THEProvincial Library AJanl|23 CUMBERLAND ISLANDER With which In consolidated the Cumberland News.

FORTY-FOURTH YEAR—No. 9. CUMBERLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1924. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM CUPS AND MEDALS ARE COMOX CREAMERY ASSN. PROMISED FOR SPORTS An Editorial IN PROSPEROUS STATE THE MISSING CYLINDER OF A COMMUNITY To further arrangements for the tee will arrange to subdivide the dis­ The annual meeting of the Comox this way business would lie shown Up-Island Inter-School Sports Day, trict and have the winners of eacli The progressive town is like a fine eight Creamery Association was held at j very similar to that of a department which ls to be held in Cumberland subdivision come to the contest pro­ cylinder car, purring along evenly as it carries its j Courtenay yesterday, Mr. William slore. probably on June 3rd, a meeting of per. In all races each school is re­ passengers, the residents of the community, over | Duncan occupying the chair and all j Auditor Porters statement was ad- the executive was held last evening stricted to one entry and only the the hills that stand in the way of prosperity. ,' directors In attendance. The retir-: opted as read, Mr, Andrews making In the Council Chambers with Mayor "cream" of each school is to take part But sometimes a good looking town, like • Ing directors for the year are Messrs a motion to the effect aud Mr, Grieves Charles Parnham ln the chair and a In each event. Among the spectac­ many beautiful cars, will roll along evenly while ; G. W. Clinton, L. R. Cliffe, H. Hoi- being thc seconder. The meeting large number of enthusiastic mem­ ular events will be the Tug-of-War, the roads are level, but upon reaching a hill of lins and R. U. Hurford. Each of then adjourned for the serving of an ' bers present Including Inspector Pat­ from pick of Nanaimo, Harewood, business adversity, will slow up, knock and jerk, | these directors was re-elected tor appetizing lunch by the women's aux- terson, who made a special visit to the Cumberland and Courtenay Schools; and finally come to a dead stop before it reaches ' the current year. lllary of the Comox Agricultural and city for the occasion. the Drill Prize for best 10 pupils the crest. Assets .Much Higher Thun Last Year Industrial Association. The meeting decided to have cups, (open to all) and the Rope Climbing, A missing cylinder, you say? Yes, and that Mr. Frank Porter, auditor. BUbmlt- shields or pennants presented for per- 20 ft, open to all. Following Is the missing cylinder is the man or woman who shows I ted the llnancial report. It Bhown REPLAY DAVENPORTS petual competition and medals pre­ complete list ot events and the pupils no interest in home town business or in the wel­ | assets ot $1.50 for every $1.00 liabil­ ON SUNDAY IN to whom they are open. sented to winners In certain events, fare of the community. ity; this after all taxes [or the coming CUP COMPETITION such as races, each year. Already 75-yd. Dash for junior boys and year and other liabilities had been at­ girls (under 12 years); 100-yd. Dash Ask yourself the question: "Am I the miss­ tended to. In 1923 the Creamery two cups have been promised by R. The Cumberland United Soccer for senior boys and girls (over 12 ing cylinder of this community?" owned property amounting to $!!0,5iin C. Lang and R. Kaplansky and the team will journey to Nanaimo ou years) and for Higli School boys and I and It now owns property of various following eight gentlemen have each Sunday morning lo replay the Na­ girls; 200-yd. Race for senior boys ! kinds amounting to $93,074. This promised a silver medal: Messrs C. J. naimo Davenports in a Brackman- and girls and for High School bojs shows an increase of approximately Parnham, A. J. Taylor, T. H. Carey, Ker Cup tic Last week's game was and girls; 440-yd. Rac open to ditto; $2.5110.00. Liabilities on the other O. W. Stubbs, F. R. Shenstone, G. E. e stopped after 20 minutes' play in thu Half-mile Race open to ditto; Relay hand have decreased $3,000.00. Total Apps, H. E. Murray and Inspector second half had gone by, referee Race, 220 yards for junior boys aud liabilities to the publlc amount to Patterson. Here ls a good chance Guineas deciding the field was unlit girls; 440-yd Race for senior boys Badminton Club Visited $34,379 as against $27,147 last year. for wholesale houses and others to for play. Why Outness refereed last and girls and 440-yd Race for High This Includes a mortgage of $10,000 get in some good advertising for any Sunday's game is a mystery. Thor- School boys and girls; Sack Race for to the Land Settlement Board and a prizes that they see fit to contribute Comox On Monday Lad burn was the ollicial appointed and juniors only; Wheel-Barrow Race for bank loan of $10,000. Paid up cap­ will be advertised in every school, we believe wo are right in stating Junior boys only; 3-legged Race, mix­ ital now amounts to $39,000.00. aud thus every home, ln the district. A very pleasant evening was spent j and .Miss McKinnon beat Nunns and that a change of referees could not ed; Egg and Spoon Race, 25 yards The Dominion Government has re­ Any cups or medals will be thank­ by the members of the Cumberland | Mrs pollock 11-5; Shenstone and Mrs. lie made without consulting the cap­ return, for junior, senior and High funded to the Comox Creamery the fully received by the committee. Badminton Club on Monday evening j jI(.Lellall beat James alld Mr8 Lev. tains of Ihe teanis concerned. The School girls; Nail Driving, 6 2%-inch All Bchools (50 in number) will be last, when they journeyed to Comox sum of $604.00 in connection with lbc Cumberland management lias enter­ nails for senior and High School girls Informed of programs and rules and and enjoyed some excellent games ersedge 11-4; Symons and Mrs. Steel I over-payment of income tax some ed a protest against Guinesa refer- Throwing Ball, open to junior, sen­ each must give notice to Program with the elub from the farming com­ beat Ball and Miss Richardson 11-8; ' efghtee,, months ago. A decrease of eeing the game Sunday. The man b ior and High School girls; Skipping Committee by May 1st of list of events munity, ln most of the games play­ Mrs. Falrbalm and Mrs. E. Cliffe heat j $13,000 was noted In gross sales, and Incompetent and Uie sooner he quits Race, 50 yards for junior girls and to be entered. Where the number ed Cumberland and Comox players Mrs. Apps and Mrs. Finch 11-7; Mur- a decline ot $12,000 in gross profits. football the better football will be. 100 yards for senior and High School of entries IB too large to allow proper were pitted against Cumberland and ray and Mrs. Shenstone bent Pollock A net profit of $7,848 was shown, What the outcome of Cumberland's girls; Rope Climbing, 20 ft, for jun­ handling at Cumberland the Commit- Comox Instead of having, as former­ and Mrs. Ball 11-6; Downing and Miss j A considerable shrinkage in the ice objection will lie, we cannot say at the ior, senior and High School boys; ly, Inter-club contests. About 10:30 Wood beat Tarbell and Mrs. Spicer I cream profits was questioned by Mr. present, but here's hoping Guiness Standing Hop, Step and Jump for sen­ refreshments were served and after 11-10; Mumford and Mrs Bryan beat Harrigan, but this was explained by does not handle the whistle. The ior and High School boys; Running all had been catered to play was Steel and Mrs. McLellan 11-4; Nunns the fact that the product was being team chosen to represent Cumber­ Broad Jump for senior and High 13th Fight again resumed, the following being and Vernon-Jones beat E. Cliffe and j sold at ten tents per gallon less; land was Ulalr. .Mortimer. Stewart. School boys and girls; High Jump the scores: Ball 11-9; Symons and Miss Rich-! there were also more demands in the Monalian, Conti and Brake, Banner- for senior and High School boys; Mr. Ball and Mrs. Spicer beat Mum­ ardson beat Pollock and Mrs. T. Cliffe '•wa y of service delivery and soforth. man. Heyland, Fowler, i'luiup and Unlucky~For Tug-of-War, open to schools of seven ford and Mrs. Finch 11-8; Tarbell and 11-10; Leversedge and McKinnon beat! Kepurtiuclits to be Charged Hitchens. rooms or more, also for High School, MrB. E. Cliffe beat Cliffe and Mrs. Downing and Mrs. Pollock 11-4; Mur- j A resolution was made by Mr. W. A. Other Chap Greasy Pole, open; First Aid (S*. Apps 11-0; Osier and Mrs. Shenstone ray and Mrs. McLellan beat Shenstone j B. Paul and seconded by Mr. Hugii Johns Ambulance rules), open; Best and Mr3. Shenstone 11-10; Mrs. Bry- j Morrison to tbe effect that in future It IB less than two years ago that beat Shenstone and Miss Wood 11-10; Tournaments at Clown boy or girl, open; Best Ail- an and Mrs. Spicer beat Mrs. Apps | the various departments of the As- Roy Cliffe was matched against John­ Vernon Jones and Miss Lyche beat Round Athlete, girl or bay; Physical and Mrs. Leversedge 11-S; Miss Wood i sociatlon be charged interest on the ny Morgan, in his first fight as a pro­ James and Miss McKinnon 11-3; Mur­ Athletic Club Drill, open to group of ten mixed, for and Mm, Steel beat Mrs. E. Cliffe and j money tied up by them. Tills was fessional, and though he lost a de­ ray and Mrs. T. Cliffe beat Pollock Strathcona prize. Miss Lyche 11-7; Vernon-Jones and i carried. Mr. Porter explaining that in | cision, he Justified the faith of his and Mrs. Bryan 11-3; Leversedge and Are Completed Miss Wood beat Murray and Miss | trainer, Max Blunt, by making a won­ Mrs. Steel beat Steel and Miss Rich­ derful showing against his experi­ ardson 11-0; Downing and Mrs. Lev­ Lyche 11-9. Basketball Last week saw the completion ot R. H. Hicks ersedge beat Symons and Mrs. Fair- During the evening the executive ] the tournaments in English billiards, enced opponent. He fought the full 0 )en ten rounds with one arm omy, his balm 11-6; E. Cliffe and Mrs. Spicer* cuuiuiiliee of the last l touma-1 Trophy Won snooker and crlbbage, which are car­ left being put out of action In the Appointed New beat Nunns and Mrs. McLellan 11-3; ment met. when it was decided to have ried out every winter by the execu­ first round. Tarbell and Mrs. Ball beat Pollock a social evening and make the pre­ By The Owls tive of the Cumberland Literary and City Policeman and Mrs. Finch 11-5; Ball and Mrs. sentation of the various trophies. We Athletic Association. The total num Since then he has fought twelve Apps beat Nunns and Miss Wood 11-5; understand that the Comox Club have Basketball in Cumberland Is over I l)er of in,™s l*'l,m' l" "'"' l>*""lre(I fights, against opponents weighing PORT ALBERNI,—At tlle mecttnu Murray and Miss Lyche beat Vernon- the honor of holding the social ami from 160 to 190 pounds, and has won for this season at least. This wa, i and thirty-two. at 1 : :.