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does Water represent Genetic Code? TGD Matti Pitkänen / January 12, 2011 Postal address: Köydenpunojankatu 2 D 11 10940, Hanko, Finland E-mail: [email protected] URL-address: (former address: ) "Blog" forum:

======Editorial: "Why we have to teleport disbelief"

As the old saying goes, it's good to have an open mind. Bt not so open that your brains fall out.

This week we report claims about the way that DNA behaves that are so astonishing that many minds have already snapped shut.

The experiments (see "Scorn over claim of Teleported DNA" below) make 3 claims that will stretch most people's credulity. (1) Under certain conditions, DNA can project copies of itself onto electromagnetic waves. (2) These same waves can be picked up by pure water and -- through quantum effects -- create a "nanostructure" in the shape of the original DNA. And (3) if enzymes which replicate DNA are present in a "receiving" solution, they can recreate the original DNA from the teleported "nanostructure" as if DNA was really there.

This scenario inevitably conjures up echoes of the "" experiments in 1988 by the late (New Scientist, July 14, 1988, p 39). Back then, Benveniste reported that antibodies could leave a ghostly "memory" in water that made the water behave as if the antibodies were still there, even in solutions so dilute that no antibody molecules were left. Eventually his findings were dismissed, as was he.

The main researcher behind the new DNA experiments is a recent Nobel prizewinner -- . But Science should be no respecter of persons. The researchers we contacted for comment rightly said his results should be ignored unless and until they have been repeated by independent

1 groups. Nobel laureates are not immune from eccentric beliefs. Others believe in telepathy, have communed with fluorescent raccoons, and championed vitamin C as a cure for cancer.

There is also, not surprisingly, suspicion that Montagnier has been misled by contamination. It is a problem that has so far stymied the hunt for Jurassic DNA and for traces of life in Martian meteorites. Many other experiments have been wrecked by contamination with "impostor" cells.

Given such reasons for doubt and the hard-to-believe explanations being put forward to account for the claimed effects, should we be reporting Montagnier's work at all? We decided to go ahead because any bona fide experimental result is worthy of scrutiny and the claims are nothing if not interesting.

What's more, the latest paper follows earlier work by Montagnier. Given the remarkable implications of the claims and the relative simplicity of the experiments, other groups will almost certainly take a look and attempt to repeat Montagnier's results. As one researcher told us: "20 labs could do this within 3 months. So we'll soon know whether it's real."

Like many of the researchers we contacted for comment, we won't believe it till someone repeats it. But we do think they should try. As with cold fusion in 1989, heretical findings with far-reaching implications are sometimes worth investigating even if the chances that there is something to it all are remote. Back then, it was harnessing the power of the Sun in a test tube. In this case, our picture of infection might need a fundamental overhaul.

It shouldn't take long to find out whether DNA teleportation is mad or miraculous. Either way, it's important to find out.


Scorn over claim of Teleported DNA by Andy Coghlan New Scientist / January 12, 2011

A Nobel prizewinner is reporting that DNA can be generated from its teleported "quantum imprint".

A storm of skepticism has greeted experimental results emerging from the lab of a Nobel laureate which -- if confirmed -- would shake the foundations of several fields of Science. "If the results are correct," says theoretical chemist Jeff Reimers of the University of Sydney, Australia, "these would be the most significant experiments performed in the past 90 years, demanding re-evaluation of the whole conceptual framework of modern Chemistry."

Luc Montagnier (who shared the for Medicine in 2008 for his part in establishing that HIV causes AIDS) says he has evidence that DNA can send spooky electromagnetic imprints of itself into distant cells and fluids. If that wasn't heretical enough, he also suggests that enzymes can mistake the ghostly imprints for real DNA and faithfully copy them to produce the real thing. In effect, this would amount to a kind of quantum teleportation of the DNA.

Many researchers contacted for comment by New Scientist reacted with disbelief. Gary Schuster (who studies DNA conductance effects at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta) compared it to "". Jacqueline Barton (who does similar work at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena) was equally skeptical. "There aren't a lot of data given and I don't buy the explanation," she says. One blogger has suggested Montagnier should be awarded an IgNobel prize. 2

Yet the results can't be dismissed out of hand. "The experimental methods used appear comprehensive," says Reimers. So what have Montagnier and his team actually found?

Full details of the experiments are not yet available, but the basic set-up is as follows. 2 adjacent but physically separate test tubes were placed within a copper coil and subjected to a very weak extremely low frequency electromagnetic field of 7 hertz. The apparatus was isolated from Earth's natural magnetic field to stop it interfering with the experiment. One tube contained a fragment of DNA around 100 bases long. The second tube contained pure water.

After 16-to-18 hours, both samples were independently subjected to the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) -- a method routinely used to amplify traces of DNA by using enzymes to make many copies of the original material. The gene fragment was apparently recovered from both tubes even though one should have contained just water (see diagram).

DNA was only recovered if the original solution of DNA -- whose concentration has not been revealed -- had been subjected to several dilution cycles before being placed in the magnetic field. In each cycle, it was diluted 10-fold and "ghost" DNA was only recovered after between 7 and 12 dilutions of the original. It was not found at the ultra-high dilutions used in .


How could it leave its mark? (Image: Pasieka/SPL)

Physicists in Montagnier's team suggest that DNA emits low-frequency electromagnetic waves which imprint the structure of the molecule onto the water. This structure, they claim, is preserved and amplified through quantum coherence effects. And because it mimics the shape of the original DNA, the enzymes in the PCR process mistake it for DNA itself and somehow use it as a template to make DNA matching that which "sent" the signal (.org/abs/1012.5166).

