Trio Recalls Selma
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ACP-ANPA PACEMAKER, 1965 SC Revisions Homecoming Progress Highlights (See Page 2) (See Page Z) TheTEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Skiff• • • • FORT WORTH, TEXAS VOL. 64, No. 20 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1965 I PAGES Peter, Paul, and Mary Trio Recalls Selma "I didn't go to Selma, Ala., for us—to tears or to laughter—this is The trio, in their first perform- publicity, and neither did the poor the criteria by which we choose a ance since returning from tours of woman who got shot," said Mary song." Australia, England, and France, Travers of Peter, Paul, and Mary When reminded of the rumor that begin the two hour performance disbelievingly. "Puff" was about narcotics, Pet- with "The Hour That the Ship The folk singing trio, which per- er retorted indignantly that the Comes In." While in England they formed in Daniel-Meyer Coliseum song was about children believing played a command performance Friday night, was among the per- in Santa Claus and dragons and for the Queen. sonalities going to Selma in behalf nothing else. Tall and lanky Paul is the come- of the civil rights movement. In the group's opinion, Bob Dy- dian of the group. In a segment The trio recorded "Blowing in lan has not gone commercial. "Ma- when Peter and Mary were off the Wind" as song suggesting the ny people who like Bob Dylan are stage, Paul kept the audience problems minority groups face. Pet- negative. They are different for laughing as he did sound effects, er Yarrow, a Cornell University the sake of being different. This is voice imitations, and one of his psychology graduate, considers the not Dylan. He is a poet," replied own songs. integration issue one of morality. Peter. At the Newark Jazz Festival, For this reason the three went to For nearly two hours the famed Paul and Dick Kniss, the bass Selma—"Peter, Paul, and myself folksingers entertained a near ca- player, wrote "On a Desert Island felt that the time had come," said pacity Coliseum crowd Friday (Dreaming I'm with You)." Ham- Mary. night with songs ranging from the ming it up in the style of the 1900's, Peter, composer of "Puff the haunting "Take Off Your Old Paul said that was his concept of Magic Dragon," told how they Coat" to the rolliking "San Fran- reality. chose their songs. "If a song moves cisco Bay Blues." However, he reminded the audi- ence to watch the kiddie cartoon shows if they wanted to actually see life as it really was. Paul then became a kiddie cartoon, complete with hero, (Capt. M&M), villains, Holiday Assembly (police and little old ladies), and commercial, (Ml machine guns). Peter, Paul, <*nd Mary sang many new songs from their recent- ly released album in addition to To Hear Dr. Foote the old favorites that are identified Dr. Gaston Foote, minister of exchange preacher in London and with them. Completing the concert, First Methodist Church in Fort Guatemala. Dr. Foote also served they sang one of the songs that first brought them to the hearts Worth, will be the guest speaker as a gu2st preacher for the U.S. of the people, "If I Had a Ham for the University's annual Thank- Air Force in Okinawa, Japan, and mer." sgiving Convocation. The Convoca- England. tion, sponsored by the United Re- Author of several books, Dr. ligious Council, will be Tuesday, Foote's latest is "How God Helps." Nov. 23, at 11 a.m. in Ed Lan- His message for the convocation dreth Auditorium. will be "Three Thank-You's." Fall Grads Dr. Foote has been minister at Musical selections will be pre- First Methodist since 1952. He at- sented by the A Cappella Choir tended Southern Methodist Univer- under the direction of Prof. B.R. To Check sity; Iliff School of Theology at Henson. Denver University; Miami Univer- Also participating in the pro- sity, Oxford, Ohio; and Texas gram will be Dr. John L. Cogdill, MARY TRAVERS OF THE PETER, PAUL AND MARY TRIO Wesleyan College. chairman of the Theatre Arts De- Name Lists Homecoming appearance marks Ihelr second visit te campus As a delegate to the World Con- partment and a member of First Add Ran student planning to ference on Faith and Order, Dr. Methoddst Church, who will intro- complete their degree require- Foote went to Scotland in 1937. He duce Dr. Foote. Emmet Smith, ments at the end of this semester attended the World Youth Confer- music instructor, will be organ- should check the bulletin boards ence in Oslo, Norway, and was an ist, and Ronald Clark, Beechwood see if their names have been