Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System. ESTTA Tracking number: ESTTA625827 Filing date: 09/08/2014 IN THE PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE BEFORE THE TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD Proceeding 91205893 Party Defendant Li-Wei Chih Correspondence EVE BROWN Address SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL 120 TREMONT STREET BOSTON, MA 02108 UNITED STATES [email protected] Submission Defendant's Notice of Reliance Filer's Name Eve Brown Filer's e-mail [email protected] Signature /Eve Brown/ Date 09/08/2014 Attachments Monster NOR 4.pdf(1169079 bytes ) monsterfishkeepers-com

Petition Closed

with 8,875 supporters 8,875 signatures

Stop Trademark Bullying!

Petition by Nicole Putnam Ocala, FL

Monster Aquaria Network is made up of three aquarium hobby sites and their respective forums:,, and

The Monster Fish Keepers™ Class 38 trademark "M" has been registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since October of 2007. On February 24th, Monster Energy Company sent a cease and desist letter asking that the "M" logo be dropped from clothing, accessories and stickers. Along with advertising, this merchandise is a source of revenue for Monster Aquaria Network which defrays the cost of maintaining the sites.

Monster Energy Company feels that the "M" logo constitutes trademark infringement and would cause customers confusion with their own MONSTER™, MONSTER ENERGY®, and MONSTER “Claw M®” registered trademarks. (It is unlikely that consumers would mistake a brand marketed to the keepers of large fish in specialty online sites and aquarium stores, for a brand marketed to regular customers in sports facilities and typical grocery and retail establishments.)

The cease and desist letter was in response to MFK filing for a Class 25 trademark (clothing, footwear, and headgear). Monster Aquaria Network needs to sell their branded merchandise in order to keep the sites going, but cannot afford to legally battle with Monster Energy Company to secure their right to continue to do so.

The law is on the side of Monster Fish Keepers™ (they already hold a Class 38 trademark on their logo). They are not in competiton with Monster Energy Company in any way. The Monster Aquaria Network sites are a place of learning, and a supportive community of hobbyists and conservationists that deserves to thrive.

Monster Energy Company, please stop your corporate bullying of small businesses and online communities. Please immediately halt your actions against Monster Fish Keepers™!

For more information on how to help, please visit:

To: Monster Energy Company Monster Aquaria Network is made up of three aquarium hobby sites and their respective forums:,, and

The Monster Fish Keepers™ Class 38 trademark "M" has been registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since October of 2007. On February 24th, Monster Energy Company sent a cease and desist letter asking that the "M" logo be dropped from clothing, accessories and stickers.

The cease and desist letter was in response to MFK filing for a Class 25 trademark (clothing, footwear, and headgear). Monster Aquaria Network needs to sell their branded merchandise in order to keep the sites going, but cannot afford to legally battle with Monster Energy Company to secure their right to continue to do so.

The law is on the side of Monster Fish Keepers™ (they already hold a Class 38 trademark on their logo). They are not in competiton with Monster Energy Company in any way. The Monster Aquaria Network sites are a place of learning, and a supportive community of hobbyists and conservationists that deserves to thrive.

Monster Energy Company, please stop your corporate bullying of small businesses and online communities. Please immediately halt your actions against Monster Fish Keepers™!

Sincerely, [Your name] News

Reached 8,000 signatures

1. A global pattern of abuse...

by Nicole Putnam

Petition Organizer

Apparently, even grooming products overseas are not safe from the bullying tactics of Monster Energy:

Check out Rehab London's concise, crystal clear letter to Monster Energy. It is so obvious that these two brands are entirely unrelated, with completely different trademarks. Please show your support of Rehab London (a range of natural men's grooming products in the UK) by using #FighttheMonster to spread awareness!

2. Don't forget to join the Facebook group for the latest updates!

by Nicole Putnam

Petition Organizer

3. What a twist, huh?

by Nicole Putnam Petition Organizer

In an ironic turn of events, the Beastie Boys are suing Monster Energy Co. for using their songs without permission! Let's hope they win in court - it looks like an open and shut case to me.

Reached 7,000 signatures

4. Creeping along...time to sprint ahead!

by Nicole Putnam

Petition Organizer

Hey everyone! Since we doubled our petition's goal, signatures have been accumulating, albeit slowly. Please be sure and share this petition with your online fish friends, and others close to you. Lastly, here is a new article from Tech Dirt...the more press, the better!

P.S. If you get an "insecure content" notification, load it without the insecure content, even though I believe it's just a harmless JavaScript glitch.

Reached 6,000 signatures

5. Redoubling our efforts...literally!

by Nicole Putnam

Petition Organizer

As you have probably noticed, we have increased our target from 5,000 to 10,000 signatures. Why, you may ask? We at MFK realized that the steam had far from run out on this campaign! In fact, things are just starting to get rolling.

Considering our member base at MFK is over 97,000 members (sister site Aquaria Central boasts over 130,000 members) 5,000 signatures would have represented a 3% response rate from MFK alone. Given that this petition is being shared internationally, we realized 10,000 signatures was a much more accurate representation of our global community. To end the petition prematurely would have amounted to denying thousands of people a voice.

Please keep checking Support MFK for updates. On this page, a PayPal link to donate to the Support MonsterFishkeepers legal fund is available, for anyone wishing to contribute. Lawyers are expensive, and their billable hours add up fast. I know that I'm planning on skipping my latte this week and giving $5 to MFK instead.

6. We couldn't have done it without YOU!

by Nicole Putnam

Petition Organizer

As we surpass the 4,000 signature mark, I pause to reflect on all the individuals that made this petition a success. I've had so many Facebook exchanges, email messages, thread posts and private chats with wonderful, dedicated aquarists who feel as strongly about this issue as I feels fantastic to know there are so many of us out there! It affirms what I already knew - quite simply, that fishkeepers are great! Practical Fishkeeping wrote an article about this:

For every person that I've had the opportunity to connect with, I know there are hundreds more who I haven't had a chance to personally thank. So, THANK YOU to all of the club members and officials, activists and international hobbyists who gave this petition worldwide attention. Without your efforts, the word about this campaign would not have spread at the pace that it did!

Lastly, don't forget to bookmark and continue to share the Support MFK link:

Reached 4,000 signatures

7. So, what is it about the word "Monster" anyway?

by Nicole Putnam

Petition Organizer It's just a word...but apparently these fat cat corporations think they can own it. Check out this article about Monster Cable Products Inc.. They apparently hold 70 trademarks on the word monster. "Absurd" is right!

Reached 3,000 signatures

8. Well over 2,000 signatures reached!

by Nicole Putnam

Petition Organizer

Fabulous job, everyone...we are almost at the halfway mark! However, when the petition ends, we don't want Monster executives to think it is the last they've heard of us.

It's time to branch out! Send Tweets to athletes who have sponsored Monster Energy drinks, such as skaters Rob Dyrdek (robdyrdek) and Greg Lutzka (GregLutzka) informing their readers of our situation, with a link to this petition in shortened URL form.

Also, don't forget to boycott the other brands that are under the Hansen's [Monster Energy] umbrella, such as Hansen's Natural (, Peace Tea (, Worx Energy ( and Blue Sky ( This last one is a personal sacrifice for me, since I use their black cherry soda for making cocktails - but no more. Knudsen's Just Black Cherry Juice and seltzer water will have to do it for me from now on!

More details can be found at the link below. Keep up the good work, and know how proud I am of our fishkeeping community!

Reached 2,000 signatures

9. Monster media coverage!

by Nicole Putnam

Petition Organizer The Consumerist mentioned this petition today! It was also mentioned on Tropical Fish Hobbyist's Facebook page (one of a handful of mainstream magazine publications in the aquarium hobby).

This is getting hot and heavy, folks. Please continue to spread the word, we are definitely getting close...beyond 20% of our goal within the first day! Keep up the good work.

Reached 1,000 signatures

10. WordVixen on Squidoo's lens: Monster Energy Drinks Vs The World

by Nicole Putnam

Petition Organizer

Big round of applause, everybody! We are going strong - 400 signatures in less than 24 hours is no small accomplishment. Check out this Squidoo lens, which lines right up with our cause. It will make you cringe...

Reached 250 signatures

11. Apparently, this isn't the first time...

by Nicole Putnam

Petition Organizer

Read about how Monster went after a small Vermont brewery for offering "Vermonster Beer" - and the brewery won!

"...Hansens [makers of Monster Energy Drinks] appears to have contracted with notorious abuser of the trademark system, Continental Enterprises, who likes to send cease-and-desist letters to anyone even mentioning a trademark name. Just recently, beyond the whole Vermonster situation, Hanses -- via CE -- has gone after a beverage review site (which had a negative review of Monster Energy Drink) and an actor who was a movie monster."

Reached 100 signatures Supporters

Reasons for signing

• Brian Moody AUSTIN, TX

This is ludicrous. The logos don't look anything alike, and they aren't selling beverages, they're operating web forums. Monster energy should be ashamed of themselves. You don't own the letter "M" or the word "monster."

• Nicole Putnam OCALA, FL

Monster Energy Company is a behemoth of a beverage corporation bullying a harmless network of fish forums and websites. Fish hobbyists everywhere should boycott Monster drinks! Not only are they wicked bad for you (every part of you, from your teeth down to your intestines) but they are produced by a company that has shown itself to be belligerent and greedy. Drink Red Bull instead...tell Monster where they can stick their soda cans!

• George Cowan SEVERNA PARK, MD

This is just corporate bullying - what you guys don't think the average American is smart enough to tell the difference between a lousy beverage and a fish tank? Hopefully there will be 1000's of us who will never buy your products again if you continue with this stupid suit.

• Pete LoGiudice TERRYTOWN, LA

Member of Monster Aquaria Network sites. Monster Energy thinks that since they have the money they can bully anyone they want to and should be denied this claim, especially because MFK has the registered trademark.

• jeanette clay ELLICOTT CITY, MD

Monster beverage is being a bully. The two entities have nothing in common and any mistake in brand recognition could only benefit the beverage company. Meaning I love the Monster Fish so I would like Monster Energy because of that.


Fish is my pet. I love fish all my life. It's my only hobby. I have been spending thousands of dollars on buying them and caring for them. I have recently found a most useful website,, thats guilding me and assisting me on caring my fish. And now they try to take this website away from me? What the hell? Monster Bev Corp, you're a freaking beverage company. Why do you want to compete with a fish website? Leave us and focus on your competitors like Red Bull and Rockstar! • Brenton Smith TANAH MERAH, AUSTRALIA

I think it is a ridiculous claim that one is anything like the other. It is amazing how corporations like this think everything belongs to them. It is just sheer greed and corporate bullying. The ‘M’s are very different and the products are in no competition to each other. If the Monster Energy company truly think that the ‘M’s used by Monsterfishkeepers and Monster Energy are alike, then they must surely feel that they are themselves in copyright violation too McDonalds, especially considering that McDonalds sell beverages.

Because of this, I will never purchase or drink another beverage made from them again and will urge others too do the same until this ridiculous claim is handled with some sanity and dropped.

• Katherine Murphy LOS ANGELES, CA

Because Monster Bev Corp is being a corporate bully.


Typical corporate crap. MEC should get a life. How pathetic!

• Gretchen Winters LITTLETON, CO

There's nothing I hate more than companies abusing the legal system and innocent smaller companies "just because they can!" I will boycott Monster Energy Drinks and other merchandise from this company. Thanks!

• Jamie Estep AUSTIN, TX

Simply a ridiculous claim against an online community. Futhermore the demand to stop using the word "Monster" entirely, it completely absurd.

• Dakota Cooper INDIANAPOLIS, IN

this is corporate bullying and they shouldn't be able to do this.

• Michael McMichael LOUISVILLE, KY

Because the M's look nothing alike and were talking about Aquatic fish keeping and a drink. Really..

• William Hunt COLUMBUS, OH

I hate corporate shit like this! • Bob Bishop WEST END, NC

This is totally unfounded...the products are not similar at all. Just another company out to steal $'s from someone else.

• asd asdas HOLLYWOOD, CA

I probably drink (or rather drank) more Monster Energy drinks than anyone else I know. No more. I find these actions to be absolutely disgusting.

There are other energy drinks out there that don't bully non-profits. I will stick with them.

• James Vermette SCHENECTADY, NY

It doesn't even look the same and who cares its not like they are selling your drinks. Stop being little bitchs and stop bitching


I have decided to stop buy Monster beverages.

• Monty Fielding CEDAR CITY, UT

Monster Energy is a corporate giant, throwing its weight around for no reason. The logos are not similar. There is absolutely no chance of MonsterFishKeepers benefitting from this imaginary similarity at Monster energy's expense. Monster Energy should be ashamed of itself. From today forward, Rockstar gets my energy drink business.


another big company going after the little guys. How can anyone own the copyright to the word Monster. Oooops thats me getting sued

• Garrett Koci COLUMBUS, OH

Have never had a Monster drink before, and certainly will not have one now. I knew about the fish keeping site long before I ever heard of the drink.

• Josh Thompson COVINGTON, KY

corporate bullying has to stop.

• Blake Howland GRAND PRAIRIE, TX

Pointless Lawsuits should be stopped and this makes no sense. • Mary Fetters

Are bthey going to sue River Monsters or monster Fish on the National Geographic Channel too?? This is a joke!!!!!!!!!!!

• Chris Hartmann GAINESVILLE, FL

This is a blatant and frivolous case of bullying.

• Chris Stock MOLINE, IL

you are a bully leave them alone.

• Hernán Cordero HEREDIA, COSTA RICA

Its absourd they confuse the a forum of fish keepers and a energy drink


Given an opportunity to be the "better" company in a society in which values are declining, you have failed. Monster Energy Company's tactics are shameful - embarrassing even. Seriously: shame on you.

You've just lost a long-time customer. Me, today; how many more tomorrow?

• Lauren Brooks MONTEVALLO, AL

As an enthusiast of large fish and a person who works 12 hour days and thus requires many energy drinks, I WILL NOT be drinking Monster beverages until they drop this ridiculous lawsuit.

• Anthony Perry PORTLAND, OR

These are clearly not similar in appearances. Monster Fish Keepers have also been around a lot longer.


This lawsuit is absurd. Monster Fish Keepers is a small site for a niche audience and shares nothing in common with the consumer base of Monster energy drink. By attacking this small hobbyist forum, Monster Energy looks like a villain in the eye of the public right now and has definitely lost me as a customer.

• Kara Lindelof TOLEDO, OH You can't own the letter M or the word Monster. This is absolutely ridiculous. McDonald's also uses an "M", are you going to go after them too? There is no chance of confusion and the aquaria site poses zero threat to you.

• Chris craw CLINTON, UT

Has nothing to do with each other!

• Charles Reid MEDFORD, OH

Sell the Monster Fish logo to a royalty company of your origination. Fund the company through group sharing. Sue back for their infringement.

• Matthew Emerson LINCOLN, CA

MFK is in no way competing with Monster Energy. Why they are starting this quarrel with a small business is beyond me, and i have lost my respect for the company, and will never again be buying their products.

• Bryan Campbell AVON, NY

I am a huge supporter and member on MFK.

• Eric Oslund WATERFORD, MI

When a not for profit is attacked by a major corporation for damages that aren't even real and trademark that clearly isn't going to be "confused" by the public then to me it is just gross use of corporate power to bully which I detest. Why doesn't Monster drinks go after the real villains instead of squashing people who pose no real threat?


i keep monster fish

• James Pollard DE KALB, TX

I'm a fish keeper

• Cal Kirchner REDFORD TWP, MI

we abhor the forces of oligarchal collectivism w/their hatchet men, thugs, brigands & dacoits.


• Dennis Ballard WESTLAND, MI

Corporate bullying. Love the hobby

• Rocio Davila BAYTOWN, TX

The monster energy drink triggered my father's diabetes, I will go against it win or loose.

• Victoria Workstus KINGSTON, NY

I've been a part of the MFK website for a while now because we own Oscars. It's really disappointing to see my favorite energy drink bullying my favorite online community over a freakin' letter....Seriously? Are you Apple? Get over it.


MFK is an institution to fish lovers!

• Sherry Garrett DANSVILLE, MI

Monster Beverage Corp I will no longer purchase your products. You have lost me as a customer because of your greed.

• Ken Martin DENVER, CO

I love this hobby and energy hikes kill it. We raise awareness of corals, ecosystems, and have grow reproduce things that are disappearing due to global warming (such as rare corals).

• benjamin chu QUINCY, MA

keeps my fish alive

• Jared Graham SALEM, OR

Corporate American stepping on the little guy is never a good thing. This is a frivolous issue and unnecessary, the logos are distinctively different. Reminds me of VISA closing down a website called VisaTravel - ridiculous.

• Fredrick Albury VISTA, CA MONSTERFISHKEEPERS is a GREAT resource of aquatic enthusiasts throughtout the USA. When I think of them I dont refrence MONSTER ENERGY drinks. Theres plenty of room at the table. Corporate Greed is at the helm of this.

• Susan Peterson CLIFTON, VA

no competition to the big company, do n t let them bully the small companies because they do not have the big funding that they do. Its not fail.

• James Cooper DUNCANNON, PA

wtf are they suing for??? a small resemblance???wow..grow up

• joshua brown SCHENECTADY, NY

monster fish keepers has been an extremely important part in the role of safe fish keeping and protection of aquatic animals. i support MFK fully!!!

• Kennylee Beeks LUBBOCK, TX

Monster Energy Company is trying to copyright the letter "M", by saying our logo in any way represents the same thing. They're nothing alike except that both use the letter "M" which cannot be copyrighted. This is a frivolous lawsuit!

• Christopher Page HEMET, CA

I am an avid monster drinker, but this is a shot at the little guy. its hard to confuse a website, with a can in my opinion this is obserd.


This is just stupid! How are giant fish tanks and an energy drink related? Are the lawyers THAT bored? Why don't you go sue Mcdonalds for having an M? Or No, instead you go after a fish forum.... huh? thats really really lame.


You really think people are going to confuse FISHKEEPING with your stupid energy drinks? Or that you get to have a monopoly on the letter M?


I find it silly anyone figures they can trade mark a letter. Whats next, trade mark a colour?

• matt concannon COLUMBIA, MO This is outrageous corporate bullying; it should not be tolerated.

• corey riccardi WELLINGTON, FL

i love monster fish keepers

• Adrian Camilleri TARXIEN, MALTA

The logo is clearly not copied, might as well sue Mac Donalds cause they have an M in their logo!

• Marilyn Brinker CANYON LAKE, TX

It's not fair!

• Charlie Smith VICTORIA, TX


• Brad flowers GUN BARREL CITY, TX

The logos look noting alike

• ezra rosenbluth , NY

there is no connection of the two groups! Monster Energy only wants propaganda for them.....

• John Carmean BLAINE, MN

Monster Aquaria Network brings aquatic hobbyists together to support one another in their hobby. Please keep this going.


I believe that MFK logo is completely different


Too many people pick on the little guy. There is no way the 'M' can be seen as the Monster Energy drink logo. Can anyone explain why there has been no 'Cease and desist' put to 'Monster cock destroys neighbours daughter'? Could it in fact be that it is because the porn industry is bigger than an energy drink logo and name?

• Fachri ahmad BANDUNG, INDONESIA stop bullying little business

• David Millican BUFFALO, WY

There is a definite need for the protection of intellectual properties in this nation. But it is corporate actions like this that make it so hard to support copyright laws when they abuse them. They make all those who are trying to legitimately protect something look greedy.



• Scott Cowden INDIANAPOLIS, IN has absolutely nothing to do with being "Monster" It's obviously not the "Monster sponsored fish keepers". We keep Monster fish. Does lady gaga get sued by monster for saying her fans are her "Little Monsters"? Nope... This is just stupid.

• christopher scarber NORTH VERNON, IN

there are thousands of organizations with an M as a logo. What about the Mariners, Marlims and Minnesota Twins. They were around bfoe Monster Energy Drinks. Maybe MLB should sue them

• Scott Huff GREENWOOD, IN

This is a frivolous lawsuit and someone needs to step up for "the little guy" in this case.

• robin street INDIANAPOLIS, IN

because it not right

• Alejandro Rodriguez TENOCHTITLAN, MEXICO

because monster tastes like monkey piss

• devon jinks FLAMINGO CRES., CANADA

Why is this important to you? (Optional)They are not in competiton with Monster Energy Company in any way. The Monster Aquaria Network sites are a place of learning, and a supportive community of hobbyists and conservationists that deserves to thrive


It is completely different. • Marvin Chang WEST JAKARTA, INDONESIA


• christian olson ROSAMOND, CA

it's not particularly important to me, but it is ridiculous for a company to try to monopolize the letter M.


MFK is a great organization, and the logo suits perfectly the forum concept and topics. It has not connection with the energy drink brand, I dont consider them enemies but they are acting like fools.

• Richard Bou LOS ANGELES, CA

We need this forum to keep each other for new information and keep the fish hobby alive

• Daniel Walker , MD

I love monster fish keepers and I am a monster fish keeper.

• Brandon Heckenlively WATERLOO, IA

My main hobby is fish keeping and MFK is my go-to website for big fish. While I adore Monster Energy, there has to be a middle ground.

• Scott Vanderfleet TORONTO, CANADA

I own a small business and I sympathize with MFK. Bullying isn't tolerated in schools or the workplace. Back off Monster Drink! I think I will boycott all their product from this day forward until they stop the bullying

• facundo acuña ARGENTINA

because im a monsterfihkeeper and none energy drink will impede that

• jesse kula BISMARCK, ND

every one needs to put there nose on there face and get along

• Danny Martinez CRESTON, CA

Not only is this morally wrong, it is just ridiculous. • Courtney Smith HOWELL, MI

My older sister who has Autism is a very frequent user of MFK and has basically dedicated her entire life to keeping fish and loves every second of it. It's her passion and for someone with autism who has great trouble making friends who are her age, it's pretty much all she has besides her family. Because this cause means so much to her, it means a lot to me. Put an end to this bullying and bullying around the world!!


I love MFK and the DIY threads

• Scott Born FARGO, ND

I use this forum to talk about fish not energy drinks

• Ronald Burruss LOUISVILLE, KY

member, monster drink love but i'll change back to rockstar if they continue. and will nevr get my business again

• Nicholas Wood RUSTON, LA

I am a MFK member. I was a member before monster energy drink was known to me. It is not possible for our logo to be based on the energy drink. Our logo is unique and is ours to keep. Monster Energy drink should recognize and respect this. What can a fish forum do to harm the reputation of an energy drink that an energy drink wouldn't have done to itself first? e.g.: Name claim an organization because you like their logo...

• Brent Heritier WARREN, MI

I enjoy the Monster Fish Keepers website. I'm really not even sure what Monster Energy drinks hope to gain from this.


I like Monster Fish. I hate Trademark Bullies.

• Peter Lindgren BARRINGTON, IL

I am an avid aquarist, and am a member of mkf and aquaria central.

• Chris Schirra CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH Why does Monster feel the need to pick on smaller companies. Everyone knows who they are and what their logo looks like. Monster Fish Keepers has been around a while. I did not realize you could trademark one of the letters of the alphabet.

• Eric Hall UNION, OH

they are picking on the little guy!

• julie probst LOCK HAVEN, PA

because this website is a family and a home. there is no reason to require them to change, they don't look alike, or perpetrate to be anything related to or affiliated with moster energy drink. monster has been used to describe many things, it is not original to or made up by monster energy drink, ii find it ridiculous, that moster energy feels it can trade mark a word, that has been in the English language longer than they have been a company!

• Ryan brannon ROCKY MOUNT, NC

because big companys should not be sueing little ones just for having a name the same as theirs ... it makes me sick that monster energy drink company has tried to sue a FISH FORUM ABOUT BIG FISH


This site has nothing to do with you. If you were clever (and a good corporate citizen!) you'd figure out a promotional tie-in with the thousands of us who belong here!


To say no to this lowlife greedy dumass moneymaking purposed madness

• Ariana Stephen EAST QUOGUE, NY

I love Aquaria Central and will always support them!


Its stupid the logos don't even look the same , and monster drinks horrible anyway !

• Taylor Mckay BATON ROUGE, LA

MFK is my life. I love it. I believe that no one who is an inteligent member of the MFK society, or anywhere to be honest, would mix these logos up.



• Conway Stevens WELLINGTON, CO

Im a member of Monster Fish keepers. Its a site where tons of great people involved in a great hobby share information and help each other learn and grow. Its a productive environment. To have a corporation come in and squash all that over a letter is completely greedy and crazy. To think that you can own a letter in the alphabet is absolutly silly. Next thing you know they will be charging or suing kindergarteners for using the letter M in their classes. What ever happened to good old comon sense. And for Monster Energy drinks, Im an Energy drink consumer. I have voted with my dollars an no longer buy your products or anything related to your products. I spend on average a year roughly a $1,000 dollars on your product. But no more. Im also informing end education my friends and other people I know to stop buying your products. People that spend like I do.

• Paul Kline CARMEL, IN

I use mkf and I Iove it

• Mike Augustine MERCED, CA

MFK was the first fish-related forum I ever joined and only one I enjoy following. I used to buy Monster energy drinks on a daily basis but haven't purchased one since this obscure suit was filed and will not do so unless it is dropped.

• Jared McManus MARIETTA, GA

I use MonsterFishKeepers to connect with other fish lovers and to get and give advice to and from others.

• Stephen Sacia TREMPEALEAU, WI

Avid fish keeper... infantry veteran... disapprove of bullying


The logos are not the same. Are they going to sue logitec since they make keyboards with the letter M on it? One is obviously a claw mark and the other a Devil and tail.

• Mark Nicklas MANASSAS, VA

I was never confused by the M for Monster Fishkeepers and Monster Energy, they aren't even in the same market. Monster Energy needs to be stopped bullying everyone because they have a M in their Logo. They don't even look close to the same other than 3 lines going down. They need to be stopped. I never tried the drinks and never will and I am telling anyone I know that does to stop drinking it and sign the petition!!!


We must stand up against corporate bullying. This should not be tolerated.

• james min LONG ISLAND CITY, NY

i just joined Aquaria Central, and the need to know more about what to us in the hobby costs a lot of money... but it also takes a lot of time... (and quite a few Monster energy drinks...) (love the green) but regarding clothing, i'd be nice to wear something from both MFK and Monster Energy, as i'll likely be using help and products from both at the same time.

Monster Energy, you shouldn't sue MFK, you should support and sponsor them at local Conventions! you'd be surprised to find out how many customers Monster Energy has in the aquarium hobby! all things to generate revenue!

So instead of suing MFK, you should re-invest that money into a series of ad campaigns at AQ Conventions, to draw a loyal customer base... Aquarium hobbyists are loyal to things, more so than regular customers if you think about it. We sit around and watch "fish"... think about it please!

• Aurora Aquatics FORT MYERS, FL

The trademarks look COMPLETELY different! Support Monster Aquaria Network! Monster fish are better than Monster drinks!

• devon arden CROFTON BC, CANADA

cuz owns all they fuckin want ..leave us alone and go do something worth doin... hey monster energy ..why dont u get a real job and stop bein a cunt for a living

• Leigha Sweiger WOOSTER, OH

I use MonsterAquariaNetwork forums


total corporate over reaction

• Kim Martin CALGARY, CANADA This is a silly and frivolous lawsuit, if anything Monster energy should have become a sponsor of Monster fish keepers

• Christopher Bennetts AUSTRALIA

Because it is stupid how can you mistake these brands!


Monster needs to leave the little guys along and go about their buisness, as a registered user of, I will never purchase another monster product due to the way i see them conducting buisness...Monster if you want to pick on someone, I see at least 5 McDonalds Arches a day on my way to and from work, Go try and sue them and see what happens

• Derek Docktor WEST FARGO, ND

Fish Rock!

• Johnathan Tan Zhi Hao JOHOR, MALAYSIA


• Eric Adams BELLEVUE, NE

Sick of companies thinking they own everything

• Logan Welch MEMPHIS, TN

Monster fish networks is an invaluable source of information and an irreplaceable network of fellow hobbyists. What monster energy drinks is doing is wrong. If i am not able to continue using Monster aquaria networks because of them, i will never buy a monster energy product again. For the record, i have never once confused the two names and labels. Ever.

• Khalan Wheeler FREMONT, OH

I am a fish and aquatic plant hobbyist. Does Monster want to go ahead and sue for the letters "o-n-s-t-e-r" as well?

• Megan Grigsby CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA

Two totally different industries. Monster Energy Co. needs to stop the corporate bullying.

• Spencer Sprague CHANDLER, AZ all this is is monster energy being a lazy f**k and suing MonsterFishKeepers just for money so tell monster energy that they can kiss my a*s


Its not right!

• Jeffery Manser WILMINGTON, OH

The word "Monster" has been used in product labels predating even your company. As stated in your add for Peace Tea- "Give Peace A Chance" - I supposed your company coined this phrase as well and will sue anyone who uses it in their adds. Shame on you...John Lennon is probably rolling over in his grave, because you no nothing of peace but rather greed is your religion- I genuinely request that you cease in this frivolous act. Your company is in my sincere prayers. Please reconsider the unilateral harm your are about to commit toward a company which is neither competing nor harming the viability of your company. If the CEO of this company possesses any innate commonsense, He/She will end this legal action...again please.

• Michael Mix BERWYN, IL

I feel quite sorry for the individuals at Monster Energy Company who unlike the general public cannot discern the difference between Aquaria and their energy drink. Please don't drink the fish. Perhaps their money would be better spent on self education or treatment instead of malicious lawsuits.

• Travis van Bibber CLAREMONT, CA

I have been a member of various aquatic forums for years, includng monster fish keepers. Their logo is both artistc, and unique. I have also been a fan of monster energy drinks, and have partcipated in some of their programs (send in pop tabs, get free stuff) I will no longer drink monster energy drinks until they back off from my favorite fish forum.

• James Higdon ELMENDORF, TX

Great site full of useful info and people.

• James Beck MEDFORD, OR

Monster Energy does not own the letter M or the word 'Monster"!

• boby oye INDONESIA

MFK is the place to learn how breed fish, so the fish will not rare

• Hitendra Verma WYLIE, TX This is another case of bullying by a big corporation which I do not approve!!

• Justin Nathan REGINA, CANADA

Have been a follower of since 2008. I used to reside in another country back then, and I have been a follower since.

• Matt Hirsch GRAND RAPIDS, MI

Don't approve of this

• Blong Lee OSHKOSH, WI

To help Aquariacentral and

• Tess Stephena WHITBY, CANADA

On principle alone, this is ridiculous. Let MFK keep their logo which is COMPLETELY unlike Monster's

• monty potter AUSTIN, TX

fish people have rights too

• David Wells LIVONIA, MI

because I am a fish lover and trademark bullying is uncalled for


I love fish.

• brad henderson SEASIDE, CA

i am an avid aquarium hobbiest. monster energy is attacking my hobby because they have decided that i am not smart enough to tell the difference between monster energy and monsterfishkeepers. i find this quite offensive.

• Cory Borkowski SUPERIOR, WI

Fish Hobbyist and Energy Drinks are different if you can't tell the difference something is wrong.

• Lewis Batohie SAN ANTONIO, TX

the logos don't look the same • Malcolm Scurrah ABBOTSFORD, CANADA

Just the idea of the bully thing , more $ etc little guy etc

• Terry Carter WHEATON, IL

I am a fish keeper.I think energy drinks are worse for you than keeping aquariums!

Leave MonsterFishKeepers alone please.



The principle.

• Aaron Nicholson ANCHORAGE, AK

really, copyright a letter?

• richard walsh KUNKLETOWN, PA

the logos don't even look alike. and even if it did, if MFK registered it first then monster should be the one that drops their logo. also if MFK has registered this first then they should be protected by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office from any law suits. also, it's the art of a logo that's patented not the letter. you can't patent a letter...

• vince osadchuck CALGARY, CANADA

corporate bullying is still bullying!! I am boycotting this product

• Ernesto Patacsil Jr. STOCKTON, CA

They are 2 completely different non-competing companies. I also dislike energy drinks. Why bother a small website only fish enthusiasts know about ?

• Sharon B LOVELL, WY

Its a bunch of bull crap!!!!

• anthony neglia STATEN ISLAND, NY

big fan of monsterkeeper

• Josh Holmes STROUDSBURG, PA As a Designer who is Experienced with branding and logos.....You simply cannot Claim stakes to a letter. It is clearly noticeable as a different brand and there would never be any confusion between the two, aside from being two EXTREMELY different markets!!! I could most definitely find at least 50 other establishments that use an "M" for their branding!!!!! So should all of those companies be sued!!!!! This petty Crap needs to stop between companies, especially when they are on complete opposite spectrums of the market


Everyone knows Monster (energy). They need to relax.

• Austin Hurt CARY, NC

Corporations aren't people, nor do they serve the interests of people.

• Sara Tomeo KALAMAZOO, MI

Small business supporter, outdoorsman, and passionate about design

• Joe kelly ELMHURST, IL

Beyond my use of the website the corporate bullying for financial gain not related to their actual business is an epidemic in america.

• Jonathan Klaes GUTTENBERG, IA

I keep fishand am a member of MFK.

• Neel Patel CORONA, CA

Monster has no case, they do not own the word monster and the logo looks nothing alike.

• Daniel Zuchegna ENFIELD, CT

This is a ridiculous lawsuit and prime example of a large corporation bullying a small and completely unrelated company over semantics. As an avid snowboarder & mountain biker I will spread the word for as many action sports enthusiasts as possible to boycott Monster Energy products for this unethical behaviour. As an advanced fishkeeper, I have found very valuable information at and the other related forums. I used to like Monster Energy drinks but this ridiculous and damaging suit leaves a bad taste in my mouth. There are many other brands of energy drink out there and they have now won my business and the business of many others for the poor behaviour of this company. Stop the madness!

• lloyd Baker TACOMA, WA i use this site to answer numerous aquarium questions. I really don't believe that monster energy drink corp. actually created the word "monster". as it was in the websters dictionary long before the energy drink was ever created!!!

• William Hernandez WESLEY CHAPEL, FL

Although I love both parties, It's very selfish and ludacris to sue another company for such childish reasons such as a symbol or word. They are two totally different symbols, with the only characteristic of being a letter "M".


Will never buy monster again until the ridiculous lawsuits are over

• Clifford Kinsman HELENA, MT

It is simply silly to think that they could sue for a version of the letter "M" that looks nothing like their logo. Monsterfishkeepers does not target people based on what they drink. The word monster should be able to be used freely as it is a word that has been in use in various forms for thousands of years. Will the Monster bev corp go after every entity that has ever used the word monster? Or will they set a precedence that will allow companys with a similar name to come sue them for copyright infringement? It makes no sense at all and in the case that they do win they would set themselves up to be sued by other corporations that outdate Monster Inc. What about popular television shows using the word monster? Will they sue Disney and as well? What about the website "The Word Monster"? Surely if they succeed in this bullying tactic with MFK there is nothing to stop them from bullying any company that uses the Letter "M" or the word "Monster". What about all the unknowing people that use the word "monster" or letter 'M" on places like youtube? Will they too get sued? Monster Energy does not own the English language last time I checked!!! I have been a member of MFK since 2005. I have yet to see a post where they have targeted someone based on them drinking this garbage.

• Britton Schulmeister MATAWAN, NJ

Another pointless, unfounded lawsuit. Pretty soon we will all have to stop using the letter M or saying the word monster without paying a fee if they succeed.


I like David more than Goliath!


because a big company with endless funds is stomping on the little guy who they know cannot afford to fight them in court .i think it is disgusting of them to be doing this to someone who cant fight back • Kevin Hopkins PENN LAIRD, VA

I am an aquatic enthusiast


Because Monster Energy company is a bully.

• cody willey ENID, OK

Monster Energy is just trying to push around their corporate power. the two symbols arent even closely related, and monster fish keepers is in no way, shape, or form in competition or a threat with Monster Energy. And this is America, why should one company have the sole use and rights to a single letter of the alphabet?

• Heather Williams VILLA RIDGE, MO

This is bullying, plain and simple. The logos look nothing alike and are not even in the same industry! Get a life Monster Energy!

• steven petrihos COLUMBUS, NE

MFK all day. There's no reason that Monster Energy Drinks should be able own that word or rights to it. Don't get me wrong, I do drink Rehab Lemonade. But really, all that's going to do is kill me in the end. Atleast the good folks of the Monster Aquaria family are out to share knowledge and past experiences.

• Michael Richardson DENVER, CO

Because I've been using the MonsterFishKeepers network of websites for over 10 years, and fully support

• Timothy Gordon OMAHA, NE

MFK is one of my favorite site, been using it much longer than I've been drinking monster drinks.

• jesse hoffner LAKE CHARLES, LA

No one with any common sense would confuse the two. I drink Monster Energy products frequently and never did the two Ms ever make me think of the other. I will no longer buy or recommend Monster Energy products. Im on your side 100% and Im not even a member; just a hobbiest. Good luck!!!

• Jordan Benson WINONA, MN I am boycotting all Monster Energy brand's products until the company forfeits the legal battle.


because the logos look completely different.

• stephen carter MILLSTADT, IL

I have been a member of this site since the month it was opened. I have learned a lot about my hobby and i support MFK 100%


It's ridiculous to even think Monster Energy can get away with this. Corporate bullying at its prime.

• Jack Myers MILAN, IN

MONSTER, McDonalds both seem to think because they trade marked a word. They have a right to bully anyone using that word. I Just do not see what the two have in common.

• Thomas Manggie KUCHING, MALAYSIA

Member of Monster Aquaria Network sites.

"They are not in competiton with Monster Energy Company in any way. The Monster Aquaria Network sites are a place of learning, and a supportive community of hobbyists and conservationists that deserves to thrive."

• mike gavigan ROCKLEDGE, FL

I support monster fish keeper

• Daniel Borger LEHIGHTON, PA

People shouldn't be able to trademark the letter "M". The two logos look nothing alike and the idea that a fish keeping sight is violating an energy drinks patent is ludicrous.


If Monster energy company has customers that are unable to tell the clear difference between these two distinct logos, I suggest that they target a more intelligent clientèle.

• Dustin Clish ROUND ROCK, TX The M logos don't look at all the same. This is a big case of bullying.

• David Sugono INDONESIA

Bcoz is important to me.


MFK has continually provided vital information on keeping my fish healthy without ever hinting at stealing from "Monster's" physique. Screw corporate takeover and more power to helpful, legitimate forums!


Being a MFK member AND an avid Monster Energy drinker (seriously, one EVERY day) this really bums me out. Not really sure what douche bag came up with this at Monster Energy but they need to be fired. One less customer here! AMP it is baby!!


Long time user of the sit from before i had ever heard of this drinks company

• carina pieters BEVEREN-WAAS, BELGIUM

my son is a passionate monsterfishkeeper

• katie lovas SANTAPAULA CA, CA

hi im 14 and i love your drink so much i drink it all the time and i was wondering if i could get some stickers or a shirt cause i love the drink and its real hard to find i wear a small in women but my mom and older brother love your drink and i thought to write you to see if i could also get shirts for there Christmas present its xxl and medium but this means alot cause i don't get them lot so this would make them happy but like i said its hard to find alot of monster l stuff thank you this would mean alot to me


i'm a monsterfishkeeper myself.i don't want monsterfishkeepers to change their logo just because its nice and it don't even look a small bit like the logo from monster energy,if they can't do it,than start changing horoscopes as well,cause actually,this is just the logo from a scorpion.

• Jeremy Midgley COBB ISLAND, MD

These logos do not look anything alike or remind me of one another. Monster Energy you are being rediculous!!! • John Flynn BEAVERCREEK, OH

Monster Fish Keepers is an important source of information sharing and education among dedicated hobbyists involved in the centuries old tradition of fish keeping. In order for Monster Fish Keepers to stay afloat in today's era of mass advertising, they need to be able to sell logo endorsed merchandise.

• Steven Spencer NEPTUNE CITY, NJ

A member of the MFK site.


MonssterFishKeepers are a much older group. Have nothing to do with selling drinks with no direct competition. Also vastly different logo's.


Monster energy or whatever it's call. They should be ashamed of themselves!!


Right to publish on Monster Fish Keepers forum, Free speech

• timothy bennett MISSISSAUGA, CANADA

because the site is awsome

• Braden Tidd JAMESTOWN, OH

I am signing because I think it's a load of B.S. that a large multi-million dollar company thinks that they can boss everyone around just because they happen to use some form of "M" as a trademark and logo. I really wonder if they thought to send out the same letter to McDonalds or if they are just going to let them slide?

• Lawrence Reyes PORTERVILLE, CA

I am a member of Monsterfishkeepers and I would like the site to continue to operate as it normally would.


I support Monster Aquaria Network and think this is just a bullying attempt by Monster Energy Company. There is no reason Monster Energy Company should worry about Monster Fish Keepers unless they start selling energy drinks for fish. • Nathaneal Blemings BLUE MOUNTAINS, CANADA

Stop corporate bullying of a hobbiest aquarium network that has no relation to your brand.


I am a member of Monster Fishkeepers and feel the contribution to my life and wellbeing by our forum far outweighs any benefit that Monster Energy Drink can ever offer... Especially a drink that tastes like real-crappy medicine and has 5 deaths attributed to it!

• paul carbrey LANSING, KS

because a large company such as monster trying to drive out a totally unrelated company for no reason other than a letter in the alphabet which is used billions of times a day is ridiculous (oops, i used it four times, (now 5) looks like i'm (6) getting sued)

• Jacob Martin DALLAS, TX

Large companies cannot continue to blatantly abuse smaller companies. This is an obvious sign of abuse of power and finances.

• Emily Soper ATLANTIC, IA

I can tell the difference between and energy drink and a fish! Also, I really enjoy the aquariacentral website that is part of monster fish keepers. I think the monster energy corporation is being just plain mean, and has no real basis for a complaint. They are picking on the little guy, and think that because they are bigger and have more money they will win. I will not buy the monster beverage company's products because of this.

