Emerging Markets Disclosure Project, 2008 – 2012
Lessons Learned: The Emerging Markets Disclosure Project, 2008 – 2012 BOSTON COMMON ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Emerging Markets Disclosure Project (EMDP), an initiative of the US SIF Foundation, brought together partners from around the globe in a collaboration aimed at improving sustainability disclosure in emerging markets. Over the five years of the project, the participants published four original research reports, created country teams in Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa and South Korea, engaged 72 companies, and achieved their goal of advancing sustainability reporting in the emerging markets. The majority of the EMDP’s work was done through voluntary efforts of the participating organizations. All are mentioned in the report, but two individuals stand out for their leadership on this project: Boston Common Asset Management Managing Director Lauren Compere and Calvert Investments Senior Sustainability Analyst and Manager, Index, Mike Lombardo. The two co-chaired the EMDP’s steering committee; Compere also co-chaired the South Korea team and Lombardo the South Africa team. Recognition also needs to be given to UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Secretariat Head of Investor Engagement Valeria Piani, who participated on the steering committee too and helped coordi- nate the Brazil and Indonesia teams. HSBC SRI Analyst Cinthia Gaban, PREVI Strategic Planning Manager Ra- fael Castro, PRI Secretariat staff Marcela Zonis, Camila Yamahaki and Arleta Majoch,IndonesiaWise CEO Amol Titus, Korea CSR Research Service (KOCSR) Executive Director Joowon Park, and MN Services Responsible Investment Advisor Faryda Lindeman took leading roles on country teams as well and with Compere, Lombardo and Piani made significant contributions to this report.
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