Joachim Kock Notes on Polynomial Functors Very preliminary version: 2009-08-05 23:56 PLEASE CHECK IF A NEWER VERSION IS AVAILABLE! PLEASE DO NOT WASTE PAPER WITH PRINTING! Joachim Kock Departament de Matemàtiques Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) SPAIN e-mail:
[email protected] VERSION 2009-08-05 23:56 Available from This text was written in alpha.ItwastypesetinLATEXinstandardbook style, with mathpazo and fancyheadings.Thefigureswerecodedwiththetexdraw package, written by Peter Kabal. The diagrams were set using the diagrams package of Paul Taylor, and with XY-pic (Kristoffer Rose and Ross Moore). Preface Warning. Despite the fancy book layout, these notes are in VERY PRELIMINARY FORM In fact it is just a big heap of annotations. Many sections are very sketchy, and on the other hand many proofs and explanations are full of trivial and irrelevant details.Thereisalot of redundancy and bad organisation. There are whole sectionsthathave not been written yet, and things I want to explain that I don’t understand yet... There may also be ERRORS here and there! Feedback is most welcome. There will be a real preface one day IamespeciallyindebtedtoAndréJoyal. These notes started life as a transcript of long discussions between An- dré Joyal and myself over the summer of 2004 in connection with[64]. With his usual generosity he guided me through the basic theory of poly- nomial functors in a way that made me feel I was discovering it all by myself. I was fascinated by the theory, and I felt very privileged for this opportunity, and by writing down everything I learned (including many details I filled in myself), I hoped to benefit others as well.