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Time-lapse photography reveals the occurrence of unexpected bee- タイトル pollination in Calanthe izuinsularis, an endangered orchid endemic to Title the Izu archipelago 著者 Suetsugu, Kenji / Nakahama, Naoyuki / Ito, Azusa / Isagi, Yuji Author(s) 掲載誌・巻号・ページ Journal of Natural History,51(13-14):783-792 Citation 刊行日 2017-03-07 Issue date 資源タイプ Journal Article / 学術雑誌論文 Resource Type 版区分 author Resource Version This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & 権利 Francis in Journal of Natural History on 07/03/2017 available online: Rights http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00222933.2017.1293745 DOI 10.1080/00222933.2017.1293745 JaLCDOI URL http://www.lib.kobe-u.ac.jp/handle_kernel/90004565

PDF issue: 2021-10-01 1 Time-lapse photography reveals the occurrence of unexpected bee-pollination in

2 Calanthe izuinsularis, an endangered orchid endemic to the Izu archipelago


4 Kenji Suetsugu1*, Naoyuki Nakahama2, Azusa Ito2, Yuji ISAGI2


6 1Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai,

7 Nada-ku, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan

8 2Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa Oiwake-cho, Sakyo-

9 ku, Kyoto, 606-8502, Japan

10 *Corresponding author Email [email protected]


12 Calanthe izuinsularis is a rare, beautiful and fragrant orchid endemic to the Izu

13 archipelago. Although it is known that mainland populations of closely related Calanthe

14 species are pollinated by medium- to large-sized bees, it is likely that C. izuinsularis has

15 been forced to alter its floral biology to attract alternative pollinators, as large-sized bees

16 are rarely found on the Izu Islands. Indeed, the unusual floral characteristics of C.

17 izuinsularis, which produces pale flowers that emit a strong and fragrant scent during the

18 night, are considered the adaptation to a -pollinator syndrome. As expected, our

19 time-lapse photography using a digital camera revealed that the inflorescences of C.

20 izuinsularis were most frequently visited by nocturnal such as Noctuidae,

21 Geometridae and Crambidae, which accounted for 50% of all visits (both in terms

22 of the number of frames with captured visitors and number of times visited). However,

23 our study could not provide evidence of a pollinator shift toward moths because none of

24 the moth species was observed with pollinaria. On the other hand, our study found that


1 the pollinaria of C. izuinsularis could become attached to the mesothorax of the small-

2 sized sweat bee Lasioglossum occidens. Therefore, our study suggested that C.

3 izuinsularis is still somewhat dependent on bee pollination, while the orchid has changed

4 its floral coloration and scent. The occurrence of bee-pollination in C. izuinsularis would

5 provide an explanation for how the natural hybridization between C. aristulifera, C.

6 discolor and C. izuinsularis can occur.


8 KEYWORDS insular endemic plant; island biology; orchid; pollinator shift; speciation


10 Introduction

11 The genus Calanthe (Orchidaceae) comprises approximately 200 species of primarily

12 terrestrial or lithophilic orchids distributed throughout Africa, Madagascar, China, Japan,

13 tropical Asia, and Australia (Karasawa & Ishida 1998). By far the greatest concentration

14 of the Calanthe species occurs on the islands of the Malay Archipelago (particularly

15 Borneo, Java, Sulawesi and Sumatra) and New Guinea. In addition, notable centers of

16 diversity also occur in the higher latitudes of Asia, in Indochina and subtropical China,

17 and in subtropical and temperate East Asia (Cribb & Bailes 2001; Gale & Drinkell 2007),

18 with approximately 30 species being found in Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and the

19 eastern provinces of China, including Taiwan (Govaerts et al. 2016). Calanthe

20 izuinsularis is a rare, beautiful and fragrant orchid endemic to the Izu archipelago, a chain

21 of islands extending from north to south near the main Japanese island of Honshu in the

22 west Pacific Ocean. Having been formed by volcanic activity, the Izu Islands have never

23 been connected with mainland Honshu (Karig 1975). C. izuinsularis is closely related to

24 three other species, Calanthe aristulifera, Calanthe discolor and Calanthe striata, which


1 are widely distributed throughout the islands of Japan (Cribb & Bailes 2001). The

2 similarity of C. izuinsularis to the other Calanthe species (especially C. aristulifera)

3 suggests that it could have evolved from a common ancestor, possibly as the result of a

4 few chances of seed dispersal events (Cribb & Bailes 2001).

