22 way up on 1431 with pop music. The strong station on 1278 that I thought was Strasbourg turned Professional Barry S. Finkel
[email protected]~ out to be Ireland. Finally, around 0500 some of the Italians were strong at sign on. And whatever happened to Rome-846 ? I'll look for it when I travel to Athens in 3 weeks. To change the subject, I L 10314 S. Oakley just looked back in my verie collection and found the one from RADIKA, then on 640. V/L received wVg. Chicago, IL 60643-2409 3-1-64 for a 2-5-63 report. Took over a year. Said they run 65% Hindustani, 30% Dutch, and 5% EE. @'S That's one of 4 veries I have from Suriname, the best being Radio Apintie-820 in 1961, back in only S Network listings for team sports stations 8 days." Second message: Not a great deal to report here. High latitude TAs have been poor, low latitude Gerald Conkling, who lives in the DC area, reports via e-mail on the WJFK AM/FM controversy TAs about the same, the most consistent being RNE-684. But some signs that Africans might be that arose in one of my NFL columns. I have done some small editing on what he wrote: getting better. LAs have seemed a bit on the auroreal side, but generally the same ones as usually "I want to try to help you with the WJFK-AM Baltimore, MD and WJFK-FM Manassas, VA setup reported. [Dangerfield- PA] and the Baltimore Ravens, Washington Redskins coverage from those stations.