Prepared for City of Lacey

Prepared by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc.

Note: Some pages in this document have been purposely skipped or blank pages inserted so that this document will copy correctly when duplexed.


Prepared for City of Lacey 420 College Street Southeast Lacey, 98503

Prepared by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1100 Seattle, Washington 98121 Telephone: 206-441-9080

Funded by Washington State Department of Ecology Aquatic Weeds Management Fund Grant Number WQAIP-2017-LacePW-00001

DRAFT November 15, 2016


Executive Summary ...... iii 1. Problem Statement ...... 1 2. Management Goals ...... 3 3. Lake and Watershed Characteristics ...... 5 4. Beneficial Uses of Hicks Lake ...... 11 5. Aquatic Plant Community ...... 13 5.1. Plant Distribution ...... 13 5.2. Targeted Plant Descriptions ...... 17 6. Past Management Efforts ...... 19 7. Aquatic Plant Control Alternatives ...... 20 8. Aquatic Plant Control Scenarios ...... 23 8.1. Noxious Floating-Leaved Plant Management ...... 27 8.2. Native Nuisance Submersed Plant Management ...... 27 8.3. Maintain Lake Health ...... 28 8.4. Contingency Management ...... 28 9. Selected Action Strategy & Implementation ...... 31 9.1. Action Strategy ...... 31 9.2. Implementation ...... 33 10. Public Involvement ...... 35 11. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan ...... 37 11.1. Aquatic Plant Surveys ...... 37 11.2. Water Quality Monitoring ...... 37 11.3. Annual Evaluation ...... 37 12. References...... 39

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Appendix A Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee and Public Meeting Notes Appendix B Aquatic Plant Control Alternatives Appendix C Invasive Aquatic Plant Identification Appendix D Public Awareness Signs


Table 1. Physical Characteristics of Hicks Lake and Watershed...... 5 Table 2. Comprehensive Plant List, Hicks Lake Surveys 1995-2016a...... 14 Table 3. Summary of Permitted Aquatic Use for Hicks Lake ...... 19 Table 4. Aquatic Plant Control Options Considered for Hicks Lake ...... 21 Table 5. Plant Coverage on Hicks Lake ...... 23 Table 6. Preliminary Annual Costs of Aquatic Plant Control Scenarios for Hicks Lake in Lacey, Washington...... 25 Table 7. Fragrant Waterlily Management Options on Hicks Lake...... 27 Table 8. Common Water-Nymph Management Options on Hicks Lake...... 28 Table 9. Annual IAVMP Costs for Hicks Lake Selected Action Strategy...... 31


Figure 1. Watershed and Surrounding Vicinity for Hicks Lake, Lacey, Washington...... 6 Figure 2. 1995 – 2015 Trophic Status Indices for Hicks Lake...... 7 Figure 3. May through October 2015 Profiles of Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, and Conductivity for Hicks Lake...... 8 Figure 4. Hicks Lake Aquatic Vegetation Density Map, Lacey, Washington...... 16 Figure 5. Hicks Lake Aquatic Vegetation Control Map, Lacey, Washington...... 26


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Hicks Lake lies within the City of Lacey in the Henderson Inlet watershed in Thurston County, Washington. The 160-acre lake experiences dense growth of nonnative and native aquatic that inhibit the recreational usability and aesthetics of the lake. In 2015, members of the Hicks Lake community worked with the City of Lacey to establish the Hicks Lake, Lake Management District (LMD). The LMD applied for a grant to create Hicks Lake’s first Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan (IAVMP).

Hicks Lake has a large population of nonnative fragrant waterlilies (Nymphaea odorata) that has been present on the lake for many years. Recently, native submersed aquatic plants, primarily common water-nymph (Najas guadalupensis), have colonized most of the nearshore area of Hicks Lake. The presence of these two plant species is a safety concern for people swimming in the nearshore area or those trying to access deeper waters. Boating access and fishing are also hindered in the nearshore area by these plants. Some fragrant waterlilies have been treated with herbicide in the past, but the common water-nymph has never been treated at Hicks Lake.

This IAVMP details strategies for continued management of fragrant waterlily with the herbicide glyphosate, as well as the control of the nuisance native common water-nymph with the herbicide diquat. This IAVMP is a planning document developed to ensure that the Hicks Lake LMD community have considered the best available information about the water body and the watershed prior to initiating control efforts. To tackle the difficult task of generating community awareness and action for an environmental issue, a core group of residents formed a steering committee, which includes ten lake residents and one staff person from the City of Lacey. Members of the Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee worked in partnership with Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. (Herrera) to develop this IAVMP for Hicks Lake using a grant to the City of Lacy from the Washington State Department of Ecology Aquatic Weeds Management Fund.

The goal of this IAVMP is to establish a maintenance level of control to meet recreational goals with an integrated approach that minimizes the use of to reduce the potential impacts of chemical inputs to the lake.

This 2017 IAVMP details a plan for management of the following aquatic plants.

• Noxious Floating-Leaved Plants – Treat one-third of fragrant waterlily (excluding the conservation area) with glyphosate annually for the first 3 years (approximately 8 acres each year from 2017 through 2019). Each treatment will involve an initial treatment, followed up by a second treatment a few weeks later to treat any plants that may have been missed because the pads had not surfaced or the herbicide washed off the leaves. After 3 years, all waterlilies targeted for control will have been treated. Follow up spot treatments to maintain recreational access to open water habitat will take place in

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 iii

Years 4 and 5 (2020 and 2021). If needed, floating waterlily root mats will be moved or removed under Contingency Management (see below).

• Native Nuisance Submersed Plants – Treat 34.6 acres of medium to high density growth of common water-nymph once every other year with diquat. (This treatment area is less than permit maximum of 49.5 acres, based on 50 percent of the littoral zone.) One treatment of this area will be made at the beginning of the growing season (late May or early June), followed by a second treatment approximately one month later to treat any regrowth from seed germination. In Year 1 (2017) it is assumed that all 34.6 acres of the medium to high density growth of common water-nymph will be treated. The cost estimate assumes that in following treatment years (Years 3 and 5 [2019 and 2021]) up to 15 acres will be treated. It is possible that other native submersed plants may become dominant in the lake following the first year of treatment. For example, perennial plants such as pondweeds with extensive rhizomes often become dominant following treatment of annual plants such as common water-nymph. Therefore, treatments in Years 3 and 5 may target medium to high density growth of other native submersed plants, but are still expected to be limited to an area of 15 acres.

The aquatic plant community will be surveyed and mapped every other year to evaluate general changes in the plant community and effectiveness of the treatments, and to detect the presence of new invasive species. The control strategy is taking an incremented approach to treating target species to preserve the water quality of the lake; therefore, the presence of targeted plants such as fragrant waterlily does not alone indicate success or failure of the IAVMP tor achieve the desired results. Success will be largely determined by public perception of whether the desired beneficial uses of Hicks Lake are being maintained through the implementation of this IAVMP.

A water quality monitoring program will continue to be conducted every year to track long-term trends in water quality within the lake.

Public education and awareness programs and workshops for lake residents will be focused on exotic plant prevention, and will provide general pollution prevention and best management practices information to lake residents.

The LMD Steering Committee and interested lake residents will be involved in development of the yearly plant control strategy and will be responsible for soliciting volunteers for surveys and planning of plant control activities. This will ensure long-term involvement of lake residents in lake management decisions and activities.

An annual report will be prepared documenting past and planned aquatic plant treatment activities, aquatic plant survey and water quality monitoring results, and public education and awareness activities.

The following contingency management options may be conducted as the need arises.

November 2016 iv Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017

• Fragrant Waterlily Root Mats – Remove floating waterlily root mats and associated lake sediments in selected areas to improve access to the lake.

• New Noxious Submersed Plant Control – If the lake becomes infested by another noxious submersed plant such as Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) or Brazilian elodea (Egeria densa), then immediately use hand-pulling or an herbicide to eradicate the infestation.

• Noxious Emergent Plants – Treat emergent noxious weeds that are known to occur on the Hicks Lake shoreline, such as Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea), and yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus) with glyphosate annually when observed during waterlily treatment to eradicate or keep populations low.

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Hicks Lake is a 160-acre lake within the City of Lacey in Thurston County, Washington. The lake lies within the Woodland Creek Watershed, which is within the Henderson Inlet watershed. Many of the residents around the lake have enjoyed a long history of living on the lake and are dedicated to preserving the beauty and recreational value of the lake. The Hicks Lake, Lake Management District (LMD) was formed in 2015 with the goal of preserving the aesthetics and recreational opportunities of Hicks Lake through removal of problematic aquatic vegetation. The Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee is spearheading the development of Hicks Lake’s first Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan (IAVMP) to address aquatic vegetation issues.

Recently, native submersed aquatic plants, primarily common water-nymph (Najas guadalupensis), have colonized most of the nearshore area of Hicks Lake. They interfere with activities in nearshore areas of the lake that are less than about 14 feet deep. The density and extent of these plants are a safety concern for people swimming in the nearshore area or those trying to access deeper waters. Boating access and fishing is also hindered in the nearshore area by these plants.

Hicks Lake also has a large population of nonnative fragrant waterlilies (Nymphaea odorata). The fragrant waterlilies, a Class C noxious weed, are most abundant on the south shore. These lilies have been treated with the herbicide glyphosate at some properties in this area. Decaying roots (rhizomes) from the treatments have resulted in floating lily mats, which can interfere with lake use and present a safety risk to boaters when they drift across the lake.

Since 1995, plant surveys on Hicks Lake have identified several other aquatic plant species that are listed as “noxious” because of their tendencies to overtake a lake. Small populations of swollen bladderwort (Utricularia inflata) have been found primarily on the steep (eastern) shore of the lake, and curly-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) was once found near the public boat launch. These plants were not found during the aquatic vegetation survey of the lake conducted in 2016 for this IAVMP. However, a plan for prevention and detection is needed to reduce the potential for new plant invasions that could become problematic.

Emergent plant species (plants that grow along the edges of lakes, rivers, and streams) are present at Hicks Lake and include several noxious weeds that are not required to be controlled. Yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus) is expanding and restricts lake access in some areas, but is not yet a serious issue. Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) or loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris) have been reported at a few locations, but their presence is unconfirmed. Cattails and other emergent plants are not considered to be a problem by lake residents.

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 1


Aquatic plants in Hicks Lake provide important natural habitat for fish, waterfowl, and small wildlife. Excessive aquatic plant growth, however, may impact the aquatic habitat. Recent increases in the cover and abundance of aquatic plants have impacted recreational opportunities and aesthetic beauty the lake offers to residents who live on and nearby the lake. To address concerns of the Hicks Lake community, the Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee is acting to create an IAVMP for controlling excessive growth of noxious weeds and native, nuisance vegetation in Hicks Lake. The Steering Committee is composed of ten lake residents (Danny Kaiser, Ken Callaghan, Margaret Hollinger, Mike Mahoney, James Tilque, Glenn Edstrom, Jay Monti, JJ Baker, Rob Krell, and Roxine Mahoney) and one staff from the City of Lacey (Tom Palmateer).

The Hicks Lake LMD Steering committee met three times during the drafting of the IAVMP to discuss the goals of the plan, as well as to discuss possible methods for control of the problem species to meet the goals, and finally to select a preferred method(s) for achieving those goals. These meetings took place on July 26, October 19, and October 26, 2016. In the third meeting, all members of the Hicks Lake LMD were invited to attend and provide input for the IAVMP. Notes and presentations for each meeting are provided in Appendix A.

With the implementation of the IAVMP, the Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee will direct aquatic vegetation management activities to ensure a high-level of lake health while balancing the recreational, wildlife, water quality, and aesthetic needs of Hicks Lake. To accomplish this, the LMD established the following aquatic plant management goals.

• Provide for safe swimming in private and public areas

• Provide safe lanes of access to open water for swimming and boating from shorefront properties

• Monitor for plants that can become a problem and have a ready strategy for their control

• Develop a long term invasive species prevention plan

• Maintain good water quality and prevent toxic algae blooms

Because the studies and plans necessary to determine the condition of the lake and identify potential solutions for improving conditions are to be conducted as components of this plan, the above goals are broadly defined. Work plans will be developed annually for implementation of specific activities and recommendations based on current conditions and past successes.

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Hicks Lake is a relatively shallow lake within the City of Lacey in Thurston County, Washington. Hicks Lake lies within the Henderson Inlet watershed. The contributing basin to Hicks Lake encompasses approximately 1.8 square miles.

Hicks Lake is the first in a series of four lakes that eventually discharge to Henderson Inlet through Woodland Creek. The other lakes are Pattison Lake, Long Lake, and Lake Lois. There is an extensive network of wetlands between these lakes, including a large wetland complex adjacent to the south end of Hicks Lake (Figure 1).

The primary land use surrounding Hicks Lake is residential, although there is some undeveloped forest and commercial land within the watershed. Hicks Lake has two public access points located adjacent to each other on the west side of the lake: a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) boat launch and Wanschers Community Park, managed by the City of Lacey (Figure 1).

Hicks Lake has a total surface area of 160 acres and estimated volume of 2,700 acre-feet. The maximum depth is 35 feet, with an average depth of 18 feet (Thurston County 2015). Physical characteristics for the lake are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Physical Characteristics of Hicks Lake and Watershed. Basin Area 1.8 square miles Surface Area 160 acres Lake Volume 2,700 acre-feet Maximum Depth 35 feet Average Depth 18 feet Shoreline Length 2.4 miles

The Thurston County Environmental Health Division monitors water quality in Hicks Lake from May through October each year. There is a record of annual monitoring for Hicks Lake dating back to 1995, except for a data gap in 2009.

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 5 Figure 1. Henderson Hicks Lake Vicinity Map, Lacey, Washington. Inlet Legend

Hicks Lake Basin Lake City Limits Stream Highway

Feet ´ 0 2,500 5,000 10,000


o o d la K:\Projects\Y2015\15-06169-000\Project\Report\vicinity.mxd (11/2/2016) n d Cr e ek Lacey


Lake Lois


Hicks Lake

Long Lake

Pattison Lake N.

Pattison Lake

Hicks Lake water quality monitoring takes place on a monthly basis at one site located in the deepest part of the lake. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and conductivity are measured at 1-meter intervals from the lake surface to near the bottom, and water transparency is measured using a Secchi disk. Two samples, one from near the lake’s surface and one from near the bottom, are analyzed monthly for total phosphorus and total nitrogen. Additional samples for chlorophyll a and algae are also collected (Thurston County 2015). Much of the following information is taken directly from 2015 Hicks Lake Water Quality Report (Thurston County 2015). In the most recent water quality report, the water quality of Hicks Lake was reported as generally good, with phosphorus levels within the state standard (Thurston County 2015).

Carlson trophic state indices (TSIs) are used to express the degree of productivity of a lake. Average summer total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, and Secchi disk readings are each used to calculate TSIs. TSI of 0 to 40 indicates an oligotrophic, or low productivity lake. TSI of 41 to 50 indicates a mesotrophic, or moderately productive lake. TSI of greater than 50 indicates a eutrophic, or highly productive lake characterized by poor water clarity and high algae growth.

Annual TSIs for Hicks Lake are presented in Figure 2. The 2015 TSIs for total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, and Secchi disk were 40, 52, and 45, respectively. The average overall TSI for 2015 was 46, representing mesotrophic or moderately productive conditions. The chlorophyll TSI reached into the eutrophic, or highly productive range. The Secchi disk TSI was within in the mesotrophic, moderately productive range. The total phosphorus TSI fell right at the upper edge of the oligotrophic, or low productive range. The 2015 TSIs are within the range of those seen throughout the period of record, but the total phosphorus TSI was particularly low, equaling the minimum value previously observed in 1996. There does not appear to be an upward or downward trend, but rather cyclical pattern is apparent in the results. Sampling conducted in 1981 by the US Geological Survey found Hicks Lake to be in a mesotrophic to eutrophic state.

