Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.51.599.631 on 1 September 1975. Downloaded from Postgraduate Medical Journal (September 1975) 51, 631-636.

Haemorrhoids-postulated pathogenesis and proposed prevention D. P. BURKITT C. W. GRAHAM-STEWART C.M.G., M.D., F.R.C.S., F.R.S. M.S., F.R.C.S. Medical Research Council, Harrogate General Hospital

Summary occur in animals. Morgagni attributed their develop- The very high prevalence of haemorrhoids in the most ment in man to his upright posture but others had economically developed countries is contrasted with insight (Graham-Stewart, 1962) to suggest that the their low prevalence in rural communities in developing absence of haemorrhoids in animals was because countries. Traditional concepts of causation are shown 'they seldom attempt to defaecate until they have a to be no longer tenable. It is argued from epidemio- strong desire to go to stool', thus obviating excessive logical, clinical and experimental evidence that the straining. Nevertheless, being unaware of the fact, fundamental cause of piles is straining at viscid stools no attention was drawn to the rarity ofhaemorrhoids which are the result of fibre-depleted diets. in people living traditionally. The size of the problem Geographical distribution Haemorrhoids have been referred to in literature One of us (D.B.) during 20 years' surgical practiceProtected by copyright. dating back to the pre-Christian era, but the term in Africa, was frequently confronted with haemor- seems often to have included other peri-anal con- rhoids in the relatively small expatriate community ditions. Not a few great men in previous centuries but seldom in a much larger African practice. were allegedly afflicted, but there is no information Cleave, Campbell and Painter (1969) and Dodd as to whether the poorer people suffered from the (1964) have drawn attention to the relative rarity of disease, nor about its overall prevalence. Haemor- haemorrhoids in developing countries and Trowell rhoids have for centuries been treated by ligature and (1960) recounted that in nearly 30 years' practice in cautery, but their cause has remained obscure. Africa one of the only two African patients he had Today, haemorrhoids are considered to be one of seen with severe anaemia due to bleeding piles was the most common ills of man, a judgment made by a prince taking a semi-European diet. those with vision limited to the western world. The An attempt has been made to substantiate exten- prevalence of haemorrhoids is still unknown and sive anecdotal evidence of the relative rarity of the lack of clear definition makes an assessment haemorrhoids in rural communities in developing impossible. It has been suggested that at least one countries by a prospective study in which eighty-five person in two in the western world over the age of rural hospitals in Africa and India have been report- 50 years has some degree of haemorrhoid formation ing on a monthly questionnaire form the number of (Goligher, 1967). Hyams and Philpot (1970) speci- patients seen with bleeding or prolapsed piles. In fically questioned 1584 adults and concluded that rural Africa less than one case is seen, whether ad- about one in four of those over 30 years had some mitted or not, per 1500 hospital admissions, which degree of haemorrhoids. represents approximately 15,000 outpatients. Hae- The cost to the community, both financial and in morrhoids appear to be commoner in Nigeria and lost working days, is great and by any standards Ghana, both longer exposed to western influences, this condition must be considered a major health than in East Africa. They seem to be about three on October 1, 2021 by guest. hazard. times more common in rural Indians than in Africans. In this communication only so-called idiopathic Even accounting for gross under-recording there haemorrhoids will be considered. can be little doubt that haemorrhoids are much less common in developing countries than they are in Epidemiological evidence North America and western Europe. Almost all those who have sought to account for the occurrence of haemorrhoids have incorrectly Changing patterns assumed western experience to be representative of The biggest demonstration of the influence of a all mankind, but this is far from the truth. Morgagni changed environment on the prevalence of haemor- in the 18th century, and, more recently, other rhoids is the current comparable prevalence of the observers recognized that haemorrhoids did not condition in black and white Americans in contrast 632 D. P. Burkitt and C. W. Graham-Stewart Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.51.599.631 on 1 September 1975. Downloaded from