•„:• en- of the Board of Police Commissioners, Jones and Mrs. Shenstone 11-5; Lev­ it is expected that the affair will delinitely settled last Monday even- tered whole-heartedly into tlie sport, ten by the K.O. route, and lost one ersedge and Mrs. T. Cliffe beat Down­ held last Tuesday evening, 49 appli­ take place as soon after Easter as Ing when Hilly Whyte's star aggre­ consequently producing many keenly decision. The other fight was a draw ing nnd Mrs. Brya 11-10; E. Cliffe cations for the position of patrolman n possible. gation of sharp-shooters, the Owls, contested matches which were great­ His victim ln the 13th fight was Gene ly appreciated by the numerous spec­ were received. defeated the Rangers in the second Nolan, at San Fernando, U.S.A., whom tators. R. H. Hicks, of Union Bay, receiv­ game of the play-off by the close score he knocked out in the first round, ed the appointment at a salary of $100 last Wednesday. CONRAD NAGEL HAS of 23 to 21. The lirst game was also Tlie prizes, which wero excellent per mouth with uniform supplied. He won by the night birds, consequent!) ones and well worth tr.ving for, have It is hoped that local fans will will take up his duties on March 1st. ANOTHFR RIfl ROLE!*1 iMrA ls unnecessary, and all that j been awarded by the Hoard of .Man soon have a chance to see Roy ln Mr. Hicks Is a native of Toronto and /V11V/111IjlV •**-*,lv**1 UWL*1! remains now is to presentt ththe Liter-Liter-., agemenagementt tto thtne followingroiiowmg:: Engllsungiislh action again ln his home town. has served two years with the Military ary and Athletic Cup to the winning Billiards. (Men Williams, first; John Police and five years with the R.N. Conrad Nagel, Metro-Goldwyn-May-1 That was followed by "Three team, along with the medals donated Walton, second; Snooker, Glen Wll- Will Reside in Vancouver W.M.P., during three of which he was er player, who has depicted almost: Weeks" ln which as Paul he portrayed by Ihe Basketball Association, and Hams, first; II. T. Brown, second; Mr. Alex Denholme and Mr. Jack stationed In Cumberland with E. J. every known type role on the screen | the most coveted lover role uf all then all players may put their logs Crlbbage, Charles Tobacco, first; Wm. Hatch, well known In Cumberland Cronk. from saint to sordid sinner, plays an ! times. away until next season with the hope , Brown, second. sporting circles, left for Vancouver on intensely Interesting part in "Mar-1 Then came "Tess of tlie D'Urber- that it will be as successful as the j ried Flirts," the picturizatio of "Mrs.: villes" which too. offered a role un- Thursday last. They intend to reside n one just concluded. ltev. and Mrs. E, II. Nunns ar pay- Paramour," the Louis Joseph Vance ! like any other he has ever been east e In that city in future. Monday's game was different from I ing a visit to the ltev. Arthur Nunns novel, which comes to the Ilo-llo The- j in and yet one to which he was ldeal- ... any that the Owls and Rangers have , of St. Mary's ('hureh, Victoria, atre this Friday and Saturday. I ly suited. Messrs R. Hindmarsh and Chas. hitherto produced, Insomuch that 'I ] Nagel Is such a natural type person I In "Sinners in Silk," a Merto-Gold- Trawford of Nanaimo visited Cum­ was too rough for one thing and for ~, . tit berland on Thursday. off screen that he has had to prove ] wyn picture offering, he had a light another, the brand ot basketball dls-I Grtf/lfl/7?-.Lac/*-,C7/a again and again his tremendous act-1 part—almost bordering on comedy, played was poor indeed. Tlle referee Ing ingenuity by enacting roles de- j and in "Married Flirts" he is given is partly to blame for this for he had cidedly foreign to his real nature. a opportunity to create a role unlike United In Marriage Miscellaneous n practically no control ovcr thc players In "What Every Woman Knows" he any ever before depicted on tho but the greater blame Is attached to ; was cast as a brilliant, but grulf screen. A wedding of mucli local interest Shower For Bride the spectators. No two teanis In the is solemnized at the Swedish Lu- Scotchman, who took himself very > Besides Nagel the cast or "Mar- world can think clearly and play I seriously. That was a droll humor- rled Flirts" boasts of Pauline Fred- therlan Church, Vancouver, last Sat­ On Monday evening last the home cleanly when there is a crowd of urday. February 21st when Alice Ell- Shure Its Pat himself, and he's all ous part which he did delightfully. ' erlck, Huntly Gordon. Mae Buscn. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham was partly cheering, partly booing spec- ,1 zabeth. daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. J. E. dressed up for the Firemen's Mas­ In "Fool's Paradise," as a blind Alice Hollister, Paul Nicholson and the scene ot a delightful miscellan­ tators, shouting at them at the top of UMa Q, N(,w Weatm|n8t0ri U,C, querade Ball In the Ilo-llo Dance man, he had the heaviest and most Patterson Dial. eous shower given In honor of Mrs. their voices, and until the latter learn sympathetic role of his screen career. It was directed by Robert tl. Vlg- became the bride of .Mr. Roland Gra­ Roland Graham (nee Alice Lackala). Hall on to control themselves the brand of —TUESDAY, MARCH 17- In "Nice People" he was cast as a nola, the first of a series lie Is to make ham of this city Rev, Ecklund offi­ The rooms were tastefully decorat­ play will suffer In consequence. Their ciating. "A folne Irishman I'd be If I didn't semi-heavy, the first of that type, for Mctro-Goldwyn-.Mayer. and was ed in a color scheme of mauve and excitement was genuine though, and Tin' bride looked most charming celebrate St. Patrick's Day," says Pat, which established him ill a new field, adapted to the screen by Julia Craw- pink. A daintly decorated wagon can be easily explained, for witli less In a gown of tan georgette with hat "and what would my bright-eyed col­ Then In "Name the Man" he had a t ford lvers. Phil Cnrle was assistant containing many beautiful gifts for . than ten minutes to go tho Rangers en suite, and carried a bouquet of leen say If I wasn't after taking her deep dramatic role-heavy and re-1 director and Oliver Marsh was chief the bride was drawn in by little Miss I were leading by several points anil It roses and carnations. Bhe was at­ to the Ball?" lentless. I cameraman. Hazel Gordon and Master Billie Walk­ | was almost a foregone conclusion that tended by Mlesefl lua Nelson. Mabel er, both being effectively dressed In I they had the game successfully tuck­ Jaeoiison and fjunborg Israelson of pink and mauve Pierrot costumes. LOCAL COUPLE ARE Rev. Vance Visits Church St. Patrick's Tea ed away. The Owls hadn't arrived New Westminster, while the groom With the wagon load of gifts were ex­ MARRIED AT NANAIMO {at this conclusion however, and witli waa supported liy Mr. Hawthorne, J. ! one of the finest whirlwind finishes tended the best wishes of a host ot ac­ Rev. Vance, principal of the Angli­ The Ladles' Aid of St. Georges Graham of this city. quaintances and friends. The even­ A quiet wedding took place last can Theological College at Vancouver Prebyterian Church wlll hold a "St., ••">< »'e have ever seen they managed After the wedding a reception was 0 ut scorc ing was pleasantly passed ln cards Satuday afternoon, February 21st, at presided at the evening services at Patrick's Tea" at Ihe home of Mrs.;' I' '•*•» at 21 with but two heW at thfl ,,„„.,,.,., ,,„,,,, „.,„,„ mme and Mah Jongg, followed by the serv­ Wallace Street Methodist Parsonuge, Holy Trinity Church last Sunda., and D. R. MacDonald on Tuesday. March ! ••••••u*<;s l0 »>• TI,ore » r«"»»*>» •>»- j twentv-flve guests were Present. Mr. ing of dainty refreshments. Nanaimo, when Miss Llllias Glen, was much appreciated by those in at­ 17. from 3 to 6 p.m. : l" *** fcw sccomls ]""""' lhthe e flnnl"""' f, an d Mrs. Oraham returned to Cum- whistle when "Peanut" Robertson put , Among those present were: Mrs. T. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen, at one tendance. It is proposed In the near A home-cooking sale will be held | whittle when "Peanut" Robertson put |)0r|n|l(1 o|) Su|]l|]n. ,m(1 „,„ make Graham, Mrs. J. H. Graham, Mrs. time of this city, but now of Van­ future to erect a new college at Point in'the "church "basement on Saturday, j <•"• same on Ice with a pretty, though their future home here, residing for Charles Graham, Mrs. J. Marsden, couver, became the bride of Mr, Grey, Vancouver. March 28, from 3 to r, p.m. rather lucky shot. lhe present at the Union Hotel. Mrs. T. Malpass, Mrs. R. Yates, Miss Thomas Henry Hudson of Union Bay. Here aro the line-ups and the i Gallivan, Mrs. J. Newton (Nanaimo), Miss Nora Glen, sister of the bride points scored by each player: Owls, Girls met In a closely-contested exhl- Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. J. Bond, Mrs. J. and Miss Elsie Young of Nanaimo TIDE TABLE, FEBRUARY 27—MARCH 6 INCLUSIVE H. Robertson s; Farmer; Don Wat-1 bltion game which was won by tho L. Brown, Mrs. C. Hitchens, Mrs. B. were ln attendance at the ceremony, son 2; Pinfold; Sommerville 12; Fos- j former team by tli.' score of .tl points Date Time H't. Time H't Time H't. Time H't, Brown, Mrs. A. Thompson. Mrs. Ron­ Mr. and Mrs. Hudson will make their ter 1; Stewart und Stevenson. Total to 3. Heck Stewart handled the home at Union Bay. The time used 27....I 2:19 6-2 8:37 12-9 15:22 4-3 21:34 10-7 2*i ' whistle In both events and though he ald, Mrs. J. Quinn, MrB. Wm. Gordon, is Pacific Stand­ 28....I 3:03 6-4 9:11 12-4 16:00 4-1 22:11 10-6 - Mrs. L. Frelone, Mrs. H. Parkinson, ard, for the 120 1....I 3:52 7-0 9:47 11-9 16:69 4-0 Rangers; Aitken 7; Walker 3; Hun- j claims to have called everything as Mrs. A. Kay (Union Bay), Mrs. H. Miss Anne Robertson of Shawnlgan Meridian West. It 2....I 0:01 10-6 4:51 8-7 10:27 11-1 17:54 :|.'.i den 3; Robertson 8; Dallos. Boyd and , he saw it, it was quite evident to the Docherty, Mrs. F. Covert, Mrs. R. Lake, Is visiting Mrs, A. F. Brown- Is counted from 0 3....J 1:22 10-8 6:16 9-4 11:17 10-9 18:51 :i-1-8s Weir. Total 21. spectators that he wasn't seeing to 24 hours, from 4....I 2:44 11-3 7:54 9-6 12:10 10-6 19:47 3-6 i Earlier lu the evening the High ; much, especially It It tended to hene- Goodall, Miss Brown, Mrs. William soy for the next two weeks. midnight to mid­ 5....I 3:39 11-71 9:14 9-4 13:18 10-4 20:38 3-!l Walker and Miss Helen Gordon. I night. 6....! 4:16 12-1 10:04 9-0 14:16 10-1 21:20 3-1 i School Girls and the Public School ' lit the Hangers. PAGE TWO THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER, CUMBERLAND, B. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1924. a News of Courtenay and Surrounding District