Figure 2. 1995 – 2015 Trophic Status Indices for Hicks Lake.

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 7

May through October temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and conductivity data measured from the lake surface to bottom in 1-meter increments are displayed in profile graphs (Figure 3). Thermal stratification is when there are two distinct layers of water in the lake, a warm surface layer (epilimnion) and a colder bottom layer (hypolimnion). Surface water warms as sunlight penetrates through the water, but deeper water, where sunlight cannot reach, stays cold. The warmer surface layer is less dense than the lower layer, and these layers are separated by a thermocline (or metalimnion) where water temperatures rapidly decrease with depth.

Figure 3. May through October 2015 Profiles of Temperature (°C), Dissolved Oxygen, pH, and Conductivity for Hicks Lake.

November 2016 8 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017

The 2015 profile graphs show that the lake was stratified from May through October. In August, surface water reached 22 degrees Celsius (°C) while temperatures at the bottom were only 9.7 °C. The lower water in mid-summer, generally below 19 feet (6 meters), had very little oxygen. This anoxic (no oxygen) condition results in a slow release of phosphorus from sediments into the water near the bottom. The release of phosphorus from the sediments often stimulates algae growth in fall when the lower and upper water mix. In 2015, the lake did not mix completely until after the sampling season ended, so the effects of this mixing were not recorded. However, some deep-water nutrients mixed with surface waters as the thermocline deepened during the summer.

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There is a public boat launch maintained by WDFW on the west side of the lake. The boat launch is adjacent to an undeveloped public park, Wanschers Community Park, which is maintained by the City of Lacey. These two sites allow for public access to the lake. The residents living along the shoreline maintain private access to the lake. Lake residents and visitors enjoy fishing, swimming, boating, and water skiing.

WDFW stocks Hicks Lake annually with rainbow trout and occasionally stocked with brown trout. In addition to stocked fish, the lake supports naturally reproducing populations of black crappie, bluegill, largemouth bass, yellow perch, rock bass, and brown bullhead catfish (WDFW 2016).

Hicks Lake provides habitats that are integral to the lake ecosystem, such as bird nesting sites and fish rearing and spawning areas. Beaver, swans, heron, river otter, muskrats, waterfowl, osprey, and eagles have all been spotted at Hicks Lake.

Conservation areas are essential to the preservation of wildlife habitat and natural vegetation. Although nuisance plants within Hicks Lake limit access and recreation for lake users, they also provide shelter and food for fish and wildlife, which are highly valued in the Hicks Lake community. Due to the benefits these plants provide to fish and wildlife, a minimum of 10 acres of waterlily and 50 percent of the native plants will be retained annually; this is reflected in this IAVMP. Several properties along 1,200 feet of shoreline in the southwest part of the lake are undeveloped and considered as a potential conservation area where aquatic plants will be preserved. Native plants growing in low densities will be preserved in other parts of the lake.

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 11



Hicks Lake has a thriving community of native and nonnative aquatic and shoreline plants. These plants can be divided into three general categories:

• Native – Beneficial

• Native – Nuisance

• Nonnative – Noxious Weeds

The term “noxious weed” refers to those nonnative plants that are legally defined by Washington’s Noxious Law (RCW 17.10) as highly destructive, competitive, or difficult to control once established. Noxious weeds have usually been introduced accidentally as a contaminant, or as ornamentals. Nonnative plants often do not have natural controls (i.e., herbivores, pathogens) or strong competitors to control their numbers as they may have had in their home range. WAC 16.750 sets out three classes (A, B, and C) of noxious weeds based on their distribution in the state, each class having different control requirements. Class A weeds are required to be controlled. County Weed Boards are given some discretion as to setting control priorities for Class B and C weeds. The state also maintains a monitor list for certain plant species, which are weeds that are under consideration for noxious status.

The categorization of native plants is more subjective. Generally, native plants are considered beneficial because they often provide habitat and forage for animals, compete with nonnative plants, and perform other ecological functions. Native plants become a nuisance when their growth is excessive and out of balance to the point if impacting the beneficial uses of the lake.

The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology)has records of plant surveys on Hicks Lake dating back to 1995 (Ecology 2015). In that time, 37 emergent and aquatic plant species have been identified at Hicks Lake (Table 2). The most recent plant survey was conducted by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. (Herrera) on August 29 and 30, 2016. The survey was conducted by two aquatic botanists using an inflatable boat and motor along transects spaced up to 120 feet apart. The lake was surveyed by following transects perpendicular to shore.

Vegetation density and water depth data were collected along each transect using a Lowrance® HDS-7 underwater sonar and global positioning system (GPS), and data processing was provided by BioBase®. Vegetation density was calculated and interpolated between transects based on the relative proportion of plant biovolume in the water column. If there was little or no vegetation in a given location within the water column, the biovolume was recorded as low density. If plants took up a large portion of the water column or came to the surface of the

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 13

Table 2. Comprehensive Plant List, Hicks Lake Surveys 1995-2016.a

Plant Type Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance 2016

Common cattail b Typha latifolia Native Low Common spikerush Eleocharis palustris Native Not observed Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica Noxious Weed- Class B Not observed Longroot smartweed Polygonum amphibium Native Not observed Marsh yellowcress Rorippa palustris Native Not observed Emergent Plants Narrow-leaf bur-reed b,c Sparganium angustifolium Native Medium Peppermint Mentha x piperita Native Not observed Purple marshlocks Comarum palustre Native Not observed Reed canarygrass b Phalaris arundinacea Noxious Weed- Class C Low Smart swampweed Polygonum hydropiperoides Native Not observed Yellow-flag iris b Iris pseudacorus Noxious Weed- Class C Low Floating-leaved pondweed Potamogeton natans Native Not observed Fragrant waterlily b,d Nymphaea odorata Noxious Weed- Class C High Grass-leaved pondweed b,c Potamogeton gramineus Native Low Floating Leaved Large-leaf pondweed b,d Potamogeton amplifolius Native Low Rooted Plants Ribbon-leaf pondweed b Potamogeton epihydrus Native Low Spatterdock b Nuphar polysepala Native Medium Watershield b Brasenia schreberi Native Low Floating Mat Rooted Water purslane Ludwigia palustris Native Not observed Plants Free Floating Plants Lesser duckweed b Lemna minor Native Low Big floating bladderwort Utricularia inflata Noxious Weed- Monitor List Not observed Common bladderwort b,d Utricularia vulgaris Native Low Common water-nymph b,c,d Najas guadalupensis Native High Common waterweed b,c,d Elodea canadensis Native Low Coontail b Ceratophyllum demersum Native Low Curly-leaf pondweed Potamogeton crispus Noxious Weed- Class C Not observed Nuttall’s waterweed b Elodea nuttallii Native Low Submersed Plants Pond water-starwort Callitriche stagnalis Non-native Not observed Quillwort species b Isoetes sp. Native Low Small pondweed Potamogeton pusillis Native Not observed Spineless hornwort Ceratophyllum echinatum Native Not observed Tapegrass b Vallisneria americana Native Medium Western watermilfoil b,c,d Myriopyllum hippuroides Native Low Whorled watermilfoil b,c,d Myriophyllum verticillatum Native Low Muskwort species Chara sp. Native Low Plant-Like Algae Stonewort species Nitella sp. Native Low Aquatic Moss Common water moss Fontinalis antipyretica Native Not observed

a 2001-2015 plant surveys by Department of Ecology (Ecology 2015) b Plants observed in 2016 plant survey c Species with herbarium specimens prepared from lake samples d Species with photographs from lake samples

November 2016 14 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017

water, the biovolume was recorded as a high density. In addition to the sonar, an aquatic plant sampling rake was used to collect a total of 10 grab samples for identifying submersed plant species and estimating the percent abundance of each species in the samples. From these grab samples, it was determined that common water-nymph was the most dominant submersed plant, composing approximately 95 percent of the submersed plant volume. Visual observations from the water surface were also used to assess plant species abundance. A total of 20 aquatic and emergent plant species were identified within the survey area during the 2016 survey. Out of those species, three are classified as noxious weed species in Washington State, none of which are required for control in Thurston County (NWCB 2016, Thurston County 2016b). The remaining 17 plant species were common native species. No rare native species or nonnative, non-invasive species were observed. The number and type of species observed represent a reasonably diverse aquatic plant community, although the lake is dominated by two species, common water-nymph and fragrant waterlily.

The total aquatic plant cover measured during the August 2016 survey was 110 acres, which represents 69 percent of the total lake area. This area represents the maximum plant cover present during 2016 because plant growth was at or near the annual maximum on the survey dates. Plant cover is shown separately in Figure 4 for floating-leaved plants and submersed plants. Floating-leaved plants covered 31.7 acres and submersed plants covered 78.6 acres. Additional submersed plants were growing within a small portion of the floating-leaved plant area.

Aquatic plant density was highest closest to the shoreline, and lowest in the deepest portions of the lake (Figure 4). Aquatic plants were present from shore to nearly a 20-foot depth. The area with the densest vegetation was at the south end of the lake, although the northern end and western side of the lake also had large areas of dense plants.

Common water-nymph is by far the most abundant submersed plant in Hicks Lake. While this plant has become a nuisance in Hicks Lake because of its abundance, it is a critical plant for wildlife. The entire plant is eaten by waterfowl, and it is considered to be one of their most important food sources. Common water-nymph also provides habitat and shelter for aquatic insects and small fish. Common water-nymph was the dominant plant in all 10 grab samples and most visual observations. However, some areas of the lake displayed a diversity of plant species, particularly near the undeveloped southwest corner of the lake, as well as near Wanschers Community Park. In the southwest corner of the lake, plants such as common bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris), western watermilfoil (Myriophyllum hippuroides), and whorled watermilfoil (Myriophyllum verticillatum) were locally sub-dominant. Near Wanschers Community Park, common waterweed (Elodea canadensis), quillworts (Isoetes spp.), and narrow-leaf bur-reed (Sparganium angustifolium) were found amongst the common water-nymph.

Fragrant waterlily, a Class C noxious weed, has also firmly established itself in Hicks Lake, especially in the southern end (Figure 4). When uncontrolled, the lily community forms dense single-species stands that take over the surface of the lake until they dieback in the fall. Mats of these floating leaves prevent wind mixing, and extensive areas of low oxygen and high temperatures can develop under the waterlily pads in the summer. Waterlilies can restrict

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 15 Figure 4. Hicks Lake Aquatic Vegetation Density Map, Lacey,20TH AVE SE Washington. Legend 22ND CT SE SHADYWOOD CT SE

Floating-leaved plants Submersed Vegetation 22ND AVE SE Shoreline Density

AGATE CT SE 22NDHigh AVE SE Stream Medium CARPENTER RD SE Contour Low Parcel

LILAC ST SE Feet ´ 0 225 450 900



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25TH AVE SE -30


Wanschers -20

-35 Park -25

WDFW Boat Launch 27TH LN SE






lakefront access and hinder swimming and other recreational activities. They may also limit the growth of native floating-leaved plants such as spatterdock (Nuphar polysepala) and watershield (Brasenia schreberi). Both spatterdock and watershield were found growing within the fragrant waterlily, particularly in the south and southwest portions of the lake.

In previous years, curly-leaf pondweed (Class C noxious weed) and swollen bladderwort (state monitor weed) have been found in Hicks Lake. Neither were found during the 2016 aquatic plant survey. Two emergent Class C noxious weeds, reed canarygrass and yellow-flag were observed in a few locations along the shoreline. These plants were not abundant and did not appear to be causing problems.


Two plants, fragrant water lily and common water-nymph, will be targeted for control in the 2017 IAVMP. These plants are described below based on An Aquatic Plant Identification Manual for Washington’s Freshwater Plants (Ecology 2001), where descriptions of other plants in Hicks Lake may be found.

Fragrant waterlily is native to the eastern half of North America. It was most likely introduced into Washington during the Alaska Pacific Yukon Exposition in Seattle in the late 1800s. It has often been introduced to ponds and lakes because of its beautiful, large white or pink (occasionally light yellow), many-petaled flowers that float on the water’s surface, surrounded by large, round green leaves. The leaves are attached to flexible underwater stalks rising from thick fleshy rhizomes. Adventitious roots attach the horizontal creeping and branching rhizomes.

This aquatic perennial herb spreads aggressively, rooting in murky or silty sediments in water up to 7 feet deep. It prefers quiet waters such as ponds, lake margins and slow streams and will grow in a wide range of pH. Shallow lakes are particularly vulnerable to being totally covered by fragrant waterlilies. Fragrant waterlily spreads by seeds and by rhizome fragments. A planted rhizome will Fragrant Waterlily (Nymphaea odorata) cover about a 15-foot-diameter circle in 5 years.

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 17

Common water-nymph is native to North America. This plant is sometimes referred to by its scientific genus, Najas. It is a completely submersed annual plant, although its fragments are often found floating unrooted throughout the water column. The leaves of common water- nymph are arranged oppositely on the stem, and cluster near the tips of the stems. The leaf blades are thicker where the leaves attache to the stem, Common water-nymph (Najas guadalupensis) and taper narrowly at the leaf tips. This characteristic can help distinguish Najas species from other submersed aquatic plants.

November 2016 18 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017


A summary of aquatic herbicide treatments undertaken at Hicks Lake through the Washington State permit program is listed in Table 3 (Ecology 2015). There have been four documented treatments of fragrant waterlily using the herbicide glyphosate on Hicks Lake since 2007.

Table 3. Summary of Permitted Aquatic Herbicide Use for Hicks Lake. Year Target Plant Chemical Used Amount (gallons)a Permit Number 2007 Fragrant waterlily Glyphosate 2.8 WAG994135 2010 Fragrant waterlily Glyphosate 1.4 WAG994135 2011 Fragrant waterlily Glyphosate 1.4 WAG994135 2012 Fragrant waterlily Glyphosate 1.4 WAG994135 a Application area is not recorded (Ecology 2015).

Discussion of past management efforts at the public meeting revealed that Hicks Lake one resident has organized treatments of fragrant waterlilies on the south side of the lake for the past 30 years. In 2015, a treatment of 5 acres of waterlilies using glyphosate was initiated, with the cost of treatment divided among six residences on the south side of the lake. Previously, waterlilies had been treated approximately once every six years to control regrowth between treatments.

Several lake residents noted at the public meeting that they have used rakes to remove submersed aquatic plants. No other past plant management efforts were known by the meeting attendants.

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There are many methods used to control aquatic weeds. The methods chosen for aquatic plant control vary depending upon several factors, including: the species of aquatic plants targeted ; whether the control goal is management or eradication; the cost of a method and availability of funds; the impacts to water quality and habitat; the safety and feasibility of a method; and support from lake residents. Control methods considered for Hicks Lake included:

• No action

• Chemical treatments

• Mechanical control methods

• Manual control methods

• Mechanical and diver dredging

• Biological controls

• Bottom screening

• Water level drawdown.

The full descriptions of each method, as well as advantages and disadvantages, permits, costs, and suitability for Hicks Lake, are summarized in Appendix B. Much of the information in Appendix B is taken directly from Ecology (1994), or from Ecology’s Aquatic Plant Management website (Ecology 2016a). Table 4 provides a summary of each method considered, its advantages and disadvantages, and suitability for Hicks Lake.

