The Proposed Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path

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The Proposed Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path New York State Department of Transportation Region 10, Long Island TheThe ProposedProposed OceanOcean ParkwayParkway SharedShared--UseUse PathPath Wantagh State Parkway at Jones Beach State Park to Robert Moses Causeway at Captree State Park Project ID No.: 0006.11 NYSDOT.GOV 1 /41 ProjectProject LocationLocation PlanPlan NYSDOT.GOV 2 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project IntroductionIntroduction TheThe NewNew YorkYork StateState DepartmentDepartment ofof TransportationTransportation (NYSDOT)(NYSDOT) isis inin thethe preliminarypreliminary designdesign stagestage toto constructconstruct aa 14.414.4 milemile sharedshared--useuse pathpath forfor nonnon-- motorizedmotorized useuse (bicyclists,(bicyclists, pedestrians,pedestrians, etc.)etc.) alongalong thethe OceanOcean ParkwayParkway inin thethe TownsTowns ofof Hempstead,Hempstead, OysterOyster Bay,Bay, Babylon,Babylon, andand IslipIslip betweenbetween thethe WantaghWantagh StateState ParkwayParkway andand thethe RobertRobert MosesMoses CausewayCauseway TheThe provisionprovision ofof nonnon--motorizedmotorized transportationtransportation facilitiesfacilities isis consistentconsistent withwith NYSDOTNYSDOT’’ss SmartSmart GrowthGrowth Policy.Policy. NYSDOT.GOV 3 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject BackgroundBackground OceanOcean ParkwayParkway isis oneone ofof LongLong IslandIsland’’ss mostmost scenicscenic roadways,roadways, yetyet itit isis onlyonly accessibleaccessible byby automobileautomobile ThereThere areare nono areasareas alongalong OceanOcean ParkwayParkway thatthat areare designateddesignated forfor useuse byby bicyclistsbicyclists andand pedestrians,pedestrians, andand theythey areare currentlycurrently prohibitedprohibited fromfrom usingusing thethe parkwayparkway continuedcontinued…… NYSDOT.GOV 4 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject BackgroundBackground Pedestrians,Pedestrians, joggers,joggers, andand bicyclistsbicyclists areare frequentlyfrequently observedobserved usingusing thethe parkwayparkway pavementpavement andand grassgrass shoulders,shoulders, particularlyparticularly inin thethe vicinityvicinity ofof thethe GilgoGilgo Beach,Beach, WestWest GilgoGilgo Beach,Beach, andand OakOak BeachBeach communitiescommunities UpUp toto 2,0002,000 usersusers perper dayday havehave beenbeen countedcounted onon thethe existingexisting WantaghWantagh StateState ParkwayParkway PathPath continuedcontinued…… NYSDOT.GOV 5 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject BackgroundBackground TheThe lacklack ofof aa designateddesignated facilityfacility forfor nonnon--motorizedmotorized transportationtransportation alongalong thethe OceanOcean ParkwayParkway isis aa safetysafety concernconcern andand hashas longlong beenbeen recognizedrecognized asas aa deficiencydeficiency inin LongLong IslandIsland’’ss comprehensivecomprehensive regionalregional transportationtransportation planplan TheThe provisionprovision ofof nonnon--motorizedmotorized transportationtransportation facilitiesfacilities isis consistentconsistent withwith NYSDOTNYSDOT’’ss SmartSmart GrowthGrowth PolicyPolicy continuedcontinued…… NYSDOT.GOV 6 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject BackgroundBackground LocalLocal publicpublic officialsofficials andand pathpath usersusers firstfirst identifiedidentified thethe needneed forfor aa nonnon--motorized,motorized, multimulti--useuse pathpath alongalong thethe OceanOcean ParkwayParkway inin thethe midmid--1990s.1990s. TheThe conceptconcept waswas presentedpresented toto thethe LongLong IslandIsland StateState ParkPark CommissionCommission andand thethe NYSDOTNYSDOT initiatedinitiated thethe projectproject asas aa meansmeans ofof increasingincreasing transportationtransportation choiceschoices toto accessaccess recreationalrecreational andand employmentemployment opportunitiesopportunities InIn JanuaryJanuary 2000,2000, aa PublicPublic InformationInformation CenterCenter forfor thethe OceanOcean ParkwayParkway SharedShared--UseUse PathPath waswas heldheld atat JonesJones BeachBeach StateState ParkPark NYSDOT.GOV 7 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject FeaturesFeatures TheThe pathpath wouldwould beginbegin atat thethe endend ofof thethe existingexisting terminusterminus ofof thethe WantaghWantagh StateState ParkwayParkway PathPath andand terminateterminate atat CaptreeCaptree StateState Park,Park, justjust easteast ofof RobertRobert MosesMoses CausewayCauseway TheThe lengthlength ofof thethe pathpath isis approximatelyapproximately 14.414.4 milesmiles (23.1(23.1 kilometers),kilometers), thethe widthwidth