Ships Made in Germany 2017 Ships Made in Germany

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Ships Made in Germany 2017 Ships Made in Germany Ships 2017 in co-operation with Verband für Schiffbau Made in Germany und Meerestechnik e. V. Supplement February 2018 Ships made in Germany Contents Foreword: »An excellent example« �� � � � � 4 German maritime industry – a strong ship braving heavy seas � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 6 New orders for a promising and positive future � � � � � � � � �9 Teamwork, the key to success � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 14 Deliveries & contracts �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �16 Piece by piece, together � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���� �29 »Ship of the Year 2017« award for Abeking & Rasmussen � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �30 »Aviva«: Reasonably elegant �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 32 River cruisers important for MV Werften, too � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 34 2 HANSA International Maritime Journal – Supplement Ships made in Germany 2017 Ships made in Germany Supplement to HANSA International Maritime Journal February 2018 Chief Editor: Krischan Förster Executive Editor: Michael Meyer Editors: Felix Selzer | Thomas Wägener Schiffahrts-Verlag »Hansa« GmbH & Co� KG Stadthausbrücke 4 | 20355 Hamburg | Germany redaktion@hansa-online�de Phone +49 (0)40-70 70 80-02 | Fax -214 Index of Advertisers Abeking & Rasmussen � � � 31 Andritz Hydro GmbH �� � � � � � � � � � � � 25 August Storm GmbH & Co� KG � � � � � � � � � 21 Brombach + Gess GmbH � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 35 Bureau Veritas S� A� �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 23 DGzRS � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 5 DNV GL SE � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 9 Peters Werft GmbH � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 23 PMA �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 12 Podszuck GmbH � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 21 Schaffran Propeller & Service GmbH �� � � � � � � 4 Volvo Penta Central Europe GmbH � � 13 VSM Verband für Schiffbau und Meerestechnik e�V� � 19 HANSA International Maritime Journal – Supplement Ships made in Germany 2017 3 Photo: Meyer Werft Ships made in Germany »An excellent example« Photo: VSM ood news was scarce for the global shipbuilding in- solutions for chal- Reinhard Lüken, Gdustry last year: The global orderbook continued lenging projects� General Managing Director to shrink� The number of active shipyards in the in- The comprehensive German Shipbuilding and Ocean tenational newbuilding market has reduced by expertise has contrib- Industries Association (VSM) nearly 2/3 and many of the about 360 shipyards uted significantly to the are currently completing their last vessel Not exactly a good results German shipbuilders have achieved even great outlook, one should think� However, for German in times of crisis, with the German orderbook climbing shipbuilders the situation looks quite different� to an amazing all-time high of nearly 18�5 bn € in 2016� Ten years ago German yards turned away from build- This year’s Ship of The Year, the 98 m yacht »Aviva«, ing standard ship types, specialising on highly complex is an excellent example highlighting the green compe- passenger ships, ferries, yachts, all types of naval ships tence of German shipyards and equipment manufactur- and other purpose-built vessels� Early on they had to ers: Her optimised hull design combines outstanding adapt to the changing market conditions, which helped seaworthiness with a resistance reduced by 20%� The tremendously to weather the current market storm suc- propulsion concept, based on a hybrid drive system, is cessfully� quiet and eco-friendly� As to marine equipment, VSM members deliver inno- No reason for us to be complacent, however� Rather, vative solutions to meet future environmental policy-re- we take this as an encouragement to continue driving lated and regulatory challenges� Highly effective systems the development of innovative, and most of all, econom- for ballast water management and systems reducing ically feasible solutions� The compilation of newbuilds greenhouse gases and harmful substances are now avail- delivered in 2017, compiled in this year’s Special Edition, able, as are new, clean options, such as LNG and metha- highlights further impressive examples of the innovative nol, providing the means to tackle the maritime energy impetus and versatility of the German shipbuilding and transition� Electrical as well as hybrid propulsion sys- ocean engineering industry� tems (combining batteries with diesel or gas-powered The German maritime industry looks forward to