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Table 4. Aquatic Plant Control Options Considered for Hicks Lake. Category Method Description Suitable for Hicks Lake? Reasons for Suitability or Lack Thereof None No Action Nothing is done to control plant growth. No Recreational opportunities will continue to be impacted and possibly decline further Aquatic herbicide Chemicals are applied directly to plants or the lake to inhibit or restrict plant Yes: Cost-effective Chemical Methods growth. waterlily and water-nymph High level of control Hand-pulling Plants are removed by pulling out by hand. No Not cost-effective at a large scale for the plants in Hicks Lake Raking Plants are raked from the shore or dock using a rake attached to a rope. Yes: Equipment is inexpensive Manual Methods water-nymph Can be done by residents or volunteers Cutting Plants are cut from the shore or dock using a specialized tool. No Creates fragments that are difficult to collect and would spread water-nymph seeds Tool can be dangerous to use Mechanical harvesters Plants are cut and collected using a large barge-mounted machine with No Expensive at large scale conveyor. Rapid regrowth of waterlilies Mechanical weed cutters Plants are cut several feet beneath the water surface using a hand-held No Creates fragments that are difficult to collect and would spread water-nymph seeds. Mechanical Methods machine or boat without collection conveyor. Limited commercial services available Rotovators Plants are uprooted using a rototiller-like machine. No High cost Disturbs fish and habitat, and impairs water quality Mechanical dredging Sediment and plant material from the lake bottom is removed using barge- No High cost and difficult to obtain permits mounted suction equipment. Difficult to dispose of dredged material Dredging Methods Diver dredging SCUBA divers use a hose attached to a dredge to suck plants from the No Not suitable for the types of plants in Hicks Lake sediment underwater. Discharge impacts water quality Grass carp Sterile herbivorous fish are introduced to control aquatic weeds. No Requires outlet screening Biological Methods May remove all native plants and not suitable for waterlilies Very difficult to obtain permits Bottom screening A gas-permeable barrier is installed on the lake bottom that compresses Yes: Creates an immediate area of open water and can be installed around docks and swimming areas existing aquatic plants while blocking light to prevent further plant growth. waterlily Can control up to 100 percent of plants Other Methods Water level drawdown Lake levels are lowered for extended periods to expose nuisance plants to cold No No water control structure in place temperatures and dry conditions. Limited effectiveness in this area for targeted plants.

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The aquatic plant management goal for the lake is to use an integrated approach to control nuisance aquatic vegetation to a low enough level to not impact recreation or wildlife. While it is often the goal of IAVMPs to eradicate invasive species and cease herbicide treatments, allowing the native plant community to self-manage, that is not the intent of this plan. Widespread eradication of these plant species could detrimentally affect water quality as well as create space for invasion by more invasive species. Further, eradication of fragrant waterlily requires a high level of effort and expense to achieve and maintain eradication because it is such a wide-spread and prolific plant. Native water-nymph on the other hand, is known to provide valuable habitat for fish and food for waterfowl. In fact, due to these recognized benefits of native plants, the aquatic plant management permit (Ecology 2016b) limits control of nuisance native plants to a maximum of 50 percent of the littoral region of a 160-acre lake. The total littoral area of Hicks Lake is 99 acres based on the lake area from the shoreline to a depth of 20 feet. Therefore, treatment of common water-nymph is limited to a maximum of 49.5 acres.

Due to these considerations and others, the goal of this IAVMP is to establish a maintenance level of control for both of the target plants that meets recreational goals using an integrated approach that minimizes the use of herbicides. Scenarios were considered for treatment of each plant that achieved low, moderate and high levels of control. The low control strategy targeted 10 percent of the medium to high density cover of the targeted plants using manual methods, the moderate control strategy targeted 50 percent of those areas using herbicides, and the and high control method targeted 100 percent of those areas using herbicides. The acres of plant coverage are shown in Table 5. Costs were estimated for each level of control and compared to the annual LMD budget of approximately $50,000. These scenarios are described in more detail below.

Table 5. Plant Coverage on Hicks Lake Total Lake Area 160 acres Total Littoral Area 49.5 acres Total Low Density Submersed Plant Area 38.4 acres Total Medium to High Density Submersed Plant Area 40.2 acres Total Floating-Leaved Plant Area 31.7 acres Medium to High Density Submersed Plant Area Outside of Conservation Area 34.6 acres Floating-Leaved Plant Area Outside of Conservation Area 23.4 acres

Two herbicides were considered for use in this plan: glyphosate and diquat. Glyphosate will be used for continued treatment of fragrant waterlily. Diquat will be used for control of common water-nymph. Glyphosate was selected for continued control of floating-leaved aquatic plants because it has been effectively used in Hicks Lake and many other lakes in the region. Similarly,

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diquat was selected because it is one of the few herbicides that is known to be effective for common water-nymph, including a very effective treatment of nearby Black Lake in 2016 (Lake Stintzi, Black Lack Special District, personal communication, October 2016).

Both glyphosate and diquat are approved for aquatic use in Washington State based on environmental impact studies. As a result of these studies, there are many other herbicides allowed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), but prohibited for use in Washington State. In addition, Thurston County separately assesses herbicide risks that apply only to applications performed by county staff for lakes managed by Thurston County. Thurston County considers glyphosate to have a high potential hazard for human toxicity and a moderate potential hazard for aquatic toxicity and environmental persistence hazard. Diquat is considered to have a high potential hazard for human and mammal toxicity, a high aquatic toxicity, and a high persistence hazard (Thurston County 2016a). As a result, neither of these herbicides are used by county staff, but both are allowed for use in Hicks Lake by a licensed commercial applicator. Full precautions will be taken during applications at Hicks Lake to ensure that herbicide levels do not exceed the amounts at which these hazards arise by not exceeding amounts specified by US EPA on the product label.

Both glyphosate and diquat are relatively inexpensive with application costs around $350 and $500 per acre, respectively. (Terry McNabb, Aquatechnex, personal communication, October 2016). These estimated per acre costs include two treatments performed a few weeks apart.

Plant control strategies were initially developed to control a range of water-nymph and waterlily areas. The maximum area where control was needed for each of the problem plant species was defined. For water-nymph this area includes all medium to high density submersed plants, except for those plants in the designated conservation area located the southwestern portion of the lake (Figure 5). This maximum water-nymph control area equates to 34.6 acres, which is approximately 50 percent of the total submersed plant area (78.6 acres). Water-nymph treatment will be limited to 50 percent of the submersed plant area rather than 50 percent of the littoral area because a large area of the littoral area will also be treated for fragrant waterlily.

The maximum control area for fragrant waterlilies was defined as the entire floating-leaved plant area, except for those plants located in the conservation area. This equates to 23.4 acres, or 74 percent of the total floating-plant area (31.7 acres). The aquatic plant management permit (Ecology 2016b) allows 100 percent control of fragrant waterlily because it is classified as a noxious weed. However, control of this entire area at one time would likely result in secondary impacts from large amounts of floating waterlily mats and may impact water quality from massive plant decay.

Preliminary costs for three levels of control were presented to the Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee at a meeting on October 19, 2016 and the LMD on October 26, 2016. The low control strategy was more expensive than higher control strategies that relied upon herbicides due to the high cost of manual methods, and it did not meet the level of control desired by the LMD. The medium control and high control strategies were both within the LMD budget. The public expressed their desire for 100 percent control of both fragrant waterlilies and water-

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nymph, but recognized the potential impacts of controlling 100 percent of those plant areas in one year.

Preliminary annual costs for each level of control are presented in Table 6. Cost details are summarized separately for each IAVMP component below. In addition to water-nymph and waterlily control, annual costs were included for control of floating waterlily mats each year and aquatic plant mapping once every second year. The LMD would not incur costs for public education (coordinated by LMD volunteers with training by Thurston County staff and others), water quality monitoring (conducted by Thurston County staff under contract with the City of Lacey), or annual reporting (prepared by LMD volunteers). Total annual costs for IAVMP implementation were estimated at $73,750 for the low level, $18,745 for the medium level, and $33,490 for the high level. The LMD currently collects approximately $50,000 per year for aquatic plant management.

Table 6. Preliminary Annual Costs of Aquatic Plant Control Scenarios for Hicks Lake in Lacey, Washington. Low Control Medium Control High Control Management Activity (Manual) (Herbicide) (Herbicide) Water-nymph Control $8,750 $8,650 $17,300 Waterlily Control $60,000 $4,095 $9,190 Floating Root Mat Control $0 $1,000 $2,000 Plant Survey $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Public Education $0 $0 $0 Water Quality Monitoring $0 $0 $0 Annual Report $0 $0 $0 Totals $73,750 $18,745 $33,490

To preserve some of the existing nuisance vegetation to preserve fish habitat, protect water quality, and meet Ecology’s permit standards, the Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee identified a conservation area located in the southwest corner of the lake where recreational activities are not impacted and no nuisance plants will be removed. Conservation areas are essential to the preservation of wildlife habitat, natural vegetation, and should be maintained as such to meet compliance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations. The areal extent of the conservation areas is also intended to retain a portion of 50 percent of the littoral zone, so that plant management activities can take place elsewhere. Figure 5 shows the location and extent of the conservation area selected by the Steering Committee.

There are two components of the treatment plan, as well as contingency management methods, that are separately described below. Sustained control is the management objective for fragrant waterlily and native floating leaved plants. Treatment would focus on maintaining access from the shoreline to the center of the lake. They represent the options presented to the Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee and members.

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 25 Figure 5. Hicks Lake Aquatic Vegetation Control Map, Lacey, Washington. 20TH AVE SE Legend 22ND CT SE SHADYWOOD CT SE Maximum fragrant waterlily control area Low density submersed aquatic vegetation (no control) 22ND AVE SE

Maximum common water-nymph AGATEcontrol CT SE 22ND AVEarea SE Conservation area Conservation area - Fragrant waterlily (no control) Conservation area - Common water-nymph (no control)

LILAC ST SE Shoreline Contour Parcel

SHADY LANE RD SE Feet TRILLIUM ST SE ´ 0 225 450 900

MAXINE ST SE K:\Projects\Y2015\15-06169-000\Project\Report\monitoring.mxd (11/14/2016)



25TH AVE SE -30

GWINN LN SE Wanschers Park -20

-35 -25

WDFW Boat Launch 27TH LN SE







As summarized in Table 7, three levels of control for fragrant waterlily were presented to the Hicks Lake LMD:

• Low level of control – The low level of control would use bottom barriers to eliminate fragrant waterlily in front of approximately 30 lots with the highest densities of fragrant waterlilies and the greatest hindrance to access. Under this strategy, approximately 3 acres would be covered by bottom barrier at an estimated cost of $60,000. Bottom barriers require maintenance and regulations require removal after 2 years. New bottom barriers could be added as funding allows, eventually controlling much of the lake’s waterlily population.

• Moderate level of control – This method would use glyphosate to control 100 percent of fragrant waterlily (excluding the conservation area) over a 2-year period; 50 percent of the area in Year 1 and 50 percent in Year 2. Within 2 years, the entire fragrant waterlily population on Hicks Lake would be treated, and small areas of regrowth would be treated in following years. The cost of treating fragrant waterlily with glyphosate is $350 per acre, and would cost approximately $4,095 for each of the first 2 years and less thereafter to maintain lake access. There are also costs associated with removal of floating mats of treated waterlilies that are addressed under the Contingency Management section of this IAVMP.

• High level of control – This method would control 100 percent of fragrant waterlily outside the conservation area with glyphosate. The cost of treating fragrant waterlily with glyphosate is $350 per acre, and would cost approximately $8,190 in the first year and less thereafter. There are also costs associated with removal of floating mats that might form that are discussed under the Contingency Management part of this IAVMP.

Table 7. Fragrant Waterlily Management Options on Hicks Lake.

Level of Control Proposed Method Control Area Unit Cost Annual Cost Low (10%) Bottom Screening 3 acres (30 lots) $2,000/lot/year $60,000 Moderate (50%) Glyphosate 11.7 acres $350/acre/year $4,095 High (100%) Glyphosate 23.4 acres $350/acre/year $8,190


As summarized in Table 8, three levels of control for common water-nymph were presented to the Hicks Lake LMD:

• Low level of control – The low level of control would focus on manual methods of control. The two control techniques include the purchase of weed rakes and hand

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removal. The weed rakes could be used by LMD residents to control weeds on their own properties. The cost of two weed rakes would be $250 for a one-time purchase. Alternatively, the LMD could pay laborers for removal of common water-nymph by raking at an estimated cost of $250 per lot per year. This would cost $8,750 for 35 lots treated once each year.

• Moderate level of control – This method would control 50 percent of common water- nymph (excluding those in the conservation area) with diquat each year, focusing each treatment on the areas with the densest amount of common water-nymph. The cost of treating common water-nymph with diquat is $500 per acre, and would cost approximately $8,650 in the first year and less thereafter.

• High level of control – This method would control 100 percent of common water- nymph (excluding those in the conservation area) with diquat. Each year, the areas with the densest amount of common water-nymph would be treated. The cost of treating common water-nymph with diquat is $500 per acre, and would cost approximately $17,300 in the first year and less thereafter.

Table 8. Common Water-Nymph Management Options on Hicks Lake.

Level of Control Proposed Method Control Area Unit Cost Annual Cost a) Raking - Owner Unlimited (2 rakes) $125/rake $250 Low (10%) b) Raking - Contractor 3.5 acres (35 lots) $250/lot/year $8,750 Moderate (50%) Diquat 17.3 acres $500/acre/year $8,650 High (100%) Diquat 34.6 acres $500/acre/year $17,300


There are several different plant control-related monitoring and evaluation needs that are recommended for Hicks Lake at any level of control. These include a plant survey every 2 years ($10,000 each survey), annual water quality monitoring (paid for by the City of Lacey), education of LMD members about lake health and control activities, and an annual evaluation of lake management activities (completed by LMD Steering Committee members). These annual assessments are vital for determining the effects of plant control on the lake, as well as for detecting new plant species that may cause future problems. The average annual cost for these activities is estimated to be $4,000 (for two plant surveys in 5 years).


While this IAVMP addresses the issues that are currently affecting Hicks Lake, it is possible that other issues may arise over the course of the 5-year IAVMP time frame. It is important to consider contingency plans in case these issues require action. Such issues that may arise include the need to remove waterlily root mats and the introduction of new invasive aquatic

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species. Contingency management methods are described for control of: floating waterlily root mats resulting from decay of roots in large treated areas, newly introduced submersed noxious weeds, and existing emergent noxious weeds.

Waterlily Root Mats

• Low level of control – If only a small number of root (rhizome) mats arise, they may be incorporated into the conservation area or anchored in place, rather than be removed from the lake. Floating root mats can be dragged by a boat into the conservation area, and pushed through existing waterlilies and grounded on existing sediment. This method was effectively used by a lake citizen to move a small mat in 2016. Alternatively attached or free-floating mats may be anchored in place for approximately 2 years until they completely decay and sink to the lake bottom. Alternatively, the LMD may hire a contractor with a large boat to move numerous free-floating root mats. For example, the Long Lake LMD used an aquatic plant harvester to move numerous mats to an unused portion of the lake shoreline, and used a water pump and hose to break up large mats for easier transport.

• Moderate level of control – Should numerous large floating waterlily root mats become an issue, floating root mats can be dragged by a boat to the public boat launch and hauled off site by a contractor. This would require use of an excavator to transfer the mats from the lake shore to a dump truck and then transport the material to an appropriate disposal site, which may or may not include a disposal fee. In addition, permission and possibly a permit would be required from WDFW for use of the public boat launch.

• High level of control – Dredging is a potential solution for removing root mats from the lake at a higher level of control and cost than the low and moderate control methods previously described. This option may also be used to remove mats before they float to the water surface or fully dislodge from the lake bottom, in order to increase water depth for access from shore to deeper waters. Two alternative dredging methods identified for the Barnes Lake LMD include use of an Aquamog or DinoSix, which are described in Appendix B. A dredging permit and shore staging area for dewatering and storage of dredging materials would need to be identified for either method.

New Noxious Submersed Plant Control

• All levels of control – If the lake becomes infested by a noxious submersed plant such as Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) or Brazilian elodea (Egeria densa), then immediately use hand-pulling and/or an herbicide treatment to eradicate the infestation. Initial small infestations are much easier and less costly to control before they expand to several areas of the lake. Emergency funds are available through Ecology for treatment of early infestations of noxious plants.

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Noxious Emergent Plant Management

• Low level of control – Noxious emergent plant management of plants such as Japanese knotweed, yellow-flag iris, and reed canarygrass, may be removed by citizens or a contractor by hand removal and/or bottom barriers to provide a low level of control.

