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Steam. ENGINE VÁLVE REVERSENG, GEAR. 1,684,228 Sept., ll, 1928. - __ __ . ' 1,684,228 * . J. KINDERVATER sTEAM. ENGINE VÁLVE REVERSENG, GEAR. i Filled July 19, 1923 2 Sheets-Sheet l l sept. 11, 1928. 1,684,228 “ J. KINDERVATER STEAM ENGINE VALVE REVERSING GEAR Filed July 19, 1923 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 S S SA Pa?elate: Sept. 1, 1928. 1,684,228 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JUS KINDERWATEER, OF NEW YoRK, N. Y. sTEAM-ENGINE VALVE REVERSING GEAR. Application filed July 19, 1923. Serial No. 852,542. My invention relates to power actuated re ing Cylinder, 3, is supported on the boiler of the locomotive, and is closed, at its ends, by versing gear for steam orother fluid pressure removable heads, 3º. A properly packed pis engines, more, particularly those of locomo ton, 4, is fitted in the cylinder, and is secured tives, ?dits objectis to provide an appliance On a piston rod, 4°, which passes through the g ofexpensivé such type construction which will beand of readysimple applica and in rear head of the cylinder and projects into a bility in connection with valve gears of any casing, 8º, which is secured thereto and is of the various standard constructions, and in closed at its outer, end. The piston rod is the operation of which, positive and acgurate of rectangular section, and a rack, 4P, is cut on one of its sides. The admission and ex 26 adjustment will be attained, and creeping be haust of motive fluid, which may be either fully prevented. O p steam Qr compressed air, to and from oppo Thè improvement claimed is hereinafter site ends of the cylinder, 3, is controlled by an fully set forth. • • • 3 « C) operating, valve, 8, fitted in a valve chest, In the accompanying drawings: Figure is 8", which is secured on the cylinder, closed, até As a diagrammatic side view, in elevation, of a its outer end, by a removable head, 8º, and locomotive engine, illustrating an applica provided with a connection to a supply pipe, elevation,tion of my of invention; a steam engine krig. 2, valye a side reversing view, in 8°, and with an exhaust outlet, 8. Induction gear embodying my invention; Fig. 3, a trans and eduction pipes, 3°, connecting the valve 2B verse section on line 3-3 Fig. 2 through the chest and cylinder are governed by the reversing cylinder and cross headguide, and valve, 8. a view, in side elevation, of the related mem A gear case, 5, the upper Film of which is bers, as seen from the right; Fig. 4, asimilar closed at top, by a removable plug 5“, is dis view, partly in section on line 4-4 Fig. 2, of posed transversely to the line of traverse of 75 25 the major portion of the appliance, as seen the piston, and is supported on the rear head from the left; Fig. 5, a vertical section, on the of the cylinder, 3, adjoining the casing, 3P, line 5-5 of Fig.4; Fig. 6, a view of the piston on the side next the rack, 4P, of the piston rod. and piston rod, and the pinion which they A gear shaft, 6, is fitted truly in the case, 5, operate, detached; Fig. 7, a vertical longitu and extends through a packing gland, 5°, in 3 dinal section through the valve chest, on the the bottom thereof. A pinion, 6, formed on line 7-7 of Fig. 2; and, Fig. 8, a transverse the shaft, 6, engages the rack, 4P, and a bevel section through the same, on the line 8—8 of gear, 6P, which is formed or fixed on the lower Fig. end of the shaft, engages a corresponding Š invention, which is applicable in con: gear, 7°, formed on one end of a nut, 7, which i nection with any of the well known types of is journalledin a support, 5°, having ball bear distribution valve mechanism, is illustrated in ings, 5º, to ensure easy operation, and con Fig. 1 as applied for the control of a Wal nected to the gear case, 5, at the lower end schaerts valve gear of the ordinary construç thereof. Oil is supplied to the gear case, tion, which comprehends a link, 1, eccentric through the opening, closed by the plug, 5º, á rod, iº, combination lever, 1, and radius bar, and flows to the lower end of the space in 1“, and is connected to a distribution valve which the shaft, 6 is, rotated, through a heli stem d. The radius bar is coupled to the cal groove, 6°, cut in said shaft. The nut, 7, lovver arm, 2º, of a reverse shaft, 2, and is and adjoining portion of the reversing Taised and lowered, throughout its range of Screw are also