ofof thethe pathpath wouldwould generallygenerally bebe 1313 feetfeet (4(4 memeters),ters), andand wouldwould conformconform toto thethe requirementsrequirements ofof thethe AmericansAmericans withwith DisabilitiesDisabilities ActAct (ADA)(ADA) continuedcontinued…… NYSDOT.GOV 8 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject FeaturesFeatures TheThe pathpath wouldwould bebe bufferedbuffered from,from, andand wouldwould notnot provideprovide directdirect accessaccess to,to, thethe locallocal residentialresidential communitiescommunities TheThe pathpath wouldwould bebe locatedlocated entirelyentirely withinwithin thethe StateState parkwayparkway propertyproperty rightright--ofof--wayway onon thethe northnorth sideside ofof OceanOcean ParkwayParkway continuedcontinued…… NYSDOT.GOV 9 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject FeaturesFeatures LocatingLocating thethe pathpath onon thethe northnorth sideside ofof thethe parkwayparkway wouldwould eliminateeliminate potentialpotential environmentalenvironmental impactsimpacts onon thethe southsouth sideside ofof thethe parkwayparkway PublicPublic facilitiesfacilities areare expectedexpected toto bebe accessibleaccessible toto pathpath usersusers atat JonesJones BeachBeach StateState Park,Park, TobayTobay Beach,Beach, CedarCedar BeachBeach Marina,Marina, andand CaptreeCaptree StateState ParkPark duringduring normalnormal operatingoperating hourshours continuedcontinued…… NYSDOT.GOV 10 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject FeaturesFeatures AA newnew bikebike corralcorral wouldwould bebe providedprovided atat JonesJones BeachBeach StateState ParkPark andand CaptreeCaptree StateState ParkPark EnvironmentalEnvironmental andand ecologicalecological enhancementsenhancements includingincluding newnew nestingnesting boxesboxes andand plantings,plantings, wouldwould bebe providedprovided 11 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project WhoWho willwill thisthis projectproject benefitbenefit ?? BicyclistsBicyclists HikersHikers JoggersJoggers InIn--LineLine SkatersSkaters NaturalistsNaturalists ParkPark VisitorsVisitors ParkPark EmployeesEmployees NYSDOT.GOV 12 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject BenefitsBenefits EnhancedEnhanced accessaccess toto LongLong IslandIsland’’ss publicpublic beaches,beaches, shoreline,shoreline, publicpublic beachbeach facilities.facilities. Safe,Safe, nonnon--motorized,motorized, nonnon--pollutingpolluting alternativealternative modemode forfor transportationtransportation toto recreational,recreational, employment,employment, andand residentialresidential areasareas alongalong OceanOcean Parkway.Parkway. IncreasedIncreased transportationtransportation choiceschoices forfor commutingcommuting toto workwork andand recreation.recreation. continuedcontinued…… NYSDOT.GOV 13 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject BenefitsBenefits GreaterGreater opportunitiesopportunities forfor exerciseexercise andand healthhealth improvementsimprovements AdditionalAdditional activeactive andand passivepassive recreationrecreation opportunitiesopportunities EnvironmentalEnvironmental enhancementsenhancements andand landscapelandscape improvementsimprovements continuedcontinued…… NYSDOT.GOV 14 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject BenefitsBenefits BetterBetter accessaccess toto naturalnatural areasareas alongalong thethe barrierbarrier beachbeach TourismTourism opportunitiesopportunities OpportunitiesOpportunities toto reducereduce dependencedependence onon automobilesautomobiles NYSDOT.GOV 15 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project ProjectProject ObjectivesObjectives ToTo provideprovide anan environmentallyenvironmentally sensitivesensitive andand safesafe sharedshared--useuse pathpath forfor nonnon--motorizedmotorized modesmodes ofof transportationtransportation alongalong thethe northnorth sideside ofof OceanOcean ParkwayParkway ProvideProvide nonnon--motorizedmotorized accessaccess toto recreationalrecreational andand employmentemployment facilitiesfacilities alongalong OceanOcean ParkwayParkway ReduceReduce highwayhighway congestioncongestion andand improveimprove airair qualityquality byby helpinghelping toto transformtransform motorizedmotorized traffictraffic intointo nonnon-- motorizedmotorized transportationtransportation NYSDOT.GOV 16 /41 PIN 0006.11 - Ocean Parkway Shared-Use Path Project CommunityCommunity InvolvementInvolvement NYSDOTNYSDOT developeddeveloped thethe proposedproposed projectproject basedbased onon inputinput andand suggestionssuggestions fromfrom residents,residents, businesses,businesses, locallocal groupsgroups andand publicpublic officialsofficials asas wellwell asas thethe NYSNYS OfficeOffice
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