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^4 TCU Daily 'Against the wall' Earning respect Head coach Gary Patterson said the TCUfootball team is Columnist Jonathan Sampson examines the balance in a must win situation if it wants to reach a school needed between the Skiff and its readers to keep the record fourth consecutive bowl. See Sports, page 8. system working. See Opinion, page 3. NowSKIFF in its 100th year of service to TCU Friday, November 9, 2001 Fort Worth, Texas Bush addresses nation on homeland security, how to serve By Sonya Ross and watching for suspicious activ- ated fears or passing rumors," Bush cheered and applauded the president. United States will emerge stronger. The address was billed as an up- ASSOCIATED PRESS ity. said. "We will rely on our good judg- "There is a difference between be- "None of us would ever wish the date on the war in Afghanistan, the ATLANTA — President Bush "Our citizens have new responsi- ment and our common sense." ing alert and being intimidated, and evil that has been done to our coun- anthrax scares at home and the new urged an uneasy nation Thursday bilities," the president said in Bush spoke in the Georgia World this nation will not be intimidated," try, yet we have learned that out of responsibilities of government and night to meet "our great national prime-time address. "We must be Congress Center before a ticketed Bush said. evil can come great good. During the all Americans. He also outlined ac- challenge" to protect America vigilant, inspect our mail, stay in- audience of 5,(XK) people, mostly Nearly two months after the hi- last two months, we have shown the tions the government has taken to against future terrorist attacks by formed on public health matters." public servants — police, postal jacker attacks in New York and world America is a great nation," he volunteering for community service "We will not give in to exagger- workers, firefighters, soldiers.
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