HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER April 2019 Magical Music Festival effective citizens. The endeavours of each form group never ceases The final week of the spring term culminated in three consecutive to amaze and their efforts make staff feel very proud. In the spring and joyous occasions as our annual Music Festival took place. Any term, one Year 7 form group surpassed expectations as they raised occasion that enables primary and secondary pupils to join together over £1000 for St Luke’s Hospice through a number of creative tasks in expressing their love and talent for music and song is magical. including a sponsored row, cake baking etc. I have no doubt that the Audiences were entertained by pupils from local primary schools; hardest task wasn’t the 20,000 metre row, but more likely the 24 Cuddington; ; Weaverham Primary Academy; hours without technology! I am sure not many young people would ; ; ; Sandiway; Antrobus, Great be so brave or so dedicated! Well done to 7DR Budworth; Weaverham Forest and Whitley, all of whom performed with energy and confidence, a truly talented bunch! I was Year 8s dance studio update extremely proud of our Weaverham High School performers as they In the last newsletter I informed you of the plan a group of Year 8 shared their incredible talents; whether that be mastery of their pupils have to transform the small hall into a dance studio. The instrument, breath-taking solos or stunning harmonies. I reminded team have been busy fund raising since then and have made our young people that without realising it, they would have inspired significant progress towards their target of £2000. This half term somebody each evening and inspiration is a special gift to give. The they are coordinating our very first Easter Bingo event which took final evening was also a chance to say thank you to our Year 11 place on Wednesday 17th April. Their aim is to spread Easter performers who performed on the stage for the final time – chocolate joy to all those who support the event whilst adding more emotions were high but the overwhelming feeling was that of pride funds towards the dance studio fund. I am particularly proud of as Year 11 pupils grouped together at the front of the stage to take their commitment and determination to realise this vision. a well deserved and emotional final bow. Not only must we thank them for their commitment to Creative Arts events but for being Parental Engagement wonderful Ambassadors for our school. On behalf of the audiences Thank you to all those Year 8 and Year 10 parents who supported you have entertained over the past 5 years, we thank you. our recent Year 8 Revision and Year 10 Maths Support events. The turn out for both was superb and we really hope that parents left Year 11 pupils with concrete ideas on how best they can support their child's The summer term will be another busy one - particularly for those learning at home. We have increased the number of these types of with external examinations looming on the horizon. To all of our events throughout the year and have been so pleased by your

Year 11 pupils, I wish you the very best of luck. You are quite simply support. a wonderful year group who have given us so much of which to be Attendance celebrate proud of over the years. Linear exams are tough, really tough and it As you will be aware we have high expectations about school is important to recognise how determined our pupils are to achieve attendance and work hard with parents and pupils to ensure their very best. Many have committed to attending after school attendance is the very best it can be for everyone. In a recent support sessions and the attendance at both our Year 11 family Register Inspection our efforts were recognised; revision events this year has been fantastic. I am sure, with positive “Overall school attendance has massively improved over this last mindsets, continued hard work and very importantly, keeping calm, academic year. School are monitoring attendance on a more regular eating well and getting plenty of sleep we will all be celebrating in basis and using various tools appropriately such as attendance August. If you are at all concerned about your child’s revision or the panels and the correct use of Fixed Penalty Notice Warning letters.” exam season, please get in touch and we can arrange a meeting to Thanks you for your continued support in ensuring your child is in support your child in these final few months. school everyday.

Turning Pupil voice into Pupil Action Enrichment Experiences School council update The spring term was filled with memorable experiences of a “The future of the world is in my classroom today” wrote residential nature for many pupils as our committed staff planned 4 inspirational educator Ivan Welton Fitzwater and our school council different opportunities. Our first took place at the beginning of demonstrated the importance of this statement as they took on the March and the MFL team worked alongside 20 families to host challenge of delivering assemblies to each year groups last half children and staff from our German partner school. There was great term. The topic they chose as the focus of their message was ‘Our excitement and some nervousness as Weaverham High School Environment’. They reminded pupils of our desire to increase the pupils and our visitors met for the first time. However, within a amount of recycling we do and to consider the impact of dropping short space of time the canteen was buzzing with the sound of our litter rather than using one of our 50 litter bins or recycling paper Year 9 and 10 students getting to know their German visitors. One bins that we now have in every classroom. The school council have week later, the experience was recreated for a different set of started to plan an innovative recycling art project that they hope to Weaverham families as we welcomed 20 French students into our launch in the summer term. Their end goal? To eventually create a school community. Both exchanges were fantastic and, judging by bespoke sculpture, made purely from recyclable materials which will the emotional scenes as the young people involved said goodbye to be proudly displayed in the new quad area. their partners, the experiences had a positive impact on all those involved. As I wrote to parents to thank them for their support, I Charity fundraising commented on the ongoing uncertainty relating to Brexit – and Fundraising has, for a long time, been a crucial element of our Form whilst that uncertainly continues, what we do know is that the links Competition. Not only does it encourage group cohesion and the Weaverham High School community continue to develop with identity, but it enables pupils to really consider their role in being our European partner schools remain strong. Weaverham High School, Lime Avenue, Weaverham, CW8 3HT. Tel. 01606 852120 www.weaverhamhighschool.com

