Awakening begins when a person realizes that they are going nowhere and they do not know where to go. — G. I. Gurdjieff the online fourth way school G. I. Gurdjieff, circa 1930s circa G. I. Gurdjieff, “All accumulated vibrations create a current. This current brings the force of love. Real love is a cosmic force which goes through us. If we crystallize it, it becomes a power — the greatest power in the world.” “The growth of conscience consists in the growth of the intellect and the growth of superior emotions which accompany it — religious, moral, aesthetic.” — G. I. Gurdjieff The Online Fourth Way School Email:
[email protected] (530) 908-2410 The Online Fourth Way School The School (est. 1992), born in the direct lineage and esoteric tradition of The Fourth Way, is a seminal teaching of spiritual evolution in the Technological World-Time, the “Son of Man,” that confronts and challenges our very Identity. The School offers the perspective and practices enabling the student to recapture the true meaning and purpose of human life, and ends the ever-increasing soulless waste of our attention, energy, time taken in the unconscious misuse of Technology in all its forms. Unique to this rich and practical teaching of self- evolution is that instead of seeking to change our life we are taught how to rightly observe and use it. Nothing is to be believed, everything is to be verified. Able to observe how our past lives our present, the student slowly frees themselves from false personality and begins to strive to live from essence, what they truly are.