"The biological experiments do seem intriguing and I wouldn't dismiss them," says Greg Scholes of the University of Toronto in Canada who last year demonstrated that quantum effects occur in plants. Yet according to Klaus Gerwert who studies interactions between water and biomolecules at the Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany: "It is hard to understand how the information can be stored within water over a timescale longer than picoseconds."

"The structure would be destroyed instantly," agrees Felix Franks, a retired academic chemist in London who has studied water for many years. Franks was involved as a peer reviewer in the debunking of a controversial study in 1988 which claimed that water had a memory (see "How 'ghost molecules' were exorcised" below). "Water has no 'memory'," he says now. "You can't make an imprint in it and recover it later."

Despite the skepticism over Montagnier's explanation, the consensus was that the results deserve to be investigated further. Montagnier's colleague -- theoretical physicist Giuseppe Vitiello of the University of Salerno in Italy -- is confident that the result is reliable. "I would exclude that it's contamination," he says. "It's very important that other groups repeat it."

In a paper last year (Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s12539- 009-0036-7), Montagnier described how he discovered the apparent ability of DNA fragments and entire bacteria both to produce weak electromagnetic fields and to "regenerate" themselves in previously uninfected cells. Montagnier strained a solution of the bacterium Mycoplasma pirum through a filter with pores small enough to prevent the bacteria penetrating. The filtered water emitted the same frequency of electromagnetic signal as the bacteria themselves. He says that he has evidence that many species of bacteria and many viruses give out the electromagnetic signals as do some diseased human cells.

Montagnier says that the full details of his latest experiments will not be disclosed until the paper is accepted for publication. "Surely you are aware that investigators do not reveal the detailed content of their experimental work before its first appearance in peer-reviewed journals," he says.

4 How 'ghost molecules' were exorcised

The latest findings by Luc Montagnier evoke long-discredited work by the French researcher Jacques Benveniste. In a paper in (vol 333, p 816) in 1988, he claimed to show that water had a "memory" and that the activity of human antibodies was retained in solutions so dilute that they couldn't possibly contain any antibody molecules (New Scientist, July 14, 1988, p 39).

Faced with widespread scepticism over the paper including from the chemist Felix Franks who had advised against publication, Nature recruited magician James Randi and chemist and "fraudbuster" Walter Stewart of the U.S. National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland to investigate Benveniste's methods. They found his result to be "a delusion" based on a flawed design.

In 1991, Benveniste repeated his experiment under double-blind conditions. But not to the satisfaction of referees at Nature and Science. 2 years later came the final indignity when he was suspended for damaging the image of his institute. He died in October 2004.

That's not to say that quantum effects must be absent from biological systems. Quantum effects have been proposed in both plants and birds. Montagnier and his colleagues are hoping that their paper won't suffer the same fate as Benveniste's.


does Water represent Genetic Code? Matti Pitkänen / January 12, 2011

The furor is about the article "DNA Waves and Water" by L. Montagnier, J. Aissa, E. Del Giudice, C. Lavallee, A. Tedeschi, and G. Vitiello which has not yet been even published.

Already, "DNA waves and water" is enough to induce a deep growl from the throat of a hard-nosed skeptic. And the words "homeopathy" and "water memory" are the signals which transform even civilized skeptic to a raging blood hound.

Water memory at gene level is indeed what the article is about. What makes the situation so problematic is that Montagnier is an HIV Nobelist. It is not so easy to dismiss the work as has been done routinely for all work related to water memory since the days of Benveniste and before.

The story began when Benveniste found evidence for water memory. Water solution of biomolecules was diluted so that there was no trace about the molecules. What Benveniste and collaborators claimed was that the treated water is however somehow able to represent the biologically- relevant properties of molecules so that its action on some biomolecules can be the same as that of the original molecules. This could obviously explain the claimed effects of homeopathy.

Benveniste got a label of "fraudster" in a scientific investigation led by the magician James Randi (true, this is what the standards of skeptic science sadly often are!). The work of Benveniste has, however, been continued behind the scenes and it has been for a long time to possible to reproduce the effects of biologically-active molecules by using only the low frequency electromagnetic spectrum of these molecules. Which suggest that biological signaling relies on low frequency EM radiation. Skeptics have simply dismissed all this research.

5 That genes have electromagnetic representation have been also claimed by Peter Gariaev and his collaborators for long time ago. For TGD-inspired explanations for the findings of Gariaev, see this and this. The latter link is an article written in collaboration with Peter Gariaev and will be published in the first issue of DNADJ journal during this month.

The claim of Montagnier's team is that the radiation generated by DNA affects water in such a manner that it behaves as if it contained the actual DNA. A brief summary of experiment of Montagnier and collaborators is in order.

1. Two(2) testtubes containing 100 bases long DNA fragments were studied. Both tubes were subjected to 7 Hz electromagnetic radiation. Earth's magnetic field was eliminated to prevent its possible interference. (The cyclotron frequencies of Earth's magnetic field are in EEG range. One of the family secrets of biology and neuroscience since the 1970s is that cyclotron frequencies in magnetic fields have biological effects on vertebrate brain). The frequencies around 7 Hz correspond to cyclotron frequencies of some biologically-important ions in the endogenous magnetic field of 0.2 Tesla explaining the findings. This field is 2/5 of the nominal value of the Earth's magnetic field.

2. What makes the situation so irritating for skeptics who have been laughing for decades for homepathy and water memory is that the repeated dilution process used for the homeopathic remedies was applied to DNA in the recent case. The dilution containing no detectable amounts DNA (dilution factor was 10-12) was placed in second test tube whereas the first test tube contained 100 bases long DNA in the original concentration.