to its relative rarity in Africa, including the areas not be considered to be idiopathic. More bizarre from which American slaves had originally been explanations have been attempted, varying from taken. sitting on hot radiators to riding horses. Many of There is considerable evidence that haemorrhoids these postulated aetiological factors can be elimin- become commoner with progressive adoption of a ated as primary causes by measuring them against more western way of life. Osman (1973) has drawn the yardstick of epidemiological evidence. This does attention to their increasing prevalence in Khartoum, not exclude their playing a contributory role. and Bremner (1971) to the increasing number of Africans requiring treatment in Johannesburg. 1. Heredity The similar situation in black and white Americans Relationship to varicose in contrast to that in Africa and the evidence of Not only haemorrhoids but also varicose veins increasing prevalence following a change in life have their highest prevalence in more economically patterns, indicate that heredity is not a primary developed western communities and their lowest in causative factor. communities least influenced by western culture. In almost every situation investigated, the prevalence of 2. Anatomical features haemorrhoids appears to have risen before that of The absence of valves in the portal venous system varicose veins. There are many instances where both and the anatomical arrangement of haemorrhoidal conditions are common or both rare, and several veins and their surrounding structures have fre- where haemorrhoids are not uncommon but varicose quently been incriminated as being responsible for veins are still rare. the occurrence ofhaemorrhoids. The similar anatomy in communities with a high or low prevalence Relationship to stool characteristics invalidates such suggestions. Protected by copyright. Communities in which intestinal transit times are short and stools normally large and soft, have a low 3. Nutrition prevalence of haemorrhoids and varicose veins, and There is no evidence to suggest a relationship also of certain other characteristically western between haemorrhoid prevalence and nutritional diseases, for instance appendicitis, diverticular status. disease of the colon, large bowel cancer and hiatus hernia. In contrast, these diseases have their highest 4. Occupation prevalence in communities who pass small firm stools This could be a contributory but not a primary and have prolonged transit times (Burkitt, Walker factor, since haemorrhoids are not common amongst and Painter, 1972; Burkitt, 1973). those in developing countries following occupations There are, however, apparent exceptions to this which are said in the west to be responsible for this rule. In certain parts of India, haemorrhoids appear condition. to be not uncommon where stools are customarily large. Bowel infections in these areas and their 5. Climate possible relationship to haemorrhoids will be dis- Extremes of climate are experienced in East Africa cussed below. but this does not appear to affect in any way the prevalence of haemorrhoids. Postulated causes examined in the light of epidemiological evidence 6. Psychic factors Numerous explanations have been offered to Evidence seems lacking. account for the occurrence of haemorrhoids. Bacon's (1949) list of postulated aetiological factors, given 7. Senility

below, embodies most of the suggestions of those Although the prevalence of haemorrhoids, vari- on October 1, 2021 by guest. who have considered this problem: (1) heredity; cose veins, diverticular disease and hiatus hernia (2) anatomical features; (3) nutrition; (4) occupation; increases with age in western countries, none of (5) climate; (6) psychic factors; (7) senility; (8) endo- these diseases is common amongst the elderly in crine changes; (9) irritation from drugs or food; developing countries. (10) infection; (11) pregnancy; (12) increased intra- abdominal pressure from: (a) violent exercise, 8. Endocrine changes (b) constrictive clothing, (c) straining when coughing, These seem unrelated to the geographical and sneezing or vomiting; (13) constipation. socio-economical distribution. He included in addition tumours, engorgement of the portal circulation and uterine procidentia, but 9. Irritation from drugs or food haemorrhoids resulting from such conditions would Evidence seems lacking. Haemorrhoids 633 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.51.599.631 on 1 September 1975. Downloaded from

10. Infection The following conclusions, which were reached in Evidence seems lacking. this work on the cause of piles, were drawn from deductions based on observation and reasoning, and 11. Pregnancy on experimental work. To consider this a primary factor would imply Firstly internal haemorrhoids, which are to a that mankind has failed to adapt to a common varying extent varicosities of the superior haemor- physiological condition. Moreover, any epidemio- rhoidal plexus of veins, were divided into two main logical relationship between birth rate and prevalence types-vascular and mucosal. Vascular piles occur of haemorrhoids is inverse rather than direct. mqst commonly in young persons, especially men, and the bulk of the pile consists of dark blue dilated 12. Increased intra-abdominal pressure from: venules which can be seen clearly through the thin (a) Violent exercise-both active exercise and mucous membrane. Mucosal piles, seen associated sedentary occupations have been blamed. Neither with pregnancy and in older people, appear to suggestion gains epidemiological support. consist mainly of thickened mucous-membrane. (b) Constrictive clothing-the virtual elimination These two types of piles have a different aetiology. of constrictive clothing that has characterized Vascular piles develop in the presence of a normal women's fashions in recent decades has done nothing anal sphincter and are caused by straining at defaeca- to reduce the prevalence of haemorrhoids. tion. The piles involve the superior haemorrhoidal (c) Straining when coughing, sneezing or vomiting- plexus, which is situated at the opening of a muscular as will be pointed out below, all these forms of funnel formed by the pelvic diaphragm and the anal straining are accompanied by contraction of the anal sphincter (Fig. 1). Straining during defaecation raises sphincter. the intra-abdominal pressure and at the same time

