Observations by the Editor Memories n April 1st we celebrated the 37th Oanniversary of this ministry, and I am praising God for it. The Lamplighter The Lord called me into ministry is published bi-monthly when I was 20 years old. But unlike by Lamb & Lion Ministries Isaiah who said, “Here am I, Lord, send me,” I responded by saying, “Here am I Dave with the ministry’s first staff member, Mailing Address: Billy Jack Smith, in 1981. P.O. Box 919 Lord, send anyone but me!” McKinney, TX 75070 I had definite plans for my life, and from the Lord, He was preparing me for the Telephone: 972/736-3567 they did not include full time ministry. ministry He would ultimately entrust to me. Email:
[email protected] After all, I spent those years focusing on Website: www.lamblion.com So, I ran from the Lord for the next international politics, and that is what end b b b b b b b b b 20 years while I built a career as a univer- time Bible prophecy is all about! sity professor of international law and Chairman of the Board: Thirty-seven years later, I find it hard to Buddy Cain politics. I earned many accolades during those 20 years, but I was inwardly miser- believe what the Lord has accomplished Founder & Director: with this ministry. Today, we have access to Dr. David R. Reagan able because I was trying to conduct my life outside of God’s will. 110 million homes in America through our Web Minister & Evangelist: TV outreach, and we have access to the Nathan Jones The Lord has His ways of getting our whole world through our Internet website.