Pageant Finalists Show Looks, Talent
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Friday Night Live AtGusma hilarity starts on page THE MIA URMCANE Volume 58, No. 10 Tuesday, September 29 1981 .Phone 284 4401 Pageant Finalists Show Looks, Talent ll\ JEAN C I Al 1)1 de la I KAM I \\l> I RISHA SINDLER lhe". were nervou .luu.s 1 hcv had butterflies, and thej v. ii ihi end, ten of them were glad they, had da I IMI young women who admitted Iha d nol ne'i'it ,i Ini nf prodding in gn after the : '•' l ni WTMU nl Miami in; 198 I 82 w en si li i li d iul entrants Saturday, nighl to compete in the finals on Oc tober 26 The selection of the in Finalists culminated a day ol interviews anel taleni routines before judges chosen from the UM facultv and the communit) "It seems t<• me thai we have even more beautiful girls than ever." said Jefl Becker, Horn ming chair man "They seem to have mun taleni ihan sn: other group i i an remember " Deborah Cichan typifies whal Beckei de i led \ virtuoso mi several instruments, the 20-year-old junior performed a jazz number on her saxophone fm thi tai fin set tion ol the pageant preliminary s "I have had nine \car ol playing experience, so I was nol nervous at all." Cichan said latei i was very comfortable " The pre-legal finance major explained whs she- is seeking the title "I am running because UM's standards are improv ing, and 1 fell I can be a definite asset lo thai improve ment," she said "This is a new experience fnr me I Hunk il is going to be fun " Nineteen-year-old sophomore 1 eslie Voogd dis played anothei aspect ol the versatility, e.i this year's contestants. A finance major with a minor in psycholo gy, Voodg is also an accomplished artist who decided to give thr judge", a display in her specialtj pencil drawing. The New Jersey native saul thai although she was excited about running (or Miss I'M. she remained i aim through the das's events "I am confident aboul m> work," she said, "so I just brought my portfolio case, relaxed and talked aboul ins work " Voogd said she had no prepared speech Eigteen-year-old freshman Nancs I iu is nol onlj a ravishingly beautiful, but sh.' stands oul in a crowd that blends good lo.eks and brains tee an an feerm Sponsored by the Honors Studenl Association, the young lady from J_tf«r_onviUe, India.-.,, wan Accepted to the I'M medi i al school as a senior in high school I in is on a spei ial six-yeai medical program, where she will spend two '81 as and undergraduate Hun proceed to medical school "I have never been judged bj mj looks before," she said "I had not realized thai there was so mans talent I/,. \ Mu.' IM H V ed and pretty girls here." Uu played a George Gersh win'e e on Uu pi aim to fulfill the lalenl requirements The Miss University Of Miami Pageant finalists were selected Saturday night. Front row (from left lo right).- Debo of the competition rah Fowler, Bina Mirchandani, Deborah Ann Cichan, June Thomson, and Nancy Liu. Back row: Pageant Director Daisy Olivera, 22, .1 senioi also gave the judgi recital on the piano Olive. ike fe.r people to Evelyn Torres, Suzanne Burkarter, Leslie Voogd, Daisy Olivera, Reigning Queen Marriette Jeffers, Barbara Ferreiro. see thai '"".nnd her sense of ! he alsei has a sei llena Perez, and Pageant Director Jamie Cooper. nus side I'he assistant entertainment editot ol the Hurricane, she also writes foi a Spanish language magazine. She will lease' the universit) with a degree in broadcast journalism "Nothing beats doing and experiencing iliings for Que.MI Oul Of School But Retains Crown yourself," she saul "Onci 'lung, you have to finish 11." Bina Mirchandani Shan th !- I IL "I was not even asvare |of all the controversy). It jjeffers|," Baghdoian said ame v lew HV JEAN CLAUDE de la KRAM I ivera "One should follow 1 pet •'. 