For Over 150 Years, Talc Exploration and Extraction in the Chisone And
or over 150 years, talc exploration and extraction in the workers at hydroelectric stations, electricians and drivers. At its Chisone and Germanasca Valleys offered the greatest num- peak of expansion, the company employed over 600 people Fber of job opportunities as an alternative to migration. from the valley area. Until the mid-1800s, talc extraction was limited to exploitating The activity of “Talco e Grafite Val Chisone” continued until the small outcrops of the deposit at high altitudes. It was used in the late 1980s when it was taken over by the “Luzenac Val Chisone” form of soapstone to make everyday tools and utensils such as Company, a world leader in talc production.. In February 2006, irons, pans for the tourtèl (large ravio- the Luzenac Val Chisone Company li), inkpots, bed warmers, and drinking GRUPPO DI MINATORI © PRO LOCO SALZA became part of the “Rio Tinto troughs for farm animals... Minerals” Group, a leading interna- In the second half of the 19th century, tional producer of industrial minerals. numerous businessmen undertook the Mining continues inside the only exist- mining adventure with varying ing mine, Rodoretto. degrees of success, opening sites at Maniglia and Malzas (Perrero), at To celebrate 100 years of mining the Sapatlé, Pleinet, Envie and Crosetto famed “Bianco delle Alpi” (the White of (Prali) and at Fontane (Salza di the Alps), the Ecomuseo Regionale delle Pinerolo). Miniere e della Val Germanasca This period was characterised by the (Regional Ecomuseum of Mines and the extreme contiguity of the sites, by Germanasca Valley) and the “Rio Tinto controversies concerning the conces- Minerals - Luzenac Val Chisone” sions and by a lack of clarity in mining Company, in collaboration with the legislation.
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