3. After 16-to-18 hours, both tubes were subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which builds DNA from its basic building bricks using DNA polymerase enzyme. What is so irritating that DNA was generated also in the test tube containing the highly-diluted water. Water seems to be able to cheat the polymerase by mimicking the presence of the actual DNA serving in the usual situation as a template for building copies of DNA. One could also speak about the analog quantum teleportation.

In TGD-inspired Quantum-Bbiology, the representations of genes in terms of temporal patterns of EM radiation are in central role (see this). TGD leads to a concrete model for water memory in terms of the magnetic body of biomolecule whose cyclotron frequency pattern codes for the biological effects of the molecule. Water memory means that water can build magnetic bodies mimicking those of biomolecules or perhaps steal them in the process of dilution which involves the shaking of the solution.

TGD also suggest another representation of the genetic code in terms of dark nucleons which could be highly relevant for the realization of water memory in terms of a dark portion of water for which there exists empirical evidence. This "dark" portion would also explain the numerous anomalies of water.

It became as a total surprise that the states of dark nucleons correspond in natural manner to DNA, RNA, tRNA, and aminoacids. DNA would define only one particular representation of the genetic code which in the primary form would be realized at elementary particle level and that there could exists many representations of DNA. Also, the model for DNA as topological quantum computer proposes a non-standard representation of the code.

The existence of a multitude of representations of the code would not be too surprising when one realizes that the information processing performed by computers involves endless variety of different representations of various codes. The problem is about attitudes. The dogma that Biology is nothing 6 but Chemistry is what is being challenged. We love dogmas because they liberate us from the burden of using our own brains.


1. At 12:51 PM, Ulla said...

I have come to the conclusion there are 2 kinds of oscillations in the living body (quantal and decoherent) as a kind of giant double-slit exp. We intermingle these and so we see no pattern. But it is there. Elisabeth Rieper, Janet Anders, Vlatko Vedral

Vedral has written much about quantum biology ( ph/1/au:+Vedral_V/0/1/0/all/0/1) what role might entanglement play in DNA. To find out, they've constructed a simplified theoretical model of DNA in which each nucleotide consists of a cloud of electrons around a central positive nucleus. This negative cloud can move relative to the nucleus, creating a dipole. And the movement of the cloud back-and-forth is a harmonic oscillator.

When the nucleotides bond to form a base, these clouds must oscillate in opposite directions to ensure the stability of the structure.

Rieper&co ask what happens to these oscillations (or phonons as physicists call them) when the base pairs are stacked in a double helix. Phonons are quantum objects, meaning they can exist in a superposition of states and become entangled.

To start with, Rieper and co imagine the helix without any effect from outside heat. "Clearly the chain of coupled harmonic oscillators is entangled at zero temperature," they say (T=0K). They then go on to show that the entanglement can also exist at room temperature.

That's possible because phonons have a wavelength which is similar in size to a DNA helix and this allows standing waves to form, a phenomenon known as "phonon trapping". When this happens, the phonons cannot easily escape. A similar kind of phonon trapping is known to cause problems in silicon structures of the same size.

That would be of little significance if it had no overall effect on the helix. But the model developed by Rieper&co suggests that the effect is profound.

Although each nucleotide in a base pair is oscillating in opposite directions, this occurs as a superposition of states, so that the overall movement of the helix is zero. In a purely Classical model, however, this cannot happen. The helix would vibrate and shake itself apart.

So in this sense, these quantum effects are responsible for holding DNA together.

7 More about Water Memory TGD Matti Pitkänen / January 15, 2011 Postal address: Köydenpunojankatu 2 D 11 10940, Hanko, Finland E-mail: [email protected] URL-address: (former address: ) "Blog" forum:

The findings of Montagnier and his team (above article) could mean a revolution comparable to that sparked by the Origin of Species so that they deserve another posting (and maybe even more;-)).

During these years, I have learned that there are 2 kinds of theoreticians. Theoreticians of first kind require that theory explains facts and if not gives up the theory. Theoreticians of second kind require that facts fit the theory and bravely reject the facts that do not.

Also, Lubos has commented the findings of HIV Nobelist Montagnier's group. His comments reflect excellently the distinction between the theoretician of second kind and the good experimentalist.

The good experimentalist is ready to accept the reality and this is why discoveries are possible. The theoretician of the second kind "knows" beforehand what is possible and what is not and tells it aloud and authoritatively.

Ironically, Lubos is ready to accept M-theory as the only possible theory of everything despite the fact that there is not a single thread of empirical evidence supporting it but refuses to consider the possibility that Biology would be something more than just complex chemistry. Our luck is that there are also theoreticians who are ready to consider the possibility that they do not yet know everything.


Montagnier's work gives support for water memory in terms of representations of some molecules in terms of water molecules or some nano-structures present in water treated in the same manner as the homeopathic remedies are made. What is really amazing is that the representations seem also to realize genetic code. The experimental arrangement stimulates several questions which I try to answer in the framework of TGD-inspired model of Biology.

1. The presence of 7 Hz magnetically-induced oscillation seems to be necessary for the presence of the effect. What is the role of this radiation whose frequency is not far from the lowest Schumann resonance frequency with nominal value of 7.83 Hz? Recall that this frequency is in the lowest approximation determined by the radius of Earth of alone. The wavelength of 7 Hz photons is slightly larger than the circumference of Earth. Could it be that a temporal pattern associated with a single period of 7 Hz oscillation could code for DNA codons? The energies involved are of course ridiculously small as compared to the thermal energy at room temperature and quantal effects are exclued in standard Quantum Theory.

2. How could water represent some biologically-relevant aspects of molecules? For what kind of molecules this representation does exist? What are the roles of mechanical agitation and

8 dilution in the generation of water memory? Does the 7 Hz frequency near the lowest Schumann resonance frequency relate to this somehow?