serv- generators) have also been deployed successfully� And ing customers and partners with tailor-made and effi- since low emissions are great and no emissions are even cient products, designs and services worldwide� Indus- better, fuel cell technology is utilized to generate climate try delegations, exhibiting on the leading fairs and the friendly energy for on-board use� German Maritime Export Initiative (GeMaX) are just The German maritime industry has developed lead- some examples for our strong commitment to work to- ership in innovative green technologies and advanced gether successfully on international projects� M made by VERSTELLPROPELLER Schaffran FESTPROPELLER ® SCHAFFRAN Propeller + Service GmbH Festpropeller der Bei der Gasanstalt 6-8 I D-23560 Lübeck „Aviva“ – prämiert Tel: +49 (0) 451-58323-0 I [email protected] als Schiff des Jahres 4 HANSA International Maritime Journal – Supplement Ships made in Germany 2017 Ships made in Germany Ihr Einsatz ist unbezahlbar. Deshalb braucht sie Ihre Spende. DGzRS HANSA International Maritime Journal – Supplement Ships made in Germany 2017 5 Die Seenotretter_DGzRS_210x297_Version2_4c.indd 1 24.07.14 12:47 Ships made in Germany German maritime industry – a strong ship braving heavy seas German shipbuilders have managed to achieve positive results even in times of crisis� Their ability to offer advanced technology is the key sense of crisis prevails around the globe� The situ- Weak trade volume a challenge for shipping Aation of the global shipbuilding industry reached a new low in 2016, with orders received dropping to Compared to the crisis year of 2016, incoming orders 11 mill� Compensated Gross Tons (CGT)� This is the for tanker tonnage have more than tripled� At the same lowest level of the past 20 years� New orders have barely time, orders for bulk carriers, container ships and gen- increased during the first three quarters of 2017, climb- eral cargo vessels recovered rather slowly during the ing to a total of 13�5 mill� CGT� first three quarters of the year 2017� In many segments, The number of deliveries has again surpassed the huge overcapacities continue to bear heavily on the ship- number new orders by a wide margin of more than two ping industry� Freight and charter rates remain at low to one, continuing the downward trend of the global or- levels, as do prices for second-hand tonnage� Since it der book since the peak experienced in 2008 to just 40% peaked at 12�5% in 2010, global trade volume growth of that year’s level� The slight rise in new orders is main- has slowed considerably� The International Monetary ly owed to an increased demand for tankers and cruise Fund has forecast a growth rate of no more than 4�2% vessels� for the year 2017� While growth is expected to continue, Global Shipbuilding Development 1968-2017 180 (in million GT) Global Shipbuilding Development 1968-2017 160 (in million GT) 140 120 100 New Orders Completions 80 60 40 20 0 Source: IHS, chart by VSM 1968 1975 1982 1989 1996 2003 2010 2017* * Extrapolation based on Jan-Sep 2017 * Extrapolation based on Jan-Sep 2017 Source: IHS, VSM 6 HANSA International Maritime Journal – Supplement Ships made in Germany 2017 Ships made in Germany Development of World GDP and World Trade Volume compared to Fleet Growth (Growth Rate in %) Source: IMF, IHS, Clarksons, chart by VSM growth rates will be significantly lower than in previ- requirements of advanced cruise ship building� With their ous decades� Apart from short-term cyclical factors, the capacity fully utilised for years to come, orders for new »Fourth Industrial Revolution« will automate and inno- vessels are facing a supply bottleneck� The European ship- vate existing production methods in the medium and building industry is a main beneficiary of this enormous longer term, shortening transport routes and reduc- demand from the cruise sector, a fact clearly reflected by ing transport volumes� Structural changes in the glob- current order figures� The European order book has been al energy markets will contribute to this development� growing steadily since 2011� Thanks to the booming cruise New, energy-saving technologies entering all industry industry, it reached a value of around 62�1 bn $ at the end segments, and the increasing share of alternative ener- of October 2017� By the same month, new orders worth gy sources in the energy mix will have an impact on the 18�3 bn $ had been received by European yards, equivalent global demand for fossil fuels� A dropping demand for to roughly 40% of the global intake� Compared with Asian conventional energy sources is certain to cause structur- countries, the European orderbook is the only one show- al changes in global sea transport� Because of its direct ing growth, with new ship orders exceeding the
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