1. was all so unnecessary; I had an obligation, and I am She said she' had been asked to perform al this I ne ts I son sould take risks," th - d beauty going to do my part." Jeffers said. year's pageant a solo dance that had been reserved feu leek, dark-ha said "Officials of the Miss Florida Pageant said I had the queen. Sign on the throne: "The Queen is temporarily out. "I'd rather feel bad 01 r, t than nol (eel al all She will return nexl semester," ew cry right to sue. and they were going to back nie up. "Last year's 1 ourt is going to be featured in the- pro That does not mean that I would gone through with It. gram, and thai is whal ssas being talked about." Stofan I like what I write about everything I feel." said Mur- "P.S She took her t rown with hei chandani. who holds the 1 r ol '"ing the only inde- hut I could have had." she said. said Pageant Director Jamie Cooper asked Baghdoian Changes will be made' In the rule's governing the pendent 1 mi test am to have made it into the Iinal s "I knosv the rules; we all know the rule's." said the to .in the number as Miss Congeniality, stofan sa Miss University e.f Miami Pageant following troubles The multi-talented 20-year-old has wi as .1 queen, who will hand over her crown tee this year's Baghdoian said that the committee decided to go that surfae ed tins s ear when it ssas discosered that lasl dam in . a free-lance model, and an ai iress s he has also winner on October 26. ahead to go with the dance number as a token year's queen. Marriette Jeffers, no longer attends been writing fnr thre. Had Jeffers been unavailable, last year's first run "'Lhat wa.s like a little agreement made bi school here Small w ondet thai sh, recti nel up. Marlica Baghdoian, Who is also Miss Congenial them all 1 'lies decided on that afterwards," she aid Controversy stirred over leffers' eligibilty to reign the judges Satui das as CM queen withoui being enrolled at the University, ity, would have been crowned, according to lhe rules she said she will gave away the Miss Congeniality of the contest title al th.'pageant but will not do the dance But nothing In the current guidelines justifies taking See I'-'ge ../MISS 1 M away her crown. Baghdoian said several people within Ihe Home The Miss I'M Pageant is guided both hy the rules of coming Committee told her that she had Inherited the the Miss America Pageant .mil hs- University regula crown, "but that was because thes did not knosv about tions. According to the I M rule's, contestants "must be all the rules." full-time undergraduates " "Thev were getting upse-t about not reaching he: Luu And Economics Center The rules also stipulate that the "entrant agrees if she should win the local pageant finals, she will fulfill the required duties and represent the local pageant at the state finals and throughout the entire year of her reign " Combines Two Disciplines The preseni regulations, however, do not specify that the queen must he a registered UM student in order to retain the Idle Homecoming Committee mem bers said that this is an oversight which they will take H> GEORGE IIA.t in ordet 1" iupplement this the i entei care of this s ea: will be working with the' Depart: "Each Of the ten finalists will all sign a contract to the School ol Business Administration to provide a say that she needs to be here In school in order to Keep Hidden across Irom the ba 1 res. ia mastei the position." if she wins it, said John Stofan. ads is,•: Avenue, the little known (among I M tudents) hut Is designed for individuals with a ba. kground in law to Homecoming highly respected Law and Economic: provides "It is not a mattei ol being right or wrong," Stofan Important resean h and instruction in the combined dis See page- 3/1 AW-It said. "It makes it easier tor us if she is in school." ciplines of lass and economics Stofan said thai there never was a question as to "The Law and Economics Centei brings togethet whether or not Jeffers could keep hei title; the only the disciplines ol law and economii ing, re difficulty, he said, ssas 111 locating her at lhe beginning search, and scholarly endeavors,' said Di K< of the vear Clark.sem. director of the Center "She is and always has been Miss U ol M. we just I'he Center Is one of a dozet fo ids il law did not know where sin- waa," Stofan said and economics In the countrv. but Clarksoi Jeffers said lhe is not In U hOOl due to an accident thiTi,"aren't a large number of centers that have ,1 full last year. Last semester, she burned her thumb, and it balance' of programs such as we have al th. 1 niversi became so lacerated that she could not play the violin ty ni Miami Forced to take an incomplete In a course, she lost her Clarkson. who has .mc 1 music scholarship .lune, came to the Universitj ol Miami from the 1 ni- "Thev informed me that In ordet to get my scholar versity of Virginia In IMT".