Bingo President Deplores Sectionalism in His Speech

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Bingo President Deplores Sectionalism in His Speech Q liODBTBElIX THURSDAY, SBPTniBBR X& \ * |ltonrlr»0ter Stmttng U m ilii AVERAGE HAlLronCljtAnQM tor the Month o t Aagaat, 1M7 WBAnOEB Townaend Club No. 3 win hold ita have bean repainted, and nwra and Feianait a t V . E. Wmithar Bariaa, regular meeting tomorrow evening brMiter lighting flxturea have bean ALL WESLEYAN GUILD BarMnd ABOUT TOWN at a o’clock at the T. M. C. A. SUB ALPINE CLUB adMd. Two large statrwaya have 5,861 Plans win be made for the box so­ n t J W .I U l g f COM been bunt laadlnf to the lower Mtaabar et Em Aadlt fcafiutta fe a lB Partly deadly a a i eeotar toaigirtt cial to be held In October. B t John’s Bugla, FVo and Drum room; tho ono u tho antraneo of GROUPS IN MEETING Beeaa ef ObeeleEeae HARRY FLAGG the halt leading to the chook room, BatoiAay lair. corps will piacUco tonight at 7 TO OPEN NEW HALL — o’clock la the parUdi haO. Tomur- TIm annual peach nodal of the and tha one at tha rear, ’««»W"g to SELF* SER VE . : . MANCHESTER A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARlIr ' AnnounceamFor This Week Only n lA t from 6 to 7 the lifers will Salvatkm Army Women's Home the club room. The lower club Theme of South Methodist hava their rehearsal. Tonight at League, which began In the lower room alao baa been enlargad, and 2:30 to 5:30 FRIDAY VOL. LVL, NO. 297 AflfiHlilsg M lUgn 14). MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAT, SEPTEMBER 17, 1937 6:S0 the older <glria will have voUey ball at the dtadel this afternoon, tha ventilation and UghUu have Church Session to Be “Vaca­ (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS will continue throughout the eve­ & h rfed Dance and Qnb bean greatly Improved by tM addi­ baU pracUee at tha TJd-CA. and tion Echoes” ; The Topics. X tomorrow night a public Bingo ning. tion of mora wladowa and lights. S P E a A L S party will be h M at the pariah baU. Rooms to Be Used for The walls, celling and supporting Brake Lining Special beams have all been covered wltn An gxoupo of the Weal raa Guild Mlaa Vivian Griswold of PtnebiU 03 DIAMOND BRAND Children, Qvilians Victims Of Rail Station BomBing: \ white waUboard producing a very win combine la tho tin t monthly WEAK SPANISH William Humphray, Jr., of Flor­ atreet returned yesterday to r her clean and tidy affect aa well as I Fords—1928-1931 SHIV P S O ence street who was operated upon second semester at the Cambridge Rrst Hme On Sondaj. mooting of tha ocaaon Monday eve­ WALNUT Tuesdaysday at Bt. FTrands boapital for materially aiding the Illumination. DeSoto—1928-1931 Secretmrija scbooL Hartford. A doorway from the room leads to ning at 7:45 at the South Methodist PATROL CALLED PRESIDENT DEPLORES endie Itls, Is getting along nice­ the outside grounds where the en­ church. The theme will be "Vaca­ MEATS ly. William graduated la June from Sunset Rebekah lodge will hold On Sunday, Sept 19, tha Suh-Al- tion Bchoea.'* The devotional topic Plymoath - Dodge - M Honcbeater High achooL closed bocce games are located, and Ita first fall meeting and supper plne d u b on Eldrldge street will another, lekds to the checkroom and "God’a Great Outdoore", haa been dievrolet—1930-1932 . ^ Monday evening In Odd Fellows hall open ita newly enlarged dance hall thmfront stairway. choeen by Mlaa Grace Legg. Miss } lb. bag OFFBYBRITAIN Daughters of Liberty No. 135, and a fuU attendance of the mem­ and clubrooms to the public. The n e renovatlona havs been made Hazel Origgs wiU lead in chorus A b o Special Prices On All Other Makes. ladles Loyal Orange lodge, will bers la hoped for. Mrs. Mlimle with the purjioae of providing a singing. SECTIONALISM IN HIS have their annual outing on Satur­ Krause heads the committee for Inauguration exercises are schedul­ dance hall and clubrooms of stse Vacation topics of the different ed to begin with a banquet to which JACK FltOST Non-InterreotioD Plan Is CALL HARRY AT S92S day to Joseph Weir’s cottage at the Bolldted supper to be served in ample enough to accommodate the members who will take part in­ fXINFKCnONEBT ' Silver Sands, Milford. A bus tvUI the banquet hall at 6:30. A short many of the local prominent men needs of any group, whether private clude, A Canadian Vacation, Bar leave at 8 a. m., and tbose desiring entertainment will follow the busi­ have been Invited, and from the ad­ or organised, and after Sunday, the Harbor, Maine; Marblehead, Cape Abandoned; Pkfrol Ships reservations should call 6639. ness seasionl vance sale of tickets, all indications rooms will be available for any such Cod, Camp Penko, WInthrop, Maas., point to an unusually large attend­ Martha’s Vineyard. SUGAR SPEECH AT ANTIETAM ance. social functlcna. Because of Its A daughter, Patricia Jean, was Carrol] W. Wilson of the Wilson centralised