Our third residential trip was a new addition to our school School Development Plan calendar, organised by two members of the History department, Our priority areas for whole school development have been Mr Peet and Mr Jones. 40 pupils flew from Liverpool airport to agreed and actions are well underway to achieving the success Berlin where they experienced a wide variety of the sights of criteria. There are 9 main priorities for us, with pupils’ experiences Berlin from the point of view of the past. We saw the iconic and outcomes being at the heart of each: Bundestag building, the Holocaust memorial, the symbolic SDP priorities: Brandenburg Gate, Sachsenhausen concentration camp, the Leadership and Management Olympic stadium where the 1936 games were held, the Berlin To grow and nurture leadership capacity across the newly defined Wall, Checkpoint Charlie and Alexanderplatz. A slight hiccup on team by strengthening leadership at all levels the return leg due to flight cancellations meant that an additional Deliver a CPD programme which addresses needs identified by SLT night’s board in a hotel was necessary. Despite the frustration of and staff. not getting home as expected, spirits remained high and the ‘all Meet the challenges of an increased PAN and a growing school you can eat – all day’ style buffet softened the blow for many! I Quality of Education – Raising Standards would like to take the opportunity to thank all the staff involved Close or eliminate achievement gaps between key groups of in leading and accompanying such trips – we couldn’t deliver such students (especially disadvantaged) across all years by improving experiences without their commitment which often takes them the quality of Teaching and Learning. away from their own families. Raise standards through effective assessment Review current curriculum provision and develop a broad and The final trip was our annual ski trip which took pupils to the balanced curriculum offer which meets the needs of our students beautiful Austrian Alps. Snow conditions were perfect, as too was and maximises progress and engagement. the weather, as the ski party enjoyed blue skies and bright Behaviours and Attitude sunshine for many days. The cafes perched on the Austrian Alps Ensure that students’ behaviour and attitude to learning and are always a key part of any ski holiday – where else would you towards others are exemplary get away with selecting rich apple struddle with vanilla cream for Sustain the improvements made attendance and punctuality your lunch! Personal Development Thanks to Mrs Merrick, Mrs Donovan, Miss Marsault, Mr Peet, Mr Continue to develop opportunities to support Pupil and Staff J Jones, Miss Parkes, Mrs Martin-Perez, Miss A Jones, Mr Gallivan wellbeing and Mrs Phillips.

Behaviour for Learning … World Book Day – The Big Booky Breakfast In the spring term we launched our new B4L initiative which was Promoting a school-wide reading culture is always important for designed to reward ‘Everyday Excellence’ and pupils who improving literacy, imagination, social skill and academic consistently demonstrate excellent behaviour work ethic. The new achievement. During March we celebrated World Book Day by processes has enabled us to congratulate those pupils who are signing up for the Big Booky Breakfast. Pupils applied to take part gaining the highest grades of 4 and 5 every day by rewarding them and to celebrate World Book Day on March 7th a Big Booky with additional merit points and acknowledging their efforts each Breakfast was held in the library. 54 eager readers arrived from and every day. Where behaviour choices do not meet our 7.30am onwards to take part in a variety of book related expectations, then a swift consequence is put in place, enabling activities including quizzes, book readings from students and staff to talk with pupils about their behaviour choices in a timely authors on screen ,swapping and reviewing favourite books and of and supportive manner. I am pleased to say that 98.7% of our course, sharing an extensive breakfast menu. In addition, an inter school population received B4L grades 4 or 5 last term. form World Book Day Scrabble competition saw forms across KS3 vying to win prizes resulting in 7KW, 8CB and 9CG triumphing. Fun was had by all who took part. Proud to be an Inclusive School I am delighted to report back to you that the school has recently undergone its first SEND Review. This was a quality assurance Well being review of our SEND provision and overseen by an external school Staff and pupil wellbeing is a priority for us and we are continuing leader, specifically trained in this type of review. The initial to work in collaboration with members of our school community feedback confirms my belief that Weaverham High School to listen to their needs. We held our third staff wellbeing session provides both an excellent structure which enables all pupils to of the year, as all members of our staff body signed up to take reach their academic potential and become motivated to pursue part in a group activity – whether the activity was baking, choir, their dreams, in whatever form they may take, after leaving high book club, dog walking or a 10k run it was a great opportunity to school. I look forward to sharing the official report conclusion in spend time with like-minded colleagues in an informal and relaxed my next newsletter. environment. Staff wellbeing this term will take a slightly different focus as we consider staff workload to ensure energies and efforts Preparing for the summer are placed in the right areas to impact on pupils’ experiences and Last year saw unprecedented high temperatures and this year we outcomes. need to be prepared for the same eventuality. Pupils will be Pupil wellbeing continues to be a focus for us too. We have encouraged and permitted to carry their own, refillable water invested in training 14 members of staff to be Mental Health First bottles from which they will be allowed to drink during lesson Aiders as well as having an onsite counsellor twice a week. In time. We want to minimise disruption to classes and ensure that addition, Mrs Fish organised for 6 Year 9 pupils to attend national everyone stays hydrated at all times. Please support us in making Mental Health Buddies training and we are now in a position to sure your child has a refillable water bottle in school. launch this latest peer to peer support programme. This term we will be asking a range of pupils to complete a wellbeing survey to Clare Morgan better understand pupils’ perspectives on wellbeing. Headteacher