• Moderate level of control – This level is anticipated to control approximately 50 percent of noxious emergent plant species. These species would be identified adjacent to the waterlily control areas, and treated from the lake by the contractor during the waterlily treatment. It would not include upland access and treatment of plants located far from the lake shoreline. The cost of treatment would be a relatively small addition the cost of the fragrant waterlily treatment.

• High level of control – This method would control approximately 100 percent of noxious emergent plant species. These species would be identified and mapped throughout the lake, and treated by boat and/or on foot depending on the extent of growth upland from the shoreline. The cost of treatment would be paid to the contractor in conjunction with the fragrant waterlily treatment, and would likely include more than the two site visits planned for waterlily treatment.

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The Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee desires and has budget for a high level of control of both common water-nymph and fragrant waterlily. However, the selected action strategy for plant control does not cover 100 percent of the areas in the first year for several reasons. First, the Hicks Lake LMD is taking a gradual approach to controlling nuisance aquatic plants to prevent issues with water quality from excessive plant decay and to preserve fish habitat. Second, the Washington State Department of Ecology Aquatic Plant and Algae Management General Permit (Ecology 2016b) limits the amount of common water-nymph that can be controlled annually to no more than 50 percent of the littoral area. In addition, although this permit allows 100 percent control of fragrant waterlily, a high level of control of the current population would likely result in an excessive production of floating waterlily root mats that would impact recreation and be costly to remove.

This IAVMP was designed to cover up to 5 years of treatment. The selected action strategy will be evaluated and potentially revised on an annual basis, and the IAVMP may be updated to reflect new plant conditions or concerns after 5 years. Estimated costs of the selected action strategy are presented in Table 9.

Table 9. Annual IAVMP Costs for Hicks Lake Selected Action Strategy. Management Activity 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Annual Average Water-nymph Control $17,300 $0 $7,500 $0 $7,500 $6,460 Waterlily Control $2,800 $2,800 $2,800 $0 $0 $1,680 Aquatic Plant Survey $0 $10,000 $0 $10,000 $0 $4,000 Water Quality Monitoring $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Public Involvement $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Evaluation Report $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $20,800 $12,800 $10,300 $10,000 $7,500 $12,280 LMD Budget $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Annual Contingency Fund $29,200 $37,200 $39,700 $40,000 $42,500 $37,720 Cumulative Contingency $29,200 $66,400 $106,100 $146,100 $188,600

The selected action strategy includes the following elements:

• Common Water-Nymph Control – Treat all 34.6 acres of medium to high density growth of common water-nymph once every other year with diquat. (This treatment area is less than permit maximum of 49.5 acres based on 50 percent of the littoral zone) One

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treatment of this area will be made at the beginning of the growing season (late May or early June), followed by a second treatment approximately one month later to treat any regrowth from seed germination. In Year 1 (2017) it is assumed that all 34.6 acres of the medium to high density growth of common water-nymph will be treated. The cost estimate assumes that in following treatment years (Years 3 and 5 [2019 and 2021]) up to 15 acres will be treated. It is possible that other native submersed plants may become dominant in the lake following the first year of treatment. For example, perennial plants such as pondweeds with extensive rhizomes often become dominant following treatment of annual plants such as common water-nymph. Therefore, treatments in Years 3 and 5 may target medium to high density growth of other native submersed plants, but still is expected to be limited to an area of 15 acres.

• Fragrant Waterlily Control – Treat one-third of fragrant waterlily (excluding the conservation area) with glyphosate annually for the first 3 years (approximately 8 acres each year from 2017-2019). Each treatment will involve an initial treatment, followed up by a second treatment a few weeks later to treat any plants that may have been missed because the pads had not surfaced or the herbicide washed off of the leaves. After 3 years, all waterlilies targeted for control will have been treated. Follow up spot treatments to maintain recreational access to open water habitat will take place in Years 4 and 5 (2020 and 2021). If needed, floating waterlily root mats will be moved or removed under Contingency Management (see below).

• Aquatic Plant Survey – Survey and map submersed plant density and floating-leaved plant cover every other year in Years 2 and 4 (2018 and 2020). The survey will occur in late August or early September following those methods used in 2016 and including the mapping of emergent noxious weed locations. Survey results will be used to evaluate effectiveness of the treatments and refine the future action strategy.

• Water Quality Monitoring – Continue to monitor lake water quality on a monthly basis from May through October of each year following those methods used in the past. Water quality monitoring will be conducted by Thurston County under agreement with the City of Lacey at no expense to the Hicks Lake LMD.

• Public Involvement – Hicks Lake LMD members will participate in educational and other activities provided by the LMD Steering Committee each year as described in Section 10. These activities will be conducted by volunteers at no cost to the LMD.

• Evaluation Report – Prepare a report at the end of each year summarizing the year’s plant control efforts, presenting the herbicide contractor report, evaluating water quality monitoring results in comparison to previous years and plant control activities, summarizing LMD member education and involvement activities, and presenting the aquatic plant survey maps and evaluation performed once every 2 years. A brief report will be prepared by the Hicks Lake LMD steering committee for distribution to all LMD members in the winter of each year.

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• Contingency Management – It is possible that new issues will arise during the 5 years covered by this IAVMP, such as floating waterlily root mat removal, the immediate treatment of new submersed noxious weed infestations, or the treatment of emergent noxious weeds. Based on the LMD budget of $50,000 annually and an average annual cost over 5 years of $12,280, there will be an average of $37,720 per year available for contingency management, should the need arise.


Each year the Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee will evaluate the past year’s progress. At a minimum, the committee will need to evaluate the success of the management activities and make decisions about the next years’ treatment strategy. The Steering Committee will review annual evaluations from past years to determine if long-term aquatic plant management goals are being met. Other activities the steering committee may want to consider to manage the IAVMP are to: 1) actively monitor the herbicide applicators when they are on site to ensure proper areas are treated and to document herbicide quantities, and 2) coordinate with the City to ensure hired services, such as the herbicide treatments and aquatic plant surveys, are on track.

The following implementation timeline lays out the plan for each of the first 5 years. This timeline will be adjusted annually as needed.

Year 1 (2017)

• Treatment of the medium to dense growth of common water-nymph in approximately 34.6 acres without exceeding 50 percent of the area of the littoral zone (99 acres)

• Treatment of approximately 8 acres of fragrant waterlily, representing approximately one-third of the total area outside the conservation area

• Water quality monitoring, public involvement, and annual report

Year 2 (2018)

• Treatment of the second, one-third (approximately 8 acres) of the fragrant waterlily area.

• Aquatic plant survey in late summer to observe effectiveness of treatments, detect new invasive species, and identify areas needing treatment in 2019

• Possible contingency management of floating waterlily root mats or new noxious weeds

• Water quality monitoring, public involvement, and annual report

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 33

Year 3 (2019)

• Treatment of medium to dense common water-nymph or other nuisance submersed plants in up to 15 acres at locations mapped by the Year 2 survey

• Treatment of the final one-third of the fragrant waterlily area

• Possible contingency management of floating waterlily root mats or new noxious weeds

• Water quality monitoring, public involvement, and annual report

Year 4 (2020)

• Assessment of fragrant waterlily impacts and treatment needs with possible contingency management to include spot treatment of problem areas

• Possible contingency management of floating waterlily root mats or new noxious weeds

• Water quality monitoring, public involvement, and annual report

Year 5 (2021)

• Treatment of medium to dense common water-nymph or other nuisance submersed plants in up to 15 acres at locations mapped by the Year 4 survey

• Assessment of fragrant waterlily impacts and treatment needs with possible contingency management to include spot treatment of problem areas

• Possible contingency management of floating waterlily root mats or new noxious weeds

• Water quality monitoring, public involvement, and annual report

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The involvement of the public is very important to the success of the IAVMP. Hicks Lake LMD members had the chance to provide input into aquatic vegetation management strategies during development of this IAVMP. Once the IAVMP is in place, continued education of residents is essential to meet the IAVMP goals and maintain a healthy lake. Many lake and watershed residents do not understand how their daily activities affect the water quality of Hicks Lake. Education of residents has been effective elsewhere, and there are numerous sources and a wide range of information readily available.

The Hicks Lake LMD has already conducted an educational event for lake residents. In April 2016, there was a workshop led by Thurston County regarding the operation and maintenance of septic systems. The LMD intends to hold free events similar to this each spring. Invasive aquatic weeds is a high-priority topic because the most cost-effective prevention strategy for invasive plants is education of the lakeside residents and visitors.

Every lakeside resident should receive a copy of a noxious weed identification brochure, such as the Guide to Aquatic Water Weeds in King County (Appendix C). Most of the aquatic weeds in King County are also present in Thurston County. The King County Noxious Weed Control Board and Ecology provide free materials that can be easily emailed to lakeside residents. Experts may present invasive plant information at no cost to Hicks Lake residents, such as aquatic weed specialists from Thurston County or Ecology.

Probably the most important aspect of public outreach is associated with protecting the lake from invasion by new noxious aquatic plants; the WDFW boat launch and Wanschers Community Park are high priority sites for providing this education. Signs posted at the boat launch and park can inform visitors about how to prevent the spread of noxious weeds (Appendix D). Residents can also hand out information to boaters at the boat launch on heavy use days, such as the opening day of fishing. Having trained volunteers do near shore surveys of the launch area multiple times each year would also be beneficial to detecting early infestations.

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Several different plant control-related monitoring and evaluation needs are identified for Hicks Lake, including: aquatic plant surveys, water quality monitoring, and annual evaluation of aquatic plant management activities. These evaluation activities are described below.


Ongoing surveys and mapping will be necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment strategies, to inform future treatments, and to detect new infestations of invasive plants. In response to the planned treatments, the aquatic plant community in Hicks Lake will be in flux. It is critical that frequent and thorough surveys be conducted to document these changes and to detect new problems.

A GPS/GIS survey and mapping effort will be performed by a contractor once every 2 years as a regular component of the long-term surveillance and treatment program. This survey effort will identify all plant species present in the lake and their relative abundance at each location. The survey map will include past treatment areas for comparison to plant densities observed in previous surveys and assessment of treatment effectiveness. These plant surveys in Years 2 and 4 will also help provide guidance for treatment in future years.


Ecology’s Aquatic Plant and Algae Management General Permit does not require monitoring for water quality or herbicide residues before or after herbicide treatment. Water quality monitoring of the lake trophic state by the Thurston County’s Environmental Health Department will be continued. The City of Lacey will continue to contract for this monitoring to occur every year at no cost to the Hicks Lake LMD.


A complete evaluation, including an herbicide treatment report, will be completed on an annual basis that describes which elements of the management plan have been implemented, relates the existing plant community to established goals, and makes recommendations for the next year’s activities.

This evaluation should begin with a description of which elements of the plan have been fully implemented, those that have not, and why. It should also include a summary of the plant survey results, both those obtained by volunteers and those by professionals. The evaluations should also provide a map of all treatment areas for each treatment year. The survey results

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 37

should be used to determine whether goals have been met. The community should also be asked for input on their satisfaction with plant and lake conditions. For example, it is possible that the IAVMP goals will be met, but that some people will remain dissatisfied.

Although it is unlikely that the needs of all stakeholders will be met, an effort should be made to track concerns, especially if they are widespread. This information should be used to decide on the following:

• Has there been a dramatic increase or decrease in the amount of nuisance plants in the lake?

• Have any other noxious aquatic plants been identified?

• Should other control tools (bottom barriers, for example) be considered?

• Is it necessary to implement a back-up plan?

• Is funding adequate for the control measures in place?

Over the long-term, adequate annual evaluations can make the difference between project success and failure. The Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee will write the annual evaluation report, at no cost to the LMD.

November 2016 38 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017


Bonar, S.A., B. Bolding, and M. Divens. 2002. Effects of Triploid Grass Carp on Aquatic Plants, Water Quality, and Public Satisfaction in Washington State. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:98–105.

Ecology. 1994. A Citizen's Manual for Developing Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plans. First edition. Washington State Department of Ecology, Water Quality Financial Assistance Program, Olympia, Washington. January 1994. Available online at: .

Ecology. 2001. An Aquatic Plant Identification Manual for Washington’s Freshwater Plants. Publication Number 01-10-032. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington. June 2001.

Ecology. 2015. Washington State Lakes Environmental Data. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington. Available online at: .

Ecology. 2016a. Aquatic Plant Management website. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington. Available online at:

Ecology. 2016b. Aquatic Plant and Algae Management General Permit. National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System and State Waste Discharge General Permit. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington. April 2016.

NWCB. 2016. 2016 Washington State Noxious Weed List. Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board. Accessed online at: .

Thurston County. 2015. 2015 Hicks Lake Water Quality Report. Prepared by the Thurston County Environmental Health Division. Available online at: .

Thurston County. 2016a. Integrated Pest Management – Aquatic Herbicide Reviews website. Thurston County Public Health and Social Services, Olympia, Washington. Available online at: .

November 2016 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 39

Thurston County. 2016b. Thurston County Noxious Weed List 2016. Thurston County Noxious Weed Control Board. Accessed online at: .

WDFW. 2016. Fishing and Shellfishing: Hicks Lake. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Available online at: .

November 2016 40 Draft Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017


Hicks Lake LMD Steering Committee and Public Meeting Notes

Hicks Lake IAVMP Information Meeting Summary

On July 26, 2016, members of the Hicks Lake steering committee and City of Lacey staff met with Rob Zisette and Joy Michaud of Herrera Environmental Consultants as the initial meeting to begin development of an Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan (IAVMP) for the lake. The meeting began with an overview of the project approach and schedule, and then the remainder of the meeting was focused on gathering information from the group and compiling information to support some of the initial required components of a plan. This included a discussion of existing lake problems, a listing of beneficial uses of the lake, and identification of key goals for the plan. Notes from these discussions are summarized below.

Problems Discussion

 Pondweed (unkown species) and Najas are the primary problem submersed plants. They interfere with swimming and boating in nearshore areas less than about 14 feet deep.  Bladderwort has been found primarily on the steep (eastern) shore of the lake and is not causing problems.  Non‐native fragrant water lilies (Nymphaea) and native water lilies (Nuphar) are most abundant on the south shore. The non‐native lilies have been treated at some properties in this area.  Floating lily mats have not been removed and do not appear to be causing problems.  Yellow flag iris is expanding and restricts lake access in some areas, but is not yet a problem.  Possible loosestrife has been observed at a few locations.  Cattails and other emergent plants are not a problem.  The lake experiences high water levels during winter and low water levels during summer. High levels (1 foot over bulkheads) were observed 1999, but flooding has not been a substantial problem since. The City maintains the inflow grate to the lake outlet and a developer maintains the outlet culvert when clogged. Low levels have not been a problem.

Beneficial Uses

 Wildlife: beaver, nutria, swans, heron, river otter, muskrats, waterfowl, osprey, eagles  Fishing, swimming, boating, water skiing  WDFW plants rainbow trout; these as well as crappie and catfish are fished.  A large area in the south/southwest part of the lake is undeveloped and considered as a potential conservation area


 Provide for safe swimming in private and public areas.  Monitor those plants that can become problems and have a ready strategy for their control.  Provide safe lanes of access to open water for swimming and boating from shorefront properties.  Consider the addition of public toilets in the undeveloped Wanchers Park located adjacent to the public boat launch to reduce health risk to swimmers.  Develop a long term invasive species prevention plan  Maintain good water quality and prevent toxic algae blooms

July 26, 2016, Meeting Summary 1 Problem Statement

Native submersed aquatic plants, primarily pondweeds and Najas, have colonized the majority of the nearshore area of Hick’s Lake. The density and extent of these plants are a safety concern for people swimming in the nearshore area or those trying to access deeper waters. Boating access and fishing is also hindered in the nearshore area by these plants. While the lake does not currently have troublesome populations of non‐native invasive plant species, a plan for prevention and detection is needed to reduce the potential for new invasions that could become problematic.

