Volume 3 Issue 4 - Mar 2014 Important Dates Thurs 3rd - Sat 5th April - Silver Assessed Expedition - Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Thurs 10th April - Spring Concert Mon 14th - Tues - Easter Special Assemblies 15th April Thurs 17th April - Teacher In-service day Fri 18th - Sun 27th April - Easter holidays entitled ‗The joy of the Gospel‘ [Pope Francis] - Welcome to the Bringing Faith to Life in Ireland Today. Saint Columb‘s College Monthly Newsletter — Should you have any queries or contributions, please email:
[email protected] — __ Archbishop Martin Lecture Careers talk by past pupil On Wednesday February 5th and Thursday February 6th 2014 Daniel Black, who is now a student of Music in Liverpool Hope University, addressed Year 13 and Year 14 pupils about making university choices and university life in general. Daniel was a pupil in St Columb's from 2001 until 2008. Daniel's talk was invaluable to our pupils in Senior School in that it honestly addressed real life career decisions such as taking a Gap Year, changing course and college On the afternoon of Monday February 10th 2014, St Columb's College had the honour of welcoming Most Rev Eamon Martin, DD, Coadjutor Archbishop of Armagh, to deliver a lecture as part of our long-established Culture, Change and Challenge series. Archbishop Martin is a former pupil, teacher and President of St Columb's College. His inspirational address – delivered to a packed to capacity audience, attesting to the relevance of his address to a very wide range of people - was how tablet and mobile devices have revolutionised the teaching of Government and Politics as well as History at A Level.