Panel 1: Imagining the Plug-In Future
PLUGIN-2008/06/11-12 THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION PLUG-IN ELECTRIC VEHICLES 2008: WHAT ROLE FOR WASHINGTON Washington, D.C. June 11-12, 2008 ANDERSON COURT REPORTING 706 Duke Street, Suite 100 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone (703) 519-7180 Fax (703) 519-7190 PLUGIN-2008/06/11-12 June 11, 2008 PANEL 1: IMAGINING THE PLUG-IN FUTURE Moderator: VIJAY VAITHEESWARAN Correspondent, Economist and co-author, Zoom Panelists: SHAI AGASSI Founder and CEO, Project Better Place MARK DUVALL Program Manager, Electric Transportation, Electric Power Research Institute DERON LOVAAS Vehicles Campaign Director, Natural Resources Defense Council CHELSEA SEXTON Executive Director, Plug-In America DAVE VIEAU CEO, A123 Systems ANDERSON COURT REPORTING 706 Duke Street, Suite 100 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone (703) 519-7180 Fax (703) 519-7190 PLUGIN-2008/06/11-12 PANEL 1: IMAGINING THE PLUG-IN FUTURE MR. SANDALOW: Our panel is coming on the stage, as you can see. I’m only going to introduce one of them, the Moderator of our program, our friend, Vijay Vaitheeswaran. And I want to tell you two things about him. First, as I think everybody knows, he’s the Economist Correspondent, award winning in that respect. Second, he is the co-author of a fabulous book called Zoom, which is for sale out in the lobby. Everybody should buy one. I’m sure Vijay would be delighted to sign it. We will start this panel with a video, as well. Thank you. MR. VAITHEESWARAN: Ladies and gentleman, I’m Vijay Vaitheeswaran, as David mentioned, I’m a Correspondent for the Economist, and it’s my tremendous honor and pleasure to be here with you today, and with such an extraordinary panel, our kick off panel, where we will be imagining the plug-in future, and the context of what I think is one of the most exciting times, which is, we’re really at the cusp of a new golden age of innovation and cars and energy, of the sort we haven’t seen in a century.
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