Coniston and Crake Valley News Serving the parishes of Colton, Coniston and Torver, Egton cum Newland & Lowick with Blawith

August 2021

The Coniston and Crake Valley Benefice “To Grow, Witness and Love Like Jesus”

Revd Brian Streeter [email protected] 01229 861668 The Vicarage, 07505 048736 Penny Bridge. Brian works for Filling Station on Thursday LA12 7RQ Brian’s rest day is Friday

RETIRED MINISTERS Revd David Bickersteth [email protected] 01229 861184 Revd Joanna Henson [email protected] 01229 861800 Revd Ian Swift [email protected] 01539 521337 Revd Harry Welch [email protected] 01229 861068 LAY MINISTERS Hazel Bowness [email protected] 01539 431869 Pamela Hull [email protected] 01539 441997 Linda Inman [email protected] 01539 441777 Vivienne Plummer [email protected] 01229 885636 Pam Priestley [email protected] 01229 861866 Val Towndrow [email protected] 01229 773988 Richard Wood [email protected] 01229 885253 Donald Wroe [email protected] 01229 861275

SAFEGUARDING OFFICER Juliet Caldwell [email protected] 07884 232281 ADMINISTRATOR & MAGAZINE EDITOR Marion Swift [email protected] 01229 861668 PASTORAL TEAM LEADER Barbara Watson [email protected] 01229 861638

CHURCHWARDENS Holy Trinity, Colton John Tarr [email protected] 01229 586174 St Luke’s, Lowick with Blawith Simon Wood [email protected] 01229 885213 Sue Wood [email protected] 01229 885213 St. Mary’s, Penny Bridge Barbara Watson [email protected] 01229 861638 St Andrew’s, Coniston & St. Luke’s, Torver Nick Monk [email protected] 015394 41255 Linda Inman [email protected] 015394 41777

JOINT CONISTON CHURCHES CHILDREN’S & YOUTH WORKER Charlie Day [email protected] 07788187718


Pastoral Letter ‘IF YOU CAN MEET WITH TRIUMPH AND DISASTER AND TREAT THOSE TWO IMPOSTERS JUST THE SAME’ Rudyard Kipling ‘IF’ 1909 I’m writing this letter the morning after the Wimbledon tennis finals and the Euro Cup. And just days ahead of when is going to be told of what lies ahead of our Corona Virus restrictions. A morning of mixed emotions and anxieties - whoever one was backing to win at either of the above finals, and, at least for those of us who live in England - a time of awaiting anxiety of how we might be returning to ‘normal’ life. In these times of uncertainty, divisions and anxieties of how we want ‘normal’ times to return my thoughts turned to the many Biblical texts we have from GENESIS through to the Book of REVELATION whose wisdom might help us throughout the coming weeks. Too numerous to mention – you will have your favourite and perhaps well-known ones which will help you through these anxious times of worry, anxiety, bereavement - and often a feeling of HOPELESSNESS: Some which have helped me through times of personal darkness and despair are: DEUTERONOMY 31: 8 ‘The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you. He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. DO NOT FEAR OR BE DISMAYED’ Words spoken by Moses to his successor JOSHUA who after decades of exile in a ‘foreign land’ would be led by Joshua into their ‘promised land’. Its’ underlying message being whatever the lowliness of our situations, personal and communal – do not despair God is with us in times of darkness as well as in the sunny uplands of life. JEREMIAH 29:11 ‘For I know the plans I have for you’ declares The Lord ‘Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. To give you A FUTURE WITH HOPE’ Hope for the Babylonians who had been in exile for 70 years yet whose history of peoples in exile was not yet over – but within God’s HOPE, better times would be ahead. A timeless message of Hope from the exiled Babylonians to us all and world in these Pandemic times. PSALM 121: 7 – 8 ‘I will lift up my eyes to the hills (Fells) from whence comes my help. My help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth . . . The Lord shall keep watch over your going out and your coming in FROM THIS TIME FOR EVERMORE’ Whenever I travel up to my Cottage at Lowick when the Old Man of Coniston come into view ‘I lift up my eyes’ to its’ majestic form and give thanks to God for the wonders of His world in all its’ natural formation praying for urgent need to give caution to climate change – to enable the world before it is too late to preserve the natural beauty of God’s world who in the beginning ‘LOOKED UPON ALL THAT HE HAD MADE, AND INDEED, IT WAS VERY GOOD’ The GOSPEL OF JOHN: Chapter 14: ‘Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you: Not as the world giveth give I unto you. LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED,NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID’ These words spoken by Jesus in John’s Final Discourse to his anxious, troubled and very frightened Disciples are words of reassured hope that whatever may overcome them in their lives of discipleship - though not in an earthly body - He would always be besides them. They have been described by some as the most comforting words in the Bible and are words of comfort to us in all our varied troubles and anxieties for the future today as we travel together into the months ahead. Returning to the sentences of Rudyard Kipling’s IF

3 poem : ‘IF YOU CAN MEET WITH TRIUMPH AND DISASTER AND TREAT THOSE TWO IMPOSTERS JUST THE SAME (Lines displayed at the entrance to Wimbledon’s Centre Court) I recalled the headlines of Sundays papers eulogising the England Team and their expected win in the final against Italy – how different were the headlines of today’s papers. When I listened to Gareth Southgate’s humble and measured words in his Press Conference today there was graciousness as he encompassed ‘Triumph and Disaster’ in the same manner. Likewise before the Finals of the Women’s Tennis match on Saturday when the Finalist Ashley Barty before her meeting with Anelique Keber was asked in a Press Conference how she would feel if she lost to her opponent? Her reply was simple as with calm acceptance of possible defeat she commented that ‘The sun will still come up the following day’. It seems to me that the replies of Gareth Southgate and Ashley Barty sum up the universality of Hope and a letting go of any misfortune or disappointment – looking forward to A FUTURE WITH HOPE (Jeremiah 29.11) I conclude with a humbling PRAYER OF BELIEF scratched on a wall of a Nazi concentration camp placed there by an unknown Jewish inmate – in a place of hopelessness here was a soul who had not given up their Hope of God even amidst the daily horrors of such a place: I BELIEVE IN THE SUN, EVEN WHEN IT DOESN’T SHINE I BELIEVE IN LOVE, EVEN WHEN IT IS NOT SHOWN I BELIEVE IN GOD, EVEN WHEN HE DOES NOT SPEAK I BELIEVE IN GO

Here is HOPE in God personified.

