
Friday Night Live AtGusma hilarity starts on page THE MIA URMCANE

Volume 58, No. 10 Tuesday, September 29 1981 .Phone 284 4401 Pageant Finalists Show Looks, Talent

ll\ JEAN C I Al 1)1 de la I KAM I \\l> I RISHA SINDLER

lhe". were nervou .luu.s 1 hcv had butterflies, and thej v. ii ihi end, ten of them were glad they, had da I IMI young women who admitted Iha d nol ne'i'it ,i Ini nf prodding in gn after the : '•' l ni WTMU nl Miami in; 198 I 82 w en si li i li d iul entrants Saturday, nighl to compete in the finals on Oc­ tober 26 The selection of the in Finalists culminated a day ol interviews anel taleni routines before judges chosen from the UM facultv and the communit) "It seems t<• me thai we have even more beautiful girls than ever." said Jefl Becker, Horn ming chair­ man "They seem to have mun taleni ihan sn: other group i i an remember " Deborah Cichan typifies whal Beckei de i led \ virtuoso mi several instruments, the 20-year-old junior performed a jazz number on her saxophone fm thi tai fin set tion ol the pageant preliminary s "I have had nine \car ol playing experience, so I was nol nervous at all." Cichan said latei i was very comfortable " The pre-legal finance major explained whs she- is seeking the title "I am running because UM's standards are improv­ ing, and 1 fell I can be a definite asset lo thai improve­ ment," she said "This is a new experience fnr me I Hunk il is going to be fun " Nineteen-year-old sophomore 1 eslie Voogd dis­ played anothei aspect ol the versatility, e.i this year's contestants. A finance major with a minor in psycholo­ gy, Voodg is also an accomplished artist who decided to give thr judge", a display in her specialtj pencil drawing. The New Jersey native saul thai although she was excited about running (or Miss I'M. she remained i aim through the das's events "I am confident aboul m> work," she said, "so I just brought my portfolio case, relaxed and talked aboul ins work " Voogd said she had no prepared speech Eigteen-year-old freshman Nancs I iu is nol onlj a ravishingly beautiful, but sh.' stands oul in a crowd that blends good lo.eks and brains tee an an feerm Sponsored by the Honors Studenl Association, the young lady from J_tf«r_onviUe, India.-.,, wan Accepted to the I'M medi i al school as a senior in high school I in is on a spei ial six-yeai medical program, where she will spend two '81 as and undergraduate Hun proceed to medical school "I have never been judged bj mj looks before," she said "I had not realized thai there was so mans talent­ I/,. \ Mu.' IM H V ed and pretty girls here." Uu played a George Gersh­ win j.ie'e e on Uu pi aim to fulfill the lalenl requirements The Miss University Of Miami Pageant finalists were selected Saturday night. Front row (from left lo right).- Debo of the competition rah Fowler, Bina Mirchandani, Deborah Ann Cichan, June Thomson, and Nancy Liu. Back row: Pageant Director Daisy Olivera, 22, .1 senioi also gave the judgi recital on the piano Olive. ike fe.r people to Evelyn Torres, Suzanne Burkarter, Leslie Voogd, Daisy Olivera, Reigning Queen Marriette Jeffers, Barbara Ferreiro. see thai '"".nnd her sense of ! he alsei has a sei llena Perez, and Pageant Director Jamie Cooper. nus side I'he assistant entertainment editot ol the Hurricane, she also writes foi a Spanish language magazine. She will lease' the universit) with a degree in broadcast journalism "Nothing beats doing and experiencing iliings for Que.MI Oul Of School But Retains Crown yourself," she saul "Onci 'lung, you have to finish 11." Bina Mirchandani Shan th !- I IL "I was not even asvare |of all the controversy). It jjeffers|," Baghdoian said ame v lew HV JEAN CLAUDE de la KRAM I ivera "One should follow 1 pet •'. 1. was all so unnecessary; I had an obligation, and I am She said she' had been asked to perform al this I ne ts I son sould take risks," th - d beauty going to do my part." Jeffers said. year's pageant a solo dance that had been reserved feu leek, dark-ha said "Officials of the Miss Florida Pageant said I had the queen. Sign on the throne: "The Queen is temporarily out. "I'd rather feel bad 01 r, t than nol (eel al all She will return nexl semester," ew cry right to sue. and they were going to back nie up. "Last year's 1 ourt is going to be featured in the- pro­ That does not mean that I would gone through with It. gram, and thai is whal ssas being talked about." Stofan I like what I write about everything I feel." said Mur- "P.S She took her t rown with hei chandani. who holds the 1 r ol '"ing the only inde- hut I could have had." she said. said Pageant Director Jamie Cooper asked Baghdoian Changes will be made' In the rule's governing the pendent 1 mi test am to have made it into the Iinal s "I knosv the rules; we all know the rule's." said the to .in the number as Miss Congeniality, stofan sa Miss University e.f Miami Pageant following troubles The multi-talented 20-year-old has wi as .1 queen, who will hand over her crown tee this year's Baghdoian said that the committee decided to go that surfae ed tins s ear when it ssas discosered that lasl dam in . a free-lance model, and an ai iress s he has also winner on October 26. ahead to go with the dance number as a token year's queen. Marriette Jeffers, no longer attends been writing fnr thre. Had Jeffers been unavailable, last year's first run­ "'Lhat wa.s like a little agreement made bi school here Small w ondet thai sh, recti nel up. Marlica Baghdoian, Who is also Miss Congenial­ them all 1 'lies decided on that afterwards," she aid Controversy stirred over leffers' eligibilty to reign the judges Satui das as CM queen withoui being enrolled at the University, ity, would have been crowned, according to lhe rules she said she will gave away the Miss Congeniality of the contest title al th.'pageant but will not do the dance But nothing In the current guidelines justifies taking See I'-'ge ../MISS 1 M away her crown. Baghdoian said several people within Ihe Home The Miss I'M Pageant is guided both hy the rules of coming Committee told her that she had Inherited the the Miss Pageant .mil hs- University regula­ crown, "but that was because thes did not knosv about tions. According to the I M rule's, contestants "must be all the rules." full-time undergraduates " "Thev were getting upse-t about not reaching he: Luu And Economics Center The rules also stipulate that the "entrant agrees if she should win the local pageant finals, she will fulfill the required duties and represent the local pageant at the state finals and throughout the entire year of her reign " Combines Two Disciplines The preseni regulations, however, do not specify that the queen must he a registered UM student in order to retain the Idle Homecoming Committee mem­ bers said that this is an oversight which they will take H> GEORGE IIA.t in ordet 1" iupplement this the i entei care of this s ea: will be working with the' Depart: "Each Of the ten finalists will all sign a contract to the School ol Business Administration to provide a say that she needs to be here In school in order to Keep Hidden across Irom the ba 1 res. ia mastei the position." if she wins it, said John Stofan. ads is,•: Avenue, the little known (among I M tudents) hut Is designed for individuals with a ba. kground in law to Homecoming highly respected Law and Economic: provides "It is not a mattei ol being right or wrong," Stofan Important resean h and instruction in the combined dis See page- 3/1 AW-It said. "It makes it easier tor us if she is in school." ciplines of lass and economics Stofan said thai there never was a question as to "The Law and Economics Centei brings togethet whether or not Jeffers could keep hei title; the only the disciplines ol law and economii ing, re­ difficulty, he said, ssas 111 locating her at lhe beginning search, and scholarly endeavors,' said Di K< of the vear Clark.sem. director of the Center "She is and always has been Miss U ol M. we just I'he Center Is one of a dozet fo ids il law did not know where sin- waa," Stofan said and economics In the countrv. but Clarksoi Jeffers said lhe is not In U hOOl due to an accident thiTi,"aren't a large number of centers that have ,1 full last year. Last semester, she burned her thumb, and it balance' of programs such as we have al th. 1 niversi­ became so lacerated that she could not play the violin ty ni Miami Forced to take an incomplete In a course, she lost her Clarkson. who has .mc 1 music scholarship .lune, came to the Universitj ol Miami from the 1 ni- "Thev informed me that In ordet to get my scholar­ versity of Virginia In IMT". He received his I'h Ie from ship back, I would have tO gee tO IChOOl 0n« f"H semes UCLA, and was a Brookings Economii Policy. Fellow in ter first." she said the earls I970's lhat fellowship involved an assign­ "I went to summer school, bul then 1 found out that ment svith the Offic. ol Management and Budget in it was not going to be ennugh Sn 1 Stayed out of si hool Washington, lit this semester, but I will definitely he ha. k In January. He has published extensi Jeffers said she has been working In order to ihoruig appro* matels I b ol ographs and the money to pay for school and has been very preoc­ about three dozen articles cupied. < larksoti said that although the 1 *** and Economics "1 have been vers, vers busy," sh. laid I was 1 enter does nol directly provide .rams rnainlv waiting to have a permanent address and phone in the field, the faculty of the Center combines tin- two where I could be reached." said Jeffers, who now lives dis. iphties when they teai h "For example " said Clarkson,"approximately half with her brother of our faculty teach In the Law Scho 11 half "But as soon as I settled down, I called them |the teach in the School ol Business, and when those | Homecoming Committee |," she said sors teaih In theur respective schools they bring the Jeffers said she does nol see how her not being reg­ two disciplines together In the classroom istered as a student affects hei eligibllltj under the ex- "That means that the law profea "mg in isting rules "If I had been a senior. I would not have economics as * wa. of explaining legi court been in school anyway," she- said rhe CM pageant decisions, while the e< onomics professor would use- does not prohibit seniors from competing b. legal institutions, legal rule identifying an exclusion would be In conflict with the guidelines ...tins the ine entiv e strui I ures fa. ( 1,11 Is. - < • I I set down hv the Miss Amine a I'.n Page 2. Tuesday September 29, 1981 THE MIAMI HURRICANE UPDATE Millar Recalls Early Years At VM MEETINGS Alumna: We Weren't Plaster Saints LATIN AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: The first general meeting will be held today at 3:30 p.m. in room 237 of the Student Second of a two-part series Then the vice president ex­ school. She belonged to Sigma Phi. disappear for a few weeks on a Union. Topics to be discussed will be activities for the coming year, cruise with Theodore Dickinson. He details about a program for future student employment, and the final pressed concern about cheating dur­ a sorority, the Y.W.C.A., and H.I.M. By SHARON HINSON Little is known about H.I.M., an would come back and announce at reconstruction of the cabinet, which has some positions available. All ing tests. If students saw cheating, News Writer he said, they should stand up and all-female organization. an assembly that Dickinson had cabinet members are expected to attend and all students and faculty say, 'There is cheating in this room What does H.I.M. stand for? given a large sum, such as $50,000. are welcome. Nice girls don't wear patent and unless it stops, I shall report "I can't tell you," Millar said and Millar also praised the Belaunde TRI BETA: There will be an important mandatory meeting for all leather shoes. it," Millar recalled. laughed. "We took a vow not to brothers, Rafael and Victor, who members today at 6:30 p.m. in room 237 of the Student Union. Cof­ Who says? Soon after this lecture, during a tell. I don't think there's a man taught Hispanic-American affairs at fee and donuts will be served. The dean of women at UM. that's final, a student. Porter Norris, around who knows." UM. Rafael became president of the HURRICANE HONEYS: There will be a meeting tomorrow at 7 p.m. who. "stood and said 'there's cheating One thing is known, H.I.M. must General Assembly of the United Na­ at the Hecht Center. Mildred Millar of the Class or going on in this room and if it stops have held some great parties. tions in 1959. SENIORS: USBG Senators Keith Chambers and Wendy Rolle will be 1931 remembers when the dean I shall fail.'" "One night at an all-female H.I.M Millar graduated with a major In discussing ideas and problems that affect seniors on Wednesday at 8 called all the girls together. "She But when classes and tests were party — I think it was an initiation English and a minor in Philosophy. told us nice girls don't wear patent p.m. in the International Lounge. over, early UM students deserted — there was some booze in the She went on to become an area ele­ leather shoes, because they reflect mentary and junior high teacher OMICRAN DELTA EPSILON INTERNATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: the campus for Miami's night life. punch," Millar said. "I remember what's under the skirt, and nice On Friday and Saturday nights, walking some of the older gals up and principal. Millar came back for ODE invites all students interested in economics to attend a meeting girls don't wear red, because it they went to dances, and during the her Masters in Education in 1951. on Thursday at 4 p.m. in room 209 of the Memorial Building. and down trying to get them sober makes men passionate. week they might take in a movie. for their dates." Now retired, Millar lives on Key VENEZUELAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION: Rhona Ottlina, a mem­ "I don't know how she should The young women wore long Biscayne and enjoys playing bridge ber of the Venezuelan congress, will speak sbout Venezuela'spolitical Porter Norris, who co-ran the know. She was an old maid." evening dresses to all the dances. Kollitch Klub dances, referred to and going to lunch with old friends. situation, at a meeting Thursday at 5 p.m. in the Flamingo Ballroom While the dean, Mary B. Merrit, Millar used to swap dresses with the latest H.I.M. partv on invita­ She also attends Hurricane and Dol­ of the Student Union. "Fundayacucho" will be there too. tried to guide UM's early co-eds, her friend, Ruth Sutton, so that tions that were to be mailed to stu­ phin football games and watches GRADUATE HEALTH ADMINISTRATION STUDENT ORGANIZA­ "we were sitting back laughing," they did not have to wear the same dents. The girls, she said, were games on television. TION: A meeting will be held Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Conference Millar said. "We weren't plaster things every week. afraid that word of the party would She is still involved with UM: she saints." Room (217) of the Jenkins Building. One time Millar, whose childhood get back to the administration and is helping with the Class of 1931's HONORS STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: There will be a meeting People then were probably as they would be in trouble. So they 50th reunion and is joining in ef­ morally free as they are today, but nickname was Pill, overheard Sut­ Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Eaton Hall Lounege.' ton tell her dance partner, "Oh, persuaded Norris not to mail the forts to get a stadium on campus. It they were more discreet, Millar cards out, paid to have them re­ would be good for school spirit, she METHODIST LUTHERN CAMPUS MINISTRY: A supper-dialogue said. thank you, I'll tell Pill you like it entitled "Does the spearmint lose its flavor on the bed post over [the dress)." printed, and then addressed and said. But Millar didn't choose UM for mailed them. night?" will be held Thursday from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Wesley Foun­ four fun years of hell raising. After the dance they would go dation, 1210 Stanford Dr. over to the Ponce de Leon Restau­ At that time girls didn't drink, Her father, a high school princi­ Millar said. By their senior year, SCIENCE FICTION ACADEMY: The Science Fiction Academy will pal, had told her that "this should rant (popularly known as the "Greasy Spoon"), where "the big they were drinking a little and have a meeting every Tuesday at 8 p.m. in room 205 of the Student one day be a terrific school," she were just starting to smoke, she said. thing was to order a big plate of Lounge for anyone interested in reading, writing, reviewing, filming or french fries," Millar said. After fin­ said. "I don't think the boys would discussing science fiction or fantasy books or movies. So Millar, who moved to Miami ishing the french fries, there were offer us a drink." LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY: There will be "bibles and bagels" from Hillsboro, III. when she was plenty of places to park, because Millar must think greatly of UM. every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at the Wesley Center, 1210 Stanford Dr. 15, decided UM was the school for Miami still had so many open spac­ Her two husbands graduated from WRITER'S FORUM: There will be a meeting every Tuesday from 7 her. es, she said. Usually the night was here and so did her three children. p.m.to 9 p.m. in room 323 of the Ashe Building. The Writer's Forum "I went | to UM] and I've never over by 2:30 to 3 a.m.. She still talks warmly of Dr. been sorry." Bowman Foster Ashe. UM's first is an opportunity for serious, publishing-oriented publishing-oriented "As far as classes were con­ Few students had money so they writers of fiction (poetry, prose, drama) to meet and discuss their couldn't buy much. "Everyone was president, who helped shape the cerned, they were strict about cut­ school and save it financially. work in a non-academic enviroment. ting class," she said. The grading broke," Millar said. "We all felt like we were in the same boat." "From the very start the Univer­ SCUBA CLUB: The UM Scuba Club meets every Monday at 8 p.m. system was rigorous. sity was in trouble financially," she in the Flamingo Ballroom. Everyone is welcome. "Because the classes were small, Like many other students, Millar filled her time by joining clubs at said. Every so often. Ashe would JUDO CLUB: The Judo Club will be having meetings Tuesdays and we had a chance to get into discus­ Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Lane Recreation Center. Instructions sion. I think it was more fun to and practices are held. For more information call Alan at 553-6100. learn, to take part, probably more KARATE CLUB: The Karate Club meets for training Tuesdays and than it is today." Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Lane Recreation Center. Freshman classes usually had 30 CHRISTIAN SCINCE ORGANIZATION: The organization meets to 35 students in a class: class sizes decreased for the upper levels. Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at 1115 Levante St. All are welcome. Then as now, UM administrators USBG SENATE: The Senate holds an open meeting every Wednes­ THE IBIS were trying to improve school stan­ day at 4 p.m. in the Flamingo Ballroom (room 226A. Student Union). dards. STUDENT RIGHTS AGENCY: Anyone interested in joining the on- "We had an assembly one day, campus student legal aid organization should attend the SRA meet­ and our vice president stood up and 1954 ings Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. in room 244 of the Student Union. gave us quite a lecture and said we UM AMATEUR RADIO CLUB: The Amateur Radio Club holds meet­ weren't building the proper tradi­ ings Thursdays at 6 p.m. on the sixth floor of the School of Engineer­ tions at school," Millar said. MILDRED AVERY. Miami, Fla., B.S. Sigma Phi, ing and Architecture. Everyone is invited. "He said, 'In order to get out, you H. T. M., Y. W. C. A. YPM"—Studebaker test METHODIST CAMPUS MINISTRY: The ministry holds Bibles and have to put out.' " Bagels, a breakfast discussion, every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. at 1210 He meant academically, but "put driver—the girl made famous by Rod Ashman's out" had the same meaning then as . Stanford Drive. now, and the auditorium rocked notebook—hence—"Pink cars".' with laughter. -Pill,' In Her Days At UM ON-CAMPUS HAPPENINGS