3. How could water and electromagnetic radiation represent genetic code?

Some key ideas of TGD-inspired Quantum-Biology

TGD helps to imagine possible answers to these questions. The identification of dark matter as a hierarchy of phases with large Planck constant and the notion of magnetic body (for instance, see this -- both deriving naturally from basic Quantum-TGD -- are the key notions.

1. The basic vision is that the magnetic body communicates with the biological body and controls it by using a generalized variant of EEG consisting of fractal hierarchy of dark photons corresponding to a hierarchy of values of Planck constant (see this) E=hf with large Planck constant implying that even ELF photons can have thermal energies above thermal energy. This is the essential element in the model for the effects of ELF frequencies on vertebrate brain. The transformation of dark photon to a bunch of ELF photons or single high-energy photon would be basic mechanisms transforming dark photons to ordinary ones. Biophotons would be dark photons transformed to a single dark photon. EEG would represent outcome consisting of a bunch of ELF photons.

2. TGD suggests that dark DNA, RNA,... and even dark aminoacids could have a key role in biological evolution providing kind of virtual world realization of biomolecules. This would make possible controlled evolution analogous to the research and development carried out in industry (see this). This is in conflict with the vision of standard Biology according to which the planning of travel phone would be a process in which one throws some random collection of electronic components to a hat and looks whether a travel phone emerges from the hat after sufficiently long waiting period.

Biological R&D would require that transcription and translation process have dark counterparts. Also the transcription of dark DNA to ordinary DNA and vice versa and even more general processes should be possible. If the water containing ordinary DNA contains its dark variant able by its darkness to leak through the filters used in the experimental situation studied by Montagnier and collaborators, the dark DNA could be able to cheat the polymerase protein so that it interprets dark DNA as a genuine DNA template and starts to generate ordinary DNA. If the magnetic flux tubes coding for DNA are all that is relevant for this, this mechanism would not depend whether the ends of flux tubes contain real or dark DNA.

3. The dark magnetic flux tubes connecting bio-molecules make it possible for them to recognize and find each other in the dense soup of biomolecules. The reduction of Planck constant for the flux tube brings the bio-molecules near to each other so that catalytic reaction becomes possible. The reconnection process for flux tubes is also in an essential role and involved with ADP-ATP process and would provide elegant realization of codes.

Representations for the genetic code in TGD

TGD suggest several non-standard representations of the genetic code.

9 1. Temporal patterns of electromagnetic radiation with some carrier frequency is one possibility. Gariaev's work suggests that temporal patterns of polarization directions of radiation could code for DNA sequences with each nucleotide corresponding to a definite change of polarization direction (see the discussion here). This would mean a hierarchy of realizations of the code corresponding to different frequency scales with period of radiation defining the duration of the code word.

2. The TGD-inspired model for DNA as a topological quantum computer suggests a realization of codons in terms of u and d quarks and their anti-quarks at the ends of magnetic flux tubes connecting DNA nucleotides to lipids of nuclear or cellular membranes. TGD indeed predicts the possibility of several fractally scaled-up copies of hadron physics with different mass scales and also dark variants of ordinary hadron physics with the Compton lengths of quarks scaled up while keeping mass scales the same. Entire fractal hierarchy of representations corresponding to carrier frequencies of dark photons could be realized.

3. One of the most amazing predictions of TGD comes from the model of dark nucleons. The states of dark nucleons are in 1-1 correspondence with DNA, RNA, tRNA, and aminocids, and vertebrate genetic code is realized naturally as dark nuclear strings analogous to ordinary nuclei which are also nuclear strings in TGD-based model of nuclei. The representation could be based on triplets of magnetic flux tubes with quarks at ends correlating with the genetic code words defined by the states of dark nuclei just like the representation of DNA in DNA as topological quantum computer (TQC) model. A natural guess would be that the size scale of dark nucleon is same as the size scale of single DNA triplet.

What is the role of 7 Hz radiation?

7 Hz is near the frequency of the lowest Schumann resonance representing collective oscillation of the Earth's magnetic field. One can wonder about its role in the experiment of Montagnier and collaborators.

1. 7 Hz need not provide a representation for genetic code although it could do so. A possible role is as the provider of biorhythm and as a possible source of energy in the case that dark photons with energy above thermal energy are in question. TGD-inspired theory of Consciousness predicts what I call "self hierarchy" and one can speak about gene expression at the level of organism and even population. Schumann resonance would naturally couple with Living matter and couple the magnetic bodies of living systems to the magnetic body of Earth (magnetic Mother Gaia, one might say).

Flux tubes within flux tubes would be simplest representation for the coupling making possible frequency modulation and also amplitude modulation. Frequency modulation is especially interesting and the song of whales provides a possible concrete example of underlying frequency modulation. The model for hologram generating properties of DNA suggests that the dark photons assignable to 7 Hz radiation pump energy to build up hologrammic representations of DNA.

2. Cyclotron resonances for ions in the Earth's magnetic field are in 1-100 Hz range. It has been known from the 1970s that electromagnetic fields in this frequency range have effects on the vertebrate brain. These effects look very quantal and correspond to cyclotron frequencies which is 0.2 Gauss (2/5 of the nominal value of the Earth's magnetic field).

10 Also, the authors of Montagnier article suggest that cyclotron resonances of ions are involved. In the in TGD-inspired model for the Living body in terms of magnetic bodies, cyclotron resonances are in a key role. Cyclotron frequencies could provide a coupling of biologically-important ions to Schumann resonance if the flux tubes involved can vary their thickness so that the strength of magnetic field varies by flux conservation.

3. VLF frequencies above kHz seem to take this role in water memory. The wavelengths and corresponding layers of magnetic bodies are still enormous as compared to that of DNA.

