closed In another Freshmen, 1ft; Harvard, Sec- gradually worked to the of the prise even them with him plans for mak- the opportunity, They Brown matin up In tSn enthusiasm of spec- the whistle field. Time was called with tho heroes In outlaws. failure ami a Ho excited became wind scrimmage when G. ing a success. An of 2000 was penalty. ond, it Is not known, the tators. attendance nearly was over. The the center of tho gridiron. It was Inter- While generally Niesen lias visited President O’Brien of Captain Barrett on one atempt that he blew and the game Dartmouth, 27; University of Maine, o ubout the Held, and the bleachers were csting, it was exciting—and it was dis- the association in Milwaukee, who lias handed the ball to an Auburn man, as if lineup: Colby, 5; Bates, ft. us full as they could be stacked. The was free of the Yale. Position. Army. 15; ft. appointing. concluded that a Chicago team would be Auburn ho glad to he responsibil- Dari isle Indians, Buckneil, noise, at times,*was deafening. .Left End. J. Johnson 0. Navy. Position. Ilardvard. WONDER! LISTEN! a winner in every respect. ity. Of course, Auburn quickly punted It Burch, Olcott. Michigan, 22; Wabash, LOOK! sympathisers, naturally, were In the ma- Tackle. Beeson Demott.left end.M, C. Pierce. Niesen went further than to for safely. Blglow (Capt.). Left Washburn, 34; Haskell Indians, 0. apply but hundreds were yelling for jourlty, Then half was over. He- (ieobel .Left Guard. Moss, Oklahoma, ft. Northcroft.left tackle.». a Chicago franchise. He has offered to and the nearly Kansas, IB; the Tigers fro Smewanee, Orange Cowan Burr, Hoar, purchase the Milwaukee club under cer- wanee in the meantime had edged Hie Swarthmore, 30; George Washington blue and royal purple were seen c-vry- Stewart.left tain conditions. sphere to Auburn's 15-yard line, and while Cooney .Center.Phlloon College, 0. guard..Parker, (Capt.) where. There was the chattdr, cries, Guard. Erwin Nourse. While t’he has come it was still to gain through the Brides .Right Hewanee, 12; Auburn, G. Brock, Sllngluff..center_Grant, report from Mil- so ctmrae* impossible yells, reproaches and bravos Tackle. Weeks of Ten- .right guard.W. Pierce. MADAM waukee that the club is not for it orange and blue defense, or to smash its Paige.Right Georgia Tech, 6. University Wright sale, terlstle of a great football game! Shafroth.right tackle.Fish, is an absolute fact that Owner Havenor ends, the Auburn supporters feared that Jones (Howard).Right-End.Stearns nessee. 4. On the southside of the .park there was 1 lammond on the lie lost. of Georgia, 3G; Mercer, G. Hague.right end.Bird. lias allowed an option the club already, car- day would University another mass of people. Tally-hos, ... Mon I) tford New Niesen could Then Sewunee the forwaid Jones (Tad)... Quarter 4. Polytechnic Institute, 5; liangc.quarterback.. hall. and Willie own that club the battle attempted riages and automobiles gave Garey ft. before sundown tomorrow if he ho de- pass, and again It failed. Auburn sup- Dines Washington and Lee, Douglass. (Capt.).left halfback....Cutting. additional picturesqueness. There was a Half.Hmitli sired. porters then congratulated themselves, Itotnar .Rigid . 18; Virginia Jones.right halfback.Kami. large number of students from the two thinking the day safe. For certainly the Bergen Military Institute, ft. Richard sou.. ./..fullback .Appolllnio. rival institutions on hand, and these Johnson ball would be punted to safe territory. Wylie. Left Half. R. University of North Carolina, 14: Referee. Corbin (Tale), Navy; Sharp ZAZA Michigan 22, Wabash 0. the and the dis- furnished yells greater CLAIRVOYANT, Ware draw buck behind the line and Phllbln William und Mary, u. (Yale), Harvard. Field Judges, Gresham, the world’s greatest October 19.—By a score of of enthusiasm. Indiunapols, play It Buck. Beavers 6; St. Albans Princeton. Linesman, Osburn, Har- was In two punted the ball full 4<> yards. fell into Coy .Full Roanoke High School, Poe, who Birmingham ypars 22 to o defeated Wabash On the “toss up" Captain Wilkeraon W. Morris: Michigan college the arms of Lanier, ami there fol. officials: Field judge. W. College, vard. Touchdown, M. C. fierce. Goal located at corner of 5th Ave. J and chose the waiting ago, then this afternoon in a con- selected Die western goal, W. s Lore stubbornly lowed one of those sensational runs so referee, A. E. Whiting, lineman, St. Louis University. 42; Arkansas from touchdown, Parker. Time of halves, 19th SL, has returned and can now The kick-off. The officials of the game were 99 and JO and ! tested football game. Michigan squad Infrequent in football. The Hewanee full- Langford. Time of halves, University, G. L'O minutes. at 5137 First the Wabash team almost 20 announced as follows: be consulted Avenue, | outweighed back, following n neat Interference, went minutes. Drury University. G; Washington Uni- to the man and was expected to Referee. Rowbotham of Tufts; umpire, Woodlawn. pounds through the entire Auburn squad and versity, 6. | a much score than Bradley Walker of Virginia; head lines- MARION INSTITUTE I ghe is the medium of mediums, clair- j run up larger they planted the ball between the goal post-., Minnesota 8, Nebraska 5. succeeded In making. » man, Pritchard of Vanderbilt. Twenty- of clairvoyants, rightly named it was easy for 8hlpp to kick the pig- Minn., October 19 Minne- 8, Cornell 6. voyant minut^halves were agreed upon. Minneapolis. Pennsylvania WINS FINE GAME OF THEM ALL.” She skin between the poles. here in X. Y.. October 19.—Peqna State ; the “LEADER Princeton 40, W. & J. 0. sota defeated Nebraska today Ithaca, name of sweet* Auburn’s Entire Attack. A few second later lime was called, and defeated Cornell at. football. 8 full name, a hard contested game by a seore of 9 to college Marion, October 19.—(Special.)—*The fist [ tells your X. October 19.—In an ex- al- Princeton, J.. throats on every side, the great struggle ended. Hewanee. thu to today Cornell was outplayed from 1 friends, relatives and enemies. With 2000 yelling u. Two from the Held won C, of 'lie Marion Institute defeated heart, nursed a of in- goals eleven citing game Princeton today defeated Ware's leg sailed the pigskin 40 yards into though victorious, wound Nebraska crossed the start, tlie Hrst half ending Cornell, vividly recalled, the present game for the Hoppers. ; the of Alabama, second tea**; The past and Jefferson by the score of was jured pride, for its expectations were to State, 4. The game was won University and the future Washington Sewanee’s territory. Lanier unable Minnesota's goal line early In the flrst 0; Penna i unmistakably given ■40 to 0. Thiee times Washington and crush Auburn, and to do the crushing from the Held Vorhls. this afternoon In a brilliant game by the to hold the punt, and in the general half. Captain Wilier played the star ] with two goals by ! clearly foretold. Jefferson got the hall on the Princeton Auburn with comparative ease. On the other hand Caldwell and Wnlder for Cornell made of 16 to 0. Although scrimmage that followed got pos- game for Nebraska and the feature of, \ 8C