USOO8282491 B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,282.491 B2 Auterio et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 9, 2012

(54) GAME-BASED INCENTIVES FOR (56) References Cited LOCATION-BASED ACTIONS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Kathleen Auterio, San Francisco, CA 6,040,783 A 3/2000 Houvener et al. (US); Deniz Ersever, San Francisco, CA 6,299,534 B1 10/2001 Breeding et al. (US); Hardik Kheskani, Gujarat (IN); 6,325,292 B1 12, 2001 Sehr Serena Lam, San Francisco, CA (US); 6,569,011 B1 5/2003 Lynch et al. Christopher Joseph Makarsky, San 7,343,317 B2 3/2008 Jokinen et al. 7,783,183 B2 8/2010 Garg et al. Francisco, CA (US); Donald C. Mosites, 7.856,360 B2 12/2010 Kramer et al. San Francisco, CA (US); Benjamin 7,895,076 B2 2/2011 Kutaragi et al. Mullin, San Francisco, CA (US); 7,955,175 B1 6/2011 Holloway et al. Shantanu Talapatra, San Francisco, CA 8,029.359 B2 * 10/2011 Cheng ...... 463,25 2002fOOO6825 A1 1/2002 Suzuki (US); Justin Waldron, San Francisco, 2002/0090985 A1 7/2002 Tochner et al. CA (US); Jackson Wang, San Francisco, 2002/0111201 A1 8/2002 Lang CA (US) 2003, OO32476 A1 2/2003 Walker et al. 2005.0049022 A1 3/2005 Mullen (73) Assignee: Inc., San Francisco, CA (US) 2005/0055115 A1 3/2005 Gerrard et al. (Continued) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. WO WO-2012O21305 A1 2, 2012 (21) Appl. No.: 13/244,924 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed: Sep. 26, 2011, 2010 retrieved on Dec. 15, 2011), home page and various News and Forum pages. Retrieved from (http://turf warsapp. (65) Prior Publication Data com/>. 57 pgs. US 2012/004O763 A1 Feb. 16, 2012 (Continued) Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner — Corbett B Coburn (63) Continuation of application No. 12/856,508, filed on (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Schwegman, Lundberg & Aug. 13, 2010. Woessner, P.A. (51) Int. C. (57) ABSTRACT A63F 9/24 (2006.01) Systems and methods for providing game-based incentives to (52) U.S. Cl...... 463/42; 705/14.12 users of online games as a reward for performing actions at (58) Field of Classification Search ...... 463/42: physical locations are provided. 705/1412 See application file for complete search history. 23 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets





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FIG. 2F U.S. Patent Oct. 9, 2012 Sheet 8 of 10 US 8,282.491 B2

3 O



OFFERS, MESSAGES, WEAGES. Location 320a Networking System



FIG. 3 U.S. Patent Oct. 9, 2012 Sheet 9 of 10 US 8,282.491 B2


420a 420b

Location Networking Game Networking System 422 422 424 422 422


426 424 426 424 422 422

430 430

430 430

4 4

FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Oct. 9, 2012 Sheet 10 of 10 US 8,282.491 B2



