Leisure Opportunities 31St May 2011

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Leisure Opportunities 31St May 2011 KD =`e[^i\XkjkX]] +''#'''"I<8;<IJ leisure opportunities *(D8PÆ(*ALE<)'((@JJL<,,, ;X`cpe\njafYj1nnn%c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb Jlii\p:XeXcgcXejdfm\j]finXi[ image: hepworth wakefield hepworth image: G<K<?8PD8E Plans for a major new sports complex in Lewisham, South London, have moved forward with the formation of a new foundation to oversee the delivery of the project. Former transport minister David Chipperfield was behind the venue’s design and mayoral candidate Steve Norris will chair the Surrey *,d?\gnfik_>Xcc\ip Canal Sports Foundation, f]ÔZ`Xccpfg\ej`kj[ffij which will ensure long-term sports provision for the site. G<K<?8PD8E A regional centre of sport- Hepworth Wakefield – one of the largest ing excellence – Surrey Canal: purpose-built art attractions to open in the London’s Sporting Village – is UK for around 50 years – has welcomed its at the heart of plans drawn up first public visitors in West Yorkshire. by Studio Egret West. Designed by David Chipperfield Renewal is leading the proj- Architects, the £35m gallery is run by an ect and is working with Sport The home of Millwall Football Club is situated at the centre of the site independent trust and celebrates the work England to secure financial of local sculptor Barbara Hepworth. support through the Iconic Facilities Fund. calibre of our proposals. We hope to use the In addition to the 10 galleries and learn- Renewal director Mark Taylor said: “The potential investment from Sport England as a ing studios, Hepworth Wakefield features appointment of Steve Norris and our part- springboard for gathering the additional funds an archive; an auditorium; a shop; a café; a nership with Sport England highlight the needed to deliver this very special facility.” bar with outdoor terrace; and a play area. Cfe[feI`m\iGXib Jgfik\[kfcXleZ_`e gcXejlem\`c\[ k_i\\e\ni\^`fej KFDN8CB<I G<K<?8PD8E Community sports charity Sported London mayor Boris Johnson has announced has announced that it is to launch in that up to £60m has been secured towards a three new regions this July. new 1km (0.6-mile) floating promenade along Regional managers have been the north bank of the Thames. gensler image: appointed to help support initiatives International design practice Gensler has in the North West, the North East and drawn up designs for London River Park, the East of England, with the latest which is to be financed by Venus Group of additions increasing the number of Singapore. A Memorandum of Understanding The floating promenade is due to open next summer regions in which it operates to nine. has been signed by Gensler and the mayor, Sported provides support to com- which will see the capital benefit from 30 per and Customs House. Eight themed pavilions munity sport organisations that work cent of the project’s net revenues. will be situated along the route to showcase with young people in disadvantaged Subject to planning permission, the 12m London and host events. areas by offering business resources (39.4ft)-wide pontoon is to run parallel to the The project is due for completion next sum- and financial assistance. existing pathways between Blackfriars Bridge mer, with Mace also working on the scheme. DX^Xq`e\j`^elgXk G;=]fi`GX[#B`e[c\jdXikg_fe\ Fec`e\fe[`^`kXcklie`e^gX^\j Kn`kk\i]fccfnlj1 ><K c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&jlYj c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&g[] c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&[`^`kXc 7c\`jli\fggj7c\`jli\fggjafYj C<@JLI< FGGJ AfYYfXi[c`m\afYlg[Xk\j <q`e\j`^elg]fin\\bcplg[Xk\j# @ejkXekj`^elg]fi`ejkXekXc\ikj# IJJj`^elg]fiafYe\nj]\\[j c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&\q`e\ c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&`ejkXek c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&ijj :fekXZkj1 JGFIK K_\C\`jli\D\[`X:fdgXep Gfikd`cc?flj\#Gfikd`ccCXe\# K_`ebkXebhl\jk`fej)'()gc\[^\ ?`kZ_`e#?\ikjJ>,(;A#LB K\c1"++' (+-)+*(*/, G<K<?8PD8E =Xo1"++' (+-)+**0'0 An independent think tank \$dX`c1gc\Xj\lj\ZfekXZkj has raised questions over ]lcceXd\7c\`jli\d\[`X%Zfd whether next summer’s Olympic and Paralympic JlYjZi`gk`fej Games will deliver any lasting ;\e`j\>`c[\X'(+-)+.(0*' benefits to the UK’s poorest jlYj7c\`jli\d\[`X%Zfd young people. <[`kfi In a new report, the Centre C`qK\iip'(+-)+*(*/, for Social Justice (CSJ) said that the commitment to ensur- DXeX^`e^<[`kfi ing a sporting legacy from the KfdNXcb\i'(+-)+.(0*+ oda image: event will be a “highly effec- AflieXc`jk tive sales pitch that was never G\k\?XpdXe'(+-)+.