DISTRICT LA BREA 101 So. La Brea Avenue ■ Los Angeles, CA CREATIVE OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR LEASE Located within the center of Los Angeles, La Brea represents a 90,000 square-foot adaptive re-use development project situated between 1st and 2nd Streets along La Brea Avenue. The property was designed to compliment an eclectic mix of emerging regional and local re- tail, dining and creative companies that would capitalize off of nearby successful models such as Robertson Boulevard, 3rd Street and Melrose Avenue. Over the past two years, the project has undergone signifi cant improvements, highlighting each building’s unique characteristics, including wood truss ceilings, exposed brick and steel beams. Today, La Brea home to a host a complementary mix of creative offi ce users, retail and dining. Brandton K. Leitze Madison Marquette 323.602.5316 Offi ce
[email protected] CRE License # 01909390 SPACE A1c BLDG A OFFICE No. of Floors 1; Ground Floor 3,905 S.F. G.L.A. Sq. Ft. 3,905 51’-6” Approx. Ht. 15’ - 2” 99’-8” No. of Floors 1; Ground Floor Sq. Ft. 2,160 Approx. Ht. 26’ 2 Lease Plan Office Space Retail/Restaurant Space Space Legend Space Tenant Sq Ft Space Tenant Sq Ft Space Tenant Sq Ft Restaurant A1c Available 3,905 A1 Sugar Fish 1,498 E2 Leased 3,423 Office B1a Available 2,771 A1a Bonobos 500 F1 What Goes Around Comes Around 3,300 Troika 24,919 A1b GANT 2,600 B2 Retail B3 F2 Shelter Half 4,188 Renewable B1a Undefeated 1,478 B3 Parking Resources Group 5,171 F3a Garrett Leight 1,233 C1 Leased 7,439 D2 Available 2,150