Processor 504

Cache 516 510 Network Host Bridge Interface


High Performance I/O Bus


Standard I/O Bus

58 520 Mass Storage I/O Ports

FIG. 5 US 8,282,491 B2 1. 2 GAME-BASED INCENTIVES FOR Internet Explorer). Locations may also include network LOCATION-BASED ACTIONS addressable systems that can communicate over a wide area network environment, Such as the Internet. CLAIM OF PRIORITY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS This application is a continuation of and claims the benefit of priority under 35 U.S.C. S 120 to U.S. patent application FIG. 1 illustrates an example of a system for implementing Ser. No. 12/856,508, filed on Aug. 13, 2010, which is hereby various disclosed embodiments. incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. FIG. 2A shows a flowchart illustrating an example method 10 for generating an incentive reward based on game state. TECHNICAL FIELD FIG. 2B shows a flowchart illustrating an example method for generating an incentive reward based on location The present disclosure generally relates to games and attributes. applications in general and in particular to computer-imple FIG. 2C shows a flowchart illustrating an example method mented online games, such as online role-playing games 15 for generating a location-based action based on game state. (RPGs), playable by more than one person from more than FIG. 2D shows a flowchart illustrating an example method one location. for generating a location-based action based on location attributes. BACKGROUND FIG. 2E shows a flowchart illustrating an example method for proposing a location-based action to a user. In many games, there is a virtual world or some other FIG. 2F shows a flowchart illustrating an example method imagined playing space where a player of the game controls for transferring an incentive reward to a user for performing a one or more player characters (herein “characters.” “player location-based action. characters, or "PCs'). Player characters can be considered FIG. 3 illustrates a schematic of a system and data flow. in-game representations of the controlling player. As used 25 FIG. 4 illustrates an example network environment. here, the terms player, user, entity, and friend may refer to the FIG. 5 illustrates an example computer system architec in-game player character controlled by that player, user, ture. entity, or friend, unless context Suggests otherwise. A game display can display a representation of the player character. A DESCRIPTION OF EXAMPLE EMBODIMENTS game engine accepts inputs from the player, determines 30 player character actions, decides outcomes of events, and FIG. 1 illustrates an example of a system for implementing presents the player with a game display illuminating what various disclosed embodiments. In various embodiments, happened. In some games, there are multiple players, wherein system 100 comprises User 101, location 115, verification each player controls one or more player characters. system 118, location networking system 120a, gaming sys In many computer games, there are various types of in 35 tem 120b, client system 130, and network 160. The compo game assets (aka “rewards” or “loot) that a player character nents of system 100 can be connected to each other in any can obtain within the game. For example, a player character Suitable configuration, using any suitable type of connection. may acquire game points, gold coins, experience points, char The components may be connected directly or over a network acter levels, character attributes, virtual cash, or other in 160, which may be any suitable network (e.g., the Internet). game items of value. In some games, the goal of the game may 40 User 101 is a player of one or more online computer games. be to acquire in-game rewards. For example, a player may Game system 120b is a network addressable computing sys strive to achieve a high score by accumulating points that are tem that hosts the one or more online games. Game system granted for performing in-game tasks or overcoming in-game 120b can generate, store, and transmit game account data and obstacles. game state data associated with one or more users. An online Many online computer games are operated on an online 45 game can be accessed by client system 130 directly, via net social network. Such a network allows both users and other work 160, or via a third-party system (e.g., a Social network parties to interact with the computer games directly, whether ing site). Client system 130 can be any Suitable computing to play the games or to retrieve game- or user-related infor device. Such as a personal computer, laptop, cellular phone, mation. Smartphone, computing tablet, etc. Location 115 is a physical Many operators of physical (i.e., “real-world') locations 50 place that has one or more location attributes associated with allow users to conduct a variety of actions on their property, it. User 101 can visit location 115 and perform one or more Such as visiting the location, performing certain tasks or location-based actions there. Location 115 can contain one or actions at the location, purchasing goods and services at the more verification systems 118, which can verify if and when location, etc. Goods can include items that are physical and User 101 has performed a location-based action at location tangible, items that are delivered electronically to the user 55 115. Verification system 118 can generate, store, and transmit over the Internet, and items that are delivered through con action verification data, which is data comprising information ventional distribution channels (e.g., a common carrier). on one or more users and one or more location-based actions As used herein, a user is a player of an online computer associated with the users. Location system 120a is a network game. Additionally, as used herein, an item can include a addressable computing system that can receive, store, and good or service offered by a location operator. Similarly, as 60 transmit location attribute data, action verification data, and used herein, a purchase (or order) can include buying, renting, other data associated with location 115 and verification sys or licensing an item from a location operator. tem 118. Location system 120a can be accessed by the other Internet users may maintain one or more accounts with components in system 100 either directly or via network 160. various service providers, including online gaming systems, In some embodiments, User 101 can physically bring his online Social networking systems, online merchant systems, 65 client system 130 to location 115 (e.g., if client system 130 is physical location systems, etc. Online systems can typically a smartphone). Client system 130 may then be able to interact be accessed using browser clients (e.g., Firefox, Chrome, directly with location 115 or verification system 118. US 8,282,491 B2 3 4 Game Systems person or entity that owns, possesses, operates, or otherwise In an online game, a game engine manages the game state controls location 115. Furthermore, as used herein, a user of of the game. Game state comprises all in-game parameters, location 115 is a person who can enter, visit, use, purchase, or including player character state, non-player character (NPC) perform some other action at location 115. This can include state, in-game assets and other virtual items, in-game past, present, and future users of location 115. In various obstacles, game parameters (e.g., internal game clocks, game embodiments, a player of an online game may also be a user environment), and other in-game elements or features. Each of location 115. player controls one or more player characters (PCs). The In various embodiments, location 115 can have one or game engine controls all other aspects of the game, including more devices for communicating with game system 120b. non-player characters (NPCs), in-game obstacles, and other 10 Verification system 118 or location system 120a can commu game elements. The game engine also manages game state, nicate with game system 120b, either directly or via network including player character state for currently active (online) 160. In some embodiments, verification system 118 and loca and inactive (offline) players. tion system 120a are part of the same computing system. A player character can have a set of attributes associated Location Attributes with the player character. As used herein, player character 15 In various embodiments, location 115 can have one or state can refer to one or more in-game attributes of a player more attributes associated with it. These location attributes character, such as in-game location, assets, levels, condition, include a variety of details about location 115. Location health, status, inventory, skill set, name, orientation, affilia attributes can include, for example: details regarding goods tion, specialty, and so on. The game engine may use player and services available at the location, such as the type, price, character state to determine the outcome of game events, quantity, quality, brand, size, description, and other details of Sometimes also considering set or random variables. Gener the goods and services available at the location; the purchase ally, a player character's probability of having a more favor history of good and services at the location; corporate and able outcome is greater when the player character has a better intellectual property information of the location, Such as any state. For example, a healthier player characteris less likely to brands, trademarks, logos, and other such information asso die in a particular encounter relative to a weaker player char 25 ciated with the location; the location-based action history of acter or non-player character. players of one or more online games at the location, Such as In various embodiments, an online game can provide a the type of location-based actions, proposed location-based mechanism for player characters to acquire in-game assets, actions, performed location-based actions, and other infor which are a type of virtual item or thing that provide some mation regarding location-based actions associated with the type of in-game benefit to a player character. In some embodi 30 location; personal and demographic information of users of ments, an in-game asset can provide an in-game benefit for the location, such as name, sex, race, ethnicity, age, income, the player character by improving the player character's state. education, employment status, address, credit information, The improved player character state could increase the player purchase history, and other personal or demographic infor character's likelihood or ability to advance in the game, or mation of the users of the location; geographic information of otherwise improve game play. For example, in-game assets 35 the location, such as the position, elevation, size, orientation, could be character levels, ability points, skill points, hit GPS coordinates, relation to other locations, local terrain, points, mana points, combat bonuses, etc. In-game assets can weather, and other geographic information of the location; also be virtual representations of real life things Such as cash, and other descriptive information associated with the loca chattel, precious valuables, personal property, real property, tion. weapons, vehicles, titles, jobs, etc. In-game assets can also 40 In various embodiments, the location attributes of location include mythical and fantasy things, such as manna magical 115 can be stored in a location account. The examples items, potions, relics, artifacts, etc. described herein assume that the location account is stored on An online game can be hosted by game networking system location system 120a, however this is not intended to be 120b, which can be accessed using any suitable connection limiting. The location account can be stored on any Suitable with an appropriate client system 130. A player may have a 45 data store, including location system 120a, game system game account on game system 120b, wherein the game 120b, a third-party system, a distributed data store, or any account can contain a variety of information associated with combination of two or more of the above. the player (e.g., the player's personal information, financial In some embodiments, the location attributes of location information, purchase history, player character state, game 115 can be determined by accessing a website or other net state). In some embodiments, a player may play multiple 50 work addressable system that contains details about location games on game networking system 120b, which may main 115. For example, a computing system can access a website tain a single game account for the player with respect to all the associated with location 115, such as a corporate website or games, or multiple individual game accounts for each game an online shopping catalog, and analyze the website for text, with respect to the player. In some embodiments, game sys keywords, prices, concepts, meta tags, and other details asso tem 120b can assign a unique identifier to each player of an 55 ciated with location 115. online game hosted on game system 120b. Game system 120b User Identification can determine that a user is accessing the online game by In various embodiments, location system 120a can identify reading the user's cookies, which may be appended to HTTP users of location 115 by a variety of methods. The methods requests transmitted by client system 130, and/or by the user described below are not intended to be limiting, and one of logging onto the online game. 60 ordinary skill in the art would recognize that other methods Locations can be used to identify a user. As used herein, a location is a specific physical place in the In some embodiments, location system 120a can identify a real world. For example, location 115 could be a store, res user when the user purchases an item at location 115. When a taurant, mall, business office, building, park, Street venue, user purchases an item at location 115, location system 120a library, etc. Location 115 can have various systems associated 65 may collect purchase information from the user, including the with it, including verification system 118 and location system user's name, credit card number, billing address, shipping 120a. As used herein, the operator of location 115 is the address, email address, etc. For example, if User 101 visits a US 8,282,491 B2 5 6 store and purchases an item with a credit card, location sys Offering Incentive Rewards for Performing Location-Based tem 120a could use the information contained on the credit Actions card to identify User 101. A user of an online game hosted by game system 120b can In Some embodiments, location system 120a can identify a also be a user of location 115. Location operators may find it user based on some form of identification presented by the desirable to provide Some type of incentive to encourage user at location 115. A user could present a membership card, these users to perform one or more location-based actions. discount card, coupon, ticket, code, driver's license, passport, Some users may be incentivized to perform certain location or other item that contains identifying information about the based actions when offered an in-game asset for an online user at location 115. For example, User 101 may have a ticket game. As used herein, an incentive reward is an in-game asset with a scannable QR code that contains identifying informa 10 in an online game that is offered to a user of the online game tion. The ticket can be scanned at location 115, thereby allow for completing one or more location-based actions. For ing location system 120a to identify User 101. example, the incentive reward could be a specific in-game In Some embodiments, location system 120a can identify a asset (e.g., a Sword of Destruction +5) that provides a par user based on the user's proximity to location 115. A user's ticular in-game benefit (e.g., increasing a player character's proximity can be determined using various devices or appli 15 ability to defeat in-game opponents). As used herein, a loca cations, such as a GPS device, a social networking site (e.g., tion-based action is a type of action that can be performed at Facebook, Twitter), a location tracking site (e.g., Foursquare, one or more locations by a user of an online game, wherein the Google Latitude), a location reservation site (e.g., OpenT action is proposed to the user as part of an offer for an able, Expedia), etc. Location system 120a could then access incentive reward. For example, a location-based action could this proximity information to identify the user. For example, be entering, Visiting, using, purchasing, or performing some if User 101 enters a store, he could access Foursquare via any other action at location 115. Suitable computing device to indicate that he is at the store, In some embodiments, a distributor or manufacturer of an and Foursquare could transmit this information to location item can incentivize users of an online game to purchase the system 120a, thereby informing it that User 101 is at the store. item from a location. For example, the distributor or manu In another example, location 115 could have a QR code 25 facturer of a specific soft drink may offer an in-game incen printed inside the location, which User 101 could photograph tive for purchasing a can of the Soft drink from any location. with a mobile client system 130 (e.g., a Smart phone) and While this disclosure generally discusses location-based transmit to location system 120a. In yet another example, if actions with respect to a location, the embodiments disclosed User 101 makes a reservation to dine at a restaurant on herein are also applicable to location-based actions with OpenTable, location system 120a could identify User 101 30 respect to a distributor or manufacturer of an item, unless when he checks in with the maitre d' at the restaurant. context Suggests otherwise. In some embodiments, location system 120a can identify a Incentive Rewards user when the user provides an indication of the user's pres An incentive reward is an in-game asset in an online game ence at location 115. A user could check-in with a host, log-in hosted by game system 120b that is offered to a user of the to a computing device, activate abutton or Switch, or perform 35 online game for completing one or more location-based Some other type of action to indicate the user's presence at actions. An incentive reward could be, for example, game location 115, which could then be transmitted to location points, virtual currency, experience points, character levels, system 120a. For example, if User 101 visits a hotel, location character attributes, virtual items, or other in-game assets. system 120a could identify User 101 when he checks in with Incentive Offer Search Systems the hotel clerk. In another example, if User 101 accesses a 40 In various embodiments, game system 120b can include an computing system at location 115, location system 120a incentive offer search system, which is a network addressable could identify User 101 when he logs into the computing computing system that is operative to generate and/or select system. an incentive reward in response to a request from another In some embodiments, location system 120a or game sys computing system, such as location system 120a, game sys tem 120b or can identify a user based on a search engine query 45 tem 120b, or client system 130. The incentive offer search made by the user. For example, if User 101 queries a search system may be a central system accessible to one or more engine (e.g., Google or Yahoo) that has information that iden systems over a wide