Yours, In the hope of Christ Vivienne Plummer

Soultime Christian Meditation Anxiety, Sleep Help & Bible "Soultime is a beautiful, quiet and accessible way of drawing close to God in Jesus day by day. I warmly recommend it to you.” Archbishop Justin Welby


Church Services for August 2021 ______1st Ninth Sunday after Trinity

St. Luke Torver 9.00am Bikers Breakfast Rev Ian Swift St. Luke Lowick 9.30am Holy Communion Rev Harry Welch ______8th Tenth Sunday after Trinity

St. Andrew Coniston 11.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Rev David Bickersteth St. Mary Penny Bridge 11.00am Holy Communion Rev Harry Welch ______15th Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

St. Luke Torver 9.00am Holy Communion Rev Ian Swift St. Mary Penny Bridge 11.00am Holy Communion Rev Joanna Henson ______22nd Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

St. Luke Lowick 9.30am Methodist Service Rev Martin Williams Holy Trinity Colton 9.30am Morning Worship Pam Priestley St. Andrew Coniston 11.00am Holy Communion TBC ______29th Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

Holy Trinity Colton 9.30am Holy Communion Rev David Bickersteth Coniston Methodist 11.00am Joint CTC Service TBC

Churches in the Coniston and Crake Valley St Andrew’s Church, Coniston LA21 8EN St Luke’s Church, Torver LA21 8AZ St Luke’s Church, Lowick LA12 8EE Holy Trinity Church, Colton LA12 8HF Church of St Mary the Virgin, Penny Bridge LA12 7RQ

Tottlebank Baptist Church, Colton LA12 8HY Welcomes you to our Sunday services from 10.30 to 11.30am followed by refresh- ments, and midweek prayer meetings on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Our moderator is Rev. Andrew Dodd. For further information contact Chris and Margaret Hamps, [email protected]

Coniston Methodist Church, Coniston LA21 8HH The Sunday morning service is at 11.00am and a warm welcome awaits you. For further information contact Joyce Holland on 015394 41594.

St Francis of Assisi Church of the Sacred Heart, Coniston LA21 8AW Mass is held on Thursdays at 10.00am and Saturdays at 6.00pm. For further information contact Father Matthew Jacob on 01229 779673.

Coniston Christian Fellowship LA21 8AL During the month of August we are meeting on Sunday mornings in person. For more information please contact Alex and Ruth Stewart on 015394 49539. See our website for more details


Parish Prayer Diary August 2021

1st: Sunday, the first day of the week. Lord Jesus, as You taught Your disciples to be persistent in prayer, give us patience to never to lose hope but always to bring our prayers before You and to wait expectantly.

2nd: Pray for medical staff who have worked so hard during the pandemic’s two waves and are having to preparing for a third Covid surge.

3rd: Pray for the people of Haiti in these turbulent days of political infightings, gang violence and national disasters.

4th: Join with Christians across the benefice at 10am for an hour of prayer at home, praying for family, our community, our nation and the needs of the world.

5th: Pray for Pope Francis following his recent surgery.

6th: Pray for all First Responders and Recovery workers, particularly workers recovering the missing from the collapsed Surfside Condo building in Florida.

7th: Pray for children who will start a new school in September that they will be able to enjoy the summer school holidays without anxiety.

8th: Sunday, the first day of the week May our God of glory, help us to lay aside all that prevents us from seeking His kingdom, for we have found that pearl beyond all price: Jesus our Saviour.

9th: Pray for the people and communities affected by the recent floods in Northern Europe.

10th: Pray for pupils as they receive their A and AS level results and consider their future options. Pray for parents and teachers as they support them.

11th: Pray for local food banks helping those going through difficult times.

12th: Pray for pupils receiving GCSE results, and their families as they help their children prepare for return to full time education or take up an apprenticeship.

13th: Pray for Christians in Libya following Jesus despite isolation and difficulties, praying particularly they will be protected from violence and kidnapping.

14th: Pray for all involved in local tourist and hospitality industry, working hard to keep their business open and running safely despite staff shortages.

15th: Sunday, the first day of the week Remembering our loving heavenly Father is always more ready to hear us than we are to pray, we ask He will increase His grace within us that we, ever thankful, may serve Him with freedom and joy.

16th: Pray for the charity MIND working to give support and respect to everyone experiencing mental health problems.

17th: Pray for marriages and families under pressure, and pray for the charity Relate as it works to help those experiencing relational problems.

18th: Pray for the safety and wellbeing of our farming community. 6

19th: Pray for Barnardo’s helping children, young people and families in need.

20th: Pray for those involved in providing public transport through our local bus services, voluntary social car scheme and taxi services.

21st: Pray for the people returning to Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) after fleeing the recent volcanic eruption. Pray for Congolese authorities, and the agencies providing humanitarian aid and monitoring the security of the vulnerable, especially unaccompanied children.

22nd: Sunday, the first day of the week Father God, You search us and know us: may we rely on You in strength and rest on You in weakness, now and in all our days.

23rd: Pray for those who have lost their job because of Brexit or the Pandemic.

24th: Pray for missionaries serving God far from home as they learn to share the good news of Jesus through the local language and culture.

25th: Pray for charities working abroad to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in areas affected by poverty, drought and conflict.

26th: Pray for all those who earn their living from the sea, especially merchant sailors and fisherman, and their families.

27th: Pray for the vulnerable who are confined still at home; pray also for those anxious about leaving the house after being in isolation for a long time.