July 26, 2016, Meeting Summary 2 Hicks Lake IAVMP Steering Committee Management Alternatives Meeting Summary

On October 19, 2016, members of the Hicks Lake steering committee (see attached sign‐in sheet) and City of Lacey staff met with Rob Zisette of Herrera Environmental Consultants at a second meeting to present aquatic plant survey results and discuss aquatic plant management alternatives. Rob presented a PowerPoint presentation (see attached) addressing the following topics:

 Problem Statement  Management Goals and Objectives  Aquatic Plant Survey Results  Management Methods  Management Options and Costs The Steering Committee expressed the desire for a high level of control including herbicide treatment of all fragrant waterlilies and medium‐dense common water‐nymph (excluding the designated conservation area). They agreed to include a designated conservation area in the southwest portion of the lake because no one uses that area for lake access or recreation. They expressed concern for potential water quality and habitat impacts of treating the all plant control areas in the first year. The total estimated cost for the high level of control ($57,000) was generally within the LMD annual revenue of $45,000 to $50,000.

The potential for floating waterlily root mats to arise from herbicide treatment, and cause boating safety and lake access problems were also discussed. One member hauled a small mat in 2016 to the designated conservation area, which seemed like a reasonable approach for disposal small mats in the future. It was agreed to include alternatives for floating mat management at the public meeting.

Additional plant management activities were discussed to include public education (by Steering Committee), water quality monitoring (by Thurston County through contract with the City), and annual reporting (by Steering Committee) at no expense to the LMD.

The City of Lacey clarified that public toilets had been installed in Wanschers Park, but have been removed because they were burned and destroyed.

October 19, 2016, Meeting Summary 1

Meeting Outline

„ Problem Statement „ Management Goals and Objectives „ Aquatic Plant Survey Results Hicks Lake IAVMP „ Management Methods „ Management Options and Costs Steering Committee MaManagement „ Funding Alternatives Meeting October 19, 2016 2 WATER RESTORATION SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

Problem Statement Management Goals and Objectives

„ Native submersed aquatic plants, primarily water „ Provide for safe swimming in private and public areas. nymph (Najas), have colonized the majority of the „ Monitor those plants that can become problems and nearshore area of Hicks Lake. The density and extent of these plants are a safety concern for have a ready strategy for their control. people swimming in the nearshore area or those „ Provide safe lanes of access to open water for swimming trying to access deeper waters. Boating access and and boating from shorefront properties. fishing is also hindered in the nearshore area by „ Consider the addition of public toilets in the these plants. While the lake does not currently undeveloped Wanchers Park located adjacent to the have troublesome populations of non-native public boat launch to reduce health risk to swimmers. invasive plant species, a plan for prevention and detection is needed to reduce the potential for „ Develop a long-term invasive species prevention plan. new invasions that could become problematic. „ Maintain good water quality and prevent toxic algae blooms. 3 4

Aquatic Plant Types Emergent Shoreline Plant Species

Number of Number of Common Name Scientific Name Status Abund. Native Species Noxious Weeds Total Common cattail Typha latifolia Native Low Plant Type 2016 +Prior 2016 +Prior Species Narrow-leaf bur-reed Sparganium angustifolium Native Moderate

Emergent plants 2 5 2 2 11 Reed canarygrass Phalaris arundinacea Noxious Class C Low

Floating-leaved rooted plants 5 1 1 0 7 Yellow-flag iris Iris pseudacorus Noxious Class C Low

Floating mat rooted plants 0 1 0 0 1 Common spikerush Eleocharis palustris Native ~None

Free-floating plants 1 0 0 0 1 Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica Noxious Class B ~None

Submersed plants 9 3 0 2 14 Longroot smartweed Polygonum amphibium Native ~None

Plant-like algae 2 0 0 0 2 Marsh yellowcress Rorippa palustris Native ~None

Aquatic moss 0 1 0 0 1 Peppermint Mentha x piperita Native ~None

Totals 18 12 3 4 37 Purple marshlocks Comarum palustre Native ~None

• Surveyed on August 29-30, 2016 (+prior observations in 2001-2015) Smart swampweed Polygonum hydropiperoides Native ~None • Photographs of 9 species • Herbarium specimens for 6 species 5 6 Floatingng-Leaved Rooted Plant Species Floating Mat Rooted Plant Species

Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance Fragrant waterlily Nymphaea odorata Noxious Class C High Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance Spatterdock Nuphar polysepala Native Moderate Water purslane Ludwigia palustris Native ~None

Watershield Brasenia schreberi Native Low

Grass-leaved pondweed Potamogeton gramineus Native Low

Large-leaf pondweed Potamogeton amplifolius Native Low

Ribbon-leaf pondweed Potamogeton epihydrus Native Low Floating-leaved pondweed Potamogeton natans Native ~None

7 8

Freeeee-Floating Plant Species Submersed Plant Species

Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance Common water-nymph Najas guadalupensis Native High Lesser duckweed Lemna minor Native Low Common bladderwort Utricularia vulgaris Native Low Common waterweed Elodea canadensis Native Low

Coontail Ceratophyllum demersum Native Low

Nuttall’s waterweed Elodea nuttallii Native Low

Quillwort species Isoetes sp. Native Low

Tapegrass Vallisneria americana Native Moderate

Western watermilfoil Myriopyllum hippuroides Native Low

Whorled watermilfoil Myriophyllum verticillatum Native Low

9 10

Prior Submersed Plant Species Plantntt-Like Algae/Moss Species

Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance Big floating bladderwort Utricularia inflata Noxious Monitor List ~None Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance

Curly-leaf pondweed Potamogeton crispus Noxious Class C ~None Muskwort species Chara sp. Native Low

Pond water-starwort Callitriche stagnalis Non-native ~None Stonewort species Nitella sp. Native Low

Small pondweed Potamogeton pusillis Native ~None Common water moss Fontinalis antipyretica Native ~None

Spineless hornwort Ceratophyllum echinatum Native ~None

11 12 Plantntt-Like Algae Species

Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance AquaticAquatic Muskwort species Chara sp. Native Muskwort species Stonewort species Nitella sp. Native Stonewort species Plant DensityDensit Map

13 14

Aquatic Plant Management Methods Chemical Herbicides

Water Water Method Advantages Disadvantages Advantages/disadvantages/recommendations for Nymph Lily Aquatic Cost effective Ecological impact Yes - control of water nymph and water lily control in • • Yes -Diquat Lake Hicks: Herbicides • High level of control concerns Glyphosate „ Chemical herbicides „ Manual methods „ Mechanical methods „ Dredging methods „ Biological methods „ Other methods

Manual Methods Mechanical Methods

Water Water Water Water Method Advantages Disadvantages Method Advantages Disadvantages Nymph Lily Nymph Lily • Small infestation • Fragment drift Hand-pulling • High cost No No eradication Harvester • Collects fragments • Depth limitations No No Dock obstructions Low equipment cost Small control areas • Raking • • Yes No • Easy of use • High root regrowth • Plant collection/drift Weed Cutter • Low cost • Depth limitations No No • Small control areas • Dock obstructions Cutting • Low equipment cost • Regrowth and drift No No • Safety issues • Plant collection/drift • Depth limitations Rotovator • Effects roots No No • Dock obstructions • Water quality impacts Dredging Methods Biological Methods

Water Water Water Water Method Advantages Disadvantages Method Advantages Disadvantages Nymph Lily Nymph Lily • Very high cost • Unpredictable control Barge dredging • Deepens lake • Sediment disposal No No • Outlet screen Grass carp • Low cost No No • Permitting • Target native submersed plants • Removes roots • High cost Diver dredging • Moderate infestation No No • Low control • Water quality impacts Insects • Low cost No No eradication • Milfoil only

Other Methods Plant Management Effort Options

Water Water Method Advantages Disadvantages Nymph Lily „ Water nymph control of moderate to dense Effective for rooted • Moderate cost growth in portions of total 34 acres Bottom screening plants in small areas • No Yes Remove in 2 years around docks • • Low control in PNW „ Water lily control in portions of total 31 acres Water quality/aesthetic Water level Low cost if existing • • impacts No No drawdown inflow control • Depth limitations „ Three levels of control: • Permitting „ Low in < 10% of area „ Moderate in 25% of area „ High in 75% of area „ No control in conservation area

Water Nymph Management Options

AquaticAquatic Level of Proposed Plant Control Method Control Area Unit Cost Annual Cost a. Raking-Owner Unlimited (2 rakes) $125/rake $250 Low (10%) ControlContro b. Raking-Contractor 3.5 acres (35 lots) $250/lot/yr $9,000 Moderate (25%) Diquat 8 acres $1,000/acre/yr $8,000 Map High (75%) Diquat 25 acres $800/acre/yr $20,000

23 Water Lily Management Options Additional Management Costs

Management Activity Annual Cost Level of Proposed Plant Survey (density and invasive species detection once every 2 years) $5,000 Control Method Control Area Unit Cost Annual Cost Public Education (existing aquatic plant and water quality materials) $2,000 Low (10%) Bottom Screening 3 acres (30 lots) $2,000/lot/yr $60,000 Water Quality Monitoring (each summer by Thurston County) $5,000 Moderate (25%) Glyphosate 8 acres $1,000/acre/yr $8,000 IAVMP Report (annually by City of Lacy) $5,000 High (75%) Glyphosate 24 acres $800/acre/yr $20,000 Total $17,000

Annual IAVMP Costs Funding Options

„ IAVMP fee Low Moderate High Control Control Control „ Management Activity (Manual) (Herbicide) (Herbicide) IAVMP fee plus extra control option Water Nymph Control $9,000 $8,000 $20,000 „ IAVMP fee plus Ecology Weed Grant Water Lily Control $60,000 $8,000 $20,000

Plant Survey $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Public Education $2,000 $2,000 $2,000

Water Quality Monitoring $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

IAVMP Report $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Totals $86,000 $33,000 $57,000 Hicks Lake IAVMP Public Management Alternatives Meeting Summary

On October 26, 2016, members of the Hicks Lake LMD (lake residents identified in the attached sign‐in sheet) and City of Lacey staff met with Rob Zisette of Herrera Environmental Consultants at the first public meeting to present aquatic plant survey results and discuss aquatic plant management alternatives. Rob presented a PowerPoint presentation (see attached presentation) addressing the following topics:

 Problem Statement  Management Goals and Objectives  Aquatic Plant Survey Results  Management Methods  Management Options and Costs The public expressed the desire for a high level of control including herbicide treatment of all fragrant waterlilies and medium‐dense common water‐nymph (excluding the designated conservation area). One lake resident has been treating waterlilies at his property for the past 35 years, and most recently contracted with an herbicide applicator in 2015 to treat 5 acres in 5 properties located in the southeast portion of the lake. This resident also noted that it took 6 months to get the most recent herbicide application permit and that the treatment was limited to only 5 acres. Rob agreed to find out why the permit took so long and was limited to only 5 acres.

One lake resident expressed interest in using sterile grass carp to control common water‐nymph because 30 years ago there used to be lots of carp and no plants. Rob explained that those carp were probably common European carp that do not directly eat plants like grass carp do, but they may limit plant growth somewhat by disturbing lake sediment.

One resident expressed concern for potential water quality impacts of algae blooms caused by treating the all plant control areas in the first year. Rob explained that algae blooms may occur following large treatments because of the associated nutrient release from rapid plant decay, and he agreed to investigate that potential further by comparing estimates of that release to the amount of phosphorus in the lake. Rob also noted the potential for changing the state of lake from a clear to turbid state by the loss of aquatic plants and increased algae growth, and how management of excessive algae growth using aluminum sulfate or other in‐lake methods can be very expensive.

The total estimated cost for this level of control had been reduced from $57,000 to $34,500 for the public meeting from the steering committee meeting based on reduced unit costs for herbicide treatment provided by a local applicator, and the addition of a small amount ($2,000) for floating waterlily root mat removal. They agreed to include the designated conservation area and discussed the potential for additional conservation areas excluding plant control.

The potential for floating waterlily root mats to arise from herbicide treatment was discussed and identified as a major concern for boating safety and lake access. Root mat management options were presented, including removal of large mats from the lake, and an additional option was discussed for anchoring mats in place where they have not completely dislodged from the lake bottom.

October 26, 2016, Meeting Summary 1 Additional plant management activities were discussed to include public education (by Steering Committee), water quality monitoring (by Thurston County through contract with the City), and annual reporting (by Steering Committee) at no expense to the LMD.

October 26, 2016, Meeting Summary 2

Meeting Outline

„ Problem Statement „ Management Goals and Objectives „ Aquatic Plant Survey Results Hicks Lake IAVMP „ Management Methods „ Management Options and Costs Public Meeting on Plant ConditionsConditio „ Funding and Management Alternatives October 26, 2016 2 WATER RESTORATION SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

Problem Statement Management Goals and Objectives

„ Aquatic plants have colonized the majority of the 1. Provide for safe swimming in private and public nearshore area of Hicks Lake. The most abundant plants areas. include water nymph (native submersed plant) and 2. Provide safe lanes of access to open water for fragrant water lily (non-native floating-leaved plant). The swimming and boating from shorefront density and extent of these plants are a safety concern properties. for people swimming in the nearshore area or those trying to access deeper waters. Boating access and 3. Monitor those plants that can become problems fishing is also hindered in the nearshore area by these and have a ready strategy for their control. plants. While the lake does not currently have 4. Develop a long-term invasive species prevention troublesome populations of other non-native plant plan. species, a plan for prevention and detection is needed to 5. Maintain good water quality and prevent toxic reduce the potential for new invasions that could algae blooms. become problematic. 3 4

Aquatic Plant Types Emergent Shoreline Plant Species

Number of Number of Common Name Scientific Name Status Abund. Native Species Noxious Weeds Total Common cattail Typha latifolia Native Low Plant Type 2016 +Prior 2016 +Prior Species Narrow-leaf bur-reed Sparganium angustifolium Native Moderate

Emergent plants 2 5 2 2 11 Reed canarygrass Phalaris arundinacea Noxious Class C Low

Floating-leaved rooted plants 5 1 1 0 7 Yellow-flag iris Iris pseudacorus Noxious Class C Low

Floating mat rooted plants 0 1 0 0 1 Common spikerush Eleocharis palustris Native ~None

Free-floating plants 1 0 0 0 1 Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica Noxious Class B ~None

Submersed plants 9 3 0 2 14 Longroot smartweed Polygonum amphibium Native ~None

Plant-like algae 2 0 0 0 2 Marsh yellowcress Rorippa palustris Native ~None

Aquatic moss 0 1 0 0 1 Peppermint Mentha x piperita Native ~None

Totals 18 12 3 4 37 Purple marshlocks Comarum palustre Native ~None

• Surveyed on August 29-30, 2016 (+prior observations in 2001-2015) Smart swampweed Polygonum hydropiperoides Native ~None • Photographs of 9 species • Herbarium specimens for 6 species

5 • No noxious weed species require control in Hicks Lake 6 Floatingng-Leaved Rooted Plant Species Floating Mat Rooted Plant Species

Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance Fragrant waterlily Nymphaea odorata Noxious Class C High Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance Spatterdock Nuphar polysepala Native Moderate Water purslane Ludwigia palustris Native ~None

Watershield Brasenia schreberi Native Low

Grass-leaved pondweed Potamogeton gramineus Native Low

Large-leaf pondweed Potamogeton amplifolius Native Low

Ribbon-leaf pondweed Potamogeton epihydrus Native Low Floating-leaved pondweed Potamogeton natans Native ~None

7 8

Freeeee-Floating Plant Species Submersed Plant Species

Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance Common water-nymph Najas guadalupensis Native High Lesser duckweed Lemna minor Native Low Common bladderwort Utricularia vulgaris Native Low Common waterweed Elodea canadensis Native Low