Weaverham High School, Lime Avenue, Weaverham, CW8 3HT. Tel. 01606 852120 www.weaverhamhighschool.com

Gentle Reminder Well done…

All headphones (including wireless) are not allowed once your child enters the school To the following pupils who have passed site, and for the duration of the school day. All pupils have been made aware of this music exams: and are regularly reminded. The rule is; if we see them, they are confiscated until the Samuel Birch, Trombone grade 6 end of the day. The same applies to mobile phones in between lesson change over. Alexander Byast, Euphonium grade 3 Hannah Gunston, Singing grade 1 Duke of York Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award Jessica Lilley, Singing grade 4 We are excited to be offering the Duke of York Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award Emily Murison, Clarinet grade 2 (iDEA), beginning this term, to all Key Stage 3 students. iDEA is a programme that Amelia Partridge, Clarinet grade 1 helps pupils develop digital, enterprise and employability skills. Through a series of Tyler Royle, Trumpet grade 5 online challenges and events, pupils can win career-enhancing badges, unlock new Henry Goulding, Piano grade 6 opportunities and, ultimately, gain industry-recognised awards that help them stand out from the crowd. As with the Duke of Edinburgh Award, it is offered at Bronze, Year 8 Indoor Cricket County finalists, Finn Silver and Gold level. Certificates are issued from Buckingham Palace, with the Dowling, Dom Ravensroft, Oliver Carney, Palace’s embossed seal. For students aged 13 and under there is a requirement for Isaac Millachip, Hamish Shovelton, Karl students to gain parent / guardian permission on signing up. Douglas, Archie Lightfoot, Keyon Pemberton and Louie Armstrong. Further information is available from idea.org.uk Scout Association Hike Last weekend a group of brave hikers took on the challenge of the Scout Association Cheshire Hike. Two teams were given grid references with which to plot and walk an approximate 30 mile route and complete challenges at check points along the way. They also had to carry everything they needed for the weekend in their rucksacks weighing up to 13kg, set up their tents and cook their own food at the end of a very long day. A huge well done and congratulations to Weaverham High pupils Sonia Rushton, Rebecca Nicholson, Molly Stamper-Clark, Elliot Thomas, Josh Abbey, Parent Username/Password for FROG Laura Warburton, Todd Douglas, Redley We have now arranged for parents to set up their own log in and password that works Houghton, Amelie Watkins and Scarlett for the VLE and the new FROG app. Simply go to www.weaverhamhighschool.com Jones who conquered! A wonderful and select the FROG icon. This will take you to the log in page where if you select achievement. ‘forgotten password’ it will invite you to enter your e-mail address (this needs to be the same one that you have provided the school for our communications). You will Lost Property then be sent a link to reset the password, simply follow the instructions. Please make The office and P.E department regularly a note of your username provided on the reset page, the username and password will have items handed in that are not named. be the same for the FROG APP. Please ensure that all school uniform, P.E Frog will provide access to a wealth of resources; advice on exams and revision; kits and bags are labelled to ensure they pastoral information and the school calendar, you will also be able to access the can be returned to their owners. homework assignments set by teachers. For KS4 pupils you can also access links to careers advice; past exam papers; GCSEpod Instrumental Music Lessons – (revision and homework assignments) along with other apps used by individual There are spaces available for lessons from departments. this term in the following instruments – Violin, Cello, Piano, Keyboard, Singing, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone and Drums. Please contact Mrs Bryer in the office,

[email protected] if your child is interested, or return the slip from the bottom of the instrument tuition

letter (on the school website or in the letter rack). The new FROG app will enable you to access homework direct to a mobile device; teachers can also use this app to send messages to parents and pupils. Please WHSA PTA MEETINGS download the app ASAP to support your children. 30th April 11th June 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm School Conference Room

Weaverham High School, Lime Avenue, Weaverham, CW8 3HT. Tel. 01606 852120 www.weaverhamhighschool.com