28th: Pray that those suffering from addiction of any kind may be helped and accompanied on their journey to wholeness.

29th: Sunday, the first day of the week Jesus opened a new and living way into the presence of Almighty God, so let us with pure hearts and steadfast wills we worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

30th: Pray the weary find rest and recuperation today, and for those who must work that they find the strength and peace of mind promised by Jesus (Matthew 11:29-30)

31st: Pray our nation nurtures respect for the dignity of all peoples, seeing the worth of every soul as God our Father sees them.

From the Registers Funerals 8th July Joan Shirley Grossick at St. Andrew’s, Coniston 10th July Michael Sim at St. Andrew’s, Coniston 27th July Eunice Weir at St. Andrew’s, Coniston

Baptisms 15th August Eddy Thomas Boyren at St. Luke’s, Lowick


Prayer Hour, At Home 4th August, 10am – 11am

Although for the time being we cannot physically meet together in a church building, our prayer fellowship can still pray, each at the same hour, in the safety of our own homes on the first Wednesday of each month. If you can join in at 10am on 4th Au- gust please use this format to guide your prayers as we pray together.

Settle into this hour of prayer by reflecting on the opening three verses of Psalm 5

In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice; In the morning I lay my requests before You And wait expectantly

And as we begin our time together, we say the prayer Jesus taught us:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven Give us today day our daily bread Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever. Amen.

During this quiet hour…

hold before the Lord, the matters that weigh heavy on your heart, situations you have seen in the media, items or issues from the prayer diary which especially speak to you;

pray for your family, your neighbours, your community contacts;

the Christian fellowship in the Benefice of Coniston and Crake Valley;

the Church across its national and international denominations;

pray for our Country and the Nations of the world.

Take time also to be still, to listen to the gentle whisper of God.

Finally, we close our prayer hour with the words of The Grace:

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, evermore. Amen.



Coniston & Torver Rainfall, Garden House, Coniston, June 2021 Total - 25.2mm (1.0ins) Wet days - 7 More than 1mm on 5 days Wettest day - 24th - 9.1mm (0.4ins) Driest June since 1992 & third driest on record

Coniston CE Primary School Message from Miss Fitzsimons Thank you to each and every member of our school community for following government guidelines, supporting one another and digging deep throughout this strange academic year; it really is appreciated by myself and the staff team. It is no wonder we have pulled through without any closures. Have a lovely summer with your families and see you bright and breezy on Thursday 2nd September. Take care.

Duck Race Year 6 and parents had an amazing time in the beck for duck race! The winners were–Kristina Woolcock got first duck back, Thomas Metcalfe got second and Christine Smith third. The last duck back went to Harvey Jackson. Thank you to everyone who supported this event. Please note, Simon Sharp is in detention for the rest of his life for behavioural issues on the day!!

Donations We would like to say a huge thank you to Kristina Woolcock for donating three llama piñatas to school. The children absolutely loved the special treat. Peter Merryfield 10k run in under an hour – Wow! What an achievement! We would like to say another huge thank you

Coniston Patient Participation Group Flu vaccinations and all things Covid 19 Flu vaccination season will be upon us again soon. There might also be a Covid vaccination booster for the ‘clinically vulnerable’ and the over fifties but there are no details on this yet. As usual, flu vaccinations will be held at Coniston Surgery as soon as the doctors can be sure of the delivery dates for the actual vaccines. There is huge pressure on all the companies producing flu vaccines but as soon as we know when they arrive flu clinics will be set up. So, watch out for further information! The local Covid situation is currently looking quite good. Lots of people should now have a certain degree of immunity via either vaccines or previous infections. Thank you to everybody for their help and consideration towards others in the village area during these difficult last 16 months.


Thank you to all of you who have expressed an interest in supporting our PPG. We will get back to you on this in due course; if you have not expressed an interest but would like to, please contact the doctors at the surgery.

Coffee Morning and Soup Lunch Christians Together in Coniston are looking at ways Christians in the village can serve the community after COVID restrictions are lifted. There will be a need for people to have somewhere to go to meet when they can start socialising again. We would like to continue with the Wednesday Coffee Morning and Soup Lunch. We do not feel that we can continue to hold it at St Andrew’s, but would like to move it to the Reading Room at the Institute where there will be more space and facilities. But to be able to do this we need more helpers from village folk. If you feel you could help in any way, please get in touch with Joyce Holland on 41594 or Ruth Stewart on 49539. Hopefully we will be able to start this in the autumn.

A Date for your Diary! After such a long time apart, we're hoping to gather for Harvest Sunday When? Sunday, 26 September, 11 a.m. Who? Christians Together in Coniston Where? St. Andrew's Church What? Harvest Service, CTC AGM, Bring and Share lunch Look out for more information in September!

Addition to church calendar: 29 August 2021, Joint CTC Service 11.00 a.m. at Coniston Methodist Church (or St. Andrew's if social distancing rules are still in place).

Egton Cum Newland

Greenodd Village Hall

Coffee mornings/evenings, music shows and more Find out what is going on in Greenodd Village Hall

We are on Facebook… search for Greenodd & Penny Bridge Village Hall




REPORTS AND NEWS The Friends of the X112 Bus Group New bus services for the area The Community Charity, The Friends of the X112 bus are over the moon to announce the re-introduction of a direct return service from Barrow in Furness to Coniston, via every Thursday. In addition, a brand-new service, The X7, between Coniston, Broughton and Barrow, via Foxfield and Askham every Wednesday has been introduced with an extension of this service on Friday to include Rampside and Roa Island. The Friends, now a registered charity with Community status, have been working hard alongside many local volunteers and supporters for 7 years since County Council announced its intention to withdraw its support of local rural bus services. The new timetables, which started on June 21st, 2021, not only offer rural residents access to essential services offered in the towns of Barrow in Furness and Ulverston, but vice versa the bus offers a relaxed opportunity for town residents to enjoy the beautiful Cumbrian countryside, lakes and picturesque villages along the routes. Use the bus and leave the car at home! Avoid traffic jams and parking fees and take the bus! All the buses are 16-seater low floor vehicles offering easy access to all. Not only is the bus journey from Barrow via the Coast Road, Ulverston and the Crake Valley to Coniston spectacularly beautiful in all seasons and weather conditions (the sun on the beautiful fells and Coniston Water, the different moods of Morecambe Bay along the coast Road) it also offers scope to travel further afield. Enjoy a day out in the Coniston area, topped off by a lazy lunch or afternoon tea, or travel further on into the Central Lakes using the Stagecoach 505 service. From Ulverston you will find bus links to Kendal and train services to Lancaster and beyond. Some of the Barrow/ Ulverston trains take you directly to Manchester