5 The pollinator assemblage of oceanic islands is known to have reduced diversity

6 compared to similar habitats on the mainland (Carlquist 1974; Inoue & Amano 1986),

7 and it has been noted that in particular the insect faunas of oceanic islands often lack the

8 large-sized bees regarded as important pollinators on the mainland (Carlquist 1974; Inoue

9 & Amano 1986; Kato et al. 1999). It is therefore not surprising that large-sized bees are

10 rarely found on the Izu Islands, and with the exception of Oshima Island, bumblebees are

11 completely absent (Fukasawa & Miyano 2010). Consequently, it seems likely that the

12 impoverished pollinator assemblage could have affected the reproductive biology of the

13 flowering plants found there. Several studies have confirmed the corolla of bee-pollinated

14 plants on the Izu Islands tend to be smaller in size (Inoue & Amano 1986, Yamada et al.

15 2010; Yamada & Maki 2014; Yamada et al. 2014), possibly because of shifts in their

16 pollination strategy, such as attracting small-sized bees, including halictid bees, and/or

17 the acquisition of the capacity to self-fertilize. It is also possible that some plant species

18 on the Izu Islands have adapted to a moth-pollinator syndrome. For example, it has been

19 noted that in contrast to their mainland relatives, Weigela coraeensis var. fragrans and

20 Lilium auratum var. platyphyllum produce strongly scented flowers, which are

21 characteristic of moth-pollinated plants (Inoue 1990; Mizusawa et al. 2014).

22 Consequently, moths are considered important alternative pollinators on the Izu Islands

23 (Inoue 1990; Mizusawa et al. 2014).

24 Calanthe izuinsularis is a self-compatible, but pollinator-dependent orchid endemic


1 to the Izu archipelago (Karasawa & Ishida 1998). The flowers of C. izuinsularis, which

2 have a relatively long spur, pale coloration and a strong, fragrant scent emitted during the

3 night, suggest this species could also have co-opted moth pollinators (e.g. Giménez-

4 Benavides et al. 2007), instead of the bee pollinators utilized by its close relatives (C.

5 aristulifera, C. discolor and C. striata; Suhara 1993; Sugiura 2013; Suetsugu &

6 Fukushima 2014; Suetsugu et al. 2016). In spite of the expectation, there is no information

7 on its floral visitors in the natural habitat. We here investigated the floral visitor

8 assemblages of C. izuinsularis on Mikura Island, the Izu Islands.


10 Material and Methods

11 The study was primarily conducted using the interval-programming function of a

12 waterproof digital camera (Optio WG-1, Pentax, Japan). This approach has recently been

13 confirmed to be an effective substitute for direct observation of rare orchid pollination

14 events (Suetsugu & Tanaka 2013a, b; Suetsugu & Haymizu 2014). The study was

15 conducted on Mikura Island in the Tokyo Prefecture of Japan in early May 2012. Mikura

16 Island is one of the seven main islands of the Izu Islands group, which stretches south

17 from the entrance of the Bay of Tokyo. The island has an area of 20.55 km2 and is located

18 in the middle of the Izu Islands, approximately 200 km south of central Tokyo.

19 The camera was mounted on a flexible tripod (gorillapod, Joby, San Francisco) and

20 placed directly in front of individual C. izuinsularis specimens (ca. 30 cm away) so the

21 entire inflorescence was in focus. The camera was manually focused because the

22 automatic focus mode significantly shortened battery life. The camera was set to take

23 pictures automatically at 30- to 180-second intervals using an internal flash and batteries

24 (D-LI92 Pentax, Japan; Appendix 1), and the JPEG-format images were automatically


1 recorded onto an 8 GB SD card. We alternately photographed floral visitors per flowering

2 Calanthe from two or three angles to cover all the flowers and thus could obtain the

3 photographical data at ca. 10- to 60-second intervals (Appendix 1). Floral visitors were

4 defined as those species that not only were in the photographs, but also were attached to

5 the flowers. Pollinators were defined as those species that not only visited flowers, but

6 also carried pollinaria. The identities of the insect species captured by the time-lapse

7 photography were verified by insect taxonomists at the National Museum of Nature and

8 Science, Tokyo.


10 Results and Discussion

11 As expected by the unusual floral characteristics of C. izuinsularis, which produces pale

12 flowers that emit a strong and fragrant scent during the night, our study showed that

13 nocturnal moths were the most frequent visitors to the flowers of C. izuinsularis,

14 accounting for more than 50% of all insect visitors [in terms of both the number of frames

15 capturing visitors (247/442) and number of times visited (22/38; Table 1)]. In contrast, no

16 diurnal lepidopterans were observed throughout the entire duration of the investigation.

