put together by Alex Yartsev: Sorry if i used your images or data and forgot to reference you. Tell me who you are.
[email protected] Chronic Renal Failure 8.03 Mr William Reynolds, a 62-year-old retired accountant presents with a six week history of lethargy and progressive ankle swelling. History of Presenting Illness - Most patients present with: Earliest : LETHARGY ANAEMIA - heavy proteinuria , FATIGUE - most commonly in the nephrotic range OEDEMA HYPOALBUMINAEMIA - insidious in onset. NOCTURIA Failure of CONCENTRATION ANOREXIA NAUSEA Early URAEMIA VOMITING INFECTIONS Early URAEMIA THROMBI PRURITIS BONE PAIN Renal OSTEOMALACIA or FRACTURE Latest: CONFUSION DEMENTIA Late URAEMIA COMA Differential Diagnoses - Acute renal failure - Inherited Clotting disorder - Liver failure - Gastrointestinal malignancy - Congestive heart failure - Acute glomerulonephritis - Hyperparathyroidism - Central Nervous System Lesion DIABETES Past History Hypertension Want to know about: systemic - LUPUS, and autoimmune disease in general infections, - Hypertension exposure to - History of renal disease in family drugs and toxins - CHEST PAIN Drugs of particular - EASY BRUISING Questions about uremia: importance - Recent Fractures - Appetite - analgesics - Shortness of Breath - Nausea/vomiting - NSAIDs , - SOB - Ankle Swelling - gold, - Oedema - Frequency of Nocturia - penicillamine, - Weight change - ? hematuria - Muscle cramps - vancomycin, - frothy urine - Bone pain - lithium, - Itching/scratching - Easy bruising - ACE inhibitors - Mental