Airport. The Friends of the Community X112 have contracted Blueworks taxis Ltd. to operate the Friends’ services on their behalf, and indeed the services offered by the Friends enhance existing routes operated by Blueworks on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. NoW cards for senior citizens and A to B NoW cards for young people can be used on the buses. This is an exciting time for our rural bus services. We are all being asked to curb our carbon emissions, using the bus is a great way to start. You will be amazed by how beautiful so many parts of the routes are and how much more relaxing it is to sit back and soak up the gorgeous scenery from the bus rather than the car. If you want to gain an idea of how wonderful the routes are, have a look at the YOUTUBE Video of ariel scenes along the length of the Barrow to Coniston section. A link to this video can be found on the Friends’ Facebook page – Friends of the X112 Happy Bus (the Bus is known as The Happy Bus locally, because that is exactly what it is, a friendly, sociable service). All timetable details are available online through the Friends of the X112 website as well as on the Facebook page. Hard copies are available from the Forum in Barrow and Libraries in Ulverston and Barrow, the Tourist Information Office in Coniston, at bus stops and various venues along all the routes. To whet your appetite - the first Barrow to Coniston service via Ulverston departs Barrow from Ramsden Square at 7.55 with 2 more services during the day. The last return bus from Coniston to Barrow leaves at 15.45 arriving in Barrow at 17.12. The first bus leaving Coniston is the 9.30 service arriving Barrow, via Ulverston and the Coast Road at 10.58. The last return bus to Coniston from Barrow leaves at 14.00 arriving Coniston at 15.30. Volunteers are always welcome—If you would like to find out how you can volunteer to help The Friends of X112 in their efforts to keep the buses running, or just want more information on the bus and its routes and timetables please contact Roger on 01229 835712. The X112 and the X7 are waiting to take you on an enjoyable journey into our beautiful Cumbrian Countryside.

Young Farmers Club Report Cumbria YFC Meeting with the High Sheriff The County and District Officers of Cumbria YFC were delighted to meet with High Sheriff, David Beeby and his partner Soo Redshaw at Penrith Cricket Club on Thursday 15th July at an event hosted by the Cumbria Community Foundation. Cumbria YFC County President Judith Emmott, Kate Gascoyne, Farming Ambition Programme Manager for The Farmer Network and Claire Urquhart, Community Manager for Westmorland Ltd were also in attendance at what proved to be an interesting and insightful evening. Cumbria Community Foundation has been keen advocates of Cumbria YFC, providing funding for a number of key projects over the last 2 years. The successful Drugs and Alcohol Awareness Training was made possible with a £10,000 grant from the Foundation in 2019. During the pandemic, funding was also received which

12 allowed young farmer clubs to take out a Zoom Pro subscription, enabling members to stay in contact with each other during lockdown. In his dual roles of High Sheriff and Chair of the Trustees of the Cumbria Community Foundation, David was very keen to find out more about Cumbria YFC; how they had weathered the last 12 months and how the young farmers viewed the future of farming. Neil Curr, Cumbria YFC County Meeting with the High Sheriff Chair gave a thoughtful and in-depth presentation, created especially for the evening in collaboration with County Vice Chair, Sarah Emmott. The presentation also included input from County Vice Chair, Robbie Tuer, Northern District Chair and Vice Chair, Emma Blaylock and Abigail Graham and Southern District Chair and Vice Chair, Jess Rogerson and Emily Armer. The Officers talked knowledgably and enthusiastically about young farmer activities, events and competitions as well as explaining the democratic structure of the organisation. David, who proudly comes from a farming background, was interested to hear about the officers’ individual young farmer experiences and careers as he had also been a young farmer and member of Ruddington YFC in his younger days. The meeting ended with a light-hearted discussion on which county was the best Young Farmer Club in the country. As Cumbria YFC had won the NFU Trophy for the county scoring the most points in competitions in 7 out of the last 9 years there was really no contest, with Cumbria YFC coming out on top.

Cumbria YFC Northern Area Stockman and Young Stockman Competition The young farmers could not have asked for a better day for their Northern Area Stockman and Young Stockman of the Year competition which took place on Saturday 24th July at Nettleslack, Broughton Beck, near Ulverston by kind permission of John and Janice Longmire. The sun shone and competitors from Cumbria, Lancashire and Yorkshire were eager to put their stock judging skills to the test. Dressed in their white stock judging coats, the young farmers placed and gave reasons on dairy, beef, fat lambs and breeding ewes. An excellent day was had by all, with the results as follows: Stockman of the Year: 1st—James Harrison, Lancashire A 2nd—Sophie Waller (Sedbergh), Cumbria A Joint 3rd—Will Rogerson (Eden Valley) and Luke Hodgson (Lowick), both Cumbria YFC Winners Cumbria A 13

Young Stockman of the Year: 1st—Isabel, Lowick, Cumbria A; 2nd—Rebecca, Yorkshire; 3rd—Alice, Pennine, Cumbria A; 4th - Lavinia, Sedbergh, Cumbria C County Scoring the Most Points: 1st—Cumbria A (3,069); 2nd—Lancashire A (2,821.5); 3rd—Yorkshire (2,717); 4th— Cumbria C (2,695.5); 5th—Cumbria B (2,676.5)