ANGEL FLIGHT: Angel Flight is having a fundraiser-raffle for cystic fibrosis today through Oct. 7. Tickets can be bought from Angels for Roddenberry Will Kick Off Lecture Series $1.00. The drawing will be Oct. 7 at 5:15 p.m. at the Rathskeller. JESUS STUDENTS FELLOWSHIP: This week's bible study is today be shown. work and a seminar. The artisU in­ in room 245 of the Student Union at 7:30 p.m. For more information By ELIZABETH BABUN been allocated to current events lec­ Mews Writer tures, and $16,000 has been allocat­ According to Angleton, Rodden­ clude Lucas Samaras, Alice Avcock, call 266-0450. ed to lecture related to the arts and berry will be paid $5,500 for his ap­ and Frank Stella. The lectures have NAACP UM CHAPTER: A panel discussion with President Foote, This year's Lecture Series Com­ sciences, Angleton said. pearance. "It will not only be an ed­ been tentatively scheduled for Jan­ administrators and NAACP members will be held today at 8 p.m. in mittee (LSC) has decided to include ucational experience but an enter­ uary and March. the Ruth Stanford Lounge of the Student Union. CT. Taylor from a wide variety of lectures on differ­ Scheduled for Oct. 15 at 8 p.m. is taining one," she said. Angleton said Hillel and the LSC Channel 4 will be the moderator. ent topics in order to please a ma­ the producer of Star Trek. Gene are co-sponsoring an appearance by jority, according to Marina Angle- Roddenberry, who drew a crowd of Tickets will be sold in the Stu­ FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDENTS: The department of foreign lan­ dent Union Breezeway ticket booth Nazi hunter Simon Weisenthal, who ton, LSC chairperson. 11,000 people at the Seattle Colise­ will speak in the Ibis on Jan. 19. guages is hoping to offer a course in modern Greek if enough signa­ um in Washington. The smallest beginning Oct. 12. Admission is free tures are obtained. Sgning the petition will not commit the student in The committee includes six vot­ Weisenthal, now in his late seven­ ing student members, five voting crowd ever to attend a lecture of for UM studenU and $2.00 for non- any way. it would only mean that the person would want more infor­ students. ties, is still tracking down Nazi war faculty and administration mem­ his was 6,400 in Hawaii, Angleton criminals, exposing them, and mation. If interested, call Lydia Lopez at the Law Library, Sunday bers, and Angleton. said. A debate about the Moral Majori­ bringing them to trial after a period through Wednesday, from 4 p.m. to midnight. Angleton said the a budget for Unfortunately, seating in the Ibis ty, between former United States of 40 years. FRENCH CLUB: French tutoring is provided in both conversation Lecture Series is $34,000, supplied Cafeteria must be limited to 1,000. Senator Birch Bayh and Howard One of last year's most interest­ grammar. Students of all levels are invited. For information call partly through University .funds Roddenberry's presentation, "The Philips, president of the Conserva­ ing speakers was Abbie Hoffman, George at X3501 or leave a note in the mailbox at the Student Activi­ and partly through the Student Ac­ World of Star Trek," will include a tive Caucus, will take place on Nov. whose UM lecture marked his first ties office in the Student Union. tivity Fee Allocation Committee series of films and the creation of 5 at 8 p.m., Angleton said. public appearance since he went A.Z.Y.F.: Israel Organizing Weekend, a conference to teach students (SAFAC) and through the Graduate special effects and science fiction. The LSC recently passed a mo­ into hiding. "We are still working how to do Israel programming on college campuses, will be held Oct. and Law School Activity Fee Allo­ In addition, the original episode of tion to invite three artists from the on other lectures now," said Angle- 9 through the 11 in Tampa. For more information call Lynn at cation Committee (GLAFAC). the Star Trek series "The Cage." Lowe Art Museum Special Arts Se­ ton. "We want Interesting things 665-6948. Of the total amount. $17,000 has never seen on public television, will ries to give a presentation of their that stimulate people's minds." USBG: USBG will be sponsoring a Speed Reading Course. For infor­ mation stop by the Breezeway through Oct. 2 or call X3082. 1981 ART FESTIVAL: Applications for the 1981 Art Festival in honor of Homecoming are available at the Art office, room 136, or in the Student Activities office, room 232 of the Student Union. Dead­ FURNITURE SALE line for entries is Oct. 21. UM WOMEN'S SOCCER: Anyone interested in women's soccer USED should meet on Mondays, Wednesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays on the Intramural Field outside 960 at 5:30 p.m. No experience neces­ Beds Desk sary. If interested call Laurie at x45 19 or Diane at x6364. BAPTIST CAMPUS MINISTRY: Friday Nite Live offers a time for Dinettes Lamps singing, entertainment and inspiration every Friday night from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. at the Baptist Student Center. For more informa­ Sofas tion call 667-1066. All Used, All At INFORMATION Huge Savings