• Michelle Hunter NORFOLK, NE

The logos look nothing alike. There is no way anyone would confuse Monster Energy with Monster Fish Keepers. Nobody "owns" the word "Monster".

• Melissa Bell FAIRFAX, VA

Their demands for monetary compensation are unreasonable and if they just asked for a trademark change, I am sure it would have happened!


I'm signing as the the trademarks are no way simular

• zane myazaki VANCOUVER, CANADA Because this logo limitation thing is BS.

• Igor Pranjic WINDSOR, CANADA

its the best online forum where hobbyiests can exchange information on

• Scumbag Mawile YARMOUTH, CANADA



Fuck off, Monster.

Quit your bullshit and go back to doing whatever corporate pigs enjoy doing.


MFK has nothing to do with Monster Energy Company. So are they planning to file legal action to anyone who uses the letter "M". Sorry but the last time I checked Monster Energy Company did not create the letter "M" nor do they own it. Grow some balls people, you only have the rights to your logo and MFK's logo has nothing to do with your's. If you feel threatened by a small community for people who are doing their own thing that has nothing related to you, then maybe you should try and be a better company, better products and better customer service.

• abdol hassan TORONTO, CANADA

I'm a monster keeper


Large multinational companies do not automatically have the right to tell people what to do. MFK already has the trademark, so this is just bully tactics by a company with huge funding to pay lawyers to get their own way. Not on. G

• wira andi JOHOR, MALAYSIA

i love monsterfishkeepers


Monster Fish = relaxing. Monster Energy = not as nice as Red Bull.

• Jeremy Butterfield PRINCE GEORGE, CANADA Monster fish keepers gives me advice, monster energy gives me diarrhea

• Daniel Yee SAN DIEGO, CA

It's a small community dedicated to fish keeping. It has nothing to do with drinks besides the fact that they both require water.

• Angie Yee SAN DIEGO, CA

Its unnecessary and lame. Monster should look out of McDonalds will sue them for using an "M" as their logo! Monster Energy is being petty and Monster Aquaria Network has had the trademark for long enough that this should NOT be an issue. No one will be confused between Monster Fish Keepers and Monster energy drinks.

• Kelly Forest HAMPTON, VA

I love this site and i dont see where the two trademarks can even be confused with each other. It's wrong for a big name company to go after a hobbist site especially when people who dont know what is wouldnt even know what the "M" is and they certainly wouldn't think of Monster energy drink, they really should find a more productive way to spend their money rather than going after a FREE public fourm who uses their products to maintain their FREE website.

• Eugene Wu CHICAGO, IL

This is an obvious case of bullying by monster energy.

• Michael Cozzi HIGHLAND PARK, IL

I have never confused the web site and the drink. I was a Monster Energy drinker, but have now switched to another brand because of this issue.


Big company bullying

• John Starrs OREM, UT

Monster Drinks eh? Don't touch the stuff, plain and simple! I don't give it to my fish, so I won't drink it either, nor the tea, nor any of their products, including clothes. I am not a moron, so I easily know the difference between Monster Drinks and Monster Fish Keepers, and yes, dear lawyers, I am am referring to the logos, not the words. Just because the letter M stands for Monster, you want to try to bully someone? No thanks.

• Susan Coward IRAKLIO, GREECE Definitely something fishy about this one! Because only a complete divot would confuse the two logos for starters, let alone what the two 'products' are about. Perhaps I should sue anyone who uses an S like in my own signature, the list could go on and on. MEC, great way to go for losing customers. Concentrate on your real competitors for heavens sake.


The letter "M" isn't a trademark...its A LETTER OF THE ALPHABET! geeze


This forum supports and recognizes significant achievements in the hobby of aquariua, both professional and residential. and it is unfair to members like me who come here to find facts and share tips with the community, without it, there is no real place for these things to happen in a friendly environment.

• clint roberts AMARILLO, TX

I feel this is a matter of common sense. It is pretty apparent that mfk has not encroached on the monster trademark.

• Jeffrey Pares DENTON, TX

Clearly Monster aquaria is not competing with Monster energy drink. You can not drink aquariums.

• Jarod Goossens NEW YORK, NY

Monster Fish keepers has been around for ages and to rip this away from us would be a shame. We are a bunch of people who share a common interest in fish and aquatics.

• Andy Thompson PARK RAPIDS, MN

I have great difficulty being supportive of any trademark issues when the alleged infringement is so outside the product's market. We are aquarists and will find our caffeinated beverages elsewhere.

• charitha Heshan LONG BEACH, CA

Member of Monsterfishkeepers

• Kyle Randol OVERLAND PARK, KS This is a perfect example of a frivolous lawsuit. There is no reason that the M for Monster Fish Keepers is in anyway infringing upon the M for the Monster Energy Drink logo. Monster Energy JUST LET IT GO


to preserve my online fish keeper comunity i.e monster fish keepers, and our fish keepers identity

• Leo Pusateri SAINT CLOUD, MN

Trust us, you are only instilling bad will against your product. Monster Fish Keepers has absolutely NOTHING to do with your drinks, nor is it competing with your company in any way.

• Treavor Cameron POST FALLS, ID

Shame on you, Monster! Bullying a small company that educates and unites fish lovers. Never again will any products from such a disgustingly greedy company!

• Caleb France VALPARAISO, IN

I dont believe this is right, just because the word "monster" is used by both companies, and both logos are an "m" big deal.


What a load of rubbish! Monster drinks you are quite simply playground bullies with fancy headed paper, and I will never buy your vile products.

• Sarah Atkinson LAKE ELSINORE, CA

This is important to me because Monster Energy is obviously in the wrong. It is shameful for a large company to throw its money around to try and keep people from using a something they own a patent and trademark on.

• John Hamson HOLYOKE, MA

M.E. get lost, you drug dealer and trademark troll. There is nothing conflicting between fish hobist and your toxic sludge. Not to mention it being an unregulated addictive drug. I can't wait until the lawsuits over kidney failure start piling up at your door if you're going to attack people totally unrealted to you.

• Andy Warren GRANITE BAY, CA

Monster creates awful energy drinks and is a corporate bully. • Rob MacDonald NINETTE, CANADA

A great site and logos and different enough this should not be happening

• Clement Travert PEMBROKE PARK, FL

I love aquascaping!


As a member of Monster Fish Keepers I will say this is ridiculous of Monster Energy Company.The logo is not even close to same and since when is there a law which forbid us using the word monster.It is not Monster Energy Company who invented the word Monster.

• Nick Quinn AUSTRALIA

I am a small business owner and I understand what it is like for companies like MFK to be bullied by corporate power.


This is an educational forum for fish lovers and enthusiasts. It is a free forum, they aren't making any money off the logo. The logos don't even look alike, they are just both an M.

• leonardo Salabatino WOODLANDS, SINGAPORE

Keeps me alive!!!!!!!!!

• ray chin NEW WINDSOR, NY

Grass root support for trademark fight against monster energy drink (surprised monster cable hasn't also attacked)


Classic case of a major company using their money to get what they want .MFK has already registered their trademark .

• Harry Lampert NORFOLK, NE

How can people trade mark the letter m.

• Dan Ringley HONEY BROOK, PA, PA Poor excuse for your legal team to pick a battle. There is no confusion as to the products you offer.

Consider your products boycotted by myself and family until this is resolved ethically.

• Bill Schlunz BARTLETT, IL

I can't stand anyone bullying someone else. That's all this is is bullying!

• Lor Xiong ST PAUL, MN

I love both. I disagree with the actions being taken by Monster though. I see no point in this. Both obviously different markings, different business/interests.

To pursue a cease on this marking is just plain bullying.

I object, and would like Monster Energy to reconsider.


This website is where everyone can talk and get reliable information and help from.

• Elizabeth Smith YPSILANTI, MI

Big businesses shouldn't be allowed to bully others. You cannot own a singular word. I will also be boycotting the energy drink brand until this is cleared up to my satisfaction.

• Charles Mastin VICKSBURG, MS

It shows that as long as a company has more funds than another, that it can constantly harass via suing and appealing, until the defending company has to close it's doors due to having no budget. That is cruel and heartless, I used to drink Monster Energy, but now I'm making anti-Monster adverts and renting billboard space on major interstates showing what Monster is doing. If they wanna fight hardball, then I will too!

Charles Mastin

HyPer Automotive Lighting Corp.

• eric keokenchanh SERGEANT BLUFF, IA

Its important to me because i myself, am a very proud member of mfk. and to have a company that has nothing to do with fish, bullying the site is extremely vendictive.

• Andrew Horton LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, OH I am an avid user of Monsterfishkeepers, and I believe that the use of the M in their logo is beneficial to the marketing of the products, goods, and services.


i have always loved fish and it is dumb that a bully like this company would even give this lawsuit


Monster EnergyME) have no grounds... McDonalds could say the same to Monster Energy drink, they have had the M for alot longer, more recognised ect. The Cookie Monster(sesame street) also have grounds on ME.

They do not own the word "monster" or the letter M.

• Luke Wermager DES MOINES, IA

Monster Energy needs to stop being a bully. They do not even look alike, and they are not competing against each other.

• Christopher Miller LAFAYETTE, IN

Why does a big corporate company feel the need to pick on a forum of fish keepers?

• Richard Flatt SPOKANE, WA

Unbelievable. I have never seen anyone confuse those two trademarks. Not the same shape, or color. You might as well sue McDonalds as well, because their trademake looks like a M as well. I will drink Rockstars and Red Bulls, until I hear that you have relented from your uber silly suit.

• praveen r INDIA

This site is for the welfare of the aquatic world, why do you even want to take them to court? Go to talk with them, dont sue!!!

• Dorothy Norris-Elye WINNIPEG, CANADA

You corporate monsters should be ashamed of yourselves for attacking fish hobbyist clubs!!!???

Have you no PR advisers to inform you of how badly you've sullied your brand, and how many people, on becoming aware of this, will be boycotting you?

Even if you have no decency, you should at least have some marketing sense! Luckily, there is, VERY obviously, no chance of getting the different merchandise mixed up, because I will certainly NEVER AGAIN buy anything with your logo on it.

Even though I have small fish, I very often read through the Monster Fishkeeper's site and enjoy it very much.

And even if I didn't like and know the site, I, like many other people, particularly despise this sort of pointless bullying of the little guy by corporate jerks and will always side with the angels, not the corporate monstrosities who seek to crush us all - and I will make as many people as I can aware of this, believe me.

• Rodney Black ATLANTA, GA

I use the Monster Fish Keepers site. This is absurd abuse of copyright law.

• Zdzichu Nalepka JASTRZęBIE, POLAND

I love fishes, I don't like company games or tricks


Since it violates the right of every MFK member.

• Larry Lehane DECATUR, IL

cause its a bunch of bs

• Paweł Górski WROCłAW, POLAND

Big corporation can't do what they want!

• Jesse Smith PAVILLION, WY

I am an avid fish hobbyist, and this is just silly. Monster Energy DOES NOT, and NEVER WILL own the letter 'M' and the word 'monster'. This is simply bullying via the legal system.

• Joanna Rodriguez KINGWOOD, TX

I keep and raise fish, that I have asked for information about on These forums keep me out of trouble. It gives me something to do, and they make me happy. I've learned so many different things about cichlids and laughed so hard at the most random things.... I think this company trying to shut MonsterFishKeepers down should go to hell. Money, money, money. I'm sick and tired of all this corporate B.S. Nowadays, any and everyone will try and screw you over for as little as a fart...(I read that on this forum, and that is exactly what I think of this little lawsuit) MONSTER ENERGY DRINK .....go to hell.

• Eric Barnes LIMA, OH

Because its the right thing to do


Monster Fish Keepers is the best online resource and community of aquarium hobbyists and is creating a positive connection between people from different cultures around the world.

Monster energy is just another company selling poison to our youth... monster energy should be ashamed that they are selling 500ml cans of death and calling it "energy". The shit is sugar drowned in stimulants and if any of these so called energy company's new jack shit about the human bodies energy systems they would know that their product is nothing but a heart attack in a can that causes multiple health issues and thus should have no claim for trademark when the company itself should be shut down due to false product advertising and completely incorrect information pertaining the health factors of consuming their cans of crap.


Nick Collins...

PS. Fuck you Monster Energy

• William Paris WOOD DALE, IL

Monster Energy is trying to destroy one of my favorite sites for using a logo that was held before the Monster log was

• Jeffrey Kain HAYWARD, CA

because I hate when people think they own a word and fear any one using it


I own a small energy drink business and Monster Energy is WRONG for doing this.


I am an avid aquarist who, along with countless others, takes a ton of information from the MonsterFishKeepers site, as well as sharing my knowledge with others. I don't see any rational explanation as to why Monster energy would want to come after an organization that has nothing at all in common with them. I am just thoroughly disgusted by this.

• Mitch Stockman BEVERLY HILLS, CA

MFK is the best


The logos are nothing alike, this is just another attempt by a big company to bully smaller companies out of business. The two companies have nothing in common. I will no longer buy or support anything from the Monster Energy Company due to this petty and disgraceful behavior

• Jerrod Wortman PORTALES, NM

MFK is a wonderful knowledge base for those looking to properly care for large fish.

Monster energy drinks taste terrible and cost five times too much.


Oh yeah, I also hate greedy corporations.

• antonio ravelo REGINA, CANADA

I am a fish keeper

• Gary luaders FENTON, MO

I visit monster fish keepers website and feel like monster energy is being a jerk for no reason. This in no way effects them and its a simple example of a big company bullying for no reason. I will boycott all monster energy products in support of monster fish keepers either way it goes as to not support monster energy simply for starting this crap

• , .

It is not right to allow a company to bully other companies over the use of common words and letters


I come to this site all the time for help not just pertaining to fish keeping. It is more than a forum; it's a community.

• Sam Sieira HIGHLANDS RANCH, CO I love fish and would hat to see such a great thing go down due to this.

• greg wainwright SOUTHSEA, UNITED KINGDOM

I'm worried they might go for McDonalds next...

• Alexander Scholes ORLANDO, FL

There's a thin line between what is right and wrong especially when it comes to suing others businesses. Monster Fish Keepers and Monster Energy aren't even close to competitors and Monster Energy is suing over the use on an English word. That is down right nonsense, eventually if American Courts allow this stupidity no one will be able to create or operate a business without making up a new word.

• Strange Moonshine SALADO, TX

One trademark has nothing to do with the other, it is ridiculous to think that an energy drink would have anything to do with large fish or people that keep large fish or want fish at all.

Monster energy has gone to far.

• Vinay Kumar INDIA

Big corporations cannot have this attitude - its sheer bullying. I will never support such an act.

• Nigel Hobson AUSTRALIA

I'm an avid fish keeper and Monster aquarium network is one of my top sites for contacting other like minded folk. I don't see how Monster Energy Company can lay sole claim to the word Monster or the use of any large M logo. Especially as the logo's are so obviously different. Leave the Monster Fish Keepers alone.

• Sheila Colvin GLENDORA, CA

Because I believe Monsterfishkeepers should not be bullied by any large companies with no rights to h name monster. Selfish companies should be called out


The principle of the matter.

• brian znachko HAZLE TWP, PA logos look nothing alike and and they aren't in the same 'market'. ME should be ashamed to even start something like this.

• Ponlork Chea AUSTRALIA

Monsterfishkeepers were up and running and known of before the monster company and logo even got popular, they are nothing alike and i have now stop buying 'monster' related products and told everyone i know of accordingly and they have followed.

• Ryan Nykaza NEW LENOX, IL

I visit the web site frequently for fish knowledge. The site is non profit and has nothing to do with the monster energy drink.


MFK has been around much longer than the energy drink and in no way infringes on or tries to capitalize from the similarities in the names. For Monster energy to be threatened by such a thing is ludicrous and petty and just a plain waste of resources.


MFk has been a good place to go to for fish info and banter.

• robert stamper GATESVILLE, TX

Monster energy is greedy

• Jesse Lerud ARVADA, CO

It's crap like this is a waste of time for corperations to do.. Why don't they just sue the fuckin alphabet and make it only 25 letters long?

• Don Geiger MEDFORD, NJ

I hate to see big corporation try to take advantage of a small entity that has done no wrong.

• Todd Stephan NEW CASTLE, DE

big businesses need to let smaller companies strive to survive

• Kris Eagle KANNAPOLIS, NC Because nobody owns a letter. The trademarks look nothing alike and the businesses have nothing to do with each other. Just a big company trying to push another around because they can.


Bullying by the big corporations needs to stop. Every major product we have today started from some small startup. Giving in to the big corps. hinders the startups abilities and prevents advancement in that area.

• ronnie holcomb CHATSWORTH, GA

we need a place where we can go to talk about fish and i like the site

• Antonio Musto MEDWAY, MA

Aquaria Central and Monster Fish Keepers are excellent forums for hobbyists and a great online environment.


this is clearly corporate bullying

• Angela Matthews BARODA, MI

I'm a aquarium keeper and I appreciate MonsterFishKeepers' valuable forums, I dislike Monster Energy drinks, I despise corporate bullying, which clearly this is, and I value the English language, and I don't think anyone should own a copyright on a word. It's not like MonsterFishKeepers is trying to muscle in on Monster Energy's market. It's plain to see who the real monster is here.

• April Cunningham AUSTRALIA

Monster Fish Keepers is an amazing forum with valuable information for people with fish. The two logos are far from the same and I think its ridiculous for Monster Energy Company to have started this in the first place.

• Thomas O'Connor NORTH SYRACUSE, NY

Monster fish keepers was in business long before Monster energy drink. I'm tired of corporate bullying. If anything Monster Fish Keeper should file against Monster energy drink. Plus Monster energy taste like pond water!

• Jose Russa FLORHAM PARK, NJ This is just point blank unfair and I hate big companies that bully smaller ones. I'm not buying another Monster drink until this is over!

• Koel Probst REGINA, CANADA

Pathetic large company bullying Small non-profit for no good reason. The logo's are nothing alike, nor found in the same places. Monster will start sueing for having an M on their sweaters next if this goes through.

• Benjamin Bruce WARTBURG, TN

This company provides a valuable service to me and my hobby. Their service is educational, entertaining, and helps to maintain a vibrant, humane, and enjoyable aquatic pet hobby.


Because we can't let a company like Monster drink push hobbyists around!

• Joseph Driskill GREENWOOD, IN

To keep the MFK site and information available to the ones who want and or need it.

• claire moore INDIANAPOLIS, IN

well its 100% bs ok i have monster fish but i do not drink my aquarium water monster drinks are that drinks so how do they think anything like monster fish and monster drinks are alike are they saying we drink out aquarium water?

• maurice hollands AUSTRALIA

cause it is

• Amber Young PHOENIX, AZ

I love Monster Energy and Monster Fish! They both fuel my day.

The logos are clearly different, no need to go suing, especially someone who isn't a direct competitor. <3

• Megan Garver HERMOSA BEACH, CA

I want Monster Aquaria Network to continue operating at the best possible level. Staying open may not be feasible if legal proceedings about this petty matter continue.

• Shandy Huff SALYERSVILLE, KY I love this forum. Great ppl, and they are helpful. This sue is just stupid, we are about aquarium keeping, not energy drinks. And Monster and the M is not a truly be deal, just some company trying to get money for nothing.

• David Stoecker MAKANDA, IL

This is corporate bullying at its worst. Is Monster Energy afraid these fishkeeper guys are going to start buying up billboard space and prime-time tv ads? How belligerent can a company get? Disgusting.

• matthew marone LEVITTOWN, NY

becouse Monster fish and engergy drink are two compleatly diffrent things that have nothing to do with eachother

• Martin Miller REDKEY, IN

It is just the principal of the suit.

• David Gray BOARDMAN, OR

Because the two logos look nothing alike and what will happen if Monster energy drinks win would they make Cookie Monster change his name on Sesame Street or make another company with the word "Monster" change their name?


Leave the little guy alone, it doesn't hurt Monster Energy. Since when do they have a monopoly on the word Monster?

• Adam Welu IOWA CITY, IA

I have been a member of the forum for years, never once has monster energy even crossed the mind of being related to That is ridiculous. This can only hurt monster energy when more people hear about this.

• William Starmer CATONSVILLE, MD

Monster Energy needs to stop bullying small companies in unrelated business spheres.

• Sean Conlon FAIRFAX, VA

To protect everyone's right to not be harassed by lawyers

• Rob Pelsor IOWA CITY, IA Monster Energy company has no right to claim that the other logo is theirs. They are no more alike than a chicken and an eagle. This is a clear case if a big bully corporation picking on a little guy.


If this is allowed to happen, then what's to stop other companies from doing the same? The letter "M" should not be copyright protedted. The two trademarks should not be confused as they are not similar. If this gets out of hand, we'll need to add more letters to the alphabet.

• Jose Maldonado JERSEY CITY, NJ

I am a user and for as long as I know they have been using the letter M as its logo. There is a big difference between the and the Monster Energe Company logo and there is no competition. If anything I think that Monster Energy Company is jealous about logo because it looks 1000 time better that theirs and may be trying to make use of it to get better businesses and/or promotions.


Trademark bullying needs to be stopped. MFK poses no threat to Monster Energy, this whole dispute is just ludicrous.

• Barbara Mailman-Gilbert KERNERSVILLE, NC

Clearly monster energy drinks is overstepping its bounds. While the logos do have a slight similarity, there are way to many distinct differences to confuse the two. Leave Monster Aquaria alone!

• Luke Sumerix GRAND RAPIDS, MI

because you are idiots for suing a fish tank company

• JImmy Dombrowski MUSKEGO, WI

i hate energy drinks and like fish

• amilcar delacressonniere MONTREAL, CANADA

I have know MFK much longer then ME

• brian jackson TRAVERSE CITY, MI

I see similarities, but they are different. What would be next? Mcdonalds? • Travis Fillmen ORLANDO, FL

As both a small business owner, and a member of several informative outlets, including, I recognize Monster's claim, only in the fact that the letter that is represented by each unique graphic, is that of the letter "M". At no point, have I, as either a CEO, or consumer, would ever confuse the logos, nor products/services associated with either company. I wholeheartedly believe this to be an extremely shameful move on Monster Energy Company's part, and from this point forth, in reaction to this information, I refuse to support anything related to Monster Energy Company, and it's parent company, Hansen Natural Corporation.

• Travis Palmer BRIDGEPORT, PA

I am a member of Monster Fish Network via Aquaria Central.

• Jack Mac Ewen STOW, OH

Fish, and all wildlife, are more important than an unhealthy energy drink.

This is a classic case of a bully picking on a smaller opponent.


• Brooke Mackenzie NORTH SCITUATE, RI

I used the word Monster long before the drink appeared. Who are they to lay claim on such a common word? It's disgusting and a dangerous path for society to take.


Small businesses should not have to be bullied into things from big companies, simply because they can't afford to battle with them!


this is classed as bullying by the more powerful money generated company and is wrong. i am a very keen fish keeper that depends on certain forums for my knowledge to grow and also to share.

• jason kosater KETTERING, OH

i seriously doubt these two entities compete in the marketplace at all, so i see no reason to drag a website that is a somewhat impartial , free source of information for people to access and share into a lawsuit that they cant afford. And monster energy drinks kinda suck anyway,at least half of everybody who drinks them is a moron. • Matthew Ross MINOT, ME

I think it is disgusting that a large corporation would pick on Monster Aquaria Network. Shame on you, your company is a perfect example of what is wrong with Corporate America. I wont ever purchase any of your products merely on princple of seeing what greed your company exhibits.

• Tuna Altınok ANKARA, TURKEY

My fish eats your fish.


im a fishkeeper and this is bulling and not fair

• Jeff Koons CLINTON, CT

This is a frivolous suit since one cannot confuse a nasty tasting drink with a fish forum on the internet.

• Marie Mauerman YOUNGSTOWN, OH

I love Monster energy drink and not once did I think Monster Fish Keepers symbol was anything close to the drink. The "M" is totally different and you don't own the letter! Please don't become like McDonalds where they sued anyone using Mc in their name.

• Daniel Dowding ST JOHN'S, CANADA

My name is Daniel Dowding and it has come to my attention that Monster Energy Company is suing Monster Fish Keepers for disputes over the claim that their ‘M’ patterned logos are similar.

Allow me to tell the readers of this letter a little about myself. I have been keeping fish for over 8 years and around 2 years ago I found Monster Fish Keepers site. This site is an amazing place to see peoples fish tanks from all over the world, learn about the incredible species of fish that can live in our homes, a place to ask questions and gain valuable information, also a place to have conversations with likeminded fish keepers. While I am an avid fish keeper, I also enjoy energy drinks and ironically my favorite brand is Monster. I’ve played sports and watch sports all my life, so I’ve come across the advertisements of this company. I can’t say whether these ads were subconsciously the reason I reached for Monsters brand the 2-10 times a week but never once did I think contained in that can was aquarium water or even worse a fish.

These companies occupy total separate markets of business, and frankly to call Monster Fish Keepers a business is laughable. This site is a large group of devoted and intelligent fish keepers and breeders, and I highly doubt that any of the thousands on the site (compared to the millions exposed to Monster Energy Drinks), ever confused the two. I would be interested to see if the sales of Monster energy drinks were affected in the month following the trademark registration of the Monster Fish Keepers logo.

As of writing this letter I am formally stating I will never purchase a Monster Energy Company product again in my life and will inform people of Monster Energy’s lawsuit against Monster Fish Keepers every chance I get, recommending that they no longer purchase their products as well.

In closing I do not believe that Monster energy Company has any right to sue Monster fish keepers in any way. If this case is not dismissed, as the ridiculous claim it is, I will be contacting the legal departments of Motorola, McDonalds, and Atari and suggesting they sue Monster Energy for the use of an M logo, as won in the case of Monster Energy Vs Monster Fish Keepers.

Daniel Dowding

• Jessica Breen ST JOHN'S, CANADA

Monster Energy logo looks nothing like MonsterFishKeepers, this is totally ridiculous and they are only doing this because MFK is a small company. The site is great and very informative. Good luck!

• Mindy Marder AKRON, OH

I am a member of this community.


Monster energy drink are just being ridiculous here!


It is plainly unfair, unreasonable and based only on the fact that the fish forums don't have the monetary means to defend themselves.


MFK has been around a long time and it's branding has nothing to do with my fav energy drink either. Please do not disturb this forum, people know the difference.

• Paul Pridham OMAHA, NE

People get sue happy and I don't like it. Use your time and ENERGY towards something useful and more constructive. • Joshua Kolt BRONX, NY is one of the best forums for anyone from beginner's to advanced hobbyists to educate themselves. As a pet owner nothing is more important than educating one's self so that you can provide the best possible care for the animals in our stead. This trademark dispute threatens a valuable resource to the pet community and that in itself is of importance to all of us who are passionate about animals. Not to mention the fact that Monsterfishkeepers was using the name and symbol years before Monster Energy drink even existed. In my opinion this is just an attempt of a failing corporation trying to profit off of a beneficial community with no real cause. Just a way to squeeze some money to slow the sinking of their corporation.

• kevin krotzer EMMAUS, PA

another example of over litigious corporate bullying

• Theresa Hendricks EL DORADO HILLS, CA

I have been coming to this forum for years - I have never drank an energy drink and anyone can see the Ms look nothing alike.. thus is truely ridiculous.

• David Bradley CRESTVIEW, FL

The trade marks don't even look close to the same. Fish keepers are united.

• Anthony Ritter KERRVILLE, TX

this has no resemblance to the monster energy and should not be made to remove there logo


I hate big companys doing this as it just constitutes as bullying plain and simple. I had a similar issue with a big car company as was basically told that I wouldnt win as they would just throw money at it until I was bankrupt - how is this fair?? money shouldnt be able to be used this was it is corruption whichever way you look at it. We defend third world countries from rich governments and yet let it happen on our own doorstep.


because monsterfish keepers is a great website and logos do not infringe. sick of big companies bullying smaller organisations. grow up monster and stop throwing your toys out of the pram. ps I like red bull!

• Corey Rhodes KINGSTON, RI I was born a Monster Fish Keeper and I'll die a Monster Fish Keeper!

• Albert Chiang NEW YORK, NY

The forum has been around longer than this beverage brand


i believe larger firms shouldt be able to bully smaller ones

• Tony Carter MARY ESTHER, FL

Fish is my pet. I love fish all my life. It's my only hobby.

• jaduk gilang SEMARANG, INDONESIA


• Jennina Rheault EAGLE RIVER, AK

My husband keeps 5 "Monster" tankbuster Pacus. Other adjectives just don't sound right!

• joseph hemler QUEENSTOWN, MD

I love fish, and I have enjoyed monster energy drinks quite a few times. The two logos are so different that I can see no resemblance of the monster energy drink logo in the monster fish keeper logo. its big business bullying and I am now boycotting all monster products and asking my fish keeping friends to do the same. Big businesses bullying small ones is wrong!

• Bryon Peterson OAK GROVE, KY

The Gathering of Experienced Aquarists to discuss and share thier knowledge with beginners.

• Michael Phillips EVANVILLE, IN

basically, The logos look nothing alike and next they will go after anything with the word "Monster" in it. I think it's pathetic that a large corporation would go after a small fish enthusiasts site.

• Susan Fields BELTON, TX

Because this ordeal/drama is so uncalled for. Monster Energy and Monster Fishkeepers are such completely opposite things. • Jim Polacheck RUSSELLVILLE, KY

Thats MFK's trade mark. MEC needs to get a life and grow up.

• Elysha Agne RALEIGH, NC

Unwarrented harassment.

• Sabrina Haché SHIPPAGAN, CANADA ( from MonsterFishKeepers) has been very important to me in keeping my fish healthy and happy. I rarely drink Monster Energy drinks and have no problem boycotting this product unless they drop the charges.


I love fish. I also like monster but this is moraly wrong and the grounds under which monster are doing this is just BS.

• Hyunghee Chun CHARLOTTE, NC

The logos look absolutely different and they are not even in the same market.

• Ryan Goodwin MIDDLETOWN, OH

This is unethical!


Monster fish keepers is a great online sight, the average person will easily know the differance

• Michael Hollenberger CHITTENANGO, NY

I have been with for a long time now and not once have i mistaken their logo for the monster energy logo. I can tell you that if i show the mfk logo to any number of people they would be able to distinguish the monster energy logo as just that and would know that the mfk logo is not affiliated with monster energy corp. I hope that monster energy can understand that mfk has no intention of trying to steal business...I would hope that monster energy is aware we are not selling energy drinks or affecting their sales.


Stop corporate bullying of small businesses and online communities. • Aristotle Eng SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE

Monster fish keepers holds a symbol of passion and family amongst fish lovers while the monster drink holds no symbolic meaning which benefits society or people around the world. Monster Fish Keepers should be a world-known symbol. It is a beacon of hope that there are always people out there who share the same passions and ideas. It is the principle that people seek. The principle of togetherness. Whatever your passion, MFK inspires that you are never alone. STOP TRADEMARK BULLYING!!!

• Justin Gray GREENVILLE, NH

The M for monster fish keepers is their trade mark. The two different Ms don't even look alike at the least. This is the rich picking on the poor

• Kevin Kavanagh OTTAWA, CANADA

Monster energy drinks are crap, fish and aquarium hobbiest deserve to win majority over the destruction of positivity and nature. What good will come from them changing the logo, when monster energy drinks has a multitude of adds, clothing lines, sports sponsorships. etc. Monster fish keeping doesn't even remotely trigger my mind to think of monster energy drinks, if anything it has more in common with red bull. Stop this nonsense and continue to let these companies go on their very extreme opposite paths.

• Leonard Smith BELLE CHASSE, LA

I am a huge fan of Monster Fish Keepers

• anthony dickerson HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA

support of friends company and m dont look alike at all

• Tommy Lopez WHITTIER, CA

supporting my friends company!

• steve tran SANTA ANA, CO


• scotty mach WESTMINSTER, CA

monster energy kills people all the time from ever use of their supposed "energy suplement"

when has "MFK" ever killed anyone?..never is the answer..F*** monster energy • james dickhart HUMINGBIRD LANE, CA

monster energy is a selfish money hungry comapny..havnt they done good enough? why come after a lil guy website thats been around forever?

• Mohamed Alhasan ANAHEIM, CA

they are both companies that have nothing to do with each other , this one is for fish and monster is for energy drinks , so it wouldn't harm monster , and monster fish keepers have been around for a while

• cody cozart WESTMINSTER, CA

mfk is a way better way of life than the energy drink that can kill you..


MonsterFish have nothing to do with Monster drink.

• Nicholas Sellin AUSTRALIA

Monster energy drink co. Is not cool


Monsterfishkeepers is a website for aqualife hobbyists. We look up this place to get our advice from co-members on every issue we face in real life. You are selling energy drinks and has no relation to this product to make the cease and desist order. Please stop the bullying on MFK sites

• Andrew Bolton FRESNO, CA

This represents corporate greed at the highest level. Shame on Monster Energy! I shall never buy their products.


I think it is silly that Monster Energy could claim a word as general as "Monster" and say noone else can use it.

• Jack Oliver CLOVER, SC

because fish keeping is awesome

• Stefan Toit PAARL, SOUTH AFRICA I hate Monster energy drinks and their common caps people wear.

• Victor Minetola DETROIT, MI

I never heard of Monster Energy Co. At this first exposure to their name I figured they were involved with those big propeller-driven generators that use wind to make electricity. What do I know? I have seen the three green rail spikes in the back windows of pick-up trucks but had know idea what it symbolized; what does it have to do with raising fish? Why are these people against inagined association with something as rewarding and relaxing as keeping fish?

• De Yoong COVINA, CA

I don't like bullies throwing their weight around. It is inconceivable that anybody can grab a live fish in mistake for a can of gatorade. Nobody would be marketing live fish in liquor store fridges; not unless they are sick whatevers.

• austin farnham STARKVILLE, MS

Monster Fish Keepers was here first, the logos aren't the same, and it's rediculous bullying.

• andy cook SPANAWAY, WA

my girlfriend loves this blog and we own "monster" fish


They look nothing alike and why would someone get them confused. One is a site for fish and one is an energy drink. Completely different things.

• greg forsee AMELIA, OH

if they owned fish and raised them, they would use the site to...... watch youtube on what monster energy logo really means


I am an avid fish keeper and Trademark bullying over something not even distantly related to Monster Energy is a problem.

• John Glabe CASA GRANDE, AZ

tell monster energy to get over it. they're being little bitches. Leave MFK alone...

• Darrell Rohman CHINO, CA Because this is ridiculous. Monsterfishkeepers was here long before Monster Energy. I cant see how a court will be stupid enough not to see that. Its like those people who knowingly move next to an airport then complain about the noise. If Monster Energy was smart they would PARTNER with MFK so both would benefit. Thats what a good marketing department does. Not act a a bunch of spoiled junior high school cheerleaders.

• Christopher Clement LAS VEGAS, NV

I have been a member of this club for a long time and for this to even be an issue is childish. We are fish keepers not conglomerate of the energy workd

• Dick Lambert PANAMA CITY, FL

Dick Lambert Panama City, Fl

• fahad bawazir DOHA, QATAR

i could understand if MFK was selling beverages or clothing marketed for the sport public but when the two trademarks will almost never intersect and will not have any kind of effect on each other i can only be bewildered by the way the people at monster drinks think... its better to fight the companies in certain "countries" where they always rip of your logo and put it on shirts and other merchandise and to ship them back to sell them in the us but its obvious you can only do that the good people.... by the way do you own the english language or part of it?!! you should be ashamed of your self monster drinks

• devlyn helmlinger NEWARK, NJ

i work for one of the biggest companies in country maybe the world and im tired of them dumping on the little guy

• John Lane DANVILLE, KY

This is ridiculous there is no similarity's. It is disgusting when large company's punk on little guy's

• dustin jackson LONDON, KY

this is treading on very thin line when it comes to large corps trying to control things that they shoudlent and cant a letter shouldent be controled its a letter and there patent is on a letter m shaped as a scratch not a devil there for they have no athoraty to say u cant use a letter that is not even close there there emblem this has to be crashed down and stopped

• Eddie Conner RICHMOND, KY Monster Energy should back down as by law they have no case in this matter. An energy drink being misconstrued as a fish website...ridiculous. Drop it Monster Energy and review the copyright laws before you jump head first into this.


this is unrelated issue, those sign are not alike, and no one can own an "M", this simply a corporate bullying


I think this is wrong to not keep our logo. It has been a great reputation and the people


I have 2 XL Alligator Gar

• Jonathan Axford CALGARY, CANADA

No trade mark or trade dress is being violated here. I know that Monster must defend their trade mark or lose it, however it is clear that there would be no confusion of brand and that the MonsterFish logo's only resemblance to Monster Energy's logo is that they both use an 'M'

Monster Energy risks losing customers over actions like this, I feel that it is in their best interest to withdraw their (what I feel are) invalid complaints


MonsterFishKeepers is a supportive and community based forum with active members constantly in the pursuit of bettering the art of fishkeeping and the health of home kept fish. Monster Energy supplys a controversial and potentially dangerous product, the fact that they posses more money should not allow them to own certain letters and words. This outrageous claim that MFK is at all similar to Monster Energy is blasphemy.

• Christina Bolcsfoldy CALGARY, CANADA

I keep large fish and this website has been a great and informative place for me to get advice and meet fellow aquarists. They aren't hurting montset's business in any way

• Ron Soucy SAN DIEGO, CA

Why do big companies think they have the right to copyright the english language. They didn't invent the word "monster" . The monsterfishkeepers website and all that it stands for has nothing to do with monster energy or any of its affiliates. This is a big rich company bullying a large group of fish hobbyists because they have money. I hope our patent office has the decency to put a stop to the harassment as they should. Tha is why we are registered with them in the first place!!!

• Ben Scholz SOMERSET, KY

M.A.N. is a valuable resource for new and experienced hobbyist alike. Most of all it is Free and the knowledge gained through this website helps many people. That is Important.

• giarsun kung SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA

The only similarity between the logos is the letter "M"

• Devin Hummel PEA RIDGE, AR

I am a fish hobbyist! And I cannot stand to see a big company like Monster NRG try and discriminate against others for having a word in their business name that is the same as another, but feels they have the the only right to have that word in their name. This is appalling. Who gives them the right to say they can only have the word "Monster" in their business name. This is a free country! Or is it?


Monsterfishkeepers enthusiast and hobbyist

• James Rucker FALLS CHURCH, VA

MonsterFishKeepers.coms' logo is distinctly different from Monster Energys'. Monster Energy should quit being the internet bully and leave us aquarium hobbyist be. We aren't making money off you and are not trying to. Leave us alone!

• William Overturf STRASBURG, VA

Their is no place in society for a bully business that deliberately takes the time and money to seek out any business with the word "Monster" in it's title, or an "M" in their logo. Then uses more time and money to take these small businesses to court. Waste enough time and money in court they will win by bankrupting the small business. God forbid you thugs help the small businesses in this economy, or those less fortunate than your crooked lawyers.


When it comes to Monsters, Godzilla is the true king. If anything, the Claw M would be confusing in regards to Kaiju. Maybe time to get Toho Studios(Godzilla) and Daiei Motion Picture(Gamera) involved? • andrew berger GARDEN CITY, MI

they look nothing alike at all......

• phil barrett ST CATHARINES, CANADA

These are two very different enteties one is not taking anythink from the other. And I have kept fish for the last 35 years.

• Nathan hansen RALEIGH, NC

It is wrong to take something away from a very respectable company over minor technicalities such as the distinguishing marks on a logo!! I've been a supporter of mfk and monster energy but i will no longer be purchasing monster energy's product due to the absurd situation.


MFK mean alot more to me than Monster drinks...

• Sean Elliott WHITBY, CANADA

This is absolutely Pathetic, I, a very much monster energy supporter, am F**king disgusted by this, this is pathetic, I normally support monster energy heavily, by buying their beverage's, I have huge banners across my garage/logo's on my dirt bike's etc...... , in no way, shape, or form could anyone, mix up monsterfishkeepers, and monster energy drinks, if this goes through I will be burning all monster energy products I own, and will do nothing but bad mouth them for life as this is complete and utter corporate bullying, how can monster energy even think for a second that they have the right to do this!!!!!


Sean Elliott

[email protected]

• cole larsen FARGO, ND

Because the website for fish keeping is a great online resource for keeping less popular large fish. I raised large fish for 5 years so far successfully with the knowledge i have gained there.

• Steven Davidson GRAND RAPIDS, MI

Another large company that thinks it can bully any smaller company that has a logo similar to theirs. I love my fish and know the difference between the two logos already. • sarah savoir FRANKFORT, OH

Big companies have got to stop making things more difficult for small buisness owners / supporters. Not to mention the cease and desist is petty. People are ot going to stop drinking the energy drink because someone has a Monster fish shirt. Get real.

• Gary Rogowski DEARBORN, MI

This is important to me because I believe this is one of the things wrong with the world today. People/Corporations think they are entitled to everything. You can't own words, or thoughts. I had never connected the dots between an energy drink and my fish forums. I was an avid Monster beverage drinker, but after this, no more.

• Jeff Arsenault OOLITIC, IN

I can't believe that a corporation such as Monster Energy is actually being as petty as this, to actually go up against someone as small as our educational club. We have wonderful forums, and only three different hobby sites. With the number of people that we have in the 50 States, and the number of friends and family members they have, that totals up to a lot of lost sales if the matter is not dropped. Thank you for your time in reading this.


• yale davis ATLANTA, GA

This is a ridiculous abuse of power on the part of monster energy corporation. They stand for the extreme as does monster fish keepers. There should be mutual understanding rather than such blatant disrespect.

• Daniel Greenspan FLAGSTAFF, AZ

This web site is a valuable source of information on aquaria; the name does not compete with a beverage.

• Danny Spell PLANO, TX

I would not confuse the name and logo of Monster Fish Keepers with Monster Energy Company. If anything, I'd probably confuse Monster Energy with an oil company.

• Angela W SLC, UT

Give me a break. And energy drink company taking on a tropical fishkeeping community that's been around forever?! I seriously am rolling my eyes at you, Monster Energy! Don't you have anything better to do with your time?!

