A Bibliography of Buckinghamshire Coleoptera
A BIBLIOGRAPHYOF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COLEOPTERA CHRISTOPHERREID No previous bibliography of Coleoptera The Middle Thumes Naturolist, Ecological exists for this county, probably because none Studies in Milton Keynes, The Grebe, Hsnd- has ever been warranted. However, as a pre- booksfor the ldentification of British Insects, lude to ascertaining and understanding the Eton CollegeNdtural History Society Annual distribution of the coleopterous faunb. of Report. Other referencesare self-evidentor Buckinghamshire, it has been necessary to representless systematicsearching of less undertake a thorough search of the relevant relevantjournais. literature. The resultant list of referencesmay be of use to other entomologists or conserva- The following textsinclude references to the tionists, so it is reproduced here together with county or inferencesto the presenceof species separate indices to the families and localities in Buckinghamshire,while dealing with the mentioned. This format is based on that of beetlefauna of the British Isles: the Zoological Record. Balfour-Browne, F. British Water Beetles. 3 Vols. The Ray Society, London. Vol. I The list, compiled to November 1983, does (1940): Haliplidae, Hygrobiidae, Noteridae, not pretend to be complete, although reason- Dytiscidae(part); Vol. 2 (1950): Dytiscidae ably comprehensivefor the major entomologi- (part),Gyrinidae; Vol. 3 (1958):Hydrophilidae cal journals. I have used the concept of (excludingGeorissus), Hydraenidae. dis- "Greater Buckinghamshire" to delimit the [The tribution of each speciesis illustrated by county, i.e. the Watsonian (24), vice-county Watsonianvice-county.l plus more recently acquired areas. Some referencesto adjacent localities, e.g. Aldbury, Fowler,W.W. and Donisthorpe,H.St.J.K. are also included (indicated by an asterisk). No 1913. The Coleoptera of the British Islands.
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