CARNI GRAS: Applications for the 1982 Carni Gras Executive Com EVERYTHING, INC. mittee are now available in the Student Activities office, room 232 of the Student Union. Deadline for all applications is Oct. 2. 4551 S.W. 71 Ave., Miami WESTMINISTER FELLOWSHIP: The Westminister Fellowship bar Bring UM ID FOR 10% DISCOUNT b-que at Chaplin Davis' house. 5921 SW 32 St.. will be Oct. 4 at 6 p.m. There will be rides from the Wesley Foundation at 5:30 p.m. SOUTH FLORIDA CHORAL AND CHOWDER SOCIETY UNIN­ CORPORATED: "Sing You Sinners" is now recruiting people who fl_lfc like to sing Bach: J.S. and PDQ, Sundays Oct. 4 and 11 at 6 p.m. at Get into a proud outfit the Wesley Foundation. HOMECOMING PARADE: Applications for entering decorated cars in sprinted the Homecoming Parade are now available in the Homecoming office, that pays off... room 225 of the Student Union. There will be a $5.00 entry fee for v 1 • 10% Off ANYTIME WITH I.D. each car entered. **? SUNSET LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY: LCM is now recruiting folk musi­ with more than a paycheck. cians, singers and dancers weekly on-campus worship celebration on mickprint Sundays at 5:30 p.m. at the Wesley Foundation. • On-the-job training • Regular wage reviews UNITED JEWISH APPEAL: If interested in working on the U.J.A. .765 SUNSET DRIVE • Flexible hours • Advancement opportunities campaign call Lynn at 665-6948. 666-8066 HOLSUM BLDG. • Paid vacations • Free meals and uniforms PRESBYTERIAN STUDENT CLUB: Meetings organized by chaplm will be held Sundays at 7:30 p..m. at the Wesley Founda­ _____ Mi tion. 1210 Stanford Dr. •McDonal TUTORING CENTER: Tutoring is available in most subject areas at the rate of $4.50 per hour or at a group rate of $3 50 per person, at NEW YORK COMES TO MIAMI the Tutoring Center. Dean of Students Office, from 8:30 a.m to 5 The person cutting your hair makes p.m. Call X6120. HILLEL: A kosher meal plan is available at the Hillel, Sunday through aJJ the difference. Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. Those interested should stop by 1100 Stan­ We're from New York where we've ford Dr. by tomorrow. The cost is $10. been cutting hair for top models of leading UM FORUM: Discussion on important issues can be heard every Thursday from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on WVUM 90.5 FM. For partici­ fashion magazines for years. Now we're pation in discussion call X5786. here to do it for you. LIFELINES: Any person or group wishing to take part in LIFELINES should call Amy at X5933 or come by the LIFELINES office in the You can have what they have up Health Center Annex there, down here. HILLEL: Deli dinners -all you can eat- are available every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The cost is $2 50 for affiliates. $3.00 for non-affiliates. Haircuts for men & women R.S.V.P. on Wednesday by noon.665-6948. Also, Israeli Dances are held every Wednesday night 7:30 p.m. The charge is $.50 for affili­ * HIGHLIGHTS * COLOR * 60DYWAVE • FRENCH BRAIDS ates, $1.00 for non affiliates. UM UPDATE is printed as a service to the University and APPLY YOURSELF. Ask our manager its community. Meetings and happenings of interest are he Haircut Co ees-s.... for an application for full or part-time work. posted here for your benefit. Deadlines for publication are McDonald's Tuesday at 3 p.m. for Friday's edition and Friday at 3 7211 SW58CT. Tues.-Sat. 10-6 6150 S. Dixie Hwy. p.m. for Tuesday's edition. South Miami Thurs. 11:30-5 South Miami, FL. ph. 661-7131 Tuesday September 29, 1981 THE MIAMI HURRICANE, Page 3 PBL Prepares For Competition

By MARIA SALAZAR PBL is not only business-orient­ a party for the children at the hos­ three days. News Writer ed; it is also a social and charitable pital, Renick said. "These tests make you think," organization. One of its civic pro­ At this moment the club is not or­ said Renick. "They're not the type Of all nationwide collegiate busi­ jects was to join with Circle K, a ganizing any social entertainment that you can get out of a book. You ness organizations, the largest is campus service organization, to because it wants to build up re­ have to know your stuff pretty well Phi Beta Lambda (PBL). form a baseball team. This team, sources for the next competition, to be able to go through it. These "Phi Beta Lambda is the college Renick said, played against Y-100 Renick said. The local competition tests also emphasize the practical equivalence of the Future Business radio station at Tropical Park, and is open for every member. This first aspect of the business." Leaders of America, " said Steve raised $377 for the Southerland level is "a sort of warm-up for the In last year's state competition. Renick, president of the UM chap­ family. This is the family in which state competition," said Renick. UM students won two first-place ter of PBL. "Our club includes 250,- many members have been struck by "I think we did pretty well last awards, one second-place award, 000 members and has 7000 chap­ cancer. year since we had just reactivated and two third-place awards. ters." These projects are done, accord­ our license on January 28 and the Last year's national competition PBL is not like any other club. It ing to Renick, "because business competitions were on February 7. was held in Chicago. It was five prepares its members through com­ people have a social responsibility We had had no preparation, and we days of tension, written tests, and petition on the local, state, and na­ toward the community as well as a still won five first-place awards." interviews. Titles such as Mr. Fu­ tional levels to develop their skills business responsibility." The state competition, which in­ ture Business Executive and Miss in business in order to reach their PBL's next project, according to cludes all the state chapters com­ Future Business Executive were maximum capacities, Renick said. Renick, will be to raise funds for peting to go to nationals, gets a bit also awarded. Renick said. These competitions test members the Variety Children's Hospital. The tougher. Last year, the state compe­ Two representatives from UM. from all across the country on sub­ plan calls for all of the members to tition, which included multiple Renick and John Dul, finished in jects like business law, business ad­ stand in front of some of Miami's choice and true or false tests, took the top ten in last year's nationals. ministration, economics, and ac­ Publix supermarkets during Christ­ counting. mas and sell letters from Santa "These competitions are initia­ Claus. tions into the business world; we The members of PBL will them­ Program Enables Lawyers call it the competitive edge," said selves write the letters in a special Renick. " No other college organi­ handwriting for the kids. From the zation offers these competitions on money collected through these let­ To Get Economics Degrees such high levels." ters, PBL will also be able to throw From page 1/LAW-EC Federal Trade Commission. Clarkson said that it would be a "In addition, we also have a num­ two-summer program, beginning in ber |of economic institutes] for the 1982, that "allows lawyers, law media, for public interest law firm Council Discusses professors, and anybody with legal attorneys, and for Latin American training to come to the University policy makers, which explain basic of Miami and get an M.A.," in eco­ economics. They are a great help, United Way Campaign nomics. despite their limited length, to these "There is no question," continued people in their respective fields," By TEQUESTA BRYANT Clarkson, "that there is a relatively said Clarkson. Miami Hurricane/STU BAYER News Writer high demand, both in private enter­ Clarkson's goal for the law and prise and in the government, for the Economics Center is to "bring the Someone, it seems, did not like the water fountain The United Way campus fundraising campaign was the subject of last lawyers that have economics train­ educational program into national Wednesday's meeting of the Council of Presidents, representing University ing, and that is the best indication prominence in 1982 and to make ii on the fourth floor of Pearson Hall. This pipe is all organizations and clubs. of the value of this program." essentially the premier organization that remains of the fountain. United Way Campus Coordinator Dr. Sidney Besvinick, vice president Research, however, is also an in- for law and economics in the coun­ for academic affairs, informed the presidents that United Way must sup­ tregal goal of the Center. The facul­ try." port most of its own programs this year because of federal budget cuts. ty recently published a book de­ "All we need." he added, "is the Since many large corporations, including airlines and fast-food chains, are scribing the effect of law and eco­ time and some additional re­ having a rough year, United Way must look to other sources to support it­ nomics on the functioning of the sources." self, Besnivick said. According to Besnivick, UM students and faculty last year raised Ten Finalists Vie close to $1100. Out of funds raised, 87/ of each dollar went to programs and 13/ went to running campaigns and paying administrators, he said. Fellowships Offered Dade County alone has 66 orginizations, from day care centers to sen­ ior citizens programs, supported by the United Way. The campus day care center is supported in part by the United Way. To Minority Students For Miss UM Title Ron Zimmer, student coordinator for the campaign, said he plans to raise money by throwing a party at the Sigma Chi Fraternity House, by J From page 1/MISSUM She sang a classical Italian song collecting money at the Beaumont Theater, and by conducting a mail cam­ Special lo thc Hurricane composed by Salvador Rosa. paign. A poster that boasted "scholar- June Thomson is another transfer Donald Fletcher, president of United Black Students, suggested a Minority students interested in exploring new possibilities of a career hip" sent 17-year-old freshman student who is taking full advan­ penny drive in the Student Union. in health administration may be interested in the Minority Fellowship Pro­ llena Perez on a chase for the honor tage at her title shot. gram in Health Administration. of Miss UM. A native Miamian, the blue-eyed The program is offered by the Institute for Health Administration and "I'd give anything to be the win­ blond beauty said she"wanted to Research, under the direction of Dr. Thomas A. Natiello. Previous place­ ner," Perez said. run, because I thought it would be a Mark Down Homecoming Dales ments in the 12-week program have included Jackson Memorial Hospital. good experience." South Florida Hospital Association. Family Health Planning, Office of What she gave was an outstand­ Night at the Rat, with the band Health Services, and the Dade County Manager's Office. Students are ro­ ing performance of a dramatic mod­ Thomson, a high school actress, Special to the Hurricane did a dramatic interpretation for the "Snapshot,"following the fire­ tated through the facilities to observe and learn about different aspects of ern dance piece that boosted her works. the health field. into the finals. talent part of the contest, and The theme for this year's Home­ though she is new.to the school, she coming is "UM Alive With Spirit." Friday, Oct. 30: Fun Tent, 11 a.m. Applicants need sophomore, junior, or senior standing with strong ac­ Perez is quick to say that win­ made a good enough impression of The schedule of events is as fol­ to 2 p.m., Pep Rally at the Orange ademic backgrounds. Students who are memmbers of the minority classifi­ ning "is not the most important of the judges to remain alive in the lows: Bowl, 7 p.m. cations Black, Indian, Oriental or Spanish Surname are eligible; majors in being in the pageant." The most im­ elusive chase for the UM throne. Sunday, Oct. 25: Sports Recre­ Saturday, Oct.31: Homecoming business or health/science fields are preferred. portant part is in meeting people Game, UM vs. Penn State. 2 p.m.. Thomson said she is already look­ ation/Lifelines. 11:30 a.m.to 4:30 Each fellowship holder will observe and assist approximately 15 and having fun, she said. p.m.; Special Events, 7:30 p.m. Homecoming Dance at the Sheraton hours per week and will receive a stipend. Periodic meetings of the partici­ Twenty-five-year-old Suzanne ing ahead to next month's grand fi­ Bal Harbor, 9 p.m. nale. Monday, Oct. 26: Poster Contest. pants and coordinators are held to discuss the placements, problems, and Burkhalter echoes Perez' senti­ 2:30 p.m.; Opening Ceremonies. The Coca-Cola Company is spon­ opportunities in the health field. Previously, field trips to a health mainte- ments. The brown-haired, blue- "It is very exciting." she said. "I soring the scholarships at this am looking forward towards next 3:30 to 5 p.m.; Miss UM Pageant, 7 nace organization and to the Health Systems Agency of South Florida eyed finalist has an international p.m. to 11 p.m.; Reception at the. year's Miss UM Pageant. A $500 were also part of the program. background, having studied in Eu­ month. We are going to have a good scholarship will be awarded to Miss time even though the schedule is Rathskeller. 11 p.m. Further information and applications can be ..blamed in room 517 of rope and the Pacific. Tuesday, Oct. 27: Blood Drive, UM, $300 to the first runner-up, the School of Business or by calling X2622. Deadline for applications is Oc­ tough." and $200 to the second runner-up. Aptly, her talent number was a The finalists had unanimous 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; House Deco­ tober 10. hula dance, picked up from Hawaii, praise for the judges, who, they rations, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Reception where she lived with her family 15 said, made them feel relaxed. at Hecht Athletic Center, 6 p.m. to 7 years ago. This year's judges were John Sto­ p.m.; Movie ("Happy Birthday To When Barbara Ferreiro set out to fan, of Student Activities; Ronnie Me") on the Patio, 7:30 p.m. find someone to enter the Miss U of Steiglets, of Student Activities; Wednesday, Oct. 28: Blood Drive, m M pageant under the sponsorship of Jerry Ross, a dance instructor and 8:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m.; Fun Tent, 11 the Federation of Cuban Students choreographer; Ralph Clemente, of a.m. to 2 p.m.; Parade, 7 p.m. (FEC), she almost overlooked one of the Communications Department; Thursday, Oct. 29: Blood Drive, In DDDDD the most obvious candidates: her­ Dr. Scott Baldwin, of the Education 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Fun Tent, 11 self. department; and Jerry Huston, of a.m. to 2 p.m.; Pep Rally, Boatburn- the Dean of Students office. ing, and Fireworks, 7 p.m.; Promo As FEC vice president, the 19- year-old beauty said, "I started out looking for girls to join, but all of THE HAIR PLACE the girls I talked to asked me why I Attention: Pre-Meds did not do it. So, finally, I said UNISEX •O.K., 1 will.' " The School of Medicine will send a team of inter­ She impressed the judges enough CREATIVE HAIRSTYLING with a classical jazz dance number viewers to the main campus on Oct. 5, 6, and 7. All from George Gershwin's An Ameri­ students wishing to be interviewed during these three FOR MEN ANO WOMEN can in Paris and her poised during days should schedule an appointment at the premedical the interview earned her a berth in $ 00 $ $ 00 the finals. office, Ashe 325 (284-5176), before Oct. 2. This will GABLES ONE TOWER Sophomore Deborah Fowler, a GUYS 12 GALS 15- 25 transfer student out of Columbus, serve as the official interview for the UM School of SUITE 140 Ohio, said jumped at the chance to Medicine. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 1320 SO. DIXIE HWY. run for the Miss UM title when the ZBT Fraternity asked her to. After Oct. 7, all interviews will be by invitation 665-5349 CORAL GABLES, FL "They asked me and I just said only; applicants will not be able to schedule an inter­ (ACROSS FROM UM) sure," she said. "I did not even OPEN 10-6 think about it." view by request.