NEW FOREST RANGER SCOUTS HOLD PARTY Messrs Bradley and T. H. Meredith. commended to the Chamber. LUMBERING ON j Several plays were discussed and Mr. White pointed out that if this I parts of them read over. Some difti- ISLAND CONTINUES COURTENAY,—There were some i culty was experienced in selecting a road of 43 miles about 20 miles were ACTIVE INDUSTRY fifty boys present at a B. P. Scout I suitable play but It was decided to get already constructed. Of the re­ COURTENAY, Feb. 19.—Mr. L. B. party held tn the school on Friday Webster has taken over the duties ; copies of the very amusing comedy mainder the greater part was through Lumbering activities on the island night. Cross word puzzles and other I "It pa..s to advertise". It is the in­ of Mr. Benson, the former forest rang­ games were the order of the evening. territory that was open and lent It­ are reported to be good, although er of this district. Mr. Benson has tention of tlie association to present George Edwards was the star cross this screamingly funny comedy short- self to easy construction. There was with most of the mills having resumed left for Lund, B.C., which was form­ word artist. erly under the care of Mr. Webster. ! Iy after Easter. only a short distance of about six operations during the last few weeks, I Others present last night were: Mr. miles along Comox Lake that would there Is little to announce relative to GREAT BUILDING and Mrs. T. H. Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. be difficult of construction. the return ot dormant industries to ART CLASSES HELD ' T. Pearse. Mrs. Bradley, Miss Ryan ACTIVITY NOTICED and Mr. Martinlch. production. IN PUBLIC SCHOOL $200 IS REALIZED FROM A new mill ls shortly to open at IN COURTENAY Brechin, near Nanaimo, which will re­ NEW CHEVROLET JUMBLE AUCTION SALE COURTENAY, Feb. 21.—The art store prosperity to a district which classes that were formerly held ln the COURTENAY, Feb. 21.—A good BREAKS RECORDS has been quiet since mining opera­ COURTENAY. Feb. 26.—The Jum­ Booth Hall by Mr. Gamlin are now be­ deal of building activity ls at pres­ tions were suspended in the neigh­ ing conducted at the Courtenay Pub­ ent going on along the water front. ble Auction Sale in aid of the Comox lic school. The cost of paper and Tlie Edwards Lumber Co. Ltd., has a Agricultural and Industrial Associa­ borhood. BILL SUTLIFF Incidental expenses are being borne gang of men employed on its prop­ Chevrolet Motor Company broke all tion, held in the Agricultural Hall From Cowlchan Lake it ls reported Courtenay, U.C. by the Knights of Pythias. erty at this part of the city. The January records in 1925, delivering yeslerduy was a marked success. For that the logging companies are ship­ work being undertaken is the con­ some days prior to the Bale the Di­ and taking orders for iOfc more cars ping to Crofton, the same lumber uf struction of the company's new whan* i January of this year, than in Jan­ rectors had been soliciting donations tlie erection of a two-storey lumber n of articles to be sold at this auction. tralps being engaged as has been the shed, 20x115 feet, warehouse 80x40, uary 1924,_or January 1923. The first Tlie response to the solicitations was case for several days. months In the two years showing the good particularly in thc City of Court­ and ofiice 20x24. Mr. Wallace Mc­ Logging is reported to be resuming Phee has just become a partner ln the highest production and sales years In enay ami some very good articles were on Hornby Island, tbe firm ot McGee, firm and will take an active part in tlie history of the automobile indus­ donated by the merchants and some of the business. He is a native of the farmers. All services were given Robinson nnd Embleton having plans try. Courtenay and a son of Mr. Joseph gratis On this occasion and the very for extensive work at Phlpps Point. McPhee, one of the best known pio­ At the Chicago show, 1,107 Chevro- useful sum of $200 hus been placed lo At Courtenay the Edwards Lumber neer residents of the valley. Since lets were sold—establishing a record the credit of the Association as a re­ sult of this effort. Company is building a wharf, lumber Ills three years service overseas Mr. never before equalled by any car ex­ Wallace McPhee has engaged in farm Mr. B. Felix Thomas, who Is secre­ shed and olllce. The chief proprie­ hibition at Chicago, The new Chev­ ing In the Merville district and later tary of the Association, conducted the tor. George W. Edwards, left Victoria entered the mercantile business in rolet line was shown for the first time Bales; Mr. M. B. Tribe, the Aassocla- some thee years ago to go into the South Vancouver. Th egrowth of at tile New York show and here five tion's treasurer, acted as cashier aud the Edwards Lumber Co. has been Mrs. Felix Thomas kindly gave her woodworking business there, and has times as many orders were taken as steadily maintained. It is only eight­ services as clerk. During the after­ since much Improved his connection. at any previous New York show. een months ago that tlie firm which noon, tea was served by Mrs. Walter Inquiries for limits are chiefly cen­ was started under the name of Ed­ Similar high sales records were Brown, Mrs. Walter McPhee and Mrs. tred now on the Alberni area and Na­ Tfif-**- --. .,.; t* —- -, . •- -*.-_- ,-*.~r I wards and Orr, came into existence. made at shows in Detroit. Philadel­ D. Bell for the ladles auxiliary of the At that time a commencement was Association. naimo River. Cruising parties are In phia, Cleveland and other centres of '. • v~~-^----.~'> it- -I - "--.*-::- -M made with a small hand wood work­ The following are the names of the field for the Esquimalt and Na­ ing shop and a small capital. They population. In many cases, before m those who contributed to the Jumble naimo Railway lands department, and were practical men however and goojl dealers could secure models, pur­ Auction: Mrs. J. McQulllam. W. J. Inquiries for timber are quite active results were obtained. The entrance chases were made from specifications Andrews, Booth & Sons, Busy Bee, of Mr. McPhee to the business will J, Crockett, P. Whelau, C, Yockney. from outside points. do much to put the lumber company and photographs only. Sun Drug Co., Malpass & Wilson, W. on a still stronger basis. Since com­ The new models are now On display Beard, H. Cooke, W. Marshall. Blunt " •' '«!il-»-;!g*jt!«iiJ,l-*k- - ing to Courtenay some three years ago at Courtenay, and Messrs Blunt & & Ewart, Bell-Irving Motor Co., Cor- NIGHTWATCHMAN INJURED Mr. Geo. W. Edwards has done much field's, C. W. Worthlngton, Piket Elec­ Ewart have already received very towards building up the business of tric, E. T. Ellison, G. R. Mutrie, G. COURTENAY, Feb. 26.—Mr. Wm. FINEST PRODUCTS OF THE BEST LUMBER satisfactory advance orders for new the company. He has taken an ac­ Pidcock, Red Front Variety Store, Hyde, night watchman at the Owllt tive Interest in many local enterprises cars. Prltchnrds Bros., Builder's Supply, MILLS ARE ASSEMBLED IN OUR YARDS. and can be counted as one of Court- Edwards Lumber Co., Graham & Mon- Lumber Mill met with a nasty acci­ enay'B most progressive business crleff, Miss Dency Smith, Laver's dent last evening. Getting his arm men. WANTS DIRECT ROAD Store, A. W. Stark, C. W. Slllencc. R. cnught in one of the belts, hi was E. Ault, J. N. McLeod. F. R. Blscoc. dragged over the pulley, receiving a Edwards Lumber Co., Ltd. TO CROSS ISLAND W.. A. W. Paul, R. U. Hurford, Mrs. THEATRICAL SOCIETY Phelps, Comox Creamery, H. V. Col­ broken arm and other serious Injur­ COURTENAY 'Plume 17 lins, Comox Co-operative Society. ies. He was conveyed to the Cum­ WILL BE KNOWN AS VICTORIA.—The necessity ol* the Venables Bakery, G. Weaver, Farm­ berland hospital where he Is pro­ COURTENAY PLAYERS Provincial Government completing er's Produce, A. G. Slaughter, Mc­ gressing as favorably as can be ex­ tlie road to connect Alberni with tbe Bryde's Bakery, C. Butchers, Mrs. pected. Cowan, D, Isenor. Mrs. Shepherd. COURTENAY, Feb. 26.—About six­ east coast at Cumberland was ex­ Brackman & Ker. Mr. Gurney Sr., F. teen residents of the district who are plained to the Tourist Trade Group Childs, Messrs Flinton & Allberry. Interested in amateur theatricals, met of the Chamber of Commerce by Mr. H. Marrlson, W. R. Perry, Mrs. L. at the home of Captain and Mrs. F. G. E. M. Whyte, president of the Alberni Cliffe, H. Scales. A. Knight. E. Whel- Liddle last night and formed them­ an, T. Knight, II. Brnmley, W. J. Gunn selves into an association that will lie Board of Trade. He pointed out that W. J. C. Hannah. Butler Bros. Mr. known as the Courtenay Players. The the completion of this road would Surgenor, C. W. Leedham. G. Thomas, preliminary business, which resulted give not only direct connection for W. A. Urquhart. T. Pearse, Vancouver in the election of Mr. Win. Booth pres­ tourist travel but would cut off a long Milling Co.. W. S. Hunter, Mrs. A M. ident, and Mr. Felix Thomas See- Smith. Tarhcll's Ltd., Brown's Furni­ Treas. trip for commercial men. In addi­ ture Store, W. Stalker and others. It ls probable that Mrs, Liddle will tion to tliis the road would come with­ he responsible for the first production in easy reach of Strathcona Park The value of Canada's exports to | to be put on by tlie newly formed which could thus he made a grent at­ Cumberland Volunteer Fire** ; Courtenay Players, and that the other Australia has now reached $20,000,- | positions will be as follows: Stage traction for visitors. 000 annually, trade wilh that country mens' Masquerade Ball St. Pat­ | Manager, Mr. Bradley, Scenic .Man­ The group will consider this matter having increased rapidly In recent rick's Day, March 17th, Ilo-llo McBRYDE'S BAKERY ager, Mr. G. W. Stubhs; Advertising at its meeting with a view to de- Committee, Messrs Bradley, Starks years; and continues to expand stead- Ball Room. Tht White Store Tht WhIU Bakerr and Booth; Property and Lighting, jciding upon what action should be re- Ily.