Young Stockman of the Year, Isabel Will Rogerson collecting his certificate Cumbria YFC County Chairman, Mr Neil Curr and County President, Judith Emmott presented the awards and certificates and gave thanks to Northern Area Stockman Chairman and Chief Steward, Mr William Longmire, Northern Area Stockman Secretary, Charlotte Wilson and Chief Scorer, Mr Stephen Rowlinson. Thanks were given to the wonderful judges and stewards who made the day possible and gave their time so freely; Peter and Jess Rogerson, Richard Bartle, Ian Wilson, Will Williamson, John Longmire, Alex (Sid) Sibbald, Michael Wilson, Jonathan Beresford, Neil, Sowerby, Richard Gardiner, John Cook, Alan (Ted) Barker, Brian Knowles, John Garnett and Robert and Judith Emmott. Vets, Liusaidh McMaster and Hayley Fell from Browne and Mckinney for producing the Questionnaire and a big thank you to our official Cumbria YFC photographer, Mrs Jayne Knowles. Thanks also to Kentdale First Aid for keeping everyone safe on the day and to Kathleen Twentyman for keeping everyone fed. The top 4 competitors in each category will now go on to compete at the NFYFC final which will take place on the 4th and 5th September, details tbc.

Cumbria YFC County Office Move It was a very sad week for the county’s young farmers, as they said goodbye to Newton Rigg, the home of Cumbria YFC County Office for almost 84 years. Many words have been written over the last 12 months concerning the closure of the only agricultural college in Cumbria and the young farmers played an active and vocal part in campaigning for the college to remain open. The communities, friendships and careers that Newton Rigg helped establish will not be forgotten by the many thousands of young farmers, students and staff who have worked and studied at the college and there is hope that one day, Newton Rigg will rise again. The search for new office space took many months and Cumbria YFC would like to thank the individuals, organisations and businesses who were kind enough to get in

14 touch to offer accommodation or to help in the search. It was humbling to realise how many people cared about the future of Cumbria YFC, with many taking the time to share their own Cumbria YFC experiences and how being a young farmer had shaped their lives. Local media and press were kind enough to share the young farmer search for a new office through interviews and press reports and it was after one such interview by County Chair, Neil Curr for BBC Radio Cumbria that Steve Craig, Business Manager for Civils Store got in touch with the offer of office and store- room accommodation. Two short months later and three days before Newton Rigg finally closed its doors, the Cumbria YFC County Office was packed, lock stock and barrel into a horse box, kindly loaned by Robert Wharton and moved to its new office. Chief Officer, Joanne Mills commented "Finding a new home for Cumbria YFC during a pandemic was never going to be easy and so it proved. After many fruitless months, we were thrilled when Steve from Civils Store got in touch and offered us much needed space for our young farmer County Office. Although sad to leave Newton Rigg after 84 years in residence, we are excited to be starting a new young farmer chapter". Already settling into their new home, Steve responded “We are delighted to welcome Cumbria Young Farmers Club to our depot here at Edenhall. After hearing their plea for office space due to the imminent closure of Newton Rigg college on local radio, we felt that it was a good opportunity to help out an integral part of the local farming community. We already supply many local farmers with drainage products and we look forward to working with Cumbria YFC over the coming months to introduce our company to the next generation of Cumbrian farmers.” Thank you to the following for their help in sorting through over 80 years of archives and files and for packing and moving County Office to its new home; Robert Wharton, Neil Curr, Judith Emmott, Laura Graham, Gill Winspear, Alex (Sid) and Billy Sibbald and Robbie Tuer. The new address for Cumbria YFC is; County Office, Civils Store, Barbary Plains, Edenhall, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8SR. The office landline will be up and running in the next couple of weeks and the office can also be contacted at: [email protected].

South Cumbria Rivers Trust We’ve recently started our season of electrofishing surveys to help determine populations of salmon and trout. Size and numbers of these two species are recorded along with the number of bullheads and eels also caught. All fish are returned unharmed. Of particular interest are sites within the catchment where work was undertaken by the Conserving Coniston & Crake project. Records from Greenholme Beck were very encouraging as both species were found in the new section created to bypass the weir at Water Yeat. We also surveyed above the weir and found over 40 young salmon, the most for many years, giving strong indication that the work to be of benefit for migrating fish like salmon.


If you want to find out more about what lives in a river, then join us for some river dipping at Hoathwaite Campsite on Wednesday 18th August, 2.30-4pm. All children must be accompanied by an adult and booking is essential via SCRT website/ Eventbrite. Kath Smith, Communities & Engagement Officer, South Cumbria Rivers Trust Email: [email protected] Tel:07825873109 Tel:01539 530047

Grizedale Arts Updates from The Valley and The Farmer’s Arms After another month of busy events and productive volunteer days, we’ve made great progress on our renovation programme thanks to everyone’s hard work and dedication. This means we are able to provide some tentative dates for the opening of the Stable Bar which will initially be in a pop up format from early August as we train staff and trial our menus and drinks offer. All pop-up opening dates will be published on our website On the 30 July, we will launch our new weekly Friday Night Pizza evenings from our wood-fire oven in The Farmer’s Arms Garden and will be open every Friday throughout the summer from 6pm – 8pm for dine in and take away. Over the month of August we’ve also got lots of workshops and courses happening. On Saturday 14 August, join Owen Jones to make your own made-to-measure bespoke rush hat under his tuition. Over two days on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 August, local waller Peter Drake will host a two-day traditional stone walling course, working with participants to rebuild a section of stone wall running along our road side under his expert guidance. For any young budding film makers, on the weekends of the 7, 8, 21 and 22 August, Grizedale Arts Associate Artist Philip Speakman invites you to join him for a 4 day hands-on experimental filmmaking school. Hosted at The Farmer’s Arms, its open to young people between the ages of 12 - 17 interested in gaining experience in front and behind the camera. No previous experience needed, just a keen interest to learn. Further information and details on how to book onto any of our courses are available on our website: https:// As always, if you are interested in learning more about the project, please contact Project Manager, Emma Sumner ([email protected] | 015394 41050) who is always happy to hear from you.