area network, or a local system acces tifies User 101, that information can be transmitted to location sible to a single domain. The present disclosure assumes the system 120a or game system 120b along with any other incentive offer search system is a Subsystem of game system relevant information (e.g., the search query made by User 50 120b, however it is possible that the incentive offer search 101) so either system could to identify User 101. system is part of location system 120a or even an independent In some embodiments, while identifying a user, location remote system. system 120a may also collect information related to one or In one embodiment, the incentive offer search system more game accounts associated with the user, including any includes one or more physical servers and an incentive offer unique game account identifiers assigned to the user. For 55 data store. The incentive offer data store can store content example, User 101 may gain entrance to location 115 by information containing incentive offer creative content and presenting a ticket with a scannable QR code, which contains URLs or identifiers to content or other resources hosted by information identifying User 101 and information about User game system 120b or location system 120a. The content may 101's unique identifier on an online game. After this ticket is be stored in association with a game engine or game account scanned at location 115, the identifying information can be 60 information on game system 120b. transmitted to location system 120a. In various embodiments, the incentive offer search system In some embodiments, location system 120a can assign a determines an appropriate incentive reward to offer to a user unique identifier to each user of location 115. Location sys for performing one or more location-based actions. The tem 120a can assign a username, identification number, or incentive reward can be determined by a variety of methods other unique identifier. Location system 120a can also utilize 65 (e.g., statically, randomly, dynamically). any unique identifier assigned to the user by game system In some embodiments, the incentive reward can be deter 120b. mined statically, such that the incentive reward offered is the US 8,282,491 B2 7 8 same for all users. For example, User 101 might be offered an search system may generate an incentive reward for Zynga incentive reward of $20,000 in virtual poker chips for pur instead as a means of encouraging User 101 to chasing a lawnmower at location 115, and this same incentive increase his game play time in that game. The offer search reward would be offered to all other users. system may also considera user's Social network information In some embodiments, the incentive reward can be deter for multiuser online games that interface with Social network mined dynamically, such that the incentive reward offered ing systems. For example, if User 101 has twenty friends who may vary based on a variety of factors. For example, the play but fifty friends who play Zynga Mafia incentive reward can be determined based on location Wars, the incentive offer search system may determine that attributes, game state, or other parameters. User 101 prefers playing Zynga Mafia Wars and only generate Determining Incentive Rewards Based on Game State 10 an incentive reward for that game. In various embodiments, the incentive offer search system In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system can determine an appropriate incentive reward based on game can generate incentive rewards for two or more games. In one state data stored on game system 120b. The incentive offer embodiment, the incentive offer search system can generate search system can access the user's game account to retrieve incentive rewards for a plurality of games. For example, if various game state data (e.g., the games played by the user, 15 User 101 plays both Zynga Poker and Zynga Mafia Wars, the the user's player character state) and then identify an incen offer search system may offer an incentive reward of S10,000 tive reward appropriate for that user based on that data. in virtual poker chips (for Zynga Poker) and a virtual Subma In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system chine gun (for Zynga Mafia Wars). In another embodiment, can consider thematic, topical, or categorical relationships the incentive offer search system can generate incentive between a possible incentive reward and a game state variable rewards for a plurality of games, but the offer requires the user to determine an appropriate incentive reward. For example, to choose which game he wants to receive the incentive the incentive offer search system may query game system reward in. For example, using the previous example, the 120b to determine that User 101 is a player in Zynga Dragon. incentive offer search system might offer User 101 an incen Wars and that User 101’s player character is a 5th level elf. tive reward of S10,000 in virtual poker chips and a virtual The incentive offer search system may then determine that an 25 machine gun, but require User 101 to choose which of the two Elven Invisibility Cloak is an appropriate incentive reward for rewards he wants. In yet another embodiment, the incentive a 5th level elf based on the thematic relationship between and offer search system can generate a single incentive reward player character's race and the incentive reward. that can be used in a plurality of games. For example, in a In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system variation of the previous example, the incentive offer search can consider player character state. Such as in-game assets 30 system might offer User 101 an incentive reward of S10,000 and other attributes of a player character, to determine an in virtual cash, wherein this cash can be used in either Zynga appropriate incentive reward. For example, if User 101 has Poker or Zynga Mafia Wars. S25,000 in virtual poker chips in Zynga Poker, the incentive In some embodiments, the offer search system can gener offer search system may determine that an incentive reward of ate an incentive reward for a game hosted by game system S10,000 in virtual poker chips is appropriate, but if User 101 35 120b that a user has never played or that has no game account has S100,000 in virtual poker chips, an incentive reward of associated with the user. An incentive reward for an unplayed S30,000 may be determined appropriate based on his current game can be generated even if the user plays other games on in-game assets, wherein the incentive reward is scaled to User game system 120b. For example, if User 101 has only played 101's current in-game assets. In another example, if User 101 Zynga Poker on game system 120b, the incentive offer search has five purple gems and Zero orange gems in Zynga Treasure 40 system may generate an incentive reward for another game Isle, the incentive offer search system may determine that two hosted by game system 120 b (e.g., Zynga Mafia Wars, Zynga orange gems is an appropriate incentive reward for User 101 YoVille) to encourage User 101 to try a new game. based on his current in-game assets, wherein the incentive FIG. 2A shows a flowchart illustrating an example method reward is selected so that User 101 is not offered a redundant for generating an incentive reward based on game State. In in-game asset. 45 various embodiments, game networking system 120b In some embodiments, where a user plays more than one accesses a game account of a user to identify one or more game hosted by game system 120b, the incentive offer search computer-implemented games associated with the user at system can generate incentive rewards corresponding to one step 210. Game networking system 120b then generates an or more of the games. Game system 120b can host a plurality incentive reward for the user based at least in part on the game of online games, and a particular user may play one or more 50 state of the one or more identified games at step 212. The of these games and control one or more player characters in game networking system 120b then transmits a message to each game. If the user plays more than one game on game the user comprising a description of the incentive reward, a system 120b, the incentive offer search system may generate description of a location-based action, and an offer of the an incentive reward corresponding to one or more of these incentive reward for the user's performance of the location games. The incentive offer search system can determine 55 based action at step 214. The example method illustrated in which games to generate incentive rewards for by examining FIG. 2A and described above is provided for illustration the user's game account information with respect to each purposes only and is not meant to be limiting. One of ordinary game and analyzing a variety of factors (e.g., the users fre skill in the art would appreciate that the steps described above quency of play, duration of play, play preferences, social can be performed in any reasonable order, and that various network information). In a particular embodiment, the incen 60 steps can be reordered, added, and removed. tive offer search system can generate an incentive reward for Determining Incentive Rewards Based on Location one game from the plurality of games. For example, if User Attributes 101 plays Zynga Poker on average ten hours a week, but only in various embodiments, the incentive offer search system plays Zynga Mafia Wars on average five hours per week, the can determine an appropriate incentive reward based on loca incentive offer search system may determine that User 101 65 tion attribute data. The location attributes of location 115 can prefers playing Zynga Poker and may only generate an incen be stored in a location account, which can be stored and tive reward for that game. Alternatively, the incentive offer accessed on any suitable computing system, including loca US 8,282,491 B2 9 10 tion system 120a, game system 120b, a third-party system, a example, if some users often fail to performa certain location distributed computing system, or any combination of two or based action when offered an incentive reward of S10,000 in more of the above. The incentive offer search system can virtual poker chips in Zynga Poker, the incentive offer search access location 115’s location account to retrieve various system may determine an incentive reward of S30,000 in location attribute data (e.g., the goods and services available 5 virtual poker chips is an appropriate incentive reward to at the location, personal and demographic information of incentivize performance of this location-based action. users of the location) and then identify an incentive reward In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system appropriate for a user based on that data. can consider the geographic information of the location to In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system determine an appropriate incentive reward. This can include can consider thematic, topical, or categorical relationships 10 the position, elevation, size, orientation, GPS coordinates, between a possible incentive reward and a location attribute to relation to other locations, local terrain, weather, and other determine an appropriate incentive reward. For example, the geographic information of the location. For example, if loca incentive offer search system may query the location account tion 115 is near a beach, the incentive offer search system may associated with location 115 to determine that location 115 is determine that a virtual beach towel in Zynga Treasure Isle is a grocery store with organic Strawberries on sale. The incen 15 an appropriate incentive reward for performing a location tive offer search system may then determine that 100 servings based action at location 115. of virtual strawberry shortcake in Zynga Cafe World is an FIG. 2B shows a flowchart illustrating an example method appropriate incentive reward for performing a location-based for generating an incentive reward based on location action at location 115 based on the thematic relationship attributes. In various embodiments, game networking system between and goods available at location 115 and the incentive 120b accesses a location account of location 115 to identify reward. one or more attributes associated with location 115 at step In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system 220. Game networking system 120b then generates an incen can consider details of the goods or services available at the tive reward for a user based at least in part on the attributes location to determine an appropriate incentive reward to offer. associated with location 115 at step 222. The game network This can include the type, price, quantity, quality, brand, size, 25 ing system 120b then transmits a message to the user com description, and other details of the goods and services avail prising a description of the incentive reward, a description of able at location 115. For example, the incentive reward for a location-based action, and an offer of the incentive reward purchasing a toaster from a particular appliance store might for the user's performance of the location-based action at step be a virtual toaster in Zynga YoVille. In one embodiment, the 224. The example method illustrated in FIG. 2B and incentive reward may improve based on the price of the item. 30 described above is provided for illustration purposes only and For example, the incentive reward for a $50 boombox may be is not meant to be limiting. One of ordinary skill in the art S5000 in virtual poker chips in Zynga Poker, but the incentive would appreciate that the steps described above can be per reward for a S1000 home stereo system may be $200,000 in formed in any reasonable order, and that various steps can be virtual poker chips. reordered, added, and removed. In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system 35 Determining Incentive Rewards Based on Other Factors can consider any brands, trademarks, logos, and other corpo In various embodiments, the incentive offer search system rate or intellectual property information associated with the can determine an appropriate incentive reward based on fac location to determine an appropriate incentive reward. For tors other than game state or location attributes. example, if location 115 is a Scars department store, the In some embodiments, the incentive reward can be deter incentive offer search system may determine that a virtual 40 mined based in part on the location-based action generated by item affixed with the Sears logo is an appropriate incentive the action proposal search system. For example, if the action reward for performing a location-based action at the location. proposal search system generates a location-based action for In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system User 101 ofbuying a barbecue from a specific hardware store, can consider personal and demographic information of users the incentive offer search system may determine that a virtual of the location to determine an appropriate incentive reward. 45 Super oven in Zynga Cafe World is an appropriate incentive This can included the name, sex, race, ethnicity, age, income, reward based on the thematic relationship between the incen education, employment status, address, credit information, tive reward and the location-based action. In another purchase history, and other personal or demographic infor example, the incentive reward for purchasing a bottle of mation of the users of the location. For example, if User 101 Coca-Cola from any location might be a virtual item affixed is female, the incentive offer search system may determine 50 with a Coca-cola logo. that a virtual Barbie doll in Zynga YoVille is an appropriate In Some embodiments, the incentive reward for performing incentive reward for User 101 based on her sex. a location-based action can vary over time. The incentive In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system offer search system may generate multiple possible incentive can consider the purchase history of goods and services at the rewards, wherein the actual reward received by the user is location to determine an appropriate incentive reward. For 55 based on when the location-based action is completed. For example, if visitors to location 115 often buy fertilizer, the example, an incentive reward for purchasing a lawnmower at incentive offer search system may determine that five appli location 115 within the next hour may be $20,000 in virtual cations of fertilizer in Zynga FarmVille is an appropriate poker chips, but the incentive reward may decrease to only incentive reward for performing a location-based action at S10,000 in virtual poker chips if the lawnmower is purchased location 115 based on the purchase history there. 60 afterwards. In one embodiment, the incentive reward may In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system only be offered for a limited time. For example, an incentive can consider the location-based action history of players of reward of a virtual sports car might only be offered to the first one or more online games at the location to determine an one hundred users who purchase a toaster from location 115. appropriate incentive reward. This can include the type of In a variation of this embodiment, the incentive reward may location-based actions, proposed location-based actions, per 65 become less attractive for Subsequent purchasers. For formed location-based actions, and other information regard example, the first user to purchase a toaster from location 115 ing location-based actions associated with the location. For will get a virtual Porsche 911, while later users will be offered US 8,282,491 B2 11 12 virtual Ford Pintos. The incentive offer search system may a cup of coffee at location 115 in exchange for an incentive present offers such that it is not apparent to the user of the reward of S100 in virtual cash, and this same location-based gaming system whether he will get the better item or not. For action would be proposed to all other users. example, User 101 might be presented with an offer that In some embodiments, the location-based action can be states, “Limited time offer. The first person to buy a toaster determined dynamically, Such that the location-based action today will receive a virtual Porsche 911 in Zynga YoVille proposed may vary based on a variety of factors. For example, (subsequent buyers will receive a virtual Ford Pinto).’ in this the location-based action can be determined based on loca case, the user viewing this offer may not know whether he will tion attributes, game state, or other parameters. be the first purchaser and may only find out after the item is Determining Location-Based Actions Based on Game purchased (e.g., when handed the receipt for the purchase). 