(0*/ fully realised”. ;\j`^e The More than a Game: The CSJ has questioned if the Games will benefit the UK’s poorest kids <[>XccX^_\i'(0',)'(0/ Harnessing the power of sport to transform the lives of disadvantaged young It also criticises plans to invest £135m of @ek\ie\k people study includes what the CSJ calls flaws Lottery funding in the Places People Play ;\Xe=fo'(+-)+.(0'' in official plans to increase participation. scheme. The report said: “The scale of the K`dEXj_'(+-)+.(0(. According to the report, there is no clear challenge that the Olympic organisers have set 8ZZflekDXeX^\ij link between national sporting success and themselves is too high for the relatively limited I\Zil`kd\ek#kiX`e`e^#k\e[\ij growth in activity, while many popular school amounts of funding and the programmes that GXlcK_fidXe'(+-)+.(0'+ sports will not feature at the Games. have been promised, to deliver successfully.” J`dfe?`ebjdXe'(+-)+.(0', JXiX_>`YYj'(+-)+.(0'/ ;:C\`jli\`ec`e\kf[\c`m\i>fjgfikjZ_\d\ Gifg\ikp[\jb J`dfe?`ebjdXe'(+-)+.(0', G<K<?8PD8E Centre, with facilities to include a 25m swim- JgXFggfikle`k`\jYlj`e\jj DC Leisure has been announced as Gosport ming pool and a learner pool. [\m\cfgd\ek#XkkiXZk`fejXe[dlj\ldj Borough Council’s preferred bidder to build A 70-station gym; a sports hall; and a dance and run a new leisure complex for the town. studio will also be among indoor facilities, with 8ee`\Cfm\cc'(+-)+.(0'. Gosport Leisure Park will be located on one seven-a-side and seven five-a-side floodlit =`eXeZ`Xc:fekifcc\i the site of the existing Holbrook Recreation artificial pitches also proposed. Jl\;Xm`j'(*0,,(0*0/ =`eXeZ`Xc8[d`e`jkiXkfi ;\e`j\>`c[\X'(+-)+.(0*' Ale\cXleZ_]fi(/%,d9`cc`e^_Xd=fild :`iZlcXk`feDXeX^\i D`Z_X\c<dd\ijfe'(+-)+.(0*) G<K<?8PD8E Stockton-on-Tees Borough Subscribe to Leisure Opportunities, Council and leisure operator Online: www.leisuresubs.com Tees Active have announced Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)1462 471913 that Billingham Forum is to Annual subscription rates are UK £31, reopen on 3 June, following Europe £41, Rest of world £62, students UK £16. an £18.5m overhaul. Leisure Opportunities is published fortnightly by Morgan Sindall, the The Leisure Media Company Limited, Portmill scheme’s main contractor, House, Portmill Lane, Hitchin, Herts SG5 1DJ, UK completed work on site at and is distributed in the USA by SPP, 75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Periodicals the start of May, which has postage paid @ Manchester, PA POSTMASTER enabled preparations to start Send US address changes to Leisure Opportunities, ahead of its reopening. c/o PO Box 437,Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. The views expressed in print are those of the author Facilities at the Devereux and do not necessarily represent those of the Architects-designed publisher The Leisure Media Company Limited. Billingham Forum include a All rights reserved. No part of this publication six-lane, 25m swimming pool, Billingham Forum’s ice arena has been revitalised as part of the project may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, with an additional training mechanical, photocopying, recorded or otherwise pool and the retained learner pool. two-lane bowls are also included. Elsewhere, without the prior permission of the copyright Refurbished changing rooms and spectator the four-court sports hall and squash courts holder. Printed by Warners Midland plc. ©The Leisure Media Company Limited 2011 areas; an extended gym to accommodate 70 sta- have been upgraded and structural improve- ISSN 0952/8210 tions; a rejuvenated ice arena; and a new-look ments made to the theatre area. ) I\X[C\`jli\Fggfikle`k`\jfec`e\1nnn%c\`jli\fggfikle`k`\j%Zf%lb&[`^`kXc Kn`kk\i17c\`jli\fggj :P9<IKI<B)'(( JGFIK CF:F>lem\`cjKfiZ_I\cXpiflk\ (*%,dJgXib_`ccgffc jZ_\d\dfm\j]finXi[ G<K<?8PD8E G<K<?8PD8E Nearly 75 locations across Birmingham City Council’s (BCC) cabinet the UK have been revealed has agreed to move forward with proposals as forming part of the route for a new £13.5m swimming pool and lei- for next summer’s Olympic sure centre in the Sparkhill area. Torch Relay by the organis- Members backed the launch of a compet- ers of the 2012 Games. itive procurement process for the design, The itinerary – unveiled build and management of the new facility by the London Organising – part of the council’s Pool Strategy. Committee of the Olympic Facilities will include a 25m, six-lane Games and Paralympic pool; a 13m x 8m learner pool; a 150sq m Games (LOCOG) – will also locogimage: (1,615sq ft) dance studio; a 70-station adult incorporate visits to the UK’s fitness suite; and a 20-station junior gym. six island territories.
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