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Vol I - No. III Friday 5th December, 2014 VICTORY! Independent Poll Predicts Victory For Uwp Team Dominica BALLOT UWP Candidate X MAKE SURE YOU VOTE THE SAW VOTE UWP - VOTE THE SAW Page 2 15 Years of Misery, 32 Days of Sewo for 5 more years of Misery! No Way, Vote Them Out! Skerrit paid Destra $135,000 for less than two hours of sewo. The average Gospel artiste paid $250, 000 to perform at DLP rally Dominican makes about $25,000 per year. Can you calculate how many years it would take the average Dominican to make $135,000? The Dominican population has walked into the banks and motor The unemployed youth languish their enterprise by Labour Party What can a bunch of incompe- been subjected to 15 years of mis- vehicle dealerships and purchased by the roadside day after day with operatives including the President tent politicians such as Reginald ery under the Dominica Labour their 4 wheel drive vehicles cash nothing to do while a small bunch of the State who is responsible for Austrie, Ambrose George, Collin Party, public servants can no lon- and built their homes without a of Labour Party hacks receive sal- the closure of Brizee Mart. McIntyre, Roosevelt Skerrit, Pet- ger afford to face the banks for mortgage, are now begging for aries in excess of $14,000.00 a ter St Jean and the rest of that lazy mortgages, most public officers bread at the Red Clinic. month for doing nothing. Dominica has suffered 15 years of bunch, have to offer Dominica for end up with negative salaries af- misery under Labour and they ex- the next five years that they could ter the various salary deductions Construction workers sit idly by Dominican businesses have been pect to intoxicate the people with not have done in the last fifteen to meet their monthly commit- as they look at foreigners repair forced to shut down operations alcohol and sewo for thirty two years? Nothing! ments. roads, build the state palace, state and make way for foreigners, any days, a plethora of highly paid college and apartment buildings business person who dares to ex- foreign artists, only to be subject- Change is A Must! The Jobs are Farmers have been turned desti- with loan money that they them- press their freedom of speech is ed to another five more years of Coming! Vote for UWP Team tute, a proud people who once selves will have to pay back. subjected to calls for boycott of misery. Dominica. YOUTwo AREof Dominica’s former a recently LYING! convened panel dis- On the other hand, Clarkson ambassadors have accused cussion on the topic; Diplo- Thomas stated that both the Roosevelt Skerrit of lying to macy: How it works. Venezuelans and Cubans con- the Dominican people about sidered Skerrit’s abandonment his diplomatic pursuits with According to Gregoire, Roos- of the People of Western Saha- Cuba, Venezuela and Morroc- evelt Skerrit used deception in ra as a betrayal of the liberation co, Crispin Gregoire, Domini- seeking favours with the Mor- movement and their denial to ca’s former ambassador to the roccan government at the ex- their quest to self determination pense of the Polisario Front, the Ambassador Crispin Gregoire, United Nations and Clarkson and independence. Dominica’s former Ambassador to Thomas former ambassador to legitimate representative of the Roosevelt Skerrit the United Nations Cuba, made this accusations at people of Western Sahara. VOTE UWP - VOTE THE SAW Page 3 UWP Political Leader strongly condemns alleged arson at Melville Hall Political Leader of the United Workers prehensive way.” Party (UWP) Lennox Linton strongly He said the UWP will not stand for any condemns all forms of violence, vandal- form of violence and vandalism ism and disruption of lives. “We do not stand for violence, we do Linton’s remarks come in light of a sus- not stand for the destruction of proper- pected arson which destroyed a com- ty, or for the disruption of lives in any munication tower servicing the Doug- way shape or form,” he stated. “And to las-Charles Airport. the extent that this development could Speaking at press conference at the Pre- have been an act of vandalism, or any vost Cinemal on Thursday morning, other such thing, we totally and abso- Linton said the incident is of grave con- lutely condemn it without reservation.” cern to the UWP. At a meeting in Riviere Cyrique on “There are a couple of matters that have Wednesday evening, Prime Minister surfaced in recent times that is of grave Roosevelt Skerrit told his supporters concern to us,” he said. “We don’t know that he knows who set the fire and en- what exactly has happened, we are hear- couraged his supporters to admit that ing opinions from the government side they all knew who set the fire. and their