10 In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system State can generate an incentive reward that is only a percentage In various embodiments, the action proposal search system chance of receiving an in-game asset. For example, an incen can determine an appropriate location-based action based on tive reward could be a specific percentage chance (e.g., 20%, game state data on game system 120b. The action proposal 40%, 75%) to receive a particular in-game asset (e.g., a virtual 15 search system can access the user's game account to retrieve Porsche 911). After the user has earned the incentive reward, various game state data (e.g., the games played by the user, game system 120b could then determine if the user actually the user's player character state) and then identify a location receives the in-game asset. based action appropriate for that user based on that data. In some embodiments, the incentive offer search system In some embodiments, the action proposal search system may generate an incentive reward for an unknown or undis can consider thematic, topical, or categorical relationships closed in-game asset. For example, the incentive offer search between a possible location-based action and a game State system may generate an incentive reward for a “mystery variable to determine an appropriate location-based action. prize’ for User 101 and present an offer that states “Purchase For example, the action proposal search system may query this item at location 115 now and receive a mystery prize in game system 120b to determine that User 101 is a player in Zynga Dragon Wars!' The user may not discover what the 25 Zynga FarmVille and that User 101’s player character has a “mystery prize' is until the incentive reward is earned by virtual barn, the action proposal search system may then performing an associated location-based action, or possibly determine that visiting a particular barn at the Sonoma even later (e.g., the next time the user logs into game system County Fair is an appropriate location-based action for the 120b). user based on the thematic relationship between User 101s Location-Based Actions 30 virtual barn and the proposed location. A location-based action is a type of action that can be In some embodiments, the action proposal search system performed at location 115 by a user of an online game hosted can consider player character state. Such as in-game assets by game system 120b, wherein the action is proposed to the and other attributes of a player character, to determine an user as part of an offer for an incentive reward. A location appropriate location-based action. For example, if User 101 based action could be, for example, entering, visiting, using, 35 has $25,000 in virtual poker chips in Zynga Poker, the action purchasing, or performing some other action at location 115. proposal search system may determine that playing a hand of Action Proposal Search Systems real poker in Las Vegas at a S10 limit table is appropriate, but In various embodiments, game system 120b can include an if User 101 has S100,000 in virtual poker chips, playing five action proposal search system, which is a network address hands of real poker at a S50 limit table may be determined able computing system that is operative to generate and/or 40 appropriate based on User 101’s current in-game assets. In select a location-based action in response to a request from another example, if User 101 has a virtual barn with no virtual another computing system, such as location system 120a, chickens in it in Zynga FarmVille, the action proposal search game system 120b, or client system 130. The action proposal system may determine that visiting the chicken coop at the search system may be a central system accessible to one or Sonoma County Fair is an appropriate location-based action more systems over a wide area network, or a local system 45 for User 101 based on his current in-game assets. accessible to a single domain. The present disclosure assumes In some embodiments, where a user plays more than one the action proposal search system is a Subsystem of game game hosted by game system 120b, the action proposal search system 120b, however it is possible that the action proposal system can generate location-based actions corresponding to search system is part of location system 120a or even an one or more of the games. Game system 120b can host a independent remote system. 50 plurality of online games, and a particular user may play one In one embodiment, the action proposal search system or more of these games and control one or more player char includes one or more physical servers and an action proposal acters in each game. If the user plays more than one game on data store. The action proposal data store can store content game system 120b, the action proposal search system may information containing action proposal creative content and generate a location-based action corresponding to one or URLs or identifiers to content or other resources hosted by 55 more of these games. The action proposal search system can game system 120b or location system 120a. The content may determine which games to generate location-based actions be stored in association with game account information or for by examining the user's game account information with location account information on game system 120b. respect to each game and analyzing a variety of factors (e.g., In various embodiments, the action proposal search system the users frequency of play, duration of play, play prefer determines an appropriate location-based action to propose to 60 ences, social network information). For example, the action a user in exchange for one or more incentive rewards. The proposal search system may determine that buying a cup of location-based action can be determined by a variety of meth coffee from a specific café is an appropriate location-based ods (e.g., statically, randomly, dynamically, etc.). action to receive an incentive reward in Zynga Café World. In In some embodiments, the location-based action can be another example, the action proposal search system may determined statically, such that the location-based action 65 determine that donating S10 to an animal cruelty charity is an offered is the same for all users. For example, the action appropriate location-based action to receive an incentive proposal search system may propose that User 101 purchase reward in Zynga FarmVille. US 8,282,491 B2 13 14 FIG. 2C shows a flowchart illustrating an example method location 115 is an appropriate location-based action based on for generating a location-based action based on a game state. the inventory of goods available there. In various embodiments, game networking system 120b In some embodiments, the action proposal search system accesses a game account of a user to identify one or more can consider any brands, trademarks, logos, and other corpo computer-implemented games associated with the user at rate or intellectual property information associated with the step 230. Game networking system 120b then generates a location to determine an appropriate location-based action. location-based action for the user based at least in part on the For example, if the operator of location 115 has a patent on a game state of the one or more identified games at step 232. certain method, the action proposal search system may deter Game networking system 120b then transmits a message to mine that performing that patented method is an appropriate 10 location-based action. the user comprising a description of the location-based In some embodiments, the action proposal search system action, a description of an incentive reward, and an offer of the can consider personal and demographic information of users incentive reward for the user's performance of the location of the location to determine an appropriate location-based based action at step 234. The example method illustrated in action. This can include the name, sex, race, ethnicity, age, FIG. 2C and described above is provided for illustration pur 15 income, education, employment status, address, credit infor poses only and is not meant to be limiting. One of ordinary mation, purchase history, and other personal or demographic skill in the art would appreciate that the steps described above information of the users of the location. For example, if a can be performed in any reasonable order, and that various particular user of location 115 is a mechanical engineer, the steps can be reordered, added, and removed. action proposal search system may determine that purchasing Determining Location-Based Actions Based on Location a textbook on thermodynamics at location 115 is an appro Attributes priate location-based action based on the user's employment In various embodiments, the action proposal search system information. In another example, if User 101 has never pur can determine an appropriate location-based action based on chased a sandwich from location 115, the action proposal location attribute data. The location attributes of location 115 search system may determine that purchasing a sandwich can be stored in a location account, which can be stored and 25 from location 115 is an appropriate location-based action for accessed on any suitable computing system, including loca User 101 based on his purchase history. In yet another tion system 120a, game system 120b, a third-party system, a example, if User 101 is 18-years old, the action proposal distributed computing system, or any combination of two or search system may propose to the user to purchase a can of more of the above. The action proposal search system can soda, but if User 101 is 22-years old, the action proposal access location 115’s location account to retrieve various 30 search system may propose to the user to purchase a bottle of location attribute data (e.g., the good and services available at Scotch. the location, personal and demographic information of users In some embodiments, the action proposal search system of the location, etc.) and then identify a location-based action can consider the purchase history of goods and services at the appropriate for a user based on that data. location to determine an appropriate location-based action. In some embodiments, the action proposal search system 35 For example, if visitors to location 115 rarely buy a particular can consider thematic, topical, or categorical relationships item, the action proposal search system may determine that between a possible location-based action and a location purchasing that item at location 115 is an appropriate loca attribute to determine an appropriate location-based action. tion-based action based on the purchase history of that item, For example, the action proposal search system may query wherein the location-based action is selected to incentivize the location account associated with location 115 to deter 40 purchase of that item. mine that location 115 is a grocery store with organic straw In some embodiments, the action proposal search system berries on sale. The incentive offer search system may then can consider the location-based action history of players of determine that buying a basket of organic strawberries is an one or more online games at the location to determine an appropriate location-based action to perform at location 115 appropriate location-based action. This can include the type based on the categorical relationship between the goods avail 45 of location-based actions, proposed location-based actions, able at location 115 and the location-based action. performed location-based actions, and other information In some embodiments, the action proposal search system regarding location-based actions associated with the location. can consider details of the goods or services available at the For example, if a small fraction of users perform a certain location to determine an appropriate location-based action. location-based action, such as playing at a high-stakes poker This can include the type, price, quantity, quality, brand, size, 50 table at a particular casino, the action proposal search system description, and other details of the goods and services avail may determine that an easier version of that location-based able at the location. For example, if location 115 is an amuse action is an appropriate location-based action, Such as playing ment park, the action proposal search system may determine at a lower-stakes poker table. In another example, if User 101 that riding a specific roller coaster is an appropriate location has never visited. Bozo's Amusement Park, the action pro based action based on the type of services available there. In 55 posal search system can propose that User 101 purchase a particular embodiments, the action proposal search system summer pass. If User 101 has already visited Bozo's Amuse can generate a location-based action to incentivize the pur ment Park, and it had already been proposed to User 101 to chase of particular goods or services, such as buying items purchase a Summer pass, the action proposal search system that are on sale or items the location operator wants to clear can propose that User 101 purchase cotton candy inside the from inventory. The location operator can provide prefer 60 park. In a particular embodiment, the action proposal search ences for the items that it wants associated with location system can determine a location-based action based on any based offers, or the action proposal search system can query previous actions that have been proposed to the user based on the location account and analyze the location’s current inven locations besides the one that is currently specified. For tory to dynamically determine an appropriate item. For example, if the action proposal search system had previously example, if location 115 is an ice cream shop with an over 65 proposed that the user buy a grill at a general store, the action Supply of vanilla ice cream, the action proposal search system proposal search system could then propose that the user pur may determine that purchasing a scoop of vanilla ice cream at chase steaks or hotdogs at a Supermarket. US 8,282,491 B2 15 16 In some embodiments, the action proposal search system proposal search system may determine that Swimming 10 can consider the geographic information of the location to laps at a particular Swimming pool is an appropriate location determine an appropriate location-based action. This can based action in the Summer, but may determine that visiting include the position, elevation, size, orientation, GPS coordi an ice rink is an appropriate location-based action in the nates, relation to other locations, local terrain, weather, and 5 winter. In another example, the difficulty of the location other geographic information of the location. For example, if based action may vary over time. User 101 may have to swim location 115 is a store that sells bread and the store is near a 10 laps in a Swimming pool if the location-based action is duck pond, the action proposal search system may determine performed within two hours of being generated by the action that purchasing bread and feeding the ducks is an appropriate proposal search system, but after two hours User 101 may location-based action based on the geographic information of 10 have to swim 50 laps. location 115. In one embodiment, the action proposal search Presenting Incentive Reward Offers to Users system can determine a location-based action based on the A variety of methods can be used to determine and present local terrain. For example, if location 115 is near a beach, the incentive reward offers to a user. In one embodiment, User action proposal search system may determine that purchasing 101 can access, via the user's client system 130, an online a Swimsuit from location 115 is an appropriate location-based 15 game hosted by game system 120b. The user's browser client action based on the proximity of the location to the beach. In can load and render the content of the webpage. Game system another embodiment, the action proposal search system can 120b may also access the user's game account information consider the current weather at the location. For example, if and/or the location account of one or more locations. This the current temperature at an amusement park is 90°F., the account information may be accessed in a variety of ways. For action proposal search system may determine that riding a example, game system 120b could access data stored in a water slide at the park is an appropriate location-based action cookie on client system 130 that is appended to messages based on the current weather there. In yet another embodi transmitted from client system 130 to game system 120b. ment, the action proposal search system can consider the This allows game system 120b to identify User 101 and historical weather at the location. For example, if the daytime access the appropriate game account information. To access temperature outside location 115 is typically 50 F. in the 25 location account information, game system 120b may winter, the action proposal search system may determine that directly query location system 120a. Alternatively, the online purchasing a Sweatshirt at location 115 in the winter is an game webpage may include code (e.g., HTML, etc.) instruct appropriate location-based action based on the historical ing the client system 130 to call location system 120a to weather there. retrieve HTML code and/or script. For example, the online FIG. 2D shows a flowchart illustrating an example method 30 game webpage provided by game system 120b may be imple for generating a location-based action based on location mented in an iframe with a “src tag identifying the URL of attributes. In various embodiments, game networking system location system 120a. When client system 130 consumes the 120b accesses a location account of location 115 to identify HTML or other code of the page, client system 130 transmits one or more attributes associated with location 115 at step a request to location system 120a in one embodiment, the 240. Game networking system 120b then generates a loca 35 request includes a browser cookie or other state object tion-based action for a user based at least in part on the appended there to that allows location system 120a to resolve attributes associated with location 115 at step 242. Game the identity of User 101 (and possibly all or a subset of game networking system 120b then transmits a message to the user state information associated with that user). If a script is used comprising a description of the location-based action, a (e.g., JavaScript), the Script when downloaded and executed description of an incentive reward, and an offer of the incen 40 might be operative to scan various attributes of webpages tive reward for the user's performance of the location-based hosted by location system 120a to identify the one or more action at step 244. The example method illustrated in FIG. 2D location attributes and transmit this location attribute data to and described above is provided for illustration purposes only game system 120b. For example, the webpage hosted by and is not meant to be limiting. One of ordinary skill in the art location system 120a may include semantic tags that identify would appreciate that the steps described above can be per 45 elements of the page that correspond to the types and prices of formed in any reasonable order, and that various steps can be items available for sale at location 115. Game system 120b reordered, added, and removed. may use this information to consider what type of incentive Determining Location-Based Actions Based on Other Fac reward to offer User 101. As mentioned above, in response to tOrs the call from client system 130, game system 120b may In various embodiments, the action proposal search system 50 access data stored in the cookie corresponding to the game can determine an appropriate location-based action based on system 120b, thereby allowing the game system to identify factors other than game state or location attributes. User 101. If game system 120b is able to successfully identify In some embodiments, the location-based action can be User 101 as a player in one or more online games hosted by determined based in part on the incentive reward generated by game system 120b, it can then trigger the incentive offer the incentive offer search system. For example, if the incen 55 search system and the action proposal search system. tive offer search system generates a virtual ice cream machine In some embodiments, even if User 101 is not a user of as an incentive reward for User 101, the action proposal game system 120b, the method may include offering an alter search system may determine that buying a quart of premium native type of incentive reward to User 101, such as an in ice cream from a specific grocery store is an appropriate game benefit or asset that is not normally provided to new location-based action based on the thematic relationship 60 players. This might be done, for example, to encourage User between the incentive reward and the location-based action. 