Citizens Advice I’ve got tickets for an event I’m really looking forward to, but I’m worried it might not go ahead if government rules don’t change in time, or there is another local outbreak of the virus. Can I get my money back? Ticket holders who change their mind about going to see an event, like a concert that is still going ahead, have no legal right to a refund. If, however, the event is cancelled, your refund rights will depend on how you bought the ticket. Email the organiser or check their website or social media profiles to see if there’s an update about the event. If you bought your ticket from an official seller and the organiser cancels, moves, reschedules, or makes the event behind closed doors, you should get a refund. This

16 is the case even if it is cancelled due to a government ban on large events. The official seller is the best person to ask about how to get a refund. If you’re having no luck getting a refund check to see if the seller is a member of the Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers (STAR). If they are, you can use STAR’s complaints procedure. STAR members should receive a refund at face value if the event is cancelled and the organiser has agreed to refunds. If you bought your ticket from a ticket-reselling website, refunds will depend on the site's terms and conditions. If you bought from a private seller and the event is cancelled or rescheduled then it is unlikely you will be able to recover your money. We still recommend you contact the seller. If you're due to go to an event, keep checking the information from the official seller or organiser to ensure you're up to date. Unfortunately we’ve found that in these situations scammers prey on those who are affected. If your event is cancelled and people or companies offer their services to try to recover money on your behalf, make sure that you're looking out for the signs of a potential scam. Free, confidential advice and help is available from South Lakes Citizens Advice on any aspect of debt, consumer problems, benefits, housing, employment or any other problems. South Lakes Citizens Advice is still delivering a service - Telephone and Digital Advice. How to access: • Call 015394 46464 - this is being staffed from 9:30 - 12 noon • Adviceline: 03444 111 444 • Email advice via our submission page on our website • Help to Claim (Universal Support): 0800 144 8 444

A Land of Thee Rivers, Terrible Storms and Suffering People Bangladesh is a country born out of disaster and living through even worse. Starting as East Pakistan, though separated by more than 1,000 miles from the rest of the country, Bangladesh achieved independence in 1971 after a brief but bitter struggle. Little more than half the size of UK but with a population well over twice ours, it is a poor country dependent on foreign aid. With little heavy industry, Bangladesh’s contribution to global warming has been and remains minimal. CO2 emissions are estimated at 0.47 tonnes per person, compared with 5.55 tonnes per person in UK. Yet this is a country whose people suffer enormously from the effects of changes in the climate. Bangladesh is set at the top of the Bay of Bengal where cyclones have long been commonplace; but in recent years the frequency and intensity of those storms has increased dramatically. On the other side, Bangladesh is the place where three of the world’s major rivers combine as they flow into the ocean. The whole of the southern part of the country is made up of this enormous delta as the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Meghna form the largest alluvial delta in the world, forming about a quarter of the country’s land area. This has always been subject to flooding but higher average temperatures have led to the melting of vast amounts of snow and ice in the Himalaya, the source of all

17 three rivers. So flooding comes from the north and from the south and meets in this small, poor and densely populated country. There is little the people can do to stop the flooding so here the response to the Climate Crisis has to be to help people to live with the disasters. Christian Aid works with local partner organisations in providing shelters built on raised platforms and implementing sustainable resilient livelihoods projects. Diversified income generation options and climate adaptive livelihood measures - including floating gardens and hanging vegetables in waterlogged areas, saline tolerant rice, maize and sunflower varieties and duck rearing - have increased communities’ adaptability and resilience. Coping with the effects of Climate Change is one part of our response, and a necessary part since those effects are already causing great harm and will continue to do so even if effective measures to limit the changes could be implemented immediately. Bangladesh may sound a long way away but we are closely linked with its people. Much of the clothing we buy is made in that country (sometimes in conditions we would prefer not to know about) and their suffering from the Climate Crisis has much to do with the way we live our lives, almost without thinking about it. The more we do think about it, the more we come to realise that we have to do more to change. We live as part of a global economy and it is an economy that threatens to cause even more harm if things are allowed to go on as they are. [to be continued] Dare Holland

A THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH by Rev. David Gregg AUGUST 12TH : THE “GLORIOUS TWELFTH” I once remarked to my son, Marcus, that I had run over yet another pheasant walking in the road. “Why do thy walk everywhere?” I said. “Well,” he replied, “if someone took a pot-shot at you every time you rose more than two feet in the air, you’d walk everywhere!” And, talking of killing, it was either he or his brother (or both) who teased their much younger sister by threatening to buy her a My Little Pony Abattoir for Christmas!

August 12th is known as the “Glorious Twelfth” – the beginning of the Grouse shooting season. Which set me thinking, “Why ‘Glorious’?” We really are very casual and familiar with the shedding of blood, both for food and for sport, but there is no avoiding the fact that the shedding of blood is a major feature of the Bible story (both implicit and explicit) from the beginning (Goatskins – Genesis 3:22, Abel’s sacrifice (4:4) and murder (4:8) for a start.) to the end (Jesus Christ, Who loves us and freed us from our sins by His blood. (Revelation ch. 1:6 and throughout the book.) on the way we find: Extra animals in the Ark for sacrifice. (Gen. 7:2 and 20) The sign of the LORD’s covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15:9-18) The protection of the Passover Lamb (Exodus 12:21-27) The provision of Quails (Exodus 16:13) - not unlike grouse! The substance of the Sacrificial system (Leviticus etc.) (I once took the funeral of a Master Butcher, and explained that, until Jesus came, he and I would have had basically the same job!) David forbidden to build the Temple, because of all the blood he had shed (1 Chronicles 22:8)


Meat for Elijah at the Brook Cherith (1 Kings 17:1-6) In the New Testament, the theme continues, instructively in the story of Peter and Cornelius (Acts 10) where Peter is told in a vision, “Arise, Peter, kill and eat . . .” and in the outcome of the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15) where the eating of blood is one of the four things forbidden. Most significantly of all is Jesus appropriation of Wine as the symbol of His shed blood – the blood of the New Covenant.

