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[7 SEPEMBER, 1932.] 429 at a lower rate than obtains at pretl- ployees fire still contracting arsenical pois- eut. This would mean more business for th2, cifing and dermatitis, and suffering acutely coal mine,, more freight for the railway,. therefrom? 2, Bearing this in mind, will and would be of advantage all round. the Government have further investigations have plea~ure in Supporting the motion. made to see if anything else can be done 0 Oin motion bv Hon. *J. M. Macfarlane, (It- prevent the employees from contracting those lbate adjourned. afflictions, 3, If nothing further can be done, and the Government consider that hot~"-c Stjo urnd ot S..7 pa. everything flat could have been done has been done, will they give consideration to the advisability of introducing legislation to prevent the opera'ken of this plant? The MINISTER FOR HEALTH re- plied: 1, Yes. 2. The Commissioner of Public Hlealth is in close touch with the mana~a. mcdn in endeavouring to reduce the risk of arsenical poisoninz and dermlatitis to a mini- Wednesday, 7th September, 1932. mum. 3, This cannot be done. PAC.. Qarstions 3fMining, Wilmna irmenic plant 420 Financial emsergeincy, ptnmloiis and overseas interest ........................... 420 QUESTION-FINANCIAL EMER- Nortb.West ports, cargo coat.............. 429 GENCY. U.pernee, -beat handling .. .. 430 Personal explanation :Mr. Withers and tle Runwsay Departmnto . 430 Pensions and Overseas Interest. Assent to Bill .. .. .. .. .. .. 430 Address-in-reply, ninth day, condelulon .. .. 430 Mr. MAkRSHALL asked the Premier: Hills :Balk Hanndling of Wheat, leoae to introduce, i. a......................... 487 Is it the intention of the Government to State Tradingc Concens Act Amendment, In. 493 Main Roads, Act Amendment, In........... 403 endeavour to convene another meeting of Road bleiricts Act Amendment. ... 493 State Premiers (a) to deal with the reduc- Factorles and Shops Act Amendment, It. .. 493 Special License (Waroona Irrigation District), Is. 493 tion or cessation of overseas interest until Mletropolitan Whole Ifil1k. Ia. ............ 403 Fruit Cas Act Amendment, 1R.......... 493 such time as our own people are properly Lcd Dairy Cattle Imprnveinent Act Amendment, Is. 4044 and clothed: (h) to demand the abolition of Financial Emergency Act C'ontiosuance, 1R5... 494 Mntaes lhtsfi nestrietion Act Continuance, Federal control in departmental spheres 1I5..................... 404 Constitution Acts Amendent Act (1931i). Con- where the various States could act on behalf tisa,Is. ...................... 494 Farmers' Debts Adjustment Act Amendment, of the Federal Government, thus economnis- IR............... 404 ing and making it possible for the Federal Reduction of Dents Act, Continuance, Is. 494 East Perth Cemeteries, In. .. .. .. 404 Government to pay more instead of less to Land Art Consolidxtion, IS.... ........ 404 S .nn Land n Ietial............ 494 old age and invalid pensioners of the Com- Closed Bands Alienation. 1R......... 404 Public Service Appeal Hoard .4ct Amendment, monwealth? Is............... Criminal Code Ame~unent (N.t, 1).' ... 4044q4 The PREMIER replied: (a) The que3- tinina Code Armndment (No' 2), 1Is. .. 494 L.and ad Income Tax Ase,sment Further tion of a reduction in the interest rate has Amendment, Is..................... 404 been discussed and is now receiving atten- Aged Sailors and Soldiers' Relief Fund, In... 404 Timbier Workers, IRa. ........... ... 494 tion at the hands of the Federal Govern- Tenants, Purchasrs, and Mortgsacrs nelief Act Atnsndinent. In.................... *i01 ment; (b) the elimination of overlapping has been considered by both Federal and State Governments and is now being dealt with. The State Government exercises no The SPEAKEFR took the Chair at 4.31) p.m., and read prayers. control over the payment of old age and in- valid pensions. QUESTION-MINING, WILUNA ARSENIC PLANT. QUESTION-NORTH-WEST PORTS, CARGO COSTS. Mr. 'MARSHALL asked the 'Minister for Health: 1, Is he aware that although thes Mr. COVERLEY asked the Minister for advice and recommendations of the Commis- Lands: For the year ended 30th June, sioner of Public Health are being enforced 1932. what was the average cost per ton on the arsenic plant at Wiluna, the em- for handling cargo at the following 480 [ASSEMBLY.] wharves or jetties respectively, calculating lajilwa ' Department was iii no way to casual labour only':-Carnarvon, Onslow, blame. So I wish to retract and apologise Cossack, Broome, Derby? to the department. The MTNISTER FOR LANDS replied: Carnarvon, Is. 0 ,d. per toil; Onslow, ASSENT TO BILL. Is. 7%4d. per ton; Cossack, lighterage port, Message from the Lieut.