Eat McBryde's 100% Whole Wheat Bread, the loaf that driv.B GOVERN MEM LIQUOR ACT th. poison from the system. He that is hailed as tht greattit writer on hsalth says, "Patent foods should be shunned Ilk. th. Notice of Application for Boer d.vll and to eat the Natural Whole Wheat Braad." License ESSEX-6-COACH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on the 27th day of March next, the un­ fkit Class Certificate (Upper Grade) for breaa Mriag dersigned Intends to apply to the guarantees the quality Liquor Control Board for a license ln $1595.00 respect of premises being part of the F.O.B. COURTENAY building known as Merville Cash mm i • • Grocery, situate on the West aide of THE COURTENAY TEA ROOM the Island Highway, at Merville, Comox District, County of Nanaimo, 25 tZ'T'-i Province ot British Columbia, upon the lands described as subdivision of Lots 27 and 42, being part of Block 19, Map No. 2270, Viotorla Land Regis­ Wmf, tration District, in the Province of British Columbia, for the Bale of Beer by the glass or by the open bottle for consumption on the premises. Dated this 26th day of February, 1925. R. H. SHAW, 9-12. Applicant.


"The Narlgnblo Water's PretMtlM USED CARS Act" R.S.C. Chapter lit The Royston Lumber Company Lim­ At Guaranteed Prices ited hereuy gives Notice that It haa You would like the greatest under Section 7 of the said Act de­ posited with the Minister of Publlc Works ot Ottawa and ln the Offlce of the Registrar of Titles at the City of «-!>*•**•*** Victoria, in the Province of British Columbia, a description of the site and value for your money?? plans of Its proposed wharf, booming- grounds, piles and works appurten­ ant thereto to be constructed on the site known as Lot 161, Nanaimo Dis­ STANDARDIZED PRICES trict and which site is situate ln front of the Marine Drive which Ilea be­ Then invest in a Hudson, Essex, Star or tween *.,i,'h tide mark and the North Easterly boundary of Blocks "C", "D", On Cars, Parts and and "E" of Section 4 In Nanaimo Dis­ Durant. 100% Car value for your $1.00 trict Province of British Columbia, Plan 1478. Labor AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this Notice the Royston Lumber Company Lim­ ******* ited will under Section 7 ot the said Act apply to the Minister of Public Bell-Irving Motors, Ltd. Works at his ofllce at the City of Ot­ tawa for npproval ot the Bald site and plans and for leave to construct the said Wharf and to drive, place Corfield Motors, Limited Courtenay, B. C. Phone 182 and erect the said piles and works ap­ purtenant thereto. FORD DEALER DATED nt Cumberland, B.C., this Some Good Values in Second Hu nd Cars That it Will Pay You to Look Over. 26th day of February, A.D., 1925. THE ROYSTON LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone 46 Courtenay, B.C. Per G. K. Uchlyama, 9-12 Managing Director. -/"I FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1924. THE GUMMRLANB ISLANMIt, CUMWMILAND, B. C. PAGE THREE THE JUDGE:" •' Who'll Collect the Reward. -• b Mti * — 1 / :— s I i— . — 1 | : ___r=rrr==: HE TUCK AtV LEF'V WELL I WOULDN'T WORRY COME SACK. HON.E, HUHT^ OE CHICKEN COOP DO' ABOUT THAT. YOU KNOV*. HOW DEY'LU QO SACK HOME. [ I OPEM AM' OE Cl 'CHICKENS WE "VWEY ALL COME BACK CHICKENS AllTWSAWW ^ HOME/ST rnqHT EF DEY HASh'TALREOOY WEHT I IJ

other factors other than chemical SEALS START NORTHERN composition that largely Influence the Simple Test For Acid Soil productivity of any soil. It is diffi­ MOVE EARLY THIS YEAR cult, therefore, under such circum­ Frelone's Grocery Store stances to impart information to the SEWARD—Fur seals, which Win­ For a number of years British Col­ lime present in the sample submitted. ter along Southern California and CORNER 5th ST. AND DUNSMUIR AVE. farmer which will be helpful In de­ umbia farmers have been submitting On receipt of this report the Soil and ciding the best cropping' or fertilizer Summer In the Pribyloff Islands In CUMBERLAND samples of soil to the Provincial De­ Crop Branch have ln turn written the method to practise. the Bering Sea, are moving North ln partment of Agriculture for chemical farmer advising him to the best of In view of these facts the Soil and full force and two months earlier than Is usual. When in Need of High-class Groceries, analysis. The object of this analy­ their ability the kind of fertilizer and Crop Branch ot the Department of cropping methods to adopt on the News of the movement of the seals Give us a Trial sis has chiefly been to ascertain the Agriculture feel that it is lu the in­ actual amount of plant food constit­ land under consideration. For sev­ terests of the farmers and the pub­ was obtained here from the gasoline uents contained ln the soil represent­ eral reasons, however, this system of lic service to curtail unwarranted an­ boat Marchovie, en route from Se­ ^UR PRICES ARE RIGHT receiving samples direct from farmers attle to False Pass, between the A1-. ed by the sample analyzed.- This alysis of soil. In making this de­ analytical work, which requires elab­ themselves and then reporting on cision it Is desired to point out tliat aska Peninsula and the Aleutian Is­ orate equipment end careful techni­ same when analysis has been com­ this is identical with the decision lands. The Marshovle observed the que, as well as considerable time to pleted has not been altogether satis­ whch has been reached at some ot seals In thousands off Icy Straits, secure accurate results, has been car­ factory. There are four main rea­ the larger soil testing stations on the 600 miles southeast of here. ried on, free of charge, by the Analyst sons for this: (l)The farmer has not continent where farmers have soils of the Provincial Department of Mines had a clear Idea of the reason for which are unproductive due appar­ On completion of the analysis a re­ submitting his soil for analysis. Many ently to a deficiency of some plant Connaught Cup S. DAVIS port has been issued to the Soil and farmers have the Idea that a soil anal­ food material it would he decidedly Crop Branch of the Provincial De­ ysis can be made ln a few minutes to their advantage to establish some UP-TO-DATE SHOE REPAIRER. partment of Agriculture giving the and that It will solve all their soil sev Entries To Be In It pays to have your shoes repaired as they wear longer plots in their farms and try out * amount of the various minerals and problems. This, however, Is not the eral types of fertilizer, for it Is only after repairing than when new. * case. (2) The samples are often By End Of March I aim to give the best in Material, Workmanship and in this way they can expect to obtain secured at random by Inexperienced accurate information. In this con­ Service at— persons who neglect to furnish any nection it is desired to point out that THE FAMILY SHOE REPAIRERS data that is very essential if conclu­ the Soil and Crop Branch of the De­ VANCOUVER, Feb. 24.—The Lower Note address— Opposite the Drug Store. sions of value are to be reached. (31 partment of Agriculture, Victoria, or Mainland Football Association must Chemical analysis shows only the per­ the nearest Agricultural Representa­ complete the .Mainland cup series not m centage of plant food present with­ tive will be glad to outline proper later than April 4. An application out giving an accurate estimate of the methods for conducting such tests. to have the time extended was turned T. Malpass down by the council of the British amount available to the crop owing to If, on the other hand. It would appear GENERAL RAILING the numerous factors involved in that lime was delicient In the soil Columbia Football Association Satur­ plant nutrition. (4) There are many a simple test for any farmer to con­ day. FREIGHT, COAL AND WOOD duct himself is as follows: Take up Entries for the Connaught Cup must "The Most of the Beit for the Least" be filed with Secretary J. L. Arm­ Any part o£ City or District a little soil from half a dozen places on the area to be tested for acidity strong not later than March 31. It and mix well together with spade or may lie decided to stage the B.C. sec­ ASHES TAKEN AWAY AND trowel. Put a few ounces of the tion of tlie series earlier this year. Marocchi Bros. When you are ln need of a RUBBISH REMOVED mixed soil into a clean cup and adil The provincial council is of the a opinion tiie Upper Island League has The Pioneeer Bakers Please leave your orders at offlce Plumbing * Heath* Eiftawr, See enough boiled water to make very thick paste. Using a small stick or shown discrimination between two and Grocers Mrs. King's Stationery Store the back of a knife press a piece of clubs, Northfleld and Davenports. R. RUSHTON blue litmus paper one half its length The former was dismissed from the SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO —w•^^•t •••••• II •••••• into thc mud in the cup. After 1*3 competition for falling to fulfill fix­ Phone 111 Phone 117 tures, while the latter was allowed to BREAD IS YOUR BEST FOOD OR PHONE IS UNION HOTEL Courtenay Cumberland minutes caerfutly withdraw the lit­ mus paper and examine it to see if remain in the league after a similar EAT MORE OF IT offence. CUMBERLAND TRANSFER Your need* will receive immediate the part In contact with the mud has PHONE 11 CUMBERLAND turned red. If It has become red the North Wards of Victoria will be in­ T. Malpass attention. musl m UD soil Is acid and lime should be applied formed that ""'>' " hold to the land. players' transfers unnecessarily. The secretary's action in transferring When handling the litmus paper or Player Bell from North Wards to Vet­ the soil to be tested do not touch with erans was endorsed. bare bands but use wood or metal The next meeting of the council instruments because the sensitive pa­ will he In Victoria, .March 21. per may be reddened by coming lu (oust Soccer l.c-.igiie To Meet on PETER McNIVEN contact with the flgers. Keep blue Saturday Marcel Waver litmus "book" in olean bottle. Al-1 From information leaking out from ...TRUCK AND GENERAL DELIVERY. ways use boiled water for moistening the meeting held Saturday night, it soil. I Nine Reasons Why You Should Buy This Waver PETER McNIVEN—CUMBERLANDMONE IM develops that 'he proposed Pacific Coast Football League is no "myth." 1. Assures a beautiful Marcel Wave in five (5) All of the Interested clubs were rep­ minutes! Coal, Wood, Ashes and Hauling of Every Description resented at the meeting. Ladysmith 2. It will not burn or singe your hair. At Reasonable Prices. was voted out when Alexander Mlchie 3. It will save its cost many times in the first month. could not see eye to eye with the 4. A wave when you want it—No waiting for the hair other delegates in the matter of ex­ Wm. Douglas penses and gate divisions. This leaves dresser. FOR 5. After the swim, put a quick wave in. Westminster United. St. Andrews, North Shore United, Nnnalmo City, 6. Costs practically nothing to operate—Fits in any Hay, Grain and Cumberland and probably another socket. Poultry Supplies team from Nanaimo as the league per­ 7. A quicker and better wave than is possible with Above all—pure sonnel. It i*> expected that at the any other appliance. ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS meeting next Saturday organization 8. Your appearance depends on your hair dress. Leave Orders at plans will he completed. Here is quick beauty. Tommy's Hardware Store 9. Absolutely guaranteed. cimittAXB, ac. PRICE $3.50 Silver Spring THK B.C. MINING (itZETTK" Through our connection with Best by Test the publishers of this up-to-date Cumberland Electric Lighting mining Journal, we ran offer, to a limited number only, Co., Ltd. PURITY—STRENGTH THREE .MONTHS' FKEE CITY MEAT SI'IMHII'TION CUMBERLAND, B.C. —WHOLESOMENESS— without obligation on your part. GUARANTEED BY Call or write GRANT MAHOOD & CO., Ltd., MARKET Members Vnncouvcr Stock Exchange. Silver Spring Brewery, Limited For Beat Quality ^^ Rogers BIdg.. ^^k Vancouver, B.C. fit BEEF. VEAL, MUTTON AND Victoria PORK Red Toopi Relief Valves, $7 each Freah and Cured Flah TO KESEI P "CLOSED" PLUMBING "OPEN" This is a 1/2-in.valve for use on domestic hot water ASK YOUR LOCAL VENDOR AND DEMAND supply systems for relief of damaging pressures caused HOTELS AND CAMP8 by ranges and tank heaters. SPECIALLY CATERED TO Gem APPROVED Both Red Top Relief Valves are approved by Un­ English Ale, and Stout Our Motto: Barber Shop derwriters' Laboratories, Inc., and by State and Muni­ Opposite Ilo-llo Theatre cipal Bureaus of Water and Boiler Inspection. "QUALITY AND SERVICE" Lager Beer CUMBERLAND, B.C. CUMBERLAND AND UNION WATER WORKS CO. ALBERT ETAN8 Limited. Practical Barber, and Hair­ G. W. CLINTON, Managing Director. W. P. Symons - - Proprietor dresser, Shampooing, Slngtlng, This advertisement is not published or displayed by thu Massaging, Scalp Treatment Liquor Control Board or by th* Government of B.C. =23 PAGE FOUR THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER, CUMBERLAND, B. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1924.