17 Furthermore, the assemblage of floral visitors differed dramatically in comparison to

18 closely related Calanthe species C. aristulifera, C. discolor and C. striata, which are

19 exclusively pollinated by bees and seldom visited by moths (Suhara 1993; Sugiura 2013;

20 Suetsugu & Fukushima 2014; Suetsugu et al. 2016). Indeed, intensive nighttime

21 observation covering 89 hours of time-lapse photography detected no nocturnal moth

22 visitors to the flowers of C. discolor, even in the sympatric population of the present

23 investigation (Suetsugu et al. unpublished data). However, although most of the nocturnal

24 moths exhibited typical pollinator behavior, inserting their proboscises into the spur of


1 the C. izuinsularis flowers, no images of moths with C. izuinsularis pollinaria attached to

2 their proboscises were captured (Fig. 1). In some cases this might be have been expected,

3 as moth species such as Paliga minnehaha (Crambidae) are too small to carry the C.

4 izuinsularis pollinaria. In addition, the fact that no pollinaria transfer was observed with

5 the larger species Diarsia deparca (Noctuidae) and Serrodes campanus (Noctuidae) also

6 indicates that the frequency of pollinaria removal by these settling moths seems to be low,

7 if it even occurs. Therefore, the current study could not provide the evidence that

8 pollinator shifts toward nocturnal moths occur in C. izuinsularis in spite of the dominance

9 of moth floral visitors.

10 Although nocturnal moths were the most frequent visitors, there were also a

11 significant number of hymenopteran visitors, and in terms of the number of times visited

12 (8/38), they are the second-most frequent functional group of C. izuinsularis floral visitors.

13 All of the bee species observed visiting the flowers of C. izuinsularis exhibited typical

14 pollinator behavior, crawling deep into the chamber formed between the column and

15 labellum to forage for nectar (Fig. 1). Although the smaller bees (Lasioglossum

16 (Evylaeus) sp.) were unable to carry pollinaria, the sweat bee Lasioglossum occidens was

17 observed with pollinaria attached to its thorax (Fig. 1). Consecutive before and after

18 photographs indicated the bee had not been carrying any pollinaria when it arrived at the

19 flower and thus indicated that the attached pollinaria were truly derived from C.

20 izuinsularis, even though it cannot be absolutely certain how the pollinaria became

21 attached to its mesothorax. These results indicate that bee species could be an important

22 pollinator of C. izuinsularis, while the floral characteristics of these species, such as

23 perianth size, perianth color, and fragrance of C. izuinsularis, seem adapted to different

24 pollinator assemblages. Furthermore, this small bee pollination system could also provide


1 an explanation for the natural hybrids of C. izuinsularis and C. discolor that have been

2 found on the islands of Kohzu, Nii and Hachijo, as well as the hybrids of C. izuinsularis

3 and C. aristulifera found on Mikura Island, the site of the current study (Cribb & Bailes

4 2001). Indeed, a previous study of a sympatric C. aristulifera population at the current

5 study site found that C. aristulifera was also pollinated by L. occidens (Suetsugu et al.

6 2016). Given that C. aristulifera and C. discolor are rarely visited by nocturnal moths

7 (Suhara 1993; Sugiura 2013; Suetsugu & Fukushima 2014; Suetsugu et al. unpublished

8 data), the weight of evidence suggests that pollination by hymenopteran floral visitors is

9 the most likely mechanism of hybridization between C. izuinsularis, C. discolor and C.

10 aristulifera.

11 It is also interesting to note that the pollinaria of C. izuinsularis were attached to

12 the mesothorax of the sweat bees, as is also the case for C. aristulifera (Suetsugu et al.

13 2016). This is in contrast to the mechanism of pollination found in all the mainland

14 Calanthe populations investigated to date, which involves the heads of pollinating bees

15 pushing against the tip of the column and the pollinaria becoming attached to a narrow

16 region between the supraclypeal area and the vertex of the head, or if already laden, being

17 transferred to the stigmatic surface when they insert their proboscises into the spur

18 (Sugiura 2013; Suetsugu & Fukushima 2014). A similar mechanism of transfer cannot

19 occur with sweat bees because their smaller size prevents their heads from making contact

20 with the tip of the column. Instead, pollinaria can only be transferred when the bee crawls

21 deep into the spur and the anthers make contact with the mesothorax. It is also likely that

22 this alternative mechanism of pollination in both C. izuinsularis and C. aristulifera arose

23 on Mikura Island by convergent evolution in response to the lack of bumblebees and other

24 relatively large bees, such as the genus Eucera (Fukasawa & Miyano 2010).


