Strengthening Silt Fences
Article 56 Feature article from Watershed Protection Techniques. 2(3): 424-428 Strengthening Silt Fence ilt fences are one of the most widely used and reality, settling is actually the most important sedi- misused erosion and sediment control practices. ment removal function of silt fences (Kouwen, 1990), SRecent data suggest that they can perform well since runoff is detained behind the fence, giving sedi- under some circumstances. In addition, their cost- ment time to settle out. effectiveness continues to make them a popular ESC Three recent studies report sediment removal ef- technique. Unfortunately, silt fences are often used ficiencies ranging from 36 to 86% (Table 1). It is al- inappropriately or are improperly installed or maintained, most impossible to accurately predict the field perfor- resulting in poor performance. Simple improvements to mance of silt fences because relatively little research the standard silt fence, as well as some innovative has been done, and the results are so variable. This designs, can help to improve the current state of silt being said, some useful information emerges from fences. available data. First, these studies suggest that silt fences are more effective at removing coarser-grained How, and How Well, Do They Work? materials. Conversely, silt fences are ineffective at Silt fences trap sediment in construction runoff be- reducing turbidity, which is disproportionately influ- fore it washes into the street, a neighboring property or, enced by finer particles (Horner et al., 1990). A sec- in the worst case, a nearby stream or wetland. As sedi- ond finding is that silt fences are less effective on ment-laden runoff flows through the silt fence, the pores steeper slopes.
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