THE MODERN PACE The Cumberland Islander! We wonder why the world is so unsettled; why our youth don't seem to understand us or we PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY them; why we cannot get laws to cope with crime, Comox Creamery Association Courtenay, B.C. CUMBERL.' ND, B.C. and all that sort of thing. EDWARD W. BICKLE Stop and think what changes have taken place in the past twenty years, and then ask your­ IF IT'S BUTTER IF IT'S JAM self the question, "what have we done about ASK FOR INSIST ON them 1" Let us see. We have taken away the horse and buggy FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1924. and put on the road speed-breeding machines Comox that strike when no wrath provokes. We call Comox Brand nniu'T nmr'T A this progress. It is, but it often leaves in its uuiN i muri ;path the tracks of sorrow by killing somebody Creamery Young man, get away from the crowd tor a; besic*es the fool driver. The liberty of speed is Jam while, and think. Stand on one side and let tho too often translated into untrammeled license, world run by, while you g *t acquainted with your- j We have invented talking machines and rad- Butter Made from fresh fruit in the self and see what kind ot a fellow you are. Ask j *og an(* sit pass*vely in our overstuffed cushions yourself hard questions about yourself. Find out h*stening to the artists broadcasting culture from Made From Pure Jersey Valley. Pure cane sugar only whether you are drifting aimlessly along with the L waxed p*ate or through the static atmosphere. Cream. used in its manufacture. stream or striving for i definite object. IOJ \Vhy iearn t0 play music ourselves? It is surge along with the crov d requires no effort and g0 much easiel. to remain undeveloped and get our ,.—n will bring you no reward. Ask yourself il you i ullllure by dropping a nickel in the slot. The re- are making progress, so that each tomorrow finds sujt is a conglomeration of jazz performances IF IT'S FLOUR—SEE THAT YOU GET you farther than today. i ami a jazzv-minded, dizzy minded nation of peo- COMOX WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR This applies not only lo material things, bul | ple jazz is a)j we know because jazz is all we to the shaping (if your whole character, to your heari moral, ethical and intellectual side as well, and | ' We h taken the ^ but in ma, they are often found to go hand in hand. instances we have failed to provide any substi- IF IT'S POTATOES IF IT'S EGGS One sure way of making progress is to start h^ t(j jn wholesome ma)lnel. the loss of DEMAND OURS ARE a savings account which is not only saving money i , lel)owshi which the flowing bowl implanted but is also a character builder and is a sine way . ft excitement-loving posterity of the half- ot getting out ol the rut of drifting along, hav-! d k multitude8 of a decade ag0. Comox mg no object in new and getting nowhere. ^ ^ prohibited ^ .g ^^ ^ ^ Strictly THE GREATEST GIFT have ')een t°° Prone **° st°P there and have not Creamery gone a step further and provided the right things Fresh Eggs And soon will come that annual miracle—the t0 take its place. Here is the challenge to the birth of spring. | church, the school and the home, and to the com- Potatoes The birds and blossoms will herald this fes- j munity's welfare workers, Candled and graded ln ac­ We have mobilized the soap boxes to stand Grown in the District and tival of Nature, and the scarred old face of the graded according to Gov't, cordance with Uie New Egg world will be wreathed in smiles. j upon and tell what we think is wrong with the j government, when all we want is a little more regulation. "Look for the Act. For ages the poets have sung of sweet tag on the bag." Spring's return, and weary humanit,,, ., , y has eachA domestic happiness, easily procured by more year take, on pew hope. Philanthropists and Lharit to our wi chiWren relatives and hu- benevolent citizens those who love their fellow- anit^ and some 1Ug to cure om. in(ligestion. men, have sought to make cilies and towns more ,„' , , , ,• . . . . . beautiful by the gift of stately buildings and the, We have taken away classical learning from laving out of parks, but how pitifully small are j "W °* °ur «*°oUi; substituted tor the funda- al'l of man's efforts compared with the Creator's m«ital "three Rs a host of strange doctrines lch sc rcel tw ra 0 lavish beneficence when he garlands the land with !^then wonde? r wh*i.y crime:i^4, in its^ mora a?^l an. d?P economi^.?!^c spring, GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT Men place their gifts on the broad highways |asPec**s costs more than education itself. where others may see and applaud them. Got Everything is specialized. We hire the Notice of Application (or Beer Notice of Application for Beer Notice of Application for Beer spreads His blossoms to the uttermost parts of other fellow to do our working, our playing ami License License License the earth. A little blue (lower peeps from the our thinking. Our children seldom shine their NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, crevasse on the unsealed mountain and, the beau­ own shoes, and for the modern girl to "do utf'j^^^S^l^k™ on the 7th day of March next, the un­ on the 7th day ot March next, the un­ tiful pond lily is born to blush unseen in an un­ her own hair is getting to be a lost art. dersigned Intends to apply to the dersigned Intends to apply to the dersigned intends to apply to the discovered lake. Clinging to the side of a ditch Modernism and progress are a golden heritage Liquor Control Board for a license in Liquor Control Board for a license ln Liquor Control Board for a license in respect of premises being part of the respect ot premises being part of the respect of premises being part ot the that may carry filth from a slaughter house, a:but we must watch it—keep abreast of it, and of building known as Willis --Hotel, building known as Baynes Sound Hot­ building known as Nelson Hotel, daisy nods in the breeze, and between the rails of ever-changing conditions—or they will get away situate at Union Bay, adjoining Island el, situate on the West side of Island situate at Island Highway, Union Bay, a railroad track, unmindful of the roaring mass from us and get away with us. Highway, Nelson District, County of Highway, Nelson District, Vancouver in Nelson District, County ot Nanaimo; that thtmde s over it, a sunflower smiles up at' Nanaimo, Province of British Colum- Island, County of Nanaimo, Province and Province ot British Columbia, bla, upon the lands described as Sec- of British Columbia, upon the lauds upon the lands described as Lots No. the sky. In the silent places of the earth there, Some business men travel around so much lion 32, Victoria Land Registration described as Part of Four Acres of 11, 12 13 and 14, Block No. 7, Map No. is the most beautiful verdure and garlands of, that when they do eat at home they look for a District, in the Province of British Lot 12, Victoria Land Registration 438, Victoria Land Registration Dis­ roses. For ages upon ages this lavish gift of: menu. Columbia, for the sale of Beer by the District, ln the Province of British trict, In the Province of British Col­ Nature has been given to humanity. Man may '; glass or by the open bottle for con­ Columbia, for the sale of Beer by the umbia, for the sale of Beer by the sumption ou the premises. glass or by the open bottle for con­ glass or by the open bottle for con­ build submarines in which to dive beneath the Rejoice with the farmer if he succeeds in Dated this 20th day of February. sumption on the premises. sumption on the premises. sea; he may build airplanes in which to reach the making a few shillings this year. He has it 1925. I. C. WILLIS, Dated this 13th day of February, Dated this 13th day ot February, clouds, but he cannot make a seed that will unfold coming. 8-11. Applicant. 1926. 1926. JOHN R. JOHNSTON. JOHN ALEXANDER FRASER, or a bud that will blossom. 7-10 Applicant. ALFRED RAPER HORNE, Hail, gentle Spring, God's greatest gift to I Blessed are the righteous for they do not 7-10 Applicants. man. litter up the front pages. UOVERNMENT LIQUOR AIT GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT Notice of Application for Beer QUAKE ATMOSPHERE License Notice of Application for Beer Notice of Application for Beer License License Canadian Big Game For Austrian FILMED IN JAPAN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on the 14th day of March next, the un­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, dersigned intends to apply to the on the 7th day of March next, the un­ on the 7th day of March next, the un­ Special scenes of tlie ruins of Tokio liquor Control Board for a license in dersigned Intends to apply to the dersigned intends to apply to the respect of premises being part of the Liquor Control Board tor a license in and Yokohama following tho Japan­ Liquor Control Board for a license in building known as the Bevan Hotel, respect of premises Uelng part of the respect ot premises being part of the ese earthquake were taken hy two situate at Bevan, Comox District, building known as Eagle Hotel, building known as Waverly Hotel, cameramen sent to Japan for tliat pur County of N'anaimo and Province of situate at Dunsmuir Avenue, City of situate at Dunsmuir Avenue, ln the British Columbia, upon the lands de­ Cumberland, Nelson District, County I pose, and incorporated as atmosphere City of Cumberland, Nelson District, scribed as Part of Sec. 4, Township 9, ot Nanaimo, and Province of British County of Nanaimo, Province of Brit­ i in 's First National Victoria Land Registry District, in the Columbia, upon the lands described ish Columbia, upon the lands describ­ ! screen version of "Torment." coining Province of British Columbia, for the as Lot No. 3, Block No. 3, Map No. ed as Lot No. 2, Block No. 3, Map No. sale of Beer by the glass or by the 522, Victoria Land Registration Dis­ 522, Victoria Land Registrator Dis­ ; to the Ilo-llo Theatre next Monday open bottle for consumption on the trict. In the Province of British Col­ and Tuesday. trict, in the Province of British Col­ premises. umbia, for the sale of Beer by the umbia, for the sale of Beer by the Actual scenes of the earthquake Dated this 20th day of February, glass or by the open bottle for con­ glass or by the open bottle for con­ 1925. sumption on the premises. sumption on the premises. ! while it was under way. however. ALEXANDER J. McMILLAN, Dated this 13th day of February, ! were reproduced in a motion picture 1925. Dated this 13th day ot February, 8-11. Applicant. 1925. j studio in Los Angeles for this spec- JOSEPH ASPESI, 7-10 Applicant. FRANK DALLOS, j tacular film. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT 7-10 Applicant. i The effects that were obtained are Notice of Application for Beer GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT I described as most startling. Some GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT 1 of the most important scenes show a License Notice of Application for Beer hand of International crooks trapped License Notice of Application for Beer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, License i in the vault of a Yokohama hank ou tlie 1 itli day of March next the un­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, i while trying to Bteal a fortune lit dersigned intends to apply to the on the 7th day of March next, the un­ llie NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, . gems when earthquake came. Liquor Control Board for a license in dersigned intends to apply to the on the 7th day of March next, the un­ j Some of the players sustained mi- respect of premises being part of the Liquor Control Board for a license In dersigned Intends to apply to the building known as Campbelltown respect of premises being pari of the ' nor hurts from falling debris, hut Liquor Control Board for a license In lltrv ore nun mime (ini* Ipfcfmeni Hotel, situate at Townsite of Camp- building known as Union Hotel, respect of premises being part ot the •( in'' ii nt, i in ihtcp- photographed near none seriously hurt. Among those iclltowii, near Campbell River, on the situate at Dunsmuir Ave., extended Itnnfi. Alberta, ln>et. a mountain building known as Vendome Hotel, goat living nn iiira of tlic (im* J-UII j who went through these strenuous Island Highway, in Sayward District, Westerly, In Nelson District. County situate at Dunsmuir Avenue, in the or rnmtTa trophlci thtie big saim* County of Nanaimo and Province of of Nanaimo, and Province ot British 'scenes were Owen .Moore, Jean Iler- City of Cumberland, In Nelson* Dis­ animal-**-, provide. llritish Columbia, upon (he lands de­ Columbia, upon the lands described trict, County of Nanaimo, Province of At Banff railway station re* shot, Bessie Love, George Cooper, scribed ns Lot No. 2C, of Lot 60 Block as Part of Lot No. 24, Nelson District, British Columbia, upon the lands de­ ** cently a small official gath­ Morgan Wallace nnd Joseph Kllgour. Nn. C, Map No. 1058, Victoria Land adjoining City of Cumberland, Vic­ scribed as Lot No. 3, Block No. 6, ering bade goodbye to six Registry District, in thc Province of toria Land Registration District, In Map No. 522, Victoria Land Registra­ worthy members i.l' Nature's Own British Columbia, for the sole of Beer tho Province of British Columbia, for tion District, In the Province of Alpine Club. They had never be­ ; if all the husbands you knew were by tlle glass or by the open bottle for thc sale of Beer by the glass or hy the j lined up—and you knew as much British Columbia, for the sale of Beer fore been passengers although irom consumption on the premises. open- bottle for consumption on tlic by the glass or by the open bottle for their lofty home in tlu- Canadian i about each of them ns you did about Dated this 20th day of February, premises. consumption on the premises. Pacific Rockies they had watched | your own husband- would you choose 1925. Dated this 13th dny of February, and heard the trains that day by become acclimatized and would Dated this 13th day of February, j to take your own hack again? See JAMES ENGLISH, 1925. 1925. day -shuttle smoothly to nnd fro on thrive well in the highlands of his ROBERT YATES, the world's greatest highway. In native country. Anxious to put his j what Mrs. Paramour did who nslie hud 8-11. Applicant. VIRGINIO MARENELLI, 7-10 Applicant deed so close to the railway trac"k 1 lluuIT to ththce test he entered into her choice In "Married Flirts." show- 7-10 Applicant. did they oft times venture l! the '"'g-'tiationswith the Canadian Gov* 1 ing at the Ilo-llo this Friday and Sat­ eminent and succeeded in securing GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT people in passing train- the two rams and four ewes for export urday. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT unique pleasure of ' eing these to Austria. Notice of Application for Beer Notice of Application for Bwr hardy mountaineers ascending and License ., Notice ef Application for Beer descending the cliffs and crags of In the Canadian Pacific Rockies License their native haunts. where "Hig Horn" sheep are increas­ License ing enormously in numbers there NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, For they were (he famous "Big on the 7th day of March next, the un­ Horns," the wild sheep of Canada' is yet a great plenty of other large on the 7th day of March next, the un­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, game animals. The territory west­ dersigned Intends to apply to the dersigned intends to apply to the on the 10th day of March next, the un­ great mountain region. Lodged in P. P. HARRISON Liquor Control Board for a license ln upholstered crates, accommo id in ward of and convenient to Lake Win­ Liquor Control Board for a license In dersigned Intends to apply to the dermere Camp is noted for Grizzly BARRISTER nml SOLICITOR respect of premises being part of the respect of premises being part of the Liquor Control Board tor a license in a roomy Dominion Express car, tbey building known as King George Hotel, were consigned to a large estate high Bear. A comparatively short trail NOTARY PUBLIC building known as The Cumberland respect ot premises being part of the journey northward from Lake sltunte at Dunsmuir Avenue, City of Hotel, situate at Dunsmuir Avenue, building known as Willows Hotel, up in the Alps of Austria where CUMBERLAND - - - B.C. Cumberland, Nelson District, County they will have liberty to roam in a Louise brings one into a regior ln Nelson District, County of Nanaimo, situate at The Island Highway, in congenial environment and where, it where white goats clamber on thi of Nanaimo, and Province of British and Province of British Columbia, Campbell River, In Sayward District, is hoped, they may in course of cliffs and crags. In the open valley! Columbia, upon the lands described upon the lands described as Lots No. County of Nanaimo, Province of time multiply and become as abun­ south of Banff there are many elk as Lot No. !), Block No. 7, Map No. 622. 1 and 2, Block No. 6, Map No. 522. British Columbia, upon the lands de­ dant us the flocks that feed on the and moose a-browsing, Too, out Victoria Land Registration District, Victoria Land Registration District, scribed as Lot 09, Victoria Land Reg­ Alpine meadows near Lake Louise there the Spray Lakes sparkle ii in the Province of llritish Columbia, ln the Province of British Columbia, istration District, ln the Province of and that wander upon the sunny the sunshine, the finest trouting (or the sale of Beer by the glass or for thc sale of Beer by the glnss or British Columbia, for the sale of Beer slopes of Yoho Valley. water in Nor' West Canada. And by the open bottle for consumption hy the open bottle for consumption on by the glass or by the open bottle for on the premises. Count Hohenloe, an Austrian no­ whether you hunt with rifle or with the premises. consumption on the premises. bleman, who had travelled in the camera the sportsman will find tro­ Dated this 13th day ot February, Dated this 13th day of February, Dated this 15th day of February, phies worth the winning in this 1926. Rockies nnd who had seen the wild t . 1925. 1925. 3heep of that region, believed that vast nnd unspoiled land ot sporti. VICTOR BONORA, WILLIAM MERRIFIELD. CHARLES THULIN, given opportunity thev would easily I man's lure. 7-10 Applicant. 7-10 Applicant. 7-10 Applicant. i FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1924. THE CUMBERLAND 1SLANDBR, CUMBERLAND, B. C. PAGE FIVE

