become a tourist in your own city Look Again @ Garthdee Campus Look Again - main festival 20 - 24 April 2017 27 April - 1 May 2017 FESTIVAL GUIDE Introduction Useful Information A very warm welcome to Look Again Festival of familiar, uncovering the little-known, and asking Aberdeen Festivals Booking: Visual Art and Design 2017. In this, our third year, questions about our place in the wider world. we are bigger and bolder than ever, bringing you Festivals in Aberdeen are unique, inspiring and most of To book one of the talks, events or 11 new commissions across the city and RGU Whether born, brought up, educated or living all, entertaining. workshops visit: campus (Look Again @ Garthdee Campus – see here, most of our invited artists and designers and search for your chosen event. P25), as well as plenty of talks, tours, exhibitions, share strong connections to the north east; we For its third year, Aberdeen Festivals looks forward films and workshops for all to enjoy at our partner all want to show how creativity can transform to representing eleven of the city’s major cultural Contact: venues. a place. Look Again’s wider purpose is to be a festivals. The festivals will work alongside each other to catalyst to a stronger creative scene in the region, collaborate on one-off performances, grow audiences If you have any queries or would like 2017 is Scotland’s Year of History, Heritage and working year round so that more artists, designers and strengthen Aberdeen’s cultural sector. more info please contact us via social Archaeology, and the artists and designers we and makers can stay and thrive here, enhancing media or email: have worked with have spent time researching the quality of life and generating a buzz across Aberdeen Festivals is made up of some of the biggest
[email protected] our city through its historic collections.