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If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. I I m,©1m! Jm@mlg ~(Qnmg I ~@)lii@@ ~@r@@ il@wi{®w Jl~®~ / Cover: Special duties were assigned to mallY units during the visit by the British Prime Minister, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, immediately following her signing of the Draft Agreement 011 the Future of Hong Kong in Pekillg on December 19. Here, a motorcycle escort plcnares to leave Government House with the Prime Minister's car. /6 Cj.IJ? 1984 ANNUAL REVIEW By the Commissioner of Police Roy Henry, C.B.E., L.VO., -- --- Q.P.M., C.P.M., C.B.I.M. NCJRS fEB 12 19S8 ACQU-l~NS EXCHANGE RATES Where dollars are quoted in this report.' they are Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise stated. Smc~ October 17, 1983 the Hong Kong dollar has been !Inked to the US dollar, through the creation of a Hong Kong dollar notes market, at the fixed rate of HKS7.80 to U~S1. On December 31,1984, the market rate was approXllnately HK$7.83. 109138 U.S. Department of Justice National Inslltute 01 Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person Or organization orlginaling it POlOts of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or poliCies 01 the Nalional Institute of Justice, Permission to reproduce this copyrighted materiat has been granted by Hong Kong Govern~ent Publishin~ub Div., Information Services Depart~nt to the National Crlmlnaf Justice Aeterence Service (NCJAS), Furlher reproduction outside of the NCJAS system requires permls sioll at the copyright OWnRr 1.
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