Coontail Ceratophyllum demersum Native Low

Nuttall’s waterweed Elodea nuttallii Native Low

Quillwort species Isoetes sp. Native Low

Tapegrass Vallisneria americana Native Moderate

Western watermilfoil Myriopyllum hippuroides Native Low

Whorled watermilfoil Myriophyllum verticillatum Native Low

9 10

Prior Submersed Plant Species Plantntt-Like Algae/Moss Species

Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance Big floating bladderwort Utricularia inflata Noxious Monitor List ~None Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance

Curly-leaf pondweed Potamogeton crispus Noxious Class C ~None Muskwort species Chara sp. Native Low

Pond water-starwort Callitriche stagnalis Non-native ~None Stonewort species Nitella sp. Native Low

Small pondweed Potamogeton pusillis Native ~None Common water moss Fontinalis antipyretica Native ~None

Spineless hornwort Ceratophyllum echinatum Native ~None

11 12 Plantntt-Like Algae Species

Common Name Scientific Name Status Abundance AquaticAquatic Muskwort species Chara sp. Native Muskwort species Stonewort species Nitella sp. Native Stonewort species Plant DensityDensit Map

13 14

Aquatic Plant Management Methods Chemical Herbicides

Water Water Method Advantages Disadvantages Advantages/disadvantages/recommendations for Nymph Lily Aquatic Cost effective Ecological impact Yes - control of water nymph and water lily control in • • Yes -Diquat Lake Hicks: Herbicides • High level of control concerns Glyphosate „ Chemical herbicides „ Manual methods „ Mechanical methods „ Dredging methods „ Biological methods „ Other methods

Manual Methods Mechanical Methods

Water Water Water Water Method Advantages Disadvantages Method Advantages Disadvantages Nymph Lily Nymph Lily • Small infestation • Fragment drift Hand-pulling • High cost No No eradication Harvester • Collects fragments • Depth limitations No No Dock obstructions Low equipment cost Small control areas • Raking • • Yes No • Easy of use • High root regrowth • Plant collection/drift Weed Cutter • Low cost • Depth limitations No No • Small control areas • Dock obstructions Cutting • Low equipment cost • Regrowth and drift No No • Safety issues • Plant collection/drift • Depth limitations Rotovator • Effects roots No No • Dock obstructions • Water quality impacts Dredging Methods Biological Methods

Water Water Water Water Method Advantages Disadvantages Method Advantages Disadvantages Nymph Lily Nymph Lily • Very high cost • Unpredictable control Barge dredging • Deepens lake • Sediment disposal No No • Outlet screen Grass carp • Low cost No No • Permitting • Target native submersed plants • Removes roots • High cost Diver dredging • Moderate infestation No No • Low control • Water quality impacts Insects • Low cost No No eradication • Milfoil only

Other Methods Floating Lily Root Mat Methods

Water Water Water Water Method Advantages Disadvantages Method Advantages Disadvantages Nymph Lily Nymph Lily Boat to Limited capacity Effective for rooted Least expensive • NA Yes • Moderate cost conservation area • Possible mat drift Bottom screening plants in small areas • No Yes • • Remove in 2 years around docks Boat to shore • Excavator access/ excavator or • Entire removal disposal/restoration site NA No • Low control in PNW restoration site • Moderately expensive • Water quality/aesthetic Water level • Low cost if existing impacts No No Aquamog or Dino • Entire removal • Dewater/disposal site drawdown inflow control NA No • Depth limitations Six (dredging) • High production • Expensive Permitting • • Water quality impacts Hydrojetting • Less expensive NA No • Root drift

Plant Management Effort Options

„ Water nymph control of moderate to dense growth in portions of total ~34 acres AquaticAquatic „ Water lily control in portions of total ~31 acres Plant „ Three levels of control: ControlContro „ Low in < 10% of area Map „ Moderate in 50% of area „ High in 100% of area „ No control in conservation areas

24 Water Nymph Management Options Water Lily Management Options

Level of Proposed Level of Proposed Control Method Control Area Unit Cost Annual Cost Control Method Control Area Unit Cost Annual Cost Low (10%) Bottom Screening 3 acres (30 lots) $2,000/lot/yr $60,000 a. Raking-Owner Unlimited (2 rakes) $125/rake $250 Low (10%) b. Raking-Contractor 3.5 acres (35 lots) $250/lot/yr $9,000 Moderate (50%) Glyphosate 15 acres $350/acre/yr $5,250

Moderate (50%) Diquat 17 acres $500/acre/yr $8,500 High (75%) Glyphosate 31 acres $350/acre/yr $10,500 High (75%) Diquat 34 acres $500/acre/yr $17,000

Boat Tow with Anchor Root Mat 2 mats $1,000/yr $1,000 at Conservation Area

Additional Management Costs Annual LMD Costs

Low Moderate High Management Activity Annual Cost Control Control Control Management Activity (Manual) (Herbicide) (Herbicide) Plant Survey (density and invasive species detection once every 2 years) $5,000 Water Nymph Control Public Education (invited meeting quests and website sources) $0 $9,000 $8,500 $17,000 Water Lily Control Water Quality Monitoring (4-year contract City of Lacey-Thurston County) $0 $60,000 $5,250 $10,500 Floating Root Mat Control Annual Report (contractors and committee) $0 $0 $1,000 $2,000 Plant Survey Total $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Public Education $0 $0 $0

Water Quality Monitoring $0 $0 $0

Annual Report $0 $0 $0

Totals $74,000 $19,750 $34,500

Funding Options

„ LMD revenue of $50,000/year „ LMD revenue plus extra control fee option „ LMD revenue plus Ecology Weed Grant


Aquatic Plant Control Alternatives



No Action...... B-2 Chemical Herbicides ...... B-4 Manual Methods ...... B-10 Mechanical Methods ...... B-12 Diver Dredging ...... B-13 Mechanical Dredging ...... B-15 Biological Methods ...... B-17 Bottom Screening ...... B-21 Water Level Drawdown ...... B-23 References ...... B-24

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-1 This appendix presents information about common methods used to control aquatic weeds. Much of the information in this section was obtained from the Citizen’s Manual for Developing IAVMPs (Ecology 1994) and Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) Aquatic Plant Management website (Ecology 2016a).

Control and eradication methods discussed below include: chemical treatments; manual methods such as mechanical hand-pulling, raking, and cutting; mechanical methods such as mechanical harvester, mechanical weed cutters, and Rotovators; diver dredging and mechanical dredging; biological control methods such as the introduction of grass carp; and other methods including bottom screening, water level drawdown, Aquamog dredging, and DinoSix dredging. Table B-1 designates plant control activities that need an Aquatic Plant and Algae Management General Permit from Ecology or a Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) permit/authorization from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).

Table B-1. Permit Requirements for Aquatic Noxious Weed and Beneficial Plant Control. Aquatic Noxious Weeds Aquatic Beneficial Plants Pamphlet HPA Pamphlet HPA Pamphlet and WDFW Individual Pamphlet and WDFW Individual Control Method HPA Authorization HPA HPA Authorization HPAa Chemical Herbicides Requires Aquatic Plant and Algae Management General Permit from Ecology Hand Pulling or X X Xb Other Hand Tools Mechanical Cutting X X and Harvesters Rotovators X X Diver Dredges X Xb X Mechanical Dredges X X Grass Carp Requires Grass Carp Stocking Permit and Individual HPA (for outlet structure) from WDFW Bottom Barriers X Xb X Xb Water Level X X Drawdown a Applicants may apply for Individual HPAs for projects that exceed pamphlet limitations. b Prior authorization is needed from WDFW for projects that exceed specified thresholds. HPA =- Hydraulic Project Approval WDFW = Washington State Department of Wildlife Source: WDFW 2015.


The first alternative considered was the “No Action” alternative to let aquatic weeds continue to grow and do nothing to control them. This “no action” alternative would acknowledge the presence of the aquatic weeds but would not outline any management plan or enact any planned control efforts. Effectively, a “no action” alternative would preclude any integrated

November 2016 B-2 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 treatment and/or control effort, placing the choice and responsibility of aquatic weed control with lakefront property owners.

This management plan is primarily focused on the eradication of noxious weeds and the control of nonnative and native nuisance aquatic plants. Both noxious and nuisance plants have reduced the beneficial uses of the lake. Several different alternatives to control (or eradicate) these plants are presented in this plan. However, the “no-action” alternative was examined as a reference for all other proposed control techniques.

It is very likely that all beneficial uses of the lake will continue to be further degraded if no aquatic plant control methods are implemented. Because the lake is eutrophic, a shallow lake with high nutrient conditions, the aquatic plants are able to absorb nutrients from sediments and the water column, making the likelihood of further plant growth certain. Therefore, the "no- action" alternative is not acceptable due to the further reduction of beneficial uses of the lake (boating, fishing, and swimming). Other negative environmental impacts include a definite degradation of the overall aesthetics. The fish communities may be impacted directly (e.g., lack of dissolved oxygen) or indirectly (i.e., changes in food web dynamics) with an overabundance of aquatic plants. Loss of open water may also restrict waterfowl use and habitat. Excessive aquatic plants also influence water quality by causing more pronounced temperature stratification and potentially a reduction in water circulation.

Chemical parameters such as pH, alkalinity, and dissolved oxygen may also be impacted through alteration of biological processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, and decomposition.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of the No-Action Alternative include:

• No treatment cost

• No herbicide concerns

• No need for permits

Disadvantages of the No-Action Alternative include:

• Quality of the lake will continue to decline

• Recreational opportunities will decline

• Fish and wildlife habitat will be reduced or impaired

• Property values will decline

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-3 Suitability for Hicks Lake

The fragrant waterlily infestation is currently low to high coverage throughout the lake. Unless continued control measures are enacted, the coverage is likely to increase each future growing season until the entire littoral zone of the lake is dominated by fragrant waterlilies. The presence of common water-nymph has greatly increased over the past several years. It is likely that these plants or other nuisance plants would continue to increase in the future if no actions are taken, degrading water quality and reducing the diversity of native aquatic plants. The “no action” alternative is not acceptable by members of the Hicks Lake community.


Aquatic herbicides are chemicals specifically formulated for use in water to eradicate or control aquatic plants. Aquatic herbicides are sprayed directly onto floating or emergent aquatic plants, or are applied to the water in either a liquid or pellet form. Systemic herbicides can kill the entire plant by translocating from foliage or stems and killing the root. Contact herbicides cause the parts of the plant in contact with the herbicide to die back, leaving the roots alive and capable of regrowth (chemical mowing). Non-selective herbicides will generally affect all plants that they contact. Selective herbicides will affect only some plants.

To be approved for use in aquatic environments, an herbicide must pass stringent toxicity testing by the federal government. These tests are designed to assess impacts to the target population (plants) as well as non-target populations such as fish, aquatic insects, and other organisms. The tests also examine what happens to the chemical over the long term to ensure the chemical quickly breaks down into a nontoxic form or becomes unavailable for uptake by aquatic organisms. Washington State and Thurston County have set more stringent standards. Therefore, some of the aquatic herbicides approved for use in the United States are not approved for use in Washington, and some approved for use in Washington are not approved for use in Thurston County.

Because of environmental risks from improper application, aquatic herbicide use in Washington State waters is regulated and has certain restrictions. The Washington State Department of must license aquatic applicators. In addition, an Aquatic Plant and Algae Management General Permit is required from Ecology for herbicide applications. This permit is a combined National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Waste Discharge General Permit. It covers the in-water and shoreline (including roadsides and ditch banks) treatment of native and noxious plants and algae. It also covers nutrient inactivation treatments. The permit allows the discharge of a specific list of aquatic labeled herbicides, algaecides, biological water clarifiers, adjuvants, marker dyes, and nutrient inactivation products into the freshwaters of Washington (Ecology 2016b).

Although there are a number of herbicides registered for aquatic use by the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Ecology currently issues permits for 17 aquatic herbicides. Some of these aquatic herbicides are not approved for use by Thurston County staff due to toxicity,

November 2016 B-4 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 persistence, or bioaccumulation concerns that are summarized on Thurston County’s website (Thurston County 2016a).

Only herbicides known to be effective on the target species (fragrant waterlily, and common water-nymph) and approved for use in Washington State were considered for this plan. A brief discussion of these herbicides follows below:

• Glyphosate – (trade names for aquatic products with glyphosate as the active ingredient include Rodeo®, AquaMaster®, and AquaPro®). This systemic broad-spectrum herbicide is used to control floating-leaved plants like waterlilies and shoreline plants like purple loosestrife. It is generally applied as a liquid to the leaves. Glyphosate does not work on underwater plants such floating bladderwort. Although glyphosate is a broad spectrum, non-selective herbicide, a good applicator can somewhat selectively remove targeted plants by focusing the spray only on the plants to be removed. Plants can take several weeks to die and a repeat application is often necessary to remove plants that were missed during the first application.

• Diquat – (trade names for aquatic products with diquat as the active ingredient include Reward®). Diquat is a fast-acting non-selective contact herbicide which destroys the vegetative part (e.g. leaves) of the plant but does not kill the roots. It is applied as a liquid. Typically, diquat is used primarily for short term (one season) control of a variety of submersed aquatic plants. It is very fast-acting and is suitable for spot treatment. However, turbid water or dense algal blooms can interfere with its effectiveness.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of herbicides include:

• Aquatic herbicide application can be less expensive than other aquatic plant control methods.

• Aquatic herbicides generally provide a high level of control.

• Aquatic herbicides are easily applied around docks and underwater obstructions.

• Many herbicides are fast acting.

Disadvantages of herbicides include:

• Some herbicides have swimming, drinking, fishing, irrigation, and water use restrictions.

• Herbicide use may have unwanted impacts to people who use the water and to the environment.

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-5 • Non-targeted plants as well as nuisance plants may be controlled or killed by some herbicides.

• Depending on the herbicide used, it may take several days to weeks or several treatments during a growing season before the herbicide controls or kills treated plants.

• To be most effective, generally herbicides must be applied to rapidly growing plants.

• Some expertise in using herbicides is necessary to be successful and to avoid unwanted impacts.

• Many people have strong feelings against using chemicals in water.

• Some cities or counties may have policies forbidding or discouraging the use of aquatic herbicides.

Permits and Costs

An Aquatic Plant and Algae Management General Permit is needed for any herbicide application. Although the permit does not currently require the development of and IAVMP, the City of Lacey has recommended the Hicks LMD develop a plan. The City of Lacey and the Hicks LMD will be required to monitor herbicide levels in the lake as part of the permit process. The requirement of monitoring of herbicide levels started in 2003, whether the chemical has been applied directly to the water or along the shoreline where it may have gotten into the adjacent surface water. The applicator must apply to Ecology for coverage under their permit every 5 years. The permit is approximately $500 and will be billed once the permit is approved. Ecology requires that a Discharge Management Plan and State Environmental Protection Act checklist be submitted with the permit application. An IAVMP may be submitted in lieu of a Discharge Management Plan. There are no additional permit requirements from the City of Lacey.

Approximate costs for 1 acre of herbicide treatment (costs will vary from site to site) are:

Glyphosate: $350 Diquat: $500

Other Considerations

The focus of the discussions below pertain to the toxicity and persistence of glyphosate and diquat because the Steering Committee is considering only these chemical control options for the integrated treatment strategy for Hicks Lake.

The US EPA conducts very thorough risk assessments of all approved for use in the United States. These tests evaluate human exposure risks as well as risks posed to the environment resulting from persistence, accumulation, and mobility in the environment.

November 2016 B-6 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 Complete assessments are available from US EPA or the manufacturers. The summaries below provide an overview of the risks based on recent reviews by Thurston County (2016a).


Thurston County completed a review of the potential environmental and human health hazards associated with glyphosate herbicide on April 1, 2015 (Thurston County 2016a). The following summaries were excerpted from this review.