MAKING MOVIE tremor halts their escape and for days STRONG CAST WITH excite the interest of every sportsman EARTHQUAKE IS they are held prisoners in a vault ad­ Staking All o„ Horse Sense, by E. joining that in which their victims DIX IN NEW FILM Dalton Tipping, Western Experiences THRILLING AND are slowly starving, separated only by Donald Oraham, The Tenderfoot by steel bars. "A MAN MUST LIVE' RISKY BUSINESS hy Hoderick O'Neill,, aro a few of the Ladies' Hosiery . The floor of the great stage of the Hichard Uix ln his new Paramount entertaining stories contained in this United Studios in Los Angeles where starring picture, "A Man Must Live," number. Canada's Wild Buffalo by The walls trembled. "Torment" was made was reinforced coming to tlle Ilo-llo Wednesday and Maxwell Graham is an article brim­ Art Silk Hose, in colors, per pair 60*r> Plaster dropped from the celling. with heavy timbers for tho quake The rear wall caved In. Thursday, is supported by a cast ful of interesting and valuable inform­ Art Silk Hose, in colors, per pair SO*p scene and overlaid with an inch ot which far outshines that which ap-. ation on this subject. In addition Four tons of rock and earth came concrete. In all more than ten tons tumbling down the stairway. peared with the new Paramount lum- i there are the regular stories—That Siik Hosiery, in colors, per pair $1.25 of material fell on it from a height The chandelier fell. inary in his first production as a star 1 Tent and Thirty-Five Below by F. V. of twenty feet or more. Four tons "Manhattan." j Williams, Slightly Mistaken by Martin COTTON CREPES A steel girder left its position above hit the floor in one crash In the first and smashed the desk. Jacqueline Logan, who played op- j Hunter, Some Adventures With the and biggest scene of the earthquake poslte Dix in "Manhattan," again has j Great Horned Owl by Bonnycastle Cotton Crepes, all the best colors, per yd 30-f> Then the eight cameras grinding on sequence. To get the spectacular ef­ a scene, with Owen Moore and George an Important role. She shares fem-; "ale, and Emporer Geese and Queen- fects obtained it was necessary that inlne honors with Edna Murphy In "A i b' Swans hy J. W. Wlnson, which TOWELS AND ROLLER TOWELING Cooper, from Maurice Tourneur's more than $6,000 damage be done. "Torment," halted for the earthquake Man Must Live," adapted by James ! ''over a variety of subjects and the "Whatever they get, they earn It," Towles, a good large size, each 50

home for twenty-four hours of sleep tails to the horror of the Japanese War veteran who gets a job as re­ PEACE RIVER RAIL and rest. They had been under a catastrophe of last summer, ls the porter on Nash's paper. constant emotional and nerve strain CONSTRUCTION SOON climax of Tourneur's newest produc­ Other big names in the cast are during the taking of the quake scenes tion f°r First National which wlll bs Charles Beyer, Farnell's (Dix) buddy and at times were in personal danger A. MacKinnon shown at the Ilo-llo Theatre Monday of the battlefields of France; Dorothy VANCOUVER.—"A beginning ot from falling girders, masonry and and Tuesday next week. It follows a Walters, William Aicciardi, Arthur construction ou the Peace River rail­ marble pillars. Many of the big holdup In the vaults of the Yokohama Housman, Lucius Henderson and way will be made this year—this Is & scenes were staged amid tons of absolutely certain." declared R. H. 1 Specie Bank In which two American Jane Jennings. debris from the demolished bank Gale on his return here from Ottawa. crooks get away with millions of dol­ "A Man Must Live." produced by vault in which the characters of the "As to the nature of the scheme lars worth of jewels. The earth Paul Sloane, is that director's first play are entombed. work for the screen and Dlx's second that will be adopted, everybody seems When the sequence ended the play­ of Paramount's Famous Forty. I most hazy ln the matter of hazarding ers resembled a quartette of tramps. i a guess, and it is impossible to get Candidly, Wouldn't Their clothes were torn and dirty; FIRE DESTROYS WHARF any clue to what is going on behind their faces covered with a week's ] the scenes. Sir Henry Thornton and growth of beard; their eyes sunken OFFICE AT LADYSMITH Mr. Beatty, presidents of the two You Rather Talk? and staring from the strain they had . transcontinental railways, are ex- undergone. LADYSMITH, Feb. 23.—A lire oc-1 peoted to make their joint report to "And some people think the life of curred. about 2 a.m. this morning J the Minister of Railways very shorl- whlch completely destroyed the whan* | iy, but of what they will re- A few drops of Shiloh brines quick a movie actor is soft!" exclaimed n0W| Probably you are like most people; you prefer a relief to throat irritation, hoarse­ Owen Moore. offlce of the Canadian Collieries Lim-1 commend nobody seems to have any ness and coughing. Shiloh ia eco­ Ited, situated at the shipping wharves, j idea. personal conversation to letter-writing. That is why nomical—a favorite remedy for over fifty years. At all druggists, Marriage ls a business and, like any The orIgin of the fire is unknown, but j "However, the optimistic feature Is we suggest: "Once in awhile between friends—Long SOc, 60c and $1.20. business, requires attention and It ls surmised it was caused by an j that the Hon. George Graham ls ab- thought to make it successful. Is over-heated stove or a defective chim- [ solutely definite that if they fall to Distance." Special low rates after 8:30 p.m. FOR. your marriage a success? Are you ney The loss Is covered by Insur-1 agree on a proposal he wlll assume to blame? See "Married Flirts" .it 0UGHS ance. I the responsibility for recommending SHILOK the Ilo-llo Theatre this Friday and | a program to Parliament and of go- BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY Saturday. ROD AND| GUN IN CANADA | ing through with it." Use Celery King The stories In the March issue of Four thousand four hundred bales Rod and Gun in Canada are sure to a gentle laxative"Tea" of hops were produced from 520 acres that purifies the blood For Baby's Bath on British Columbia hop farms this year. The greater part of the crop More than that of any other will go to Great Britain and the bal­ member of the family, baby's UNION HOTEL ance to Eastern Canada. If available tender, delicate skin needs the the market would absorb a much larg­ Mann's 'Bakery CUMBERLAND, B. C. greatest care aud attention. The er quantity of hops than are now The Home of High Class Cakes and Pastries Comfort and Homelike terrta*. grown in Canada. soft soothing oils in Baby's Own 21 rooms, electrical^* heatei. Soap make it specially suitable Excellent aniline— Special for Saturday for babies, and its clinging fra­ For reservations Phaae II. Delicious Cream Cakes, Cream Rolls, Cream Buns, Etc. grance reminds oneof tbe roses of ft. TATM, Manager France which help to inspire it, Taste Teasing Palate Pleasing "Itsbttt for ytu and Baby too" sr-ss Meat Pies and Sausage Rolls Merchant Scotch Scones, Doughnuts, Oatcakes, Biscuits TAILOR Make our Quality Bread the Basis of Every Meal Car For Hire CLEANING AND PRESSING Give us a Trial SUITS MADE TO ORDER Telephone 18 Cumberland Ladies' & Gent's Tailoring E. Aida CUMBERLAND TAILOR PAGE SIX THE GVMMRLANB I8LAN1HR, CUMBBRLAND, B. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1924. 5 awm^wa •.» —*- 1 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK Married F • With Mae Bush - Conrad Nagel - Huntley Gordon and Pauline Frederick "A woman who can't hold her husband doesn't deserve to have one. i j AScbei't G.Vlgnola &*&• WITH THESE WORDS OF HER RIVAL IN HER EARS, MRS. PARA- MARRIED MOR CONSENTED TO A DIVORCE, AND LEFT*FOR EUROPE. EVEN ' ON BOARD THE SHIP SHE FOUND HERSELF ATTRACTIVE TO UL FLIRTS OTHER MEN. SHE LEARNED THAT At*% Z.1J>i*i»« AdapteArlanfa*d ]b yVi «Juli Tt*lla »Craw tf***»*—•­ jldtyyn ford Ivers from the fasd- •Jj.Ouis IV iVUiv nating novel, "Mrs. Para- mor," by Lous Joseph A woman doesn't have to be intelligent J Robert G.Vignold Vance. With Paulina Frederick, Conrad Nagel, to get a man's love—just unscrupulous i Mae Busch and Huntly MARRIED ijpDUTTONJ Gordon in the cast SHE HAD A CHOICE OF OTHER WOMEN'S HUSBANDS THEN SHE CONSIDERED HER OWN. IFLIRTS ADULTS SOc CHILDREN 25c MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30 P.M.—'— ADULTS 35c* CHILDREN 15? Was a husband who had to be held worth while holding? Monday and Tuesday Wednesday and 2 MARCH 3 Thursday There's an 4 MARCH 5 ADULTS 350 CHILDREN 15c* EARTHQUAKE AtlOlPH 2UKOI1 ... IE55.C I USKY

