B Roadcsngri.4E R2
The Fifth Estate A D I O ú Cs- d N W a@ U (D G] C A B L E S A T E L L I T E B roadcsngri.4e r2 - . - ,(..,,,..=,, s RE . ,e #4. D ' is uc^,p !, 3 Q'rucU á SIOUX ('ITV tA 5V. FasterThan A Speeding Bulletin, AbleTo Leap ThroughTall Stories In A Single Keystroke. Perform super -human feats of news and information to review, edit and print only the information you want. management with AP NewsDesk. the super -powered software To find out more about the super -powered software system from AP Broadcast Services. system that puts news management productivity at your Designed to run on any IBM-compatible personal computer, fingertips, contact your AP representative, or call Rosie AP NewsDesk captures the AP news wire, and allows you Oakley at 800 -821.4747. Press ApAssociatedBroadcast Services IS d333ß3)3 £O££ 9l? 3311J? lZiVb6Ìl >o Z6/33Q )INf Et10dVligIlbOlt 1 S lI .nil C-£.'í***#***#ß*iS###*** Thanks to our clients and fiends for trusting us to broker over $868,000,000 in radio station sales in 1989. WI( FM ). Las Angeles. CA WSOM(AM)-WQXK(FM), Salem- Youngstown, OH $5,500,000 $101,500,000 KHOW( AM )-KSYY( FM ), Denver, CO i KMPZ(FM), Memphis, TN $6,000,000 WSD $16,000,000 ((AM/FM), Nashville, TN WEEX(AM )-WQQQ(FM), Easton - Allentown, PA $10,100,000 KODA(FM), Houston, TX (to Command Comm.) $22,000.000 KKBB(FM), Bakersfield, CA $3,300,000 KJQY(FM), San Diego, CA (to Command Comm.) S15, 000,000 WDAN(AM)-WDNL(FM), Danville, IL $2,350,000 WFBR(AM)- WLIF(FM), Baltimore, MD $32, 000.000 WKMI(AM)- WKFR(FM), Kalamazoo, MI $11,000,000 WFOG(FM), Norfolk,
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