The preliminary explanation of the significance of blood is found in Genesis ch. 9. The LIFE of both animals and human beings is in the blood, which is therefore sacred. (vv 1-6). In the New Testament the Epistle to the Hebrews (especially ch. 9) is devoted to explaining that the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross has replaced and superseded the whole of the sacrificial system. “Indeed, under the Law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” (ch. 9 vv 22-28) Elsewhere the Apostle John tells us that “the blood of Jesus (God’s) Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John ch. 1 v 7)

So, we can receive, through the blood of the Cross, cleansing, atonement, forgiveness, protection and new (resurrection) life. This comes through repentance and faith in the gospel. Those who believe have great cause for thanksgiving (=Eucharist) for our salvation through the “blood of the New Covenant.” Hallelujah!

JOB ADVERT—Coniston Care Scheme Limited

We have vacancies for Part time Carer/Support Workers to work with our vulnerable adults in the local community. Evenings and weekends included. Applicants from 18 years upwards are welcome. Car driver essential. A caring compassionate nature and good communication skills are required. Full training given. For more info contact Elaine or Brenda Tel: 01539441868 or email [email protected] September Magazine Please can all items, news, advertising enquiries and “What’s On” events for this Magazine be emailed to the editor at [email protected] by August 15th, or phone 07505 048736, or to Jean Johnson if that’s more convenient : [email protected] or tel. 015394 41319. If you don’t have access to a computer you can leave items at the Vicarage but please give plenty of time to convert them to electronic format. Calling all photographers! If you have photos of local interest, perhaps not landscapes, that would be suitable for the cover of a future Magazine please email in as above. This month’s cover photo is Bright Sky by Jude Morris. We also have a gallery of contributed seasonal photos of our beautiful area on the website: Please continue to send your images of life and work in the parishes to [email protected]


Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Probate

Offices in Millom & Barrow-in-Furness Free no obligation home visits available in Coniston, Hawkshead, Broughton-in-Furness & Furness Peninsula

Janette Carroll – Licensed Probate Practitioner Tel: 01229 820021 E-mail: [email protected]


Crakeside Fish & Chips Greenodd, Cumbria LA12 7RE Frying Times Mon-Thurs 11.30am - 2pm 4.30pm - 8pm Fri - Sat 11.30am - 8pm Sun 12noon - 4pm 5 star “scores on the doors”

Bay Computer Services APC Joinery PC repair and maintenance Building on Traditional Values System installation, Internet problems Alan Crowe fixed. Prompt and reliable service, [email protected] advice and information 5 Stonydale, Ulverston LA12 9PQ Contact David on 01229 869949 Tel: 01229 585619 mobile 07703 554114 mobile 07799 381757 McDermott Coal MICHAEL SYKES & Chimney Sweep Garden Maintenance Brett McDermott Fencing and Paving Digger Work Coal enquiry: 01229 585543 General Tidy up Chimney Sweep enquiry: 07771 520206 Licensed operative for weedkilling Home: 01229 468898 Tel: 01229 861500 NACS approved rotary power sweep mobile 07811 554527

Trevor Clarke Limited Building Contractor Established Builders with over thirty years in the trade

Extensions Conversions & Renovations

Plastering Re-Roofing Walling & Stonework Roof & Chimney Repairs Drainage and Groundwork Patios & Paving

Waterproofing & Tanking Home Insulation For a quality Professional Service Contact us for free advice or estimates Tel (Newby Bridge) 01539 530316, mobile 07881 628191 email [email protected] For a quality Professional Service


Peter Harrison Builder

• General Building Work • Stonemason • Brickwork • Slate Roofing etc.

Broughton Tel 01229 716386 Mobile 07718 611973 [email protected]

Coniston Co-operative Society Ltd


Traditional Village Store Great range of food and wines all at competitive prices.

[email protected] Lowick Green Farm Poultry Breeders Free range eggs Homemade jams, chutney and gifts Support your local business Shop supplies on request Meat to order, fruit, vegetable & salad boxes available, pre-ordered Deliveries may be an option after Chris Parker lockdown GARDENING SERVICES — All general Tel 01229 885110 Mob 07525 188381 gardening work undertaken, grass cutting, hedge cutting, flagging and patio laying @lowickgreenfarm

ADVERTISING SPACE PARKER & SON AVAILABLE Please email the editor 07552189116 / 07837712377 6 North Lonsdale Terrace, Ulverston Cumbria [email protected] [email protected] 22

ADVERTISING SPACE AVAILABLE Please email the editor [email protected]

M T Wood & Sons Roofing Contractors E.J.H Gardening Services All aspects of Struggling to keep the weeds at bay, not roofing ˖ slating ˖ tiling enough hours in the day to keep the 25 year manufacturer’s warranty with all Topseal Flat Roofs grass short? Keep your leisure time for Estimates free yourself and take advantage of 01229 861020 E.J.H. Gardening Services ambleside opticians S.A. Garnett (Dairyman) local independent community eyecare Delivering in Blawith, Water Yeat and eye examination and contact lenses Lowick areas, Mon and Fri evening. glaucoma & cataract screening Fresh milk and orange juice in reusable diabetic eye examinations bottles, eggs, cream, cheese, yoghurt etc emergency eye care service Tel 01229 716326 Tel: 015394 31331

Precision Tree Services Based in the Lake District Tel: 07730 276279 Certified & Insured - Tree Felling - Pruning - Hedge Cutting On-site Firewood Processing Paul Livesey - Arborist