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•OK 249132 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI CORAl GABLES FLORIDA 331?4 306 7S4 44CM Dorm Vandals Strike Again

Upon leaving the elevator on the fourth floor of Pear­ son Hall you will most likely notice a blank space adorned by a few rusty pipes where the water fountain used to be. Lying helplessly on- its side underneath the empty space is our old silver friend who cooled us off and quenched our thirsts on many a warm F'lorida day. Why? Why is it necessary to rip a defenseless water fountain out of the wall? Perhaps someone didn't like the taste of the water? For whatever the reasons are, one point is clear: this is a senseless crime, which will cost at least six or seven hundred dollars to remedy. The repairs will take up many hours on the already heavy maintenance schedule, and it will only serve to fur­ ther increase the cost of dorm living. While each year the dorms provide less and less in the way of amenities, crimes of vandalism continue to insure that things will only get worse. *w Item: Eaton. Mahoney and Pearson dorms are all in various states of disrepair, simply because they are old. and there is little money for improvements. The bathrooms are mildew-ridden, the furniture is lumpy, ripped and ancient, while the rooms are virtual ha­ vens for dust collecting and cockroaches. The fixtures are also very old, and many lights do not even work. Cell Theory Put To The Test Admittedly new beds were installed (where needed) two years ago, but the only other improvement (replace­ than Neanderthal. Homo erectus ment of ceiling tiles) was done because asbestos wa.s sus­ To The Editor: We find lhat an organism of could it be considered more rep­ pected. only 100 parts is impossibly tile than ArcheapU'rvx? and even Australopithecus. This would place man back in the The Venetian blinds are musty. Ugly, and generally I would like to comment on simple. Research sponsored by Modern birds don't possess NASA to help astronauts recog­ teeth, but some extinct birds Pliocene epoch, and for practical tough to operate in a good portion of the rooms. some points made in the article purposes eliminate the so-called Windows don't close properly, or lock at all. and in •Bible: A Piece Of Fiction." The nize the simplest forms of life did. Do teeth give birds a reptil­ on other planets has shown thc ian ancestry? Teeth, or lack of evolutionary ancestry. Also con­ light of recent cat burglaries this is an outrage. statement was made that "The sider the little-mentioned fact So let's not even bother talking about amenities, like cell was the product of 500 mil­ simplest type of protein mole­ them, can be found in the entire cule said to be "alive" has a range of the vertebrate subphy- that the Castonedolo. Olmo and carpeting or decent paint and drapes you can live with. lion years of trial and error." Calavaras skulls were identified Let's just concentrate on the essentials. Essentials that will Let's see if something, like this is chain of at least 400 linked lum. amino acids. The DNA gene con­ as modern skulls and yet were never improve because costs are always going up and likely. A surprising note (to the evo­ all found in Pliocene strata. moron students insist on pulling water fountains out of the What is the probability that trolling this would have over lutionists, that is) was made in wall. two or more useful components 1000 nucleotides in a DNA Science Mews, vol.T 12. Sept. 24. Evolutionists are very dis­ Each time a dorm vandal strikes you pay lor it. You can combine to to form a func­ chain. Remember that all of 1977, p. 198. The announcement turbed by the absence of pro- pay for it because you temporarily lose the service of tioning organism? If the number these are made up of chemical was made that an undoubtedly Cambrian fossils, or as stated by whatever he has ruined; you pay for it becuase someone of components in the organisms elements, each of which is a true bird wa.s found in rocks of Dr. Gish in his book Evidence will eventually pick up the tab for the repairs and that will is small a chance association in specific combination of elec­ the same geological period as Against I volution, "It is a great be you when you pay your housing bill next semester. this way has a reasonable possi­ trons, protons, and neutrons. Archueptervx'. According to Pro­ mystery to the evolutionist why This sort of thing, is shameless, especially on a univer­ bility. As you can see the numbers fessor John Ostrum of Yale Uni­ a great diversity of highly de­ sity campus. Fun and games, getting drunk or wasted at a start getting out of hand, and versity, this means that forma­ veloped and complex forms of football game — well, that's one thing. But tearing up the Take three components. yet this is only on a cellular tions much older than those con­ life suddenly (in geological dorms is another. A.B,and C. There are six combi­ level. When we start getting taining Archucpteryx (the Juras­ time) appear in the Cambrian This is not the first vandalism incident. There have nations possible: ABC. ACB, into the complexities and design sic) will have to be searched for rocks without evidence of evo­ been many over the years. In the towers drunk males have BAC. BCA, CAB, CBA. Since it of the brain, eye and organs and the ancestor of birds. So how, lutionary predecessors in rocks been known to urinate in the elevators, while a gaping is assumed that only one of the mechanics of muscles and then, can Archuepteryx he an of earlier age" (p. 39). hole was dug in the wall of Pearson's sixth floor hallway these six will work, there is a bones, well I could easily go on ancestor of birds if birds existed The special creationist has no three years ago for no apparent reason. 1/6 chance of success. to the plant kingdom. Did you at the same time? trouble with this, however, How can we dare to request nicer furnishings lor our The number of components is ever wonder what causes color A great test case for choosing since it agrees completely with dorms if we cannot even respect what is there now? The found by multipling each com­ the creation of the first forms of next time you find yourself complaining about how expen­ ponent in the series. For exam­ life — life in the sea, given in sive dorm life is, and how little it has to offer, why not ple, for three components there Genesis 1:20; and. yes. Cambri­ think about why, The answer will come to you as you step are Ix2x3_fi. six different com­ an animals were all murine in­ off the elevator on the fourth floor of Pearson Hail. binations: :t there are four we vertebrates. So, here we see one have 1x2x3x4=24, twenty-four of the many examples where combinations, and so on. In the fossil record agrees with the mathematics a short way of ex­ biblical record of creation, but pressing such products is the contradicts evolution. Not one STAFF "factorial". For example piece of evidence has been pro­ 1x2x3x4=4! ("four factorial") or duced lo show that thc eleven This newspaper is published semi-weekly during the regular uc 24. identic year. Copyright 1971 by the University of Miami. Copy­ major invertebrate types found right 1968 by the University of Miami's undergraduate Student in the Cambrian period had a Body. This publication is written and edited by undergraduate Factorials become very large common ancestor. If you look students of the University ol Miami. This publication does not as the number of components into the fossil record carefully, necessarily represent the views and opinions of the University's increase. Let's consider an you'll find one thing lhat sticks trustees, faculty, or administration. organism composed of only 100 out like a sore thumb: There are integrated parts. Therefore we no transitional forms und there have 100! or approximately are gaps of billions of years in DEBBIE WILKER ANDREW L. FURGATCH 10E158 (10 to the 158th power) the evolutionary record. Editor-in-Chief Business Manager different ways in which 100 parts can combine. There are some serious con­ tradictions in the evolutionary To get an idea of how large a explanation of the origin of the News Editor Terry Fein number this is, it is approximat­ Associate News Editor John Oudens solar system, such as the fact ed that there are about 10E80 that 98% of the of the solar sys­ Assistant News Editor Martha Martin electrons in an entire universe Editorials Editor Howie Burns trchaeopteryx tem's angular momentum is with a radius of 5 billion light- concentrated in the planets, Assistant Editorials Editor Mariana Perralta years! Entertainment Editor Jason Haikara and how an animal that is cam­ between the evolution and crea­ while 99.8% of its mass is con­ Assistant Entertainment Editor Daisy Olivera Let's assume this represents ouflaged came to get those col­ tion models is found in the ori­ centrated in the sun. Sports Editor Chuck Rabin the number of components ors? gin of flight. In a non-flying ani­ We haven't even scratched Assistant Sports Editor John Hart available for our 100-part As far as Arc/teuop/eryx is mal, almost every structure the surface here, and yet if one Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief Barbara Stevens organism; this means that only concerned, E.C. Olson, an evolu­ would have to change for flight, digs into the evidence of scien­ Photography Editor Mark Cheskin 10E78 such groups of 100 parts tionist and geologist, in his book and it would be easy to detect tific observation (i.e. paleontolo­ Head Copy Editor Charles Lavin these in the fossil record. Also, gy, geology, etc.) one will have Assistant Copy Editor Ana Areces could be formed at any one The Evolution of Life refers to time. But we need 10E158 such Arc-icicpteryx as "reptile-like" flight is supposed to have to move away from evolution Head News Writers Jean Claude de la France. evolved four separate times — Jeremy Lang groups to be sure that one but says that in possession of and towards creation. Head Entertainment Writer . Lou.des Moller, Lane Steinberg works. It is unlikely then that feathers "it shows itself to be a in insects, birds, mammals, and How long did it finally take Head Photographer Stu Bayer one of the 10E78 groups would bird" (p. 182). Paleontologists reptiles (pterosaureses, now ex­ man to accept the fact that the Art Director Josh Hayes be the one needed. now acknowledge that Ar tinct). The evolution of flight is is not flat, that is was not Executive Consultant Ritchie Lucas But say that none of the chaeopteryx was a true bird; it supposed ' to have taken many being held up, that bleeding peo­ 10E78 groups works at first so had wings, it was completely million years and surely would ple was harmful and sometimes Circulation Manager John Nagle assume that they can unlink and feathered and it flew. It was not have left behind innumerable fatal? These were in the Bible Assistant Circulation Manager Lars Schmeckel mix around and try again and halfway between a reptle and a transitional forms. It is, there­ for thousands of years in Isaiah again as long as possible. The bird, it was a bird. The so called fore, interesting to note that 40:20, Job 26:7, and Leviticus Sales Manager Marion Waskover reptile-like features of Archaep nothing even approaching a 17:11, respectively. Classified Ad Manager Jean Claude de la France universe is said to be about 30 billion years old or 10El8 sec­ teryx consist of teeth, vertebrae transitional series has been pro­ It is amazing to me how man Production Manager Debbie Beck duced. With reference to mam­ Asst. Production Manager Mark de la Boston onds. lhat extend out along the tail passes judgement on God and Now assume that combining, and claw-like appendages on the mals, Olson states. "The first the Bible without investigating Senior Advisor Dr. Cyrus Joilivette uncombining, and recombining leading edges of its wings. Ar- evidence of flight in mammals is either! Financial Advisor Raymonde Bilger takes only a bilionth of a sec­ chaeptcryx is believed to have in fully developed bats of the Objections to creationism are Staff Coordinator Arlene Watts ond, that is, a billion or 10E9 been a poor flyer, with a small Eocene epoch" (p. 182). not scientific but philosophical. trials can be made each second. keel or sternum. But, we find As far as Miller's experiment As Dr. Gish states. "I am abso­ WRITERS: Bob Anthony, Elizabeth Babun. Russell Bates, Janet Bohac. Ste­ So even under these incredibly that there is a bird living in is concerned, his apparatus in­ lutely convinced that the reason ven A. Boyer, Julie Faith Cohen, John de Leon, Lourdes Fernandez. Michelle L. generous conditions the maxi­ South America, the hoatzin (Op cluded a trap to separate the the theory of evolution is so Gold, Chris Gonzalez. George Ha|, Sharon Hinson. Laurie Holman, Alan J mum number of trial combina­ isthocomus hoatzin), which in products as soon as they were thoroughly entrenched in the Lipay, Mark Murray. An E. Quirch. Ronnie Ramos. Scott E Rixford, Philippa tions that could be made in 30 the juvenile stages possesses formed, or else they would have thinking of scientists today is Salisbury, Maria Salazar, Charyse Sindler, Trisha Sindler, Elliot Skeete, Sandra billion years is still only 10E78 x two claws; it is also a poor flyer been quickly broken down by not that the evidence is so con­ Smokier, Lane Steinberg, Danny Teinowitz, June Thompson, and Chris 10E9 x 10E18_40fcl05. But re­ with an amazingly small keel. Wuerthner the same conditions which pro­ vincing, but that the materialis­ member we need 10E158 combi­ Also the young of the tornaco duced them. This protection was tic, unbelieving man demands • SALES PERSONNEL: Karen Baust, Lydia Burstein, Jeannie Flynn, Kevin Mc­ nations to be sure one will (Tornaco corynthaix; family Mu not available on primitive earth. naturalistic, materialistic expla­ sophagidac of Africa possess lntyre work; so that the chance that Contrary to popular belief, nation for the origin and diversi­ one of the 10E105 combinations claws and is also a poor flyer. there's a lot of evidence that ty of life. To accept God as Cre­ will work is one in Both of these are unquestiona­ modern man existed side-by- ator would force one to the logi­ TYPISTS: Ana Areces, Barbara Stevens 10E158/10E105 or one in bly 100% bird and yet they pos­ side with his dubious and hypo­ cal conclusion that He also musl 10E53. It is one chance but of a sess two of the characteristics thetical apelike ancestors. be our Lord and Master and that Post Office Box 248132 hundred million billion billion which are used to impute a rep­ Skull 1470 and other artifacts our destiny is in His hands. This University ot Miami billion billion billion. So for tilian ancestry to Arcaeopf.rv.v! found by Richard Leakey date the materialist summarilv re­ Coral Gables Florida 33124 practical purposes there is no By the way. the ostrich has modern man to about 2.5 million jects." three claws on its wings — chance at all! years ago. in other words, older Peter Barcelo, Jr. r Tuesday S_pt(,mb_r 29, 1981 THF. MIAMI HURRICANE. Page 5

