Norwich Union English Championships
TABLE TENNIS NEWS Published on the 1st of each month, October to May inclusive. Norwich Union Postal subscriptions £1 for eight issues. Advertisements: Derek R. Tre mayne, General Secretary, English Table Tennis Association, 21 Clare English Championships mont, Hastings, Sussex, 'Phone: Hastings 33121. Circulation: Albert W. Shipley, Administrative Secretary, 21 Clare BACK ON THE ROSTRUM mont, Hastings, Sussex. 'Phone: Hastings 33121. Distribution: Mrs. E. D. Yates, 43 Knowsley Road, Smithills, Bolton, Lanes. BL1 6JH. 'Phone: Bolton 42223 Editorial: George R. Yates, 43 Knowsley Road, Smithills, Bolton, Lanes., BL1 6JH. 'Phone: Bolton 42223 (h) 061-228 2141. Ext. 2698 (b) . A TASTE OF HONEY The,re is no denying that when Chester Barne'S deigns to e'merge 'from his contractua,1 obligations to put hi.s head on the chopping block provided by competiti:ve pla,y the media swa.rm like be'e's to provide the ne,etarr so thi:rsted for by those concerned wirth the publicity of our sport. Say what you win, the drawing power of G. C. Ba:rne,s, craftsm,an extraordinary, has in no way dimini'shed since he opted out from repre,senrting England in the ~1 st World Charmpionship.s played in Na,goya; Japan in April, 1971. The exploits of the Essex inter nafional in the recent Norwich Union Engl'i,sh Cha1mpionshi:ps acted like a magne:t on pla1yers and spectators alike at Crystal' Pala,c,e. Play on all tables was brought to a halt as the de'ciding ga,m,e between Barnels and Jiim,my W'aliker went into naU-biting protraction and Cheste'r B'arnes holds aloft the 50th Anniversary Tro,phry of the Gue,rnsey ITA won by England on the an aura was cre.ated that comple'tely Channel Isle in May, 1972.
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