• Mobility Summary: In an aquatic environment, glyphosate will disperse in the water and move freely until it contacts sediment or plant material, where it will be strongly bound. Mobility of this chemical in a water body is dependent on the water flow and clarity. Glyphosate will bind to suspended sediments and not move as easily.

• Persistence Summary: Glyphosate in water is low in persistence hazard although it can be considered highly persistent in sediment.

• Bioaccumulation Summary: Glyphosate has a low octanol/water coefficient so it is unlikely to accumulate in tissue because it is more likely to mix with water than bind with fat and tissue. Also, testing has shown it to be low in bioaccumulation hazard.

• Ecotoxicity Summary: Toxicity testing of glyphosate has indicated that it is moderately toxic to birds, fish, and other aquatic organisms. It is considered practically nontoxic to mammals and bees. The worst-case exposure was the risk to a child swimming in water treated with a glyphosate herbicide—this risk assessment scenario was considered low in hazard. Glyphosate products specifically formulated to be used around water bodies typically contain water as their other ingredient, which decreases the acute toxicity hazards to all organisms when compared to the active ingredient alone or compared to most glyphosate products formulated to control weeds on land.

• Acute Human Toxicity Risk Assessment: The short-term risk assessment scenario involves aquatic application at maximum allowable rate. The acute toxicity hazard to a child (or adult) swimming in treated water was determined to be low.

• Chronic Human Toxicity Risk Assessment: Glyphosate has been classified as a probable human carcinogen and caused DNA and chromosomal damage in human cells. The US EPA classified glyphosate as Group E—evidence of non-carcinogenicity in humans. Chemical mutagenicity and classification as a probable human carcinogen are rated high in hazard by Thurston County's pesticide review criteria, whereas the US EPA's classification is rated low in hazard. Glyphosate will be rated as conditional until the US EPA and Health Canada finish the current re-registration process, and a final review of the most recent studies can be evaluated.

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-7 Diquat

Thurston County completed a review of the potential environmental and human health hazards associated with fluridone herbicide on May 26, 2009 (Thurston County 2016a). The following summaries were excerpted from this review.

• Mobility Summary: When this product is used to manage submerged vegetation, it will disperse quickly in the water column until it adheres to a plant or clay particle. The result is that the product will not travel far in water with little flow or has a fair amount of suspended sediments and vegetation. The less suspended particulates in the water the greater the potential for the product to migrate with water flow. Even though this chemical is very water soluble, it adheres to soil and sediment so strongly that it is considered low in hazard for mobility.

• Persistence Summary: In every environment diquat dibromide is very persistent. But, due to the nature of the chemical, it will become bound to soil and sediment so tightly that even if it is ingested it will remain bound to the soil and not metabolized. In aquatic applications, diquat dibromide has been removed from the water column (by binding to vegetation and suspended particles) within a few days, but the chemical will still be adhered to the sediments for years. The persistence hazard of diquat dibromide is rated as high.

• Bioaccumulation Summary: Diquat dibromide has a very low octanol / water partition coefficient so it is not expected to bind tightly to fish or animal tissue. The hazard for bioaccumulation is considered low.

• Acute Toxicity Summary and Risk Assessment: Diquat dibromide has a single dose mortality concentration (LD50) for cows of 30-56 mg/kg, which is considered too highly toxic to mammals by Thurston County's review criteria. Also, a single lake application can cause adverse effects including mortality to aquatic invertebrates, which is rated as high in hazard for non-target toxicity. Sub-lethal effects to fish have been documented at expected environmental concentrations including; severe respiratory distress in yellow perch, decreased swimming ability in rainbow trout, and adversely effected the ability of Coho salmon smolt to migrate downstream. It is also considered highly toxic to aquatic organisms (oysters and crustaceans), moderately toxic to birds and fish, and low in toxicity to bees. Short-term risk assessment exclusively for aquatic applications tested the exposures to swimmers entering treated water on the same day as the application. The risk assessment for a child swimming on the day of an aquatic application can result in an exposure to a child that is more than half of the US EPA's calculated dose of concern. This potential exposure is rated as high in hazard by Thurston County's review criteria. The same exposure to an adult is rated as moderate in hazard. There were no risk assessments evaluated for an applicator performing tank mixing and applying to an aquatic environment.

November 2016 B-8 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 • Chronic Toxicity Summary and Risk Assessment: Testing of diquat dibromide showed that it does not cause neurotoxicity, mutagenicity, or endocrine disruption. The US EPA cancer classification is "E" for evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans. Reproductive and developmental toxicity was observed at doses that were higher than those that caused maternal toxicity. The first adverse effects observed in the long-term toxicity tests were cataracts, and decreased adrenal and epididymides weights. The US EPA did not identify any herbicidal uses of diquat dibromide that would result in a long-term exposure except when they are used on . Since there are no identified long-term exposures from the herbicidal use of diquat dibromide in an aquatic setting, the hazard for toxicity from a long-term exposure is considered low

Suitability for Hicks Lake

Aquatic herbicides can provide an effective method for control and eventual eradication of noxious weeds. The two primary herbicide treatment alternatives best suited for Hicks Lake are continued glyphosate applications for control of floating leafed plants, and diquat applications for control of common water-nymph. Application strategies are markedly different for these two herbicides.

Glyphosate has proven to be an effective treatment method in Hicks Lake for fragrant waterlily. Generally, glyphosate is the recommended herbicide for waterlily control because it can be applied directly to the floating leaves, unlike many other herbicides, which must be applied to the water. The application of glyphosate allows specific plants or areas of plants to be targeted for removal. Generally, two applications of glyphosate are needed. The second application later in the summer controls the plants that were missed during the first herbicide application. The control effectiveness of fragrant waterlily is easy to measure through visual surveys due to the floating leaves.

Follow-up control methods (hand pulling and/or cutting) will focus specifically on the two target species and should also leave beneficial plants intact. With these constraints in place, native plant communities will have an opportunity to re-establish in the delineated conservancy areas. An experienced herbicide applicator can selectively target individual weed species and limit collateral damage to other species to a minimum. This is especially true when infestations are small so that large areas with a diverse plant distribution don’t have to be treated.

A common drawback of using herbicides is the “uplifting” of mats of decomposing waterlily roots that can form large floating islands in the water body after the herbicides have killed the plants. Floating mats have developed previously in Hicks Lake. A plan for dealing with these mats has been included in the implementation strategy.

Diquat has not been used in Hicks Lake before. However, if selected as a control method it is expected to be effective at reducing the presence of common water-nymph in the lake.

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-9 MANUAL METHODS

Manual methods include hand-pulling, raking, and cutting, described as follows.

• Hand-pulling aquatic plants is similar to pulling weeds out of a garden. It involves removing entire plants (leaves, stems, and roots) from the area of concern and disposing of them in an area away from the shoreline. In water less than 3 feet deep, no specialized equipment is required, although a spade, trowel, or long knife may be needed if the sediment is packed or heavy. In deeper water, hand pulling is best accomplished by divers with SCUBA equipment and mesh bags for the collection of plant fragments. Some sites may not be suitable for hand pulling such as areas where deep flocculent sediments may cause a person hand pulling to sink deeply into the sediment.

• Raking requires a sturdy rake for removing aquatic plants. Attaching a rope to the rake allows removal of a greater area of weeds. Raking literally tears plants from the sediment, breaking some plants off and removing some roots as well. Specially designed aquatic plant rakes are available. Rakes can be equipped with floats to allow easier plant and fragment collection. The operator should pull towards the shore because a substantial amount of plant material can be collected in a short distance.

• Cutting differs from hand pulling in that plants are cut and the roots are not removed. Cutting is performed by standing on a dock or on shore and throwing a cutting tool out into the water. A non-mechanical aquatic weed cutter is commercially available. Two single-sided, razor-sharp stainless steel blades forming a “V” shape are connected to a handle, which is tied to a long rope. The cutter can be thrown about 20 to 30 feet into the water. As the cutter is pulled through the water, it cuts a 48-inch-wide swath. Cut plants rise to the surface where they can be removed. Washington State requires that cut plants be removed from the water. The stainless steel blades that form the “V” are extremely sharp, and great care must be taken with this implement. It should be stored in a secure area where children do not have access.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of manual methods include:

• Small infestations can be eradicated.

• The equipment is inexpensive.

• Easy to use around docks and swimming areas.

• Many manual methods can be carried out by trained volunteers and shoreline residents.

November 2016 B-10 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 • Hand-pulling allows the flexibility to remove undesirable aquatic plants while leaving desirable plants.

• These methods are environmentally safe.

Disadvantages of manual methods include:

• Hand-pulling is a high-cost method.

• Because these methods are labor intensive, they may not be practical for large areas or for thick weed beds.

• As plants regrow or fragments recolonize the cleared area, the treatment may need to be repeated several times each summer.

• Even with the best containment efforts, it is difficult to collect all plant fragments, leading to recolonization for some plants.

• Some plants, like waterlilies, which have massive rhizomes, are difficult to remove by hand pulling.

• Pulling weeds and raking stirs up the sediment making it difficult to see remaining plants. Sediment re-suspension can also increase nutrient levels in lake water.

• Hand pulling and raking impacts bottom-dwelling animals.

• The V-shaped cutting tool is extremely sharp and can be dangerous to use.

Permits and Costs

Manual removal of aquatic plants in Washington requires compliance with the Aquatic Plants and Fish pamphlet (WDFW 2015) for control of noxious weeds, or an individual HPA permit for control of native plants in a large area. Hand-pulling, raking, and mechanical cutting are two methods commonly used by residents that do not require an authorization or an individual HPA permit for control of aquatic noxious weeds.

Hand-pulling costs up to $130 for the average waterfront lot for a hired commercial puller. A commercial grade weed cutter costs about $130 with accessories. A commercial rake costs about $95 to $125. A homemade weed rake costs about $85 (asphalt rake is about $75 and the rope costs 35 to 75 cents per foot).

Other Considerations

The community may need to invest money into buying the equipment and operation. Manual methods must include regular scheduled surveys to determine the extent of the remaining

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-11 weeds and/or the appearance of new plants after eradication has been attained. This is a large time investment by lakeside residents.

Suitability for Hicks Lake

Diver hand-pulling is not recommended for floating leaved plants due to difficulties with root (rhizome) removal, and is not cost-effective for control of large areas of common water-nymph or other submersed plants due to diver expense and fragment release.

Raking can be used to control common water-nymph, especially in early summer when it begins to reach the water. Common water-nymph is easily removed by, but raking will generate fragments that may spread to other areas if they are not properly contained. However, common water-nymph is widespread throughout the lake already and it does not reproduce from fragments, so fragmentation is not an issue. Prior authorization is needed from WDFW for projects that exceed specified thresholds, which is 50 percent of the littoral zone.


Mechanical methods include mechanical harvesters, mechanical weed cutters, rotovators, and mechanical dredging.

• Mechanical harvesters are large machines, which both cut and collect aquatic plants. Cut plants are removed from the water by a conveyor belt system and stored on the harvester until disposal. A barge may be stationed near the harvesting site for temporary plant storage or the harvester carries the cut weeds to shore. The shore station equipment is usually a shore conveyor that mates to the harvester and lifts the cut plants into a dump truck. Harvested weeds are disposed of in landfills, used as , or in reclaiming spent gravel pits or similar sites.

• Mechanical weed cutters cut aquatic plants several feet below the water’s surface. Unlike harvesting, cut plants are not collected while the machinery operates.

• Rotovators use underwater rototiller-like blades to uproot fragrant waterlily plants. The rotating blades churn 7 to 9 inches deep into the lake or river bottom to dislodge plant root crowns that are generally buoyant. The plants and roots may then be removed from the water using a weed rake attachment to the rototiller head or by harvester or manual collection.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of mechanical methods include:

• Large areas can be treated.

November 2016 B-12 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 • No chemical residue

• Harvesters will collect plant fragments.

• Rotovators will negatively impact plant roots.

• Weed cutters have a low operation cost.

Disadvantages of mechanical methods include:

• Increased fragment drift and difficulty in plant collection, which can create new plant populations elsewhere in the lake

• These machines are difficult to navigate around docks and other obstacles.

• Difficult to maneuver in shallow water

• Rotovators can stir up sediments and negatively impact water quality.

Permits and Costs

Mechanical methods may require an individual HPA permit from WDFW.

Other Considerations


Suitability for Hicks Lake

The mechanical methods could be suitable for the removal of common water-nymph from Hicks Lake. there are other methods, such as the application of herbicide, that are more practical to control the populations.


Diver dredging (suction dredging) is a method whereby SCUBA divers use hoses attached to small dredges (often dredges used by miners for mining gold from streams) to suck plant material from the sediment. The purpose of diver dredging is to remove all parts of the plant including the roots. A good operator can accurately remove target plants, like fragrant waterlily, while leaving native species untouched. The suction hose pumps the plant material and the sediments to the surface where they are deposited into a screened basket. The water and sediment are returned to the water column (if the permit allows this), and the plant material is retained. The turbid water is generally discharged to an area curtained off from the rest of the lake by a silt curtain. The plants are disposed of on shore.

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-13 Removal rates vary from approximately 0.25 acre to 1 acre per day, depending on plant density, sediment type, size of team, and diver efficiency. Diver dredging is more effective in areas where softer sediment allows easy removal of the entire plants, although water turbidity is increased with softer sediments. Harder sediment may require the use of a knife or tool to help loosen sediment from around the roots. In very hard sediments, some plants tend to break off leaving the roots behind and defeating the purpose of diver dredging.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of diver dredging include:

• Diver dredging can be a very selective technique for removing pioneer colonies of submersed noxious weeds.

• Divers can remove plants around docks and in other difficult to reach areas.

• Diver dredging can be used in situations where herbicide is not an option for aquatic plant management.

Disadvantages of diver dredging include:

• Diver dredging is very expensive.

• Dredging stirs up large amounts of sediment. This may lead to the release of nutrients and buried toxic materials into the water column.

• Only the tops of plants growing in rocks or hard sediments may be removed, leaving a viable root crown behind to initiate growth.

• In some states, acquisition of permits can take years.

Permits and Costs

Permits are required for many types of projects in lakes and streams. Diver dredging requires an HPA permit WDFW. Diver dredging may also require a Section 404 permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers. Depending on the density of the plants, specific equipment used, number of divers and disposal requirements, costs can range from a minimum of $1,500 to $2,000 per day.

Other Considerations

Diver dredging could be useful for spot control in subsequent years (coordinated with diver survey).

November 2016 B-14 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 Suitability for Hicks Lake

Diver dredging removes the plant in its entirety. It removes the biomass above the sediment as well as roots and tubers in the sediment. This alternative is best used for a pioneering infestation of invasive submersed plants in soft sediments. Because there are no invasive submersed plant infestations currently in Hicks Lake, and this method causes excessive stirring up of sediments, this method is not recommended.


Mechanical dredging uses large, barge-mounted excavation or suction equipment to remove sediment and associated plant material from the lake bottom. Mechanical dredging may be a suitable waterlily control strategy and a method for preventing problems with waterlily rhizome mats.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of mechanical dredging:

• Increases lake depth

• No chemical residue

• Large areas can be treated.

• Eliminates problems with floating rhizome mats

Disadvantages of mechanical dredging:

• High cost: depending on the depth of material removed and area dredged, cost estimates range from about $30,000 to $200,000 per treatment.

• Material disposal: the material that is dredged needs to be disposed somewhere. Trucking and disposal at landfills or off-site facilities can potentially equal the cost of treatment as more heavy equipment is involved and time is consumed.

• Permits may be difficult to obtain.

• This method is slow (only about 100 cubic yards, or about 1/6 of an acre removing 1 foot of sediment, per day).

• Dredging can release nutrients from the sediment.

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-15 Permits and Costs

Mechanical dredging requires an individual HPA permit from WDFW. Dredging represents a significant disturbance to the lake substrate requiring a detailed environmental evaluation to obtain permits.