J coming! prepare!


v Maurice Tourneurs GIANT EPIC OF THRILLS

"TORMEN T BROKE, starving, desperate — was WITH OWEN MOORE AND BESSIE LOVE jungle law — kill or be killed—justi­ fied? THE THRILLER OF YEARS BOUND TO GET You see few pictur­ es with the mighty ANYONE MORE EXCITEMENT THAN EVER heart-punch of this

THE THRILL-A-MINUTE 0. Qoramount (picture MILE-A-MINUTE ACTION DRAMA Chapter Eight of Quake Atmosphere Filmed in Japan

Earthquake revelations to gasp at; chases on land and sea to thrill at ; romance to wonder over and a climax that pulls you out of your seat. ADULTS 35c. - - CHILDREN 15c Friday & Saturday (i MARCH 7 I lo=Ilo Theatre, SMOULDERING FIRES Cumberland, B.C. 4 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1924. THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER, CUMBERLAND, B. C. PAGE SEVEN

HOW THE PLAYERS "and out of a job. and it really was used as part of the prologue to the j "The Phantom of the Opera," which duced incandescent electric lamp. a matter of any port in a storm for New York presentation of "The Phan­ is Universale biggest picture, sur­ 1SS5—Auer Von Wei9bach produced GOT INTO THE MOVIES tom of the Opera." If there is auy passing even "The Hunchback of incandescent gas mantle, [ me. The port In this case was act­ D1AM@MB <** ©13 IF.' ing in motion pictures, and, Olcott, spirit medium in America who can Notre Dame," is to be presented in a 18D5—Incandescent electric llghta, Every screen actor or actress of BATTERIES then directing for Kalem, gave me a make a real spirit appear on the stage regular Broadway theatre in the near made with carbon filament, in grow­ note has been given his lirst film op­ chance. He signed me for leading of the theatre In which "The Phantom future with a full orchestra and an ing use. SPRING IS HERE portunity by someone else connected and heavy roles and put me in the of the Opera" will be shown. Univer­ elaborate presentation. Lon Chanoy 1922—Incandescent electric light, with pictures—be lie producer, direc­ regular stock company and was re­ sal will pay him or her that amount is the star in the role of "The Phan­ using tungsten filament, in high state You are now conslderlni; put­ tor or actor. ting your car on the road again. sponsible for giving me the opportun­ for the feat. tom" and Mary Philbin, Norman Ker­ of perfection. Take, for Instance, the cast and di­ How about your Battery? ity to direct." This i.s in no sense a challenge to , ry, Arthur Edmund Carewe and many Today, i( would require 460 sperm rector of the Metro-Goldwyn pic­ Pauline Frederick, who plays the spiritualists or anything of that kind. other notables are in a cast which candles, all burning at the same time, Have you ever given this most ture, "Married Flirts," the gripping totals in all five thousand people. important part of your car any title role, was a stage star and was If spirits can be produced, Universal to produce a brilliancy of illumina­ consideration? and Intensely Interesting picturization made a flat offer by a big producing wants one. It is believed that no I Rupert Julian directed the picture. tion equal to that of the average elec­ which is from the famous novel by ot "Mrs. Paramor," Louis Joseph organization to star in a series of moTe effective prologue to the picture trically lighted home. You can't drive safely or com­ Gaston Leroux. Carl Laemmle is fortably with an undersized, un­ dance's novel of marriage and di- pictures. could be secured than the appearance j confident that it will be the outstand­ derpowered, ordinary Battery •orce, coming to the Ilo-llo Theatre Conrad Nagel, was playing on the of a real ghost. "The Phantom" in ing production of l!t2f>, In your car. Sooner or later Friday and Saturday, Feb. 27 and 28. stage iu New York and was induced this enormous spectacle isn't really a It is bound to get you into Robt. G. Vlgnola, who directed pro­ trouble. by William Brady, the theatrical pro­ ghost at all, but very much of a man. All applications from spirit medi­ motion, says he owes his start in ducer, to appear on the screen. He who leads people to think he is a ums who feel they can co-operate in Her e an mer e The Phllo Diamond Grid Battery clotures to Sidney Olcott, the famous feels that he owes much in the way ghost in order to work out his .strange presenting a proper prologue should Is purposely built for long, vig­ He tried to crow the railro»d track. lirector. of gratitude to Brady and also some plots. be addressed to Universal Pictures orous and dependable service. Before the rushing train; Its tremendous Burplus power, I'lirt in Un* Slnrm amount of thanks to Charles Maigne, Corporation at 730 Fifth Avenue, New But are they really any ghosts nr They put the pieces in a sack, excess capacity and shock-proof "I was an actor.' Vigno'ln says, the director, who made his first long York City. strength are margins of safety. are they all like "The Phantom of the But couldn't find the brain! Come ln and let us show you, picture contract possible. Opera?" So many men of science or, If more convenient, LIGHT IS RECENT Iliinlly Guidon Thanks Two and learning have seen them that it One hundred British farm famlllM PHONE 182 Huntly Gordon gives thanks to is possible a medium will be discov­ INVENTION are due to reach British Columbia Dr. HUGHES, DC. PhC. ered who can produce one ior the early next spring. These art tht and we will come and show you. Ethel Barrymore for his first picture CHIROPRACTOR opportunity. Ince made him his first benefit of tliosu who see Ohaney'a The world has been variously esti­ fore-runners of 3,000 families that mated at from 50,00n to 50.000,000 offer and gave him his first job, while next big production. are to come out to settle in Canada Bone, Spine and Nerve years old, but It IH comparatively re­ on the land. Provincial and Britith Ethel Barrymore encouraged him In In hopes of securing the names of Specialist cently that It enjoyed light other than Government assistance is being given making the step from the stage to the good spirit mediums whose services the sun. In the cave-man days the*- them to get started. screen. , Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheum­ may be Available Uuniversal will ask used lighted splinters and pine knot.s. atism and Weak Kidneyu Mae Busch stumbled into pictures Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sir Oliver and only as recently as 50 B.C.—the A remarkable statue modelled en­ are sure to give their usu­ from the vaudeville stage. She Lodge, Camilla Flammarton and sev­ other day speaking geologically—the r8t rea tirely in Ice is to be seen at Quebec. al spring troubles and mis­ played extra parts, but her l* i eral other scientists who have seen Romans invented the grease-soake 1 It represents one of the latest OI ery, unless you start and chance was given her by Erich von spirits, asking for the names and ad­ rush-light. 2300-type locomotives of the Cana­ take a course of Chiroprac­ Stroheim, who rescued her from com­ dresses of mediums who may be ap­ From then on, here is the chrono­ dian Pacific Railway, about one- tic treatments, a sure, safe edy and put her in dramatic roles and proached with this tempting oTfer. logical record of light: fourth full size and is perfect ia and most permanent cure to him she Is deeply grateful. Dr. Walter F. Prince, president of tho 300 A.D.—Phoenicians introduced every detail. Ice statuary has been known. ".Married Flirts" was adpated to American Society for Physic Research candles into Constantinople. brought to a fine art in the Ancient the screen by Julia Crawford Ivers, has been written to in hopes thnt ho j Capital. Bell-Irving Motors ROOM 1 400 to 1700 A.D.—The candle, tal­ LIMITED and is a Louis B. Mayer presentation, will assist in discovering the right low or wax, vied with the lamps and Telephone 182—Courtenay CUMBERLAND HOTEL person. lanterns. Skaters from New York, Boston, UNIVERSAL OFFERS The essential stipulation of the of­ 1700—Ofl lamps with wicks began Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa will fer is. of course, that the spirit niuHi to be used. compete with Quebec champione in EXCEPTIONAL CHANCE not be fraudulently produced, and 1780—Oil lamps were equipped wiin a great international amateur fif- FOR THE RIGHT SPIRIT Universal demands the right to ap­ round wicks and glass chimneys' ure skating contest, to be held in point n committee of experts to judge Quebec city February 23-24, for Universal pictures is offering to 1800—Gas lighting perfected, but of the medium's abilities in advance handsome trophies and medals do­ pay a salary of $1000 (one thousand candles still most universal. in order to protect itself and the puh- , nated by the Frontenac Winter dollars) a week for a real ghost to be lSiWi- Discovery of petroleum, revo­ lie against dishonest persons claim- \ lutionizing oil-lamp lighting. Sports Clubs. A record attendance of spectators is expected. Ing to he mediums. 1870—Edison, apostle of light, pro

DR. W. BRUCE GORDON ;• Dental Surgeon CANADA'S NEW LINK WITH ALASKA Ofllce Cor. of Dunsmuir Ave. Opposite Ilo-llo Theatre CUMBERLAND, D.C.