The Coach Says Thanks _00« J 1 •'-jiKM"""""''__-.<,,..,.. "'.' I i r . c..«iti I | To The Editor: ing involvement with the de­ represents our whole student fense against Houston played an body. I am proud of the enthusi­ Through our first two close important part in protecting our asm and involvement that you. <-__* home victories over Florida and 12-7 lead. the student body, have all C?-Cr- Houston, our attendance at the During the Mississippi State played in our football turn­ Orange Bowl has grown at a game last year, the student body around at the Universily of record-setting pace. I am was our strongest voice, and Miami. pleased with this happening, but when we returned to the Or­ The football team looks for­ I am particularly proud of our ange Bowl against East Carolina ward to always being a source student body support this sea­ and North Texas State, the stu­ of pride to you as you have been son. dent body was the foundation of to them thus far in the 198 I sea­ The student body, like our support in our drive to the son. football team, never gave up in Peach Bowl. Howard Schnellenberger £_S& either contest and their resound- The University football team (3PE** W IFC Apologizes For Frats AMERICAN SPORTSWEAR INT. To The Editor: We feel that this behavior is ported the university's athletic 2640 S.W. 28th Lane not indicative of the fraternity program. The incident with the Miami, Fl (27th Ave. & U.S. 1) The Interfraternity Council is system and we condemn it. The banners should not overshadow Ph. 858-9630 the governing body of the social fraternity involved has ex­ the temendous spirit that the fraternities on the University of pressed deep regret for its ac­ fraternity system provides, not NOW OPEN!!! Miami campus. As president of tions. Measures have been taken only for the football team, but the Interfraternity Council, I NAME BRAND SPORTSWEAR & to prevent any further incidents. for the entire universitv. SPORTING GOODS, SW1MSUITS, would like to take this opportu­ An investigation by the IFC Ju­ ACTIVE-WEAR SURFER CLOTHES nity to apologize to the entire dicial Board is being conducted. LOWEST PRICES!!! community for the behavior of If guilt is found, appropriate Edward J. Pozzuolo the members who were in­ sanctions will be assessed. President, volved with the obscene ban­ ( 10 /O orr roR STUDENTS WITH I.D.) • • FREE •• Fraternities at the University Interfraternity Council T-SHIRT ners at the Florida-Miami game. of Miami have historically sup­ WITH EVERY 8 PURCHASE ______SAE Responds To Criticism 1 prance • • _• •

To The Editor: our Hurricane colors was treat­ you to attend a Canes game Letters ed to a flying barrage of spoiled against such non-notables as Welcome This is in response to the let­ oranges, ice. and glass bottles. Vanderbilt and E. Carolina to The Miami Hurri.an. welcome fi letters ter concerning the Miami fans' May 1 also point out to some see who supports the team then. on topic, of public interest to the Uni versity and its community All letters behavior at the Miami-Florida of the less observant fans at this Again, we apologize. How­ must be typed and meet our deadlines game on Sept. 9. First, as a year's game that during the tra­ ever, let's not take a poor choice for publication, which are: Tuesday at 'i p.m. for Friday's edition and Friday at 3 member of the SAE fraternity I ditional halftime procession of of words and blow it out of pro­ p.m. for Tuesday's edition. All letters are Holiday Inn would like to apologize to any Greek flags around the Orange portion. subject tn editing to conform to space and style limitations. Letters must bear Presents and all persons who were of­ Bowl, a number of the "mostly David A. Jones the writer's signature and that name must be legibly printed out as well. All LIVE MUSIC!!! fended by the SAE banner. sportsmanlike Florida routers" Recording Secretary published letters will bear the writer's Agreed, we may have gone be­ rushed over the restraining SAE Fraternity name in print. Tues.-Sat. 9-29 — 10-11 MICKEY CARROLL/JEFF KIRK DUO yond the confines of good taste; fence and onto the field accost­ however, our intent wa.s not to ing UM students until the Miami Entertainment Nightly From 9:15 to 12:45 AM embarrass any of the Miami For the best in jazz and popular music in a warm, cozy and Police could herd them back relaxing setting . . just a walk across the street from U of M fans present. into the stands. 1350 South Dixie Highway — Coral Gables I attended last year's Miami- In response to the "childish­ HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? 667-5611 Florida game in Gainesville, and ness and shallowness" of the for doing no more than wearing Greek UM supporters, I invite The University of Miami is seeking persons with high blood pressure Dormitories Need — lower reading up to 115 — who may or may not be on medication A 'Change to be in a research program. All persons will receive a volunteer To The Editor: payment per visit. CALL 547-6831 Why is there no change in the residence halls, specifically 960, 8 AM-4 PM. 1968 and Eaton Hall? Friday at 12 noon I tried to do my wash and could not find a change ma­ chine at any of the dorms that H<_>V Discover the Classifieds worked or had change. Students who are paying for <•*£_*<*£?•<<• the "privilege" of living in the dorms deserve better for their money. Would the administra­ tion please do something about this as soon as possible? Stephen D. Blalock AUTO ALARMS

Drs. Chrycy and Rubin, Optometrists INSTALLED Rivi«ra Theatre Bldg. • BEEPER SYSTEMS 1562 S. Dixie Hwy. • CHAPMAN ALARMS Coral Gables Eyes Examined — Contact Lenses • BMW CUSTOM ALARM SYSTEMS Designer Frames — Sunglasses • 10% DISCOUNT 20% Discount on all Frames with U.M. I.D. WITH UM I.D. Open Evenings — Call for Appt. 665-8114 THE COMMAND PRECISION SECURITY SYSTEMS •••••••••••••••••••••••A-*** 4617 LeJeune Road Coral Gables, Florida 33134 PERFORiV'.ZCE SUPER PIZZERIA m 444-6967 SW (I V • LOOK Famous For Over Stuffed Subs and "PilotJhe pens you r Homemade Pizzas have to hold onto ^NT% NOW DEl,VIRS TO w'th Iwo hands!' Jl \ f UM FREE FROM • .» . ______Rodnev Dnnaertielfl » 11:00 P.M. lo 4 A.M • • Got The Munchies Cnll 448-8576 ••••••••••*••••••••••••*•• f\


UTS, PERMS & COLOR ***_misV<* FOR THE 3* /k//ierwee Ja/o/i "! donl get no respecP i make a deper mis guy's making a withdrawal including my Pilot pen; LOOKSTHA jA(Cfa//ft/?? c> ****** '/a/wa/. fat* It s almost cnminal how people gn lor my Pilot hnelinei Why'' Its line point writes through carbons And Pilot charges only 79' for it People get men hands on it and lorget it s my pen mcuA/mOAC* Acusj/f/fi //>/- /or/ay J I got no pen And no respect1 People go nuts ovei my Pilot Rozot Command IVrfornmngg N€YUS Point too It writes with an extra ar/t'/ic //if/i etna uK>m&i. "'"-'^ tine line Its metal collar helps keep the point trom HAIRSTYUMCFORMENAND WOMEN omg squish \p|Mtintnii ni- -.vi*.Iiihli- Imi noi iprriTi 666-8521 ^ or only 89' they ? PILOT UM < nr al Vii. Hi I «• Jciiiir. ' oral I...I.I.- Vm..i 666-8522 - 1114 South Dixie Highway should buy their own pen and show fine point marker pens Open 7 dn\* i-iilil <»..-• ACROSS FROM U OF MIAMI CAMPUS some respect toi my property M pm I hn.-.l.i* uni I r HI.IV nu_hl mil.I M

