Crowd Oins Fete I[Schools Registry Campaign
Devotnl (.(immunity Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly ,l,r And Impartially Each Week ,,11 Local Coverage Complete News Pictures Pnbiubao farterrOn CARTERET, Nt. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1962 Intend u tod OUa Uiii M P O, Ovttnt. It J. PRICE TEN CENT8 Crowd Po/ice ffere f/serf Decoys 25 Years Ago get yoter oins Fete Captain Daniel Kasha Ended Wave of Pursp Snatching. as a Woman He Grabbed Several Thieves Registry CARTERET - The use of snatcher could net very fur, tabbed him. He did that i[ Schools patrolmen dressed as women Kasha was on his heels and on several occasions, landing In Now York to grab pocket- the thieves each time. book smitcherR and others, Campaign recalls a similar method used Witii thrir arrest, purse In Cai-tcrot ?5 years ago. liii'iiout at i matchliirs suddenly stopped, „ that the youths «»<>lll I iirtil'rt Name , Dnliralioii Tt was the idea of Captain' were responsible for the n • t ^ Daniel Kasha, who then was thefts. l)i*|>uh(>M; Last Day to i i liiriil summer a patrolman, Carteret was A year later, another wave 'R,.»j,ter :„ cpn| 97 . (: !<> 'nine out a plagued by youthful purse l Mcr 1H .-matchers. Kasha asked the »i Purse snntchings hit the l'"f-' ' ^epi. Zi ln: iin- dedication borough. Kasha again went | CARTERET- WIMIIU* Minue then Chief Henry J. Har- rington for permission to |(. >;li>-\ mil 11 lid 1110 attention that Thursday, Sep- I • ,:. ;!n S, liool In drcs*; nnd make up as a r housewife, who agreed. tember 27 Ls the deadline for , i, ln.-.i Sunday.- Plays a Trick registration of new voters who ,:ii;ii!.••;iini'il Gabriel In 1959, Captain Kasha de- plan to go to the polls at th» -.
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