1 Overall, we found that C. izuinsularis attracts a different assemblage of insect

2 visitors from its close relatives, C. discolor and C. aristulifera. However, although the

3 majority of floral visitors were moths, we could not provide any evidence that pollinator

4 shifts toward nocturnal moths occur in C. izuinsularis. The small sweat bee Lasioglossum

5 occidens is the only demonstrable pollinator of C. izuinsularis in the present study. This

6 apparent disconnect between pollination syndrome and pollinator species is unexpected

7 and warrants further study. Investigating detailed reproductive biology could be an

8 important next step to understand the pollination efficiency and importance on the

9 evolution of floral traits of each floral visitor.

10 It should be noted that the interval photography used in the current study could

11 have underestimated the role of some visitor groups that are quick in their approach and

12 resource collection. For example, the frame rate used in the current study might have been

13 insufficient to detect hawkmoths (Sphingidae), which are known to hover in front of

14 inflorescence and only make brief visits (Steen 2012). Considering these facts, our limited

15 study does not exclude the possibilities of moth pollination (especially hawkmoth

16 pollination). Some plants are known to utilize different types of pollinators, increasing

17 the chance of pollination (Giménez-Benavides et al. 2007, Li et al. 2010, Amorim et al.

18 2013). For example, Giménez-Benavides et al. (2007) showed that diurnal flower visitors

19 have frequently been recorded, and can provide greater fitness in Silene ciliata while S.

20 ciliata, with pale flowers that open at dusk and emit an intense scent at night, presents a

21 typical nocturnal pollination syndrome. C. izuinsularis may also utilize both moth and

22 bee pollinators to maximize its pollination efficiency. Further investigations utilizing

23 continuous video monitoring, event-triggered video monitoring or direct observation are

24 therefore required to accurately document the pollinator assemblage of C. izuinsularis


1 and identify the most effective pollinator of this insular endemic Calanthe species (e.g.

2 Steen 2012, Steen & Mundal 2013). In addition, it is worth investigating why C.

3 izuinsularis attract moth floral visitors recorded in the present study if these moths truly

4 do not work as the pollinators.


6 Acknowledgements

7 We thank Mr. Masayuki Hino for his assistance during the field study. We also thank Drs.

8 Utsugi Jinbo and Yuta Nakase for their help with identifying floral visitors. We gratefully

9 acknowledge the sponsorship and the support of the New Technology Development

10 Foundation and the grant-in-aid by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

11 (15K18470).


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1 Table 1. List of floral visitors recoreded using interval photography. Numbers given are the total numbers of frames recording visitors, and times visited. Frames with Times Pollinalia No. Photographed species Order visitors captured visited attached 1 Lasioglossum occidens Hymenoptera 26 6 Yes 2 Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) sp. Hymenoptera 4 2 No 3 Calliphoridae sp. Diptera 7 2 No 4 Tipulidae sp. Diptera 80 2 No 5 Cyclorrhapha sp. Diptera 5 2 No 6 Paliga minnehaha Lepidoptera 36 4 No 7 Diarsia deparca Lepidoptera 35 7 No 8 Geometridae Ennominae sp. Lepidoptera 5 1 No 9 Geometridae sp. Lepidoptera 7 1 No 10 Geometridae sp. Lepidoptera 1 1 No 11 Geometridae or Noctuidae sp. Lepidoptera 8 1 No 12 Noctuidae. sp. Lepidoptera 1 1 No 13 Noctuidae Plusiinae sp. Lepidoptera 2 1 No 14 Odontopera arida melanchonica Lepidoptera 137 2 No 15 Photoscotosia lucicolens Lepidoptera 12 1 No 16 Serrodes campanus Lepidoptera 2 1 No 17 Thysanoplusia intermixta Lepidoptera 1 1 No 18 Tettigoniidae sp. (nymphs) Orthoptera 73 2 No







2 Figure 1. Flowers and insect visitors of Calanthe izuinsularis. (A) Photoscotosia

3 lucicolens; (B) Odontopera arida melanchonica; (C) Noctuidae sp.; (D) Geometridae sp.;

4 (E) Trichoplusia intermixta; (F) Diarsia deparca; (G) Paliga minnehaha; (H) Serrodes

5 campanus; (I) Lasioglossum apristum; (J) Lasioglossum occidens; (K) Lasioglossum

6 occidens. The pollinaria indicated by white arrows can be seen attached to the bee’s

7 mesothorax.