101 to establish a user account on game system 120b. For In some embodiments, the incentive reward for performing example, if User 101 is not a user of any game hosted by game a location-based action can vary over time. The action pro system 120b, User 101 might be presented with an incentive posal search system may generate multiple possible location reward offer of S100,000 in virtual poker chips if he performs based actions, wherein the location-based action the user has 65 a certain location-based action at location 115 and joins to perform to receive an incentive reward is based on when the Zynga Poker, where a typical new poker player only receives location-based action is completed. For example, the action S20,000 in virtual poker chips in that game. US 8,282,491 B2 17 18 The incentive offer search system and action proposal accesses a game account of the user to identify one or more search system can determine an appropriate incentive reward computer-implemented games associated with the user at and location-based action to present to User 101. An appro step 262. The game networking system 120b then generates priate incentive reward and location-based action can be an incentive reward for the user at step 264. The game net determined in a variety of ways. Once an appropriate incen working system 120b then credits the game account of the tive reward and location-based action have been determined, user with the incentive reward at step 266. The example game system 120b can respond to the call from client system methods illustrated in FIGS. 2E and 2F and described above 130 with content that includes details of the incentive reward are provided for illustration purposes only and are not meant and the location-based action to be displayed on the browser to be limiting. One of ordinary skill in the art would appreci client of client system 130. The incentive reward offer may be 10 ate that the steps described above can be performed in any rendered, for example, in a discrete section of the online game reasonable order, and that various steps can be reordered, interface viewed by User 101. The offer can include a variety added, and removed. of information about the incentive reward and location-based Verification of Location-Based Actions action, including a description of the in-game reward, an In various embodiments, location 115 can have one or image, a description of the location and the action to be 15 more verification systems 118that can verify when a user has performed, and other details, as instructed by the script and performed one or more location-based actions. Verification other content transmitted in the response received from game system 118 can verify performance of a location-based action system 120b. In one embodiment, game system 120b may using a variety of methods. Verification system 118 can gen generate a unique offer identifier that is associated with the erate, store, and transmit action verification data, which is offer transmitted to client system 130. The offer identifier can data comprising information on one or more users and one or be included in the HTML code that becomes part of a Docu more location-based actions associated with the users. Action ment Object Model (DOM) of the webpage as maintained by verification data can be transmitted to location system 120a, the browser client or other client application. If User 101 game system 120b, or client system 130, either directly or via performed the location-based action, game system 120b and/ network 160. In some embodiments, the action verification or location system 120a may record the unique offer identifier 25 data can be generated by another system, Such as client sys in association with the offer. After User 101 performs the tem 130, game system 120b, or location system 120a. This location-based action, location system 120a may transmit disclosure assumes that the action verification data is gener data to game system 120b indicating that the location-based ated by verification system 118 and transmitted to location action has been performed. This can be done in a variety of system 120a, however this is not intended to be limiting. ways. Once game system 120b has confirmed that User 101 30 Action verification data can include a variety of information has completed the location-based action, game system 120b regarding a location-based action, including information can then provide the incentive reward to User 101 or his indicating: the user; the location-based action; if the action player character. For example, game system 120b may update was performed by the user; when the location-based action User 101’s account to add the in-game reward to his in-game was performed; where the location-based action was per asset list, which will be presented or available to the user the 35 formed; how the location-based action was performed; and next time he accesses the game. The entities associated with other information related to the location-based action. The the game system 120b and location system 120a, to the extent methods described below are not intended to be limiting, and they are separate, can contract to achieve a variety of revenue one of ordinary skill in the art would recognize that other exchange or sharing paradigms that arise out of the incentive methods can be used to Verify performance of a location offers described herein. For example, the entity associated 40 based action. with game system 120b may receive a payment for each In some embodiments, if the location-based action is pur performed location-based action. In another embodiment, the chasing an item at location 115, verification system 118 can entity associated with game system 120b may receive a pay verify the purchase using a variety of methods. When a user ment when User 101 redeems the award. purchases an item at location 115, location system 120a may Other methods are possible for determining and presenting 45 collect purchase information from the user, including the an incentive reward offer and location-based action to a user. user's name, credit card number, billing address, shipping For example, a variety of method steps and data flows are address, email address, etc. For example, if User 101 visits a possible. The methods and data flows described above, as store and purchases an item with a credit card, location sys well as alternatives, are described in more detail below. tem 120a could use the information contained on the credit FIG. 2E shows a flowchart illustrating an example method 50 card to identify the User 101. for proposing a location-based action to a user. In various In some embodiments, if the location-based action is veri embodiments, game networking system 120b receives a mes fying the presence of a user at location 115, verification sage identifying a user at step 250. Game networking system system 118 can verify the user's presence at the location using 120b then accesses a game account of the user to identify one a variety of methods. For example, verification system 118 or more computer-implemented games associated with the 55 can verify a user's location based on some form of identifi user at step 252. Game networking system 120b then gener cation presented at location 115; based on the user's proxim ates a location-based action for the user at step 254. Game ity to location 115; when the userprovides an indication of the networking system 120b then transmits a message to the user user's presence at location 115; and by using other location comprising a description of the location-based action, a verification methods. description of an incentive reward, and an offer of the incen 60 Data Flow tive reward for the user's performance of the location-based FIG. 3 depicts a schematic of system 300 and data flow action at step 256. FIG. 2F shows a flowchart illustrating an between the components of system 300. System 300 can example method for transferring an incentive reward to a user include client system 330, location networking system 320a, for performing a location-based action. In various embodi and game networking system 320b. Client system 330, loca ments, a game networking system 120b receives a message 65 tion networking system 320a, and game networking system identifying a user and corresponding to a location-based 320b can each have a corresponding data store Such as local action at step 260. The game networking system 120b then storage medium 325, location data storage medium 345, and US 8,282,491 B2 19 20 game data storage medium 365, respectively. Client system will have been sent from the user. For example, the user could 330 can communicate with location networking system320a actively use a digital communication device (e.g., a computer to receive messages, location information, etc. Additionally, or a Smartphone) to send a message to game system 320b. In client system 330 can transmit data to and receive data 323 another example, the user could passively use a digital com (e.g., game inputs, incentive offerinformation, data transfers) munication device (e.g., a computer or Smartphone) to send from game networking system 320b. In a similar fashion, a message to game system 320b by instructing the digital game networking system 320b and location networking sys communication device to send a message to game system tem320a can communicate HTTP packets 343 including data 320b if the device comes within a specified proximity of requests, transaction information, updates, etc. At some other location 115. The user's proximity can be determined by a time, or at the same time, game networking system 320b can 10 variety of methods (e.g., through the use of a Global Posi communicate data 347 (e.g., game state information, game tioning System (GPS)). system account information, page info, messages) with loca In another embodiment, messages with identifying infor tion networking system 320a. mation received by game system 320b will have been sent Communication between client system 330, location net from location 115 or location system 320a. For example, working system320a, and game networking system320b can 15 location 115 could use a computing system to send a message occur over any appropriate electronic communication to game system 320b. medium or network using any Suitable communications pro In various embodiments, a user can receive messages iden tocols. For example, client system 330, as well as various tifying both a location-based action and an offer for an incen servers of the systems described herein, may include Trans tive reward. For example, a user could receive from game port Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networking system 320b a message describing a location-based action stacks to provide for datagram and transport functions. Of and an incentive reward through client system 330. In another course, any other Suitable network and transport layer proto example, a user could receive a similar message from location cols can be utilized. system 320a. In another example, a user could receive a In addition, hosts or end-systems described herein may use message directly from location 115 (e.g., through the use of a a variety of higher-layer communications protocols, includ 25 physical receipt or through the use of a computer at the ing client-server (or request-response) protocols, such as the location). HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and other communica In various embodiments, location system 320a or game tions protocols, such as HTTP-S, FTP, SNMP, TELNET. In system 320b can receive a message verifying that a user addition, a server in one interaction context may be a client in performed a proposed location-based action. For example, another interaction context. Still further, in particular 30 game system 320b can receive the message in a digital form embodiments, the information transmitted between hosts transmitted over a network. In some embodiments, the mes may be formatted as HyperTextMarkup Language (HTML) sage verifying that a user performed a location-based action documents. Other structured document languages or formats could have been transmitted by location 115 or location sys can be used, such as XML and the like. Executable code tem320a to game system320b through the use of verification objects, such as JavaScript and ActionScript, can also be 35 system 118. embedded in the structured documents. In various embodiments, location system 320a or game In some client-server protocols, such as the use of HTML system 320b can verify the presence of a user relative to over HTTP, a server generally transmits a response to a location 115. For example, the user could directly inform request from a client. The response may comprise one or more game system 320b that he is present at location 115 (e.g., by data objects. For example, the response may comprise a first 40 contacting the game networking system directly through the data object, followed by subsequently transmitted data use of a digital communications device owned by the user). In objects. In one embodiment, for example, a client request another example, the user could indirectly inform game sys may cause a server to respond with a first data object, such as tem320b that he is present at location 115 (e.g., by permitting an HTML page, which itself refers to other data objects. A the game networking system to track his location through the client application, Such as a browser, will request these addi 45 use of Global Positioning Service (GPS) positioning based on tional data objects as it parses or otherwise processes the first a communications device owned by the user). data object. In one embodiment, game system 320b can verify the The example data flows in this section are presented with presence of a user at location 115 through the use of a Global respect to data flow between location networking system Positioning Service (GPS) device. For example, the user 320a and game networking system 320b. One skilled in the 50 could own a mobile client system 330 (e.g., a cell phone, art would appreciate that these are presented merely as an pager, laptop, or tablet) that is in communication with a GPS example of a data flow between two types of online systems. system and game system 320b through a network. Game However, the present disclosure is intended to encompass system320b could then track the physical presence of the user data flows between a game networking system and a variety relative to one or more locations. In another example, the of other online systems, such as online merchant systems, 55 mobile client system 330 could be in communication with a online media systems, online reviewing systems, online GPS system and location system 320a through a network. search engines, and online advertising systems. The example Location system 320a could then track the physical presence data flows described herein function analogously with these of the user relative to one or more locations. Location system online systems as with location networking systems. 320a could then inform game system 320b of the physical In various embodiments, location system 320a or game 60 presence of the user relative to the location. system 320b can receive messages identifying a user. For In another embodiment, game system 320b can verify the example, game system 320b can receive a digital message presence of a user at location 115 through the use of a third through a network, wherein the message contains informa party application, such as a social networking site (e.g., Face tion about the identity of the user. This message can be sent book, Twitter), a location tracking site (e.g., Foursquare, using any suitable communications protocol. 65 Google Latitude), a location reservation site (e.g., OpenT In one embodiment, messages with identifying informa able, Expedia), etc. For example, the application could notify tion received by location system 320a or game system 320b game system320b of the physical position of the user relative US 8,282,491 B2 21 22 to a location based on data received from the site. In another data relating to, and enabling, operation of networking sys example, the application could notify location system320a of tem 420 as digital data objects. A data object, in particular the physical position of the user relative to the location based embodiments, is an item of digital information typically on data received from the site. Location system 320a could stored or embodied in a data file, database, or record. Content inform game system320b of the physical position of the user objects may take many forms, including: text (e.g., ASCII. relative to the location. SGML, HTML), images (e.g., jpeg, tif and gif), graphics In yet another embodiment, game system 320b can verify (vector-based orbitmap), audio, video (e.g. mpeg), or other the presence of a user at location 115 through the use of codes multimedia, and combinations thereof. Content object data (e.g., numerical codes, QR Codes, bar codes). For example, may also include executable code objects (e.g., games execut game system320b could provide the user with a code that the 10 able within a browser window or frame), podcasts, etc. Logi user can take to location 115 that the user can input into a cally, data store 424 corresponds to one or more of a variety of computing system (e.g., a cash register, computer), which can separate and integrated databases, such as relational data be transmitted to location system 320a and/or game system bases and object-oriented databases, that maintain informa 320b to indicate the location of the user. In another example, tion as an integrated collection of logically related records or the location operator can provide the user with a code that the 15 files Stored on one or more physical systems. Structurally, user can input into his client system 330, which will transfer data store 424 may generally include one or more of a large an indication of the user's location to location system 320a class of data storage and management systems. In particular and/or game system 320b. embodiments, data store 424 may be implemented by any Systems and Methods Suitable physical system(s) including components, such as In various example embodiments, one or more described one or more database servers, mass storage media, media webpages may be associated with a networking system or library systems, storage area networks, data storage clouds, networking service. However, alternate embodiments may and the like. In one example embodiment, data store 424 have application to the retrieval and rendering of structured includes one or more servers, databases (e.g., MySQL), and/ documents hosted by any type of network addressable or data warehouses. Data store 424 may include data associ resource or web site. Additionally, as used herein, a user may 25 ated with different networking system 420 users and/or client be an individual, a group, or an entity (Such as a business or devices 430. third party application). Client device 430 is generally a computer or computing Particular embodiments may operate in a wide area net device including functionality for