How water could represent molecules?

The TGD-inspired mode a model for how water could represent at least some aspects of at least some molecules is based on earlier ideas (see this) plus some ideas inspired by the findings of Montagnier's group and by the role of ordered water in the self-organization of biomolecules.

1. The basic idea is that the magnetic body of the molecules represents biologically-relevant aspects of molecule in the sense that the cyclotron radiations generated by the magnetic body is responsible for biological control and also receives signals from part of organism in some length and time scales. The mechanical agitation of water involves in the process generating water memories implies that the magnetic bodies of some molecules just drop to water. This is enough for the mimicry of the biomolecules by water.

2. Water interacts strongly with polar (hydrophilic) molecules so that the polarity of the molecules in question is expected to be very relevant for the process. Polar molecules are covered by a hydrogen-bonded layer of ordered water molecules analogs to ice covering. This molecular ice freezes various biomolecules to standard configuration. The feed of energy freezes the ice cover so that processes like protein folding and formation of their aggregates which is central element in the reaction of Living matter to external perturbations becomes possible. The natural idea is that the polar molecules having hydrogen bonds with water layer dictate to a high degree the structure of the magnetic body.

3. The mechanical agitation of water could feed the energy needed to induce the splitting of the hydrogen bonds of a polar molecule so that the ice coating to which the magnetic body of the molecule would drop out. The process would be similar to the reaction of biomolecule to external influence. This magnetic body would represent the molecule in terms of cyclotron frequencies and behave as a real molecule as far as the effects caused by cyclotron frequencies are considered. Basically, a symbolic representation of the biomolecule would be in question.

This mechanism is obviously very general and the prediction is that water remembers the presence of molecules with polar regions and do not distinguish between molecules with different non-polar regions. These non-polar regions are hydrophobic and tend to be shielded from water. Protein folding is one example of this shielding.

How the magnetic bodies could represent genetic code

The intriguing finding that about 1/4 of hydrogen atoms of water behave effectively like dark matter in attosecond timescale was one of the first findings motivating the development of ideas about dark matter as large hbar phases and is also of crucial importance for the model of water memory. The TGD- based explanation is that dark hydrogen atoms correspond to dark protons with Compton size of the 11 order of atom size at least. The varying fraction of this phase would explain the large number of anomalies related to the thermodynamics of water.

The proposal is that the splitting of hydrogen bond transforms the hydrogen (or at least the proton of hydrogen) to a dark nucleon. The states of dark nucleons would correspond to multiplets assignable to DNA, RNA, tRNA, and aminocids. If the state of dark nucleon corresponds to the quark assignable to the end of magnetic flux tube, one has a representation of the genetic code in terms of dark nuclear string consisting of protons glued to form (TGD indeed leads to a model of nuclei as nucleon sequencies connected by color magnetic bonds).

How transcription and translation type processes could be realized for dark DNA and how dark DNA and DNA could transform to each other

Reconnection of magnetic flux tubes allows us to imagine a very simple model for how DNA is coded to dark DNA and vice versa. As a matter of fact, the process applies to very general class of processes defining a pairing of biomolecules. All that is needed is that the quark pair at the ends of the flux tube to some degree dictates which molecules can form. One can actually imagine a generalization of the genetic code applying to much more general molecules than molecules involved with the genetic code if this mechanism involves dark nucleons at the ends of the magnetic flux tubes involves.

1. Assume that the nucleotides of dark DNA and conjugate molecules are connected by flux tubes having quark and antiquark at their ends that u, d, and their antiquarks correspond in one-to- one manner to DNA nucleotides so that coding results. Suppose that similar coding takes place for dark DNA in the sense that dark DNA code work is connected by 3 flux tubes to its conjugate for corresponding dark aminoacid. Assume that both dark and ordinary DNA nucleotides can be connected to their conjugates by relatively long flux tubes (large hbar) and that they can be also accompanied by short-circuited flux loops. Assume again that genetic code mapping codons to quarks is realized. Similar short-circuited closed flux loops could be possible for aminoacids and RNA.

2. Assume that a reconnection for long flux tube connecting nucleotides and their conjugates and for nucleotide flux loop is possible if corresponding quarks are same so that the assignment realizes genetic code. For instance, a reconnection in the middle of flux tubes connecting dark DNA and its conjugate would generate an ordinary DNA sequence. If this sequence binds to the DNA strand and if the reverse of the reconnection process occurs after that, dark DNA sequence becomes coded ordinary DNA sequence.

Obviously, much more general processes of this kind are possible and are relatively independent of what is at the ends of the flux tubes so that genetic coded would permeate whole Biology and determined selection rules of reaction involving all kinds of polar molecules.

What is the role of dilution and agitation?

I have discussed these questions also in the chapter "Homeopathy in Many-sheeted Space-time" of the book Biosystems as Conscious Holograms. The following discussion involves new ideas inspired by the findings of Montagnier's group.

The role of dilutions in the generation of water memories looks like a mystery and provides the strongest weapon for a simple-minded skeptic. One can make only guesses in this respect. The 12 situation does not distinguish between DNA and other molecules which water is able to represent. All these molecules could correspond to dark molecules resulting when the hydrogen bonds connecting polar molecule to its water coating split if the above ideas are on the right track. Consider now the questions.

1. Is the dilution necessary in order that the magnetic flux tubes of the molecular magnetic expected to have size of the order 100 nm in the solution do not overlap? This would mean that the density of dark DNA in the experiments of Montagnier would be rather low in the experimental situation, maybe something like 1 DNA sequence per volume of cell nucleus. Can so low a density explain the effects of polymerase in the experiment of Montagnier's team? Could the critical dilution be the dilution above which the 7 Hz radiation is able to serve as a metabolic resource?