Strangely, Bacon omitted the one form ofstraining the anal sphincter relaxes, creating a pressure gra-Protected by copyright. most relevant to the problem, straining at stool. dient. Because of its position this circular plexus of Other authors have, however, suggested this as a veins is subjected to very high pressure on defaeca- causative factor. tion. Physiological dilatation of these veins is present from childhood; excessive straining causes patholo- 13. Constipation gical dilatation of the plexus, in other words piles. This has frequently been linked with haemorrhoids, On straining, the intra-abdominal pressure is exerted two main explanations being suggested: Cleave et al. equally on the valveless portal and the inferior (1969) consider the basic cause to be the direct vena cava, effectively obstructing drainage by either pressure of hard faecal masses on the haemorrhoidal route, the blood being trapped in a closed compart- veins. Graham-Stewart (1963) and Goligher (1967), ment. The point of pressure gradient in the portal on the other hand, blamed the retrograde flow of system is at the level of the superior haemorrhoidal blood in the haemorrhoidal veins caused by the intra-abdominal pressure resultant on straining at stool. Superior haemorrhoidal (rectal) veins Anatomical and physiological considerations Under ideal conditions, defaecation should be almost effortless and the faeces, which should be soft and bulky, are expelled by contraction of the gut and not by the muscles of the abdominal wall. If, however, there is little faecal residue the muscle of the gut cannot act effectively and voluntary

straining is necessary. It is this straining, in the on October 1, 2021 by guest. presence of a relaxed anal sphincter, which is the cause of haemorrhoids. This is a new concept in that Levator ani it is recognized that both the nature of the stools and the nature of the straining are important. Parks (1956) first realized to the full the crucial significance of the fact that venous dilatation in piles ~ncter Superior haemorrhoidal is confined to the superior haemorrhoidal plexus plexus lying in the upper part of the ; later one of us carried out further work on the aetiology of piles and described a vascular pump and tube-valve FIG. 1. Anatomical relationships of superior haemor- mechanism (Graham-Stewart, 1963). rhoidal veins and the anal sphincter. Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.51.599.631 on 1 September 1975. Downloaded from 634 D. P. Burkitt and C. W. Graham-Stewart

Raised pressure due to coughing or straining Pressure from straining

Reversed venous - - -1 f low

Hihi Shter axed I

_ Sphincter Protected by copyright. closed Haemorrhoids FIG. 2. Distension of superior haemorrhoidal plexus of veins resultant on reversed blood flow caused by straining of the anal which with simultaneous relaxation of the anal sphincter- FIG. 4. The contraction sphincter the ampullary pump. accompanies other forms of abdominal straining.

Drainage through the superior rectal venous radicles lying in the lower portal vein and part of the ampulla of the above the superior vena cava obstructed haemorrhoidal plexus is under very high pressure. It will, therefore, be forced into the superior hae- morrhoidal plexus, the normal direction of blood flow being reversed-this mechanism has been termed the ampullary pump (Fig. 2). Once the blood in the junctional area has been forced into the superior

ntra-abdominal pressure haemorrhoidal plexus, further reversal of flow is closes veins prevented by tube-valve closure of the superior rectal venous radicles (Fig. 3). Closure of the veins, by lateral pressure on their walls (the tube valve effect), protects the ascending superior rectal veins from being subjected to a pressure gradient, so that they do not become dilated, and the degree of dis-

