Subject: : AmigaOS4 Topic: : Compatibility of (old) PowerUp/WarpUp PPC software with NG hardware? Re: Compatibility of (old) PowerUp/WarpUp PPC software with NG hardware? Author: : Dandy Date: : 2016/11/3 9:38:10 URL:

@ LiveForIt - #2:


Original by LiveForIt:

... It's hardly a move too, it's pretty much the same thing. ...

I'm not sure if I fully understand what you mean here. "NG hardware and OS" is the same as "classic hardware and OS"?


Original by LiveForIt:

... A lot of productivity 680x0 software work, but there is a lot don't that work too; It's really depends on how modern the software is, software designed for AHI and RTG (Picasso96/CyberGraphics) should work. AGA / OCS / PAULA stuff will need emulation we have RunInUAE for that.

Do you have any specific software you like to run?

Oh yes - quite a lot.

Some examples are (68k & PUP/WarpUp):

1 / 3 - DynaCadd - Maxon CAD - Maxon Cinema4D - Maxon PLP v2 - CNC Tool - Reflections - MoonZoom Pro - Imagine - Real3D - Wildfire7 PPC - Elastic-/FantasticDreams - ArtEffect 4 - MathAmation - Comgraph (function plotter) - NewIO - LogicWorks - ScanQuix5/fxScan (w. pdf maker and OCR) - TurboPrint 7 - Office 97 - MorphOS for classics - OS 4.0 classic - PUP / NetBSD ( Compendium) - WipeOut 2097 - ...

...just to name a few.


Original by LiveForIt:

Well no, you don't need UAE to run 680x0 software, AmigaOS4.x has Petunia, and WarpOS programs happily run on ReWarp (I think), and so on.

??? Errrm - didn't you just write: "A lot of productivity 680x0 software work, ... AGA / OCS / PAULA stuff will need emulation we have RunInUAE for that."?


Original by LiveForIt:

But really what WarpOS software is that Important anyway?

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In the list above there are some included that are exclusively for PUP/WarpOS, some that have PPC modules, as well as some that are 68k only...


Original by LiveForIt:

I'm sure there many times more AmigaOS4 software then there is WarpOS software.

That may probably be correct, but but I'm afraid there is not a single piece of native OS4.x software that is in the same street as one of the titles included in the list above - especially when it comes to engineering software like DynaCadd, MathAmation, NewIO and the like...


Original by LiveForIt:

No because, emulations have so many limitations on RAM, on speed, and on support for modern hardware, this are too big drawbacks, if you’re a real hardcore AmigaOS fan.

??? I mean - it is some years ago when I started my outdated AmigaForever 2006 on my now defunct XP-PCs the last time - but as far as I recall, I could set up AmigaForever to have more RAM than any of the REAL ever had...

And a lot of things already worked faster with AmigaForever on my old 1.8 gHz PIII XP-PC than on a real Amiga - I bet today on my 64 Bit 3.2 gHz quadcore core i5 Win10-PC with the latest AmigaForever version they wouls fly...

B.t.w. - what's a "real hardcore AmigaOS fan" today? I doubt to be "hardcore" enough to be counted among them...

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