PRE-EMPTIONS Laver's Spring Vacant, unreserved, eurveyed | Crown lands may be pre-empted by British subjects over 18 years of age. I and by aliens on declaring luteusion Opening to become British subjects, eourtl- j tlonal upon residence, occupation, j and improvement for agricultural purposes. Full Information concerning regu­ Saturday, February 28 lations regarding Pre-emptions It given In Bulletin No. 1, Land Serial, "How to Pre-empt Land," copiea ol which can be obtained tree of charge by addressing the Department of i MILLINERY- COATS-SUITS Lands, Victoria, B.C., or to any Gov­ AND GENERAL DRYGOODS ernment Agent Recorda wlll be granted ooverlng only land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which ia not timber- LAYERS COURTENAY land, l.e, carrying over 5,000 board feet per acre west ot the Coaat Range and 8,000 feet per acre east of Uiat; Range. Applications for pre-emptions are ( to be addreaaed to tht Land Com­ missioner ot the Land Recording Di- vision, in which the land applied for is situated, and are made on printed forms, copies of which can be ob­ tained from the Land Commissioner Pre-emptions must be occupied foi < five years and Improvements made GOOD- to value ot $1U per acre, including clearing and cultivating at leaat Are seres, before a Crown Orant can be always good! received. For more detailed lnfoimatlon see the Bulletin "Ilo.v to Pre-empt Land." T is not many years since Alaska possessing many associations with PURCHASE was ono of those countries .Some of the scenes along this the period when Alaska was a Applications are received lor pur- I whose geographical location was magnificent sea voyage are Russian possession. The next cnase of vacant and unreserved indicated with n grandiloquent shown in thc photographs: point touched will be Juneau, the Crown lands, not being timberland, sweep of tho arm northwards, It (1) A view of Skagway, capital nf Alaska, and a modern Ior agricultural purposes; minimum lias always been n hind of mystery, Alaska, where visitors will he city with good motor roads and price of first-class (arable) land la IS romance nnd adventure. It hnsi given ample time to see this ninny points of interest, including per acre, and second-class (grating) provided the theme for the thrill-! iiiiiMHis town and also tn visit the Mcndonhnll Glacier nnd mines land 13.60 par acre. Further Infor­ ing tales nf novelists nnd the stir­ White Home and the Atlin Lake which have made this country fnm- mation regarding purchase or lease ring pnenis of northern bards, Hut district. ntis. On the way from Wrangell to ot Crown landa Is given ln Bulletin evon though the days of tho cheoh-1 (2) A beautiful sunset scene June.in there will be an opportun­ No. 10, Land Series, "Purchase and nko nnd the sourdough is done, tlie on the I.yun Canal, which the ity tn see tIn* grandeur of Tnku Lease ot Crown Landa." Kricf hut active span of tho Dan­ steamships Prince Rupert and Inlet and tht famous Taku Glacier, Mill, factory, or Industrial eltei on gerous Dan Magrews nnd the Lady Prince Oeorge will Ihrend on over a mile wide nnd 00 miles long. timber land, not exceeding 40 aerei, Lou's, mnttois of historical refer-j their journey into thc Land of may be purchased or leased, the con­ enco, the lure ot" Alaska has notj The ships will arrive at .Skagway Iho Midnight Sun. at seven o'clock Friday morning ditions Including payment nf waned, but is ns appealing ns ever (3) The Taku Glacier, one itumpage. lo the hearts of men and women and w-ill remain there until seven and wherein a hi! of romance lurks, mile wide and ninety miles long o'clock Saturday night, thus giving HOMESTEAD LIASES nnd that means to everyone. —ono of the largest and most nmjile opportunity to passengers heautiful glaciers in the world. to see this famous town and to Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 Alaska is no longer a far off' (4) The I'rincc Rupert, visit While Horse nnd the Atlin seres, may be leased aa bomeettee, country, It is a very n rar neigh­ which, with the Prince George, Lake District. On the south-hound conditional upon a dwelling being bor to Canada. It will he even will bo used in the Vancouver- journey the steamers will reach U.B.C. Beer erected In the first year, title being nearer this summer. Mr, ,1. V.. I'rincc Rupert-Alaska service Vancouver nt nine o'clock Wcdncs- obtainable after residence and Im­ I'nlrymple, Traffic Vice-President this summer. These boats are day morning, making n complete provement conditions are fulllled ef thc Canadian National Rail­ oil-burners and are among the ten-day round trip. and land has been surveyed. ways, has announced that com­ finest appointed vessels in the There's quality and satisfaction in LEASES mencing on June 22nd, the com-* Pacific Coast service. Ill addition to tho Alaskan trip, every bottle, because they come For graiing and Industrial yur- [ pany will Inaugurate n weekly Inset is one of the curious the tri-weekly service between posts areas not exceeding 140 acres Rtoamship service between Prince lutein poles to lie found in the Vancouver ami Prince Rupert will from B.C.'s greatest, most scientific may be leased by one person er a Rupert and Alaska nnd that lhe business section of Wrangell, he maintained nnd also a semi- brewery. company. oll-liurnlng steamships, "Prince Alaska. weekly service tn Anyox nnd Stew­ GRAZING Georgo" nnd "Prince Rupert," art on the Portland Canal, which which have already established a! service has been in effect for snme Under the Graiing Act the Prov­ roputatlon as being among the ince ls divided into grating districts | does not continue on its northern time past. The establishment by AT ALL GOVT. best-appointed vessels on the Paci­ trip until four o'clock that after­ the Canadian Notional Railways and tbe range administered under a I fic Const, will lie engaged in this Grating Commissioner. Annual noon. After passing Old and New of this Alaska steam-boat service LIQUOR STORES new service. Metlnktln nnd Pert Simpson, an old will meet the demands of many grazing permits are issued baaed on 1 numbers ranged, priority being given ' Going northward the ships wil i Hudson's liny Post, calls will he tourists, and will he a fitting cli­ to established owners. Stock-owners reach Prince Rupert nt HI..'10 on made nt Ketchikan, a typical Alas­ max to the fanmiis Triangle Four, may form associations for range Wednesday morning, following the kan town huilt at thc font of the comprising Jasper National Park, management. Free, or partially tree, I Monday of sailing from Vancouver, mountains. Proceeding from that the Rnekies. the Cnnst Range and This advertisement is not published or displayed by the permits are available tor settlers, and tourists will be given an op­ point the steamships will touch al the wnter voyage through the campers and travellers, up to ten portunity to see something of this Wrangell. beautifully situated near "Norway of America." Liquor Control Board or by the Government of B.C. head. new Pacific port, as the steamer the mouth of the Stikine River and PAGE EIGHT THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER, CUMBERLAND, B.C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1924.

Confined to Vancouver Hospital! SURPRISE PARTY I Mr. John Baird, Provincial Govern- Social and Personal i men! Agent, left on Tuesday morning * * * Ou Tuesday evening last a jolly ; tor Vancouver where lie will undergo Rev. James Hood left for Victoria crowd proceeded to the home of Mr. treatment at the Vancouver General Tuesday morning. and Mrs. Charles Walker and held Week-End Specials Corsets Hospital. Mr. Baird has been suffer­ Mrs. W. W. Anderson of Hazelton a surprise party. The evening was ing an internal Illness tor some time spent a few days' visit with her fath­ merrily passed with singing and past, and It Is hoped that upon his er, Mr. Thomas Horbury, and return­ dancing, after which dainty refresh­ return he will he restored to his us­ ed on Saturday. ments were served. Among those Fels Naptha Soap, per carton 85c. ual health. Mr. Robert Grant, Sr„ Mrs. Martin Brown of Vancouver, present were: Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, White Wonder Soap, 7 cakes for .*. 55c. accompanied him on the trip. ls visiting relatives in town. .Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. S. Canned Tomatoes, 21/o's, 4 tins 85c. Miss Hetty Bryden has returned to Robertson, Mr. Maxwell, Mrs. F. Mar­ Victoria after spending an extended tin, Mr. T. Eccleston, Mrs. J. Potter, Marmalade, 1-lb. glass 25c. 2 for 45c. visit to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown, Mrs. James Home and K. B. Red Plum Jam, 4-lb tin 75c. Crossed Atlantic Mrs. C. H. Tarbell. Mr. and Mrs. Sulgler. K. B. Strawberry Jam, 4-lb tin 85c. Unafraid * • • Don't forget the Saturday Mght Tea Hostess Special Blend Ceylon Tea per pound 75c. Dance at the G.W.V.A. Hall. Good Mrs. Thomas Oraham entertained at Fresh Ground Coflee, por lb 60c. & 70c. time assured. Gents SOc. Ladies 10c. he tea hour last Wednesday. Dancing 9-12. Everybody welcome. Red Arrow Sodas, per package 25c. • * * FORMER CUMBERLAND 6-lb Wooden Boxes Sodas, each $1.00 Mr. W. Hassard Is spending a few RESIDENTS CELEBRATE 8-lb. Boxes Fairy Sodas, each $1.35 days in Vancouver this week. Fancy Mixed Biscuits per lb. 35c. 3 lbs. for $1.00 Lieutenant Colonel Charles C. VII- NANAIMO, Feb. 28.—Mr. and Mrs. liers, General Manager of the Cana­ Fred Bell, Strickland Street, were Lemon Snaps, 2 lbs. for 55c. dian Collieries (D) Ltd., arrived in tendered a surprise party Saturday Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs for 45c. town last Wednesday evening. night on tlie occasion of their four­ teenth wedding anniversary, Mrs. Sliced Pineapples, 2-lb tins, 4 for 85c. Mrs. Harrison and Miss Harrison Bell being presented with a berry returned o Tuesday after spending Del Monte Peaches, 3 tins for 85c. n bowl and Mr. Bell with gold cuff-links tlle week end In N'anaimo and Vic­ A most enjoyable evening was spent. toria. the winners at cards being Mrs. Brod­ Mr. R. C. Lang left 'or Nanaimo erlck, Miss Q. Towers, Mr. F. Brod­ this morning on a business visit, lie erlck and Mr. G. Frater. Mr. and Elastic bust. was accompanied hy Mr. Liggett, of Mrs. W. Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. R. Matt Brown's Grocery Average Figure. the National Drug Company. Frater were the winners in the guess­ Front 14" Tea Hostess ing contest. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY Back 16%" MrB. E. K. Hicks entertained a Canadlen Coutil. number of ladies at afternoon tea on DEATH CALLS OLD PHONE 38 Pink. Thursday afternoon. RESIDENT OF COURTENAY Sizes 21-30. Mrs. James Dick left for Vancouver Thursday morning. The death occurred on Sunday Mr. Alexander Beaton at Port Coquit- qualnted to that part of the country Miss Flora Beaton, in Courtenay, and The Comox I ind milium Club will lam, B.C. Bom on the Isle of Skye where he later came and made his Mr. Angus Beaton. D. & A. MADAME X visit the local Club on Monday even­ 75 years ago, Mr. Beaton leaves many The funeral which took place Wed­ REDUCING CORSETS ing, when play will start at thc friends and relatives ln the valley to home. nesday at tbe Presbyterian Church, Llio* Samutil Moii'iK'ni trnvtM Court in tlie Anglican Hail about 8.30. mourn his death. Two years ago he Three sons ot Mr. and Mrs. Bea­ very pathetic figure, as he Sandwick, was conducted by the Rev. suffered his lirst stroke and has been ton went overseas during the Great A stepped off the Canadian Pa­ J. W. Flinton in the absence of the cific train, between the conductor ailing ever since. War and two made the supreme sac­ D. & A. MADAME X MASS MEETING Rev. W. T. Beattie, was largely at­ and an official of the department Mr. Beaton came to Canada fifteen rifice, the third returning wounded. OF UNEMPLOYED tended. The pall bearers were Messrs GIRDLES of immigration, into the noise of years ago anil since that time has j In recognition of this fact when the shunting trains, the confusion of memorial culm was started at Sand­ R. McQuillan. Wm. Duncan, J. Mc­ hurrying express trucks, and the made his residence In Courtenay The unemployed of the city of Cum­ wick Mr. Beato,, was asked to lay Kenzie, Jr., J. Catchpole. J. Matheson bustle thnt attends the arrival and berland and vicinity held a mass where for five years he held the posi­ departure of friends, Samuel Moly- tion ot wood foreman. Mr. Beaton's the corner stone. and M. Rose. The chief mourners GOSSARD FRONT LACE neux, 393 Oakwood Avenue, Toronto, meeting in the G.W.V.A. Hall last were Mrs. MeCualg, Mrs. Henderson, Sunday afternoon. The building waa early life was spent as a mate on He leaves to mourn his loss Mrs. as the label on his little bag pro­ Mrs. Praln, Mrs. Chris Carwlthen, CORSETS claimed him, paused for a moment, crowded to the very door with those boats sailing out of Glasgow. On Beatou, who was In Coqultlam with Mrs. T. Wright of Vancouver, Miss and then, overcome by a sense of seeking relief. Tbe object of tiie one of his voyages he was on the him at tlie time of his death, Mrs. lonliness produced by the loss of his Flora Beaton and Mr. Angus Beaton. meeting was to ascertain if It wns pos same ship that brought Mr. Alex. Wright and Mrs. Henderson, both liv­ friends of ship-Jioard and train, There were many beautiful floral tri­ burst into tears. A second later sible to persuade the Provincial Gov­ Urquhart out to Comox and it was on ing In Vancouver, Mrs. Carwlthen, butes. he was seized by his mother, from ernment to commence the season's tliat voyage thut he lirst became ac- Mrs. Praln, Mrs. Robt. McQualg and whom he had been separated for road work immediately and relievo at one and a half of his four years, and sobbed himself to contentment the distress of the unemployed of tho in her arms. district. Mr. P. P. Harrison, M.L.A.- Samuel came to Canada on the who had kindly consented to attend Sutherland's Montclare, making the complete trip was present and gave his views