2. Could it be that the density of dark molecules is actually much higher than the dilution would suggest? This would require replication of dark molecules (which is indeed quite conceivable if dark molecules define a life form preceding ordinary DNA). The mechanical agitation could provide the metabolic energy for the dark molecules. Dark molecules could also be part of time in lethargic state and wake up only when energy is fed and replicate just as biomolecules are ice-covered and wake up only when external perturbation feeds energy and induces self- organization.

But why would be critical dilution required? Why must the density of ordinary molecules be so small? This is difficult to understand.

3. Is it the number of dilutions and agitations which matters rather than the density of the ordinary molecules in the final situation? Could the sequence of dilutions induce an evolutionary process analogous to a sequence of environmental catastrophes posing evolutionary pressures and leading to rapid evolution of dark DNA variant able to replicate and survive? Could each mechanical agitation induce quantum phase transitions increasing the value of Planck constant for the flux tubes inducing evolutionary leps and increasing the size scale of the corresponding magnetic body?

Could the associated feed of metabolic energy also induce a replication of the dark molecules so that one would have a population with a density much higher than that of the ordinary molecules in the final situation? Whether the number of agitation-dilution processes matters instead of final density of molecules could be tested by using different initial values for the density.

4. Could the limiting wave length correspond to 7 Hz cyclotron frequency for some relevant ion and therefore also to an evolutionary step making possible to couple to magnetic Mother Gaia. The condition that the frequency corresponds to energy above thermal energy at room temperature would require hbar/hbar0 = r ≈ 1011. The number of the dilutions should be so high that the molecular evolution reaches this level.

As a matter of fact, the work of Cyril Smith [Smith] with water memory suggests that r = 2×1011 is very special in the sense that a transformation for low frequency photons to high 11 frequency photons with fh/fl= 2×10 seems to be involved with water memory. Does the maximal value of hbar for the flux tubes correlate with the dilution factor or the number of dilutions inducing 10-fold reduction of density each? Does 10-fold reduction of density correspond to reduction factor which still allows the population to fill the sample completely for a reasonable amount of mechanical agitation? 13

5. Cyclotron radiation of dark photons from the magnetic body of dark DNA transforming to ordinary VLF photons serves as a signature for its presence. In the abstract of their article, the Montagnier group reports following.

Electromagnetic signals of low frequency have been shown to be durably produced in aqueous dilutions of the Human Imunodeficiency Virus DNA. In vivo, HIV DNA signals are detected only in patients previously treated by antiretroviral therapy and having no detectable viral RNA copies in their blood. We suggest that the treatment of AIDS patients pushes the virus towards a new mode of replication implying only DNA, thus forming a reservoir insensitive to retroviral inhibitors. Implications for new approaches aimed at eradicating HIV infection are discussed.

"New mode of replication" would correspond in TGD framework to replication of magnetic bodies of DNA representing genes as dark nucleon sequences and would allow HIV DNA to survive despite the treatment.

The idea about rapid micro-evolution taking place in human timescale for the magnetic bodies is as radical as it is fascinating. But it is in principle testable. I have considered alternative explanations. But they are not so simple as this one. I do not of course believe that attitudes in biological sciences would be mature for testing this kind of ideas. Big changes in the world view are painful and take place slowly and existing theoretical hegemony is the worst obstacle in the progress.

I am, however, an optimist. A real understanding of what makes HIV so resistant to ordinary treatments making possible to develop better cures of it could force even skeptics to accept the facts.

For a more organized summary of TGD-based model for the findings of Montagnier's team, see the article DNA Waves and Water at my homepage.

[Smith] C. Smith (2001), "Learning From Water, A Possible Quantum Computing Medium". Talk in CASYS'2001, 5th International conference on Computing Anticipating Systems held in Liege, Belgium, August 13-18. Abstract book published by Chaos.


1. At 11:00 AM, Ulla said... You see, Lubos acts so EMOTIONALLY :) But there are also other doing so.

There has happened a change tough. He published these comments. Earlier he just deleted them.

When I do my treatments and someone is severely ill, the recovery cannot happen quickly. Then he/she would become very, very bad. It is like turning a big ship in hard storm. This is something alike?

There is so much written about Quantum Biology and they refuse to see it. Astonishing.

2. At 9:24 PM, Matti Pitkanen said... 14 I tried to publish a comment in the Lubos blog. But the program insisted that the comment is longer than 3000 characters (which it was not). This was very probably a problem of software.

Lubos is in the same position as I was during my innocent student days. Let us hope that he is approaching the transition point when doubts begin to leak into his belief system!

I really believed on the reductionistic dogmas for the first 7 student years. After then, I had to work hardly to keep my beliefs and the sick world view of materialistic Science made also myself sick. The progress of TGD initiated a healing process which sowed further seeds of doubt -- but also concrete ideas -- about a more realistic world view.

I remember asking myself whether it could be really true that even chemical bond would something totally different that I was taught to believe. Could reductionism really be an illusion? Could entire Science community be deadly wrong? Who is "mad"? The community? Or me as objectivity requires to conclude? This was really painful since I desperately wanted to know. Also the questions about Consciousness began to pop up as I realized that the world of materialistic Science is dead as stone.

Nowadays and with this background, I can just laugh for myself who took chemical bond so deadly seriously. I should, however, not forget that skeptics are Pavlovian dogs just as I was for my first 7 student years. Conditioned to believe the dogmas by a series of humiliations called scientific education. Even a slightest doubt induces mental image about public humiliation in their mind.

In any case, revolution has begun in Biology on many fronts (and also in Physics, by the way). It will be interesting to see how many decades it will take.