tension of the superior haemorrhoidal plexus is on October 1, 2021 by guest. But Sphincter limited. For this reason piles never become large, arterial flow -- relaxed and gross venous dilatation, similar to that seen at maintained the oesophago-gastric junction in cirrhosis, never occurs. FIG. 3. Closure of the superior haemorrhoidal veins Mucosal piles develop when the strength of the caused by further straining-the tube-valve effect. anal sphincter is impaired. Normally, sudden or transient increases in intra-abdominal pressure are plexus, whereas in the valved systemic system, it is countered by simultaneous strong contraction of situated at the point where the inferior rectal veins the anal sphincter (Fig. 4). But in pregnant women enter the abdominal cavity. On straining, in the and the aged the sphincter is unable to contract presence of a relaxed anal sphincter, the blood in sufficiently to counteract these rises in pressure Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.51.599.631 on 1 September 1975. Downloaded from Haemorrhoids 635 effectively, resulting in herniation of the anal mucous Extensive studies in many countries have related membrane; in addition there is some dilatation of stool size and consistency and intestinal transit times the superior haemorrhoidal plexus of veins, which to the fibre content of the diet (Walker, 1947; is caused in part by straining. Burkitt et al., 1972). Deficiency of dietary fibre The advantage of this concept over previous appears to be the fundamental cause of constipation theories of aetiology is that, although straining may (Avery Jones and Godding, 1972) which implies be limited to a period of minutes each day, this sluggish transit times and the evacuation of small mechanism comes into action each time the patient firm stools. It would appear that where food is rich strains and it becomes effective whether the rectum in plant fibre the source of the fibre is not of crucial is either full or empty and when, for instance with importance. However, where dietary fibre is deficient, tenesmus, defaecation is attempted without success. available evidence suggests that the fibre of cereals, This might explain the presence of piles in some and to a lesser extent that oflegumes, is more effective communities not prone to constipation. If these in restoring gastrointestinal behaviour than the fibre conclusions are accepted most, if not all, the old of fruits and green vegetables, unless these are taken theories of aetiology are no longer tenable: the in very large quantities. The fundamental cause of detailed evidence in support of the view that piles are constipation is held to be the large proportion of due to straining is available (Graham-Stewart, 1962), calories consumed in the western world in the form but it is beyond the scope of this paper. of fibre-depleted carbohydrate foods and of white flour and sugar in particular. Direct and ultimate causes Potential prevention As has been argued above, the direct cause is If the argument outlined above is accepted then believed to be raised intra-abdominal pressure haemorrhoids are, as we firmly believe, largelyProtected by copyright. effected by straining to evacuate hard stools. Both preventable. Stool characteristics approaching those epidemiological and physiological studies have of communities with a much lower prevalence, not related the prevalence of haemorrhoids to the size only of haemorrhoids but also of many other and consistency of stools. This observation can characteristically western diseases, can be readily account for the relationship between haemorrhoids acquired by the addition ofsome 2-4 g ofcereal crude and varicose veins since it has been argued that the fibre to daily food. A change from white to whole- latter are also the result of raised intra-abdominal meal bread is considered to be of prime importance pressure, but in this case transmitted to the veins of but the addition of two to four heaped dessertspoons- the legs and exerting pressure on the valves (Burkitt, ful of miller's bran to daily diet will normally 1972). The observation that the prevalence of hae- revolutionize bowel behaviour. This is cheap and morrhoids usually, if not always, appears to rise effective. before that of varicose veins could be explained by Not only are these dietary measures proposed as the fact that the leg veins are protected not only by a preventive policy, but surgeons are increasingly valves but also by external pressure in the traditional recognizing that for less advanced haemorrhoids squatting position for defaecation. they can be curative. Patients thus treated while As mentioned above, haemorrhoids can apparently awaiting admission often subsequently do not be associated with bowel infections, when the strain- require inpatient treatment. ing associated with tenesmus, and an empty rectum, When emphasizing the prime importance of has a similar effect on the pressures within the straining at stool as the direct cause of haemorrhoids superior haemorrhoidal venous plexus. This, how- one of us (Graham-Stewart, 1963) concluded that ever, is an exception to the usual association with there is no evidence that any other aetiological factor constipation. is of significance in the causation of piles. We would

Deductive reasoning has, however, tended to stop like now not only to reiterate this but to repeat it on October 1, 2021 by guest. at the level of suggesting constipation as a direct slightly altered with regard to the role of fibre- cause, without going on to consider the fundamental depleted carbohydrate foods as the major cause of cause of constipation. This has presumably been due straining at stool. 'There is no evidence that any to the failure to recognize that intestinal behaviour other aetiological factor is as significant in the in the western world is far from normal. From time causation of constipation.' to time some workers have recognized this and Best Napoleon's piles were troubling him during the and Taylor in 1939 wrote: 'Our rich, low-residue battle of Waterloo (Bryant, 1971). It is interesting diets often necessitate prolonged straining of the to speculate the effect on history had his attention abdominal and pelvic musculature. This may last not been so diverted from the course of the battle. over ten seconds and raise intra-abdominal pressure Had the problem been then understood, a pound of from 20 to 200 mm Hg.' bran might have been worth a regiment of cavalry. Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.51.599.631 on 1 September 1975. Downloaded from 636 D. P. Burkitt and C. W. Graham-Stewart

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