• Michael Fannin MONTGOMERY, AL the logos do not resemble aech other at all. monster energy is mad because their expensive design team could not create a better logo. MFK logo is clearly more attractive.


It is ridiculous to see what Monster Energy is doing here. The brands are unrelated, the logos are far from similar (I don't see anything similar other than the letter 'M'). Agreed, that there are TM laws that allow a company to save its brand against any possible malicious intent, but the companies should use it judiciously. Just harassing smaller brands, for displaying your power, is unacceptable, and Monster Energy should be heavily fined for doing so!


Have been in this forum for many years. All the people are really helpful. Have learn a lot of fish keeping knowledge from this forum.

• Aric Bolger SPARTA, NJ

Of course I want to support the fishkeepers, but I think (m)ore is at stake here, na(m)ely, the use of the letter "m" -- like, what are the L&M cigarette people going to do? Where does the (m)adness end?!

• Preston Miller MESA, AZ

because I love the site.

• David Charles COCKAMAZOO, CA

Because I like meth.

• brandon gayer BENTON, KS

MonsterFishKeepers is clearly a unique and specialized group that offers excellent communications between professional and hobby-level aquarist. The logos of MFK and Monster Energy Drink are clearly different; different enough to dismiss the chauvinism of MED. I think what it comes down to is that there is jealousy over appearance of logos and when the customer platform asks, "What is that M with the horns on it? Is that Monster Energy Drink?" , that clearly demonstrates that MED already has effective advertising efforts and that MFK has created a catchy effective logo to promote themselves. Within the rights of capitalism, MFK has not infringed upon MED's efforts to attract customers in the "beverage industry." MFK and MED are in two different industries and MED needs to lie to rest its desire to have no competition; even in an entirely different realm of commerce. • Heidi Frank INGLESIDE, IL

First of all, the logos are nothing alike, not even similar enough to legitimately confuse the two. Starting off as a smaller company, Monster Energy should be capable of and able to recognize the differences and allow another smaller company to be as they have been. It's not like they even come close to threaten with direct competition.


I find this to be logo trolling by Monster Energy Company.


I love this website, and I think this fight is bullshit!

• tina lane CHARLOTTE, NC

no one should ever win with bullying

• Brian Nank LAFAYETTE, IN

STOP playing the bully Monster! There is no way anyone with half a brain would confuse MFK and your product and if so it certainly wouldn't be "intentional" !!

You have no case so bugger off!

• Grant Mitchell SEXSMITH, CANADA

next thing you know i will not be aloud to use a capital M on my last name.

• Raphael Araripe FORTALEZA, BRAZIL

Because our hobby is already small, if we compare it to others. The "M" from Monster Aquaria Network is entirely different from the one of Monster Energy Company.

It's just a letter "M", the lawyers may prove one thing has nothing about other thing.


I'm tired of seeing big corporations trying to push others around like they own the world



• Kevin Dowling KINGSTON, CANADA I've been using for a number of years, and I don't see how in any way that the monster energy drink sales are effected in any way by a forum about large aquaria.

• Chris Oehlerking DES PLAINES, IL

Monster Fish has nothing to do with your drink. And I am tired of large Corporations bullying small groups for idiotic reasons. Nobody is going to confuse your product with FISH. If I end up on the jury I will be awarding a large sum of your money to MonsterFishKeepers!!!!

• sue smith MIDDLETOWN, OH

Why wait until now to bully a little company enjoined buy a small community of people who pose NO threat to you, when you could have been doing it for year? Why don't you pick on someone your own size & leave us alone?

• Ernesto Baltazar Pantangco MAKATI, MM, PHILIPPINES

I have learned a lot about large tropical fishes from the website. I also work for a power company and as a matter of fact, we are the world's largest integrated geothermal company as a Director and Senior Management official. I dont understand the why a power company would like to use the name Monster. It doesnt seem appropriate for a company involved in power generation.

• Glenn Geertsema ROSAMOND, CA

This is simply outrageous...over using a word "monster".

• jason firmin BOONAH, AUSTRALIA

the drink tastes bad


Monster fish is a valuable source of infomation and social connection for those in the fish keeping hobby.

• Richard Tawney Jr. LOCK HAVEN, PA

This is over the top in heavy handedness, and this type of thing has to stop.

• adam winski GAP, PA

monster fish keepers is a great site and is in no way using this name as a reference to monster energy. • Annette Bryant AUSTIN, TX

You are just a beverage company! Why not go after your competitor...afraid they are too big?


Why should they be the only company allowed to use an M and be called Monster. Fish and Energy Drinks are very different!!

• William Krach BEL AIR, MD

This web site is very important to hobbyest to stay informed to the latest information. It also promotes small business.

• ken lewis MILFORD, MI

This is just another case of big corparate giants pushing around the little guys because they can and the are asses.

• Deborah Smith ARROYO GRANDE, CA

This cease and desist letter is pure bullying by a corporate power as yet another way to control small business. Do they really believe people will not be able to tell the difference between an energy drink and an aquatic hobbyist network? Do people purchase their energy drinks online now? There are two distinct target populations that each business is appealing to - they are not even competitors in the same realm. And since when can a corporation have exclusive rights to a letter of the alphabet or colors? Stop the bullying and intimidation !! Or are we becoming "home of the free" only when you have the big bucks??


Because Monster Fish Keepers is where I get all of my advice when trying to keep my massive fish in my massive fish tank. The name is totally suitable and their logo represents the brand and gives our community an image to get behind. Also I really cannot stomach Corporate petulance on this scale.

• Joseph Galligan VERGA, NJ

Bullying is just what it is plain and simple.

• Jason Braunberger HAPPY VALLEY, OR

I've known and supported Monster Fish Keepers since before Monster Energy Drink gained the popularity that they have today. If a company can lock down a letter of the alphabet and claim rights to it , this sets the precedence that it can be done and who knows, there may be a race for the remaining other 25 letters of the alphabet.


Monster energy is a bully. In no way does MFK resemble monster energy. Anyone looking for information on one will not confuse the two. I think monster energy should cease and disist. I, my family and my employees have all been boycotting monster energy since this case has come to light.


Seems ridiculous due to differences in marketplace and I want to support anything aquarium


Bully's have to be stood up to.


The logos don't look anything alike. A giant corporation like Monster Energy just doesn't know what its clientele is.


MonsterFish was first, monster energy is bad for chirldren who also drinks this poison


we al love monster fishes, the website is een great insparation for us!

• Cathanroque Roque BURBANK, CA

I believe this is just corporate bullying. How is this copyright? They are two different logos. How will you get someone to mistake fish and a toxic energy drink? Good luck to mfk :)

• Steven Catanzaro CLIFTON PARK, NY

I love Fish not energy drinks


Yes • Jacob Takata HAWI, HI

This is a rediculous law suit. MonsterFishKeepers M does not look light the M monster uses and thus should not be subject to their trade mark. If thats possible I might as well copy write a, b, c and all the other letters in the alphabet and sue everyone who uses one in their logo. If the court sides with Monster, then thats what their saying is possible. STOP the trademark bullying!


This is a good site, and the symbol looks nothing alike

• James Sutton WASHINGTON, GA

I love fish, and I love information sites that help me understand them better. Why an energy drink company would care is beyond many energy-drink drinkers will ever even discover there is a fish forum?


Years ago, I had a small, simple website designed to provide hair care tips. I happened to include the phrase 'caress your hair'. In the mail, I received a legal letter from a soap company, demanding that I remove the word 'caress' from my site, or else face legal trouble. How ridiculous can they get?

• steven proffitt BLUEFIELD, WV

tired of big buisness trying to take over and why should there be limits on the word monster whats next limit the word can.


It has become ridiculous. You want to own a word? Make one up that isn't already part of our dictionary then, because all the words that are in the dictionary are already owned. They are owned by all of us, they aren't your words, they are simply part of the English language and we are tired of pretentious overbearing egotistical corporations thinking that they are entitled to exclusive use of these words.

• kenny tapp LOUISVILLE, KY

There is no case.


a) I am a fan of MFK b) I hate big coporations picking on the little guy wit bogus legal claims


There is no way anyone can confuse a web site that discusses large tropical fish with an energy company - what a silly lawsuit.

• Bryce Teigen EVERETT, WA

This issue is i portant to e because I want to regain full use of the entire alphabet.


Clearly different logos. No infringement.


Because it's uncalled for and the logos look absolutely nothing like each other.


This is ridiculous. There is no similarity and no infringement.

• Lana Sheridan SAN FRANCISCO, CA

It's one thing to use an exact existing full name, but quite another to feel you have rights to single words. This suit is ridiculous!


I love fish, and this website helps me on my aquarium questions.

• Kati Payne FRANKLIN, TN

No one should have ALL the rights to one word. You shouldn't be able to have ALL the copyrights to words in the dictionary. Does this mean I can not start a company with the name I think their rights should be for the full name and not parts of the name.


It's wrong because whoever owns the trademark in the first place owns the intellectual rights to the logo and the larger company, must capitulate to the smaller because of this fact.

• Thomas Morrow SAN JOSE, CA Why Not.

• Ashok Antony SAN RAFAEL, CA

It is nothing but bullying and I hate to see that in any form.

• Neal Spellman ENCINO, CA

The "M" is not even remotely similar, the energy drink company should not be confused by fish folk or their own customers!

• George Coopey POMONA, KS

Logos arent anything alike except for the use of the letter "M" ...I guess i just infringed typing the letter "M"...Shoot did it again!!

• michael stevens BEL AIRE, KS

Monster Fish Keepers is all about the hobby. There is no reason for the energy drink to try to bully something we all care about.

• crystal albino BRONX, NY

MosterFishKeepers forum is where i go to find the best advice about aquariums. It would be heart breaking in MONSTER energy drink ruined this for me. For one, I dont even like the drink. I find the forum to be a much better value. HANDS DOWN>

• phil Hunt LONG VALLEY, NJ

because I'm sick and tired of bullshit, the death of common sense, and the rise of corporate power in this world!!

• Heidi Buehrer OCALA, FL

This is ridiculous. You can't trademark a letter of the alphabet. And picking on a small company too. Monster Energy is being an asshole here.


I think that Monster Energy is being obnoxious for assaulting MonsterFishKeepers over the letter "M", when MFK poses no competitive risk at all. Monster Energy drinks are gross anyways.

• Roy Rutherford SPANAWAY, WA

small business should not be bullied by big companies.. • Alexandra Frolova CORVALLIS, OR

The logos are not similar enough for Monster Energy to throw a fit. Also, Monster Fish Keepers is a great site and I see no way in which it conflicts with Monster Energy.

• andrew miller FESTUS, MO

just because they have more money does not mean they get there way. I dont see how monster has any say in this until fish are drinkable. lol

• Debra Andulics CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH

I am a Graphic Designer and know the importance of protecting your brand. However, it is obvious to me that Monster Fish Keepers logo in no way looks like the Monster Energy Drink logo, other than they share the same letter. They also are two very different companies. It is absurd for Monster Energy to attack anyone who uses a "M" in their logo.

• Konrad Olejnik LODZ, POLAND

MonsterFishKeepers logo is better known for me than Monster Energy logo. I don't see any reason for desisting it just because someone wants it.

• Arthur Cassidy WARNER ROBINS, GA

This is just another way for a big company to bully its way through the system to try and hold everyone else down, Whats next, the letter "M" in the alphabet?

• Gerald D. Smith BLOOMINGDALE, NJ

Because this action of monster drinks is a threat to Internet freedom. Just because they are larger does not mean they should be able to boss others around. It is highly unlikely there would be confusion between the two symbols. I never drank their product and certainly don't intend to now. I let others I know about this action of Monster drinks.


I support this forum as a fish breeder.

• James Clanton GREENVILLE, SC

Not even close to being trademark infringement. More bullying than a real case.

• Bill McIntyre SOUTH AMBOY, NJ

Stand up to bullies. • Heidi Napolitano ST CHARLES, IL

This is a ridiculous case of corporate bullying. My husband is an avid fish keeper and as such we support the efforts an enthusiasm of aquarium hobbyist.


No company should have sole rights to a letter in the alphabet.

• Edward Caluza LONG BEACH, CA

MFK has been a site i used for many years

• Wendy Simpson WEAVERVILLE, NC

The logos aren't even close!! This is ridiculous on so many levels. A small business that is all about fish??? Really Monster? Are you that scared? Well just so monster knows they just lost three customers :)

• Donna Ransome BOONTON, NJ

Big corporation trying to illegally take away something that belongs to people just trying to live their daily lives and enjoy their love of nature and their hobby.

• arthur clark MIDDLETOWN, PA

my freedom of choise


Because this shows how large corporate companies think that they own everything. The 2 symbols are clearly different!! BACK OFF MONSTER ENERGY!!!!!


Corporate muscle overstepping it's bounds is bad for America.

• Joe Torres ROCHESTER, MN

As a fish keeper I appreciate the group and feel this suit by Monster is frivolous. I will not purchase Monster Energy products as a result of this unfair action.

• James Burge WESTFIELD, IN

Because it's ridiculous that a LETTER of the alphabet is being trademarked! It's the LOGO that should be trademarked! The two look nothing alike, aside from the fact that they are both the letter 'M'. Further, the word "Monster" is used differently between the two -- MonsterFishKeepers and Monster Energy Company. So what are we going to do about people who tattoo the Monster Energy Company logo on their body??? I can tell you -- NOTHING! Monster Energy Company LOVES the free advertising that a tattoo provides --- EVEN when that tattoo (logo) is being used by the person for something ENTIRELY different than the drink company! For shame, Monster Energy Company, for shame.


i love the monster fish keepers and i feel they are completely different. not the same in any way


This is stupid, has nothing to do with energy drinks and looks nothing like the logo and is clearly not a claw M!


The logos don't look anything alike!

This is just a BS suite designed to garner free advertizing by a fat-cat corporation, at the expense of a small guy, who is, in any case, in a totally unrelated industry, and is of no threat to them whatsoever!

Who the hell thinks they can own a word that's been a part of the public domain for centuries before either company was even a germ of an idea.

It's time Monster Energy Company grew up and stopped being so childish! ("Mommy... he's LOOKING at me")



No one like bullies. The logo's are completely different. I see no comparison.


because this is a clear case of corporate bullying; no-one will ever, nor have ever confused a drink with a large fish!

• Mark Scally PORT GLASGOW, UNITED KINGDOM Mfk have the. Right to use the letter M in their logo, which doesnt resemble Monsters logo.

Energy drinks are not healthy and these companies should be Silenced.

David will beat Goliath!

• mauricio yearwood JAMAICA, NY

I have been a member for a few years and its important to me becouse this site educate people and shear information in the proper way of fish keeping aquarium mentenance and much more

• ricky porter FOREST HILL, TX

those 2 logos are NOTHING alike. NOBODY is going to confuse monster energy and monsterfishkeepers. get a grip.


I have been a member of Monster Fish Keepers for years and I have never known anyone confuse us for an energy drink, Monster Energy are bullying and the more people that know about this the better!


Sorry but fish keeping is far more important than an energy drink with a limited run.

• Kassandra Jodar SHEBOYGAN, WI

This is unfair and Monster Energy is just looking to gain some extra money from this case... there's no reason to do something to stupid as this.

• fabio cesolini ROMA, ITALY

I want you to stay as


This is a classic example of small business being bullied by a large corporation. An example needs to be set here and the corporates shown that they do not own the alphabet, common english words nor can they just destroy already established brands as they see fit.

• jerome prochaska EASTON, MD was around long before Monster drink.


To stop big companies from being dicks

• Simone Sheridan OAKLAND, CA

I couldn't agree with my fellow commenter's more. This is completely absurd. To be honest, the chances that I'd ever buy a Monster Energy drink were pretty low to begin with, but after this, I will be actively campaigning against them.


I am not confused by monster drinks and monster fish. The logos are different, the markets are different. In (South African) Afrikaans, "monster" means "sample". Perhaps we should remove this word from the language? Small business is the key to making our world sustainable: spread employment, use resources economically, take enough of this planet to sustain us not to keep shareholders happy.


I see no more than a passing resemblance between the two logos. As a marketing manager I see there appears to be no justification whatsoever for any trademark infringement.

• Bobby Leverich CHARLESTOWN, IN

Monster Fish keeping is a great site for all those that is in the aquarium hobby, besides that the M is two completely different styles

• Josh McCormack ANDOVER, KS

Stop Corporate BS!!!

• Jill Savin GLEN BURNIE, MD

I have bought fish before from monster fish keepers, and their logo never reminded me of monster energry drinks.

• fong her AUBURN, WA has been a community for members who owns and wants to learn more about owning large aquatic life form. It has help hundreds of thousand of people understand their new pet and family members and as a community offer their support when we have lost that pet/family member due to unfamiliarity with it. • christina gunderson ZIMMERMAN, MN

I love this place and to think anyone thinks it's related to monster energy drink is ridiculous!

• Scott Cramer FORT WAYNE, IN

Just because you get to be a big enough company does not mean that you get to own, part and parcel, a letter of the alphabet.

• Daniel Head CAMAS, WA

There is no competition in business, nor confusion in brand/logo. The the cease and desist letter is frivolous.


Righy is Right and wrong is wrong. Monster Energy Company is trying to make wrong right by there actions. I have to agree they do not own the letter M. The term Monster Fish has been around for many many years and used by various forums and companies in the United States but Abroad as well. This is another example of a Corperate bullying trying to make money from other Corperations by abuse instead of sound Corperate planning and hard work.

• Brian Torreano PORT WASHINGTON, WI

Because Monster Energy doesn't own the letter "M" or the word "monster."


Monster fish keepers is an important resource and needs it's identity to keep growinig. Leave them alone!

• Tyler Hager WESTLAND, MI

The logos are completely different there both the letter m so what your saying I can't stick a letter m on something cause the monster logo is the letter m this is bullying your just trying to make a quick buck like everyone else

• Phil Penkowski ALBUQUERQUE, NM

Because it wasn't important enough for the energy company for the past 5 years? Besides, Monsterfishkeepers aren't in it for the big buck$, but to support hobbyests.

• David Severson YAKIMA, WA We support Monster Fish Keepers and their networks allowing ideas and information to be shared among DIY fish keepers. We value the services this company provides and never had any thought of confusion with Monster Drinks.

• Norma Mazzoni LODI, NJ

Have been a member of the forums for years - way before I ever heard of a Monster Energy anything.

• Jason Reph NAZARETH, PA

Well Monster Fish Keepers was first and the emblems are totally different can't even STUPID people notice this???

• Paul Napolitano ST CHARLES, IL

Stop needless corporate bullying! I won't buy any more monster energy drinks unless they drop the suit (I usually drink 5 a week).


I am a small business owner and this is just a who's balls are bigger competition and it is BULLYING!! Something that needs to end in this country.


Monster fish keepers is a great site and has nothing to do with Monster Energy. their logos are very different and share nothing in common

• Camaila Notenboom PICKERING, CANADA

i love the site it has great info

• Garvin Blackmon BANGKOK, THAILAND

I am a long tern member of Monster Fishkeepers and This Cease and dissist is order is clearly bullying! The Two Emblems are Clearly different, the Business purposes of the two companies are NOT in Conflict, not can they be "Confused" to be related. This is "Frivolous" at the very LEAST!!

• Pat Husband ORLANDO, FL

MonsterFishKeeper should be allow to keep their logo and related products

• K M PAOLA, KS I guess my family won't be buying any more of your product since you are obviously arseholes.

• Richard Mason WOLVERINE, MI

Our M logo looks nothing like Monster Energy`s . Ours looks like a devil and theirs like the claw marks of a beast. Very different.


Its just another form of bullying that needs to stop. All that should matter is that both trademarks are different and that each trademark has been registered.

• krishna mohanty ODISHA, INDIA

only a few are left working towards the hobbies with regards to nature and its beauty. If this is also taken away, what would be left for the next few generations?

• sj walrath WACO, TX

The logos are quite different! Why would monster energy make enemies like this?!!

• Michael Mueller COEUR D'ALENE, ID

I believe that Monster Energy Company is launching a bullying tactic against a small company that has limited funds. Since reading about this I have stopped purchasing Monster Energy Company products. I tell everyone that I know about their actions. I ask them to stop supporting a company that is trying to throw its financial weight around.

• Margaret Cytryn NEW YORK, NY

It is petty and mean spirited

• Daniel Clark EDMONDS, WA

i value the online fish community and its pool of hobbiests


Because I am tired of seeing these larger corporations bully smaller businesses. Monster Energy's claims are nothing but BS.

• Richard Sr PORT ORANGE, FL

Monster energy Co just go on selling drinks and let the aquarium fish people to do there own thing we support you by drinking your product • Leon Petrulio EXETER, NH

There is no confusion of imagery. These actions negatively compromise my enjoyment of Monster Fish Keepers. Unsatisfactory resolution of this dispute will result in my life long lobbying against Monster Energy Drink.

• Jerome Walrath WACO, TX

How can a hobby group be a threat to an energy company? Think again Monster Energy!

• Dana Bennett FEDERAL WAY, WA

I have been a huge fan of fishkeeping and Monster energy is a advertising hound

• Jerry Lunsford NOCONA, TX

Big corporations get everything they want whether it is right or not because they have mony.

• C huck Worden FLOWER MOUND, TX

i want to start a buis. of my own as a hobby and to possibly make a few $$ on the side and i am in need of some support i hope you mite be able to help me ( i hope this the right place for info )

• Mark Nicklas MANASSAS, VA

There is nothing that even looks the same. Not even in the same business. My fish are way more important than any drink. I will drink my fish water before I ever drink a Monster drink!!

• Claude Emond SARNIA, CANADA

Well communication belongs to people not company, a single letter should not be trademarked

• Moe Zadsham ORANGE, CA

Love fishkeeping and monster fish keepers.

• elise baldwin LEXINGTON, KY


• Tina Foster COLUMBIA, TN As a small business owner, I feel if Monster Energy Company can take a logo and a right to use Monster in a name of a longstanding fish forum, the name of my business can be swallowed up at any time by any larger company who wants it. It's atrocious! Please do not allow this gross injustice to continue.

• Gloria Brame COLBERT, GA

It's a ridiculous overstepping of the spirit of trademark law. A fish hobbyist site is not going to be confused with a creepy energy company.

• ginger fulp FORT MYERS, FL

They do not own the M. Simple as that, discussion over, they are being petty.

• Robert Sanz ROCKVILLE, MD

This is corporate bullying. It is unfair, and unjust.

• Richard Yarger ORANGE COUNTY, CA

I use to frequent this forum back when I was raising up some Tiger Musky for a friends farm pond. Monster Energy needs to take a hike because they have no business messing with

• Chuck Clark CRESTLINE, OH

I'm tired of Corporate America BULLYING the small guy!!


I feel that MonsterFishKeepers is in no way affecting Monster Energy Co. with its use of MFK's logo. What they are trying to do is just morally wrong.

• Richard Davies KATY, TX

Large corporations are getting carried away with this stuff. Soon they will be claiming last names and we will have to pay them to sign our documents and checks.


Great website! Was a memberlong before I even heard of Monster energy drinks. What a joke!

• Mike Futrell DALLAS, TX Monster fish keepers has been around a long time and does a great deal of good for those of us in the aquarium hobby. I also like Monster, and have no difficulty distinguishing the logos.

• chua yee chuang SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE

This is a important forum that contains lots of important information. Screw Monster Energy! Never heard of it!

• Jeff Young VALDOSTA, GA

MonsterFishKeepers online community is a vital resource to me in my hobby, and puts me in contact with other monster fish keepers locally as well as globally.

• jessica rice WALDORF, MD

There suit has no basis. And I don't condone corporate abuse of power.


I am an American, I didn't serve 10 years in the Military so crap like this can happen. Monster Fishkeepers has been around longer and does not taste horrible like the drink in question.

• Jack Doss HENRICO, VA

The logos are not even that similiar. A company as large and powerful as Monster Energy Company shouldn't be concerned over a different type of company who happens to use a very different looking M to spread general aquaria knowledge.

• Mohammed Al-Musawi MUSCAT, OMAN

This is just silly..

• Kevin Nguyen SAN JOSE, CA

Monster fish keepers are not attacking monster energy drinks, They are not even related.

• olinga munro ST.MARGARET'S BAY, CANADA

This is non-sense.. shame on Monster energy drink..

• Michael Terry CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA

I don't like companies that try to squash the little guy • roderick adderly PORT CHARLOTTE, FL

for the cause of monster fish keepers

• Chad LaPlace SANDSTON, VA

I enjoy keeping fish and the website, has provided me with valuable information for years. I will refuse to further purchase any Hanson marketed beverages if this ridiculous lawsuit is not dropped.

• Daniel Quinn MORRIS, IL

Fish are friends, not food! (or rather drinks)


this suing everyone is ridiculous. I think its time for a stop/.

• BethAnna Engberg Johnson ROCK ISLAND, IL

Bullying! Listen big Corporations the fast and best way to get me and the public to STOP BUYING YOUR PRODUCT is this behavior !!! STOP NOW! Please.

• Susan Curtis LAWRENCE, KS

Monster Energy Company is being a Bully and I don't like bully of any kind, any place!

• Julian Hermneuwöhner BAD LIPPSPRINGE, GERMANY

I love monster fish and monster energy drinks, but will not buy drinks by the Monster Energy Company untill the problem is gone.

• Curtis Ramsey MEDINA, OH

Avid fish keeper


I have been a huge fan of the monster energy range of drinks but if this is the type of company I am supporting, I will stop purchasing their products and switch to anyone of their competitors. Also as an avid fish keeper with 3 tanks I think that giving up 'Monster Energy' for my 'Monster Fish' is way better in any and all respects.

Also as was metioned this is not the first time MEC has been doing this type of corporate bullying and a cease and desist order should be handed to them in order to keep them in check and let them know the world is not their playground and they cannot be allowed to step on the toes of the smaller man just because they are able to afford high flying lawyers.

The letter 'M', the color green and the word 'Monster' is something that has always been freely available to all and will stay that way.

• Lindsay Smith POMONA, CA

I think that preventing people from using the letter 'M' or the word 'monster' is ridiculous. I can only guess that the company hopes that a community for fish enthusiasts and run by fish enthusiasts will not be able to afford the legal action and will just let them get their way.

• Jordan Regulacion JACKSONVILLE, FL

Monster Fish Keepers has nothing to do with energy drinks its all about keeping cool monster size fish .

• Andrew York HOUSTON, TX

There is obviously no trademark infringment taking place. This is just a large company with loads of money trying to expand their turf. This should really be considered a "frivolous" law suit.

• Gwendolyn Conarton LANSING, MI

There appears to me to be a distinct difference between the two "M"s and company names. It would be extremely difficult to confuse one fir the other.

Corporate America does not own the English language. This ownership of words has to stop!

• Vinh Nguyen FORT WORTH, TX

Monster Fish Keepers is an excellent website to learn the aquarium hobby.

• Gregory Jones DEDHAM, MA

It's pretty clear that the two logos bear no resemblance. Monster Energy can NOT own the letter "M", nor can they own the color "black", or the word "monster"... This is just plain stupid.

• alex starnes SAVANNAH, GA

i am a fish keeper and i think its wrong to hold someone back because of something that has no effect on the company trying to stop it • Sean Lu KENNESAW, GA

I'm a big supporter of

• Carson Collins BRANTFORD, CANADA

I love the drink and the fish.

• C. Andrew Nelson HERCULES, CA

I don't see how anyone could mistake's logo for the Monster Energy Company logo. They both feature the letter "M", but that is where the similarity ends. As a graphic artist I am often called upon to design company logos or to consult on logo design projects. I have always had a keen eye for determining whether a new logo design infringes upon an established trademark. Monster Energy Company's claims have absolutely no merit. This is pure bullying and it needs to stop. I have no connection with either company. I don't have a dog in this fight. But I am deeply concerned that a larger company thinks it can get away with bullying a smaller business over a logo design that has no resemblance to their own and from a completely different industry that is not competing with them. This must end.


It is important because large businesses must not be allowed to try and bully small private societies and organisations who are in no respect in competition with them or profiting from them.

Attempting to claim copyright on the letter M irrespective of its style, is ridiculous and as stupid as trying to copyright the AIR we all breath.

• Christopher Woodward ESTHERVILLE, IA

I am am a customer of both groups for quite some time. This came as a shock to me. At NO TIME did I associate the 2 logos as be similar. This is abuse of one company to another using our legal system because they have the finacial resources to do so. I am in healthcare. I have acertain amount of intelligence. This claim has no merit. I also have a daughter in marketing. I want legal protection to create someone from taking advantage of her creative energies but at the same time I do not want lawyers handicaping her profession. Again the avrage common sense person sees no relationship between these two logos. For someone to claim this would be like everyone under the age of 30 with brown hair and eyes is my son or daughter.

• Paddy Jackson LIBERTY, KY

Because monsterfishkeepers had the name and logo first • Johnny Lapish FLINT, MI

Who is Monster Energy going to go after next Halloween. We use the term monster in that to?


because after having kept Psedoplatystoma and finding out all about them and there natural habitat and seeing redtail catfish sold like guppies in a local fish stockists (Watermarque, Taunton, Somerset, U.K) I have seen enough to sicken me, I have also kept Oscars which in the wild mark out 7m2 of territory and LFS sell them saying a 350 litre is room enough, I now only keep small fish like Rams and tetra and if I ever get a larger aquarium the biggest fish I will keep would be Discus and / or Angels. Its a disgusting affair for these BEAUTIFUL fish ! !!

• thomas West MCALLEN, TX

i keep monster fish


it is

• felix brunger LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM

It is a large coperate company that deals in energy drinks trying to sue a a small mens grooming range. Ridicules


its a letter m and a word monster they should get over it and suck a fat one i doubt anyone will confuse the two and i would like to say f@ck you monster energy your drinks are horrible redbull or v anyday


monster drinks are corporate bullies and their product sucks

• Leandra Brandson WINNIPEG, CANADA

I've been keeping large fish for the past seven years, thousands of dollars spent. MFK is one of my go-to sites if something goes wrong with my beloved pets. The people are funny, intelligent and all-round good people, why ruin something like that?

Monster? Next time I buy an energy drink I'm going straight for Rockstar. • Caleb Ness BLAINE, WA

The logos look nothing alike


Monster Energy Suck

• Andrew Pastor CLAREMONT, CA

Im tired of big businesses bullying.

• Chistopher whisman MADISON, IN

Monster Energy just another greedy company.

• steven comeaux BATON ROUGE, LA

fuck bullying


How is a fish forum anything like an energy drink? Come on people.

• Dave Walters MKE, WI

Because I am a fan of both and I disagree with Monster. Nothing more than corporate bullying. It is not confusing or in competition with.

• Alex Brooks DULUTH, GA

I just think it's ridiculous.

• giorgio Girgenti HITCHIN, UNITED KINGDOM

Monster energy does not own the letter "M" or the word "monster."


1 more name to suport monsterfishkeepers.


i like fish

• Nick Ricer CHARLOTTE, NC It damages the hobby and serves no purpose. Makes monster energy look bad so I really don't understand this. I will not buy monster energy ever again.

• Dustin McIntosh LA QUINTA, CA

The Corporate Logo Generator know better. There's an interesting idea presented in this blog with regards to the logo in question. Is it the triplication of the Hebrew letter Vav?

• Dustin McIntosh LA QUINTA, CA

The corporate logo machine knows better. The Monster Energy Drink logo isn't an 'M', it's the triple Hebrew Vav.

• Cole Zavitz LONDON, CANADA

I keep fish

• dennis blood HINSDALE, NH

i cant stand bullys we have the trademark change your name to garbage drinks you can have the g

• Kasey Zeltinger MINOT, ND

The branding of two completely different companies should not bring such a hostile environment, this is not apple and samsung.


im a mfk member

• jonathan buxton BIDEFORD, UNITED KINGDOM

keep it alive

• killian doran LIMERICK, IRELAND

this is bullying,this shouldnt happen


Common sense must prevail. The logos don't even look similar and the companies couldn't be any more different if they tried.

This is a case of the big company trying to push the little company around. • michael allen DEXTER, MO

I really do not see the resemblance of the M logo's mosterfishkeepers looks like a little devil and well monster energy drink looks like claw marks. i really don't see why monster energy didn't go the positive route and be a sponsor to monsterfishkeepers like "monsterfishkeepers need monster energy" damn that woulda been a sweet add campaign.

• Nick Toledo CHICAGO, IL

I enjoy the site


Who do you think you are bullying a popular teaching tool for the fish keeping hobby, get back under the rock you crawled from and if i had the money i would pay the fees so they can take you to court

• Dustin Wunderlich LEXINGTON, KY

Its fish, not a beverage. You are making the Monster beverage brand look horrible.

• Katie Gander SALEM, OR

It doesn't look similar and can't easily confused. Small businesses and online communities should not be bullied.


I use MFK daily

• Russell Vemmer Jr CHICAGO, IL

This site allows people to share information that is sometimes so difficult to find in other places

• Paul Ehlen CARNATION, WA


• Peter Marshall SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA

It's wrong ! Big business bully tactics totally stinks

• Lisa GILL LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM Corporate bully should be stopped and will be with a social voice!!

• kihyun kim LAUREL, MD

Fish keeping has been part of my 20 years hobby. Cut your crap, you are a beverage company. I have nothing more to say to your lousy energy drinks.

• matthew weber DAVISON, MI

I'm a Monster Energy drinker AND a member... this is simply immature of Monster Energy to think anyone could confuse the two trademarks.

• michael kalwick HOUSTON, TX

Because I LOVE FISH!! Every fish is important to me! And MOntster Fish keeping is AMAZING!! Plus its stupid that this is happening!

• Robert Bramlet SOMERS, MT

there is no confusing these two logos. these two "M's" are not even close. this is classic big guy against little guy and they need to stop!


Crazy can't see why they would do this.


MFK has been here before monster energy. please stop bullying mfk for they helping fish keepers value their hobby.

• Amber drollsbaugh COLONA, IL

I Love fish and this site has helped me grow in a hobby that i have grown to love thanks to monster fish keepers!!!!!!

• Doua Vang FRESNO, CA

Monsterfishkeepers logo has been associated with this site since I first joined years ago. It does not have any resemblance to Monster Drinks aside from it being an M.... Monster Drinks does not own the letter M, nor do they have the right to bully around any other institution with an M logo that looks nowhere like their M logo.

• Evan Steeves TOWSON, MD

fuck monster energy • Christopher Gomez DEARBORN HEIGHTS, MI

MFK has helped me immensely to be able to treat my animals properly and ensure they are healthy and happy.

• Jeremy Manzanares LAKEWOOD, CO

Because I am a huge fish enthusiast supporter, and monster fish keepers are over grown industrial bully's, and people like them keep the little guys down. I am sick of it.

• Nancy Decoursey SILVERDALE, PA

Monster Energy_ every time someone sees the "Big M" yours orf MonsterFishKeepers they will think of you. Please let the little guy alone. They're just trying to keep the fish hobby alive.

• Jacob Ritchie HAGERSTOWN, MD

Rediculous, Nobody owns the word Monster or the letter M. The fonts and appearance are nothing alike and the companies don't compete financially in any way. Big dog bullying the yard. Give it a rest. i know I've drink my last Monster Energy and I will spread the word.

• Shahzad Dayal CHICAGO, IL

Long time commitment with Aquaria and fishes.

• Bryan Kim ELMHURST, IL

Fish keeping is a great hobby, and these forums help people learn and expand this hobby. Why this lawsuit even exists is beyond me. I wish all these corporations would stop being so Copyright happy and concentrate on making their products and ad campaigns better!

• Kim Wyatt SANTEE, CA

I'd been looking to monster fish keepers for advise on the care of keeping of fish for many years. If they change their name how will I find my trusted source of information the next time I buy a new fish.

• gordon williams SEAL BEACH, CA

I am a fish keeper and love it, aside from the real point im not a huge fan of energy drinks and dont much like the taste of monster. Obviously the trademark M's are different, the only similarity is that they are the same letter. Monster energy needs to stop attempting to bully people, its not necessary and in my opinion only makes them look weak • Calvin Luke SEATTLE, WA

I am a member of MFK and have found this forum a great asset to fish hobbies and that our logo looks nothing like Monster Energy's. It a shame that a larger company like Monster Energy has nothing better to do with it's time and money but to pick on fish hobbies sharing information.

• Pierre Nilsson MALMö, SWEDEN

I often drink Monster-beverages before training-sessions but I am appalled that the Monster Energy Company chooses to go after small network-sites that isn't even competitors in clearly misguided attempts of protecting their trademark. I won't support you or or your products any more until you cease this Douche-baggery.

• Nikki Roberts GRAND RAPIDS, MI

Large corporations should not have the right to impose on such a minor "business", if you can even call a website that. Just because a logo looks remotely similar, meaning you chose to use the letter M to represent your website, does not mean that you were going against the patent that Monster possess on that pathetic letter M. It looks more like a bad night at the bar anyways. Good luck, guys.

• Richard Straube ORANGE, CT

There is absolutely no confusion of association between the monster aquaria network and monster energy logos or products. I sent them an email asking them to kindly rescind their actions against our sites. It goes without saying that monster energy is bullying us. In this day and age, you'd think they would have better targets for their resources as this is an absolute waste.

• Delshawn Chistian COLUMBUS, OH

great network for all fish hobbiest


Stop Trademark bullying! Fight for whats right!


mosterfishkeepers is a big part in my fish keeping years and has helped me a lot over the past 7 years

• lorenzo rosaci YORK, PA

because i'm part of their family! • Mark Trout UNION, KY

This is a silly issue if Monster thinks in any way the 2 symbols could be mistaken for each other. If so, someone needs to drink less energy drinks!

• Alexander Dixon PISCATAWAY, NJ

Because the symbols are not alike and aquarium specialists should have the same rights as other company's.


hate bullying at any level


Because i am a monster fish ceeper and the monster fish logo is /has been to the monster fish keepers

• David Safdie NEW YORK, NY

I Love both these companies but they have nothing to do with one another. besides the logos look completely different besides the fact they use the letter M.

• Nikk Purucker KENOSHA, WI

I dont understand why a drink company needs to pick on a fish forum besides greed. Thats just pure greed you lost a heavy monster drinker!

• john wilks EAU CLAIRE, WI

because this hobby is for all people , of all races . almost all breeds and the knowledge people get from this website is priceless .. over a energy drink .. u serious .. dont they have enough money off endorsements alone .. all im saying is help keep this site up . the world of this website is in our hands .. vote yes .. or my green terror will eat you !!! .. serious .. go vote

• will GErsch CUPERTINO, CA

Because I love fish


I always support MFK

• Peter Dowdy REGINA, CANADA This is an abuse of the trademark system and the legal system. Monster should be penalized for this bully-boy behaviour.

• Michael Ye DENVER, CO

Unfair to businesses that Can't fight off large corporations

• Allison Okpych SUMMERVILLE, SC

Monster drink is gross, and Monster Aquaria had it first.


Monster Fish Keepers has fed my habit for a good year now, and it has saved countless numbers of stock from possible death.

• Christopher Thorn ROCKFORD, MI

This website has been very important to me over the years in learning about fish and the aquarium hobby.

• Tony Mariskanish CARSON CITY, NV

Big companies bully smaller business too much. We need to stand for whats right, and not for whats making more money.

• Dennis Thornton SAN JOSE, CA

Monster Energy is evil and has to be stopped.

• Michael McHugh RESTON, VA

look nothing alike.. small company needs to survive

• Allison Long ANN ARBOR, MI

Big companies should not push people around like this.

• Elizabeth Starks LOUISVILLE, CANADA

Not only is the branding of easily distinguishable from yours, they aren't even a competitor. This sort of bogus copyright bullying will only bring you bad P.R.

• Steven Mammolito MIDDLETOWN, NJ Monster Energy is acting moronic to think that they own the word "Monster" or the letter "M"


No compagnie should have the right to silly claim. I wont buy any of their pruducts.

• Zech Bukys WEBSTER, NY

It is ridiculous that this is even being questioned they are nothing alike

• Lynn Murphy PACIFICA, CA

I value the work that Monster Aquaria Network is doing, and the important information that is being shared in the Aquarium Industry because of this organization.

• Bradley Voshell MARTINSVILLE, IN

Tired of big corps. denying small buisness to succeed. Other than the fact that both letters are "M" there is no other common factor.

• Natalie Kilpatrick OMAHA, NE

We don't need another successful sole proprietorship taken down and caused irreversible damage by the corporate world.


I am a member of Monsterfishkeepers and it has nothing to do with monster energy drink.


Big corps need to get off their high horse and stop being arseholes. I will never drink monster products again, and ask a friend who owns a chain of newsagents to stop stocking their product.


MFK is an important web-based connection for aquarium hobbyist. It deserves its rights to retain the trademark 'M'.



IP issues

• Iwalani Huntington SAN TAN VALLEY, AZ

The website is a fantastic online forum for fishkeeping hobbyists to discuss their passion. I do not think that Monster Energy drink should be concerned about a fish keeping site that has the word "monster" in it. They're obviously totally unrelated. Monster Energy does not own the word "monster". I will boycott Monster Energy in addition to encouraging everyone I know to do the same until they come to their senses and stop their legal proceedings against

• Eric Cortez SAN DIEGO, CA

I am a keeper of large fish and a long time member of Monster Fishkeepers.

• Katie Yee OLNEY, MD

because it doesn't even look like it!


Because bullying like this is absolutely ridiculous and Monster does not own the letter M.

• Michael Munshaw BARRIE, CANADA

Lawsuits like this make no sense I would never confuse these two company logos. Why a beverage company feels that an aquarium support forum would in any way pose a competitive threat is truly beyond me. Stop being a Monster pain in the ass. (grow up and move on).

• Michel Verwaal GALLATIN, TN

I'm tired of big corporations trying to tell us what or what not to do.

With or without help of the government

We the people ......

• Danica Dunham BUFFALO GROVE, IL

This is unfair and ridiculous. Monster drinks suck anyway...

