Federal Register/Vol. 69, No. 167/Monday, August 30, 2004/Notices

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Federal Register/Vol. 69, No. 167/Monday, August 30, 2004/Notices 52960 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 167 / Monday, August 30, 2004 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Carrier Corp.; First Ocean Bulk Carrier- Postal Service Zip Codes 95112, 95116, I, LLC; First Ocean Bulk Carrier-II, LLC; and 95122, and it includes the station of Maritime Administration First Ocean Bulk Carrier-III, LLC; Foss San Jose. Maritime Company; Horizon Lines, LLC; The line does not contain federally Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Laborde Marine Lifts, Inc.; Laborde granted rights-of-way. Any Agreement (VISA)/Joint Planning Marine, L.L.C.; Liberty Shipping Group documentation in UP’s possession will Advisory Group (JPAG) Limited Partnership; Lockwood be made available promptly to those requesting it. AGENCY: Maritime Administration, DOT. Brothers, Inc.; Lykes Lines Limited, LLC; Lynden Incorporated; Maersk Line, The interest of railroad employees ACTION: Synopsis of August 17, 2004 Limited; Matson Navigation Company, will be protected by the conditions set Meeting with VISA Participants. Inc.; Maybank Navigation Company, forth in Oregon Short Line R. Co.— Abandonment—Goshen, 360 I.C.C. 91 The VISA program requires that a LLC; McAllister Towing and (1979). notice of the time, place, and nature of Transportation Co., Inc.; Moby Marine Corporation; Odyssea Shipping Line By issuing this notice, the Board is each JPAG meeting be published in the instituting an exemption proceeding Federal Register. The program also LLC; OSG Car Carriers, Inc.; Patriot Shipping, L.L.C.; RR & VO L.L.C.; pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 10502(b). A final requires that a list of VISA participants decision will be issued by November 26, be periodically published in the Federal Resolve Towing & Salvage, Inc.; Samson Tug & Barge Company, Inc.; Sea Star 2004. Register. The full text of the VISA Any offer of financial assistance Line, LLC; SeaTac Marine Services, program, including these requirements, (OFA) under 49 CFR 1152.27(b)(2) will LLC; Sealift Inc.; Signet Maritime is published in 68 FR 8800–8808, dated be due no later than 10 days after Corporation; STEA Corporation; Strong February 25, 2003. service of a decision granting the Vessel Operators LLC (SVO); Superior On August 17, 2004, the Maritime petition for exemption. Each OFA must Marine Services, Inc.; TECO Ocean Administration (MARAD) and the U.S. be accompanied by a $1,100 filing fee. Shipping; Totem Ocean Trailer Express, Transportation Command co-hosted a See 49 CFR 1002.2(f)(25). meeting of the VISA JPAG at Ft. Eustis, Inc.; Trailer Bridge, Inc.; TransAtlantic All interested persons should be Virginia. Lines LLC; Troika International, Ltd.; aware that, following abandonment of Meeting attendance was by invitation U.S. Ship Management, Inc.; Waterman rail service and salvage of the line, the only, due to the nature of the Steamship Corporation; and Weeks line may be suitable for other public information discussed and the need for Marine, Inc. use, including interim trail use. Any a government-issued security clearance. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. request for a public use condition under Of the 57 U.S.-flag carrier corporate Taylor E. Jones II, Director, Office of 49 CFR 1152.28 or for trail use/rail participants enrolled in the VISA Sealift Support, (202) 366–2323. banking under 49 CFR 1152.29 will be program at the time of the meeting, 16 Dated: August 25, 2004. due no later than September 20, 2004. companies participated in the meeting. By Order of the Maritime Administrator. Each trail use request must be In addition, representatives from Joel C. Richard, accompanied by a $200 filing fee. See 49 MARAD, the Department of Defense, CFR 1002.2(f)(27). and maritime labor attended the Secretary. All filings in response to this notice meeting. [FR Doc. 04–19721 Filed 8–27–04; 8:45 am] must refer to STB Docket No. AB–33 LtGen Gary Hughey, opened the BILLING CODE 4910–81–P (Sub-No. 221X) and must be sent to: (1) meeting with a welcome to all Surface Transportation Board, 1925 K attendees. He was followed by BG Mark Street, NW., Washington, DC 20423– DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Scheid, who provided participants with 0001; and (2) Mack H. Shumate, Jr., an overview of the meeting. The JPAG Surface Transportation Board Senior General Attorney, 101 North meeting included updates on: (1) Wacker Drive, Room 1920, Chicago, IL Threats to surface deployment and [STB Docket No. AB–33 (Sub–No. 221X)] 60606. Replies to the petition are due on distribution operations; (2) operations or before September 20, 2004. overview; (3) liner operations and Union Pacific Railroad Company— Persons seeking further information sustainment update; (4) merchant Abandonment Exemption—in Santa concerning abandonment procedures mariner availability; and (5) maritime Clara County, CA may contact the Board’s Office of Public industry issues. On August 10, 2004, Union Pacific Services at (202) 565–1592 or refer to As of August 17, 2004, the following Railroad Company (UP) filed with the the full abandonment or discontinuance commercial U.S.-flag vessel operators Surface Transportation Board a petition regulations at 49 CFR part 1152. were enrolled in the VISA program with under 49 U.S.C. 10502 for exemption Questions concerning environmental MARAD: AAA Shipping No. 1 L.L.C.; A from the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 10903 issues may be directed to the Board’s Way to Move, Inc.; America Cargo to abandon and discontinue service over Section of Environmental Analysis Transport, Inc.; American Automar, a portion of the line, known as the San (SEA) at (202) 565–1539. [Assistance for Inc.; American International Car Carrier, Jose Industrial Lead, extending from the hearing impaired is available Inc.; American President Lines, Ltd.; milepost 16.3 to milepost 19.6, for a through the Federal Information Relay American Roll-On Roll-Off Carrier, LLC; distance of 3.3 miles, in Santa Clara Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339.] American Ship Management, L.L.C.; Bay An environmental assessment (EA) (or County, CA.1 The line traverses U.S. Towing Corporation; Beyel Brothers environmental impact statement (EIS), if Inc.; Central Gulf Lines, Inc.; Coastal 1 The portion of the line from milepost 16.30 to necessary) prepared by SEA will be Transportation, Inc.; Columbia Coastal milepost 17.49 is owned by the Santa Clara Valley served upon all parties of record and Transport, LLC; CRC Marine Services, Transportation Authority. UP is proposing to upon any agencies or other persons who Inc.; Crowley Liner Services, Inc.; discontinue its trackage rights and abandon its commented during its preparation. freight easement over this segment. The portion of Crowley Marine Services, Inc.; Delta the line from milepost 17.49 to milepost 19.60 is Other interested persons may contact Towing; E-Ships, Inc.; Farrell Lines owned and operated by UP. UP is proposing to SEA to obtain a copy of the EA (or EIS). Incorporated; First American Bulk abandon this segment. EAs in these abandonment proceedings VerDate jul<14>2003 16:47 Aug 27, 2004 Jkt 203001 PO 00000 Frm 00110 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\30AUN1.SGM 30AUN1.
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