preferably encased, so as to be traverse on the link, 1, by my improved re caused to rotate in a bath of oil. versing mechanism is hereinafter described, The nut, 7, is continuously in engagement which is coupled to the upper arm, 2º, of the with a reversing screw, 9, the forward end Treverse shaft. " of which is connected to a cross head, 10, im the practice of my invention, referring which traverses longitudinally on a guide, 100 F descriptively to the specific embodiment 11, secured to the heads of the cylinder, 3. thereof which is herein exemplified, a revers The cross head is coupled to the rear end of 2 1,684,228 a reach rod, 12, the forward end of which is struction or maintenance, and that inits oper coupled to the upper arm, 2º, of the reverse ation, by reason of the transference of the shaft 2. operating power from the piston to the cross The operating valve, 8, which is of the head, through a nut and screw, the important rocking type, works on a finished face on the advantages, in practice, of ensuring positive inside of the valve chest, 8º, and in its move and is accurate adjustment, and completely 7 m ments over said face, controls communica eliminating creeping after adjustment, are tion between the fluid pressure supply pipe, fully attained. 8º, and one or the other of the pipes, 3°, lead I claim as my invention and desire to se | 0 ing from the valve chest to the opposite ends cure by Letters Patent: of the reversing, cylinder, or between one or 1. In a valve cut-off and reversing gear, a 75 the other of said pipes and the exhaust out fluid pressure cylinder, a piston fitted to trav let, 8º, according to the position into which erse therein, means for admitting motive it may be moved by a quadrant lever, 14, fluid to the cylinder, a piston rod secured to 15 journalled in the cab of the locomotive, and the piston and having a rack on one of its connected, by a reversing rod, 15, to a float sides, a gear shaft journalled transversely to 8) ing lever, 13. The upper end of said lever is the line of traverse of the piston, a pinion on . coupled to a rocker arm, 8º, on the shaft, 8, said shaft engaging the rack of the piston rod, of the operating valve, and its lower enå iš a nut rotatably mounted, gears transmitting 20 coupled to the crosshead, 10. rotary motion from the gear shaft to said The operating valve is fitted in a casing, nut, a reversing screw engaging said nut, and 8*, which is held against a seat, 8º, in the a cross-head actuated by said reversing screw valve chest, by a spring, 8, and is provided and operatively connected to the valve; said with a squared recess which is engaged by a fluid admission means comprising an operat 25 tenon, 8º, on the inner end of the valve ing valve for controlling the supply and ex seatshaft, by 8º. a spring,The operating 8", fitting valve in the is heldcasing, to 8*.its haust of motive fluid to and from the fluid It will be seen that, under the abpve con pressure cylinder, a link between said operat struction, no packing is required, and that ing valve and the cross-head, and a control 30 rod operatively connected to said link. when the head, 8º, of the valve chest, is secure 2. In a valve cut-off and reversing gear, a 956 tìghtlylly bolted sealed. in place, the valve chest will be fluid pressure i cylinder, a piston fitted to In the operation of the PS the quad traverse therein, means for admitting motive rant lever being moved in the desired direc fluid to the cylinder, a closed casing commu tion, motive fluid is, by the corresponding nicating with one end of the fluid pressure . " movement of the operating valve, 8, admit cylinder, a piston rod secured to said piston 100 ted to one end of the reversing cylinder, 3, and projecting into the casing, a rack formed and exhausted from the opposite end, thereby on one side of said piston rod, a gear case effecting the movement of the piston, 4, there disposed transversely to the line of travel 40 of the piston, and having a closed upper por in. Corresponding movement of the cross tion communicatingA with the close casing head, 10, and connected reach rod, 12, is ef of the cylinder, a gear shaft journaled in 05 fected by the engagement of the rack, 4°, of said closed upper portion, a pinion on said Is the piston rod, with the pinion, 6°, on the shaft engaging the rack on the piston rod, shaft, 6.

—— Preview end. ——

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