Other Considerations

Dredged material would need to be loaded onto trucks and taken off site for disposal. This would represent a significant cost. It also may be logistically difficult to maneuver heavy equipment to and from the lakeshore due to access restrictions. A rough cost estimate was obtained from Aquamog, a regional operator of sediment excavation equipment. While there are many cost considerations, removal of approximately 2 feet of sediment would cost about $45,000 per acre.

Aquamog Dredging

The Aquamog is owned and operated by Aquatic Environments, Inc. of California. The Aquamog has many configurations, but the one most suitable for removing sediment and rhizome mats is essentially a toothed clamshell bucket on a dredge-mounted excavator arm. Material removed by the Aquamog may be loaded onto a small barge or directly deposited on shore, and then offloaded into a truck where it would be hauled off site.

Dredging using the Aquamog machine is expensive. An estimate obtained for Aquamog indicated that dredging 2 feet of material from the lake bottom would cost approximately $45,000 per acre not including hauling and disposal cost, which often doubles the project cost, according to the Aquatic Environments representative. The amount of material removed from a depth of 2 feet in 1 acre is equivalent to 3,227 cubic yards. The Aquamog machine works at a rate of about 1 acre every 2 weeks. The cost of planning and obtaining permits needed to perform this type of work is estimated to be about $10,000. Thus, the total cost for dredging and disposal of 3,227 cubic yards from 1 acre is estimated to be approximately $100,000.

DinoSix Dredging

The DinoSix is a hydraulic dredge with a rotating cutterhead. The DinoSix pumps the dredged material directly into a 105-foot by 25-foot geotextile bag located on shore. The bag needs to be placed on a flat surface and would fill to a height of approximately 3 feet, containing approximately 3,000 cubic yards of material and representing approximately 2 feet of material from 1 acre. The bag needs to be drained for a period of 3 to 4 months before the dry material can be removed from the bags and hauled off site.

It was estimated by Sediment Removal Solutions that the geotextile bag would be filled in 5 days at a cost of approximately $30,000. Assuming an equivalent cost for disposal and $10,000 for planning and permitting, the total cost for dredging and disposal of approximately 3,000 cubic yards from 1 acre with the DinoSix is estimated to be approximately $70,000.

November 2016 B-16 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 The DinoSix is recommended over the Aquamog for dredging due to the lower cost. In addition, the DinoSix is expected to have fewer water quality impacts during hydraulic dredging than mechanical removal by the Aquamog.


The only biological control applicable to Hicks Lake is grass carp. The grass carp (Cteno pharynogodon), also known as the white amur, is a vegetarian fish native to the Amur River in Asia. Because this fish feeds on aquatic plants, it can be used as a biological tool to control nuisance aquatic plant growth. In some situations, sterile (triploid) grass carp may be permitted for introduction into Washington waters.

Permits are most readily obtained if the lake or pond is privately owned, has no inlet or outlet, and is fairly small. The objective of using grass carp to control aquatic plant growth is to end up with a lake that has about 20 to 40 percent plant cover, not a lake devoid of plants. In practice, grass carp often fail to control the plants, or in cases of overstocking, all the submersed plants are eliminated from the water body.

WDFW determines the appropriate stocking rate for each water body when they issue the grass carp stocking permit. Stocking rates for Washington lakes generally range from 9 to 25, 8- to 11-inch fish per vegetated acre. The number depends on the amount and type of plants in the lake as well as spring and summer water temperatures. To prevent stocked grass carp from migrating out of the lake and into streams and rivers, all inlets and outlets to the pond or lake must be screened. For this reason, residents on water bodies that support a salmon or steelhead run are rarely allowed to stock grass carp into these systems.

Once grass carp are stocked in a lake, it may take from 2 to 5 years for them to control nuisance plants. Survival rates of the fish will vary depending on factors like presence of otters, birds of prey, or fish disease. A lake will probably need restocking about every 10 years.

Success with grass carp in Washington has been varied. Sometimes the same stocking rate results in no control, control, or even complete elimination of all underwater plants. Bonar et al. (2002) found that only 18 percent of 98 Washington lakes stocked with grass carp at a median level of 24 fish per vegetated acre had aquatic plants controlled to an intermediate level. In 39 percent of the lakes, all submersed plant species were eradicated. It has become the consensus among researchers and aquatic plant managers around the country that grass carp are an all or nothing control option. They should be stocked only in water bodies where complete elimination of all submersed plant species can be tolerated.

Grass carp exhibit definite food preferences and some aquatic plant species will be consumed more readily than others. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the importance of 20 Pacific Northwest aquatic plant species as food items for grass carp. Grass carp did not remove plants in a preferred species-by-species sequence in multi-species plant communities. Instead they grazed simultaneously on palatable plants of similar preference before gradually switching to

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-17 less preferred groups of plants. The relative preference of many plants was dependent upon what other plants were associated with them. The relative preference of grass carp for the 20 aquatic plants tested was ranked from high to low as follows:

• Curly-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) and Sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus)

• Flat-stemmed pondweed (Potamogeton zosteriformis)

• Muskgrasses (Chara sp.), common waterweed (Elodea canadensis), and thin-leaved pondweed species (Potamogeton spp.)

• Brazilian elodea (Egeria densa) (large fish only)

• White-stemmed pondweed (Potamogeton praelongus) and tapegrass (Vallisneria americana)

• Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum)

• Coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum)

• Common bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris)

• Longroot smartweed (Polygonum amphibium)

• Floating-leaved pondweed (Potamogeton natans)

• Big-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton amplifolius)

• Watershield (Brasenia schreberi) and rush species (Juncus spp.)

• Brazilian elodea (fingerling fish only)

• Fragrant waterlily (Nymphaea odorata)

• Cattail species (Typha spp.)

• Spatterdock (Nuphar polysepala)

Generally in Washington, grass carp do not consume emergent wetland vegetation or waterlilies even when the water body is heavily stocked or over stocked. A heavy stocking rate of triploid grass carp in Chambers Lake, Thurston County resulted in the loss of most submersed species, whereas the fragrant waterlilies, bog bean, and spatterdock remained at pre-stocking levels. A stocking of 83,000 triploid grass carp into Silver Lake, Washington resulted in the total eradication of all submersed species, including Eurasian watermilfoil, Brazilian elodea, and swollen bladderwort. However, the extensive wetlands surrounding Silver Lake have generally

November 2016 B-18 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 remained intact. In southern states, grass carp have been shown to consume some emergent vegetation (Ecology 2016a).

Grass carp stocked into Washington lakes must be certified disease free and sterile. Sterile fish, called triploids because they have an extra chromosome, are created when the fish eggs are subjected to a temperature or pressure shock. Fish are verified sterile by collecting and testing a blood sample.

Triploid fish have slightly larger blood cells and can be differentiated from diploid (fertile) fish by this characteristic. Grass carp imported into Washington must be tested to ensure that they are sterile. Because Washington does not allow fertile fish within the state, all grass carp are imported into Washington from out-of-state locations. Most grass carp farms are in the southern United States, where warmer weather allows for fast fish growth rates. Large shipments are transported in special trucks and small shipments arrive via air.

Facts about grass carp include:

• Grass carp are only distantly related to the undesirable European carp and share few of its habits.

• Grass carp generally live for at least 10 years and possibly much longer in Washington State waters.

• Grass carp will grow rapidly and reach at least 10 pounds. They have been known to reach 40 pounds in the southern United States

• Grass carp will not eat eggs, young fish, or invertebrates, although baby grass carp are omnivorous.

• Grass carp feed from the top of the plant down so that mud is not stirred up. However, in ponds and lakes where grass carp have eliminated all submersed vegetation, the water becomes turbid. Hungry fish will ear organic materials out of the sediments.

• Grass carp have definite taste preferences. Plants like Eurasian watermilfoil and coontail are not preferred. Waterlilies are rarely consumed in Washington waters.

• Grass carp are dormant during the winter. Intensive feeding starts when water temperatures reach 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

• Grass carp prefer flowing water to still waters.

• Grass carp are difficult to capture once they are released.

• Grass carp may not feed in swimming areas, docks, boating areas, or other sites where there is heavy human activity.

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-19 Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of grass carp include:

• Grass carp are inexpensive compared to some other control methods and offer long- term control, but, since they are sterile, and some die-off is to be expected, they may need to be restocked at periodic intervals.

• Grass carp offer a biological alternative to aquatic plant control.

Disadvantages of grass carp include:

• Depending on plant densities and types, it may take several years to achieve plant control using grass carp and in many cases control may not occur.

• If the water body is overstocked, all submersed aquatic plants may be eliminated. Removing excess fish is difficult and expensive.

• The type of plants grass carp prefer may also be the most important for habitat and for waterfowl food.

• If not enough fish are stocked, less-favorable plants may take over the lake.

• Stocking grass carp may lead to algae blooms.

• All inlets and outlets to the lake or pond must be screened to prevent grass carp from escaping into streams, rivers, or other lakes.

Permits and Costs

Stocking grass carp requires a fish-stocking permit from WDFW. Also, if inlets or outlets need to be screened, an HPA application must be completed for the screening project. The recommended stocking rate for grass carp is about 24 fish per acre. Fish prices are variable depending on delivery method and supplier, but a conservative estimate is about $20 per fish. For stocking Barnes Lake at the recommended rate, the cost would be about $15,000.

Other Considerations

Other factors about grass carp to consider include:

• Would not achieve immediate results - grass carp take time and the method is not guaranteed to work.

• Community may have concerns about introduced species.

November 2016 B-20 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 • Potential damage to the native plant community of the lake, which could result in the establishment of other aggressive plants species as pioneers.

• There may be concerns from fishermen about grass carp.

Suitability for Hicks Lake

Grass carp would not be a suitable solution to controlling the common water-nymph problem in Hicks Lake. Among the plants in Hicks Lake, grass carp are likely to feed preferentially on other species besides common water-nymph. Therefore, grass carp are not a preferred method for common water-nymph control in Hicks Lake.


A bottom screen or benthic barrier covers the sediment like a blanket, compressing aquatic plants while reducing or blocking light. Materials such as burlap, plastics, perforated black Mylar, AquaScreen, and woven synthetics can all be used as bottom screens. An ideal bottom screen should be durable, heavier than water, reduce or block light, prevent plants from growing into and under the fabric, be easy to install and maintain, and should readily allow gases produced by rotting weeds to escape without “ballooning” the fabric upwards.

Even the most porous materials, such as AquaScreen (plastic-coated glass fiber), will billow due to gas buildup. Therefore, it is very important to anchor the bottom barrier securely to the bottom. Unsecured screens can create navigation hazards and are dangerous to swimmers. Anchors must be effective in keeping the material down and must be regularly checked. Natural materials such as rocks or sandbags are preferred as anchors.

The duration of weed control depends on the rate that weeds can grow through or on top of the bottom screen, the rate that new sediment is deposited on the barrier, and the durability and longevity of the material. For example, burlap may rot within 2 years, plants can grow on top of screen and fabric materials. Regular maintenance is essential and can extend the life of most bottom barriers. Bottom screens will control most aquatic plants; however, non-rooted species such as the bladderworts or coontail will not be controlled by bottom screens.

In addition to controlling nuisance weeds around docks and in swimming beaches, bottom screening has become an important tool to help eradicate and contain early infestations of noxious weeds such as Eurasian watermilfoil and Brazilian elodea. These plants are not currently in Barnes Lake, but this method should be considered to handle early infestations of either plant. Pioneering colonies that are too extensive to be hand pulled can sometimes be covered with bottom screening material.

Bottom screens can be installed by the homeowner or by a commercial plant control specialist. Installation is easier in winter or early spring when plants have died back. In summer, cutting or hand pulling the plants first will facilitate bottom screen installation. Research has shown that

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-21 much more gas is produced under bottom screens that are installed over the top of aquatic plants. The less plant material that is present before installing the screen, the more successful the screen will be in staying in place. Bottom screens may also be attached to frames rather than placed directly onto the sediment. The frames may then be moved for control of a larger area.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of bottom barriers include:

• Installation of a bottom screen creates an immediate open area of water.

• Bottom screens are easily installed around docks and in swimming areas.

• Properly installed bottom screens can control up to 100 percent of aquatic plants.

• Screen materials are readily available and can be installed by homeowners or by divers.

Disadvantages of bottom barriers include:

• Because bottom barrier screens reduce habitat by covering the sediment, they are suitable only for localized control.

• For safety and performance reasons, bottom screens must be regularly inspected and maintained.

• Harvesters, Rotovators, fishing gear, propeller backwash, or boat anchors may damage or dislodge bottom screens.

• Improperly anchored bottom screen may create safety hazards for boaters and swimmers

• Swimmers may be injured by poorly maintained anchors used to pin bottom screens to the sediment.

• Some bottom screens are difficult to anchor on deep muck sediments.

• Bottom screens interfere with fish spawning and bottom-dwelling animals.

• Without regular maintenance, aquatic plants may quickly colonize the bottom screen.

Permits and Costs

Bottom screening in Washington requires an HPA in accordance with restrictions specified in the Aquatic Plants and Fish pamphlet (WDFW 2015) for control of noxious weeds, or an individual HPA permit for control of native plants in a large area. Local jurisdictions may require shoreline

November 2016 B-22 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 permits. Barrier materials cost $0.22 to $1.25 per square foot. The cost of some commercial barriers includes an installation fee. Commercial installation costs vary depending on sediment characteristics and type of bottom screen selected. It costs up to about $750 to have 1,000 square feet of bottom screen installed. Maintenance costs for a waterfront lot are about $120 each year.

Other Considerations


Suitability for Hicks Lake

Bottom barriers have been used in other lakes to control aquatic plants. Without constant upkeep and maintenance, the long-term benefits of bottom barriers are minimal. Currently, infested areas are too spread out to use a bottom barrier without becoming cost prohibitive. Most of the lakeshore residences have only small infestations and the bottom barrier would just reduce habitat by covering the sediment.

Barriers could be effective in localized areas, such as the southern end of Hicks Lake, to prevent re-infestation after initial control. Installing a bottom barrier at a dock can provide these benefits.


Lowering the water level of a lake or reservoir can have a dramatic impact on some aquatic weed problems. Water level drawdown can be used where there is a water control structure that allows the managers of lakes or reservoirs to drop the water level in the water body for extended periods of time.

Water level drawdown often occurs regularly in reservoirs for power generation, flood control, or irrigation, with a side benefit being the control of some aquatic plant species. However, regular drawdowns can also make it difficult to establish native aquatic plants for fish, wildlife, and waterfowl habitat in some reservoirs.

Drawdown is not a viable control strategy for Hicks Lake. Not only would drawdown be difficult to achieve, it would also cause significant damage to the ecosystem. The amount of drawdown required to impact fragrant waterlily would dry out the entire littoral zone of the lake. This would damage native plants and animals in the lake and have many negative consequences for residents living around the lake.

Without a surface inflow to the system, returning the water level to a previous state would be both cost-and time-prohibitive.

November 2016 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017 B-23 REFERENCES

Bonar, S.A., B. Bolding, and M. Divens. 2002. Effects of Triploid Grass Carp on Aquatic Plants, Water Quality, and Public Satisfaction in Washington State. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:98–105.

Ecology. 1994. A Citizen's Manual for Developing Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plans. First edition. Washington State Department of Ecology, Water Quality Financial Assistance Program, Olympia, Washington. January. Available online at: .

Ecology. 2016a. Aquatic Plant Management website. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington. Available online at:

Ecology. 2016b. Aquatic Plant and Algae Management General Permit. National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System and State Waste Discharge General Permit. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington. April.

Thurston County. 2016a. Integrated Pest Management – Aquatic Herbicide Reviews website. Thurston County Public Health and Social Services, Olympia, Washington. Available online at: .

WDFW. 2015. Plants and Fish, Rules for Aquatic Plant Removal and Control. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington. Second Edition. July.

November 2016 B-24 Hicks Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan – 2017


Invasive Aquatic Plant Identification


Public Awareness Signs