Paper 3: Group Paper and Presentation CSCI 3316 Fall 2018 1 Goals • To watch an outstanding movie: The Insider, directed by , starring and , 1999, 2 hours 40 minutes. Before watching it, you might want to check out the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. • To understand that movie using the ethical framework we have developed this term, and to gain perspective on several of those issues. • As a team, to research and write about one issue that was woven throughout this movie. • To present your material to the class in an compelling and educational way.

2 Choose a Team and a Topic

At about midterm time, I will ask students to team up in groups of three. Everyone will watch the same movie, but each team will report on a different ethical theme that was present in the movie.

Organize your team. The names on the sign-up sheet will determine the eight project teams. Within each team, there are three roles: each student should present one aspect of technology in that decade.

Choose a topic. I watched The Insider yesterday. It is a nail-biting thriller about these things: • Whistle blowing: Jeffrey Wigand / Brow and Williamson • Whistle blowing: Lowell Bergman / CBS • Trust: building it, losing it, and how it affects people • Public perception vs. falsified news • Money, power, corruption, and their effects • You cannot undo your past. Events are not erased. So is redemption possible? • Non-disclosure agreements: ethical uses and misuses Whichever topic you are working on, give a brief outline of the relevant events in the movie. Quote particular lines from the movie is they struck you as noteworthy. Relate these events to topics discussed in the course and to current events. Be prepared to answer questions about your topic.

3 Your Product

The written paper: due December 12, by email Your written report should include 3+ pages per student on the team plus some sort of graphic illustrations (photo, timeline, graph) and a bibliography.

The presentation: final exam day. Create one integrated presentation for the team. Put your names on the first page. Bring your presentation to class on a stick memory. Bring a backup copy. We will all use the same computer for the projector, to avoid wasting time between presentations. Each team member should present the part of the material that he or she researched. Five minutes will be allowed for each presenter. Class members will rate the interest level and com- munication clarity of each student’s part of the presentation and the overall quality of the group’s presentation. On presentation day, dress professionally, face your audience, and speak loudly.