By MARK MURRAY engaged in an alleged homosexual handy here and Franken and Davis l-Altertainmenl Writer act. and Davis in bed with someone even used a film chain to add more other than his wife . . . variety to the show. The result was Laughter ruled and Gusman Hall The slides were funny and inno­ a comic coup d'etat which crushed shook with applause when comedi­ vative and they gave the audience any possible chance that someone ans Al Franken and Tom Davis took something to watch besides two would leave the auditorium unhap­ UM by storm Friday night. To say goons under a spotlight. py. that these guys were great is an un­ From politics. Iranken and Davis Al Franken closed the first half derstatement. took us to a Saturday Night Live of the show by introducing Davis as The two veterans of Saturday quiz. This quiz was clever as well An Human Echo,(note the 'An', Night Live added a new dimension as offensive and gave resident Sat­ which Davis said he had to use be­ to stand-up comedy. The often urday Night Live fans a good laugh. cause there was already an 'A' raunchy and sometimes offensive Tail-gating Saturday Night Live, Human Echo). Davis then proceeded material went off with Gusman's the two comedians went on to ex­ to mimic everything Franken said, full house. plain their sexual relations with at the same time Franken said it. The two comedians grew inti­ (iilda Radner. laraine Newman. The audience responded by giv­ mate with the audience and encour­ and . ing the performers a standing ova­ aged crowd participation in the hi­ This time Iranken and Davis tion. After a ten-minute intermis­ larious routines. used a phone to simulate l.arraine sion, the still-hot comic team took Both Al Franken and Tom Davis Newman's voice Again, the comic the stage once again. did their homework. team's use of props added to the en­ They knew a lot about the Uni­ tertainment. This time they conducted an versity of Miami and incorporated As performers. Franken and interview with a drunk who teach­ the Rathskeller and the Gainesville Davis are professional. There was es how to drive while completely rivalry into their let. not one moment during the two- bombed out of his mind. The crowd Al Iranken went as far as to say hour show when the comedians lost ate this up — it's hard to imagine that UM was • school populated contact with the audience. how they could lose with a college mostly by 'rich Jews from New But thc show did have its weak crowd. York and New Jersey who were too points. Then the performers turned the dumb to get into B.U." An interview between an Indian microphone over to the students After one or two tactful je.kes and a redneck w_s tne. verbose, and The subsequent question and an­ about placenta featuring a new the dialogue was poor. swer session had its ups and downs. product lulled Placenta Helper, the They also made se\eral attempts The ups were a result of the humor­ show kicked into second with some at witty, Neil Simon-type comedy. ous and amusing improvisation by Franken and Davis. The downs political sa.ire. These routines didn't go off well Miami llurricane/AMANUA ALCOCK During this political skit, the co­ and Franken and Davis found them­ came from stupid questions asked ..iil-i II .nil Thr It \ il_iilli• medians characterized two oppos­ selves rebounding from situation by ignorant students. ing politicians during a heavy be.ut comedy to slapstick. An extremely witty skit fol­ The two comedians bounced back he's reallv Al Franken was plenty of hand clapping and with an audience-participation skit of mudslinging; here they referred But it was good slapstick lowed, involving an interview with However. Lenny has brain dam­ foot stomping and the comedians to a slide show which showed what Picture per­ an unemployed air-traffic controller involving Lenny Binki. For those received another standing ovation not familiar with Lenny Binki — age and is making a last-chance col­ they were talking about: Franken formed live. The slide show came in turned male prostitute. lege try at being a comedian. Tom before the curtain closed. Davis played guardian angel and This well-paced energetic per­ cheered the audience on so that formance was one of the most suc­ Lenny could be a success. cessful shows ever at UM. Franken and Davis have come a The show closed with Franken long way from Saturday Night Live and Davis dancing on stage with and if they keep up this high-caliber two co-eds to Disc.. Inferno. There work, they will go even further.

Wednesday Night Movie — Free: 'Melvin & Howard?

Special lu lhe llurrii ane

Cinema IV presents Melvin And Howard Wednesdav at 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. The film stars Paul LeMat. Jason Robards. and Mary Steenbergen. The film won Robards a third Oscar nomination (after two wins) for Best Supporting Actor and a Best Supporting Actress Award for Mary Steenbergen. Steenbergen has become one of Hollywood's hottest proper­ ties, because of her brilliant originality. Her previous film highlight was the science-fiction film Time After Time. The film will be presented at the Beaumont Cinema. Melvin and Howard's plot centers on the controversy surrounding Howard Hughes' will and the fight over the remaining millions. Paul l.e Mat previously starred in the classic American Graffiti and Jason Robards won Oscars for both Julia und All the President's Men Melvin and Howard was I largely ignored film, hut the critics rallied around it and created I minor classic. This didn't stop the film from flop­ Hum,urw/M ' HAYH Miumi Hume anel* n HAstH ping .it tIn- box-office. The film, though, is definitely worth seeing, so stop hv tlv sin.ie ni Activities Office Room #232 of ihr Union and leet vour \! I I.ink. | \ ml ii II. i ( ill.sl Hill-- I..Ill Otitis; I )<..*- K'.llllll Jr. I lll|M l si.ll.ll inn lnkels < Tuesday September 29. 1981 THE MIAMI HURRICANE, Page 7 Michael Johnson: Rat Pop Sounds

Special to the Hurricane tion. days during March of 1975 at a Minneapolis stu­ Johnson spent 1966 in Spain, studying at the dio for the regional Sanskrit label. Titled For All The Student Entertainment Committee Conservatory of Liceo in Barcelona with emi­ You Mad Musicians, his second LP was a much (SEC) and the Rathskeller Advisory Board nent classical guitarist Garciano Tarrago (who truer representation of his soft, melodic jazz- (RAB) present Michael Johnson Thursday night died recently) and Tarrago's daughter Renata folk approach, his classical/Flamenco influ­ at 8:00 and 10:30 p.m. Admisssion is free with a (an active and highly respected classical guitar­ ences, and his dexterity with harmonics and UMID. ist in her own right), not so much for classical light percussive effects. The album has been EMI America Records' release of Bluer than influences, but to further develop his technique. very successful in the Midwest, and the expo­ Blue by Michael Johnson — an extremely tal­ During 1967-68 he toured for a year as a sure that followed the album's release greatly ented young singer-guitarist — marked a mile­ member of The (Chad) Mitchell Trio, which increased an already heavy demand for his live stone for all concerned. Johnson, who has then included another aspiring young songwrit­ appearances in the area. earned quite a bit of respect and recognition er and performer, John Denver. Johnson and On his third LP. Ain't Dis Da Life, released throughout the Midwest in the last several Denver wrote a tune titled Circus, which was in 1977, Johnson moved to forge the best as­ years, is poised for a national breakthrough, and recorded both by John Denver and Mary Tra­ pects of his two previous albums together. He it was with a great deal of confidence and dedi­ vers. produced the sessions himself in , and cation that the new label chose his single as its Johnson worked on developing another side this time he added a rhythm section comprised very first release. of his talent when he played a supporting role of players well-known in the Midwest. The Michael Johnson's music has the kind of di­ (the Young Man) in the stage production of Jac­ album solidified his regional fame; he felt confi­ versity, depth and sophistication that takes ques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris dent that the time was right to pursue national years of wide-ranging experience to develop, for five weeks each in New York and Los An­ recognition. and it all started with his natural attraction to geles and a 40-week run in Chicago. During the latter part of 1977, Johnson music during his early childhood. After relocating to Minnesota about 1970, teamed with producers Steve Gibson and Brent Within a short time, Johnson had developed Johnson turned his attention back to performing Maher and travelled to Nashville's Creative a good deal of proficiency with irregular chord and recording his music. He signed a recording Workshop Studios to cut a two-song master, changes, progression, and working out imagina­ deal with Atlanta Records in 1972, and spent which ultimately led to his EMI America Rec­ tive arrangements of other writers' material. several months in New York working on ses­ ords recording contract. At 19, Michael was a sophomore at Colorado sions for his debut album with producers Peter Johnson's manager. Keith Christianson. took State College, majoring in music eduaction. Yarrow and Phil Ramone and a team of well- the completed masters to Los Angeles, where when he won first prize — a single-record rec­ known New York players. The resulting There EMI America's head of A&R Don Grierson ording deal with Epic — in a national contest is a Breeze LP contained a great deal of instru­ heard them. Contracts for a longterm recording sponsored by Columbia records and Chicago mental expertise and showcased his strong bari­ agreement were quickly drawn up and signed, radio station WGN. The Epic single, an original tone vocals, but Johnson felt the album wasn't and EMI America rush-released Johnson's (and tune titled Hills, was released shortly thereafter. as true a reflection of his music as he would the label's) first single. Bluer Than Blue was a and Johnson embarked on extensive tours along have liked. powerful ballad, and hissoulful reading of the the college and club circuits throughout the na­ Johnson self-produced his second LP, in ten lyrics is complemented by full orchestration. Michael Johnson Will Be \l Kat Thursday


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Questionable Calls Hurt Hurricanes Againsi Lonffhorns il\ •_HAI.ll S K.-.WN Seven pla> had ^ni. .9 trenches, it seemed that later in the' game tackle' Alvin Ward " 1 hey had a tough defense, and they '• ards anel I. the' Texas linemen had taken control n! "1 could've done better," .aid Ward "1 were giving us whal we expected, we I'he' big plaj came on a third down and the game Perhaps they were in just a lit­ knew he was going to get past me some' just couldn't make it happen." said Kelly • il \ five situation t!'. nl em their own tle better condition time's and 1 kness I was geeing tn block "You've got to givi them credit, they six yard line Texas quarterback Mclvot On Texas' next series (rum their own him sometimes I think thev overestimat­ were doubling our outside receivers and threw a 58 '..nil '-Hike' t-> Walls who 20 yard line, they went hit yards in seven ed Sims." ii made it tough on us •rful IniMT- made a tremendous juggling catch to sei plays using three minutes and 21 seconds. "I'll tell sou tin- truth I'm huttin all "Alvin Ward did a gn it iob, it was all ,: was listed m up the I exas si on lhe- big play was a Mclvor pass in foi over tonight .hey really did a iob on me team svork." in lhe' countr} mer Texas QB Donnie little lhat had the It was a real tough game ,' s,nri Sims All in all, there were a few question .Hill, b} a • Miami rose to thi Miami secondary totally befuddled Little "We just stuck togethei .end did the able calls by the referees that might have On their next drive Kelly swung a pass swept |5 yards down the lefl sideline t": things we hail to do to win i osl the Hurricanes the game1 to Re tmbled (nr 11 yards the second Texas score. ' llenberger, although not pleased Mi Is or hit a receivei over the middle inior eiuar'. 1 II K 'A itll ,: Ke'lly thru hit Mar's Rush on the right in a last ditch attempt tn come back. with a loss, was pleased with the- pei and the ball apparently bounced oil lhe • • Miami showed signs of formance of his si turf and into the' receivers hands Ihe ref •I the 'Canes sent Lawrence Thompson, da and Hem life probably the teams best athlete, in tn run "I want everyone to know how proud I eree that called the pass complete svas -.. Neal caught a I _ yard sweep ami two back a punt in replace of Fred Marion am of our football leam and the way tla". standing behind the receiver and had no plays late" Isky in the bai k Ihompson fumbled and I exas ran oul played tonight. We're a better team than s icsv to make the call middle nl iln end zone (oi a 32 yard we' were a sear ago and we're going in Another questionable .all came late- in i plion came in ihi iim clock. touchdovs n an.l a 7-7 ss'iu a Ioi of games ibis year with that ih" game when Miami ssas m a punting an attempted pass in I Neal and Griffin saw a lot more action lt wa-. the' fits: touchdown Miami had kind of .ffe.i i ituation from deep in their territory Ap­ "iie' yard line w ihan they had in previous games I • el in more than eight quarters eit "Time ran out on us tonight We |usl parently som ie on the Miami sideline defender backs we're used primarily as receiver! ball I he' ilri\n took eight plays ami weren't able' to overcome h'Xas ami _ made- a remark and Ihe referee tbress- a came - Ne'.ii played well, making several good wenl rite and 50 i inns on swing passes Irom Kelly couple of key situations tlag for misconduct. Greg Labelle seas onds David Deakins caught his firsl two "A loss is nevei good, nevei accept­ lot i ed to punt from tbe end /one' .! into a i nllipl.'Ie passes on iln' varsitj squad, replacing able. Hut it's obvious sci' an' nun b fur­ "1 elon't know ss lm the' iall seas on. hut ghl i e\ r: Roik\ Belk. Deakins played well except ther along ihan a year ago when sen wenl it should've been me When you're fight­ • hi game it was.. leer a dropped pass over the' middle late' in ip ;n Notre- Dame and lost by a big score' ing for your lives, sou just elon't make' a two teams had pro. - the gam.' on a key third down plav We played well against three outstanding i all like- that." said Si hnellenberger teams We ssill continue in get bettei "I've ne-ser seen a Hag thrown nn thr ,; rn ilia! they wet < t '•> i lop defenses llu- game's most interesting match-up 1 (in i mmage. in ihe nation was probabl> pitting All-American Iim • We're going to beat some people up sideline' in a situation like lhai before," he • ii tiring in tlie' man Kenneth Sons againsi freshman ahead," said Schnellenbet said Cheerleaders In Top Shape This Season

Us .IOHN I1AKI and and 1 aurie Win e'li r DEBBIE WILKER Ten of the .sixteen members em the squad .ire' With Hie' rsity of Miami s annus fraternities and sororities nl is lhe primar "ii campus lour nf the men an' brothers ed I ambda ( hi Alpha. "The' Greek ss stem is the base ol Miami student d th d annon i am ' - be held during the firsl wee • (or anyii • .'bt be in- ' ' fnr md I.."'. | • p . the sq : A panel nf five outsid i \ „ o i n - Who are' insnl-e-a m organized ll cheerleading ssiil make the final at '-md Mn' i omnium- inn- lii pii km,' Ih'' fui the Uni- squad < .iris musl wi Iha pounds in oi team This >e ar' '• am looks mot ise- than e\ • All Ihe girls are in I serv --hm and muscular 'Ihr men .ually fit and sir. iring the' ihis:: • Ii IS important tor audient -• appeal - ri al--n ill.. ed looking this \ear 1 he • dan- i ' 11 timed, pull .-\ 1 he i I .A uplift- importantly , this -• _

.ci th. ' bn h ' omen '

• Tli.' Cheerleaders .reii'l Suuttre. Thev re Iriutiulnai Campus Food Can Be Nutritious TKO!!!

