2006 1854 OCTOBER 17, 2006


*Minister's Letter of Appreciation *Letter to The Honorable Roberto Alonzo, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Rafael Anchia, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Daniel Branch, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Yvonne Davis, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Joe Driver, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Kirk England, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Helen Giddings, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Tony Goolsby, TX House of Representatives Letter to The Honorable Linda Harper-Brown, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Will Hartnett, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Fred Hill, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Terri Hodge, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Jim Jackson, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Jesse Jones, TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable , TX House of Representatives *Letter to The Honorable Elvira Reyna, TX House of Representatives

FOR FILING October 17, 2006 DATE


October 17, 2006

Reverend Tom Cloherty All Saints Catholic Church 5231 Meadowereek Dallas, 75248

Dear Reverend Cloherty:

The Dallas County Commissioners Court extends its sincere appreciation to you for delivering the invocation to commence our Court session this morning.

Truly God's guidance is essential to the everyday task of the operation of County Government, and we appreciate your willingness to lead us in our endeavors.


Maurke Dickey Mike Cantrell Co9 Judge Commissioner, District Commissioner, District 2



October 10, 2006

The Honorable Roberto Alonzo Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Alonzo,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

'qjelihe1AkPM rine Dickey Mike Cantrell C Judge Commissioner District Commissioner District #2

411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Rafael Anchia Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Anchia,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

^^7!'JVIIIJI fflfA Maurine Dickdy Mike Cantrell FIE I a Commissioner District Commissioner District #2

4en .ayfiel A Commissioner District #4

Dallas County Administration Building Telephone (214) 653-7363 411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6617 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Daniel Branch Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Branch,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

Mike Cantrell Ma ne Dickey Commissioner District Commissioner District #2

Dallas county Administration Building Telephone (214) 653-7363 411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Yvonne Davis Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Davis,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

______- taurine Dickey (I Mike Cantrell Co Judge Commissioner District #1 Commissioner District #2

John District #3

Dallas County Administration Building Telephone (214) 653-7363 411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Joe Driver Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Driver,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

*Ma elih Mnrine Dicki Mike Cantrell Co Judge Commissioner District #1 Commissioner District #2

Dallas County Administration Building Telephone (214) 653-7363 411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Kirk England Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative England,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

Commissioner District #1 Commissioner District #2

John District #3

Dallas County Administration Building Telephone (214) 653-7363 411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Helen Giddings Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Giddings,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6th of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

t Kelihe, / Matlrine Dickey 7/ Mike Cantrell Judge Commissioner District Wi Commissioner District #2

411 Elm Street one (214) 653-7363 Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Tony Goolsby Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Goolsby,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

Mike Cantrell Maurine Dickey Commissioner r Commissioner District #2

Dallas County Telephone (214) 653-7363 411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Linda Harper-Brown Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Harper-Brown,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours, 2

jrgretKelih Maurine Dickey 4ty Judge/ Commissioner I Commissioner District #2


Dallas county Administration Building Telephone (214) 653-7363 411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6617 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Will Hartnett Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Hartnett, We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

tMg Judet KelihNurine Dickey Mike Cantrell Commissioner District #1 Commissioner District #2

John District #3

Dallas county Administration Building Telephone (214) 653-7363 411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Fred Hill Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Hill,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

Mike Cantrell Maurine Dickey Commissioner District Commissioner District #2

Y-field. District #3 '4Commission4

Building one 653-7363 411 Elm Street (214) Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Terri Hodge Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Hodge,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

"Dickey Mike Cantrell Commissioner isct Commissioner District #2

LUUCILy Aurninisiravon t5waing Telephone (214) 653-7363 411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) .653-8517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Jim Jackson Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Jackson,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you wifi be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

$Jieliher ' ' lvtäUrine Dickey Mike Cantrell C Judge Commissioner District #1 Commissioner District #2

Wiley District #3 Commissioner District

Dallas County building 411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Jesse Jones Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Jones,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,


M6urine Dickey Mike Cantrell Commissioner District #Y Commissioner District #2

411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Bill Keffer Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Keffer,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6' of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

Al f*(4t*rm 2CJ4 Marlhe Dickey M"Foollm Commissioner District Commissioner District #2

John Wiley District #3 Commissioner District

Dallas County Administration Building Telephone 653-7363 411 Elm Street (214) Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517 DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT

October 10, 2006

The Honorable Elvira Reyna Texas House of Representatives P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78768-2910

Dear Representative Reyna,

We are pleased to confirm a breakfast meeting between the Dallas County Legislative Delegation and the Dallas County Commissioners Court at 9:00 AM in the Dallas County Administration Building on December 6th, 2006. At this meeting we will lay out for you our proposals for the 80th session of the Texas Legislature and discuss with you the issues that are our highest priority as well as the ones that will have the most impact on the operation of your county government.

We will deliver to your office a copy of our proposed legislative package in advance of this meeting. If for some reason you will be unable to attend, please contact Craig Pardue at 214-653-7363 and he will provide you with a personal briefing at a time of your choosing.

Again, we look forward to seeing you on the 6th of December 2006.

Respectfully yours,

M&trine Dickey Mike Cantrell

Judge Commissioner District Commissioner District #2 L

Dallas County Administration Building Telephone (214) 653-7363

411 Elm Street Dallas Texas 75202-3317 Fax (214) 653-6517