Down the Wrong Path – p. 0 Down the Wrong Path: Path Dependence, Markets, and Increasing Returns Introduction Two interesting issues intersect at the heart of current comparative political economy. While everyone agrees that history matters, no one agrees how history Herman Schwartz matters. Likewise, while everyone agrees that institutions matter and that some Professor institutional formats are economically or socially inefficient, no one agrees why Department of Politics those sub-optimal formats are generally impossible to remediate. What then explains PO Box 400787 the combination of change and stasis the real world presents? One currently popular University of Virginia answer to these questions is that many economic, social and political phenomena are Charlottesville VA 22904-4787 “path dependent,” and that path dependence (PD) explains the self-reinforcing 434 924 7818 persistence of inefficient institutional structures and/or technologies. 434 924 3359 fax Two related features of the PD argument account for its popularity. First,
[email protected] intellectually, it appears to provide a theoretical basis for explaining how history matters by providing a micro-foundation for historical institutionalism. Historical institutionalism would otherwise largely be an empirical intellectual enterprise, notwithstanding claims by its codifiers.1 What I will call “Codified PD” appears to 1 As Peter Hall and Rosemary Taylor, “Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms,” Political Studies 44, December 1996, pp. 936-957, note, historical institutionalism is theoretically eclectic. PD appears to provide a common frame for Abstract understanding how institutions structure the ‘games’ real actors play, and the ways Practitioners of historical institutionalism have recently sought a micro-foundation that actors perceive their interests.