The Beacon, August 30, 2010 Florida International University

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The Beacon, August 30, 2010 Florida International University Florida International University FIU Digital Commons The aP nther Press (formerly The Beacon) Special Collections and University Archives 8-30-2010 The Beacon, August 30, 2010 Florida International University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Florida International University, "The Beacon, August 30, 2010" (2010). The Panther Press (formerly The Beacon). 746. This work is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections and University Archives at FIU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aP nther Press (formerly The Beacon) by an authorized administrator of FIU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact A Forum for Free Student Expression at Florida International University Vol. 24, Issue 4 Monday, August 30, 2010 WORLD WORLD NATIONAL Kenya adopts US-style constitution Sudanese war crimes Mexico’s drug war Kenya’s president signed a new constitution into law Sudan’s president defi ed an international arrest warrant by Two cars exploded in a northern state where offi cials are Friday that institutes a U.S.-style system of checks and visiting Kenya on Friday, causing an outcry from the Inter- investigating the killing of 72 migrants, and a prosecutor balances. national Criminal Court investigating the massacre has disappeared. Study abroad programs more popular than ever BRITTANY BARTLETT-PINA tions, sites in Western Europe hosted 56% of Contributing Writer all American study abroad participants. Along with FIU statistics, Marks informs According to a recent poll by the Institute us that Western Europe continues to be a of International Education, studying abroad popular region and that the “Passport to Italy” has increased by 8.5%, becoming a popular program is still the most popular choice. rite of passage for many college students. However, she also notes an increase in The increase refl ects data comparisons students going to Asia to pursue their studies, from the 2007-2008 academic year, and which she believes is likely to be attributed to suggests similar numbers in the coming years the programs associated with the FIU Busi- with the extensive fi nancial opportunities and ness School and the School of Hospitality overall reward of study abroad. and Tourism Management. FIU has seen similar increases. The increase is also seen in the IIE poll, With a sum of over 500 students, FIU which shows students are choosing more continues to infl uence students to pursue unconventional locations for study; places foreign study. such as China, India, Japan, South Africa and ESRA ERDOGAN/THE BEACON The Offi ce of Education Abroad offers Argentina. Sophomore Maria Ramirez, a business and political science major, browses through fl y- international student exchange programs as India experienced a 20% increase in ers about study abroad programs in the Offi ce of Education Abroad. well as the shorter length University-spon- Americans visiting as part of a study abroad sored programs in order to encourage locals program. China, Japan and South Africa all to expand and get new experiences. saw an increase of 15% or more. recent FIU graduate who participated in the the four countries leading in hosting U.S. “[We see that] especially in Miami, many “More students are eager to study in School of Hospitality and Tourism Manage- students are England with 33,333 students, students haven’t gotten out of the area; when newly popular study abroad destinations such ment’s study abroad program in China, was Italy with 30,670 students, Spain with 25,212 they do international student exchange they as China, India, and the Middle East. The surprised by how advanced Chinese are students and France with 17,336 students. become more self-reliant and confi dent. They language and cultural skills they acquire along within her fi eld. Even though these four countries lead in become more aware of other cultures,” said with their academic experience will have a “I gained a lot of respect for the Chinese,” hosting U.S. students, Open Doors reports Offi ce of Study Abroad Coordinator, Laura profound effect on their lives and careers,” said Kirton. that fi fteen of the top 25 destinations are Marks. said Allan E. Goodman, president and CEO While the less conventional options for Despite the rise of less traditional loca- of the IIE in a press release. Raisa Kirton, a studying abroad have been gaining steam, STUDY ABROAD, page 2 MMC TUESDAY TIMES ROUNDTABLE SCHEDULE Roundtables encourage open Date: Moderator: Roundtable Title: 8/31/2010 Jean Muteba Rahier Are Africans Responsible for Global and Sociocultural studies the Transatlantic Slave Trade? debate among students Regina Bailey TBA 9/7/2010 The Wolfsonian GABRIEL ARRARÁS members ready to go