-Governor received cost not available; Broome, 2s. 5%/d. per notifying assent to the Supply Bill (No. 1), toii; Derby, Is. ld, per ton. £12,250,000. QUESTION-ESPERANCE, WHEAT- ADDRESS-IN-REPLY. HANDLING. N inth Day-Conclusion. Mr,. NUL1SEN asked the Minister for Debate resumed from the previous day. Lanrds: 1. Is he aware that the British ship.. owner is not prepared to go to Esperane HON. W. D. JOHNSON (Guildford- for the rate of freighlt set out in the Ails- Midlarnd) [4.37]: Last evening the Minister trat Charter Party as one of any two port fur Railways defended the rights and priv- at which the vessel is to be loaded in West- ileges of members in regard to the Address- ern Australia, owing to its being declared in-reply. Hie rery properly pointed out that unsafe; the in iimum extra charge will be it was quite wrong to allege that the Ad- 2s. 6d. per toii, a ad the maximum amont dress-in-reply debate was a waste of time, of produce th t. can lie renmovedi is about or. thot members indulged in speeches for 15,500 tons in the one season? 2, Will he the purpose of westing time. He remarked give an assulrance that the farmers of th that it was virtually tile oniy opportunity malice will not be penalised the extra 2.' afforded to umember., to ventilate matters Od. or morne per to,,, and aliso that they will which they felt required ventilating, matters op public policy generally and Government not have to pay the extra that will be in- policy in particular. The Address-in-reply curred if the tonnage is too high to be re- debate gives mnembers an opportunity to deal ,moved in the one season by the British with all matters, and if members do not ship o wiers in a ceo ida nec with their avail themselves of that opportunity they1 warning? are then limited to questions brought down The MINISTER FOR LANDOS replied: by the Government; and subjects which they 1, The Harbour and Light Department is thiemselves bring forward by direct motion. not aware that British ship owners have Sc' once a Year it is the recognised right of declared the port of Esperance to be un- members to deal wvith all mlatters affecting safe, nor hats the Marine Underwriters' the general welfare of the State. It is sig- Association any knowledge of the maitter. nificant that none of the authorities on con- 2, Answered by 1. stitutional matters, the privileges of members and the general Parliamentary practice, attempts to define the extent of the Address- debate. The reason is, there is no PERSONAL EXPLANATION. in-rcpiy limit, that the Address-in-reply is a general Mr. Withers and the Railway Department. review. not limited either as to time or as to subject matter. So when wre read and MR. WITHERS (Bunbury) [4.341: 1 hear so nuchl from the critics of Parliament, wish to make a l)erson1l explanation. When it is just as well to make it clear that this speaking to the Address-in-reply I made a is tile one ocasioni when members have so statement connected with railway manage- wide all opportunity iii debate. There is one ment which I find was not quite true. It was matter T wish to have put right in "Han- in regard to the transport of a concert party sard." To leave it where it is at present to Bunutrv for the purpose of assisting the would be distinctly unfair to Prof. Fox of unemployed. I made the statement in alt the W.A. University. The professor de- good faith, for I thought nl 'y information livered an address to an organisation easo- was correct, but I see that the chairmnan of ciated with the Methlodist Church. Evi- the relief committee at Bunbury has witten dently the member for North Perth (Mr. J. to the Bunbn'y newspaper, stating that the Mac~alum Smith) took exception to the sub- [7 SEI'TMwsn, 1932.] 431 ject matter of thle address, for yesterday lie is uinlovelv anid antiliman. Jt gives a stand- ,asked the Premier certain questions as to ing invitatdion to the methods of 'push' and gi-ab. ' Because the main factor in industry the published report of the professor's ad.~ is Ma,,u, its justification is its contribution to dress. I regret to say that the Premier in his general welkeing, and its efficiency de- reply referred to 'violent views." He said, pends upon the evocation of his loy'alty to it." "It is undesirable that persons holding. viol- Professor Fox quoted from the 191a census ent views should direct the education of our figures which, lie said, showed that 90 per cent. University students." If we were to take of the income earners who furnished returns the question submitted by the member for in A ustralia received less than £200 a year Yorth Perth and the reply by the and that 77 per centt. of assets were held byv Premier, 9 per cent, of all the holders. ''These figures,;' without recording in 'Hansard" the views hie coat inued, ' can 1-c itatched by these ob- actually exilressed by the professor, we tainable fiom, other countries.