• Justin Roopan SAN FERNANDO, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO There is too much useful information on this site to lose.

• Adam Anderson LAKEWOOD, WA

i used to be an avid monster consumer. however this lawsuit is assinin and childish. Especially since its against a non-profit organization. Monster will be lucky if they ever have my business again.

• David Negron CHICAGO, IL

To support, who have been nothing but helpful to me in my hobby!

• Jeffrey Hutchinson CANANDAIGUA, NY

I'm signing because i think Monster Energy is being totally ludicrous here. I don't think there are any grounds for this cease and desist crap.

• Ilya Danilkevich SANTA ANA, CA

To stop Monster Energy Drinks from bullying a company which has been using a logo which was legally trademarked to represent their company


The trademarks are easily distinguishable.

• Mark Lynn ST PAUL, MN

Absolutely ridiculous. This reminds me of the case a few years ago where the Union Pacific Railroad sued a hobbyist for featuring photos of its locomotives on a calendar and tried to collect fees from any manufacturer that painted models in the UP paint scheme. The hobbyists won in court and UP lost a great deal of public goodwill because of their corporate greed and ignorance. There is no competition here and the logos don't resemble each other.

Suck a big one Monster Energy Company! Your product tastes like dirty aquarium water anyway.

• Samuel Gugel ANCHORAGE, AK

Avid supporter and user of I believe that the logos are extremely distinguishable.

• Dennis Seik ROSWELL, NM The two products have nothing to do with each other and the logos do not even come close. Also does MEC think that they own the rights to colors and letters.

• david szura CANTON, MI

this is absurd, another case of a large corporation bullying the little guy.


The "M" motif used by MonsterFishKeepers looks nothing like the "M" motif used by Monster Energy Company there is no way they can be mixed up they might aswell try suing McDonalds as they use a "M" motif one company cannot use a letter of the alphabet for its sole use if they looked similar I wouldn't be signing just look they no way resemble each other.


This is Obsurd action to control One word ,and Monster fish keepers has NO competition with Monster Energy Company! If you persist I will have to Stop buying your products!

• sue oconnor COARSEGOLD, CA

It is unfair and unreasonable for a larger beverage company to sue a smaller business over a common word

• Scott Kramer KEARNS, UT

I drink Monster energy, but this is ridiculous.

I believe I visited MonsterFishKeepers long before energy drinks.


I'm supporting a friend & his protest.

• mike reid KENAI, AK

frivolous and unnecessary litigation, there is no way monsterfishkeepers is negatively affecting monster energy drinks business.

• Steve Bateman MADERA, CA

Big business has no business picking on small business....

• Kris Davis WHITEHOUSE, TX Picking on mfk is unreasonable, unfounded and just plain horseshit. Not to energy drinks taste like dead-fish-water.

• Fred Welter SHERIDAN, WY

This is a frivolous action is against an entity that in no way threatens Monster Energy Beverages sales. Ease up !

• Ronald Myers WEST PLAINS, MO

I totally agree with the guy who stated the following: This is just corporate bullying - what you guys don't think the average American is smart enough to tell the difference between a lousy beverage and a fish tank? Hopefully there will be 1000's of us who will never buy your products again if you continue with this stupid suit.

• Alex Nguyen SAN JOSE, CA

Monster Energy Drinks are bad for the body.


This is Stupid. Monster is a Word, not a trademark, and the drink logo is just three lines, not nearly as fancy and artistic as the fish group one. There is no mistaking the two. Money doesn't make you right, that's not how the world works.

• Alex Martin MOUNDS VIEW, MN

Because FUCK Monster Energy, that's why.

• Jeff Johnson CASTLE ROCK, CO

Monster Energy Drinks doesn't own the letter M, or the word Monster.

• micah bachner FORT BRAGG, NC

That is completely absurd! Screw monster. I love my MFK, and I'm a red bull guy anyway.

• Ching Liang Lee AMPANG, MALAYSIA

to stop MEC bully MFK.

• Diane Tennison UNIVERSAL CITY, TX This is crazy! The 2 "M's" don't even look the same and these are completely different businesses. In all of my years of association with Monster FishKeepers - I have NEVER confused it with Monster Energy Drinks...

• christopher carpenter GRAND RAPIDS, MI

i am both a fish keeper and monster energy drinker. i will give up the monster energy drink if this continues much longer. there are tons of options for energy drinks.

• Robin Noonan EASTLAKE, OH

Monster "energy" is corrupt enough. Now the greedy pricks are sticking their noses in other peoples hobbies? Why don't they just stick to ignorant dumb kids and make some more awful tasting heart attack growth/hormone genetic defecting sugar water? Besides, the "green m" looks like a claw mark, (just like they claw at your money) not an actual English letter. Lets win this MonsterFishKeepers, We already have as far as I'm concerned.


As a once regular consumer of Monster products, I am disgusted to think that I ever gave this company my money after hearing about this blatant act of "we're bigger than you" bullying against an organisation that poses no competition to Monster.

I'm disgusted that such a company would stoop to such frivalous lawsuits in an attempt to... Prove that they can?

• Timothy McDermott SMITHTOWN, NY

Stop corporate bullying!!!

• Dallas Bartholomew BANGOR, MI

This is nuts the sight strictly states Monster Fish Keepers..... I will no longer support you monster hope it was worth it. I use to buy cases at a time never again. I also have about 30 people that sell your product that have seen this and they no longer will carry your products in their store!!!!

• Michael Cox MCLEAN, VA

To support MFK

• Juan Quinones BRONX, NY

Because from now on I'm not consuming the MONSTER Beverage! • Adam Zamboni REDONDO BEACH, CA

The similarity of the two brands is merely the word "Monster", which is a commonly used phrase. The emblems do not look similar at all and would not be easily confused. Most importantly, the energy drink demographic and fish keeping demographic are extremely different markets. There is no affect, negative or positive of on Monster Energy marketing or sales.

• Christopher Reicen WEST NEW YORK, NJ

It is absolutely RIDICULOUS that a company like Monster Energy would bully out a website like this!!!! I work in the financial industry, and they are obviously trying to push around some weight becuase their stocks have gone up. Great way to treat your supporters! It's ok...... what goes around comes around. I know people...... and those same people who where your logo in support will drop it in no time. Yet another GARBAGE company in the US...... waste.

• Wynn Dee Niemi CAMANO ISLAND, WA

To support Monster Fish Keepers!

• Mark Karlichek MORO, OR

Being a fan of both brands I have to agree with and side with MFK. I am a graduate at Western Michigan University with a bachelors in Fine Arts with emphasis in Graphic Design. I am VERY familiar with type and company brands. I see absolutely no similarities that could justify consumer confusion between the two brands. Monster Energy Company is bullying a great network and for this I will no longer support MEC unless this is dropped.

• Dan Jones NEW LENOX, IL

You have too many lawyers Monster.

• Ashley Lockmiller WEST ORANGE, NJ

Trying to own a letter and a word, which aren't even stylized similarly, for two completely different groups of people, markets, etc? C'mon... shouldn't Monster be off fighting with RedBull, Venom, 5 Hour, etc instead of a community of fish hobbyists?

• Kathryn Fritz FRANKLINTON, LA

The logos for MonsterFishKeepers and Monster Energy look nothing alike. It's completely ridiculous! I've never had anything against Monster Energy, but this will definitely keep me from trying anymore of their products. • Sterling Buster LEBANON, TN

If you get these two company logos confused you shouldn't be allowed in public without supervision.

• Jennifer Kazlau MIDLAND PARK, NJ

This is ridiculous. Are they going to sue (the employment site) next just because of the name?

• Syed Ali , NY

Monster Energy Drink is extremly ignorant. It seems that someone is trying to get job security by acting like they are doing somthing important. What they should have done was try to become a sponser for Monster Fish Keepers and Market to the froums that way they could have gained some type of good reputation, instead they look like a bunch of corporate donkey......

• William Kaledas LEWISBURG, PA

This is such a great forum with many things for monster fish keepers to learn. This is absurd that we should be subjected to this copyright infringement. This isn't a money making organization!

• Matt Bowers WEST UNITY, OH

Why can't this corporation leave our forum alone??

• Chad Ashton ROMNEY, WV

Because this is ridiculous and frivolous. Monster Energy are such losers they have nothing better to do?

• Mike Partridge SAINT JOHN, CANADA

This looks like some wanabe Shark of a Lawyer is just trying to generate some billable hours. They have to know there is no possible way an online forum could litigate the action so the see it as an opportunity to bill the Monster Bev company big bucks for very little work and they are very sure they will be successful. It should be considered a nuisance action without merit in my humble opinion.

• Angela Reeves JACKSON, MS

Cause this is nuts.

• Dan Staub DECATUR, IN because what M.E.C. is doing is absurd!

• Brian Sharp AMELIA, OH

I'm signing this petition because its the right thing to do, and we need to stand up against bullies. Corporate or otherwise.


Signing up as part of the party in support of the extended aquatic hobbyists contingent, against a clear case of trademark bullying!

• Russell Leaming HAMMOND, IN

The actions of this "Monster" company against is simply one more example of an rabid Goliath threatening a throughly pastoral David. As such it deserves to be shot down by a well-aimed rock from a sling.


I have chosen to sign this petition because this is a classic goliath complex from this drinks company. The two brand logos are clearly nothing alike, if anything the drinks company should be sues for copyright infringement for using the angel and devil logo which are used by other companies. lets hope justice prevails.

• Ken McDonald AUSTRALIA

Just another case of corperate greed.

• Jerad Schroeder WOODBURY, MN

It is one thing to sue over similar logos (they have very mild similarities) but this is an act of a craven company who recently realized that it's only real value is it's name which, in part to the transcription properties of the internet, has been loosing value. Furthermore, if a company uses the word in a different manner (noun vs adjective) it has a different identity and should be treated as such. Lastly, the people that look at Monster Aquariums are not usually the same people that are using the products that monster energy is selling.

If the monster energy company is really worried about what the public thinks of their products, they should stop selling 'energy bands' instead of trying to sue a small website that offers free assistance in the care of aquatic life as well as a place for social gatherings.

If Monster is not aware, people that keep fish the way the members of this forum do, are smart, diligent, constant slaves to social media sites, and most of importantly, obsessive. Why would you want to start a silly turf war when the risk is so high and so little to gain? I may not drink energy drinks, I may not use 'energy bands' , and I may not buy medium quality cords for exorbitant amounts of money, but you can be sure of one thing; I will talk about this to everyone at work, everyone I date, everyone I see using any of your products, and everyone I am friends with, about this lapse of judgement.

We are the people, we are your investors, we are your consumers, we are becoming enemies.

• Scott Smith SACRAMENTO, CA

Small businesses desperately need for there to be more attention and opposition to trademark bullies such as Monster Energy and Entrepreneur Magazine!

Scott "Entrepreneurman" Smith

[email protected]

• Pat McCann ODESSA, WA

Stop corporate bullying, this is BS.


Arrogance and Ego on behalf of Monster Energy. Get over yourselves. I've been a member of the MFK network for 10 years. I support their wonderous efforts in advancing the aquarium hobby.


This is absolutely ridiculous. Pointless Corporate bullying - the logos are not only completely different, they represent two completely different things. You'd need a pretty low IQ to mix them up or think someone else might do the same....

• Michelle Britt KEARNS, UT

This is pretty ridiculous considering they are two completely different types of Marketing items. The logos are no where near the same I wouldn't confuse them in my sleep. I hope this wasn't a publicity stunt for the beverage company because I am a feared it will backfire on them. However, for, I am a new member :)

• Shane Pryor SHREVEPORT, LA

This is ridiculous and disgusting. I won't buy Monster Energy products any more, and I drink at least 1 energy drink a day. Rockstars are better anyway...

• Chris Cox LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM Companies like Monster are behaving in a disgusting and unacceptable way. A message needs to be sent.


MonsterFishKeepers is an amazing site with a wealth of information. I learned most of my fish keeping from other users on there.

Monster Energy drink should stop being a hater. The logos dong look anything alike.

I am so disappointed with Monster Energy Drink. I am a supervisor in a grocery chain and have asked many of my co-workers and close friends to never buy energy drink again and they will never. I cannot believe a beverage company is doing this to a FISH WEBSITE. You have guts to compete with the second most popular pet in the entire world.

• Marshall Joas FERNDALE, WA

Frivolous! The two logo's are not close enough to bring legal action. Not to mention the two completely different products they promote. I like Pepsi! What are you guys doing over there... very sad.

• Dennis Aboud SUNNYVALE, CA

I have been a monster fish freak for years and Monster fish keepers already have the patent on their M trade mark. Why should Monster fish keepers give up their patent?

• Richard Windeler FORT MYERS, FL

Corporate thuggery is unacceptable. There is no confusing similarity and there is no competition unless Monster Energy plans to go into the fish business. If Monster Energy had a brain available to think with they would SPONSOR MonsterFishKeepers and make friends for their business instead of making enemies.

• Tony Nguyen GARDEN GROVE, CA

I feel like unreasonable action from Monster Energy Company because Monster Fish Keepers has nothing relate or compete against Monster Energy Company. Now i question myself, should i change my user MKD (Monster Keeps Discus) starts with M?

• Seth Ellwood LEXINGTON, SC

Monster fish keepers has been around longer than monster energy drink so if anyone is infringing on trademarks it is monster energy drink.Furthermore the logos are so diffrent that there is no physical way they could be mistaken.Sinse finding out this happened myself and hundreds of my friends have decided to cease and decist using or supporting monster energy drink!!!!

• Anita Brecosky CANONSBURG, PA

This is clearly a case of a big corporation going after a company, who in no way is dliuting their marketshare via the sale of their dissimilar product. I'm sure that consumers can tell the difference in the products. The logos aren't even similar with the exception of the letter "M" (out of the alphabet,) which I believe is in the public domain. These kinds of frivilous cases are what keep the courts busy doing nothing, while there are years of wait-time for cases that actually need to be heard. Monster Energy Drinks should be ashamed of themselves. The judge should ban them from proceeding this this lawsuit.

• Michele Wethington ROCHESTER, NY

This is a HUGE insult to consumers, especially those that purchase your product! I'm sure I know the difference between an energy drink and an aquarium. I will no longer be drinking your product unless and until you leave, and its sister site, Aquaria Central, alone and I will encourage my friends, family and every one else to do the same.

• Theresa LoGiudice TERRYTOWN, LA

You can't trademark a letter of the alphabet. You can only trademark a design. The designs are clearly different.

• Kristopher Kell PERRY HALL, MD

It's quite sad that a company whose products I consume would stoop to this level of bullying. Unless Monster apologizes and drops this frivolous lawsuit, they have lost a customer.

• brad miller MADISON HTS, MI

stop it ok? just stop it. these are NOT confusing to customers. ridiculous. i will be boycotting all monster products until this is dropped.

• Michael Deegan FRISCO, TX

Classic over-reaching and abuse of our legal system. There is absolutely no-way of confusing these companies only a moron or "lawyer" would get confuse. Monster beverages should be made to publicly apologize and foot all the bills for this abuse of our legal system

• Neal Coffey BRICK, NJ You don't own the letter 'M', Monster. Nor do you own the name 'Monster' unless we're talking about beverages. You need to withdraw this lawsuit and compensate MonsterFishKeepers for any legal fees.

• Tim Callahan OAKWOOD, GA

I don't drink aquarium water

• Lou DePasqua ROUND LAKE, IL

The logos look nothing alike. There only 26 letters in the alphabet and corprate amereica wont allow two seperate entities to begin their names with the same letter even if the logos are nothing alike. Completley unfair to a smaller organization who cant afford to fight this unjust trademark dispute.

• Timothy Sanderson SAN RAMON, CA

Even as Monster energy drink fan, I think this is absolutely wrong on their part. I cannot imagine how there could possibly be any confusion between the two brands, or how a beverage company could be impacted those w/interest in aquariums. Ridiculous. I'll stock on Red Bull this weekend instead of products from these Monster bullies.


The logos aren't even the same, nor are the colours. And the two companies don't even operate in the same space.

These kinds of frivolous lawsuits should be made illegal.

Monster Energy Company, consider me, one less customer!

• Andrew Jarvis VANTAA, FINLAND

Sick and tired of seeing corporations (and other entities) openly abusing trademark law. It's high time such offenders were harshly slapped down for such abuse.


Monster Energy should be ashamed of targeting a company that has no relation to their product whatsoever. It would be one thing if this company sold drinks and used a very similar logo/colour scheme to Monster Energy, but it doesn't. You can't copyright green/black, the word 'monster', or the letter 'm'. Silliness.


Because there is no fucking way that's a stolen logo... Bloody idiots • Andy Pastuszak BENSALEM, PA

I see no reason why Monster Energy has exclusive rights to use M.

• Henry Puryear VIRGILINA, VA

Monster fish has been around a long time. This is an example of cyber bullying by big corporations

• Shawn Fuller PLACENTIA, CA

This is a case of bullying. Too many people/companies think they have a right to ruin each other through being sue happy. They need to grow up and stop ruining and giving this country (USA) a bad name through childish cases like this. Any minimally educated person can clearly tell the difference between these two companies as well as their trademarks. Maybe Monster Energy company needs to go back to school. Back off and allow to continue their coverage of an amazing hobby.

• taylor hernandez LAFAYETTE, LA

Because this lawsuit is obviously ridiculous. Everyone know's what Monster Energy Company's logo is you don't have to go and start a childish lawsuit just to make a little extra money. Monster Energy Company you should be ashamed at what you are doing, you are a multi million dollar company get over youself.



• penny ladnet GULFPORT, MS

This is a David and Goliath battle, but like David we will overcome Corporate!!!


The symbols do not look the same at all. I do not think of energy drinks when I see the Monster Fish Keepers logo. When I see the Monster Energy Drink logo I do not think of fish keeping. Monster Energy is not loosing any money from logo confusion.


It is unfair to try and bully a company into removing a letter from their logo... It is not even remotely similar anyway... and M is just another letter in the alphabet... pretty soon people will stop you from using a letter in your own name... ridiculous

• Eileen Schwab TUCSON, AZ I believe Monsterfishkeepers was in existence before the drink. Even if it was not, NOBODY is going to be confused by the name. Nobody. The soft drink company needs to ratchet down and try to be good citizens and support, or at the very least, ignore, fish forums and sites with what they perceive as similar naming. Seven Hells, people, BE NICE. Too much caffeine, maybe?


You would have to be a moron to mix up those two logos. You trademark a logo, not a letter.

• Peter Parks MIDLAND, TX

There is no reason for monster energy to be threatened by aquarists.

• Ivan Garrett CHEYENNE, WY

These two brands are not in competition and the logos share only the letter M. The logos are not easily confused. Monster Bev should be ashamed; and should be wary of losing profits should their continued history of litigation against small non-competing brands and companies continue. You've lost my $$$, and my family's, and a fair number of friend's $$$ who I've spoke with.


Because I am a Aquarius hobbiest! Its petty for a multi million dollar company to sue a small time hobbiests web site for trade mark issues. No one else can write or say monster? "monster" am I goin to be sued?! And they symbols are not similar. The monster starts with the letter "M"

• Mark Autrey LOVES PARK, IL

Monsterfishkeepers logo doesn't look anything like monster energy. This is just corporate bullying for no good reason. No one is going to confuse the too. Monster energy just lost another customer by abusing the legal system for corporate gain.

• jeremy rathburn GREENSBURG, IN

Because monster energy are bitches and trying to do something they can't. For one the symbols aren't anything alike and neither are the names. surprised monster energy isn't going after monster trucks for having monster in it's name also. What douches monster energy is for doing this and I'll never drink another one of their products again.

• ron martin EXMOUTH, UNITED KINGDOM unfair on Monster Aquaria Network, corporate badboys need to be brought down a peg...NO way could consumers mistake the 2 companies logos, monster energy company are world famous for thier logo, and greedily want all the lime lite for themselves..are they really this insecure?

• Robert Willhelm HAGERMAN, NM

Not even close in design


Support to Monster Fish Tanks. And to tell Monster Energy, I will never buy their products again.

• Roger Ma SAN DIEGO, CA

Vendor on MFK Forum

• Aleena Furze ORANGEVALE, CA

Monsters are stupid.

• Jonathan Massung SAGINAW, MI

I like both sides, but the word monster and a letter can't be copyrighted like that. It is unreasonable and wrong. As a monster drink lover who was looking to get the hoodie....I have changed my mind and will "cease and desist" drinking their product till they withdraw their claim. And I will encourage others to do the same.

• Teddi Fishman SENECA, SC

Really? Does it make any sense that people would confuse MonsterFishKeepers and Monster Energy drinks? What's next? Will you go after Monster Truck Rallies? Cookie Monster? How about a little civility instead. There is room for us all!

• Norman Waaks GREENSBORO, NC

This lawsiut is frivolous. The word monster is kind of a generic.

• Christopher Wall CLEVELAND, OH

This sort of thing is completely unreasonable, and actually hurts the originator of the suit with bad press. It's very clear that the two are unrelated here, and more, they have already filed for the same trade mark protections the energy drink company has been afforded. It's clear there's no intentional or accidental infringement here. • Laurie Maydish HOWELL, NJ

The entire thing is rediculous. People will not be confused and believe that drinking copious amounts of aqarium water will boost their energy level.

• Kristin Bennett LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, OH

Monster Fish keepers has been around for a long time, why is monster energy drink just now doing this. Basically monster energy drinks are saying NO business can have the word "monster" in it, because it'd be copying them. They need to stop getting their panties in a bunch.

• Paul Chippindale ARLINGTON, TX

The logos aren't even remotely similar, the products aren't even vaguely related to one another (I can't see how they'd be in competition), and I don't think that the letter "M" itself is trademarked or copyrighted or protected in any way. This seems ridiculous to me, and a big drain of time, energy, and money for a small business owner.

• Mike Hantsche FULLERTON, CA

Clearly different logos. Extremely different types of companies. For the past 5 years i have drank Monster energy Drinks. Almost daily! When a large well off company starts picking on a tiny web site I lose all respect for that company’s product. I will never support your company or buy your drinks. Because of your greed I will no longer give you my money.

• Dom Turiace LA CRESCENTA,, CA

I am supporting my hobby and not a some corporate giant that profits from everything .I mean come on guys a damn M


Stop corporate bullying. this is absolutely ridiculous and a waste of time and resources and MEC's part.

• James Bavilacqua WEST COLUMBIA, SC

Because this web site has helped me grow as a fish keeper.. Thx monster fish keepers

• Mark Brown ASTORIA, OR

There is such a difference in the design of logos, it would take an idiot to not see the difference. • shannon hickman SEATTLE, WA

The logos are nothing alike. There is no merit to claim trade mark infringement. I've never heard of Monster Energy Drink before. Rest assured I will never drink it now.

This corporation need to get its head out of its own ass.


Bullying Fish keepers is NOT cool!

• Cameron Turner KITCHENER, CANADA

I agree with Monster Fish Keepers. Their logo does not dilute the Monster Drink brand.

• Stephan Tanner COLUMBUS, OH

Selling corn syrup with food coloring is obviously making lots of money. So much money that Monster Energy Company can afford to pay lawyers to target an ornamental fish website. Wow, MFK must really be a worthy target! I definitely know what not to drink in the future and will remind everyone about this second-rate corporate behavior.

• Jacob Karcz DAVIS, CA

The M's are quite different and if Monster is insecure about their business they can use a little less sugar and stop relying on a marketing campaign to sell their sugar highs. I never confused the two companies and don't think a major corporation needs to be throwing its weight around like that. Monster fish provides a valuable service to fish and their keepers by providing taxonomic and husbandry information. MEC needs to back off their high horse before karma kicks them off.

• Karin Sable TAHOE CITY, CA

This is unreasonable. It is a letter in the alphabet. Get over yourselves Monster Energy Drinks. This is corporate America gone goofy. Will be the demise of the union.

• john staubach COLERAIN TOWNSHIP, OH

This is SO stupid. If Monster Energy doesn't back down, I will NEVER drink Monster Energy again!!!!


The logos look nothing alike, they are not competing for the same consumer and the lawyers are the only winners. I wonder if Monster Energy is owned by a law firm? It's possible to like fish and energy drinks, but I will no longer buy MonsterEnergy. There are plenty of real competitors in that market. Please leave the fish lovers alone.

• Greg Szwoch CHICAGO, IL

Big supporter of mfk

• Marcus Caporicci LONDON, CANADA

Disgusting....big corp bullying the little guy. Time to Boycott Monster and spread the word.


There is absolutely no connection in any way between Monster Energy and MonsterFishKeepers. Monster is just a word typically used to describe a large and aggressive creatures which is most applicable to the name MonsterFishKeepers which is a forum dedicated to keeping large and aggressive fish. How Monster Energy can possible think that people would mistake the M in MonsterFishKeepers to be something related to their energy drink is beyond me. Leave us hobbyist alone and go back to your beverage making!


Why do beverages possibly relate to a fish forum that fish forum with a trademark that has gotten no issues from anybody for 12 years?

• Jenise Adams OVIEDO, FL

this is pretty fucked up right here.

• John Brand DUNEDIN, FL

Guess whos energy drinks I WONT be buy ever again...


Monster Energy isn't even an M

• pheng vang GREEN BAY, WI

We are fish keepers not energy drinkers.. leave us alone. There is no competitions here. You can at least help sponsor the site to promote your energy drink.

• Dennis Yang BROOKLYN, NY I dont understand why Monster Energy is doing this? This is stupid and should definitely keep their logo!


This is a ridiculous and stupid demand, probably some greedy laywer will profit from this anyway.

• Ryan Waltman WARREN, PA


• Henry Perez ORLANDO, FL

Monster Energy are bullies, if you cannot figure out Monster Fish Keepers are Monster Energy drinks are two completely different things you should be living under a rock somewhere.

• jason furness BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA

Monster Energy should not bully smaller companies for something as ridiculous as this.


Typical Corporate greed. No understanding given to others. Spreading fear in order to remain strong. Fail.

• Scott Johnson KAMLOOPS, CANADA

I am signing becuase this has absolutely nothing to do with Monster Energy Drinks and I never once even thought the logos were too similar. I will NEVER buy another Monster Energy product again if they continue to push this issue. is fantastic and I will definitely support them.

• John Cabell HIGHLAND, MI

I am a dentist. Monster energy drinks are very damaging to teeth. I will be sure to mention them by name to my patients when discussing the relationship between sugar and tooth decay...... and again when patients admire my African cichlids.


i think that the bully boy attitude is wrong there is no way you can mistake a fish for a energy drink

• Blaine Popp CALGARY, CANADA For being pure bullies, I will never again purchase a Monster Energy Drink or any product displaying the logo !

• Misty Harshman VALPARAISO, IN

Big companies like Monster Energy need to stop being bullies to smaller groups just because they use a very common word as part of their name. Next thing you know they'll start demanding people stop referring to movies featuring non-humans as "monster movies" because people might get confused. -_-

• Joy Manderfield WILLIAMS BAY, WI

Monster Energy, I used to enjoy your drinks but lately they taste pretty disgusting.


This is one of the best reference pages I've come across on the www to help with FISH ISSUES AND BREEDING INFORMATION FOR MY SHOP !!! It's pathetic that monster energy one of my favorite energy drinks has to lower themselves to loose yet another customer IN THE WORDS OF A FAMOUS TV PRESENTER "SHAME SHAME SHAME " !!!!!

• Michael Roehrich BISMAARCK, ND

If we don't stop these fools now, it will only be a matter of time before I'll get sued for spelling my name with "their" trademarked letter. I don't want to be called Ike or Ichael.

• Joseph Belanger SAVANNAH, GA

I have been visiting the monsterfishkeepers sight long before I've ever see the energy drink. I think Monsterfishkeepers should be suing Monster energy drink. Im in the Military and I won't be having another monster

• Jon Barwood PAYSON, AZ



There is absolutely no way customers could confuse a beverage with an aquarium hobby forum ! The 2 logos have no resemblance whatsoever, they are completely different.

Monster Energy Company, please go pick on other beverage companies if you really need to pick on someone, and leave aquarium hobbyists in peace !

• Robert Mather EAST MILLINOCKET, ME Im sick and tired of corporate greed and heavy handedness. The name and trade mark has been in exisitence since 2007, Monster Drink corp needs to go and pick on someone their own size.

• Aamie Lile K, IA

This is one of the most frivolous and lame accusations of logo infringement I have ever seen. I am behind you 100% Monster Fish Keepers!! Dont give in to these assholes!!


I want Monster Energy to retract its Cease and Desist letter to Monster Fish Keepers.

• Debopriyo Banerjee VOORHEES, NJ

This is ludicrous. The symbols are not similar at all.

• Mike Rivera HOLLIS, NY

I’m a member of MosterFishKeeoers for many years and I strongly feel that no one group or entity has a right to keep others from using any word that used to describe or name any organization and for this reason I totally support MonsterFishKeepers 100%.

Mike R.

New York City

• Daniel Charabaruk TORONTO, CANADA

This C&D is frivolous, unnecessary, and wrong.

• Chris whittles BURBANK, CA

This Lawsuit is fucking ridiculous .The letter "M" give me a break. You would have to be vision impaired to confuse the two.Monster Energy STOP CLOGGING THE COURTS!

• Josh Schreiber STEVEN'S POINT, WI

Monster energy is nothing more than a soulless corporation I will not touch their products henceforth

• Daniel Clarke PENN LAIRD, VA

As a graphic designer, I could certainly say that this is nowhere near a close enough representation of the Monster logo to be a trademark infringement! • jon cody FISHERS, IN

If not restrained, I'm afraid Monster energy next legal motion may be a move against the english language to strike the letter M from the alphabet, thus rendering 'Mothers Milk" to others ilk. Such a travesty must not come to pass.


Trying to help MonsterFishKeepers!

• Benjamin Rice WINTER PARK, FL

C'mon, really Monster? This is stupid of you.

• Al Sabetta NORTHFORD, CT

Rediculous and Petty on the Part of Monster Energy Company. I think the Corp execs there have been sipping too much "cola"

• John Hoffman NORMAN, OK

Monster is just bullying MFK. It's not the same "product" and the logos look nothing alike out side of being designed around the letter "M" which neither party owns. Corporate bullying like this is poor behavior and needs to be stopped.

• Nick Basinski BOONTON, NJ

There is absolutely no reason for an energy drink company to go after a network of hobbyists just trying to share information.

• Derek Berner NASHVILLE, TN

Monster Energy also sued Rock Art Brewery for naming their local beer, the Vermonster. Monster needs to knock off the litigious bullshit NOW.

• Ruben Lee FRESNO, CA


• Adrienne Reinson Wilson REGINA, CANADA

Fish people know the difference, and if they dont wow you get more advertising.

• Dan Phillips MADISON, WI This is just ridiculous, a perfect example of a big corporation throwing their weight around and screwing the little guys over. I know what my friends and I won't be drinking in the future...

• Ramdas Nair MUMBAI, INDIA

The claim of Monster Energy company is purely Crap.

• erwin chandra SLEMAN, INDONESIA

support MFK

• Chris Larsen REGINA, CANADA

No one in their right mind would accidently associate one with the other. This is a classic example of a frivolous suit.


In a thousand years there won't be Monster but there'll still be monster fish!


Just a lousy corporate crap..What wud a small group of aqua enthusiasts do against a corporate giant ?..Forget Monster drink Red bull.


I don't see how any one could confuse the logos.

• Dean Moore SPRING HILL, FL

There is no reason for this action by Monster Energy. Just another Lawyer trying to make a buck!


Aquariums where around before energy drinks.

• Dave Kingsley BROCKTON, MA

The resemblance is absurd! BOTH logos are well established and not likely to be confused.

• Ron Ruesch SLINGER, WI I am signing this petition because the two logo's represent two totally different products so there is no competition.

I will no longer buy any Monster brand energy drinks due to their bully campaign.

• Brayden Nelson SAMMAMISH, WA

Because Monster Energy Company is completely out of hand with this case.

• Doni Hagan VANDALIA, MI

I keep tropical fish and have been aware of this site for years....LONG before I ever heard of Monster Drink. Ridiculous! Don't lawyers have anything better to do???


I rarely drink energy drinks, as I liken them to canned poison, but I can assure Monster Energy Company that I will never reach for one of its products EVER again if their frivolous badgering of hobby sites doesn't cease. Actually, I may already be at that point. Regardless, MFK is an invaluable educational resource and in no way a threat to a soft drink company!

• Raphael Zrihen VALLEJO, CA

The English language that we learn how to speak from an early age and use to communicate, for speaking, writing, Art Staging, Designing, engineering or for any other mater should not be owned by any individual or an entity to control the use of any part of the language unless it was a compilation of ideas or products that became a book, a play, a movie and were copyrighted

What about: River Monster

Monster Products, HD HDMI, Premium - HOME THEATER.

MONSTER HIGH - VIdeo games for kids ONLINE

Monster jobs, Monster Galaxy . Monster House, Monster Song - Skillet Monster


So, Picking and bulling you is wrong, They have no right to own the words you are using, and do what they do.

And i am not sure what is their motivation besides fighting for placement on search engines results and directing potential customers to their website since you both start with the word monster. I support you a 100 percent, I hope you win, and good luck. • helene evans HOVE, UNITED KINGDOM

because what the Monster Energy company are doing is blatantly ridiculous


The auction is just plain wrong!


Fight the power!


Those two logos are nothing alike and noone would EVER confuse the two companies. It's ridiculous. You should not be able to trademark the name monster...or maybe could sue Monster Energy!

• Robert Adams WALLS, MS

I am not a member but I hate to see a fish forum getting picked on by a corporate bully that is getting too spazzed on their own product. I am going to lead a local boycott here in my community., keep your head up and know that the fish keepers out there whether members or not support you.

• charlie williams SYLACAUGA, AL

I am a member of the monster aquaria network and i think it is absolutely ridiculous that monster energy is doing this. the logos look nothing alike. (other than both being an M) and as mentioned, there not in competition with each other. if anything, people confusing the monster aquaria network "M" with monster energys would work in there favor.


This is an absurd request! An energy drink company vs. an aquarium keeping community? Huh? Who is going to confuse an energy drink with an aquarium or fish? The word "monster" and the colors black and green have been around long before Monster Energy Company was a thought in someones head! Sorry, you don't own the word "monster" nor do you own the colors black or green!

• Eric Green GALLOWAY, NJ

Monsterfishkeepers is cool as Hell and n honest website!! As well

• Peter McMonagle BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM I dont drink Monster and never will. Its banned from my house along with any other product containing its logo in support of MFK.


There is no trademark confusion. Shame on Monster Energy for trying to bully a small community. We buy Monster drinks all of the time, but if this is the way your company operates we will quit supporting your brand.

• Natalie Cartier ST-LAURENT, CANADA

This is just ridiculous, it looks nothing like it! Are they going to go after Monster Gym, or maybe even the makers of Monsters Inc. (the movie)...? Maybe McDonalds should go after them for using an M as a logo...

• James Norman MORRISTOWN, TN

i will boycott all monster energy products and events until this is dropped. i own a small convince store and will pull their products and send them back to coke. this is nothing but bulling of a smaller company.

• windy barney EAST CARBON, UT

I dont do not see the resemblance between the trade marks...beside it being a letter M, and we all use the letter m everyday...its a letter for the alfabet.....and should not be owned by anyone. the symbol for monster energy looks nothing like the symbol used by monster fish keepers..


The two brands look nothing alike, the two brands target far different audiences and the two brands are not, and are unlikely to ever be, in competition.

Also, one company cannot own the word monster and the letter 'M' in all of its artistic variations. Plus MFK already has the patent registered.

Monster energy company are just bullies, this is not the first time they have done such a ridiculous and petty move. They need to get a grip.

Anyone ever notice you do not hear of monster energy company taking on any companies as big as themselves that can fight back??

• Robert Melzer RAVENNA, OH

Monster Energy drink is a big corp. bullying the little guy. • Mark Smith READING, PA

If monster energy drink has nothing better to do with their resources than pick on fish hobbyists, then I can spend some time to sign. The logo's are dissimilar enough that only a person with poor eyesight, or a greedy lawyer could confuse the two.

• Carla Mintkenbaugh FLORENCE, KY

It is NOT fair for Monster Energy Company to claim the letter "M" or the word "Monster" as theirs.

• Nichole Mercer DRYDEN, MI

The 2 "M"s don't even look alike and they aren't competition. Monster Energy doesn't own the right to be the only one using"M" as a logo. They are just a big company with to much time and money they have to pick on other people.

• Jimmy Tran SAN JOSE, CA

Monster Energy does not own the letter "M" nor the word "monster". The logos look different and both companies cater to totally different markets. Monster Energy is obviously trying to bully the smaller entity and should not be able to get away with it.

• kimberly kennedy MANNING SC, SC

Monster Energy, there are 26 letters in our alphabet, and you have dibs on none of them. The Monster FishKeepers logo has no impact on your profits, but your showing out will. No Monster drinks for me..


They don't look anything alike and the whole thing is stupid on the behalf of Monster Energy.

• Donald Bridges MIDLOTHIAN, VA

I guess "fish" is the next trademark battle?

• Melanie Kidd EAST SPARTA, OH

The "drippy" M for Monster drink looks nothing like the M with monster horns and a tail for . If Monster Energy wants to make MFK change their logo, they will need to make everyone who uses an "m" in their logo change it. An "M" is an "M", I'd like to see them go after M&M's. Give it up, everyone knows the difference between the drippy M and the horns and tail M. • Denise Johnson EUGENE, OR

There are no similarities in this "M" symbol, other than they are both the letter "M". Monster Energy Co. should not be allowed to "own" a letter of the alphabet. Will they send out letters to all elementary schools to "cease and desist" the use of the "M" in all alphabet charts? Just plain silly.


Regardless of the fact that Monster Energy Company uses a similar "M" in their marketing label and has done so since 2002, it is clear that the "M" in use by the Monster Aquaria Network since 2005 is different. I believe that U.S Patent for the Monster Aquaria Network's "M" design in their logo should stand unchanged and not dropped.

• Christopher Frey NEWARK, DE

Monster Fish keepers in no way infringes on Monster Energy drink. They both use the word "monster" that is it. If there was a drink named "Fish" would it be any different?


Because its nothing like the Monster sign and any idiot can see that..


This is a widely recognized logo and identity in the aquarist community. Monster Energy is being a bad corporate neighbour.

• sarah pilon LONDON, CANADA

To stop Monster Energy Company from ceaseing and desist the letter "M" from logos and not to be dropped from clothing, accessories and stickers. Along with advertising, this merchandise is a source of revenue for Monster Aquaria Network which defrays the cost of maintaining the sites.


I'm signing this because it's absurd?

• Keeley Muncrief ANTHONY, NM

The logos are NOTHING alike, unless Monster's claw-scratched-"M" is a scorpio symbol, which it is not. They are apparently just bored and enjoy being bullies. No court, under matters of law, will find this is a copyright infringement.

• Benjamin Gaw CHICAGO, IL Monster Energy - I will stop buying your products until you drop this ludicrous lawsuit.


big company bullying small fish keeper comunity.. This is rediculus..

• Rebecca Loofboro CAMERON, WI

There is little similarity in the two logos, and there is no market competition that would warrant a clearly different company name. It's a petty and juvenile pursuit of inanity on the part of Monster Energy! Monster Fish Keepers is a well-established and benevolent website whose goal is to bring knowledge to the public about an often misunderstood hobby.

• Charlie Shedivy ELGIN, IL

In no way does:Monster Fish Keeprs" reflect your huge corporation in ant way, I work with the BMX track here in Elgin and will make sure we no longer accept you drink. All this is because you think your purchasers are stupid enough to buy into this! Wrong, in many ways.

• Kerry HarkeyKerryH CHARLOTTE, NC

I love Monsterfish and what the network stands for! And Monster Energy drinks are bad for for you anyway!

• James Morphew SPRINGDALE, AR

There is no similarity between these brands. Every company has the right to protect it's symbols but not to terrorize those who bear a passing similarity and make no attempt to infringe the rights others, deliberately or accidentally.

• Marge Collins BALTIMORE, MD

I support the Monster Fish Keepers use of MFK and the Class 38 trademark "M". I think that MFK should have a Class 25 trademark allowing them to sell their branded merchandise. Furthermore, I think that Monster Energy Corporation should be paying Monster Fish Keepers attorneys' fees in connection with this matter.

• joe williams RICHMOND, KY

Because i hate what corporations are doing to this country

• Vinny A CAPAC, MI

Signing because I hate those stupid ass Monster stickers on all those D-bags vehicles. • STEPHEN Mott AUSTIN, TN

The two logo's are nothing alike and the company's are in two totally different industries.

• kevin brislawn LEBANON, OR

what is the issue? The logos are totally ..totally an artist..i CAN SEE the Difference!!!! Fish and drinking don't mix..the little horns and the devil! The squiggly green lines and barely an M is in it self misleading as an M It..looks more like 3 ostriches peeking out over the grassy fields afraid their heads are on the line! no pun intended!! kb

• Colleen Wiedemann ARCADE, NY

The logos look nothing alike! Just another senceless lawsuit to gain free publicity

• Mehrdad Saadat MABLETON, GA

Logos look different, one does not take away or infringe on the other in the eyes of a consumer- I am a Monster Energy consumer. this is ridiculous, and frivolous.


MonsterFishKeepers has been around for a lot longer than some "energy" drink company. They are in no way linked or comparable in what they represent. This is just a pure and simple case of corporate bullying. Besides, Rockstar tastes better!

• David Schmidt II NORWICH, CT

The logos look nothing alike and how can they have the right to corner the market on the word Monster? Does that mean the Red Sox have to stop calling it the Big Green Monster? Hey why don't the Red Sox send a cease and desist to Monster, the "Green" Big "Monster" has been around for a lot longer than their drink has, maybe it will cause confusion with baseball fans every where!

• scott hudson GROVE CITY, OH

I don't even keep fish but this is just plain wrong.


this is absurd big comps think they can do whatever they want. i will never buy their product again after this

• brian cunliffe DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES it's unjust, i dont see a resemblance in the style of logo or style of business.