in- City graduate student, and Janis cluded on the lists of candidates Library Circulation Moulton, Houston junior, will rep- for graduation, Dr. Malcolm D. resent the United Religious Coun- McLean, associate dean of Add- cil. Ran has announced. Three Cars If their names have been omit- On Rapid Increase ted, they should ask the chair- In Campus man of their major departments Are you one who will carry home 24 combined. to bring their degrees up to date an armful of books Thanksgiving? The average day's circulation and send them to Dr. McLean. Don't feel absurd; according to li- this year is higher than that of Collision brary statistics, you'll have plenty the rush days last year, according of fellow sympathizers. to Joe L. Cook, chief loan librari Three campus car owners suf- John Tower Nov. 15 this year hadia circuto- an. There is about a 10 to 12 per fered a similar fate last Thursday tion of 886 books of all •classifica- cent increase each year, he said. night when each of their three au- tions. The fastest' going. categories tomobiles was extensively damag- were social science, literature, and Happy Te Be Back ed in an accident on the Student Cancels history, with 120, 166, and 129 re- Center quadrangle. Ironically none Dr. Paul Pamam, in his first spectively. year as librarian here, said that of the owners were involved in In 1963, the' daily average for the mishap. he is happy to be back in Texas Campus Talk November was 555 books, but on after a 16-year absence. He con- Douglas Johns, Houston freshman, Nov. 26 and 27—two days before loaned his 1964 Oldsmobile Cutlass Texas Senator John Tower fessed he bad e» accept the TCU the holiday began — circulation victory over Texas with mixed convertible to several friends. At cancelled plans to speak on cam- jumped to 1062 and 1050 respective- about midnight Thursday the car pus Nov. 17, according to Mike emotions because he graduated ly, or about a 25 per cent jump from Texas. Dr. Pamam, noting went out of control on the street Wiseman, Forums Committee over the previous day. behind Foster dorm and collided chairman. that the library is in a constant with a parked 1956 Chevrolet which A congressional trip to Viet Daily Average state of ordering, said that a $4000 in turn smashed into a 1965 Ford Nam for a first-hand under- order is the newest acquisition. This Mustang parked on the right. standing of American policy was In 1964, the daily average for order includes books from the Har- As of Monday no charges had stated as the reason for can- November was 603. Again, two vard catalog and the S. A. General been filed pending further investi- celling. Tower is not expected days before the holiday, circula- Index—two ksts prized by college gation of the accident. to return until mid-December. tion jumped, with 860 on Nov. 23, libraries. All three ears involved sustained and 917 on Nov. 24. In 1964, ac- About 14,000 items are out at a Arrangements are being made peak period, Cook estimated But heavy damage. Carol Wemple, Ab- with his office to have him cording to a classification break- ilene junior, is owner of the Mus- down, social science, literature, and there are 530,000 items in the li speak in January, Wiseman brary staffed by 43 workers—18 of tang. The Chevrolet belongs to Tony DR. GASTON FOOTE said. history led, with language showing Salisbury, Irving senior. Convocation Speaker only 11 checkouts for Nov. 23 and whom have professional training THE SKIFF Timtttmy, November J3, 1HS Colorful Crowd Sees Inauguration By SUSAN GREGG Before .< n<-.i ) crowd in tt«M ot Ma MAHJ colleges, um decpite no evidence that every child personal leadership. "The goal of DMW MCMT Coliseum, Or Mow needs, is equipped for, or evon "TTicre i* iv> magic in oiiu-.i versil es in I learned socii ties, u a teacher is not so much to teach warts college preparation and col- Uon " d) "a.* inaugurated a> the Ml wefl .is i - faculty, atu as 2 is to open up the student enth chief executive in the his tow MMls an al pubhc, Dr. lege credit," he continued. At h*s MMMaraMM Friday morn cause him to think, to evaluate, fcj of the l'm\c;x.-.:\ kg l.cmn A aVM ■Mid) ■ 5 : ':1 many "We claim to be a nation of in- cho:se, then to act. This goal is m* as chancellor of tlv IMmM] pet ■ ' ' ■ much fr. in o,i dividualist! ani free enterprises, Dr JaMM V MCHH1> based the well, chairman o: the I nrt reached except as the teacher ttx j .1 0 in n 1 dangi r of but we Been, to be doing our best MMMM ho delivered around this Bivard o< TrMMM also displays what he is, what he theme .