College of Education and Human Ecology Department of Educational Studies SYLLABUS: ESLTECH 2011 KEYS TO ACADEMIC SUCCESS FOR ONLINE LEARNERS AUTUMN 2019 Part 1: Course Overview Instructor Instructor: Zilu Jiang Email address:
[email protected] Office: Ramseyer Hall, Room 322 Office hours: I am happy to meet with you in person in my offiCe or online during my virtual offiCe hour at (see offiCe hours in Carmen). For other meeting time, please email me at
[email protected] to set up an appointment. You Can also send me an email via “Canvas Inbox” on the vertiCal navigation on the left in Canvas system. Course Description This Course introduCes essential learning strategies and teChnologies to guide students to suCCessful online learning experienCes. This two- credit, seven- week online Course is designed for students entering online degree programs or taking online Courses. The Course Content inCludes a wide range of learning strategies, inCluding an exploration of the differenCes between faCe- to-faCe learning and online learning, goal setting, task management, time management, online group work, resourCe management, information sharing, information searChing, note-taking, and Creating online presentations. The Course also teaChes you how to use available OSU and external teChnology tools to support learning in an online environment suCh as learning management systems, eleCtroniC Calendars, database and library searCh tools, e-books, CommuniCation and Collaboration tools, Cloud storage, Concept maps, e-book readers, and ePortfolios. Prerequisite Information This Course assumes you are moderately Comfortable using a Computer, word proCessing software, and Can aCCess the internet through a web browser.