Totally support the case against this 'demand'. Corporate are too possessive of anything even vaguely similiar - like it would harm their sales anyway.


To support a wonderful and knowledgeable site against a corporate entity that is acting no better the a school yard bully!

• Glenn Hinksmon HAMBURG, NJ

I appreciate and support the site, and I hate corporate bullying. It's an unfounded case but they know that without the financial ability to defend our positio they can win. Bullies always pick on the weak.

• diana swigert COLLEGE PARK, MD

the logos look nothing alike. I drink about 4-6 monsters a week. I shal stop if this silly suote is pushed. Shall call or contact Monster about there loss of incom, I have a lot of mpnster drinking friends.

• Mike Zimmermann LA PINE, OR

As a fish keeper for over twenty six years, from the cute neons to the gars, fire eels and other large fish, I am applaud by some company that thinks its crappy logo was something better, and is trying to overtake a forum that loves fish keeping. this really is a joke, some overpaid clown trying to push money around. I have never bought a monster energy drink before, now I will for sure NEVER to buy one. leave the fish lovers alone, go con someone.


Monster Energy sponsors many of my favorite sports. Maybe they need to sponsor more if they feel they need to HARASS aquarium people over a logo that looks NOTHING like their logo! Quit being MONSTERS about minor BS!

• Jennifer Barker TILFF, BELGIUM

I urge Monster Energy folks to be reasonable about this issue, and call off your lawyers. The logos are not confusing to consumers, there no-one is mistaking one for the other, and there is no conflict between the "products" of the two groups. ME's image would only suffer as a result of this sort of behaviour. • Xue Vang FRESNO, CA

Because MFK letter does not even look like monster drink letter

• Kevin Fehringer AURORA, CO

I support the non-profit hobbyist club from being driven into oblivion by a bullying deep pockets corporation.


Monster Energy cannot claim that they own they word "Monster", that's ridiculous.

• Edward Chin NEW YORK, NY

bullyin is wrung


The logo doesn't even look similar aside from the fact that it is an M, and no company can really claim the ability to use the letter M. The goals of both organizations are also completely different, one focusing on energy drinks the other on fish. Aside from that, I doubt that MFK is affecting sales of Monster Energy drink or anything of the sort, and a move like this only puts the drink company in a bad light. Not to mention, what exactly can a fish forum do on its own against a corporate entity?

• Philip Clinton MIDDLEVILLE, MI

Trade mark infringement, from a bunch of fish keepers? Really?

• Alex Kerr FORT WAYNE, IN

This is preposterous. It is ridiculous that you have to spend any resources battling this "Monster" corporation, pun intended. Gee, I hope they don't sue me too. I for one am glad to support you, and will never even consider drinking another of their energy drinks unless they issue a formal apology. And then, and only then will I even consider it. But knowing they way capitalism works in this country, well, I wish you the best of luck.

• john troll ZIONSVILLE, IN

I have been a trademark lawyer for many years. Those who use trademark law to monopolize language should be ashamed.

• Dennis Murphy HOLLY HILL, FL There is always a monster Drink in the fridge and when I am out I stop at A 7 11 and thats the best drink and green being my favorite color it just works Now I have been a member of and find out while sipping your Beverage and I take a look aat the green M on your can and then look at the green M on my favorite hat and I just do not see or think of Monster Fish at all see I have been a collector of wild cichlids A.K.A Monster fish Now I am an offended your company would attack a fish keepers site if you know how much cash we spend on this hobby of keeping monster fish we are every were. Now I will not stop buying your product right away or but i think M&M's look more like your logo on each and every single candy has an M on it but I know your corporations pockets will not dare send a letter to Mars and demand that they remove all green M&M's they look more like your logo then the M in my point is why go after the little man? What if Mars corporation started picking on you and demand you change your logo. my 2 cents. Thanks for your time.




• jc beauchemin STE CLOTILDE, CANADA

Enough with big corparite bullying the smaller companies... that are only wanting to get through this recession and make a name for themselves. I am a avid sdalt water reef tank lover :)

• David Miller LEXINGTON, NC

Tired of corporate greed and strong arming,thinking they own the world,oh I meant word.

• tamara white HOWELL, NJ

this is insane a billion $$ company picking on a online fish club the M dosnt look like theres and if Monster was smart they would leave us be with the M and sponser us for advertisment . My husban got really mad when he read this and took all his plastics that had the monster drink logo on it off his dirtbikes and trew away all his riding gear that had monster on it now in the long run who is this really going to hurt?

• Jill Murphy CHERRY HILL, NJ

Because MonsterFishKeepers are awesome. Do not take this logo away from us.

• randy anderson AVONDALE, AZ I'm signing because Monster Energy Company does not have exclusive rights to the capital letter M, or any other letter. I could see it if you copied their entire brand name and were in the same line of business.


More big business bullying or bullsh..!

• Christine Braun WOODINVILLE, WA

MonsterFishKeepers is a great hobbist site that I enjoy using and learning from. There was no intent of copyright infringement, and in my opinion the arguement stated by Monster Energy is rediculous.

• James Forester HILLSBORO OR, OR

The logos are not similar enough and there is no confusion

• Charles Meyer CLEVELAND, TN

Monster Energy and MonsterFishKeepers operate in two different worlds. Their respective logos are two different logos, and neither infringes on the other. Stop trying to make a mountain out of this. Take your lawyers home and leave MonsterFishKeepers to those of us who appreciate the aquatic world of big aquarium fish.

• Claudia Dickinson MONTAUK, NY

Monster Fish Keepers has been, and continues to be, a pillar of our fish community. What great fortune we have in their longtime altruistic efforts to unite fish keepers across the globe in the sharing of experiences and knowledge.

In our democratic society, may we please work together to share a letter of the alphabet in interests that are worlds apart.

With Warm Regards,


• Jamey Spears BOAZ, KY

The letter M does not belong solely to one company or person. The designs are too different to be confused. Stop bullying!

• Kenneth Farley MEDWAY, OH

To support the Monster Fish Keepers forum. • Indigo Meridian HAGERSTOWN, MD

Big corporations corrupting the law to bully small organizations is abhorrent to me.

• Michael Cutts SEATTLE, WA

Someone would have to be retarded or have severe mental issues to confuse Monster Energy drinks with the Monster Fish keepers website. Then again, could these people be prime candidates for drinking crap like Monster Energy (draining) drinks?

• Heather Brinker ORANGE PARK, FL

The "M" looks nothing like and could never be confused for the Monster Energy Company's "M". The Monster Energy Company should definitely back off...and get real! The Monster Energy Company's "M" is most definitely different and unique when compared to any other "M" on the market. If they feel threatened by a web forum for fish enthusists,'s "M", then the Mars Corporation better be on stand by as their "M"s may be attacked next because the MonsterFish.... "M" is as similar to the Monster Energy... "M" as either are to the "M"s in M&M candies! Get Real Monster Energy! There could NEVER be a confusion of the "M"s by anyone over the age of 3! And the word "Monster"... who confuses MonsterFish, Monster Energy, and Monster costumes? Seriously!?! Do understand that the fish websites assist MANY people and by continuing with this nonsense, you are losing customers to your competitiors! Is it really worth it?

• Wesley Warren CLEVELAND, OH

I support Monster Fish Keepers as a distinctly different logo and business type.


Because I am tired of the big corporations picking on the little guy. Go to hell Monster energy!

• Jason Dowell PORT ORCHARD, WA

I am signing this because the Monster Energy Company is being absolutley absurd. I understand protecting your trademanrk, but I do not understand going after something that is so completely different than your product or logo. Don' be absurd Monster Energy, just let it go. A forum about fishkeeping is not hurting your energy beverage brand in any way, shape, or form.


Leave MonsterFishKeepers alone • Kevin O'Grady WORCESTER, MA

It is ridiculous to believe anyone would confuse the two "M" logos.


Besides the obvious differences between the logos, there are a few reasons I can think of immediately as to why Monster Energy Company has no claim here. Fist, you can’t trade mark a Letter of the alphabet and say no one else can use it. Second, they are not even in the same genre. While I know this isn’t a direct reason, I still think it’s bogus. Third reason pertains to the question: Why now? Since has had their trade mark since 2005, why is it now an issue? I think this is frivolous and I defiantly think this action is not going to provide addition revenue for Monster Energy. In fact, I think that this may cause the loss of revenue due to the loss of consumers Monster Energy will incur. I think that once the members of hear about what Monster Energy is doing they will quickly realize this is a situation where a bully is trying to put a beloved company out of business over what they think might bring them marginal monetary gain. I used to drink monster on a regular basis, no more! They are not the only energy drink on the market and this is simply ridiculous!


blatant attempt at monopolizing the word monster


As a longstanding friend of MonsterFishKeepers, this whole suit situation is absurd and insulting to our intelligence.

• Brian Shirey RALEIGH, NC

This requires me to be more succinct than I prefer, but in summary, the legal action Monster Energy Company is taking against Monster Fish Keepers is ludicrous and I will not stand for it.

• Julie Bray OFALLON, MO

Monster Energy Co. stop being a bully. No fool in their right mind would mistake Monster Energy Company (energy DRINKS) for a site for people with big aquarium fish. Duh. And you want to get the letter M! OMG, what a gluttonous,on top of frivolous,lawsuit!!

This is an obscene and unfair use of trademark laws. Monster Energy Co.= Gluttonous Bullies

• Mindy van Leur SASKATOON, CANADA Monster Energy's logo doesn't look like!

• Donny Brown RAYMORE, MO

I hate it when overstuffed corporate giants try to squash anyone.

• Tia Gray TOMBALL, TX

Are you serious? I thought maybe there was some electric company with a similar logo, and when I click for more information I find that no, it's Monster Energy drinks brand. I would have NEVER made that connection between the logos. This is ridiculous. Go harass McDonald's.


I am also a Member of Monster Aquaria Network sites. I can't believe that Monster Energy thinks that this is competition and consumers will get confused.

Fish are just one of my pets and interest. Like others I spent a lot of money on my fish in maintenance and environment, I have found this to be a most useful website network,, that's guided and assisted me on caring for my fish. It's also a great venue too ask questions about ideas you have and too see if they would work. And now they want too close the site down because "they're" confused about the "M"! What the hell?

It looks to me like their beverage scientist must have tested "fish water" and come too the conclusion that it's in competition with their beverage products and that's what this is all about.

Monster Beverage Corporation, you're a beverage company, keep sponsoring "Nascar" . Why do you want to compete with a Hobbyist Fish Website? Leave us alone and focus on your competitors like "5 Hour Energy Drink"!

• James Houlihan WATERBURY, CT

The M have nothing in common

• Gary Stewart OGDEN, UT

Because the name Monster is a word used on more than a drink and a fish forum, its also used on movie titles and music CD's as well as concert conventions, so if that nasty drink company is going to sue monsterfishkeeprs, better sue the whole world. I don't even drink that CRAP anyways. Just adds to our unhealthy youth and cause problems in our biological human bodies. I support Monsterfishkeepers to my full intent, and there are many hobbiest on the site with good information and personal experience to be handed down to future fish hobbiest. Its a network of information, that is very useful in the keeping and maintaining of exotic fish. Take that away from us all and you destroy a peaceful community of people who love animals and fish.

Screw you Monster drink company! Its an English word in an English dictionary, so might as well sue the publishers of that too ya idiots!

• Tara Izzo LAND O LAKES, FL

Big corporation bullying should not be allowed to cross over into restricting rights of others. Monster fish keeper's name is already approved and patented.


This is rediculous. I will stop buying Monster drinks from now on. Why would they even mess with them for this?

• bradley sanders PHX., AZ

the trademarks are not the same.... other than the use of a letter m/ in the english language . I will cease and desist drinking thear bevrage /

• Elsie Hoover WALKER, LA

I am signing as a member of this forum, and for the FACT that the 2 "M"s are in no way similar.

• Jonathan Noel LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA

So frivolous it's disgusting


i support monster FISH keepers, and the M's do not even look close!!!

• Neils Brooks WAXAHACHIE, TX

I used to buy Monster Energy Drink every day but I will stop if they do anything further to adversely affect the Monster Fish Keepers community.

• Ryan Buck LYNNWOOD, WA I, as a fan of both companies, have never confused Monster Fish Keeper's logo with that of Monster Energy. Even my sister who only knows of Monster Energy was not confused.

I know that companies are legally obligated to send cease and desist letters. However, I am against large corporations using their size to "bully" smaller companies, especially when their is clearly no connection between the two.

• Trevor Holyaok CEDAR HILLS, UT

This is just ridiculous.

• Vijay S BOSTON, MA

The logos do not look similar. Moreover the logos belong to two completely different genres, One selling beverages and the other one a hobbyist forum for fish. I do not understand how anyone could confuse the two (which seems to be the basis of the lawsuit.)


They got no foot to stand on there are no resemblence between the two logo's


the logo's look totally different and the products totally unrelated

• coleo lovemav BROAM, VA

Because monster fish keepers and company dont have to stop selling shirts! they need this so that beginner and expert fish keepers can exchange information and can get to know each other for no cost!


Seriously ?


because i am a fish keeper and red bull is ten times better than monster

• michael mellish , PA

Monster energy drink needs to grow up

• Matthew Elliott BERNARDSTON, MA Monster Fish Keepers didn't do anything wrong, this issue is frivolous and petty


I am signing the petition because Monster Energy Drink is a big bully who has nothing better to do with their time and money. MED why not support MFK with all those time and money ? why sue MFK? I use to drink MED, but MED has lost a customer here and probably many more to come...!


The M of Monster Fish Keepers just looks like a devilish M, and the logo of this energy drink just looks like 3 scratches. I don't see the need to remove either. However, when I get a scratch in my car or furniture, I buff it out and get rid of it....

The scratch people better watch out before the 3M company comes after "them" for using the stylized letter "M."

• Ryan Plummer REELSVILLE, IN

Quit picking on the little guys!

• Nancy Brentnell SASKATOON, CANADA

the logos aren't even close!! and Monster Aquaria Network has gone through the legitimate steps to register it.

Just as a side note, I am surprixed that with the slashes in the energy trademark that Jurassic Park hasn't been sued for their Trex slashes

• Janice Ritter SUDBURY, MA

I'm signing because this cease and desist request is beyond ludicrous. Can one company preempt and reserve everything regarding a single letter of the alphabet from any other venture, especially one not competing? How frivolous.



• Larry Cheong MORGAN HILL, CA

Seriously Monster Energy? You should be ashamed. Way to pick on the little guy. This is a forum of fish and aquarium lovers, who use their merchandise to help support the forum for the aquarist community. Don't you have something better to do than harass a group of folks celebrating something that has absolutely nothing to do with your business or marketing strategies? You know what will hit your bottom line? A boycott. I will go out of my way to make sure folks don't purchase or drink any of your products ever again. Have fun with that you bullies.

• Ryan B MIAMI, FL

Logos are completely different and you do not own the letter M... Vastly different companies not even in the same spectrum.

• Chad Beckwith JONESBORO, AR

Because there is absolutely no reason to do this and the demands are ridiculous.

• Alex Hancharik WATKINS GLEN, NY

The better question would be as to why would someone not sign. A conflict such as this shouldn't even exist. It's plain out and simply pathetic. Monster is n extremely large company with unlimited resources but it decides to pick a fight with a fish keeping website? Sad...

• Frank Chernega SENECA FALLS, NY

This is totally out of hand. I will not support monster energy drinks ever again. Shame on them!

• Katie Pearson ASHEBORO, NC

The reason I am signing is well this has been taken to far and is ridiculous the letter m wow who knew

• Cliff Darnell OMAHA, NE

The symbol is not similar to the Monster Energy logo in anyway. With all their high powered motor sports sponsored vehicles, I don't see how they would feel threatened by a bunch of hobbyist fish keepers!

• Devon Shilling MT WOLF, PA

Sick of big companies bullying us little guys

• Mark Linton SALT LAKE, UT

The level of absurdity on behalf of Monster Energy here is beyond belief. It's nothing more than corporate bullying. • Andrew Panariso PUEBLO, CO

Ridiculous! I hate copyright laws, they have been abused for far too long. At this rate, you won't be able to name a business using any word in Webster's Dictionary because someone owns the 'rights' to that word. Monster Energy Drinks - "You're Fired!" Now where's my check book I gotta pay royalties to 'The Donald' . . .

• Katelyn Cutler CARTERVILLE, IL

This is crazy, we can't let the Monster people get away with this, when did the word Monster and the letter M become anyone's personal property?

• Larry Lidahl RED WING, MN

I'm signing in hopes that one of my favorite internet forums is not put out of existence by my least favorite drink corporation. Look at the logos, where is the lawyer we need to hang for these trumped up charges?

• Jacob Borchers LE MARS, IA

Monster energy is the only energy drink I buy but I love and I am not giving monster energy one more cent until they stop this pointless trademark bullying

• Judy Cobb EVERETT, WA

The "M"'s look nothing alike, unless you want to count that they each have sort of three lines in them.

• kathi gamble VENICE, FL

Are your lawyers so overpaid that they need to invent reasons to litigate? The 2 logos are NOTHING alike except for a single letter, and they aren't even represented in a way that anyone with eyes would see as similar. Lots of friends USED TO drink Monster Energy.

• Kelly Cline MILWAUKEE, WI

I don't think the fish keepers are going to confuse your energy drink customers, and as an energy drink customer I think this makes you seem petty as a company (the symbol looks like a combination of two zodiac signs rather than your "M claw" and I would never have connected the two symbols). I do buy your products and right now I feel pretty put off by this.

• Dani E MILWAUKIE, OR I'm sorry, but the logos are not nearly close enough to warrant Monster Energy Company supposed trademark infringement. Get smart and stop harassing the small, unrelated entities.


No more Monster energy drinks for me! This is pathetic how can someone copyright a word or a letter is beyond me.

• Mark Giallella EAST AURORA, NY

My wife and I use your product very often. We will definitely STOP buying your product if you force this company to stop using their current logo.


absolutely pathetic!!! they cant make a nice drink so they decide to attack a network of aquarium enthusiasts!?! i would rather get a mouthful from my siphon hose than a bottle of monster lol


Monster energy is a crapy company with a terrible product and they are trying to bully a legitimate website which clearly has no association or anything to do with a shitty energy drink.

• maria martinez NY, NY

Hey Leave MonsterFishKeepers alone, are you going after Cookie Monster next?

• Lisa Cox HALE, MO

It is ridiculous how these large companies are trying to bully the small internet forums. The logos look nothing alike. One is a fish forum, the other a sports drink. There is no way to get the two confused. How do you copyright or trademark a letter of the alphabet?!!!!

• Derek Botbyl , KS

The logos look nothing alike, Monster Energy does not own the letter 'M'

• John Anderson WHITE LAKE, MI

I find bullies to be annoying.

There is NO opportunity for confusion here. • James McGrew WOODLAND HILLS, CA

I never even thought they looked similar.

Fuck off monster

• Rocco DiSavino STRATFORD, CT

The Monster Energy company is being absurd in its requests. If Monster Fish Keepers has had their logos trademarked first, they should not be sued. MFK has been around awhile and has no intentions of taking money away from the Monster Energy company. Please stop this ridiculousness!

• marcelino lopez LOS ANGELES, CA

cuz is fucktup what monster energy drink is trying to do w/t MFK !!


I hate bullies of all sorts. Bullies with lawyers are at the top of the list.

• barry abell YORK, UNITED KINGDOM

Because I don't agree with bullying

• Rick Morrison LA CROSSE, WI

I would not confuse one logo, or company name, with the other. This will certainly bias me against buying Monster energy drinks in the future.

• Jimmy Oliver OXNARD, CA

I've seen this type of bullying before by Caroll Shelby. It needs to stop. They don't own the letter "M". The two logos are no where near the same. They need to move on.

• James Bastien DENVER, CO

Monster Fish Keepers bares no resemblence to Monster Energy Drinks and is being unfairly targeted for copyright infringement by a larger greedy corp.

• Jonathan JoaquIn PORTSMOUTH, VA

The don't look anything alike!

• dennis brackman jr ROCKWELL, NC because this type of legal action is beyond stupid on monster energy's part.

• Damien Bakeman EAU CLAIRE, WI

Monster energy drink is a joke it goes to show how pathetic they are that there intimadated by are site who do they think they are trying to say that we cant use a letter m get over ur self u corp. babys it just shows how they try sucking every dollar possible out of the world when there product really ain't any good I for one will be sprening the word thru my town not to by there products

• Mickey Barbely TALBOTT, TN

This is beyond absurd. The logos look nothing alike. I will NEVER buy anything from Monster Energy Company and will strongly encourage everyone I know to avoid them as well. Looks like they are creating new customers for their competitors--good job! Keep those lawyers happy!

• Chris Clevers HAYWARD, CA

Monster drinks is being unreasonable and using their resouces to bully a clear and non- threatening site and logo. One, I might ad that was in existence long before their success.

• Harry Wiseman HOUSTON, TX

Monster Beverage you should be ashamed of yourselves. Your logo Ms look dissimilar, and you are are attacking a sub-niche hobbyist forum with nothing to do with your industry even tangentially. I used to buy several cans of Monster beverages each week. Until such time as Monster Beverage stops harassing Monster Fish Keepers with frivilous legal harassment, I'm switching to one of their competitors products--I have a can in front of me right now in fact. Until this is resolved I'm afraid a Monster drink would just taste too bitter in my mouth. I wonder if Rockstar will follow suit and try to get Texas to stop flying the Lone Star, next. It would not be any less ridiculous and petty than what Monster beverage is up to. Here's a hint Monster beverage--layoff about 20% of your legal department-- they are clearly underworked and have too much time on their hands.


Because the word "monster" pre-dates the energy drink.

• Terence Stephens STANSBURY PARK, UT

Until Monster Energy Company discontinues this illogical and outrageous legal action, I have consumed my last Monster Beverage.

• Elliott B. WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI Isn't this somewhat insulting to the MEC client base? I mean, the message that you, Monster Energy, are basically sending is that people who support or might potentially support your company by buying your products are too stupid to differentiate between the two (easily distinguishable) logos. Why would I support a company that tells me I'm an idiot? Why would I include myself in a group of people (your clientele) who are so blatantly regarded as idiots?

• Adam Frost BATON ROUGE, LA

Logos are too dissimilar. Using the word "Monster" cannot be infringement. What about Monster Cables? This is just monster picking on someone small enough to not fight back. I am immediately ceasing to feed any of my fish Monster products until this is resolved.


Monster.Com should sue Monster Energy Company.


apoyo a monsterfishkeepers no solo por mi pasion hacia los peces, si no por que se me hace injusto que una compañia gigante como lo es monster energy haga esto es solo la ambicion de tener y abarcar mas, pero en este caso no tiene relacion alguna con el giro de cada una, solo con la letra pero ya que cada una se dedica a diferentes cosas, y la gente seguidora de cada marca sabe diferenciar a una de otra, exito mosterfishkeeper espero lo traduscan y lean ya que tube problemas con mi traductor :)

• Andrew Clark SPRING, TX

To stop big corporation bullying!!!!

• Andy Damon , PA

I am not an extremely active member of Monster Fish, but I do believe that what they're doing is good work, and Monster Energy Drink should find something else to do with the obviously too much time they have on their hands. Pick on someone your own size.

No one won't buy your drink because Monster Fish starts with the same letter that your company starts with. People won't buy your drinks because you're acting like assholes.


Monster Energy is being totally unruly by the fact that they are bringing this case up, MonsterFishKeepers has been around for a long time, and the "M" logo does not look similar to Monster Energy's, other than the Fact that it is the letter "M", so why aren't they bringing up the case to Macdonalds? Aren't they using the letter "M" as well? or instead, why isn't macdonalds bringing up the issue to Monster Energy instead for using their trademark "M"?

• Tony Stark LONG BEACH, CA

It's rather silly for Monster to claim trademark on a single letter. The logos are completely dissimilar, they're completely unrelated products, and no one will ever confuse the two, period. Monster should probably get a hefty fine for misuse of the trademark legal system, but that's probably wishful thinking.

• Byron DelSignore HUDSON FALLS, NY

Corporate Bullies looking for publicity by picking on a fish forum... well, they just lost a customer... But, I think I know a forum I will frequent now ;)

• paul dodge PROVIDENCE, RI



This is completely STUPID ! The 2 logos doesn't even look similar !

• Justin Huegel FREDERICK, MD

Downright ridiculous; no similar interests, no threat what-so-ever, no logo similarity, nothing. Monster is my go-to energy drink...back to coffee for me. I HATE a bully.


The logo's are completely different and I cannot abide corporate bullying.

• Jeannie Seetch PEYTON, CO

This is siily. Nobody will confuse the two entities. The soda company is being a bully for reasons I cannot fathom.

• Alex Jackson WHITMAN, MA

These logos look nothing alike and Monster Energy will never get another dollar from me if this continues.

• Jon Rienzo CHICAGO, IL The logos are far too different to claim any ownership infringement, plus I don't think anyone, ever, is going to confuse a giant energy drink conglomerate with a aquatic hobbyist website…

I mean, come the fuck on...



• Harvy Basug WAUCONDA, IL

Its rediculous what monster energy company is doing to our site where we can learn things about fishkeeping. I've learn a lot, i've contributed some to this hobby and i would hate it to go away. I think our site is helping young generations to get into the hobby. I am signing this petition and I will never drink or buy any monster energy drink products ever again. Shame on you Monster Energy drink company!


Love MonsterFishKeepers and Red Rain is a better drink than Monster Energy anyway!

• Scott Shank LAFAYETTE, IN

Do people/companies with money have anything better to do?!?? MFK is based on fish keeping...nothing to do with the food industry. Unbelieveable.

• Jim Dantin PROSPECT, KY

Corporate bullying at its worst - find something PRODUCTIVE for your layers to do, Monster Energy! I've never tried your product and this ensures that I never will.

• Richard Hartman TUCSON, AZ

Time to boycott Monster energy. I shall drink coffee. I implore the Facebook community to say "no" to drinking Monster energy drinks and anything else Monster energy may have on the market.

• Carlos Rivera SPRINGFIELD, VA

Sign petition please help MFK I am a member and it is the best forum for fish keeping hands down. The logos look nothing alike whatsoever this is ridiculous its just a large corporation pushing the little guy around. If we stand together we can help MFK remember IT IS BETTER TO STAND FOR SOMETHING THAN TO STAND FOR NOTHING. Sign the petition!!!!!!!!!!! • Susan Watkins PARTHENON, AR

This is a frivolous complaint without merit. The logos are distictive and different with different audiences.

• john patakos CLEVELAND, OH

the suit against monsterfishkeepers is the result of children with more money than brains and/or common must come from drinking too much of their product...the logos are not alike nor are the names..and nobody owns the name monster...

• Nicholas Bertrand SHERBROOKE, CANADA

Wow.... those guys really have time to waste... This is beyond stupid. Also sent a complaint using the contact button on their website.


Unethical business practice.

You have permanently lost a customer.

• Korey Rudd ST. JOHNS, FL

Coporate Amerika needs to relax!

• Matthew Kolbach PORT WASHINGTON, WI

My name has an "M" in it, is Monster energy drinks going to make my name "atthew"? Are they sueing River Monsters too? This is just a ridiculous lawsuit. Their logo is claw marks turned into an "M". Their logo shares a letter but no tail or horns.


Just two words:CORPORATE GREED!

• George Malone MIDDLETOWN, CT

It's ridiculous that "Monster Energy Company" thinks they have the right to tell anyone they cannot use the letter M or the word Monster.

This is just more corporate nonsense.

• Steven Krewson PACIFIC JUNCTION, IA Monster energy should really stop wasting everyones energy, time and resources on a matter like who they think should own the rights to the letter M or its likeness and/or the word Monster and focus on something more worthwile.

• Barry Sanders CLOVIS, CA

Because Monster Energy Co. does not own the letter M or the word Monster.

• Sandra Zubay LARGO, FL

The logos look nothing alike and you really can't trademark a letter. Should we all just stop using the letter 'm' in everything we write? Really, how about Coca-Cola using the money for a lawsuit on something useful, like donating it to a charity?

• Ernie Tidlund AMHERST, MA

MONSTER ENERGY is a bully. They tried this same thing with a brewery in New England a few years ago. They gave up after the strong show of support for the brewery. Write Monster and tell them what you think.

• raymond solenske RAHWAY, NJ

this is a joke ,this is are site for fish keepers,go bother someone else,and i will be spreading the word dont drink this stuff ,its bad for ya anyway


The logos do not look anything like each other and they two companies with to products that do not compete with each other.


I do not feel there is a cross over between the brands logos are diffrent to look at and completely diffrent market place.


Because the whole suit is flawed and simple bully tactics, been a member of this forum for four years. Longer than Monster has been in the Land of Oz I dare say.


I am signing, because I recognise MonsterFishKeepers as a complete separate entity that in no way reflects or confuses myself with the difference between the branding of Monster pooh tasting crap drinks and Monster Fish Keeping. At no point in time do I believe that the M logo is any way impeding on Monster Energy groups logo. Have they contacted McDonalds about their 'M' yet!? This is a blatant disrespect to Monster Fish Keepers. How dare a company such as Monster Energy Company do this, I will ensure I never buy their brand again.

• Michael Sotack PHOENIX, AZ

They are not at all similar in my opinion. I also believe I monster fish keepers were around before monster energy became popular. I may stop buying monster energy products entirely because this little stunt they decided to pull against MFK!


"Monster" is simply descriptive of the size of the fish kept by members of the forum. i.e. large. Energy drinks are not something easily confused with large fish.


I dont like bullies...

• pawan chaudhary GHAZIABAD, INDIA

To support their logo and protest against unreasonable trademark bullying.


Stop the bullying we can co exist with the monster brand


What a Joke, 2 completely different things.


I cant see any reason for monster energy to stop monsterfishkeeper using their logo. It's totally different. Do they stop mcDonald too?

• Joseph Ortega SAN DIEGO, CA

The trademarks look nothing alike. To suggest it is ridiculous. Will Monster go after Madonna as well? She has an M in her name also... Frivolous lawsuits strike again!


I love Monster energy during but this is a frivolous lawsuit

• Damian Tracey DUBLIN, IRELAND Pure bullying. Cannot be allowed.

• Jason Hankins MANCHESTER, IA

What a load of garbage. Plus energy drinks suck and are bad for you.

• pat benson TORONTO, CANADA

fuck corporate greed

• Rozlyn Rider OLYMPIA, WA

The Monster Fish Keeper's logo in no way resembles the 'Monster Energy' logo. The only similarity is that they share the same letter in the alphabet. It is preposterous to think that people would confuse these logos.

• Jobine Bernous IRVINE, CA

I have loved monster energy for a long time but this is outright stupid. Just because they are both a specific letter doesn't leave any room for copyright infringement

• Trevers Butta WEST FRANKFORT, IL

I support MFK and disagree that there is any reason to think the MFK EMBLEM is in anyway infringing opon the monster energy corps emblem.


Because the claims that are being made against the name of monster fish are ridiculous irelevent


This is abuse of the court system and a waste of our countries resources for an unsubstantiated lawsuit. This is what is wrong with corporate America.


Please help this simple fish keeping community against trademark bullying by Monster Energy. As for me, I don't drink their products anyway. More reasons for me not to.


I am a logo designer, there is NO FREAKING way that there is a copyright issue here. I bet that they are envious of the idea that the M that we have is actually signifying a Monster because of the horn and tail. • Von Ponti QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES

The two logos are utterly never similar and that logo was established since I was highschool. Such a looser brand to pick on a small logo for a fish keeping community. I will no longer or drink anything from these guys. Ever!

• Charles Head NORMAL, IL

I knew of Monster Fish Keepers before I knew of some crappy drink that causes young people to over drink and harm themselves

• Tony Dao HOUSTON, TX

I purchase Monster energy drinks about 3 times a week, but I also love Monsterfishkeepers. This is where I go to learn. This is what I love to do. Monster Energy Company won't be getting my business anymore.


As a aqua culture hobbyist i find it quite pathetic that such a large company would attempt to destroy a community of like minded people based on... well.. pretty much nothing. I had heard of Monster Fish Keepers well before the "Monster" energy drink.

I'm not going to sit by and let them destroy a great community like the way they are destroying the health and well being of people around the globe with their chemical ladened products.

• Anthony Nguyen PITTSBURGH, PA

This is so bull shits moster energy company you guy do not own the letter M , this is US free Dom country and spe god made that. Letter M not your dam company , Mfk just a fish hobby for all of us in the world to lean and care for us pet , not just like your company greedy about your profit what is go around will come arounds someday other copamny make better drink will kick your ass company of the list ,

• Stefanie Niawchuk EDMONTON, CANADA

Dear Monster Energy Company: It is immoral, unlawful and unconstitutional for you to think you have the right to trademark a word as common as "monster", let alone a single letter of the alphabet. No one is going to confuse fish with energy drinks, and your petty actions here are doing nothing for your public image.

• Filemon Zafra ORANGE, CA

I don't believe Monster drink has anything to do with Monsterfishkeeping...on top of that I don't think Monster drinks has anything to do with Monsters, I always thought it was a stupid name for a drink anyways! I normally don't drink Monster drinks and now I just wanna stay away from them and spread bad word of mouth of their business since they started this BS!

• Brandon Martin SAN DIEGO, CA

This is corporate bullying.....Monster Energy has NO reason to fear from an online aquarium forum and no one thinks that the forum is being run by an energy drink company. This is lawyers gone wild. Stop the lawyers from ruining our culture and society!!

• michael casler LANSING, MI

BECAUSE this is just asinine...!

• James Reese ALTOONA, PA

I firmly believe what monster energy drink is doing is wrong


MFK is epic, a pissing energydrink is not.

• Megan Hamontree GOODYEAR, AZ

I firmly believe Monster Energy is wrong. You cannot own the alphabet and the two logos are night and day different. As different as these two logos are, I could draw any random "M" and Monster Energy would think there was a copyright issue. Come on! isn't even a competing business. Leave them lone!

• vince lau LAS VEGAS, NV

trademark bullying is not far...especially when i am a supporter of Monster energy drink as well.

• John Gutierrez MOSES LAKE, WA

As a business man I am well aware of the bogus trademark complaints large companies use, and usually win because while they are wrong no one can afford to fight them.

• Christopher Wolfe CLOVIS, CA

Because Monster Fish Keepers and their logo/branding has NO SIMILARITY to Monster Drinks. Regardless of the outcome, I will never purchase a Monster Drink product for the rest of my life because of this. • john whealen FAYETTEVILLE, AR

Monster like other organizations in the world have grown to big for their britches

• David Cooley LAGUNA HILLS, CA

Monster energy has NO trademark rights to the letter M of the English alphabet, nor do they have the rights to the word "monster" in any relation except to their drink, "Monster Energy." it's time the big companies got put in their place for trying to destroy anyone that uses a letter or word that is not used in anything close to the context of their product. Monster Energy needs to go out of business!!

• Crystal Osadchuk ND, ND

This logo barely looks like the monster logo.

It is just corporate greed that is attempting to kill yet another small business.

We are the 99!

• Bonnie Brown GREAT MILLS, MD

I am signing because I think Monster Energy Company is being petty and childish!! I will no longer buy their products and neither will my family. I WILL pass this on to all of my friends whom I know buy Monster Energy Products!!!! Grow up and leave the smaller companies alone!!

• Udo Schuermann ROCKVILLE, MD

It is a laughably far stretch of the imagination that consumers could mistake the devilish MonsterFishKeepers "M" with Monster Energy's slimy green claw rip "M". I can feel nothing but contempt for Monster Energy as a result of this abuse and vow to avoid their products henceforth, unless they retract their attack and offer a public apology for it, too.

• dave taylor CHRISTIANA, TN

This is corporate bullshit bullying. I will NEVER purchase Monster products again. And i will tell my friends and family about this crap, too.

• Bruce Lucas ASHLAND, WI

Leave monsterfishkeepers alone

• Patrick Chefalo ROCHESTER, NY Corporate abuse of the legal system - bad concept, bad execution, bad delivery. Need to fire the PR and legal staffs for this make-work suit that has the side-effect of harassment with no value to the company or its customers.

• jim sizelove ANDERSON, IN

Monster Energy Company has not been infringed upon by MonsterFishKeepers.

• Tyler Fayard POOLESVILLE, MD

I always confuse the Monster Energy Drink logo with the Golden Arches for McDonalds. Stupid M's always look the same... even when they are completely different.

Certainly not buying Monster products and I will be sharing this case of corporate bullying with hundreds of others.

There have been some stupid suites in the news lately, but this one takes the cake.


Trademark "m"s are clearly different and the word monster should be available for anyone to use, to suggest otherwise is in breach of personal feedom. May i suggest a facebook page which i (and no doubt many others) will ensure is passed on to friends, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends! it is exponential send it viral, use the power of the web. Post a link on for the facebook or other such site links and it will get around like wildfire when people find out . May i take this opportunity to thank Monsterfishkeepers for all the FREE advice gained over the MANY YEARS of membership. THANK YOU ...... MAY THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE SHOW THIS ACTION WILL NOT GO UNNOTICED.

• gerry griffiths LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM

Big companies have to lean that they don't own the whole planet. Ordinary peopple have rights too


support the true


Can't seriously think that the Monster Fish Keepers logo looks at all like theirs... Or Monster Energy thinks I'm too stupid to know the difference, in which case I would have to stop buying their product because that's a little insulting and this suit is petty.

• Danilo Cardoso SãO PAULO, BRAZIL Monter Fish Keepers is the main way to learn, teach, share and discuss about cultural points, fish / mamals / reptiles keeping and cares. MONSTER ENERGY just sell things, they don't share knowleage as MFK does !


The logos do not look particularly similar. It's not reasonable to expect to have rights on the letter "M".


I don't like companiesmessing with ppl over a petty issue...Logo's are not even close......



• Jennifer McKelvy AUSTIN, TX

The word "monster" was part of the common vernacular before this drink company decided they wanted to put it on their product, and they need to accept it has valid usage outside of their product.

I was a regular purchaser of Blue Sky rootbeer, but that's stopping until MFK is no longer being harassed. Might even stop until Monster Beverage Corporation/Company quits using bully tactics altogether.

• Olivia Knewstub ITHACA, NY

I'm signing this petition because I believe what Monster Energy Corporation is doing to be dangerous. It provides legal precedent for the copyright of a phrase to be extrapolated to each of the words contained within the phrase. There are only so many words in the English language, and the idea of implied copyright can only go so far. In this case, where the two parties in question are not, in fact, in competition, and the two logos do not resemble one another (save for being the same letter), the idea is laughable.

• Scott Iverson HUDSON, WI

I'm all for companies protecting their trademarks, but I can't see why Monster Energy thinks that MFK is infringing here. Ridiculous. I'm glad that I'm not an energy drink addict!


This is real injustice and madness • rodrigo rios MONTERREY, MEXICO

This is really makes a joke from Monster Energy Drink, the "M" is very very different. They now think they own the letter "M"???

• Maria Kelly NAMPA, ID

They are two completely DIFFERENT Ms. Only an idiot would confuse the two. It is in no way trademark infringement.

• Ella Kibler-White GHENT, NY

Besides that this site is amazing, it scares me that a anyone thinks that they can trdemark a letter. (for goodness' sakes!) I see no other resemblence beteen the two besides that they're both an M.

Doesn't this company have better ways to spend their time and money?

• Frank Vaccaro GARFIELD, NJ

Because they look nothing alike....


Big name corporate bullying smaller hobbyist organisation.

• Grant Shafer LINCOLN PARK, MI

It's very sad that, in the U. S., money rules.

• Debbie Sultan EDWARDSVILLE, IL

Seriously, Monster Energy? You've got nothing better to do than sic your lawyers on hobbyists? Who keep aquariums? Please, get a life. I can guarantee you that as a fishkeeper, and as a well respected nuclear chemist, I will do everything I can to alert folks to this heinous behavior. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

• Nate Bloom NONYA, PA

Monster Drinks Really.Show me the resemblance of the to M's they look nothing alike if you think you could get them confused well go get your damn eyes checked you panty wastes


Liberation • Connor MacRae OATLEY, AUSTRALIA

Company's shouldn't be able to do this, ridiculous.

• Sarah Smith WAXHAW, NC

they aren't even dumb can monster be? So will not be buying from them again! idiots

• Paul Crawley MORGANTOWN, IN

Its Ridiculous, Don't you people have anything else to do.

• Chris Werner STANHOPE, NJ

It looks to me that Monster Energy Company is looking to abuse their status as a larger, better-known company than Monster Fish Keepers by intimidating them into abandoning their logo, which bares only the slightest resemblance to the Monster Energy Company logo. May as well trademark the letter "m".


in my opinion its just bullyboy tactics, what do they hope to gain, my fish dont even swim in their products...

• Kent Hunter-Duvar KITCHENER, CANADA

I abhor this suit as yet another example of corporate greed. I can tell the difference between the 2 "M" logos and the difference between an energy drink and an aquarium full of water.

• Dustin Ottenstein LONGMONT, CO

Cause Monster Energy is using their massive media hype and money to fuck with the little guys who have all rights in this matter.


It's just wrong, not buying Monster energy drinks while this is going on.


The logo is no where near close enough to cause any confusion.

• Jaime Fernandez SANTA CRUZ, BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF Monster fish keepers have been a great source of information these past years, and I have never mistook their logos and products and purpose because of the alleged likeness.


MonsterfishKeepers Vs. Monster energy company corporate bullying of small businesses.

• Charles Lamsargis III HORTONVILLE, WI

Frivolous action by Monster Energy Company


I feel very strongly that there is no similiarities between the Monster Fish Keepers insignia and the Monster Energy Drink insignia. Unless Monster Beverage Corporation stops this frivilous lawsuit, I will no longer be a Monster Beverage Corporation Customer.


Just ridiculous! Get a grip Monster Bev Corp! Have they got nothing better to spend money on?