'eit portiot ... . • comptt - -I in gn It's Your Body : up again do il on plain Refs Slop Fights i•' . ham am 1 lough, along with maining d sip on a •-. < I To Avert Injuries :.i svh,,,' sou talk. Mosl lursell >¥-. i And I 'i-i a little lis .11 AN ' I Al Dl dc la I KAM I • diet but just All the ' fi tt uthful wil i go when a rel ei I ipped •• ;v match between si,,- knd salad i .'. had a late lui Hearns tu give Ray ihe uncontested all dieters e an take- advanl mt wa» However, don't load up World We-ii." hampionship in las Vega nn a I'KO n .ms peopli • • I angs at 11:15 She saul the rel stopped I he fight to -•• dressing feteria with ' ! ai: I la./ant stopped a lighl i I - hampi­ ' stu k with Italian .: as she onship fighl beween Matthew Saad Muhammad and cha rry Mat and term, i tin to give the champion a TKO victory onci ise who amounts uf | p felt eatli at dv, hn h mis felt thai the 11 | ped in too - or main - ourse would base I i In bi ' in- referees u ,ed gi - . both ded to snaik and Martin were ahead on tht - ed that had If you hase ,i refrigen whili I ate She pi oi eeded In room sou i an i-i .'ii bring your fa­ they would have won the fi • e-rts, numerous roles If tl • h card vorite dressing into thi cafeteria and bul a - alad, and with yo i -. - : . tnrs nexl _ i Sugai I'as maj havi of a 1 hom­ "main i ourse " I irand as Hearns, but a lot "l people seem to forget that his fights base averaged ..md i alorii s. -mids m length : , buttei i and hr. inlimtted imi in .is. portions However don'l rely on [i q herself silly with all (ini , lisi powei • " I he 11 i Man is making nu attempt tn and tlletl .lie .. k '.'. ith hi fateful 1 lib ion i try a Hi emu Ite and 1 7 sei unds left .ii.nl d - • lhal • - Igh lime to potri I permanent and unnecessarv ihe eats . " on a nun him What thing ' Pel ti. ad I'lim h.-el Marlin gioggs ... ith Iwo

• lations tn tin fai ' before Ha_/.ard .tepped ii d stopped thi ' fightei. I ii., not i an d tight In eaflt • arlj that Martin was it is tm - d need a . down.

Di I . " teep the fighl ' M nil iplalllml lg "I 111 .mi!

tr. page 9/ IM> LEFT: UM\ Si womei Refs Slop team, wa: to Ohio this ; end because of c budget Ac- . Harry Mallic Director the could not away gan: football tii - still not pro enough 11 • Spikers' dilemmi common one. budgets ot most teams depend i on our only morn­ ing sport: footbt'i JOu;

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Present . MARGAi per pen worth $1.00 Two Resl Page 10. Tuesday September 29. 1981 THE MIAMI HURRICANE

-t•******************** A********************* ****** Beaumont Schedule

Since i*. 10. the NAACP has stood up for youf right to an education to housing, to 2 3 4 equai treatment under the law it 11 wasn t easy then, and it isn't easy now We've won a lot of battles, but the job's not over yet To keep the fight for rights" alive, we need funds Won't you support us 8 by sending us a contribution today? 9 10 11 Join the NAACP I

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• voutrt Membership i unOer 17 years .4 1 00 Vouth Membership *.i to 50 vears, ,, .2 00 |29 30 31 Senior Memtiership SeniO'Membership * i«t (RISIS Sustaining Membership i tit Membership ^Senior

M*f NAACP, 1790 Broadway, Dept M, New York, N.Y. 10019 NAACP! * * * * * ****** *** ************* ***** 284-4401 Classified Advertising 284-4401