at MMC,” said Steph- News Director anie Doscher, associate director of the 9/14/2010 Deanne Butchey Digital Graveyard offi ce of Global Learning Initiatives. “We Business The Tuesday Times Roundtable will be built such excitement that within weeks Clifford Perry of putting out the invitation for faculty to 9/21/2010 Chinese Factories Now Com- returning to the Modesto Maidique Campus Business plete to Woo Laborers and for the fi rst time ever to the Biscayne moderate, we had a full slate.” Bay Campus, after two successful semes- The excitement is part of the reason 9/28/2010 Allison McComb The WHAT generation? Defi n- ters this previous academic year which why the Tuesday Times Roundtables are University Grad. School ing your Place in History had over 600 students, faculty and staff expanding to the Biscayne Bay Campus, as members in attendance. part of a co-sponsorship with SGC-BBC, Elmo Lugo Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall...Do 10/5/2010 TTR, a series of weekly discussions according to Doscher. Broadcast Video Production I Look Hispanic at All? Both the MMC and BBC roundtables held every Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. is based will be happening on the same days and Laura E. Boudon International Adoption and off articles from The New York Times and is times. 10/12/2010 College of Med. Identity sponsored by the Offi ce of Global Learning Initiatives, The New York Times and the “We’re experimenting with that this 10/19/2010 Joann Brown TBA Student Government Association. year, and if it doesn’t work this year we’ll Communication arts The roundtables are moderated by change it,” said Doscher. Sex Traffi cking: At Home and faculty members who encourage those in According to Maria Cedeño, graduate Carleen Vincent-Robinson Abroard assistant for the offi ce of Global Learning 10/26/2010 Criminal Justice attendance to engage in open multi-perspec- tive discussions on a variety of topics that Initiatives, the BBC roundtable series is TBA sponsored by Offi ce of Global Learning 11/2/2010 Pratricia T. Lopez-Guerrero deal with global issues, events and trends. Initiatives, The New York Times, and the Center for Leadership Topics from some of the past 17 Tuesday BBC Student Government Association, the Social Media: Privicy vs. Com- Times Roundtables include: alternative Debra J. Sheridan BBC Campus Life and Orientation Offi ce, 11/9/2010 munity energy, the justifi cation for war, the depic- Media & Tech. Support tion of religion in movies and immigration the School of Journalism and Mass Commu- Penny Butler in the United States. nication, the Offi ce of the Vice Provost at UTS-BBC Opperations The roundtables are part of the Univer- BBC, and the FIU Libraries. isty’s Quality Enhancement Plan, “Global Among the topics being covered by 11/16/2010 Laurie Shraige Same-sex Marriage in a Global the roundtables this year are: “The WHAT Women’s Studies Center Frame Learning for Global Citizenship” and are open to all students and faculty members. Generation? Defi ning your place in history,” “Mirror, Mirror on the wall… do Jose F. Rodriguez Is Technology Helping or Hin- A free lunch is also provided to those in 11/30/2010 Honors College dering Learning? attendance. “We have all the topics and all the faculty ROUNDTABLE, page 3 2 The Beacon – Monday , August 30, 2010 NEWS Study abroad programs help GPAs NEWS FLASH STUDY ABROAD, page 1 able to think in French,” said ness of getting educated, so Foreign study, which Uriarte. you can enter the economy had previously been a outside of Western Europe According to a study done and become a contributing large monetary pitfall, now LOCAL and nineteen 19 are coun- by the 35 institution Univer- member of society,” said envelops a large network of tries where English is not the sity System of Georgia, Don Rubin, professor emer- fi nancial assistance. Head of controversial Cuban primary language. researchers found that itus of speech communica- According to the Offi ce radio and TV station resigns Carla Uriarte enrolled students who went abroad tion and language education of Study Abroad, many in the France study abroad typically achieved higher at the University of Georgia programs allow students program in order to get a GPAs upon their return. and research director for the to pay FIU tuition rates Radio/TV Martí director Pedro Roig resigned better grasp of the French Also, these students were Georgia Learning Outcomes which make it affordable Friday after more than seven years at the head language. more culturally and globally of Students Studying Abroad to many. Aside from that, of the often controversial U.S. government “When I began studying informed as a result to their Research Initiative, or national awards have been stations that broadcast to Cuba according to The French, I knew that the only foreign study.
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