• tim loggins ARLINGTON, TX

bc monster energy dosent have nothing better to do then to pick on the little guy


Monster drinks has nothing to do with fish.


i live in tahoe and a lot of my friends have monsterfish and also snowboard and some of them even drink monster ,but not anymore my friends will be boycotting monster energy drinks.I think we need to find out if monster beverage owns any other companys and stop supporting them too. LONG LIVE MY MONSTER BICHIR

• Brian Campbell ROANOKE RAPIDS, NC

Clearly ridiculous claim drummed up by some lawyers looking to make work (and money) for themselves.

The site in no way steps on Monster Energy's territory, and you can't trademark a LETTER -- which is what this amounts to, since the logos aren't even remotely similar. • Vojtěch Štěpánek CHEB, CZECH REPUBLIC

Claiming trademark on a word and/or a letter is ridiculous. What does Monster energy hope to accomplish by this is beyond me. All they get is a bad reputation.


Because this is simply harassment, it has nothing to do with fighting for a trademark.

• Christopher D'Elia CASA GRANDE, AZ

To support Monster Fish Keepers. This is just another bull shit law suit that they let people get away with in this country. Give me a break all the extreme sports that Monster Energy endorces they really need to pull this crap. P.S. I will no longer drink or support anything of Monster


• Jake Mulcahy PITTSBURGH, PA

It's not necessarily about the fish that I'm doing this. I like fish, but I'm not keeper or a fish enthusiast per se. No, the reason I'm all for defending this is because...this is a really STUPID thing for a company to be shouting at a bunch of fish guys over. Really? You think that a company can own a word in the dictionary? To own the word Monster or the letter M for whatever logo and trademark reasons? Yeah, right. First of all, they don't even look alike, and there's probably other M-type logos out there. You gonna sue 'em all, company boys? Well, here's the OTHER problem. You actually CAN'T own a random word or letter. Go online, and look up the guy who tried to own the word "Edge" to tie up gaming communities. People couldn't stand him, and you know what? HE LOST EVERYTHING. His job, his money, even property if I remember right. If you take this to a courtof law, Monster Energy Drink, YOU WILL LOSE. The judge will laugh in your face. Fair warning, energy boys. DROP IT.

• Ryan Hughes PORTLAND, OR

Corporate/Legal Bullying of Hobbyists

• Lillian Bartlett DERBY, KS

Monster Energy Company is being ridiculous and frivolous with their lawsuit and I hope Monster Aquaria is able to recover attorney fees from this big idiotic company that thinks it owns the world. Monster Aquaria is not responsible for Monster Energy's consumers being so stupid they can't tell the difference between a drink and fish.

• john power HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA monster energy drink tastes like cough syrup and is horrible for you...and fish are rad and big corporations suck ass.

• Cliff Kirchhoff CALGARY, CANADA

Corporate bullies are not wanted; get a little bit of sense, and maybe you won't get a PR nightmare.

• David Allen SHEBOYGAN, WI

I do not think it is even close to what the drink has and not even the same product. it is just the big trying to out the small.

• Leslie Owen OCEANSIDE, CA

All the money, time, focus, talent and energy Monster Energy is pouring into bullying other companies, is money, time, focus, talent and energy that is not spent on product development and customer satisfaction. Quality companies don't operate this way.

• Sarah Nithiyanandarajah COLUMBBUS, OH

Monster energy drinks should not own the letter M... I want to support small businesses from the bullying of large businesses.

• Patricia Smith WEST SAYVILLE, NY

MonsterFishKeepers and Monster Beverage Corporation have NOTHING in common. "M" seems like a rather vague trademark to be trying to sue fish keepers over. There is no competition of services and a LEGAL trademark was given for the logo. IT is time for big businesses to stop attacking small ones to put small businesses out of business.


McDonald Should sue monster energy for using "M".

FYI, MFK spread free knowledge and experience which is the most precious thing.

If you feel your product was threatened, perhaps people don't really like it.

• Travis Edwards JEFFERSON, IA

I'm sick of these Big companys thinking they own everything because they have more money then everyone else. Its a can someone own a this country is messed up!!

• scott jackson LIBERTY, KY "M" and :Monster" are public domains

• Robert Howard BELLEVUE, NE

I'm sick of seeing large companies bullying little groups who don't have the resources to fight back.

• Michael Coffey md PORT CHARLOTTE, FL

Monster describes the type of fish . We all own the language . The drink company should fuck off.

• MacDonald Smith II SOUTH RIDING, VA

Because this is total BULLSHIT!

• gertrude winchel ONTARIO, WI

monster is a common word. they dont own it. ...also MMMMMMM get a grib! if they go ahead sue monster fish for using it are they going to sue my daughter for learning to write the damn letter m....grow up damn kids

• Lee Ahlqvist CONCORD, CA

Those logos aren't even close. Does Monster Energy sell a fish flavored beverage? I may name my company ABCD...Z and copywrite the alphabet. How 'bout that?

• Stephenie Neff KNOXVILLE, TN

MFK is the best fishkeeping website I have ever found. I haven't been on it for very long, but have already seen what kind of valuable information is on it. The people at Monster Drinks are idiots. There is no comparison between either the purpose or the name of the organizations.


This is pathetic. Monster Energy are just trying to bully a small time forum just because they can and know that Monster Aquaria Network can not afford to fight back.

I agree, Monster Energy does not own the letter M nor the word Monster and the law itself needs to be changed so such pathetic bully tactics can not be attempted in the first place.

I would not be surprised if they just wanted to drive Aquaria under so they can steal their symbol to use for a sub brand of their disgusting drinks. • Oliver Bray MORECAMBE, UNITED KINGDOM

While this is ridiculous, I suppose a fish could ways be added to the current Monster Fish logo, that way is Monster Energy carry on the C&D they can look even more stupid.


I like monster drinks very much. i used to buy the products a lot. but this is just madness. monsterfishkeepers has nothing to do with a drink. And his monster M or the word monster is no threat whats however for them. Hell there is even a fish named monsterfish. Lets all sue the fish!


What bullies, another reason why Mother is better than Monster.

• Randy Nerbas ST.ALBERT, CANADA

Corporate bullying had gotten out of hand.

• Charles Beitel MCKINNEY, TX

Monster drinks are out of line. The Logos are clearly different. I am a fan of both and never confused the two. Maybe I'll start drinking Red Bull...


it is unfair

• Jody Pratt NEVADA, IA

The M looks nothing like the other! Stupid!!!!

• Samuel Benoit FRANKLIN, LA

This is replusive and the case should be dismissed.

• vincent wahl LAKEPORT, CA

They don't own the word monster that would basically be monopolizing a word, and they are probably just mad they didn't come up with the image them selves this is ridiculous..They also don't own the letter "M"

• Jocelyn Nagel PORTLAND, TX

This is a prime example of a "frivolous lawsuit". It's ridiculous! • Russell Hornby HOPE ISLAND, AUSTRALIA

This is a joke. An energy drink company trying to own the name Monster? Get real. Wont buy there product ever again. Bring on V!

• craig bush VFVFVGW, IN

I drink monster all day everyday. but im gonna try a different energy drink starting tomorrow. please let me know if they drop the law suet so i can go back to them. only if they drop it.

• Kristin Hunter HUDSON, NY

i am a monster fish keeper

• Wingate Lee MANCHESTER, NH

monster fish keeper is no way infringing on moster energy come on now

• Kelly Howard DURHAM, NC

This is beyond asinine; Jaws attacks a guppy, saying the guppy is using up his water. What next? Are they going to sue every kid who says he's got a Monster under the bed? Every high school with the colors green & black? MFK has a trademark, fish are not energy drinks. Madness. I'm going to not drink even more Monster energy drinks than I don't drink now.

• James Brown ERIE, PA

I have never gone to the grocery store and mistakenly bought a 6 pack of Monster fish because i was so confused about the Ms.

Nor have I stopped at a Country Fair and came out with a Monster 220Gallon Aquarium because I was confused and actually wanted a Monster Beverage.

Just a little sarcasm on my side... Cheers and good luck

• Barbara Tinsley EASLEY, SC

Because its stupid to sue a fish forum over a letter.

• David Lippman NEWARK, NJ

Because I'm a big fan of aquarium hobby fish and their keepers....being married to one.

• Leo Wixom III ARCHBOLD, OH To support our cause!

• Jennifer Leandro FRANKLIN, NC

I am also being challenged by Monster Energy Drink.

• Eric Perron FOND DU LAC, WI

Douche-nozzle beverage companies need to check themselves, yo.

• Mike Jones DERBY, CT

I am at a loss of words for Monster Energy. I will not longer buy their products until they drop their bogus case.

• Ryan Clement KANSAS CITY, KS

What an absolute waste of corporate money. Monster Fish Keepers is no threat to the beverage brand. I would be livid if I was was a shareholder of Monster.

• Stephen Davis IRVINE, CA

This suit is frivolous and outrageous.

• eric hurt WARREN, MI

the letter m and the word monster have been a part of the English language as well as many other languages for a very long time. I believe Monster Fish keepers have been around longer than your company. At any rate, I was aware of them first. I named my Pacu Monster, because it was a monstrous fish. Monster is no longer with us. I did so before I heard of either of you. At any rate I hope you do not sue me. My fish is dead, so even if you decided to it is a moot point. I'm sure you would win at any rate. I probably wouldn't stop drinking your drinks. I like them and they remind me of my Monster. :( I have never been confused by a Monster energy drink and wanted to put a fish in the can. I have never confused their products or a fish tank of any sort and desired to drink it. The logos do not confuse me at all. I score higher on most IQ charts. But I hope that this does not prejudice you against my argument...

• Joanne Phillips MARMORA, CANADA

Justice, there is none if Monster Energy and people like them get away with things like this... Where is the fairnes, the balance that is needed ? It's just not right....

• jeff lycan AURORA, CO Im signing because monster fish keepers has been there for me with all kinds of support in this hobby. Support which is very difficult to find. Please dont take that away!!!!

• Stephen Shuman SHERMAN, TX

I believe this a ridiculous way for a drink company to spend its time and money. Those drinks are going to limit the lifespan of many of people not to mention, they are going to lose all their teeth before they die.

The fish are healthy and fun and in no way do the logos look similar or does someone have the right to tell other people they cannot use the letter m in the alphabet for whatever they want to. CORPORATE CRAP.

• Melinda Neville BREWER, ME

Frivolous lawsuits against online hobbyist sites make the world a whole lot less fun.

• Lewis Bower IRON STATION, NC

The logos look nothing alike. There is no mistaking the monster fish "M" and the monster beverage "M". Monster Energy should be ashamed. My friends and family will no longer by any of their products. Leave monsterfishkeepers alone. I'm gonna have a Red Bull now.

• Steve Hanna MEDFORD, OR

Ridiculous greedy arrogant corporations thinking they own the English language and any one else's ideas because they've retained pit bull dog lawyers and too much surplus cash. I'm not drinking another drop of their products until they cease and desist picking on MonsterFishKeepers.

• Glen Doering PALATINE, IL

I am telling everyone I know about Monster Beverage's despicable behavior. We all know what it is like to be bullied, and I will no longer support this company. There are plenty of other choices in the energy drink category that don't beat up the everyday man.

• Kathy Jones PADUCAH, KY

Going to sue McDonalds next for their use of the letter M? The logos look nothing alike and they are not competitors. More greedy corporate BS.

• Joseph Plummer ANNISTON, AL

I think Monster Energy Drinks are retards for thinking they can get away with this ..... boycott the jerks!!!!! • Nancy Haney MUNFORD, TN

I have never heard such nonsense.... Not only does the Monster Fish Keepers logo look nothing like Monster Energy Company's, it seems highly unlikely anyone would confuse the two. All this does is make the Monster Energy people look dumb. If I drank energy drinks I'd surely boycott Monster Energy drinks! People, stick with good old fashioned water! It's good enough for the fish, it's good enough for us!

• Laura Lee Petrila NAPLES, FL

This lawsuit IMO is frivolous bullying, the two trademarks look nothing alike and the "products" aren't even VAGUELY the same or in any way competing. MFK is a very valuable resource in the aquarium hobby. MFK does MINIMAL sales to help support the cost of keeping up and running a community forum which is a very valuable resource to aquarium hobbyists- and is provided FREE to hobbyists. Monster Energy Drinks needs to stop attacking one of the good guys!!

• Joshua Loughner SPRING HILL, FL

As a rockstar energry drink fan, this is make me dislike monster company alot more now


This is just a plain stupid, Monster Energy Company is acting in a manner that does harm to it brand in an attempt to protect its brand. Wake up, fire the law firm that took this action.

• Jeffrey George BRONX, NY

There is NO chance of confusion between a tropical fishkeepers' website and an energy drink, simply because they both use the word "monster" and the letter "m." I suppose that their next target is going to be PBS and Jim Henson for their use of the word in "Cookie Monster!"

• Jason Fritzinger SLATINGTON, PA

This is Ridiculous and UnFair; I won't buy Monster Energy Drink Products

• Micah Buster SPRINGFIELD, OR

Because a big company like Monster Energy doesn't need to sue for something as stupid as a "M."

• Daniel Beck LOS ANGELES, CA I am an intellectual property attorney and a fan of the website. Although I like Monster Energy, its infringement claim is completely baseless.


because the argument is is silly that any confusion would be met by either parties customers on seeing the other parties "m" logo

• Scott Oestreich WAUSAU, WI

I feel that Monster Energy should have no right to demand the removal of the Monster Fish Keeper logo. As anyone can see there is very little similarity between the two logos. If this is allowed to happen, it would lessen any credence earned by having a trademark.


This is an absolute injustice, this makes me sure NOT to buy their drinks. That company should realize they are a fad and will be going out of business anyway

• Lisa Rees ATWATER, OH

The "m" looks nothing alike and its bulling by a big greedy corporation

• Manuel Varela GRAYSON, GA

BS Claim

• Lynn Bartlett MARION, IA

Really...are M&Ms going to sue you next? It is a letter! Other than that no similarity.

• Caitlin Larsen IOWA CITY, IA

I think we need to use common sense in court cases like this. Monster cannot trademark the entirety of the letter M. It's part of the alphabet and anyone should be free to use it if the logos are not similar.


The logos as very dis-similar and no one should be able to trade mark a letter.

• Tom Freier KETTERING, OH

Do you want to sue Monster Trucks and the Makers of the movie Monster Inc????

• Raymond Toh SELANGOR, MALAYSIA Fish keeping is my one and only hobby. Been fascinated since the age of 5. My interest for fish has not ceased and never will.


Monster Fishkeepers cannot afford a lawsuit against an energy drinks company.

The branding is dis-similar - it warrants no such action.

Monster Energy drinks can suffer no lack of trade or trading opportunity through the branding of Monster Fishkeepers. Nor can their promotional activities be hindered.

Monster Fishkeepers provide an incredibly good service, they are a company with integrity and have a sustainable message. Monster energy drinks carry no such integrity, and this action goes a long way to illustrate this.

Monster Energy Drinks need to consider the ramifications in the market for such a bullying, counter community action.

Monster Fishkeepers provide information that promotes critical awareness for current and future generations.

A letter should not be fought over in court - the clear reason being, exactly when will this kind of action end? Is it sensible, efficient or ethical for such a cease and desist to be carried out? It is not, and the power of money should not be the winning factor in this either.

I will cease to supply or endorse Monster Energy products in my businesses. I will inform their reps that I will never be interested in using their products in my businesses because of this action. I will also lower the prices of their competitors in my businesses. Thats just 3 ways I can fight such a bad piece of company policy. Ill think of more.


Logo's are completly different,how can you own a letter? or the word "monster"/

• Justin Manuel PERTH, AUSTRALIA

I support in their activities and do not agree with Monster Energy's legal and business conduct. I do not believe there is a true need for this conduct and believe it is a poor use of resources and time. Goodluck!

• Peter Youe LANGPORT, UNITED KINGDOM Because i believe this logo/ design is nothing alike, apart from it containing the letter M, which belongs to the English alphabet and not to a big corporate company like Monster Energy.

It is rediculous that they are trying to bring this to court. If I were to set up a group called "Monster spiders" with a capital M as the logo would i be sued also for using a letter out of the alphabet and the word Monster? Which belongs to the english dictionary, also not to monster energy! have my complete backing throughout this campaign! Fight to keep the Capital M! Regards Mr Peter Youé

• Noddy van den Brink EDE, NETHERLANDS

Very childish, and money is defenately the root of all evil.

My 3 year old son can still see the 2 M's are totally different, and still MBC needs to get our money?

MBC is like a schoolbully stealing the lunchmoney from a small kid!

I'm Signing a petition against Monster-drinks-company,for "it is unlikely that consumers would mistake a brand marketed to the keepers of large fish in specialty online sites and aquarium stores, for a brand marketed to regular customers in sports facilities and typical grocery and retailestablishments".They have nothing to do with eathother and i will, for this reason NEVER buy any Monster Beverage Company drinks in my life. This is so childish.

We're keeping fish, and this will not make their sales go down in any way.

• Harold Jacobs ANTWERP, BELGIUM

for justice..

• Ryan Waltman CLEAR LAKE, IA

are you really worried fish are going to be confused with an energy drink? Put the time and money into something useful like, i dont know, not being rediculous.

• Brian Shepard VANCOUVER, WA

The logos are very different you couldnt tell the monster fish keepers in any way represents monister energy drinks, likewise monster energy drinks looks nothing like monster fish keepers. So are they going to trademark every let of the alphabet now?

• Ron George OSCEOLA, IA Monster Energy drink must be run by a bunch of shithead drama queens judging by their actions

• Ralph Ciardullo TORONTO, CANADA

I am a avoid fish hobbiest who thinks this is just plan silly. Monster Energy...get your act together and focus on your product and leave Monster Fish keepers alone. This comes from fish hobbiest of all ages.


• Ben Holloway BEND, OR

give us a break...

• rocky suthersheen HYDERABAD, INDIA

thers alot of diffrence in both logo's and y ban monsterfishkeepers logo i dont c any point...and i feel it mus b kept same as b4...not to b changd "JUS CAUSE SOMEONE IS GOING DOWN"

• George Chen BROOKLYN, NY

To protect Mfk from being bullied into the ground.

• Jorge Navas MILL CREEK, WA

Is really dumb to not be able to see the difference between the to brands, and only proves that big companies always try to step on anybodies head just to prove how big and powerfull they are, keep in the fight "monstersfishkeepers" And thanks for all the usefull info in ur site!

• Jerry Jones BYRON, GA

The "M" symbols look nothing alike and the Monster Aquaria Network has nothing to do with beverages. (I'm certainly not going to drink my aquarium water for a "boost"). This is ludicrous and a clear case of corporate bullying. I support Monster Aquaria and am comfortable in saying I will never buy another beverage from Monster energy company again... Their drinks taste terrible anyways.

• julie boring LANCASTER, OH

its is plainly obviose these two logosare VERY differnt!!!!!!!!!

• Matt Esterly UPPER MARLBORO, MD This is just like the cafe that trademarked the word "hon" in baltimore, md. they nearly went out of business because it was such a big part of baltimore culture. lets put Monster Energy out of business and show them that the people are in control, not greedy (and apparently moronic for thinking the two logo's are even remotely alike) corporations.

• Vanessa cowie WYANDOTTE, MI

well the mars companys M&M division should sue monster twice for double infrigment

• Randall Brunston CHARLOTTE, NC

If they dont go after monster cable than dont go after us!

• Miao Liang LA PUENTE, CA

Totally different , I don't see a connection ! Not fair!!!!!!!

• Sonja Schoenecker TACOMA, WA

My very good friend Anthony Julian asked for us to sign this petition. I am pretty sure your website is a huge part of his life, and something that makes him very happy.

• Jordan Fritts MARIETTA, GA

This whole lawsuit is bogus. Monster is freaking out for no reason whatsoever.

• Ivan Ignacio JERSEY CITY, NJ

Because anybody with common sense can see the two "m" symbols are not the same.

• Gregory axelrod NEWPORT, RI

A big company taking advantage of a small niche market name for no reason. There is no reason to even think the two logos would be mistaken for eachother.

• Frank Mueller KENT, OH

Fishkeepers buy Energy Drinks too - but maybe soon no longer from Monster Energy!

• Kayleigh Demharter KAMLOOPS, CANADA

Seriously, why does every company have to bitch about the smallest of things. It's a freaking letter for crying out loud, they're seriously going to copyright a letter now? it's not even remotely similar even. Ridiculous. I support Monster Fish Keepers and their right to keep the 'M'! • Scott Blankenship CULLODEN, WV

Monster is a term that has been used for many many years. What's next, monster trucks, monster mash, monster hunter games, Pixar's Monster Inc. The two logos looks nothing alike, and the only thing they have in commoon is the letter "M", well so does, Mcdonalds, Macy's Marshall University and countless others. If anything it adds to Monster Energy's consumer base. That is alot better than a strick boycott and have all the MFK members go to their competitors.


Very unfair, we are not In related industries and no compition. They don't own the alphabet so banning a letter is the world gone crazy.

• Patrick Anderson DOWNINGTOWN, PA

2005 is earlier than 2007 right? This suit seems like a waste of time. Can that energy drink company throw around enough money around to rewrite history? Probably I guess, but I hope not.

• Daniel Sing LAFAYETTE, IN

Ignoring the fact that I think this is ridiculous, I hate watching large corporations pick on small hobbyist based groups.


This is unreasonable ridiculous. If Montster Energy doesn't revoke this notion, I will no longer be a customer.

• steve gardiner ORANGE, CA

A ridiculous lawsuit to keep corporate lawyer in a paycheck.


Hey Monster Energy, grow up. Going to go after all non-monster energy sponsored monster trucks now too? Tell them they can only be Big Trucks instead of Monster Trucks now? Who are you, Apple Co.? Get real and direct your resources to better tasting beverages.

• Alfonso Urdaneta ORLANDO, FL

You don't own the letter "M".

• Hannah Parker TACOMA, WA I've been reading the Monster Aquaria forums for years, they're an amazing source of help and information for fishkeepers. The logos are not similar enough to warrant this kind of action (will Monster sue M&Ms next??), and the demands of Monster energy drinks go beyond protecting themselves and their logo to eviscerating a small company that has nothing to do with them. It's ridiculous.

• MIchelle Spilecki SCHENECTADY, NY

This is RIDICULOUS!!!! MonsterFishKeepers is in NO way a threat to Monster Energy. What kind of morons does ME think make up its customer base?

My Sail Fin catfish is no more like an 'energy' drink than my toenail is like the Eiffel Tower.

ME, drop this absurd law suit before we have to energize a monster boycott!!!

• ken skelton VICTORIA, CANADA

Because this lawsuit is ridiculous

• Stacy McConnaughey GRAND RAPIDS, MI

Monster beverage company is out of control.



• Austin Wells KENNESAW, GA

I will never drink another Monster in my life. A move made out of pure greed by Monster Energy.

• Gary Mertz NEW PARIS, PA

Ridiculous. You cannot own a letter or a word. I will not buy Monster drinks anymore because of this. A bad company doing bad things. Monster Energy Company should be ashamed.

• Andrew Perko POMPANO BEACH, FL

Stupid... Not the least bit relevant, and I'm never buying a Monster energy drink again.

• David Petzinger HAMPTON, NJ Monster Energy had better watch out... I'm pretty sure Monster Cable owns the patent on bullying smaller companies where there is no chance for the confusion of the general public. Please go peddle your crappy sugar water elsewhere.

• Alan Jedlowski LITTLE SUAMICO, WI

They are so wrong there isn't a possibility they could be right !


Am apalled by the petty and pointless nature of this predatory litigiousness. Hoping it is a 'mistake' and Monster Energy will see fit to back off - otherwise I will boycott and discourage amond friends and relatives (especially the younger generation) the purchase of all products sold by Monster Energy, its parent and sibling companies. Monster Fishkeepers is in absolutely no way a threat to Monster Energy!


People at this site give advice, great advice to be exact. It helped me know more on how to tale care of my exotic fishes which also helped me take more care of them.

• Alex Bruskin BRANCHBURG, NJ

Monster fish keepers is a peaceful website where into to read and relieve myself of stress and talk to people with the same hobby as myself and it would be a shame to see the website be sued for something as silly as a logo

• Anthony Stewart SALEM, OR

If were selling beverages, I would be hesitant. That being said, the logos are different enough to discourage confusion. I also believe Monster had the right to request a cease and desist, but I also think they went too far with their terms. I also feel that has a right to resist, given my reasons mentioned prior among others.

• Bryan Goodwill CAPE CORAL, FL

Just because you (monster energy) own a company with a trademarked logo and you see something that may look like it does not give you the right to sue!!! Next your going to go after some other company just because they use black and green for their promotions? Colors and the english language (to include single letters of the alphabet) are not a companies property and they must be out of their minds to try and make people stop using them just because they can! In short corporations have waaaaaayyy too much time on their hands if they think they can just push people around because "Hey that's my letter and colors there!" • Jennifer Bell CLAREMONT, CA

I'm signing this petition because Monster Beverages has no grounds to sue Monster Fish Keepers, and yet with their deep pockets, could drain MFK with legal fees until they're bankrupt. This will result in no benefit for Monster Beverage Corp, a will abuse our legal system, and destroy a wonderful site that has brought lonely hobbists together from around the world. The lawsuit is pointless, wasteful, and harmful.

• David Ricotta SCOTTSVILLE, NY

These logos are nothing alike. Monster Energy Company has consumed too many of their drinks to think they're similar, or infringing.


Being a bully just because you are big and can is the destruction of American entrepreneurship. Don't be anN asshole.

• Dwayne Brown PADUCAH, KY

I'm signing because big fish are way cooler than the nasty energy drink.

• Jason Boldt CHINO HILLS, CA

I believe this cease and desist is completely stupid. There is no similarities to the two logos and certainly no similarities between the two entities. Monster beverage made hundreds of millions of $$ last year, a fact they prominently display to the public on their website. The humble crowd over at MFK, comprised of enthusiasts and conservationists alike, are absolutely NOT infringing on those Millions! Really? Completely stupid! - Jason B

• Keith Allen WARREN, MI

This is ridiculousness on behalf of Monster Energy Company. I'm am boycotting all their products until this is dropped.

• Scott Ray ERIE, PA

Completely BULL$h!t. Your drink is terrible!!! Leave the fish hobbyist's alone, we dont want anything to do with your name, it has nothing to do with fish. Give it up and quite bullying!!!!

• Max Strandberg KALMAR, SWEDEN

The letter M in the logos do not look the same. The companies are not in the same type of business. I see no reson for anyone to confuse them with eachother. The word Monster used in combination with Fish Keepers or Aquaria doesn't have anything to do with energy drinks. The combination of black and green is commonly used on websites and other things. The right to use black and green belongs to everyone and cannot be owned exclusively by a single company.


Monster fish site has been there for longer than the energy company it is unfair to stop a site that has been working hard and supported by thousands it helps us with our hobby we help each other

• glenn anama ST. PETERSBURG, FL

The "" cannot be confused with Monster beverage. They do not even look alike. Please reconsider the trademark infringment.


Fuck Monster Fish Keepers sue the pants of the idiots, bloody idiot monster fish keepers

• Michael Horton RICHMOND, VA

This is a frivolous lawsuit based on an over zealous desire to defend a trademark where no infringement exists. Monster Energy cannot trademark every stylized letter "M."


I keep monster fish, they are what they are and they have been long before this drink!

• Daniel Sellitto MULLICA HILL, NJ

Because Monster Beverage is a horrible corporation and makes me sick to be American. I'd rather drink redbull, it tastes better with vodka anyway.

• Brandon Wilkinson COLLINSVILLE, OK

I don't see how anyone could mistake the Monster Aquariua Network "M" for the Monster Energy "M."

• John Albrecht FISHERS, IN

Because there is no reason monster energy needs to shut down a fish site. Maybe the people who wrote "Monster Mash" should sue monster energy for name infringement...

• J. Phillip Nicholson OTTAWA, CANADA A vexatious and frivolous suit by Monster Beverage Corporation that should be automatically thrown out: 1.) completely different products and markets; 2.) no meaningful similarity in visual recognition: Monster Beverage is clearly a devil image (NOT a monster, by the way, so pretty lame design concept) with accentuated horns and tail, silver and white colouring and some sort of wierd (and high school-level) background accent, compared to Monster Fish's logo which is an elegant concept and brilliant execution, green colouring, irregular sea-horse imagery that is totally appropriate for its product and market (Bravo to the designer!); 3) Monster Energy logo is actually MUCH closer to an infringement on the logo of my alma mater MIT. Now THERE's someone your own size, Monster Energy (and doubtless a LOT smarter), so go take them on FIRST and see how much you think you own the letter M. Come to think of it, James Bond's "M" has been around a LOT longer than YOU cats, and we LIKE her a lot more. Do your OWN cease and desisting, Monster Energy, and do realize that your would-be bullying is rapidly devaluing your stock with customers. Americans and Canadians NEVER support attempts by the likes of you to push around the little guys. Move on to improving your product...and maybe even getting A BETTER LOGO FOR YOURSELVES.

• chris weygandt BOWLING GREEN, KY

this is dumb. the two look nothing alike and are being used completely different markets.

• Staci Mongold TOPEKA, KS

This is just plain petty. I will no longer buy any monster energy drinks. Neither will anyone in my family. Thank you.

• Martha Terstegge ORINDA, CA

It's just ridiculous that Monster Energy Company is doing this. Just another example of a big corporation thinking it can bully whomever it wants.


Don't feel there is any conflict between users of the name


This is an unreasonable situation. The logos do not look close enough to warant such trademark infringement.

• Jeffery DeJaynes LAWRENCE, KS

it is stupid and i will not attend any events or buy any products that are monster or sponsored by monster ever unless the bull shit is stopped. Fuck monster energy, monster fish keepers is actually good for society unlike the crap you sell in a can. • Mike Meston PRINCETON B.C., CANADA

MonsterFishKeepers looks nothing like that idiot energy drink label

• Matthew Weidner KENNEWICK, WA

Corporations need to stop acting like spoiled children! I will no longer buy any product from monster if these are the kind of poor business ethics they are going to embrace.

• Joe anastasio TRACY, CA

becuase this is stupid that moster would sue it for a stupid reason. I love monster fish keppers its my home

• Jonathan Leary COLUMBIA, MO

Monster Fish Keepers' logo is NOWHERE near looking like the MEC logo.

• Chris Browne CALGARY, CANADA

How would anyone mistake the 2 logo's for one another, they are not even close to being the same. This is nothing but a senseless act of corporate bullying. I'm guessing the legal department is grasping at straws to make themselves look good for upper management by acting like a schoolyard bully rather than fighting the battles to be fought against their real competitors such as Red Bull or Rockstar.

• Curtis Louie STOCKTON, CA

I sign this petition cause iI support What give the right to Hansen Natural to say they own the letter M or the word Monster. The logos don't even look alike other then there both the letter M.

• Jessicca Benavides HIGHLAND PARK, MI

Signin cuz it's bull snot.

• Bobby Hill ORANGE, CT

What a ridiculous and shameless plot by Monster energy drinks to try to gain some cash.



• Jace Huyn HACIENDA HTS, CA The two logos do not look anything alike and each logo represents two entirely different thing that has no relations or similarities what so ever. Monster Energy Corp is just looking to monopolize any logo with an M in it which is ridiculous. If Monster Energy Company succeeds in this action Monster Drink will no longer exist in my life and i will forever drink ROCKSTAR!!!!

• Austin Stephenson TWIN FALLS, ID

This is ridiculous, the trademarks look nothing alike. At all.


There is ABSOLUTELY no reason for a stupid energy drink corporation to try and get other companies to not use a WORD that they think they own!!! Get over yourself, if you think your flat billed consumers are too stupid to know the difference between your junk and the other company's, they deserve what they get.

• Nyon Steede PAGET, BERMUDA

Monster Fish Keepers is an avenue to sahre information for the betterment of people interested in fish keeping whereas Monster Energy is a corporate entity with its main reason for existence being to produce a profit for shareholders without any regard for the effects their product may have on persons consuming. I think that its is great that Goliath is afraid of David, but keep in mind who won in the end!


They dont look enough alike to sue. This is silly.


Monster Fish Keepers is the best community of like minded individuals that help each other out

• Ryan Hame RIO LINDA, CA

The logos aren't even close. Is Monster Energy going to go after Jim Henson productions and Sesame Street next for their use of the word monster?

• jason berryman WINNIPEG, CANADA

The whole thing is bull shit!

• Jon Harpst WILSON, NC These groups are in two completely different categories of markets. Monster Energy should be ashamed, especially considering how they are branded as being a drink for fringe, alternative types. If anything they should be looking to market with MFK. It is appauling. Shhame on you Monster Energy.

• Graham Robinson TORONTO, CANADA

This is an act of corporate bullying! I believe that there are no grounds for Monster Energy Drink to file a Cease and desist claim. The Logos do not look enough alike and there is no competition between these two companies to even raise concern.

Monster Energy Drinks should concern themselves with their own affairs and marketing and spend less time trying to cut down a community of creative caring aquarists.

This is just silly. there are 26 letters of the alphabet, M is one of them. You dont hear about Monster Energy Drinks filing claims against

Pick your battles Monster Energy Drinks, you got Rob Dyrdek endorsing you, that's huge. you dont need to bully us.

• Josh Burgess HILLMAN, MI

Monster fish keepers ...we love this network and if you think you can tank it away up yours.

The M is trademark for MFK this is just money grubbing Monster energy company

I will never buy Monster energy drinks for the rest of my life and there trying to say they own the monster 2 wow Poor money grubbing .....


They are not even close.

• Jenssen Aiken CALGARY, CANADA

This is crazy,.. They are so different! I hate to see big companies bully the market,.. Complete BS

• Chris Moore RENTON, WA

Monster Energy is trying to bully an innocent group of hobbyists over the use of the letter M, and a name that is used by dozens of other groups and logos. I will make damn sure that I tell everyone I know to never drink Monster Energy.

• James Dart SPRINGFIELD, VA If Monster Beverage - and their parent company Hansen's - believe Monster Fish Keepers' trademark "...would cause customers confusion with their own MONSTER™, MONSTER ENERGY®, and MONSTER “Claw M®” trademarks," they clearly consider their customer base to be composed of idiots. As I am not an idiot, rest assured I will not be purchasing any Monster or Hansen's products now or in the future. This is corporate extortion in its most naked, egregious form.

• Rick Ball HAM LAKE, MN

MFK is NOT in competition with Monster energy. The symbols are different and MFK has had trademark since 2005.


I would rather read about Monster fish keeping than drink that foul energy drink.

No one company should have the sole rights to either the word Monster or M as a logo.

• Mike Dalton LAKELAND, FL

The two brands are obviously very different in nature and each project to an entirely different audience. Any informed consumer knows the difference. I will not continue to drink Monster Energy drinks if they pursue such a ridiculous claim against a fishkeeping site.

• vince sals RICHMOND, VA

i am signing this due to the fact the information from this forum is very help full and in no way infringes on or makes your product look bad I use o be a avid monster drinker i will drink other products untill you stop legal action and i requested my players on a team i coach do also

• David Lindsey PEKIN, IL

Because the MFK logo looks absolutely NOTHING like the monster energy drink logo. They are both M's, that's it.

• Steve Rogers HESPERIA, CA

Monster Beverage Corp does NOT own the letter m nor the word monster. I will make sure that I boycott and tell all others to boycott these unhealthy drinks!

• Donna Barrow CLEVELAND, TN

This is ridiculous, the two have nothing in common and I didn't know you could "own" a letter or a common word! Outrageous! The logo's are also nothing alike. • Victor Bravo RICHARDSON, TX

I am a long time reader and fan of

• Jeff Brown BRISTOW, VA

Because I'm sick and tired of seeing the little guy get stomped by the asshole corporation.

• Michael Houston MIAMI, FL

This lawsuit is just unnecessary. A waste of time and money. MFK has done nothing wrong and is not trying to exploit the Monster name or logo in anyway. Please, leave our community alone.

• Robert Buckingham GLENDORA, NJ

You have to be kidding me! If someone could confuse the 2 logo's, they are probably hopped up on too many of those energy drinks. This is probably some lawyer trying to justify his employment with the company, because his kid needs a new car. Instead of wasting this much money on baseless claims, you could put the money behind sponsoring a worthy cause. This would get your logo much more public notoriety. Then people wouldn't "mistake" it for a fish forum logo.

• Sara Komarnisky ST ALBERT, CANADA

The two symbols in question look different enough that you can tell the two company's apart.

• Alexander Curley TRENTON, MI

they dont even look alike

• Ian eberhart SPRINGFIELD, OR

Because this is another example of a big corp just trying to push around someone to say they did. its clearly wrong and unjust, any consumer would never mistake the two trademarks for eachother. not ever.

• Christian Kaupp LETHBRIDGE, CANADA

1 side is a wealth of information built to educate and help people. The other side is a corporate junk food spewer......

• Donna Coake EVERETT, WA This is stupid for a big corporation to go after another group because of the use of a letter logo they look nothing alike. The letter M is not their's or anyones property to own its a letter logo design.

• robby herrington VIRGINIA BEACH, VA

because this is the dumbest thing i've ever heard f.. i used to drink monster.. not anymore. they just lost 4 dollars a can twice a week!

• Kevin Drummond MOUNT AIRY, NC

Monster Energy is being ridiculous. There is no way the two logos (they look completely different!) or names would get confused as they are not a competitor in any market sector, and completely different services.

Who is going to be sued next? Monster Jam? Monster cables? This is a clear case of corporate bullying of a small business.


What does it hurt really. I will never buy a MBC product again.

• Craig Franzen MINNEAPOLIS, MN

To me, this is a case of a larger company abusing a smaller entity.

• Katie Reginaldi SCHAUMBURG, IL

It is ludicrous that Monster (energy drinks) would waste the money to pursue this. Power to the fish keepers, and hobbyists everywhere!

• Rafael Ramos QUITO, ECUADOR

MFK has done a great job keeping the hobby informed of many news, that takes time and effort. congratulations for a job well done.

• Andrew Clark ROHNERT PARK, CA

This makes me question the company behind my favorite line of energy drinks. Please Monster Energy, don't infringe upon the rights of a company that you aren't even in competition with. No one is going to confuse those two brands, and even if they did, it's not like they're going to drink water from a fishbowl over your amazing energy drinks.

• Joseph Reyes HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA Because the "M" for Monster Fish Keepers don't look anything like the "M" for Monster drinks! And I drink Monster energy drinks at least 3 days out of the week!

• Paul Neubert KENMORE, WA

Because Monster Beverage Corporation basically goes around doing this to any company with the word "Monster" in the name. It is the low of the low in my opinion.

• Anna Black BEREA, KY

MFK shouldn't have to defend their logo or website. This is unfair.

• James Lu CUMMING, GA

The American legal system favors larger companies as legal disputes cost so much money. It is up to the people to fight for what's right. We need to get this to the press, like CNN. Let's see how they like defending their ego to the public.


Your companies harasment of Monster fish keepers trademark is rediculous. The logos dont look alike, and it has been a registered trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since October of 2007. Stop wasting time & money on the little guys of the world & get to making better products.

• Joanne Jankowski RANCHO SANTA FE, CA

Monster Fish Keepers is absolutley the best resource for any hobbyist keeping an aquarium. I'm continually amazed at the wealth of information and that it is FREE. I will never ever buy another Monster drink again; how petty they are!


MFK has absolutely nothing to do with the energy drink market. If Monster energy drinks feels MFK is creeping in on their Brand name, then it might be that Monster is losing ground in the market to Red Bull or any other energy drink competitors. This almost feels like a media stunt to try to gather more attention on their on brand.

Please leave MFK alone!!!

• Tiffany Emerson GROVE CITY, OH

As much as I love my monster coffee, I love my fish more! Please stop bullying a company that has nothing to do with you

• Christopher Neel LOMPOC, CA I've been a member of the Monster Aquaria Network since 2005. Their forums have always been free and have helped to teach me valuable animal husbandry skills that have allowed me to start my own business at one point. This lawsuit is frivolous and without merit. Corporate bullying at it's finest!

• zach fairchild THOMASTON, CT

They're just bullying monster fish keepers

• Scott Anderson SHORELINE, WA

This is bogus.

• anthony ingram LONGMONT, CO

Big company bullying tactics at its finest. Hope this gets plenty of press. Seems to be the only thing that gets them to back down.


Fish and reef acquariums create a great amount of awareness about ocean life and how rich and complex it and that we need to preserve it. Monster energy could have teamed up with monster fishkeepers (ofcourse clearly delineating any busines connections between the two) and marketed themselves as good responsible citizens to the fsh community! Instead what did they do! The lack of constructive creativity is disappointing!!

• Joseph Jordan DES MOINES, WA

Support Monster Fish Keepers from WAFISHBOX!

• william kovacs YORBA LINDA, CA

I will no no longer purchase Monster Energy products if this legal action against Monster Fish Keepers is continued.

• Desrene Chambers SARASOTA, FL

I have been a member of MFK for years there is a wealth of info that can be found on the forums this is one of the best moderated sites on the internet . I am a monster fish keeper and proud if it . I would hate to see the name change.

• Orb Thompson PLAINS, KS Just a big corporation trying to bully fish hobbyists into submission over a logo that has no resemblance to their product logo. I don't drink their product, and now never will. I'll still keep my fish tho. :)

• Shannon Matturro FORT MYERS, FL

People and companies don't own individual words. They are for everyone to use. If they sue monster fish keepers are they going to start sueing people for saying the word? The idiocracy has to stop.


You don't own the letter m - monster energy. The logos are different enough. Monster Fish Keepers is totally innocent. I myself am going to stop buying your energy drinks, and incourage others to do the same. PITIFUL!

• Keith Rodgers BECKLEY, WV

Fight the power!

• Daniel Bui YUKON, OK

Because Monster Energy drink strives on diversity, to be different and to be yourself. This is not one of them nor has Monster Fish Keepers tried to be like the Energy drink company. If you would look at the context of the website it shows Monster sized fish from around the world and that is all. In no way is this hurting the multi billion dollar energy drink company. Please Monster Energy, look at what you stood for in the beginning and leave Monster Fish Keepers website alone. Let them be different in their own way as you already know there is no simularities.