communicating (e.g., work environment, Such as the Internet, including multiple remotely) over a computer network. Client device 430 may be network addressable systems. FIG. 4 illustrates an example 30 a desktop computer, laptop computer, personal digital assis network environment, in which various example embodi tant (PDA), in- or out-of-car navigation system, Smartphone ments may operate. Network cloud 460 generally represents or other cellular or mobile phone, or mobile gaming device, one or more interconnected networks, over which the systems among other suitable computing devices. Client device 430 and hosts described herein can communicate. Network cloud may execute one or more client applications, such as a web 460 may include packet-based wide area networks (such as 35 browser (e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, the Internet), private networks, wireless networks, satellite AppleSafari, Google Chrome, and Opera), to access and view networks, cellular networks, paging networks, and the like. content over a computer network. In particular embodiments, AS FIG. 4 illustrates, particular embodiments may operate in the client applications allow a user of client device 430 to a network environment comprising one or more networking enter addresses of specific network resources to be retrieved, systems, such as location networking system 420a and game 40 Such as resources hosted by networking system 420. These networking system 420b, and one or more client devices 430. addresses can be Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) and the The components of location networking system 420a and like. In addition, once a page or other resource has been game networking system 420b operate analogously; as such, retrieved, the client applications may provide access to other hereinafter they may be referred to simply at networking pages or records when the user "clicks' on hyperlinks to other system 420. Client devices 430 are operably connected to the 45 resources. By way of example, such hyperlinks may be network environment via a network service provider, a wire located within the webpages and provide an automated way less carrier, or any other Suitable means. for the user to enter the URL of another page and to retrieve Networking system 420 is a network addressable system that page. that, in various example embodiments, comprises one or A webpage or resource embedded within a webpage, more physical servers 422 and data stores 424. The one or 50 which may itself include multiple embedded resources, may more physical servers 422 are operably connected to com include data records, such as plain textual information, or puter network 460 via, by way of example, a set of routers more complex digitally encoded multimedia content, such as and/or networking Switches 426. In an example embodiment, Software programs or other code objects, graphics, images, the functionality hosted by the one or more physical servers audio signals, videos, and so forth. One prevalent markup 122 may include web or HTTP servers, FTP servers, as well 55 language for creating webpages is the Hypertext Markup as, without limitation, webpages and applications imple Language (HTML). Other common web browser-supported mented using Common Gateway Interface (CGI) script, PHP languages and technologies include the Extensible Markup Hyper-text Preprocessor (PHP), Active Server Pages (ASP), Language (XML), the Extensible Hypertext Markup Lan HyperTextMarkup Language (HTML), Extensible Markup guage (XHTML), JavaScript, Flash, ActionScript, Cascading Language (XML), Java, JavaScript, Asynchronous JavaS 60 Style Sheet (CSS), and, frequently, Java. By way of example, cript and XML (AJAX), Flash, ActionScript, and the like. HTML enables a page developer to create a structured docu Physical servers 422 may host functionality directed to the ment by denoting structural Semantics for text and links, as operations of networking system 420. Hereinafter servers 422 well as images, web applications, and other objects that can may be referred to as server 422, although server 422 may be embedded within the page. Generally, a webpage may be include numerous servers hosting, for example, networking 65 delivered to a client as a static document; however, through system 420, as well as other content distribution servers, data the use of web elements embedded in the page, an interactive stores, and databases. Data store 424 may store content and experience may be achieved with the page or a sequence of US 8,282,491 B2 23 24 pages. During a user session at the client, the web browser instructions when executed by processor 502. I/O ports 520 interprets and displays the pages and associated resources are one or more serial and/or parallel communication ports received or retrieved from the website hosting the page, as that provide communication between additional peripheral well as, potentially, resources from other websites. devices, which may be coupled to hardware system 500. When a user at a client device 430 desires to view a par Hardware system 500 may include a variety of system ticular webpage (hereinafter also referred to as target struc architectures and various components of hardware system tured document) hosted by networking system 420, the user's 500 may be rearranged. For example, cache 504 may be web browser, or other document rendering engine or Suitable on-chip with processor 502. Alternatively, cache 504 and client application, formulates and transmits a request to net processor 502 may be packed together as a “processor mod working system 420. The request generally includes a URL or 10 ule with processor 502 being referred to as the “processor other document identifier as well as metadata or other infor core.” Furthermore, certain embodiments of the present dis mation. By way of example, the request may include infor closure may not require nor include all of the above compo mation identifying the user, such as a user ID, as well as nents. For example, the peripheral devices shown coupled to information identifying or characterizing the web browser or standard I/O bus 508 may couple to high performance I/O bus operating system running on the user's client computing 15 506. In addition, in Some embodiments, only a single bus may device 430. The request may also include location informa exist, with the components of hardware system 500 being tion identifying a geographic location of the user's client coupled to the single bus. Furthermore, hardware system 500 device or a logical network location of the user's client may include additional components, such as additional pro device. The request may also include a timestamp identifying cessors, storage devices, or memories. when the request was transmitted. An operating system manages and controls the operation of The example network environment described above and in hardware system 500, including the input and output of data FIG. 4 is presented with respect to location networking sys to and from Software applications (not shown). The operating tems and game networking systems. One skilled in the art system provides an interface between the Software-applica would appreciate that these are presented merely as an tions being executed on the system and the hardware compo example of a network environment between two types of 25 nents of the system. Any Suitable operating system may be online systems. However, the present disclosure is intended to used, such as the LINUX Operating System, the Apple encompass network environments that include a game net Macintosh Operating System, available from Apple Com working system and a variety of other online systems, such as puter Inc. of Cupertino, Calif., UNIX operating systems, online media systems, online reviewing systems, online Microsoft(R) Windows(R operating systems, BSD operating search engines, and online advertising systems. The example 30 systems, and the like. Of course, other embodiments are pos network environment described above performs analogously sible. For example, the functions described herein may be with these other online systems as with location networking implemented in firmware or on an application-specific inte systems. grated circuit. FIG. 5 illustrates an example computing system architec Furthermore, the above-described elements and operations ture, which may be used to implement a server 422 or a client 35 can be comprised of instructions that are stored on non device 430. In one embodiment, hardware system 500 com transitory storage media. The instructions can be retrieved prises a processor 502, a cache memory 504, and one or more and executed by a processing system. Some examples of executable modules and drivers, stored on a tangible com instructions are software, program code, and firmware. Some puter readable medium, directed to the functions described examples of non-transitory storage media are memory herein. Additionally, hardware system 500 may include a 40 devices, tape, disks, integrated circuits, and servers. The high performance input/output (I/O) bus 506 and a standard instructions are operational when executed by the processing I/O bus 508. A host bridge 510 may couple processor 502 to system to direct the processing system to operate in accord high performance I/O bus 506, whereas I/O bus bridge 512 with the disclosure. The term “processing system” refers to a couples the two buses 506 and 508 to each other. A system single processing device or a group of inter-operational pro memory 514 and one or more network/communication inter 45 cessing devices. Some examples of processing devices are faces 516 may couple to bus 506. Hardware system 500 may integrated circuits and logic circuitry. Those skilled in the art further include video memory (not shown) and a display are familiar with instructions, computers, and storage media. device coupled to the video memory. Mass storage 518 and Miscellaneous I/O ports 520 may couple to bus 508. Hardware system 500 One or more features from any embodiment may be com may optionally include a keyboard, a pointing device, and a 50 bined with one or more features of any other embodiment display device (not shown) coupled to bus 508. Collectively, without departing from the scope of the disclosure. these elements are intended to represent a broad category of A recitation of “a”, “an, or “the' is intended to mean “one computer hardware systems, including but not limited togen or more unless specifically indicated to the contrary. eral purpose computer systems based on the X86-compatible The present disclosure encompasses all changes, Substitu processors manufactured by Intel Corporation of Santa Clara, 55 tions, variations, alterations, and modifications to the Calif., and the x86-compatible processors manufactured by example embodiments herein that a person having ordinary Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Inc., of Sunnyvale, Calif., skill in the art would comprehend. Similarly, where appropri as well as any other Suitable processor. ate, the appended claims encompass all changes, Substitu The elements of hardware system 500 are described in tions, variations, alterations, and modifications to the greater detail below. In particular, network interface 516 pro 60 example embodiments herein that a person having ordinary vides communication between hardware system 500 and any skill in the art would comprehend. of a wide range of networks, such as an Ethernet (e.g., IEEE For example, the methods described herein may be imple 802.3) network, a backplane, etc. Mass storage 518 provides mented using hardware components, Software components, permanent storage for the data and programming instructions and/or any combination thereof. By way of example, while to perform the above-described functions implemented in 65 embodiments of the present disclosure have been described as servers 422, whereas system memory 514 (e.g., DRAM) pro operating in connection with a networking website, various vides temporary storage for the data and programming embodiments of the present disclosure can be used in con US 8,282,491 B2 25 26 nection with any communications facility that Supports web 10. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the applications. Furthermore, in Some embodiments the term incentive reward comprises: “web service' and “website' may be used interchangeably determining a plurality of incentive rewards; and and additionally may refer to a custom or generalized API on providing a requirement that the user select one incentive a device, such as a mobile device (e.g., a cellular phone, Smart reward from the plurality of incentive rewards. phone, personal GPS, personal digital assistant, personal 11. The method of claim 1, wherein the incentive reward is gaming device), that makes API calls directly to a server. The applicable to a plurality of the computer-implemented games. specification and drawings are, accordingly, to be regarded in 12. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the an illustrative rather than a restrictive sense. It will, however, incentive reward comprises providing the incentive reward be evident that various modifications and changes may be 10 made thereunto without departing from the broader spirit and for a game with little or no account activity by the user. scope of the disclosure as set forth in the claims and that the 13. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the disclosure is intended to cover all modifications and equiva incentive reward is based on goods or services available at the lents within the scope of the following claims. physical location. 15 14. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the What is claimed is: location-based action is based on goods or services available 1. A method comprising: at the physical location. accessing a game state of one or more computer-imple 15. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the mented games associated with a user; incentive reward is based on personal and demographic infor determining, using at least one processor of a machine, an mation associated with users of the physical location. incentive reward for the user based at least in part on the 16. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the game state of the one or more computer-implemented location-based action is based on personal and demographic games, the incentive reward being an in-game asset in information associated with users of the physical location. the one or more computer-implemented games; 17. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the determining a location-based action for the user based at 25 incentive reward is based on a purchase history of users at the least in part on the game state of the one or more com physical location. puter-implemented games, the location-based action 18. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the being an action performable by the user at a physical location-based action is based on a purchase history of users location that is external to the one or more games; and at the physical location. transmitting, to a device associated with the user, a mes 30 19. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the Sage comprising a description of the location-based incentive reward is based on geographic attributes of the action, a description of the incentive reward, and an offer physical location. of the incentive reward for performing the location 20. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the based action at the physical location. location-based action is based on geographic attributes of the 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the game state com 35 physical location. prises a character player state in the one or more computer 21. The method of claim 1, further comprising monitoring implemented games. for an indication of a physical presence of the user relative to 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the game state com the physical location. prises current in-game assets of a player character in the one 22. A non-transitory machine readable medium storing or more computer-implemented games. 40 instructions that, when executed by at least one processor of 4. The method of claim 1, further comprising selecting a a machine, cause the machine to perform operations compris game of the one or more computer-implemented games, ing: wherein the determining of the incentive reward and the accessing a game state of one or more computer-imple determining of the location-based action is based on the mented games associated with a user; selected game. 45 determining an incentive reward tier the user based at least 5. The method of claim 4, wherein the selecting of the game in part on the game state of the one or more computer comprises examining factors for each of the one or more implemented games, the incentive reward being an in computer-implemented games by comparing the factors. game asset in the one or more computer-implemented 6. The method of claim 5, wherein the factors are at least gameS. one selection from the group consisting of frequency of play, 50 determining a location-based action for the user based at duration of play, and play preferences for each of the one or least in part on the game state of the one or more com more computer-implemented games. puter-implemented games, the location-based action 7. The method of claim 4, wherein the selecting of the game being an action performable by the user at a physical comprises considering Social network information associated location external to the one or more games; and with the user for games that interface with a social network 55 transmitting, to a device associated with the user, a mes system, the Social network information including a number of Sage comprising a description of the location-based Social network contacts of the user in the Social network, action, a description of the incentive reward, and an offer system that play the games that interface with the Social of the incentive reward tier performing the location network system. based action at the physical location. 8. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the 60 23. A system comprising: incentive reward is based on a thematic relationship between at least one processor of a machine; and the incentive reward and the one or more computer-imple a game networking system configured to: mented games. access, using the at least one processor, a game state of 9. The method of claim 1, wherein the determining of the one or more computer-implemented games associ location-based action is based on a thematic relationship 65 ated with a user; between the physical location and the one or more computer determine an incentive reward for the user based at least implemented games. in part on the game state of the one or more computer US 8,282,491 B2 27 28 implemented games, the incentive reward being an transmit, to a device associated with the user, a message in-game asset in the one or more computer-imple- comprising a description of the location-based action, mented games. a description of the incentive reward, and an offer of determine a location-based action for the user based at the incentive reward for performing the location least in part on the game state of the one or more 5 computer-implemented games, the location-based based action at the physical location. action being an action performable by the user at a physical location external to the one or more games; and UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION PATENT NO. : 8,282,491 B2 Page 1 of 7 APPLICATIONNO. : 13/244924 DATED : October 9, 2012 INVENTOR(S) : Auterio et al. It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:

On the title page, item (56) in column 2, under “U.S. Patent Documents, 11, In the citation for U.S. Patent Documents 2002/0006825 A1, after “2002/0006825 A1 1/2002 Suzuki', insert --2002/0026321 A1 2/202 Faris et al.--, therefor On the title page, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 1, before “turfwarsapp', insert --"--, therefor On the title page, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 1, after “2010, insert ----, therefor

On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “U.S. Patent Documents, line 13, In the citation for U.S. Patent Documents 2008/0146338 A1, after “2008/0146338 A1 6/2008 Bernard et al., insert --2008/0163055 A1 7/2008 Ganz et al.--, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “U.S. Patent Documents, line 21, In the citation for U.S. Patent Documents 2010/160038 A1, after “2010/160038 A16/2010 Youm et al., insert --2010/0203963 A1 8/2010 Allen et al.--, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “U.S. Patent Documents, line 24, In the citation for U.S. Patent Documents 2010/0227675 A1, after “2010/0227675 A1 9/2010 Luxton et al.' insert --2010/0279764 A1 11/2010 Allen et al.--, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “U.S. Patent Documents, line 30. In the citation for U.S. Patent Documents 2010/0332301 A1, after “2010/0332301 Al 12/2010 Higgins et al. insert --2011/0207531 A1 8/2011 Gagner, Mark B.--, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “U.S. Patent Documents, line 50. In the citation for U.S. Patent Documents 2012/0203619 A1, after “2012/0066040 A1 3/2012 Farraro et al. insert --2012/0203619 A1 8/2012 Lutnick, Howard W., et al.--, therefor