suggestions of arson. We would It is expected that the police authorities want to await the results of a complete will seek assistance from Roosevelt Sker- investigation by the authorities before rit with their investigations. we address this matter in a more com- Melville Hall Airport under tight security have to ask for permission to enter Skerrit is on his knees begging After subjecting opposition and scores of other nefarious acts and having night mares of what supporters to abuse, insults and is finally seeing political defeat at life will be for him under Prime disrespect, even going as far as the polls so he is asking for for- Minister Lennox Linton. saying that people who support giveness, he will treat opposition UWP Team Dominica are dis- supporters better next time and Fear no more, Skerrit, Team honest. Roosevelt Skerrit has the he blames his other colleagues Dominica has a lot of work to unmitigated gall to beg UWP for not being fair with all sectors do to rescue this country, the supporters to vote for him and of the population. police will be asked to do their his corrupt Labour Party. job without interference there- As the Labour Party election fore if you are not guilty of any Skerrit who robbed the gov- theme of “SHOCK AND AWE” malfeasance then you need not ernment treasury of hundreds evaporates into thin air and the be afraid. Relax, the people have of thousands of dollars in land fake supporters begin to aban- decided it’s time for change, transfer deals, the bin bobol, the don ship towards Team Domi- time for you to go, so they vot- fertilizer bobol, the famous villas nica, Skerrit is wetting his pants ing UWP Team Dominica. VOTE UWP - VOTE THE SAW Page 4 United Workers Party Team Dominica is ready to govern Claudius Sanford Ezekiel Bazil Hector John (Deputy Political Leader) (President) (Leader of the Opposition) Claudius Sanford is a Senator and the Ezekiel Bazil is a Senator in Parlia- Hector John is a Member of Parlia- candidate for the Salybia constituency ment and the candidate for the Wesley ment for the Salisbury constituency, which includes Salybia, Atkinson, Ba- constituency, which includes Wesley, which includes Morne Rachette & taka and the Kalinago Territory. Woodfordhill and Palm Tree. Coulibistrie. He is also the Leader of the Opposition. Over ten years ago, I joined a move- I hold a degree in property and casual- ment to bring sustainable development ty claims adjusting from the American For over 16 years, I worked in the vital to the constituency of Salybia and its Institute for CPCU/ Insurance Insti- banana industry employed as statistics environs – an area collectively known tute of America, and diplomas from officer and information technology as- as the Kalinago Territory. Today, the Crawford Learning and Resource Cen- sistant at the Dominica Banana Mar- struggle for economic freedom and jus- ter in Atlanta Georgia in the field of li- keting Corporation (DBMC). I went tice for the people of my constituency ability claims adjusting and in automo- to pursue my studies in Information has reached a tipping point. I stand bile appraisal. I also hold certificates in Technology at Monroe College, New firmly as a candidate to represent my fire surveying and claims condition York in 2007 and graduated in 2009 people in Dominica’s House of Assem- as well as motor claims management with a Bachelor’s degree. bly in the 2015 election. from the St Lucia Insurance Institute. Lennox Linton (Political Leader) I was born and raised in the constituency of Marigot, the fifth child of educators, in a family of ten children. I was educated at the Marigot Gov- ernment School and the Dominica Grammar School and was profession- ally trained as a broadcaster at the University of Texas at Austin. Under the Global Education Programme of a US Fortune 500 Company, I was trained as a Frontline Facilitator of number of people development pro- grams in strategic planning, goal alignment, leadership, performance man- agement, customer service and logistics. I have served in a number of senior news media positions both locally and overseas. Those assignments included: • Announcer and News Reporter at DBS Radio Joseph Isaac Nicholas George Dr. Thomson Fontaine • Editor of the New Chronicle • Senior Producer at the Barbados based Radio Service of the Carib- Joseph Isaac is the candidate for the Nicholas George is the candidate for Dr. Thomson Fontaine is the candi- bean News Agency Roseau Central constituency, the na- the Colihaut constituency, which in- date for the Morne Jaune constituency, • Host of the Marpin Television Talk Show “What About” tion’s capital, Roseau, replacing the cludes Colihaut, Bioche and Dublanc. which includes Morne Jaune, Riviere Cyriques and Grand Fond.