DAVID LIVINGSTONE. Symptoms, Even When the Quinine Is I
THE BRITIS t 5u4 MIEDICAL JOURNAL J DAVID LIVINGSTONE. [MARCI 15, 1913. a qualification Livingstone showed that same determina- DAVID LIVINGSTONE. tion to achieve his purpose of which his life in Africa BORN MARCH 19TH, 1813. gave so many evidences. It is told of him that as a boy he not only climbed to a higher point in the ruins of ON March 19th, 1813, David Livingstone was born in a Bothwell Castle than any other, but also carved his name house in Shuttle Row, in the village of Blantyre, on the up there. he had some stiff climbing to do in Africa, alnd banks of the Clyde, in north-west Lanarkshire, Scotland; he left his name cut out there too. he died on May 1st, 1873, in a hastily built hut, in During all the many years he spent in the heart of the Chitambo's village, in the country of Ilala, to the south Dark Cointinent, making the discovery of the lakes Ngam-ii, of Lake Bangweolo, Central Africa; and in these sixty Shirwa, Nyassa, and Bangweolo, and of much else, lhe years he had literally, and without any exaggeration, never forgot that he was a doctor as well as a missionary. opened up the Dark Continent to the light of miedicine, His writings are full of his medical experiences, and onie of civilization, and of Christianity. He was great as an must admire the extraordinary accuracy and insight of explorer and geographer, for he travelled twenty-nine many of his observations. Even in the twentieth centuLry thousand miles and explored a million square miles of his name is constantly cropping up in bocks on Africa.
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