location and Ita maay The Mlxpah group will serve re­ to Be Added to tbe Fleet S. dk F. Motor Sales bom September 7 at St. Francis Following the banquet, tha well- modern additions. It seems certain freshments. Nurseries has left for the company’s known and popular Stella O’ltalia I Ib. pkg. Main Street At Middle Turnpike hospital to Ur. and Mrs. Richard rose fields In Jacksonville, Texas. that the Sub-Alptne Club will soon summer of 94 Russell street. Mrs. orchestra of Middletown will furn­ become a very popular hall for tnn for Pirate Sabs. Declares Nation Daring Past ish both Italian and American Zimmer prior to her marriage was Six more persona have left the either business or recreational pur­ Preserve Constitution, Miss Irene Claffey. music for those udio wish-to dance. poses. BfAXWEIX HOUSE WPA rolls for Jobs in private em­ This dance la to be the first of -a Foot Years Has Been Att- ployment during the laat week, re­ series of eventa whose proceeds wiu Special 35c-50c London, Sept. 17— (A P)—Britain Mrs. Mary Bulla of New York ducing the number of local men and be used to reestablish U e fund used COFFEE today ended the tmmidceaaful non­ City la visitlDg Mr. and Mrs. Julius women who are employed on WPA to make the renovations, liie en­ Business Men’s intervention patrol of Spain to Governor Cross Urges, ing and Thinking m Na- ^ on lk of East Ulddle ’Turnpike. projects In Manchester to 174. larged hall and improved atage will Lunch ••lake available her full quota of Pinehurst Shell Fish provide more room, thereby accom­ lb. 2 S « warahlpa for the ‘‘more importaht tional Terns; Hits at Mbr A dinner meeting at which plans Mrs. Horace B. Chepey of Forest modating many more dancers and taak’’ of driving pirate attackiera A t Statens Exercises The B Month! are now here for conducting the campaign for se­ street and her daughter. Miss Han­ eliminating the congestion that was DANCE SHERH)AN HOTEL from the Mediterranean. France and with them freeh oysters. curing funds for the Salvation Army nah L. Cheney, have left for Santa formerly a~characterlatlc of all the THURSDAY, SEPT. *16 preaumably Joined In tbe declalon. understanding; To Speak dances held In the Sid^AIpine hall. ^ e fo re l^ office announced the will be held tomorrow night at 6 Fe. New Mexico, where they will 8:30 P. M., D. S. T. Hartford, Sept. 17.—(A P)—Gov.. “Thanks to medical science", be o’clock In the Hotel Sheridan. A spend a month. The Inaugural exercises mark the end of the patrol, formed by the 37- Cross called upon the Stewing Oysters completion of several months of nation Non-intervention Committee American I continued, “and a better mode of On ConstHntion T o n i^ volunteer committee of 35 business Bolton Center Hall people today to preserve the Fed-1 living, law and custom now con- men will serve during the campaign. work during which, the many im­ in an effort to keep anna and men eral Constitution which, he Pint 35c Sherwood House has returned to provements were made. The dance Aozplcea Bolton Orangn from either side in the Spaniah civil said, cedes that men may r o onto seventy Charles Ray is chairman of the com­ the home of his parents. Mr. and Vernon Orehentm embodies “those fundamental laws with no serious impairment of hall baa been enlarged by about war. Antletora BatUefleld. Md., Sept. mittee in charge of the organization Mrs. George W. House of Deming thirty per cent of its original aize With ChnppeU Prompting The decislim to end the patrol, under which we and our ancestors Judgment or other Intellectual pro­ plans. have long lived and thrived.” 17.-v (AP)— President Roosevelt Large street after two weeks’ treatment and the orchestra’s platform baa Modein nnd Old FiMhion carried on by French and Britiah cesses. Seventy now appears to be at the Memorial hospitaL Dancing. warabipa after Germany and Italy It It our function", be said In a regarded by many aa the aero hour. said today the nation during the ' been removed from the dance floor STUDENTS prepared address delivered from the Conference with representatives and placed Into a hollow in the wall Admlrnkm.......................... SSe. vdthdrew in anger becauae of at- "It Is, of ODurse, admitted that past four yean has been "not only Frying Oysters hall of the Supreme Ck>urt of Errors, of the Manchester Division of the The meeting of the Women’s Mis­ at the end of the hall, providing tacka againat their ahlpa laat June, there are enough exceptions-up and acting but also thinking In national Connecticut Power Company con­ sionary society of the Church of waa conaldered a new rebuff to “to preserve this great heritage for down to prove the rule." * Pint 48c V2 pint 25c much more dancing apace than was terms” for the flrat time slnee tbs cerning the street lighting appro­ the Nazarene and the class meeting previously available.
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