The symbols look nothing alike, don't see the problem. Monster certainly isn't the only energy drink out there and I'll never buy another of their drinks if this isn't dropped.

• Rachel Hiser GROVE CITY, OH

This is bull shit. If Monster Energy continues its persecution of the hobby industry, my family will do all in its power to spread ill will for Monster and increase the number of people boycotting its products. I'm sick of large companies throwing their weight around to intimidate small companies and non-profits. As a small business owner, I completely support MonsterFishKeepers and will never support Monster Energy again due to their corporate bullying of a non-competitor. No one would ever mistake one logo for the other. This is ridiculous.

• Brandon Keener ONEONTA, AL This is ridiculous no one believes there is any relationship between the fishkeeping website and the energy drink. Maybe Pixar should sue them for infringing on Monsters, Inc. That makes about as much sense as this.

• David Johnson COXS CREEK, KY

Would like to see common sense prevail!


I am opposed to frivolous legal battles clogging the courts and draining the resources of the innocent - this is ridiculous!

• James White MANSFIELD, MA

Corporate greed.

• Douglas Hahn MASON, OH

I drink Monster energy constantly - epecially the Rehab Tea/Lemonade mix. Great stuff. But really, this is a complete over the top action Monster Beverage is taking. The logos are not confusing and, even if you want to argue they are, one is used in the Food & Beverage space, one is used on a non-profit aquarium blog. There is no way Monster Aquaria Network is in any way harning Monster Beverage - not to mention Monster Aquaria has a trademark on the logo.

To Monster Beverage - if you continue with this action, I will put my own "cease and desist" order on buying any more of your product.

• Brandon Scott SAN DIEGO, CA

I'm signing this petition to stand up to Monster energy drink and to tell them they can not own the world or the M. Monsterfishkeepers is an outstanding club helping all with fish that need help and educating members on what they can do to keep these amazing species around for years to come.

• shaun keeling WATKINS, CO

To support mfk. Monster drink should have no concerns that an aquarium forum could or would impact their trademarks or business. The emblems dont even look close to the same.


because they are totally different, different logos monster drink, monster aquaria, loch ness monster, pretty sure the name monster has been aboout a lot longer than the drink • Brad Lambright CARY, NC

I would think a logo with 'III' would be more confusing to customers. Are they going there? Also, Monster Fish actually makes sense (Big). What is a monster drink? I can see how their customers could be confused. It would be easy to throw that 'vision' off.

• dennis terry NEWPORT NEWS, VA

another frivolous lawsuit.

• Edwin Wong KANEOHE, HI

This is just REDICULOUS! How does Monster Fish Keepers have anything to do with Monster energy drink!

• Zachary Dunn RICHMOND, VA

I am signing because I am a member of website and have found many valuable pieces of knowledge on this site. It is unfair for a company that has so little in common and is not harmed by our site and our 'M". Hell maybe our website could offer a special Ad campaign if ALL charges were dropped. This is just another big box store company picking on any little thing. The only true thing we have in common is the letter m in the alphabet, not our logo. This is a great way to get 200,000 people and every one they know worldwide to switch to Red Bull.



• Kim Kennedy MONTICELLO, FL

I think its ridiculous ! this is America after all & i doubt anyone will get the two confused !

• Martin Brunoro VERCHERES, CANADA

Both symbol are quite distinct and the do not operate in the same business. this is a ridiculous claim.


This is ridiculous. You don't own letters or colors! Furthermore, the M's look nothing alike. What corporate asshole thought this up at Monster Energy? Go Red Bull! • William Vanca COLUMBIA, SC

You issue with confusion etc, is a non-issue. It makes no sense. These are small niche sites and companies.


This is petty and sickening

• christopher Malone KNIGHTDALE, NC

I've been a subscriber to MFK since 2007, I also consume plenty of Monster energy drinks, however I WILL start spending my money on REDBULL and ROCKSTAR if MFK is not allowed to keep it's logo.


Big businesses think they can step on everything and anything.

• Koen Van Uitert LEEUWARDEN

It's ridiculous that a company involves its self with a fish keepers website in this manner.

There is not a single identifiable threat towards monster energy from the monster fish keepers website and it's members. This is just plain destroying peoples hobby pleasure and knowing that because of their financial situation they will probably win anyway!

• Michael Teske ELKRIDGE, MD

To support Monster Fish Keepers.


I can't ever imagining anyone confusing the Monsterfishkeepers' "M" logo with the Monster Drinks' "M" logo. The two are completely different and I don't think anyone who's stumbled across either sites thought they were related.

I honestly believe this is nothing more than a large corporation attempting to bully the smaller guys. In quite possibly the most ridiculous way too... with the letter "M"?!

Let me put this into a better perspective to the Monster Drinks people > With your slightly active sponsorship in the motorsports industry, you should be worried about having all those "M" logos on the cars. Cos as car people, it might get confusing with the BMW's "M". (Now that's a real competition)

• jeffrey guy BURLINGTON, CANADA I am signing this petition because I feel that this forum is a boon to all who enjoy the keeping of large fish.

• Christopher Dashiells EASTON, MD

Saving the Monster fish! Are they going to sue the other companies worldwide that use an M as the logo too? I think the Monster High dolls could use a lawsuit while we are at it! Where is the legality of owning a letter of the alphabet? If thats the case I want the letters F and U!

• Larry Addams GILBOA, NY

Another case of corporate greed. They know that MFK doesnt have the resources to fight a legal battle. monster energy knows they can win just by hiring more lawyers and dragging it out in court.

• Laura Sharkey ARLINGTON, VA

Give me a break Monster Energy. I'm done with your product.

• Marcus Williams JEFFERSONVILLE, IN

Two different industries that have nothing in common but M and monster. This is bullying.

• Dianne O'Connor QLD, AUSTRALIA

Monster Energy, you're a bunch of losers if you even think of proceeding. Won't be long & ALL energy drinks will be banned for causing cancer anyways, so suck it up while you can greedy morons, your corporate karma is comin'.


The reason I'm signing is, because I am a member of Aquariacentral/, I own big monster fish (still small, but growing), and of course I don't want Monsterfishkeepers to lose their name at all! Because it's theirs, and it's not right for monster energy to attack an innocent aquarium hobby websites such as MFK.. It's just not cool..


Didn't Monster Energy drink try this before?

What's next? Wal Mart suing every company with Mart in their name. Grow up Monster Energy Drink. I am done buying your beverages now. Stop bullying! • Michael Potvin WASHINGTON, DC

Large corporations, lawyers and avarice are what hinder the success of small businesses. Shame on you Monster Beverage Corporation. Even if there were any confusion as to which product is which and there isn't, "Imitation Is The Best Form Of Flattery" - not corporate bullying.

• Kenneth Clay LITTLE ROCK, AR

It is unfair and frivolous! This company doesn't have exclusive rights to a letter! They doesn't even really look alike! Sounds like a big company trying to bully another entity as a way of advertising! It's a shame!

• Chandra Combs CHARLOTTE, NC

I support Monster Fish Keepers and believe there is NO similarity in their logo or branding to Monster drinks.

• Fernando Fonseca ROEBLING, NJ

Monsterfishkeepers was around long before that cheap red bull knock off showed up


The monster aquaria network logo looks nothing like the monster energy logo!!!!!

• Cindy Hashie EAST YORK, CANADA

BS from Monster Energy.


I hate bullys


Nobody owns the word monster. A crap energy drink has nothing to do with a fish club. Grow up :-(


MonsterFishKeepers has been a very big help to countless fish hobbyists including me.

I really can't understand the guys at Monster Energy. They don't seem to realize that fishes don't have claws. :-) To Monster Energy Company: Please leave MonsterFishKeepers alone.


confusion between M's ? Next Mcdonalds would want to have a go!!!!!


I'm pro fish anti corporate chemical crap.


If they are upset about this, you would imagine they would be even more upset about MacDonalds ! The definitive "M"


Because I don't believe a company called Monster shoud own all right to everything else called Monster.

I've got a friend with a Monster tattoo, which isn't in the Monster energy font. Do they want him to remove that too?

• Jeffrey Perez SAN DIMAS, CA

28 States have Anti-SLAPP laws. Monster Drinks needs to understand that CA is one of them.

[URL="State Anti-SLAPP Laws"] protection/[/URL]


This is pathetic on Monster Energy Company's part. Even if they do the decent thing and withdraw, I'll never buy their product as of now.

• Nick Stallsmith INDIANAPOLIS, IN

I am a monster fish keeper for life.


This is just another example of a big company muscling in and pressurizing a smaller organisation because it can. Leave Monster Fishkeepers alone

• Adam Beecroft SCHAGHTICOKE, NY Monster has become a bully and now chose to pick on the wrong folks. No more monster drinks for me.

• Stu Blair AJAX, CANADA

Monster doesn't control the use of the letter M. That's fucking bullshit. I've spent over 8k on monster since 2005. Fuck that shit now though.


Are they serious? The trademarks are two completely different things. You take the MFK one and show it to 100 people, Ill bet maybe 10 of them will get it, show the MED one to 100 people, 90 will get it. Monster needs to leave MFK alone.


Some people need a reality check - stop being silly and copyrighting letters for goodness sake. Is anyone going to be confused ? I don't think so.


Seriously, don't companies like Monster Energy have better things to do? Who they going after next. Pixar? Pathetic company trying to use pathetic laws to pathetic ends...

• Benedict Pamintuan SHERMAN OAKS, CA

this is stupid! monster(drink) is just trying to make money out of this!!


I am signing this document because there is no relation to MFK and Monster energy logos. It is unfair for large companies to pick fights with the little guys over a simple likeness of logo design. I am a supporter of both the web site and Monster products and never once have I looked at either logo and thought of the other. Corner your market without being a bully Monster. It is stupid to think that a company can copywrite letters of the alphabet or limit other people from using words. Grow up Monster Energy!

• corey oler NORTON, MA

the font can be trademarked but a letter can not


Ridiculous... I hope they go bust.

• Eric Patteet MECHELEN, BELGIUM The character 'M' as well as the word 'Monster' is public property. It's even the same word/meaning in Dutch... Claiming words and characters as their property, seems -from European view- quite silly in this case, and furthermore dangerous on the other side. They do honour to their name this way.... It's insane. Strange that they don't realize that this will rather damage their name than protect it...

• Shaun Gephart DELTONA, FL

Monster dose not own the word monster or the letter M. Seriously wtf is wrong with you people? No one in this house will be touching their products anymore I'll see to that and I'll spread the word best I can.

• Jason Eyerly GOSHEN, IN

As a student of law, and a victim of a large corporate entity I will not allow a small time hobbyist group to be taken advantage of by a large belligerent corporation, who feels the need to try and squander the cost offsetting methods concluded by a small time hobbyist website. I would also encourage MonsterFishKeepers to submit their trademark to the USPTA due to the fact that upon declaration of a TM you have to state your intentions for the type of sales you will be involved in, and I can guarantee that Monster Beverage (MNST) does not include fish in their categories. Shame on you Monster Beverage, and more power to The Monster Fish Keepers.


What awful school playground like bullies. Shame on Monster Drinks.


Total madness. I for one will no longer purchase any Monster beverages and will certainly not support anything with the green claw logo, as a moatorsport fan particularly MotoGp no more Crutchlow merchandise. I will no longer stock monster energy drinks in my shop.


The M does not even look similiar. It's like the mobile operator Orange trying to ban the Netherlands because they are orange. Grow up and rather make a safe product


Monster energy is not playing fair

• Mervin Bachemin DALLAS, TX

No where close,could reverse and sue them? • Mun Kit Woo SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE

I Hate Bully.


To protect this great fish community

• james mcgaghey TORONTO, CANADA

I have no idea what Monster beverage corporation has against the owners of large fish and sharing the knowledge of caring for these fish. This seems to be the new money grabber for the big companies picking on little companies that have nothing to do with what they are doing and no one in their right mind or in any other state could or would confuse or mix up these two logos and companies. Really monster do you not make enough money on selling beverages that you have to pick on the little guy?. Do you really think that's an image you want set for your brand? Do you think this law suit is not going to negatively effect the public opinion of your "brand" once this gets out over the internet and news?

• james mcgaghey TORONTO, CANADA

Add a reason…I have no idea what Monster beverage corporation has against the owners of large fish and sharing the knowledge of caring for these fish. This seems to be the new money grabber for the big companies picking on little companies that have nothing to do with what they are doing and no one in their right mind or in any other state could or would confuse or mix up these two logos and companies. Really monster do you not make enough money on selling beverages that you have to pick on the little guy?. Do you really think that's an image you want set for your brand? Do you not think this law suit is not going to negatively effect the public opinion of your "brand" once this gets out over the internet and news?

• mohd firoz hanif PORT KLANG, MALAYSIA

both the M doesnt look alike. Monster Energy should be ashamed . Monster Fish Keepers is the best!!!!


Stupid bullying tactics from a company that makes artifical PISS WATER


We been members of monsterfishkeepers ... For a couple of years .. !!!

We shall not step down for bullies !!!! • Christopher Sabado KILLEEN, TX

Monster fish keepers "MFK" is the best web based information for "Monster" fish keeping enthusiasts. Like myself, I love this site, people around the world comes here to put in thoughts, help out with our obsessions on fish keeping, and also chat with friends and fellow enthusiasts. I say MFK truly puts the "MONSTER" in Monster fish keepers, due to the fact our fishes are bigger than a can of energy drinks and our passion for fish keeping is greater than the energy. MFK as I said is the best site and deserves its "M, (\/)" emblem. Either share the emblem or..... Change the MonsterEnergy, by the way watching our fish and taking care of them DOESN'T give us the crashing feeling...... unwillingly.....

• Caitlin Walters MODESTO, CA

The letter M can not be trademarked by one company, that's just ridiculous. Only the qualities that make the Monster Beverage's M unique are trademarked. Honestly people. I refuse to support a company that is going after a completely unrelated organization for using the letter M!

• Gino Natali JEAN, NV

I am responding about the letter M of the English alphabet. Both companies are not known by the letter M however both companies have a uniquely different characterized M. These are known as fonts. Both Ms have entirely different fonts and offer two completely different services. I could give several examples but let me dwell on a few..... Impala SS vs Nazi SS or Oprah Winfreys "O" network vs Cheeri"O"s or swallow this one, my name is Gino Natali and my signature is the letter "G" can take me to court after all their app is just a "G" with a googley font. I am not familiar with G as my search engine. I don't introduce myself as G nor does anyone know me as G it's just my signature. Am I being redundant or just facetious. For the record I have never tasted Monster Drink but I will be sure to boycott it for life. MONSTER FISH KEEPERS WORLD WIDE EDUCATION!!!!!

Thanks for your time



Seems to me that a certain large company assumes their customers are extremely stupid and cannot differentiate between a drink and a fish!


Seriously?!? How much bad PR are they willing to accept for such an asinine attempt to own a word that's older than the Old Testament? If I was Monster Energy Company I would fire the imbecile who decided to pursue this moronic action and fire their lawyers for not refusing to go along with this! Have you ever heard the term "BLOW BACK"? That's what happens when a bully pushes his weight around and the planet see's it for what it is and takes action against you by siding with the underdog.

How many customers are you willing to alienate? BTW! My last name starts with an M too, so maybe you should consider attacking my rights to use my name...

Just saying.... P.S.>>> BOYCOT MONSTER ENERGY DRINKS and promotional tshirts, hats and jackets and tell any sport team they sponsor that they are first rate Assholes and Losers who fear competing against unrelated businesses because they fear the loss of name recognition...

I for one will never buy your products and will tell every individual I see drinking it or wearing your stupid logo how UNCOOL they look and how weak Monster Energy Company is! GROW THE FUCK UP!!!!

• Shawn Armentrout PUYALUUP, WA

Im signing this because this is a complete joke, and Monster energy drinks are poisen and they themselves are killing several people with this poison in a can.

• John Lertsakultip LAKEWOOD, CA

Monsterfishkeepers has done nothing wrong. Monster Energy is fling a frivolous lawsuit and should be boycotted.

• Risa VanOvermeir TINLEY PARK, IL

because this is not fair. I use this site all the time and do not think it is fair that they should have to change their name or logo.

• David Contreras WHITTIER, CA

It's b.s. that u have to go after a fishkeeping wbsite that has nothing to do with that nasty,medicine-tasting monster drink!

• Mitchell Anderson NEW BERLIN, WI

I am a member of two of the three sites the Monster Aquaria Network runs, and although I am not that active in making posts I do enjoy scrolling through the pages upon pages of useful information about, well, everything related to aquariums and fish.

It saddens me that a small online forum business is being bullied by a very large Drink Corporation who has a lot of money and nothing better to do than to bully almost defenseless smaller businesses. Because of this I will never buy Monster energy drinks ever again and will tell my friends and family to do the same.

• Marie Westphal REDONDO BEACH, CA

Why on earth would you even THINK about bothering a web site that's there to help people, especially when you're in completely different businesses!

Please drop this suit. There's no point in pursuing it, and it only gives the company bad PR.

Thank you for your consideration,

Marie Westphal

• al roker MIAMI, FL

This is ridiculous and frivilous at best.

• Kennedy Nguyen KANSAS CITY, MO

Why don't they go after M&M? ASSHOLES!!


This is a bad faith lawsuit. Not so hip after all, are we monster energy drink?! This suit represents everything wrong with u.s. copyright laws, and none of the good.


No reason. It's two different entity. Stupid pursuit.


I dont agree the Monster Fish Keepers logo is anything like the Monster Energy drink logo. This is just bully tackticks and if this action proceeds I'll stop drinking Monster and encourage everyone I know to stop.

• josh rhodes CHALFANT, CA

it does not resemble the energy trademark and MFK is a great and informative website that helps fish keepers all over the world.

• ali baloochestani MISSOURI CITY, TX Its absolutely insane, why not just sue about jobs, then sue every company in the world associated with the word monster. These guys must be total stiffs.


This is just ridiculous. Need to stop this bullying!

• Dereck Heineman SAINT JOSEPH, MO

The logos don't look anything alike at all. This is ridiculous. If this doesn't get dropped I'll never buy another product from that company and I'll tell everyone I know to do the same.

• Beth McPherson DALLAS, TX

If you sue MFK, you'd have to sue every company with monster in the name. The two logos look nothing alike, and I have never confused the two companies. I never have bought Monster Energy products. Now, I have even more of a reason not to.

• Curtis Taylor JACKSONVILLE, NC

Typical corporate overkill in the effort to protect a copyright or trademark. It is obvious that the logos are much different and it took me several years to realize that the green stripes were more than claw marks and an actual "M". MEC should pay their own atty fees or actually have their attys eat their fees for allowing such allowing such a coproprate decision to go forward. Pushing many to Red Bull or other compeititors by filing this action.

• kristin sublett LEE'S SUMMIT, MO

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.

• Spencer Holst ANKENY, IA

Because this is ridiculous. Monster Energy needs to realize they are not the only company who uses a M as a logo and get off their high horse. Chill out and drop this.

• Justin Sturm WADDELL, AZ

Please do not hurt the site I love, there would be no confusion between these 2 completely different entities.

• Steven Lombardi ABINGDON, MD

Clearly the site is there for the aquarium hobbist, and in no way are a threat to a billion dollar corporation. I am outraged and will not drink monster energy drink. Furthermore I plan to tell everyone and they're mother about this fiasco. Don't pick on the little guy!

• Frank Derflinger CAPON BRIDGE, WV

To help out the little guy, and I'm old school, my energy drink is coffee!!

• michael adams FORT WAYNE, IN

The two M's look nothing alike, and Monster beverages has no claim to a word that has been around for centuries. I personally will not consume another Monster beverage so long as they maintain thier litigiousness involving small businesses/websites that are nothing like their product with a completely different M as an emblem.


The letter "M" does not belong to YOU!

And you should be Sued for making your drinks, people had plenty of energy before you and your like came along.

• Randy Thurman ARCADIA, MO

Because Monster sucks and this isn't the first time they've been retarded about their logo

• Nick Brossi FRANKLIN, MA

Totally differwnt symbol, no infringement

• Jim Richmond FREDERICK, MD

I wonder if has any opinion about who should have rights to the word Monster. What about the producers of the movie Monsters Inc.? The makers of that wonderful little candie known as M&Ms? And the makers of the speaker cable known as Monstercable? In fact that last company has the same crappy attitude about the name Monster as the energy drink maker does. What will happen when these two lock horns? There is also the company Monster Inc., that "provides resume posting, customizable agents to search for jobs, online chats, advice from career professionals, message boards, and research companies for job seekers, as well as manages resumes online". Should we go on? I think it could be possible that the energy drink makers are doing this to try and scare a settlement out of a small group of aquarium fish enthusiasts simply to pad their bottom line instead of focusing on selling their own product. That's what most patent and trademark trolls are really up to, why not them as well? Shame on Monster Energy. Remember the golden rule and think about the list of potential litigants I have listed and the others out there as well. Maybe the energy drink company doing unto others will rightfully result in someone doing the same unto them. • Steve Szanto ALBUQUERQUE, NM

Those logos aren't even CLOSE to the same, nor are the products/companies similar in any way to cause "confusion". Monster Energy needs to get a life.

• Tracey Kelly FOREST HILL, MD

this is just plain WRONG

• Joe Gatchell FORT WAYNE, IN

The thought of Monster Energy suing is ridiculous. As long as this continues, neither I nor my family and friends will purchase your products.


Crazy! Maybe they should sue McDonalds next... what a joke.

• Allen Rothery BIDNEZZ, TX

Welp, looks like time to change to RockStar...or any other drink that isn't Monster. Do they really think that folks will confuse a big ol' honkin fish, or a Differnt "M" with their signature icon? Um...nooo; they're just being bullies. Hey, MOSTER A-HOLES, while you're at it, better sue McDonalds for that big ol' honkin' yellow M they use on their signs; wouldn't want to confuse any of your target demographic out there. "Hey, Dude! Lookie'there, over twenty bazillion energy burgers served!" "

BTW Monster...suck detritis!

• Arman Villanueva WHITTIER, CA

logos look nothing alike and monster is retarded for even trying something so ridiculous.

• Jesse Stanley COATESVILLE, IN

The mfk symbol looks nothing like the monster drink symbol. the reason "monster" was used is because the site is intended for people who keep BIG fish and those who would like to. A site full of good info; it would be a shame to sue them!

• Therese Lyons CLARKSVILLE, TN

It is ridiculous to do this when the logos aren't even the exact thing... Who cares if it looks similar?

• Andrew Osmond BADGER, CANADA Monster Aquaria Network is a small company that is in no way competing in the same market as Monster drinks. No intelligent person would ever confuse the two trademarks.

Monster drinks cannon control all use of the letter M

• Perry Gower NOCONA, TX, TX

frivolous litigation disgusts me


This is the silliest lawsuit for trademark infringement. Firstly MFK has been established longer than Monster Beverages. Secondly, how is a fish keeping internet forum a threat to their business? Is Monster Beverages going to sue Pixar for releasing Monsters Inc.; Lady Gaga for having the Monster Tour? How about suing McDonalds for having the letter M in their logo? Or maybe McDonalds should sue Monster instead since they have been using the M logo for decades?


I will now boycott your "energy" drink, sure I'm only one person but I'm part of a larger community that your about to seriously piss off!

I request that you rethink your position on this current course of action.

• john creah LOTHIAN, MD

Help support the little guy. Stop large corporate bullying.....

• Elisa Phillips LAS VEGAS, NV

Long time member and proud monster fish keeper.

• carly divito NAPERVILLE, IL

I would NEVER confuse the drink with the fish forum. It's such a nitch market, come on! If they want to go after everyone who uses monster, they may as well go after sesame street because of cookie monster. Leave the nice people alone!!


Because the "M" looks completely different. Also I'm tired of rich jerks pushing people around just because they have money. M is a letter and i don't feel anyone can have exclusive rights to any letter.

• Guido Lyons EWA BEACH, HI What is Monster Energy thinking? That looks nothing like the monster "M"

• jacob kopp N.FT.MYERS, FL

This is beyond ridiculous.You can't trademark the letter m or the word monster.


• Jason Guerin MONTCLAIR, CA

In no way do I think that the Monster Fish Keepers M Logo resembles nor makes me think of Monster Energy Drink. Leave the little people alone and drop the charges!

• Joe Unsinn SUN VALLEY, CA

Cause monster energy is the portrait of extreme corporate greed and hostility.. Get a cornea transplant monster energy.. The 2 m's look nothing alike..


Monster energy drinks can't own every M. If Monster Fish Keepers has a Patent, they should be able to use it.

• Andrew Kurowski ELYRIA, OH

There is no confusion between the two brands. There is no need to sue.

• Chuck Field PLANTATION, FL

While corporations (Like Monster Energy) must protect their own rights, I would think that they could easily have handled this by making Monster Aquaria Network pay them a nominal fee for the "rights" to use their own images. It would show that they tried to protect their own rights, without being ridiculous.

• Christopher Glover BRISTOL, PA

Because its stupid to think monster energy would have any problems with a company who shares ONE part of their company name. Monster fish keepers M doesn't look anything like monsters NOR are they in the same business! If monster energy is doing this with fish keepers then they better go after MARS inc for the M & M name.

• Carson Albright CONWAY, AR

Because the claims are ridiculous

• matt wilkens REDONDO BEACH, CA I support the monster fish keeper site. Monster beverage corporation is filing frivolous lawsuits. if anything, Monster beverage should be sponsoring the monster fish keeping site to market to new customers!

• Thomas McGee WHITE BLUFF, TN

This is completely rediculous.

• Jenn Estep GRUNDY, VA

The symbols frankly look nothing alike. Monster has sued anyone they can in the past for using the letter M or the word Monster. Now they attack a site which has nothing to with their target market. I was never a fan of "Monster" drinks before...but I will certainly never buy any of their products now.

Perhaps "Monster" should invest more time in making their products taste better than suing other companies.

• Rob Vorbroker MASON, OH

Because frivolous lawsuits are CRAZY. Are people really confusing the products? I don't think so...

• Melody Doucet BEDFORD, TX

I'm a member of the Monster Aquaria network sites and I ask you to please stop your pursuit of this asinine law suit. Your logo looks nothing like the MFK logo, you don't own the word "Monster", and I can't believe you think anyone could confuse the two logos, nor do I see how you could possibly think that people wouldn't know the difference between a harmless online fish

keeping site and an energy drink company.

• Lee Hausner

Pointless Corporate bullying.


If Monster Energy drinks continues to pursue this, I will not only boycott their products but convince the forums that I run to do the same. I will list everyone of the products on my sites, along with as many of their business partners as I can retrieve as well, and ask for all my members to boycott all the listed products. This is an insanely stupid move on Monster Energy Drinks part. If they do not understand why at the moment, they will understand in the very near future. Do not underestimate the power of the internet.

• Alison Stich JENKINTOWN, PA

How completely ridiculous is this? What moron would be confused between a FISH FORUM and an energy drink. Monster Energy is a bunch of bullying jerks.

• Tym Holwager HAGERSTOWN, MD

Its sad to think that a large company could think that they own the Letter M or a commonly used word. As someone who is an avid drinker of monster energy drinks it won't be easy to boycott their products, but i certainly will!

• Shawn Donovan CLAYMONT, DE


• Nathan Phillips SEATTLE, WA

It seems completely clear to me that there is no infringement of trademark occurring here.

• David Blencoe CHESAPEAKE, VA

This is just stupid! Monster Energy's greed is out-weighing common sense! A classic example of corporate America beating up on the "little guy" because they have the means to outlast. I'll never purchase another Monster Energy product, rest assured of that.

• Amy Janecek

I am signing this petition because it is an absolute joke and misuse of money for a large company to even consider harassing a small, completely unrelated fish forum/community/business over a logo that doesn't even look similar! Why not go after Mountain Dew because they use black and green in their advertising? Why not go after Monster High dolls because they use "Monster" in their product name? Because they are too big and can fight back!

• Kristen Morito MANVILLE, RI

I've been aware of the Monster Fishkeeping Forum for far longer than I've been aware of the Monster energy drinks, and I find the notion that consumers can't differentiate between the two to be positively absurd. The legal demands that Monster Energy Co. are currently making are not only frivolous, but also incredibly petty. This is bullying at its worst, and Monster Engergy needs to seriously reevaluate its priorities if it feels like it has to pick on small hobbyist websites in order to feel secure. • Kate Pepper DREXEL HILL, PA

Because Monster Energy is deluding themselves if they truly believe that people are going to get a FISH TANK COMPANY and an ENERGY DRINK COMPANY confused. Please.


There is no possible infringement at all. What, should we take the letter 'm' out of the alphabet now, because this swill brand wants to own it?

• Mark Denaro BENSALEM, PA

Anyone with a brain knows this is not infringement of any kind. The logos are not similar in any way except using an M. If I created a logo for myself using my first initial, would MBC sue me, too? It's ridiculous. I will never drink any product from MBC again and will make sure that everyone I know hears about this situation.


The logo isn't even similar! How ridiculous. Do your customers have an IQ of 10, Monster Energy Company?


The logos look nothing alike. A group of hobbiest fish keepeers against HBC. All they are trying to do is rub out anything remotely similar to protect their ridiculous drink. Wonder if McDonalds is next.....



As both companies have entered patents for their logo, both of which passed- therefore legally how is there an infringement? Monster's use of the "distinct letter M" does not differ in nature to the way McDonalds uses a letter M in its adverts, if this case goes through, it surely means that McDonalds could indeed sue Monster for the same infringement!


Absolutely rediculous. Completely non related products which will almost certainly never coincide with each other nor is the monsterfishkeepers site trying to poach customers consuming monster energy drinks. Thow the appeal in the bin judge

• John Roach MIDDLETOWN, CT So Monster Beverage owns the letter "M" and the colors black and green...

Aren't they just full of themselves...

• Chris Steingart KINGSVILLE, CANADA

They should sue the makers of the alphabet while their at it lol bunch of losers...


There are only 26 letters in the alphabet; you don't get to claim one all to yourself! - a former "Irish Blend" drinker, I'll buy it again once you drop this stupid suit.

• Matt Haglund NEW LONDON, MN

BS, not even close, remind me not to sign my first name with just a M!

• Tim Folcik CLIO, MI

The logos are not even close.... Monsterfishkeepers has nothing to do with Monster drinks. You can't take the letter M from anyone as a logo. What's next? McDonald's??? Step off Monster drinks. I will not be purchasing any of your products, and I will tell everyone I know to do likewise.

• Kelly Hardwicke

Would be much better to sponsor Monster Fish Keepers rather than threaten frivolous lawsuits.


Monster energy company should be ashamed of themselves. Both are in completely different industries and have nothing to do with eachother, look absolutely nothing alike and wont effect any revenue or income. You would have to be in idiot to mistake these two logos for eachother which shows that kind of people are working for monster energy company. I hope everyone gets on board and support monster fish keepers as the original monster brand name. Whats this world coming to? Luckily for me i have never supported and never will support monster energy company, especially not after this.

• Julien Seclier PERTH, AUSTRALIA

load a crap......

just keep makin your shitty drinks.

• Eric Jacobsen WALTON, KY Let's take your goofy stance just a bit farther. The Boston Red Sox own "The Green Monster" - the large wall in left field. They ought to sue you for infringement on "green" and "monster."

• joshua zimmei RENTON, WA

Monster fish keepers has been around a long time and poses no threat to monster the drink and mfk is a small website/ forum if Monster the drink was smart they would just skin for some free adds on mfk

• Ashley Dixon LAKE JACKSON, TX

This is ridiculous... The logos are nothing alike and neither is what they offer... I hate how sue happy everyone seems to be these days MFK is simply here to help people with questions they have about their fish, their pets they are no competition for Monster Beverage and honestly they need to drop this suit before they end up looking like some greedy company attacking a forum that is there to help people.... What does Monster Beverage do? They sell overpriced drinks they are not out to help people daily with the questions these people on this forum need answers to.... and honestly my family will never buy one of their products again if this stupid good for nothing lawsuit persists

• Lori Wilson-Reynolds BELLAIRE, TX

Don't understand how they could even begin to think there are infringement issues. Nit even remotely alike.

• Brynne Nicolsen NAPERVILLE, IL

There is no way a website about fish will be confused with a huge corporation that sells beverages. The logos share no characteristics besides sharing the same letter. Do you plan to sue McDonald's next?

Please do not work to remove this wonderful resource.

• Christopher McCracken REYNOLDSBURG, OH

It is ridiculous to believe that the general public isn't smart enough to easily distinguish the differences between the Virgo symbol, the Scorpio symbol, the Monster Energy symbol, and the Monster Fish Keepers symbol. These are all modified Ms and are easily distinguishable. It's also wrong to grant anyone exclusive rights or permission to any colors, in advertising, apparel, or otherwise.

• Stephanie Faulk NORWALK, CA

This is insane! If they want to go after someone they should sue the M&M company!! These Ms look nothing alike. Stupid conglomerates. • Samantha Rada ABSECON, NJ

My boyfriend is a fish finatic ! If he & I weren't dating, I'd have no idea about monster fish keepers. Therefore many people who see a monster energy drink i doubt is thinking about the fish site & visa versa for monster fish keepers. If my boyfriend is wearing a MFK shirt & someone buys an energy drink because of it - good for monster. But monsters suck as is and they should be drinking red bulls anyway.

• Samantha Rada ABSECON, NJ

My boyfriend is a fish finatic ! If he & I weren't dating, I'd have no idea about monster fish keepers. Therefore many people who see a monster energy drink i doubt is thinking about the fish site & visa versa for monster fish keepers. If my boyfriend is wearing a MFK shirt & someone buys an energy drink because of it - good for monster. But monsters suck as is and they should be drinking red bulls anyway.

• Sonny Tran DAYTON, OH

Because its stupid and they don't own the word monster or the M!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they do I will never buy another monster drink!

• james clark CAMBRIDGE, CANADA

another case of bullying the small guy. I will boycott monster energy drinks and urge others to do the same.

• Christopher DeVito ABSECON, NJ

The 2 M are clearly different this case should be dropped

• Raymond Norton HUBER HTS., OH

Nobody is drinking the aquarium water so why bother the Fish Keepers?

• Sabbath . THETFORD, VT

Please, the Monster Energy logo and the Monster Fish Keepers/Monster Aquaria logo look nothing alike and to think that anyone would confuse the two is ludicrous. Monster Fish Keepers caters to a very specific subculture which does not compete directly - or indirectly - with Monster Energy. The two companies have co-existed for years with NO ONE mistaking one for the other. Have faith in your brand, ME! Stop taking out your insecurities on the little guy.

• Kathy Muraca NEWARK, NJ

Oh, this is a great reason to NEVER even TRY a Monster drink! • Kathy Muraca NEWARK, NJ

Does anyone remember when Harley Davidson tried to trademark the word "hog"? In a few years, we won't be able to write a damn sentence without worrying about copyright infringement.


Because monster is not willing to be fair about the issue.Any consumer knows the difference between the 2 logos...

• Brantley Berry

This is no infringement, people don't confuse these two products

• Amos Baker DURHAM, NC

This is absolutely absurd, the only thing similar even remotely similar about the logo's is the fact they are both based on the letter M.

• Robert Stetler GALAX, VA

Harm to Monster Drinks from MFK's employing the letter "M" and the name "Monster" is too silly to consider outside a kindergarten playground. Trampling on individual liberty, who does this draconian Monster Drinks think they are? The government?

• robert randall APPLE VALLEY, MN


• Marc Christopher NEW YORK, NY

Sick and tired of hearing about bullying!!!!

• Jesse Chesla WESTON, FL

Honestly one of the stupidest infringement lawsuits ever. These two companies are not the least bit similar along with the logos. What's next Monster Energy? Suing McDonald's for their yellow M?

• Ashley Limeberry INDIANAPOLIS, IN

Because the word Monster isn't owned by a pop company. The letter M shouldn't be owned by a beverage and furthermore the logos look nothing alike. I am tired of corporate bullies stomping on little guys. • Jim Nyberg WORCESTER, MA

Why do you feel it necessary to persecute small organizations that have no affiliation nor make any money for their efforts and is all funded by free will time and donations from those that enjoy the hobby.

• Jim Nyberg WORCESTER, MA

Really they feel an online, FREE TO USE, FISH forum is going to cause confusion of their product, really...... Common there has to be a lawyer among us who is willing to do a pro bono case and put these greedy corporate jerks in their place.

• Mary Dotson VIENNA, VA

Bad show, Monster Energy. will never buy your product.

• Darian Godwin CARTERVILLE, IL

Huge companies need to leave small business alone.

• Dane Myers CORINTH, TX

Monster Energy and Monster Fish Keepers have zero in common. Monster Energy is only hurting their brand by alienating their customers and looking like a big bully with corporate lawyers.

• Samuel Salerno TEWKSBURY, MA

This is completely ridiculous. NO ONE with eyes or a brian would think that there was any kind of association between a terrible energy drink and and an internet aquaria forum. The "M" logo for MFK looks nothing like the Monster garbage drink logo. Seem's like the Monster Energy Drink Company has too much extra cash on hand if they are attacking small businesses that are in no way competing with them or infringing on their logos. I mean wouldn't it be better for their brand name if they used those funds to do some good (maybe donate to a few charities or cover the medical bills of the people that their drinks have harmed) instead of pointlessly attacking small businesses... What a greedy, terrible, Monster of a corporation.

• Adam Bell MILFORD, OH

The absurdity of this lawsuit is mind boggling. Is Monster Beverage Corporation going to sue next in an attempt to M dropped from their name, because obviously if people can confuse a beverage with a fish hobbyist forum, what is to stop them from confusing a beverage from a computer software manufacturer, it could really impact sales.... • Cody Hamilton SASKATOON, CANADA

Because this lawsuit is absolutly ridiculous, and proves that Monster Energy Company has nothing better to do than bully an innocent comany! It is disgraceful, and I can assure you that I will urge anyone I know to never buy from Monster Energy Company agian!

• John Bauer ELK RIVER, MN

This whole arguement is pretty f'n stupid!!!

• Kristie Logan CORONA, CA

It is irrational to believe that one could become confused about the purpose of an aquarium advocate's site versus an energy drink. If the Monster corporation really believes this, they obviously have a very low opinion of the intellect of their consumers. It is ridiculous that a company can seek to maintain a monopoly on the usage of a letter or the alphabet. This needs to stop.

• Colin Streeter NEW YORK, NY

Disgraceful corporate bullying

• samuel laduca BUFFALO, NY

I will never buy a monster product again, regardless of what you do next. Damage is done. Fuck you monster. Boycott monster unless you're hitler!

• Ryan Coakley HALIFAX, CANADA

The only resemblance is the actual letter shape. The two symbols look nothing alike. Monster Fish Keeping's 'M' has horns enclosed in a "bubble"... Monster energy is just a 'M' that is essentially supposed to be left by a monster. They are nowhere alike.

• Donna Rosetta-Hansen FRESNO, CA

Just lawyers trying to make a buck... Don't be fooled into making it obvious you don't have brains!

• Tarra Klasen PAINESVILLE, OH

stupid lawsuits are stupid

• Catherine Forbes CALGARY, CANADA

It's ridiculous that an energy drinkk thinks they can own a letter of the alphabet. • Heather Brents DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA

This is BS they do not own the letter M...

• John Relph BETHESDA, MD

Just because you are big doesn't mean you should be a bully.

• Josh Beasley LA VERNIA, TX

Because i love fish and have learned so much from monsterfishkeepers and they do so much to help the fishkeeping hobby.

• josh Thornton

Leave it to a big company to try to suck the life out of a small company over anything they can. Monster, just by doing something this cocky you have already lost more business than the profit you would have gained from this. Deflate your ego and enjoy your teeth rotting gains before you are forgotten as a fad.

• marilyn mair KESWICK, CANADA

Because I hate greedy people. Monster energy drinks have billions of dollars yet they still resent the poor little guys just trying to make a buck so they want to use their wealth to bully them. Well too bad for them that I identify way more with those little guys than I do with them.

• Bryan Heble STURGIS, SD

to tell monster drinks to suck it !


MonsterFishKeepers in no way remotely resembles Monster Beverage Corp.

• Keith Pearson DALLAS, TX

simply rediculous. How can they expect to restrict the use of the word "Monster?" Perhaps should go after them!


They should sue the Cookie Monster next.

• Casey Pond AMARILLO, TX monster keeper (a modified capital m with horns a devils tail and a circle around it) and monster energy (a modified capital m with only the ripped effect) do not have the same logo and if using the letter m as a logo is the reason why haven't they sued McDonalds, 3m, m metaling, monsters inc.(movie) and any other company that uses an m for a product and also each logo didn't have or has the same font in my opinion monster energy needs do the same as a street pharmacist and quit getting hopped on their own product its making em delusional

• Salvador Rosas VALLEY VILLAGE, CA

I'm a MFK,and prefer spending my money on fish then a silly drink who thinks they own a letter or word

• Scott Bush WEEHAWKEN, NJ

The greed of big business makes me sick. In no way (even IF you can argue the logos are similar) does the existence of one company affect the other. I'd love to see Monster energy fall hard and have it cost them because this is a waste of money and resources.

• Miguel Martinez SPRINGFIELD, IL

I'm pretty sure monsterfishkeeping has been around much longer than monster energy drinks. They shouldn't have to change anything as they had it first. if anything, MFK should be able to sue Monster for using te name. This case is ridiculous and need to be dropped.


Seems unreasonable to me.

• Daniel Rynn TAMPA, FL

Prevent Unnecessary Trademark Infringement.

• Christopher Griffith INDIANAPOLIS, IN

Do to the fact that the M`s are completely different and the MFK logo looks better. I think this it only in the works to steal MFK`s logo to make monster bev. products look better so more people will purchase them. I keep fish and like my occasional energy drink, but now i think ill go with something that gives me wings. I think that we as fish keepers should get with another energy drink company and sale there products at are auctions, conventions and swap meets.

just to prove a point to monster bev. corp.