3. At 1:32 PM, Zephir said... We should realize a few aspects of physical system involved there.

At first, the peculiar structure of water. Due to the angled shape of water molecules and strong hydrogen bonds between them, the water consists of tiny clusters containing roughly 230 molecules per cluster. The internal pressure of water inside of these clusters exceeds more then 27.000 atm which results into well-known fact that the volume of fluid water is just 92% of the volume of ice.

The evidence of water cluster formation is based on the finding of X-ray spectroscopy. There exists only 2 hydrogen bridges available per molecule, so that the formation of chained flat structures similar to sponge or foam is preferred. An interesting aspect of quantum behavior of water clusters is their shape memory which originates from quantum mirage phenomena. The conformal change of shape (in particular place of cluster surface) is followed by redistribution of charge density so that the molecules of water are attached/removed to cluster from opposite side in such a way, the original cluster shape is retained like of piece plasticine (although it undergoes rapid Brownian motion as a whole). In AWT, the analogous mechanism keeps the shape of particles during their travel through vacuum foam.

From the above reasons, each water cluster propagates through density fluctuations of water-like solid body of much large effective mass. Then the single water molecule and it's deformed with electrostatical forces of neighboring anions like piece of plasticine which retains its shape even during never-ending collisions with another molecules of water.

15 Compact clusters of water molecules is behaving like groups of balls in Newton cradle which maintains its shape (albeit nother balls are colliding with it from both sides). The same effect at the quantum scale is described as the so-called "quantum mirage". As the result, the shape of clusters remains quite independent to the lifetime of individual hydrogen linkages between molecules.

Therefore the water clusters could maintain their shape a long time after the surface active chemicals were removed from water solution. While function of many proteins depends on their spatial configuration rather than their composition. The shape memory of water clusters could explain the biological activity of diluted solutions from which most of molecules has been removed with dilution followed with prolonged shaking (i.e., the "dynamization"). We shouldn't forget that even the maximal dilution cannot remove molecules adsorbed at surfaces of vials. So such solutions can be never completely free of chemicals.

Another anomalous aspect of DNA molecules consist of the fact that they're formed with very large, organized chains of hydrated basis which are strongly protonized. Such molecule can propagate its chiral distribution of charge density into large volume and it can induce the same charge distribution inside of plastic water clusters by polarization. Actually, we have no relevant data about behavior of highly organized, structured polymeric anions. Common hydrogel polymers are both unstructured, both unorganized, whereas DNA molecule is behaving like single giant liquid crystal. Our everyday experience with solutions of short simple molecules isn't easily transferable to such system.

4. At 1:34 PM, Zephir said... The rigid spiral structure of DNA macromolecules is unique with the fact that large number of ions have fixed mutual positions. For single ions or dipole, such structure would indeed appear amorphous. But not for more complex ions like the rigid DNA fragments or water clusters. The larger these fragments will be, the more strongly they will be locked at distance in certain positions, corresponding the location of these fragments inside of original molecules. Basically it's very classical electrostatic, just applied to very complex multipoles.

In Chemistry, unexplained "learning behavior" takes place during the formation of crystals. When a new chemical compound is first created, it will crystallize slowly. But when other researchers repeat the experiment, they find it occurs more quickly. Chemists generally attribute this to better experiments, the mistakes of the first are documented and not repeated.

5. At 7:09 AM, Matti Pitkanen said...

The anomalies of water are numerous. My proposal is that the presence of dark portion of water makes water a 2-phase system allowing us to understand various anomalies. For instance, those challenging standard thermodynamics of single-phase systems.

The idea of assigning morphogenetic fields with crystal formation is so radical that it would require a lot of documentation. Interesting in any case.

6. At 10:11 PM, Matti Pitkanen said... 16 Peter Gariaev sent me a link to an article of Montagnier group. It deserves a comment. In the abstract, the Montagnier group reports following.

Electromagnetic signals of low frequency have been shown to be durably produced in aqueous dilutions of the Human Imunodeficiency Virus DNA. In vivo, HIV DNA signals are detected only in patients previously treated by antiretroviral therapy and having no detectable viral RNA copies in their blood. We suggest that the treatment of AIDS patients pushes the virus towards a new mode of replication implying only DNA, thus forming a reservoir insensitive to retroviral inhibitors. Implications for new approaches aimed at eradicating HIV infection are discussed.

Cyclotron radiation of dark photons from the magnetic body of dark DNA transforming to ordinary VLF photons serves as a signature for its presence. "New mode of replication" would correspond in TGD framework to replication of magnetic bodies of DNA representing genes as dark nucleon sequences and would allow HIV DNA to survive despite the treatment.

This raises optimism. Skeptics are immune against rational arguments but not against fear. If the new understanding of Life allows us to develop better cures against HIV, even skeptics might be ready to accept the facts.

7. At 9:52 AM, Ulla said... The human genome is mostly made of old viruses (around 80%). And this is the regulating part of our DNA? How is that possible?

There is even a possibility they get activated again. So viruses never get extinct. The memory of old pandemies is saved in the genome. Maybe the viruses also was responsible for hierarchy shifts because of their small size(?) as between apes and humans or human/human races? Schizophrenia/autism genes has been mentioned. Are they then old viruses?

The ORME get more and more interesting...

And why is UV-light antibacterial AND mutagenic? Life lies between UV and IR frequencies but may respond up to 20,000Hz (maybe more) and down to fractions of an Hz (incredibly long waves). Is it possible the magnetic body reacts?

This is a highly interesting link =>

The origins of viruses are shrouded in mystery. Bbut advances in genomics and the discovery of highly-complex giant DNA viruses have stimulated new hypotheses that DNA viruses were involved in the emergence of the eukaryotic cell nucleus and that they are worthy of being considered as Living organisms.

