Woodhouse Rumpus
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Where do you go? Why don't you come to EASTERNDELIGHT Restaurant and Take-away 50, Woodsley Road, Leeds 3 Mon - Sat 12,00 - 2.00p, m., 5.30 - Midnight Tel: 34131 INSIDE YOUR LEEDS STUDENT BAN THE BOMB! THIS WEEK Last Saturday saw the Country's largest demon- stration against Nuclear Weapons since the Sixties. Over 150,000 marchers, from all STUDENTS over the United IN Kingdom attend- 'ACTION' ed a mass rally in CENTRE Hyde Park, where PAGES they listened to speeches from such people as Michael Foot, Tony Benn and E.P. Thompson. A full report is REPORT on page three. FROM OFFICER QUITS C.N.D. Union publicity secretary Catherine Ogle has decided to RALLY throw in the towel mid way PAGE 3 through her term of office. Catherine. a third year textile IF 1461- -Ogov design student, cited pressure of WOODHOUSE RUMPUS work as the cause of her resign- our of -114E Ugh*, ation Students causing late night disturbances around Woodhouse Wor4'•r SE fo The election for her successor have been warned that they may be thrown out of the Union. AB(-6 is to be held as soon as possible Union President Seamus Gillen said that they could and would Ffrip our witERe Au. Union secretary Elaine Goswelf has taken this strong line after a take action against those causing PARfle5 APE I' heard of her decision to quit on protest meeting of Woodhouse disturbances on the street But Friday, and it was made official residents what action they could take at the beginning of this week Residents complain that late against those creating a row in 0 Catherine, whose course YOUR night student parties keep them the privacy of their own homes he needs virtually a 9 - 5 week, said awake until the early hours, but did not make clear. she found herself torn between LETTERS they rarely complain to the Deputy President Jim Murtagh union work and her studies I'students for fear of 'reprisalsreprisals ' suggests that students should 0 However, she has offered to PAGE 4 The situation has reached only hold late night parties on continue to do the job until a .boiling point this term Seamus Fridays and Saturdays, and that replacement is found She also Gillen spoke to Freshers about the out of courtesy neighbours should intends to keep her place on the problem at their conference, and be warned in advance union council he has sent a press release to the He hopes that once students "There are still things that I Yorkshire Evening Post highlight- are aware of the problems they want toachieve in the union", she mg the problem are causing, the situation will said this week, adding she was Inspector Lazenby of the West resolve itself sorry she would no longer he in a Yorkshire Metropolitan Police By: Marilyn Honigman. position to support Jim Muriagh and Seamus Gillen on the executive REVIEWS "IF I SHOULD DIE..:' FILM CONTROVERSY One particular headache for Accusations of indoctrination and intrusion of suggestion that we are connected her was the organisation of union privacy have been levelled at the Campus Crusade for to Moonies we have nothing to publicity,,runs, which she is still trying to achieve ARTS PAGES Christ, after the screening of the film "If I should do with them" die...... He also rejected the claim that they were using 'scare tactics' by Amnesty International President funds, where did the money come playing on peoples fear of death to Ma's? Cassidy criticised their from to pay for this extrav- blanket publicity. Measuring aganza7" she asked a cause "At Leeds there is plenty of people for coffins while they ' "I am not anti-Christian, but I drank coffee en the doubles bar think people should know more opportunity to check up on what the presentation said We should was. she felt. an unacceptable about an organisation before they use our minds to weigh up the way to promote their film become involved with it- S he wondered how many Roger Bamfield of the Campus evidence for and against the students were aware of the Crusade defended the film and claims of Jesus Christ" strong line they took against the publicity surrounding it Whatever the controversy. SPORTS abortion, gay rights and womens "All the publicity carried our there can be no doubt about the popularity of the film Over 800 REPORT rights name." he said 'We are an "As the Campus Crusade for independent organisation, people attended the perform- PAGES 108(11 Christ is not a recognised Union funded by voluntary contributions ances on Monday and Tuesday Society, nor financed from Union not from Union funds I reject any By James Mates. Page Two Women's Centre Now Open Then, in June, there was an get overnight accommodation aq. offer by the University to look on campus. A place where they An update into six cellars on campus. would feel safe. which they offered to renov- The reasons why a woman ate for suitable usage. How- could not get home are numer- ever, after hearing the esti- ous she could simply be from Judith Abbot mates for making the basement stranded, having missed the habitable. the University re- last minibus. or just did not fused point blank to go ahead. want to go home to an empty night at this centre. seven On the 25 November 1980, Due to the lack of demand flat, or to an unpleasant or nights a week. Their posts to there was an OGM meeting this year for University flats, possibly violent atmosphere. be advertised. held in the University Riley caused by the education cuts. The Centre will be a place "Mandate the Treasurer to Smith Hall. in which issues there were numerous rooms women can go day or night negotiate with the University relating to women's safety available on campus, to talk and relax with other were discussed. One of the re financial contribution from and of these, we finally women, and generally avail resolutions passed, concerned the University towards their acquired a set of rooms themselves of the facilities the setting up of the minibus salaries.'' in flat 14, at 23 Cromer and the resources the Centre service. Another concerned Overnight accommodation Terrace. offers. security. lighting on campus for Women who needed it, On a pratical level. if, for There are certain difficulties and in University accommodat- was the initial reason for the which arise in trying to des- example, a woman has lectures ion. There was also a demand setting up of a Women's until 5pm and then a meeting cribe what the Women's to set up a womens room Centre, but as more and more at 7pm, the Women's Centre Centre is all about, because • The Women's Centre or centre. The OGM was meetings were held, it became is ideally situated for her, no real policy has been asked to. clear that there was also a so that she does not have The struggle to get a wom- determined as yet. Indeed I "Mandate the President to demand for a day centre, to walk home and back again en's Centre was arduous, use the word 'policy' some- arrange a meeting with the where women could get to in the dark. and objections were raised. what unwillingly, as its implica- appropriate University authorit- know each other. There are several Women's But any objections. particul- tions are far too wholly deter- ies to find suitable accommoda- At first we thought a room in groups in the University arly on financial grounds, mined by the women who use tion on campus for a Women's the Union would be satisfact- groups such as Women in the do not take into account it. Although all the ground- Centre. ory, but problems arose concer- Third World. Women's Action the essential service the Centre work was done by a small "Two women (students or ning space and insurance for Group. and the National Abor- will provide. The cost is group of committed women, otherwise)'to be employed each Women sleeping overnight tion Campaign _ . all of minimal against the protection we should like to make it which would be most welcome it will give, and it is almost clear that the Centre is for use to hold their meetings in the impossible, and perhaps even by ALL women in the Univer- Centre. We would also hope to somewhat callous, to talk in sity. provide creche facilities. part- purely financial terms, when Regarding the day to day icularly if we were to hold Women's lives are at stake. running of the centre __ it is conferences, have general dis- It is important that this open from 12 - 2 pm during cussions and invite guest spea- centre is a success .... the the day, and then from 5 pm kers on special these and social success of the Women's Room on through the night. If events would all form part during Freshers Week indicates you like, the Women's Centre of our programme. But really. that it will be, as then takes over from where the its up to the women who many women came along, Minibus service leaves off use it, to put forward any ideas not only just to sit and chat, The minibus provides both and suggestions as to how but to present specific problems a necessary and excellent the Centre should be run, and queries to us. service ... so far as it goes and what it should aim to do. We have got to prove that ....but it cannot reasonably be Nobody is going to make any all the effort involved in expected to run throughout the rules.