Monster Beverage Corporation Shame on you and I hope all fish keepers can come together and put you in your place.

• Steve Kowalsky SNOQUALMIE, WA

Get some perspective Monster Beverage Corp. I know you have to be aggressive to protect your brand, but this is over the top.

And don't drink that crap, drink Rockstar instead, or better yet, a local craft brewed beer.

• April Giglione HAMILTON, CANADA

Monster Energy is ridiculous! First of all those logo's look nothing a like. Second, you cannot paton 'monster' other wise Disney's Pixar ought to sue Monster Energy then! Thirdly the astrological sign for 'Scorpio' could win this and leave this argument a stalemate. Monster Energy needs to pull their heads out of their rears and smell the fresh air. Accept it, your drinks suck. Quit taking it out on the smaller companies. Go find a reason to sue your actual competition like Rockstar and redbull. Oh yeah...they are bigger than you. Forgot, sorry.

• Curtis Ness WEST FARGO, ND

If this hits the court I hope the judge looks at the two and tells Monster Energy to pay MFK's legal fees for frivolous lawsuits.

• Chris Krabbe CINCINNATI, OH

The Monster Beverage Corporation is being childish. These two logos are not the same at all. I believe it's just a way for them to earn more money. If I was the judge dealing with this case I would consider Monster Beverage Corp. to be completely idiodic. Regardless of how much I love Monster Energy Drinks, they're lawsuit is completely immature! Our logo has been copyrigh

• logan stefonek GREEN BAY, WI

This is completely ridiculous. Monster is way out of bounds here.

• Shaw Eberhardt TAMPA, FL

I have been enjoying keeping fish longer than energy drinks have been around. Shame on Monster energy.


Because MONSTER ENERGY DRINK CO. are fucking ignorant bastards that need to be shut down due to their own greedy demise. MONSTER FISH KEEPERS logo looks nothing similar to the the drink logo. GET OVER YOUR SELVES YOU CORPORATE BASTARDS!!! I will never buy another monster drink in my life, NOT FOR ME NOT FOR MY DOG, NOT FOR MY NEIGHBOR DOWN THE ROAD!

Go shut down someone your own size, and leave the fish keepers alone!

• Shannon Roush GLADSTONE, MO

I think this lawsuit would be insulting to the majority of the we are too stupid to realize the difference between the two logos....der.

• Mark Kaprow OLNEY, MD

The letter M is used all over the place, University of , University of Michigan, Montgomery County Maryland, Monster fishkeepers and monster beverage can all exist at the same time and nobody would mistake one for the other. I for one will no longer purchase anything from the Monster Beverage corp. while they are litigating against Monster Fishkeepers.

• larry modlin FREMONT, NE

i see no reason for this name of site or emblem that is used they are both different from each other in design and color it is also just a case of a money hungry company trying to stomp on a little guy that has done nothing out of line.

• Diane Middono PARKER, CO

Perhaps I should trademark the words "company" and "energy" so I can sue Monster Energy Company for using my trademarks? Really, this is just ridiculous. These two entities have absolutely nothing to do with each other and do not compete in any way ... this is nothing but a case of extreme bullying for the sake of bullying, where whoever has the most lawyers wins. I've never given Monster Energy Drinks much thought until today, and now my view of this hard-handed, paranoid company is extremely negative. I'll be sure to share that negative view with all my friends and family.

• marc watkins FAYETTEVILLE, NC

So monster energy drink wont sue monster fish keeper.

• marcie dicenso CUMMING, GA

Stop corporate bullying! It's a network of fish forums- NO ONE is going to confuse this with an energy drink. I will not buy any of Monster's products, including its other brands, until the corporation stops this nonsense.


• Amanda Fetterhoff TULSA, OK

Makes me sad when big companies bully little ones just to assert their power.


There's enough room for everybody. You can't own something generic like Monster. Even McDonalds failed on 'McDXXXX' so get lost & leave Monster Fish Keepers alone you good for nothing bully.

• Kelley Pollard SANFORD, FL

I'm tired of big corporations throwing their weight and money around for childish reasons! Monster Fish Keepers is a great forum and their logo does not resemble the stupid energy drink one in the slightest. It's better than theirs! They're being petulent and ridiculous! They need to grow up and go pick on someone their own size!

• Roy Payne SANFORD, FL

so does this mean they going after disney for Monster Inc. .... lol

• D Aldrich GRANBY, CT

This is a ridiculous case of a huge corporation trying to push around the little guy. It is very clear that there is absolutely no confusion between a horrible tasting energy drink and a group of aquarium hobbyists. I am signing this petition in hopes that the case will be dropped and that the thousands of people that see this will realize what a bad company Monster Energy is and stop supporting their evil ways by not buying any more drinks.


Monster energy has NO RIGHT to harass mfk or anyone else using the word "monster" or the letter "M" Which they DID NOT CREATE! This is a frivolous claim and I hope it backfires on them

• Yvonne Chaban PORT HUENEME, CA

This is ridiculous! I will never use any Monster Energy product.

• brandon prewett TULSA, OK

The logo is more than 30% different, it is not copyright infringement. Many companies share a word in their name...that's like lady gaga trying to shut down that baby food/supply company bcse she thought she owned the word Gaga. • Tom Lang FRESNO, CA

Monster Energy Company needs to back off Monster Fish Keepers immediately. I will tell everyone I know to boycott their products until they do.

• joshua jebe WATERLOO, IA

this is a crock of shit! switching to rockstar !!

• Jana Bintz ROUND ROCK, TX

If Monster beverage company is confused with a fish hobby site ? Really?

• Rebecka Miller CLAREMORE, OK

Really Monster energy drink company? How about you go sue cats for the right to the smell of their piss because that's what your product smells like!


Lame action by Monster Energy Drinks

• Sandsra Velasquez COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA

its a fish site.. has nothing to do with the drink.. Words are only words,, letters are only letters... I have never related Monster fish site with the drink...

• Scott Medlin OSKALOOSA, IA

Their is absolutely no benefit for MOnster Fish Keepers to be associated with Monster the drink. The public would not even put the two together. No confusion at all ! Bunch of bullshit from Monster energy drinks! Idiots!

• David Feder GUILFORD, CT

Big difference in those two trademarked symbols!

• sergio munoz RIVERSIDE, CA

I am a monster energy consumer offended by the lawsuit, now no longer puchasing monster energy.


This is bulls**t . we own a fish store and we like to dabble in the exotic fish fairly frequently and we refer to for info alot. I think Monster drinks is just pissed of that Red Bull is better, and besides Rockstar energy drink is the best i have a few a week ! I have never tried a Monster energy drink but now I'm deffinatly not going to.

Best of luck to Monster Fish Keepers !

(we all hope you win)



There is no similarity in businesses & logos are not similar - what next, the mcdonalds 'm'? I'm stopping buying Monster drinks. Why are Monster drinks taking this action - do they not see the differences & lack of conflict?

• Josh Viste NISSWA, MN

Unbelievable corporate greed needs to be stopped. There is NO WAY these two completely different brands would ever be confused. This is ridiculous.

• Leah Lahmann DEERWOOD, MN

It's a ridiculous assertion that the symbols will be mixed up by consumers. Seems like a real waste of time and money. Leave the fish people alone!

• Michael Johnson TIPP CITY, OH

The two company's have nothing to do with each other, there should be no reason for monster energy to sue a fish club.

• Aaron Goulborn BRAMPTON, CANADA

They look nothing alike, what's next, MacDonalds going after both companies?

Not well thought out Monster Energy.


Corporate greed, what more can be said?

• Michael Atkins

Do not sue Monster Fish Keepers for trademark infringement.

• david hunger VANDALIA, OH Member of Monster Aquaria Network sites. Monster Energy thinks that since they have the money they can bully anyone they want to and should be denied this claim, especially because MFK has the registered trademark.

i will no longer buy mONSTER eNERGY DRINKS AGAIN

• Frances Szymanek NEW HOPE, PA

I belong to an Aquarium Society and most of us do not even drink Monster beveraages. I have never tried them. I don't believe that our fish logo impacts on the Monster beverage company.

• Carlos Pereyra ALBANY, NY

I'm signing because this is the most ridiculous thing that I've heard of. Does Monster Beverage really own the rights to the word "monster" or the letter M? Absolutely absurd. The two things have nothing to do with each other. Idiots.

• Larry Johnson MOUNT HOPE ,ON, CANADA

I am NOT confused with the difference of these two logo's and what they represent!

• Tracy Linn PINCKNEY, MI

Monster Fish Keepers ARE NOT ENERGY DRINKS!


Because the Monster Beverage Company are acting like a bunch of tools. They don't own the letter "M," regardless of how long it is vertically.


because there is no likeness between the logos apart from the M and doesnt effect monster energys sales in any way ... although i drink monster energy what there doing is pethetic

• Francisco Gonzalez LOS ANGELES, CA

Whoever at Monster Energy Company that came up with this idea just made Monster Energy drink lose millions. I have been a loyal customer for the past 3 years... well no longer. I have stopped buying monster energy drink & will tell all I know to follow suit. Shame on you monster energy drink. Shame on you!!!

• Lorna Larson PROVO, UT As someone who has studied graphic design, typesetting and advertising, I can tell you that these two logos are VERY different, especially since the Monster Fish Keepers use not only the different font and text color but an outer circle surrounding the text, and they also usually spell out the entire name of their company. These are a few harmless T-shirts and hats, most of which spell out the whole name and would not ever be confused as promoting the beverages. As to the name, I can see why Monster Energy Company is frustrated that another company has such a similar name, but that's life in a global economy. There is basically no competition here and no legal grounds, although Monster Fish Keepers may soon be able to sue Monster Energy Company for harassment.

• Adhy Kusuma Wardhana BANDUNG, INDONESIA

The "M" Mark is very different!

• bruce menditch NEWINGTON, CT

Corporate bullshit at it's best .

They market this crap to a generation who "thinks" they have the world by the balls , yet they do this crap behind the scenes .

Penny sniffing corporate deuchebags....

• Nikolas Layton

Monster Beverage Corp is WRONG for their actions. Stop the bullying!!

• K. Kitkowski MAKAWAO, HI

Really? Does Monster Energy Drink think people are THAT dumb?


I am a owner of this is a Australian based aquarium forum and I support MFK in this outrageous copy right infringement claim.MFK supports a large group of hobbiest and small LFS across the globe. There is a great difference between the two logos even a child can see.

• Steven Nguyen HOUSTON, TX

Monster Fish Keepers is such a great and vast resource for anything related to aquariums. It would be a great ordeal for all fish keepers if the website were to be shut down just because of the word "Monster" or the trademark symbol "M" that don't even look anything alike. Other companies contain similar words but aren't suing each other (i.e. Pizza Hut/Ceasars Pizza/CiCi's Pizza suing each other because they use the word "Pizza" in their company name would be ridiculous). Beside the fact that the two logos look nothing alike, the two are completely different. Monster is involved in several things such as sports, energy drinks, clothing/apparel, and much much more; however, Monster Fish Keepers and their other websites are mainly dedicated to fish! I LOVE drinking Monster, I've tried every single one that has hit the shelves, but for such a big company to bully a little network for just fish... That is just sad. This just ruined my impression of Monster. What's next? Monster is going to sue Walt Disney, Pixar, and everyone else involved in the movie "Monsters Inc"? Or how about suing Monster Worldwide, Inc. for having the word "Monster" in their company name? Such a money hungry company!


The needless destruction of a forum like this is un-neccessary and will result in myself and my family boycotting Monster's Corp. branded products.


I love fish and I (really) hate bad jokes

• Mike Gale VALLEJO, CA

There is zero chance these two would be confused.



• Alfredo Rodriguez

i was a monsterfishkeeper wayyyy b4 the drink


This is just plain ridiculous. An energy drink company has nothing better to do then to sue a free, and I stress free, Fish-keeping website for "alleged" copyright infringement?

Does the Beverage corporation believe that they own the rights to the word "Monster" or to the letter "M".

As asinine as this sounds, they apparently think so. Monster Beverage Corporation, you have lost yourself another customer.

I believe that if every member were to pitch in $5.00, Monster Fish Keepers would have enough money to counter-sue for slandering.

Remember Monster Bev. Corp., Karma IS A Bitch. • L Mizii ORLANDO, FL

Not the same or similar product/brand, and the logos are different. There is NO confusion as to the branding. Such a frivolous lawsuit. Get over yourselves, Monster Energy Company.

• Rob Robbins WILSON, NC

Monster Energy Company has disgraced their organization, and embarrassed the U.S., with this frivolous lawsuit as an attempt to squander money!

• Adrian Phillips PORT MOODY, CANADA

Another long time monster energy drinker gone.

Just say no to Bullying...

• Amanda Lindbergh LINCOLN, TX

Monster Energy Drink is being a corporate bully, just like Disney and "Big Oil."


Because Monster Energy Drink is disgusting, and fish rock!

• Kyle Osterholt OKARCHE, OK

there is no purpose behind this lawsuit. there is no competition between Monster Fishkeepers or Monster Energy Drinks. What lawyer thought this was a good idea? He should be fired. If Monster Energy wins, there is absolutely zero gain. Either way, Monster Energy is gaining massive negative advertising from this lawsuit. It would be in the best interest of Monster Energy to drop all ideas of this lawsuit and hope it disappears fast before they lose more customers than they can handle in this super-competitive soft- drink/energy drink market.

• Jamie Woods TITUSVILLE, FL

This company has NOTHING to do with Monster drinks or memorabilia. All the Monster drink corporation is doing is being a business bully and trying to flex their muscles and scare the little guy into complying and handing over their lunch money because the little guy doesn't have the resources to fight back. We're adults here people, stop being obnoxious, greedy, and a bully.

This is an example of what is wrong with corporate america today. The Monster drink logo is very distinctive and I don't know of any one who would confuse the two. This whole law suit is stupid and childish. • David Kemp EUGENE, OR

I'm appalled that you are going after a little company like this. You do not own the word Monster and MonsterFish can in no way be confused with your drink. I purchase a least 5 cans a week but no longer will patronize your product.

• Jeff Cardwell KOKOMO, IN

Not in the least related or possible to confuse, big corporation bullying at its worst!

• Andrew Umbdenstock LA VISTA, NE

Because lawsuits over names are a waste to the judicial system. That and read this: Better watch out the both of them... Monster Cable will lawsuit both ya!

• Emily Tannert AUSTIN, TX

The potential for any confusion is so unlikely as to border on the ridiculous. Stop pushing a little company around just because you can.

• Leah Salvadori NEWARK, DE

How ridiculous. It's just an M.. it's not a beverage, it's about fish.

• Ivan Alfonso ORLANDO, FL

No reason for Monster Energy Drnks to sue Monster Fish Keepers when they are not even direct competitors and no infingement at all is being committed.

• Samuel Green PRESCOTT, AZ

another example of someone just wanting to flex their muscle


Around the time you start telling people they can't use certain colours or common words in the English language ("monster" originates from the 14th century) is around the time one can tell your lawsuit is frivolous. No one associated Monster Fish with your company before this lawsuit -- but they do now, and will avoid you for it.

• Paul Osterberg KAUKAUNA, WI

Wow, it looks like monster energy has too much time on their hands and they have too pick on a website that is helping a lot of fish keepers. I love this site, and the people there have given me tons of help. Leave us alone monster energy and learn how to make a heathy beverage.

• Bradley Reed APEX, NC

Monster energy pull your head out of your ass. I do not drink your product and now I will NEVER drink your product. Shame on you for supporting the world of bullshit law suites!

• Jonathan Gutierrez SAN DIEGO, CA

Wow, first of all Monster sucks. Its the worst drink on the market. Second, like someone already said, its horrible for your body, and third, this is soooo childish. Monster should be ashamed of themselves.


I support Monster Fish Keepers. This whole thing is ridiculous and I will definitely not be buying Monster Energy products in the future.

• Albert Nelson BLAINE, MN

The 2 M's are nothing alike. Where is the common sense these days?


Posted this all over the Facebook fish pages yesterday, and I must have got a lot of people to sign.

This is all just pathetic, how they can even feel it infringes on their trade mark, I have no idea... Are they going to sue MacDonalds as well because their logo is an M? I very much doubt it.

• Victoria Wineland HAMPTON, VA

As a fish keeper, I find this ridiculous and insulting. The petition is exactly right - Monster energy drinks are not with in a fight with MFK for the same consumers, and are therefore not threatened by the Monster Fish Keepers' logo.

• Jenna Smith HOWELL, MI

Becasue Fish are great pets! And it a fish forum not a Drink....

• andy roker GLENWOOD, IA

Because its bull Shit • Phillip Mucha JACKSON, AL

It's atrocious that any corporate giant would use revenue from its product. buyers to adversely affect and badger the internet sites that those same product buyers belong to and frequent. Time and resources could be better used in promoting those products on the very sites their fans enjoy.


This is an unfair act against a little company. They did nothing wrong and filed as necessary. Just because Monster Energy has a lot of money, they think they can get away with it.

I am sad to say that there is no way I could ever, ever spend another dime with Monster Energy or any company associated with them.

• Shaun Larlee LOUISVILLE, KY

Monster drinks just lost a 3 year customer. I'll be spreading the word via 30,000 tweeps and Facebook.

• Tristan Hoare WILLIAMSPORT, PA

The two are clearly unrelated and the monster beverage corporation certainly doesn't own the word monster. This sort of rapidly aggressive IP cease and desist carpet bombing is ridiculous. I will not be consuming their drinks whilst this is in effect and will be advising friends and family of this nonsense!

• antonio martina

get a life leave us fish geeks alone

• Kevin Carr BAYONNE, NJ

I guess fish water tastes better than their product.....why else would they do this?

• Cory Uttech JACKSON, WI

This is the biggest bullshit iv ever seen and monster energy drinks are that dumb you don't know the diffrance! Retards!

• James cemster MIDDETOWN, NY

think it is ridiculous that monster energy drink is suing monster fish keepers for trademark infringement • Gin Black LINDENHURST, NY

I do not agree with Monster Beverage Corporation at all, they are assuming their customers are not smart enough to distinguish between a beverage and a monster fish forum! Come on really?

Monsterfishkeepers is a free site, they need to sell merchandise to keep the site up and running for users like myself that like to share my aquarium hobby with other enthusiasts as well as get sound fish keeping advice. To deny monsterfishkeepers this just because of a logo makes Monster Beverage Corp look like nothing more than corporate bullies!

• Josh Brown MUNCIE, IN

I have read through a few of the other reasons. I have to agree with them. I am in the fish keeping hobby and have referred to the MFK site many times. It can be a valuable source of information for many. I find it comical that a company (Monster) of a certain industry (beverage) is worried about their customers confusing their logo with that of another company (MFK) in a completely different industry.

• Jeffrey Smith

Because I do not see this as a case of trademark infringement. The "M" is different and the companies is question serve totally different purposes.

• emjay dee MAPLEWOOD, MN

there is no reason to attack a small business WHO HAD IT FIRST!!!! suck it up, big business. the little guys have you by the short hairs; you have the bucks, but they have the PATENT, f'r gosh sakes. get a corporate life. i don't think that users of your beverage will mistake fish keeping equipment for your drink. this old broad has officially quit using you and yours, including your other corporate products. that means a whole family has just kicked your dust off our feet, and will use no more.

• Janine Nealon GLENDORA, CA

I've never been a fan of Monster Beverages, but this is the last straw. None of my family members will be using products from this Corporation from now on. If they think that people won't be able to tell the difference between the products, then I think they need to get some new people to run their corporation


Because Monster fish had its name first. Monster drink should have spent time and researched the name to see if they would copyright other peoples names. If this goes ahead i will not buy another monster drink. • Shawn Palmer QUANTICO STATION, VA

You cannot trademark a letter.

• Sean Sanders OKC, OK

Because we all know this is a B.S. move on Monster Energy! Skate or Die Dude

• stephanie bryant WINCHESTER, OR

this is just plain stupid. If you do not drop this action, we will no longer buy your products and i will remove all the logos my children have on their clothes and cars


I love Monster Energy drinks as well as MonsterFishKeepers. I have absolutely no confusion between the two companies. They are obviously very different and separate entities. This cease and desist letter is ridiculous. I would eagerly stop drinking Monster Energy drinks, and switch to Rockstar, before I would ever consider abandoning MFK!


I'm signing as I am appalled that Monster is implying that people in general are so moronic that they cannot distinguish between an energy drink and an aquarium.


What the Monster Corp. is doing is wrong


Monster energy drink used to be my energy drink of choice, until they went after Vermonster Beer. While I have never tried Vermonster beer, I have been boycotting Monster energy drinks and all other Hansen products since then, and will do so until Hansen/Monster stops this sort of bullying and issues a public apology.

• Ryan Lafferty COLUMBUS, OH

This is ridiculous. Anyone that would confuse these two companies is a moron.

• dave lee GLADWON, MI

corporate bullying will not be tolerated. I will stop using your product until this stops, and I will get all my friends to stop using it also.

• Jennifer Lapello NEW LENOX, IL Aside from containing the same letter, these logos look nothing alike. This is such a frivolous claim on behalf of Monster Energy that it is laughable at best. The two companies aren't even in the same industry! I hope that Monster Energy loses this one and is required to pay Monster Fish Keepers' legal fees as well as a nice sum for wasting their time.

• Daniel Knowlton

Monster Beverage Corporation is being a corporate bully. I will refuse to buy any Monster drinks until they drop the demand.

• Denver Dombroski KANNAPOLIS, NC

I have a good friend that has asked me to sign it! I have no fish but do own exotic reptiles and I know he would sign something like this in support of what I keep if I were in this position.

• John Patakos CLEVELAND, OH

monster drink owners are most likely a group of kids with more money than brains or integrety thinking that they are having fun..


I feel what they are doing to MonsterFishKeepers is just plain stupid. BTW I would rather drink piss.

• Lonny Langione DOVER, PA

Makes no sense. They are two different products and companies.

• Christine Perkins CLEVELAND, OH

Supporting a worthwhile cause AGAINST blatant stupidity

• Rachel McLaughlin CENTREVILLE, VA

Monster is clearly wasting everyone's time. People referred to owners of large fish as "Monster" fishkeepers long before their brand was ever established, and beside that point, their logos look absolutely nothing alike. This would never hold up in court.

• Lewis Crown CANOGA PARK, CA

What they are doing is well beyond a reasonable attempt to maintain their product identity, • David Kim BEAVERTON, OR

Fish are my pet


Fish are my pet


This law suit is a joke, the logos are nothing alike and this is just big business cash grabbing - apple set the precedent now all the others think they can employ the same tactics - shame on you

• Joe Skweres SANDUSKY, OH

I have been a long time MFK and have seen both monster and MFK shirts and am easily able to tell the difference

• Alex Cardinale SPRINGFIELD, MA

I feel that Monster Energy is being really immature about this. Two different logos. One represens fish and one drink.

• charles mcclure SANTA MARIA, CA

Fish have nothing to do with soda, surely you don't need to pay lawyers to litigate against non-competition.

• Jonathan Miela LAKE ORION, MI

There's no reason an energy drink should care about fish. There are many cases of trademarks from different companies appearing with the same name.

• Jennifer Baker NEW FREEDOM, PA

Because it is literally the most petty stupid thing to sue for ever. Get a life Monster beverage co. Are you going after the cookie monster next? What about Disney's monsters inc? I'll tell you what you really are monsters!

• Chad Vossen ST CLOUD, MN

Corporate bullying is not tolerated.

• Andrew Henson PEMBERVILLE, OH Biv corporation trying to bully the little guy. Monster drinks are nasty anyways, would much rather drink my fish tank water.

• Bao Nguyeb WALDORF, MD

This is non sense. Both company is totally different from each other. The M doesnt even look the same.

• Donald Lipa

Monster Energy = Giant D-Bags

• Kathleen Findlay PIPERSVILLE, PA

I would never confuse the two logos, one has nothing to do with the other, and they look nothing alike! The green one is barely an M at all. I say leave the fishkeeping sites alone and let them focus on what the are doing a good job with---educating the public on the care of fish.

• Judi Hammett CATONSVILLE, MD

This is ridiculous! How can Monster Energy Company seriously think they own the letter M or the word monster?

• Ethos Pontifex SEDONA, AZ

Monster Energy drinks does not own the word Monster or the letter M. This is sheer ridiculousness.


As a fish enthusiast, I can't stand by while a big corporation does this to a site like this.


Ridiculous and petty suit

• Peter Poole CA, CA

The stylized M isn't even close to Monster Energy's logo. How can you copywrite the letter M or the word Monster. If this is the case the Muppets/Sesame Street should be suing Monster Energy Drinks

• Marcus Howes VERMILION, OH

there is no way that theses two could be confused for each other. I support mfk . • Mark Huffman BLOOMINGTON, IN

Because Monster Beverage DOES NOT OWN the letter M. I've been a Monster for along time, but I am not suing them !!!!!

• Randall Boyer TREMONT, PA

I believe this is one large corporation trying to intimidate another smaller organization who happens to have a much cooler M logo!!

• Kenna Peters PIERCE CITY, MO

There is no way anyone could confuse the two! Seriously. Leave Monster FIsh Keepers alone!


Monster Energy drinks are now banned from my work place (10 staff) untill they drop this case.


"Monster" has been a word in the English language since the thirteenth century of the Common Era. Claiming copyright infringement for a word that is clearly in the public domain sets a dangerous precedent.


Because this is just dumb.

• william smith BALTIMORE, MD

MFK has nothing to do with monster energy. We love monster fish. keep your nasty drink. Taste like a monster pissed in a can

• gareth boyd HAY, AUSTRALIA

Fish keeping has nothing to do with energy drinks.

• Bev Newcomer YORK, PA

It's insane that a large corporation has nothing better to do than to bully around a fish forum. Seriously. Perhaps they should revamp the company and make a quality product. I wouldn't drink Monster Energy drinks if it was the last drop of liquid on the planet. It's all crap! Who drinks this stuff? • Thomas Burton MISSISSUAGA, CANADA

There is no reason for MONTSER ENERGY drinks company to feel threatened by Monster Fish Keepers. They are not in the same market, their logos/trademarks look completely different, and this is clearly just another case of a big compaby trying to make a fuss over nothing just because they think they can.

• Terry Isbell MANZANOLA, CO

This is beyond frivilous! One has nothing to do with the other and only an idiot would be confused!

I will never purchase a Monster Energy product again and I will promote the 10 people rule in marketing...

• Santanna Hawkins RUSSIAVILLE, IN

There is no resemblance in the two REGISTERED TRADEMARKS!!! Leave them alone!

• Ryan Storm ALAMO, CA

This website, MFK is my life. i do not know what i would do without it. Please hear me out. We can all get along. I may be a new member, but this website was a life-saver. when i joined MFK, my tanks were a disaster. I had fish dying and innocent lives being lost because of my own stupidity. MFK changed this, their intuitive members guided me in the right direction with nothing but support. This website has been helping SAVE LIVES for generations. for you to come out of the blue and take that gift that was brought upon our fishkeeping community and severe it. stomp on it and smear our image would make a lot of people unhappy. My uncle is a malpractice lawyer for corporations and he would be more than happy to shit on your face and smear it all over. He is one of the top- rated lawyers in the country. Monster Energy is no different from the cigarrette companies that get paid to sell drugs to the average unsuspecting teen. This company is an abomination, it deserves to be put down and if necessary a kill-on-sight order will be placed. I am contatcing my attorney your going down bitch. Tango down.


As a serious aquarium hobbyist, and a daily drinker of energy drinks en masse, Monster brand drinks will no longer grace my fridge.

• Elizabeth Weigle CEDAR PARK, TX

Monster Fish Keepers is the most important Fish keeping site on the Internet, and has been for many years. Noone is going to be confused between MFK and Monster Energy Drink. Seriously. Two totally different things. • Lisa Boorman CHATHAM, CANADA

Monster Fish Keeper had the logo first and shouldn't be forced to change as a fishkeeping site has nothing to do with an energy drink company. I am definitely boycotting Monster Energy and telling all my friends to boycott them as well. I am definitely spreading the word outside of the aquarium industry as well.

• Michael Fox OWINGS MILLS, MD

If this goes through I'm switching drinnks.

• Jason Turner HASTINGS, MI

Because this is not right of a large scale company to a small scale community of hobbiests.

• Eric Hanneman DURHAM, NC

Really, that insecure that a well established fish forum is a threat? Loser

• diederik van den boer BAARN, NETHERLANDS

corporate motherfuckers


This is a disgrace i will not be buying monster products again!!!

• richard neuin FORT WAINWRIGHT, AK

I love monster energy drinks... but i also love fish and the companies that make it possible to own awesome fish.... yea its an M, big deal it doesn't even look the same...... come on cant two great companies get alone, for the peace, loyalty and happiness of their customers

• Margaret Luce SPOKANE VALLEY, WA

First come, first served: it belongs to the fish keepers. Seems to me the beverage corp. is missing a great opportunity to partner with the fish keepers and do some truly creative and awesome combined marketing.

• Brach Woodruff WINTERVILLE, NC

cause I hate bullies.

• Alessandro Kaneko PRESIDENTE PRUDENTE - SP, BRAZIL C'mom guys.

Monster Energy Company is too big for creating such a fuzz around this.

And Monster Fishkeepers is an internet forum with years, joining FISH FANS from all around the globe. They're not selling energy drinks or things like that...


• Matt Pedersen DULUTH, MN

Seriously? There's never been any confusion on my part. I am 100% for standing behind copyright and trademarks, but in this case, I think Monster Energy is NUTZ. A classic example of a frivolous lawsuit and bullying by corporate giants for no apparent justifiable reason. This action on the part of a BEVERAGE company, targeting an AQUARIUM community, is ludicrous. Disgusting. Reprehensible. Was generally a Red Bull man myself, but this clinches it for me.

• christian Duta HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL

I love this website. God knows how many times Monsterfishkeepers helped me. Please don't go away.

• Seth Powell BLACKLICK, OH

Monster Energy has a history of being a bully with their name and logo. This needs to stop.

• Tina Phillips TRAVERSE CITY, MI

Since when can a corporation own a word? Absolutely ridiculous!

• Frederick Bazeley WARSAW, IN

There is no confusion nor overlap between these 2 names, nor the symbol. This makes me want to boycott Monster Energy products.

• Nandi Hivatal JUTA, HUNGARY

Monster bevgs. are ridiculous.


Anybody can see there is no legitimate claim to infringement and subsequently no need to 'protect' anything. Just a lawyer trying to keep themselves in a job. • Caleb Smith BUDA, TX

It is ludicrous for Monster Energy to expect that no other company can use the word "Monster" or have the letter "M" as a logo. Absolutely ridiculous. Looks like I'm switching back to Red Bull or coffee.


I do not see any parallel between the two entities other than the inclusion of 'monster' in their names and the general shape of the letter 'M'. Who is next? The movie 'Monsters, Inc.', the TV show "Monste Fish", (the top site on a Google search of 'monster' that is a job search website' or any/all of the other HUNDREDS of companies that use a word that has been in the English language for thousands of years or the letter 'M'?

If Monster Energy Company marketers were thinking, they would be the official energy drink of Monster Aquaria Network.

• Roarke Wells SUGAR LAND, TX

Are you kidding me... get a life Monster Energy

• Steven Clute CHARDON, OH

Complete and utter crap. Waste of time, money, and energy that could go toward better things!


because monster energy is being sue happy jerks

• Chris Cothrun SUN VALLEY, NV

Ridiculous lawsuit, there is obviously no trademark infringement going on here.

• Daphne Hall GOLDSBORO, NC

I think this whole thing is ridiculous on Monster Energy's part.

• Sean Wilhelm BEL AIR, MD

Corporations like Monster Energy take advantage of their popularity and money to try and squash the little guys even if they are legally in the wrong.

• steve buckley CHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM i think monster drinks is pathetic at saying monster fish keepers "M" SIGN WILL CONFUSE PPL, Green "M" to a white "M" come on guy's, monster fishkeeper's will not be confusing ppl over the monster drink sign,,, pathetic company is monster drinks, greedy, drinks ruin health from teeth to your stomach,,,, your wrong!!

• Loren Rademacher NORWICH, NY

The images are sufficiently different to prevent confusion.

• Brad Jackson APPLETON CITY, MO

Monster Energy is a bully with no basis for this attack. Who has the patent and trademark? Besides Monster Energy taste like crap never drink it and would advise all fish keepers to stop drinking it in protest and actively ask all of their friends and family to stop as well and ask them to ask their friends to stop as well and so on!!!!!!

• David Nelson BRISTOW, VA

I buy every new drink that Monster Energy releases, and drink some of them on a regular basis, but their overzealous legal bullying against small companies that are not even competitors is making me feel more like a Rockstar ®. This is not Sesame Street, and nobody should own the letter "M", and the colors "green" and "black". Fish don't drink energy drinks, and I don't drink aquarium water. Leave Monster Fish Keepers™ and all the other little guys alone!

• Cathy Clemons FAYETTEVILLE, NC

Because this is totally ridiculous. And it's very unfair that they can drown you in legal fees over a trivial matter. The deepest pockets shouldn't win.

• Jeff Weirauch SAGINAW, MI

Jeff asks: "What the %$#@ could they possibly be thinking?"


People can tell the difference between a caffeine drink and a fish forum, otherwise they'd be wrapping their lips around kissing gouramis at all the malls. Monster Energy has such poor estimations of its consumers' intelligence, thinking that we are all so stupid that we will buy and drink their Peace Tea when they're trying to pick crazy fights and packing their body bags full of bad karma. One more point, the only way any member of the public will be paying for their lawyers' fees are if their lawyers start collecting unemployment.

• Chadd Petrosky GRANITE CITY, IL you are a corporation trying to steal from a small fish hobbyist site / forum that has been here longer than you over a logo that looks no where near the same as your logo also the site does not sell beverages like yourself.. does this mean you are going to go after McDonalds too? highly doubt you'd win that case either. Your corporation needs to grow up and stop the childish games. I am positive due to these games you will lose millions of people that used to buy your drinks because you're too greedy.

• Scott Furciniti ROSWELL, NM

I don't see any way that anyone would confuse those two trademarks.

• Sarah Wardenfelt OWINGS MILLS, MD

Dude Monster, get over yourself, you cannot trademark 1 of 26 letters in the alphabet, my boyfriend will have to change his name!

• Christopher Johnson REDDING, CA

I love Monster Fish keepers. its a community that i very much appreciate and need.


unreasonable comparison. not even close.


No one has confused Monster Fish Keeping for Monster Energy Drinks. Monster Energy Drinks are just bullying for no reason.

• Jaclyn Love HOLLAND, PA

Monster Energy's claims are the definition of frivolous. The logos look nothing alike, and Monster Energy's demands are ludicrous. I highly doubt someone is going to accidentally wind up buying a large fish when they meant to purchase an energy drink due to brand confusion.


Because what Monster Energy Drinks is doing is ridiculous.

• Jestin Boone MUNCIE, IN

The logos look NOTHING alike! The company that controls monster is just being greedy! Are they going after McDonalds for using a M logo as well that looks nothing like theirs? • Kevin Neighbors HUNTSVILLE, AL

The logos aren't even close to the same!

• John Kelly FOREST HILL, MD

there is no mixing of names. There is no mixing the logo's. Quit picking on the little guy in an effort to get money.

• Robert Sutton INDIANAPOLIS, IN

This type of corporate bullying is unacceptable.

• Benito Dilag LONG BEACH, CA

I'm signing this because it's simply the right thing to do.

• Christophe Girardet CHâTEL ST DENIS, SWITZERLAND

I guess Monster Energy should have enough power and credit not to assign a website association which has nothing to do with the "sports, events and power beverages" sector. Ridiculous !


Because this is clearly ludicrous abuse of their power over the trademarked name of monster.

• Justin Burton SEYMOUR, IN

I feel like what is going on is total BS!! I have been a fish keeper for over 20 years now and have drank your energy drink for 3 years. I am done with Monster Energy and your gear!!!! I will pass what info I have a long way to everyone I know that drinks your filth!!

• Eric Ask EUGENE, OR

It's absolutely ludicrous for the Monster Energy Drink company to believe that an online forum about keeping fish, with it's own distinctive logo that does not resemble their own, will ever be confused with their company or energy drink.

Trademark laws were created to protect companies from other companies that pose threats to their business. Not to purchase words and collect royalties, or force people to cease & desist anytime the words are used for something completely unrelated to the focus of the trademark holders company. Law suits like this are purely frivolous, and should be treated as such. I could name 100 movies, TV shows, books, companies, etc. that use the word Monster, most of which existed and were trademarked long before Monster Energy Drink ever existed. It saddens me to see that their company has become greedy enough to pursue such a claim against a website community that has no interest whatsoever in selling or marketing energy drinks, and makes no attempt to pose as, nor makes any claims to be, the Monster Energy Company..

I especially feel that the 2009 case they brought against Vermonster Beer, sets a precedent for this case. Being a beverage, Vermonster Beer is a much more similar product to Monster Energy Drink than a fish/aquaria website or most other products/companies will ever be. Even so, the court found in favor of Vermonster Beer.

It's really a no-brainer.

• Robert Hiatt RIVERDALE, UT

im a member of the website and also enjoy the drink i dont have an issue separating the two they share nothing in common .Thats like sueing Mark Zuckerberg for use of the word "like" cause its in the dictionary and also on facebook .

• Samantha S. AUSTIN, TX

That is some serious bullshit, Monster Energy.

• Daniel Cohen CATONSVILLE, MD

They are being totally unreasonable, and not only will I not use their products, but I will not do business with any stores that carry their products!

• Craig T LEHI, UT


If you think your customers are getting confused by an aquarium site's logo, then either you, or your customers are stupid.

Just because you use the letter M or the word Monster in your business name or logo, doesn't mean you own those parts of the English language.

It would be one thing if the Monster Aquarium Network was try to mislead your customers, but its obvious they are not. They are busy talking about Cichlids and Arowanas rather then some dude in a big truck.

Monster, please go find something better to do with your time and money and leave the fish freaks alone. Regards

Craig T.

Project: Aquaria

• Karen Pankiewicz NORTH WALES, PA

I enjoy Monster brand beverages, and NEVER have I considered the MonsterFishKeepers logo to look like the beverage logo. They are totally different. If anything, the fish logo is closer to M&Ms cany style font, since it is even in a circle, but even then I would not confuse the 2. Monster Beverages, please leave the fish site alone, they are NOT hurting you, they are NOT stealing profits, they have NOT copied your logo. I will stop drinking Monster beverages if they continue to pursue this frivolous lawsuit.

• Melody Schreck GARRETSON, SD

Logo does NOT look the same! Anyone can see that!


Because confusing an energy drink with "monster" fish is ridiculous. Monster Energy Company needs to find a better way to use the resources they have, instead of attacking an online community.

• Claire Curtis SOUTH BERWICK, ME

Don't be ridiculous. People won't confuse the two. The only commonality is the word "monster", which is a non-trademarkable English word. This is a David and Goliath situation, and you're on the wrong side.

• Fredric Letson WATERTOWN, NY

I am a user of monster aquaria network and a customer of Monster energy drinks. There is no confusion with regard to the logo's.

• marc field PLANTATION, FL

lawsuits like this are bull s***

• scott buse W ST PAUL, MN

i am a monster fish keeper and damn proud of these monstrous fish!

• chris sanders BANBURY, UNITED KINGDOM This drink is very dangerous and addictive, I drink around 3 cans a day and it does what it says on the can but it also brings chest pains, never mind how much vit b12 there is in there, why sue this company when it is a beautiful piece of nature, and monster can be potentally be life changeing if not drank responsibly. Save nature and protect, you money grabbing fools. Its all about money with monster not the wildlife or nature, just money.

• David Rinaldo AUSTIN, TX

Are you kidding Monster Energy!?

• Gary Lesemann

I'm an active member of and am afraid that Monster Beverage Corp. is going to put an information resource and meeting place for fish hobbyists out of business with this lawsuit which is a silly waste of time

• wilbur wire BELFORD, NJ

how ridiculous. the two companies have nothing in common. if i was looking a enegry drink i would not confuse it with monster aquaria or any of their other sites. do they also want the seallte marriners to change there M logo. Monster Beverage Corporation grow up.

• Adam Lyndaker STARK, NH

The logos are not at all similar and the request to stop using the word monster is ridiculous. These types of lawsuits only anger potential customers and do nothing positive for the revenue stream of either party.

• Melissa Clark FORT MCCOY, FL

Seriously, I don't see why Monster brand energy drink feels threatened. I actually prefer Monster over other energy drinks but this is just.. silly. This is well said: "The unlikeliness of a consumer mistaking a brand marketed to the keepers of large fish in specialty online sites and aquarium stores, for a brand marketed to regular customers in sports facilities and typical grocery and retail establishments, seems to be lost on them." and I agree with it 100%.

• David Provost BERLIN, VT

This is an artistic drawing of the letter M. The Monster logo is three lines that do not connect and therefore there is no connection to the letter M. These are two different logos entirely which represent different product categories.

• Dan Williams GLADSTONE, AUSTRALIA Dont see how Monster Energy can be threatened by MFK, this is a absolute joke. The logo's looks nothing alike.

• Kjerstie Lindelof STOUGHTON, MA

ITS A LETTER!!! You have enough money, stop looking for lawsuits and get over yourself Monster, your drinks arent that good anyways.

• Mark Plunkett MOORELAND, IN

I'll never buy another Monster Energy Drink in my life! However I will enjoy

• Vickie Magee

Keep our "M" Monster Aquaria Network!!

• Patricia Lopez STATEN ISLAND, NY

I am signing the petition because I feel there will be no confusion in both logos. One has devil horns and tail the other is green claw marks. Come people leave Monster Aquaria alone. Monster Aquaria is about the aquarium hobby. Monster Energy is about energy drinks and sports. They are at opposite sides of the coin.

• robert boughton ALBANY, NY

Long time monster energy drinker no more. Just stupid what they are doing to MFK.

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