Viruses are now center stage. They might have been there at the origin of DNA; might have played a central role in the emergence of the eukaryotic cell; and might even have been the cause of partitioning of biological organisms into the 3 domains of Life: Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya.

RNA-based viruses infecting RNA-based cells would have acquired an RNA-to-DNA modification system to resist cellular RNA-degrading enzymes (the RNA equivalent of present-day bacterial restriction and modification systems).


8. At 11:44 AM, Ulla said... Mae Van Ho has an article too =>

These findings are analogous to observations in highly diluted homeopathic remedies that claim to be efficacious even after all molecules of the original substance must have been diluted away. But there is one important difference. For the first time, the putative memory of the water invoked for homeopathic activity (in the form of specific electromagnetic signals) can be clearly and independently detected.

This is the major breakthrough that Montagnier and his team achieved. It should now be possible -- in principle -- to distinguish homeopathic preparations that are active from those that are not. This alone would do much for advancing the science of homeopathy and contribute towards our understanding of water.

9. At 1:27 PM, Ulla said...

What is the nature of the EM signal emitting nanostructures?

The nanostructures were not destroyed by treatments with enzymes that destroy RNA, DNA, or protein (RNAse A, DNAse 1, proteinase K). Only y heating at 70 ˚C for 30 minutes or freezing for 1 hour at -20 ˚C or -60 ˚C. Treatment with Lithium cations (known to affect H-bonding of water molecules) reduced the intensity of the signals while the range of the positive dilution remained unchanged.

From a biologist that has realized maybe there are more under the sky than Science today knows of.

10. At 12:44 AM, Matti Pitkanen said... To Ulla:

The layers of magnetic body would react to light at various frequency scales. The larger the size scale of the magnetic body part, the lower the frequency. Size of body part is of the order of the corresponding wavelength. In water memory at least, frequencies above 104 are present and Montagnier's work suggests also the 7 Hz region.

Cyclotron radiation from the magnetic body would be its signature representing also about DNA what is biologically most relevant. To this radiation, other magnetic bodies and biomolecules react. The empirical test is to identify frequencies assignable to Na, Cl, Ca, etc. Harmonics of the basic frequency and predictable frequency ratios are the telltale test.

The nanostructures could correspond to magnetic bodies of HIV DNA or RNA. Or to be precise, magnetic bodies of the system molecule+ ordered water layer around it.

18 When hydrogen bonds connecting molecule to this ice layer split, the magnetic body would split out of the molecule. Mechanical agitation would cause this splitting and also feed metabolic energy.

If the proton of the hydrogen bond is transformed to dark proton. DNA triplet would correspond to single dark proton and its internal state would code for particular DNA triplet. One dark proton with single DNA triplet would be generated -- one hydrogen bond split.

The high dilution need not be as such the secret. Rather, the number of times the dilution and shaking occurs could matter. The idea is simple. Dilution is a horrible evolutionary catastrophe for dark DNA or RNA population taking the population density to 1/10th. But shaking would provide the metabolic energy allowing dark RNA or DNA to replicate and fill the land again;-).

Shakings and dilutions also serve as evolutionary pressure forcing evolutionary leaps increasing the hbar of the magnetic body of the molecule so that finally it would have EEG (7 Hz) and could couple to the magnetic body of Mother Gaia;-) receiving perhaps metabolic energy and motherly advice in this manner;-).

Viruses might operate between dark DNA or dark RNA and RNA. Maybe dark RNA learned first to produce RNA sequences and later these learned to use cells to transform them to DNA.

11. At 1:15 AM, Ulla said... If this is true you need to moderate your theory a little :) Magnetic body can perceive on its own. You already said that the magnetic body is conscious.

In fact, when the homeopathy was discovered it was exactly the repeated dilutions 1:10 and the rigorous shakings that was the difference. It doesn't work if you dilute directly. Iit has to be stepwise with shaking between. The pills must be administered under the tongue and melt there half-an-hour before food ingestion. The direct skin-contact is essential. This same transfer mechanism as with the DNA is working also then?

With intrasound the frequencies is below 1Hz and the resonance of the body ought to be impossible. But humans react. Also, 7 Hz is too low, human body size corresponds to 60 Hz or the highest brainwaves. So we think with our magnetic body? Huping is right? Magnetic brain is bigger than our body. Can it be harmonic modulations that takes it down to the body-level?

Could electrons and protons react directly also to low frequencies? This would mean a very big body?

Water is also hexagonal in its structure.

My link tells the possible story of how RNA became DNA. It was our first immune system -- a shield against virus. Then first the cellular membranes were built. This follows exactly the complexity ladder.

Thanks Matti. Now you begin to realize how hard it is for a biologist to see this new world? The brainwashing is quite efficient :)

12. At 6:01 AM, Matti Pitkanen said...

19 I see brain and body as a machine which the magnetic body uses to build standardized sensory percepts and cognitive representations.

Thought bubbles correspond to p-adic space-time sheets and have the size of the Universe. Really! Cognitive representations are always in finite space-time region since they belong to intersection of real and p-adic surfaces and inside a personal causal diamond (CD)!

One can speak loosely and say that magnetic body is conscious. A more precise statement would be that conscious experiences contain information also about magnetic body but the contribution from body and brain specialized to act as mental image factories contribute most to mental images in wake-up state. Sleep state is different. But we do not remember too much of it.

The view of Montagnier is quite shocking. What Montagnier sees as a hoax is that only vaccines apply against HIV. Montagnier emphasizes that keeping immune system in a good shape could be enough and Africans would need help in this respect. The medical industry, however, wants to sell drugs (as we know).

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