ANNOUNCEMENTS HELP WANTED PERSONALS PERSONALS PERSONALS TYPING Coll A-Ma.ri Counselor experienced in termination Wt have two free dinners to Bogey's Win a Prize from Swensen's or Bagel Em Cindy, TERM AND LAW PAPERS TYPED. Have your rooms cleaned at reasonable clinic. Part time Wednesday and Saturday Barn! Get a ticket from on Angel. porium. Buy a Ticket from an Angel Happy Birthday we love you IBM EXPERIENCED. PROMPTI MRS. raits. 354-7003 6654357 To DAISY, LISA, SUE AND TINA, it Brother Dear Love, GOODMAN, 444-1391 Carpool from >«mbrok« Pinot Music teachers pail time Peano, guitai, was an honor to be able to sponsor you, You made being a big sister a pleasure. M P Staff Fast Service On Typing Term Papers, Re up to 4 days week Call Dave. X-2418 cornel, clarinet also pianist tor musical the "You are all queens in our eyes Thanks for everything #61 sumes, etc , 20 years experience on disser Ent. 20 (UM) or 432-3265 iP.'P). ater group and/or nursery school. Coll Love. Birdleg. You hove the ot my attentions tations, 444-8311 tAsk for Inez). 5957145 The Alpha Sigma Phi Brothers Moke friend m Miami, New York, Wash­ RAHS Buaaby. TERM PAPERS SPECIAL TYPING OFFER! ington. California, anywhere for details COOKS WANTED — ALL SHIFTS Marnonne, How would you like to catch a cloud with Ritchie Dearest FIRST THREE PAGES FREE. CALL s«nd $5 to Amera-Fnend Inc P O Bp« — EARN GOOD MONEY WHILE AT Happy 21st Hope you hove a good one me? After? I could press all your buttons!. Get me the ax!!11 ROBIN 756-8380 OR 232-1782 TO REG 432041 Miami Fl. 33143. SCHOOL. SEE JOHN AT BROTHERS Thanks for being a great fnend Hope you 7 Whyo Cause I'm very sick!' ISTER IN ADVANCE FOR THIS OFFER. like them Daisy Dearest Fost Service On Typing Term Papers. Re TWO, 136th STREET * SOUTH Je .'adore, You are the only one who ton win sumes, etc , 20 years experience on disser- DIXIE HIGHWAY BETWEEN 6 10PM "THE VOICE Canelo Good Luck!!!! totions, 444-8311 (Ask for Inez). Part time ll 5 p.m. secretary in aw office We are fighting our fantasies for Sigma TUTORING Nancy, Deb Attractive, amoral, atheistic, hedonistic, on Brickell Avenue good typing skill and Chi men Hoping you have the best birthday ever. Muffy Dearest l.MCAT - OAT — OCAT sensual, six-foot, 160 pound, single, white, some bookeeping Salary commensurate D.D ond B W rate Sigma "IQ' Maybe this weekend you'll get your nac Eat your meat1!1 PREPARATORY COURSES malt. 41. Harvard J.D., seeks attractive, Call 379-1721 We have got the hots for the hos SHILDON ROSE agreeable female Write PO Box 2115, milk and the cookie boys. Bmky Dearest WANTED Responsible driver 9 a.m to ? Love. EDUCATION CENTER Miomi Beach, Fla Eat your Mutfip-. p.m. to drive handicapped woman to and Dear Honeybuns, Patrice LIVE LECTURES AND/OR JOBS JOBS JOBS from school 5 day. a week $100 ptr Happy 2 years We made >t so for even Sch on on To Deb VIDEOTAPED REVIEWS Meet the nicest people |om our Norrell waak. Must b« strong. Call Fabio or more with Candice and Tigger I have So glad you are back When we con get You ore the greotest dancer. 1550 S Dieeie Hwy. Across from ill* Rive. Staff! We have interesting and rewarding Rohn after 7 p.m 361 6483 some wine Be prepared together so I con we get together 10 I can Love, ItiSchff ero Theater Bldg, Suite 216. Coral Go lobs availoble Experienced mother . helper needed for ? Love sit on your nose Deb. JoJo, Ronnie, bles 661 1523. N. Dade 651 2971. WE NEED YOU: Your Sweetheart small adorable children TWF 4-7 pm Jennifer Earth Wind ond Fire will be excellent • Clerks/Receptionist 2 LSAT — GMAT — GRE local references. Own transportation Here's to Chuck who said "K ind of," and love. Ritchie • Typists Disabled country gentleman seeks periodic PREPARATORY COURSES Please call 665-8478 Claude de la France who's in mind ot • Data Entry transportation to see Beaumont filmi with Judy, Judy, Judy. SHELDON ROSE together and The H_ rncane will keep us • Accounting 10 Key Cooks waitresses, waiters Experi compassionate female Reply to Brian, Thanks for nursing me back to health, it EDUCATIONAL CENTER friends together Talk to us about becoming a Norrell tem­ enced only to apply call or see Richard I840 S.W 2l2th St.. Mtomt Fl. 33187 will never be forgotten Ritchie Thanks you UVE LECTURES AND/OR 1 VIDEOTAPED REVIEWS porary Work where you want when you Kasen 667 4577, Sea Shanty Holiday Innn Win two free dinners to Red Lobster Buy Wayne, too Catering office 1350 S Dixie Hwy . Coral 15S0 S. Dixie Hwy. Across from want! Novor a loo or contract. Stop a raffle ticket from an Angel Your eyes will never change Thanks for love, Cary Grant by and find out more Gables Mon-Fri. between 10 ami p.m UM. Rivlora Thoator lldg.. Suit. being such a great brother Jo Jo, PROFESSIONAl PHOTOGRAPHER SEEKS -16. Coral Gobi*. 661-1333, N. NORRELL SERVICES, INC Let's stick together' LA. ATTRACTIVE MODELS FOR VARIOUS AS The Afnn alienated the ailment Thanks -.a Pod*631-2«71. 1550 Madruga Ave Suite 130 Love ya You Lil' Suter SIGNMENTS, PREVIOUS EXPERIENCF much You will never win as long as I havf (behind the Riviera Theatre Jules 3.TUTORING UNNECESSARY CAU BILL COOKE AI Lishie, hotels on Broadway CALL 446-7100. ALL SUBJECTS - ALL LEVELS 6?454 J" The road to perfection is always full of love Ritchie One of America's largest temporary ser SHELDON ROSE Thank, for everything Babe potholes but together, with patience and vices EDUCATIONAl CENTER LOST AND FOUND Betty, Davis love, we can smooth it out. ROOMMATES "~~* 1330 S. Dix-e Hwy. Across from Typing Professional and Accurate Serv love ya! Found Books, ID'*, drivers licenses, meal ROOMA TE NEEDED UM. Riviera Thoator Sldg., Suit* ice Also transcribing from standard cos Jokte ROOMMATE REFERALS cards, checV books, an infinite amount ol Neat female needed to share 2 bdr apt -16, Coral Gobi.. 661-1323, N. settes. Call Meg ot 666-9842. Miami . olde.. and moil experienced Re. keys etc Pleose come by the Informa Dadeland. 200 per m mth 1 .ill 6o7 8650 INGERSOLL-RAND INTERNATIONAL Dad. 631-3971. eral service. Office across the street from Editing, I.•soarch , general assistance tion desk at the Student Union ext 2318 Is looking for hard working, ambitious Beloved Puppy, campus 595 5867 9 a.m -7 p.m. Member available from professional librarian pub seniors to work part time in the fields ot 4 SPEED READING Lost of pair of glasses Friday 18th in Me I'm sorry I've been neglecting you I miss _of^BB lished writer/ Mensa member Social So Civil and Mechanical Engineering. This can Finish your reading homework In monal Building if found please call Jose spending time with you dearly I |ust want ences, government, law, literature Help be the opportunity for your future. For Raemi for R_nt Fully Air conditioned half th* tim* It lake. now. Call at 598 3692. Thank you. you to know you re always in my with dissertations and graduate protects a more info. Call Bill Estevez at 284-6511 Good meals, reasonable Males only Coll tor Fr** Demon.!ration Leiton. thoughts specialty Also tutoring, typing. Richard Green bag lost a week or two ago with after 9 p.m. 666 196? SHELDON ROSE Rosichan . 576-4783 or 573-1274 — 8 prescription glasses inside which are very Pupita EDUCATIONAL CENTER Charles, a.m. to 9 p.m. everyday. important. Call Juan at 598 1460 or I am looking for the right person who is GABLES WATERWAY 1330 S. Dixio Hwy. Across from Cheese and crackers were lots of fun but 284 3121 or 284 3438 fluent in french to translate several manu UM. Riviara Theoter Sldg., Suit* Legal Secretary available for typing, new­ Elegant 1 bedroom 2 vtnpt from french to engli.h Topics are , you are the one who mode my day Is thu 316, Coral Gablos 661-1323, N. est electronic equipment Sl 35 a page 1 bathroom. Pool, Security, Psychology literature & New Age issues Friday On * Dad* 631-3971. Call Non 595 2109 evenings Pick up PERSONALS Sauna. Peggy, Assoc. If interested please call Tom at 284-4522, Your V IP Accouting 711,600 Tutoring by grad. and delivery Some of the Classified Advertise­ 661-0230 res. John after 1 1 p.m So we can discuss the direc It appears that the Miami Hurricane : ate student/CPA 553-0396 1 rederlck, REALTOR. IMPROVE YOUR GRADES Research cato ment that appear in this section tions ond possibilities Cheerleader have a lizzard on the team MATH PROBLEMS??? Be helped by log — 306 pages - 10 278 topics ar» written by itudents for the Female wanted to share furnished . bed Lifesaving and fir.t aid Sign up for leisure Love. Moth Teacher - AH levels Days eve Rush $1. P.O.Box 25097C Los Angeles amusement aof their friends. Not room house in Kings Creek Call Robin Rec still available Rm 232 Student Union Yo guessed who nengs RESULTS GUARANTEED 90025. [2)3) 4778226 all of meant as statement of 274 1703 661 897? fact, er as serious solicitations. 115 pm costs ore $15 and $10 respec What con you get a person who hos Win a terrific prizes and help out Cystic lively everything' well for $3 a team of Edee s New Haul* for ronf 3/. A/C neat, Fibrosis! Buy raffle tickets from the Angels Princess, storytellers will come to the person of your Monty's Trainer's heat, all appliances. 10 minutes Irom UM in the Breezeway September 29 and 30 There are a lot of stars in Heav­ choice, read a story, and tuck them into Bayshore Restaurant has two free dinners $600 Call 667 4148 or 358 91 18 ond October 1 _Qnly Sl en, but only one Venus graces bed. This is for real Our club needs in the Raw bar' Buy a raffle ticket from the firmament and she outshines money for homecoming. Go ahead, when CAK11. EJ-J _A FOR SALE an Angel. all the rest. As I said,'Once you was the last time you embrossed some TYPING /VV Rabbi. 77. Excellent condition $3,200 have tasted Chateau d'Yquiem, To You Know Who one? Colt Edee ot ext. 2626. TYPING, EXPERT EDITING. IBM Vbrahom 264-3816 no amount of Bouvet can make This guy Vinnie says he is going to breo you forget its bliss. Smart People do know more positions — EQUIPMENT, TERM PAPERS, LAW Chril Evert Autograph T.nnii your foce Get the message? The Prince and find out about what our positions are THESIS, ETC. MRS. HART 448-0308. your^ answer Racket Haedly used, new grip $35 Cal Pooh Bear, on Homecoming, upcoming parties, and i PROFESSIONAL TYPING services. lourdei. 443-0926 Like Two free dinners to TGI Fridays and Thanks tor being my pal You're one of a moonlight encouters. Come to the next i low rates, fast services. Diana 279-6918 to human need 79 VOLVO 242DL Sunroot. automate. two free tickets to any Plitt Theater? Buy a kind (No Comment i HSA meeting Thursday Oct I at 8 pm raffle ticket form an Angel 8000 666-2685. Birdleg. m the Eaton Hall Lounge. Term Papers. Special Typing . Oft.r! To the Future Miss UM Get a free haircut from Rosendo of Mr. Their young faces express both Alia Rom*o Spider Voloc* 1978 Win two free dinners to the Old fiih mar First three pages tree Call Robm Saturday was only the start of something John's of Dadeland See an Angel for a hope and lear Hope that some­ Fully equipped AM FM stereo with ca. ket in the Falls' Buy o ticket from any 756-8380 or 232 1782 to register in od really big ticket how they'll get enough food lo MM decle Air conditioned convertible Angel vance for this offer new top. botery $6 700 Call lourdes You've got the looks, you ve got the survive. Fear that, like To You Know Who CG brains and you sure have the class Expert typing editing, term papers manu 4430926 The Family" is on rampage millions of children around the I give you my love and my best wishes Have a Happy 2 1 ef I Hey you con script. dissertations, thesis, cassettes Chevrolet 1975, Camaro Lt Fully equip Chnsfer get into Fridays too! We love yo' world, they'll.keep going lo bed Editorials Edno- 8547928 / 856-5497, Lone pad Like S250O or olter Coll 446 1502 Its been ten months Thanks tor all the D ond J. hungry, lall ill and die from Fost Service On Typing Term Papers, Re­ Sherry Ulsch: lokes. stones and secrets we ve shored the effects ol malnutrition. SANYO STEREO CASSETTE DECK $80 or Cindy. sumes, etc , 20 years experience on disser Word gets around fast. Can't How bout a game of golf later7 Good btit otter. Coll Joe. 284-4017. To our star RA RA Happy Birthday) tations, 444-6311 (Ask for Inez) wait to see you in a tophat. luck with swim team you re dangerous Your fellow RA RAs 1967 Ford Mus.ong Convertible, must sell ______„ A Supporter when wet1" Typing Professional and Accurate Serv HELP AND HOPE jgMg. All otters considered, very good shape Bill Julie. Love ice Also transcribing from standard cos SINCE 1946 ^"5*-~ 4468837 To a president that's sweet Here's to the Even though it won't be official for anoth Manno settes. Call Meg at 666-9842 1 1 sixth time we meet. Whether you remeber .OR SALE Three year renewable V.I P S er 2 months — Happy birthday Just wait P S Remember me on my birthday Editing, Research . general assistance my name, I'll still say hello the some Our irwmbership in Sodyworkf. This is o re till December come-- . available trom professional librarian pub SWIM TEAM: friendship |ust can't be beat salable con.rac. .hot is no longer ottered Love. lished writer/ Mensa member Social Sci Lane may be cute Signed Please send your For info call 448-4201. evenings Olga ences, government, law literature Help , . but I H take the coach ME^ tax-deductible check today and Honda CM 400 special edition, brand with dissertations and graduate projects a Reward A blonde Mermaid make something good happen. new. 2 helmets 1 pair ot gloves included Tou Kappa Epsilon, specialty Also tutoring, typing Richard For information leading to the conviction Batman $500 down and take over payments Call You are the best group of brothers a little • Rosichan . 576-4783 or 573 1274 8 of the of person or persons stealing stereo fell your Uncle Chorlie from San Francisco Rudy 444-7067 or 324-0968 otte. 6pm sister con ever have am to 9 p m everyday equipment from brown Z 28 parked be the one who wears pants with 13 buttons hind Memorial Building Tuesday after­ love, 1978 Honda 750F new tim new battery and live m bockstreef that I'll be his solvn Legal Secretary available tor typing new noon ' Lit' Suter Bonnie recently tuned up good condition $1,490 lion est electronic equipment $135 a page Call Tom 251 1213 TODAY'S or best otter Call 5950913 or 271-2270. Cynthia Manley Cmdy Gabel, ' Call Non 595-2109 evenings Pick up Happy Birthday and have a great ond delivery 1979 Chevy Blarer Four wheel drive, 4 Chuck Congratulations Daisy Olivera Fire up day" WOMAN speed. 350 cid , powee brakes, AC, 12 You hove a "-ecret admirer One who is m pet ready get psyched up and get the TIRM PAPERS TYPED, EDITED, Love, by 15 .ires, new shocks all around Good love with your pretty long curls, especially frown SPELLING CORRECTED, ACCURATE, when wet Another RA MEDICAL CENTER conditions. $7.000. Coll Jose 551 7638 Love REASONABLE, IBM SELECTRIC. Puppy Love The Brothers of Alpha Sigma Phi Wm records from Viscount Records and 446-2382 1?7 ° Chovy Monza 4 speed AC. tint­ tickets to Dadeland Twin See on Angel ed window, excellent condition low mile SLOW HAND LOVER for a ticket age. $3,900 or besl otter Coll 595-0913 I miss that sweet tender loving I'm yearn BMOCTR, • SAFE SIMPLE or 271 2270 •ng to wrap my long legs around your 7 BIG beautiful body Wanna get i ucky Just let me know when 78 OATSUN 8210 air cond 4 door 4 INTERNATIONAL .HOKTIONS its 10 \r BABY speed 59000 miles. $2,800 255-2328 love & Kisses. evenings, weekends TRAVEL, INC. Your GBM Sweetie • LOV.1ST FEES 7} MG Mldgot convertible $900 LSAT-GMAT-MCAT Steve l!N ARKA er bett after. Call 233-2801. O Airlines Tickets Live Lectures ft/or Video Taped Reviews Thonks for th e shoulde to cry on • Cruises • Tours love yo. SHELDON BOSE ED-CATIONAI CENTER BICYCLE StMe Dor. rj* %OUTH MIA*' Riviera Theatre Bldg. C Gables 1.50 S. DI.-.HA. • 661 '-. Jo Jo Dearest nrar PREGNANCY No Dade .574 i.es 0aer> fld #94! I 1552 So. Dixie Hwy. No wire hangers evei \v**;.-*&* TESTS • TREK 661-1513 wilh imntcdialm results Legal LEGAL Ml I.OIS OXIDE Non-Profit Organization AVAILABLE MIAMI HURRICANE U . Postage *s*:r PAID University of Miami Abortions Miami. Florida Permit Number _J.8 PROBLEMS? P O Box 248132 Dedicated Since 1972 GABLES ONE TOWER Coral Gables, Fla 33124 No Charge for 1st Consultation Call ACROSS FROM U.M. Women's Referral HUTNER & ABRAMSON MPUN FDU_.AT.ONAl i ENTER Group 667-3888 TE.5T PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SlNCt IBM PHONE: Call Days Fves A Wpel>. nd*. For Authorized Use Only Across From Campus DADE 1320 So Dut* Hwv Core) Geblat/MS it" 667-1049 \e.owrd 2741 N 29th Ay . Hollywood/-.. 1-8317 665-4357 4