Ian Whiteway Dip. Cons. Indian Bookbinding and Restoration Spiritual Antiquarian to modern Meditation Please ring Achieve relaxation, health and wellbeing Nibthwaite 01229 885024 in your own home [email protected] Mobile: 07711 049886 also books bought pre -1960 Ian Nelson ELECTRICIAN & INTRUDER ALARM ENGINEER Friendly and Professional Service Fully Guaranteed work Tel: 01229 885426 24 hour answering service [email protected] Established 1971

Joint Adventures Wooden Floor Unit 2, Lake Road Coniston Sanding and Finishing Ltd Plan your next adventure with us! contact Adam on 07483 855937 For individuals, families and groups: or email Gorge Scrambling, Kayaking, Canoeing, [email protected] Rock Climbing, Wild Cat Island Adventure and much more. CHIMNEY SWEEP Tel: Adam on 07967 380734 Est 1992 Competitive rates, Fully insured Beauty by Becky Distance no object Penny Bridge For all your open fires, stoves and solid Gel nails, waxing, lashes, manicure and fuel Agas pedicure. 015394 45117 Tel 07896 179483 07763 145594 @beautybybeckyatpennybridge Andrew Backhouse Chimney Sweep Ltd Sam Clarke Angus Braham, Plumber Joinery Manufacturer (HND Building, C&G Plumbing) Traditional box sash windows, staircases, AB Plumbing Services Ltd Hardwood doors all work undertaken Wood machining & woodturning Tel 07777 634141 e-mail [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 07789 591619 2 Malt Kiln Cottages, Grizebeck


THE RED LION MICHAEL SYKES Lowick Bridge - 01229 885366 Painting and Decorating YOUR FRIENDLY LOCAL Interior and Exterior Work A warm welcome awaits Professional work done and from Steve and Lucy quality materials used Open every day Mon-Fri 5-11pm 01229 861500 Sat & Sun 12-11pm 07811 554527 Good food served Sat & Sun 12-2.30pm Mon-Sun 5.30-8pm KENDAL HOSTEL QUALITY REAL ALES Self Catering Accommodation Beds from £20 or Rooms from £30 per DICK MORRISON night, or hire the whole hostel 65 bed Spark Bridge over 12 rooms for £850 01539 724066 or 07795 198197 Plastering - Painting [email protected] Property Maintenance 4 wheel drive cherry picker 01229 885472 07919 062659 Property Maintenance Handyman Chris Clinch W & A Todd Ltd Quality workmanship, no job too small. Woodburning and multifuel stoves Reliable and affordable Painting, plumbing, electrical, joinery, HETAS Registered building Monumental Sculptors 07952 778608 Slate and granite memorials Low Ghyll Farm, Kirkby in Furness, Carpet Cleaning Unlimited LA17 7YB For beautifully clean carpets and Tel: 01229 889115/07768 626678 upholstery, ring Peter Jewell for free [email protected] quotation and advice 01229 885685 member of the Jayne Dennison Physiotherapy National Carpet Cleaners’ Association Chartered Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic Registered with HCPC, and most major Dave Pearce Tree Services insurance companies. Tree work including Over 20 years of experience and a broad Dismantling & Pruning range of expertise. Woodland management Firewood processing & supply Ulverston Clinic Tel 01229 586000 Tel 01229 861137 Barrow Clinic Tel 07423 378087 07753 472229 Qualified & Insured


The Britannia Inn, Penny Bridge Real Ales, log fires and BT Sport, Stanbrooks of Kirkby Ltd offer dogs welcome. quality wall and floor tiling and professional bathroom fitting throughout Open from 5pm Monday to Friday, the South Lakes area. Alongside this we 3.30pm Saturday and Sunday undertake a wide variety of property Delicious home cooked food served : maintenance work. Contact us for a free 5.30 - 8pm Thursday to Saturday quote at: 4.30 - 8pm Sunday [email protected] Tel: 01229 861783 Tel: 07817 590 590 @lakesbritannia

Home-made light snacks & lunches using locally sourced ingredients Seating indoors or out with lake view Free parking. Dogs welcome

Brantwood, East of Lake, Bespoke catering for our weddings, events, Coniston, LA21 8AD groups & private parties. Licenced- 015394 49025 [email protected]

Our Plaice Traditional Chippy Lake Road, Coniston Opening Tuesday to Saturday and Bank Holidays 4 til 8.30pm Tel: 015394 41339

Coniston Carers Providing domiciliary care for age 18+ in Coniston, Torver and Hawkshead Established over 25 years Contact Elaine or Brenda on Tel: 015394 41868



Hawkshead Old Road, Coniston

Flowers for every occasion, delivered locally Open 7.30am to 3.00pm Wednesday / Sunday 7.30am to 12.00 noon

Contact Anne on

015394 41609

Coniston and Torver Dairy Hawkshead Old Road, Coniston Discover and explore the Local milk in bottles, eggs, butter, cream and yoghurt. Locally grown potatoes and vegetables in Half days, full days or longer season We deliver locally on Tuesday, Thursday 8 & 16 SEAT VEHICLES AIRPORT/RAILWAY & Saturday TRANSFERS WEDDINGS AND GROUP Opening hours: 7.30am—3.00pm TRANSPORT Wednesday & Sunday: 8.30am—12 noon

Black Beck Farm, Bouth Tel: 07814 728390 email: [email protected] Caravans and Camping Holiday Caravans Shepherd’s Hut Usher Construction Glamping Lodges Gypsy Bow Top / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Camping area with electric hook-ups Tents, touring caravans and motorhomes Building and Joinery welcome Coniston, Cumbria Office 015394 41209 Tel: 01229 861284 Mobile 07921 003840 email: [email protected] The Ship Inn and Visit: Greenodd Brewery A friendly pub with its own brewery, serving Chris Harrison (Landscapes) up to 5 hand pumps of our own real ales! All types of stone walling, fencing, patios. Open 5 -11pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Grass cutting, hedge cutting 2 - 11pm Saturday Pick-up and trailer hire 2 - 10.30pm Sunday stone delivered from the quarry Tel: 01229 861553 / 07782 655294 Tel Lowick 07739 027632

27 Tel:015395 31594 28