Signed and Sealed this Ninth Day of April, 2013

Teresa Stanek Rea Acting Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION (continued) Page 2 of 7 U.S. Pat. No. 8,282,491 B2 On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 9, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 10, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 11, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 11, delete “Mailed and insert --mailed--, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 12, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 13, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 14, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications', line 15, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 16, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 17, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 18, after “2011, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 19, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 20, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 21, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 22, after “2012, insert ----, therefor CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION (continued) Page 3 of 7 U.S. Pat. No. 8,282,491 B2 On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 23, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 24, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 1, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 1, delete “Mailed and insert --mailed--, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 2, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 3, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 4, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications', line 5, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 6, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 7, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 8, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 9, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 10, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 11, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 12, after “2012, insert ----, therefor CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION (continued) Page 4 of 7 U.S. Pat. No. 8,282,491 B2 On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 13, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 13, delete “Mailed and insert --mailed--, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 14, after “2011, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 15, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 15, delete “Mailed and insert --mailed--, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 16, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 17, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications', line 18, after “2011, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 19, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 20, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 21, before “U.S., insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 22, after “2012, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 30, before “International, insert --"--, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 31, after “2011, insert ----, therefor On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 32, before “International, insert --"--, therefor CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION (continued) Page 5 of 7 U.S. Pat. No. 8,282,491 B2 On title page 2, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 33, after “2011, insert ----, therefor On title page 3, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 11, delete “13/174,741, and insert -- 13/174,741--, therefor On title page 3, item (56) in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 30, delete “response and insert --Response--, therefor On title page 3, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 1, delete “13/244,926, and insert -- 13/244,926.--, therefor On title page 3, item (56) in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 35, after “Zhephree, “Foursquare and Your Phone's GPS. Online). Retrieved from the Internet: , (Accessed Feb. 13, 2012), 4pgs., insert --"U.S. Appl. No. 13/244,780, Final Office Action mailed Sep. 13, 2012, 10 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244,809, Response filed Sep. 17, 2012 to Final Office Action mailed Jun. 18, 2012, 11 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.937, Response filed Aug. 30, 2012 to Final Office Action mailed Jun. 29, 2012, 8 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.939, Non Final Office Action mailed Sep. 14, 2012, 8 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.939, Response filed Aug. 30, 2012 to Final Office Action mailed Jun. 28, 2012, 8 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 12/856.508, Response filed Jul. 10, 2012 to Non Final Office Action mailed Apr. 10, 2012, 11 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 12/856.508, Response filed Aug. 24, 2012 to Restriction Requirement mailed Jul. 24, 2012, 13 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 12/856.508, Restriction Requirement mailed Jul. 24, 2012, 6 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/174,715, Response filed Aug. 8, 2012 to Non Final Office Action mailed May. 8, 2012, 10 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/174,715, Final Office Action mailed Aug. 27, 2012, 7 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/174,724, Notice of Allowability mailed Aug. 30, 2012, 2 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/174,729, Final Office Action mailed Jun. 7, 2012, 11 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/174,735, Response filed Aug. 6, 2012 to Non Final Office Action mailed Apr. 6, 2012, 11 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/174.737, Response filed Jun. 29, 2012 to Non Final Office Action mailed Feb. 29, 2012, 9 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/174,741, Examiner Interview Summary mailed Jul. 31, 2012, 4pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/174,741, Final Office Action mailed Jun. 12, 2012, 18 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/174,747, Notice Non-Compliant Amendment mailed Jun. 19, 2012, 9 pgs. U.S. Appl. No. 13/174,747, Response filed May 30, 2012 to Non Final Office Action mailed Jan. 30, 2012, 10 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244,681, Response filed Jun. 14, 2012 to Non Final Office Action mailed Mar. 14, 2012, 13 pgs. CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION (continued) Page 6 of 7 U.S. Pat. No. 8,282,491 B2

“U.S. Appl. N O . 13/244,763, Final Office Action mailed Jun. 21, 2012, 8 pgs. “U.S. Appl. N O . 13/244,801, Notice of Allowability mailed Sep. 05, 2012, 2 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No.O 13/244,809, Final Office Action mailed Jun. 18, 2012, 11 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No.O 13/244,814, Response filed Jul. 09, 2012 to Non Final Office Action mailed Apr. 9, 2012, 10 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.926, Examiner Interview Summary mailed Aug. 1, 2012, 3 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.926, Final Office Action mailed May. 30, 2012, 15 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.932, Notice of Allowance mailed Aug. 16, 2012, 9 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.932, Response filed Jul. 10, 2012 to Non Final Office Action mailed Apr. 11, 2012, 10 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.934, Non Final Office Action mailed Aug. 31, 2012, 7 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.934, Response filed Aug. 16, 2012 to Final Office Action mailed May. 16, 2012, 10 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.937, Final Office Action mailed Jun. 21, 2012, 9 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.937, Response filed Jun. 21, 2012 to Non Final Office Action mailed Mar. 21, 2012, 12 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.939, Final Office Action mailed Jun. 28, 2012, 8 pgs. “U.S. Appl. No. 13/244.939, Response filed Jun. 19, 2012 to Non Final Office Action mailed Mar. 21, 2012, 14 pgs. “Earning badges'. Online). Retrieved from the Internet: , (Mar. 16, 2011), 5 pgS. THOMPSON, CHRIS, “What is a shout?, Copyright (C) 2012 About Foursquare. Online). Retrieved from the Internet: , (Mar. 9, 2010), 2 pgs. VAN GROVE, JENNIFER, “Foursquare and Starbucks Team Up To Offer Customer Rewards, retrieved from URL., (Mar. 14, 2010), 1 pg.--, therefor In the drawings, sheet 10 of 10, fig5, References Numeral 506, line 1, delete “Performancc and insert --Performance--, therefor CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION (continued) Page 7 of 7 U.S. Pat. No. 8,282,491 B2 In the drawings, sheet 10 of 10, fig5, References Numeral 510, line 1, delete “Bridgc and insert --Bridge--, therefor In the drawings, sheet 10 of 10, fig5, References Numeral 516, line 2, delete “Intcrfacc and insert --Interface--, therefor In the Specifications

In column 3, line 41, after “manna, insert ----, therefor In column 4, line 22, delete “good and insert --goods--, therefor

In column 5, line 28, delete “if and insert --if-, therefor

In column 8, line 63, delete “in and insert --In--, therefor

In column 9, line 39, delete “Scars and insert --Sears--, therefor

In column 11, line 7, delete “in and insert --In--, therefor

In column 13, line 44, delete “to 999 and insert--to--, therefor

In column 14, line 54, delete “Visited. 999 and insert --Visited--, therefor

In column 16, line 34, after “ 120a, insert ----, therefor

In column 16, line 34, delete “in and insert --In--, therefor

In column 26, line 45, in claim 22, delete “tier and insert --for--, therefor

In column 26, line 58, in claim 22, delete “tier and insert --for--, therefor