President Hits Nikita We Win Be Open All Day Saturday Aiid Closed All Day Successful T Than Argue Mors, S E E N F O R Advises Educator Dr
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Yh9W9atlMr iKanrh^Bt^r Etirttins Heralb t at 0. a Waalhtr O i f '. ' PUT aad colder toaigM aai Satarday. Lowest tempirotarM tonight g-19. Blgheot BatardaF 99-33. OPKK OPEN Meidbesler— City o f ViUago Charm TOmOHT n u . moHT >.................. ^ mx.» TILL t MANCHESTBR. CONJ^., FRIDAV, DECEMBER SO. 185S AdmtMag m Page U) PRICE nVB a^N n Custoiqers From HALE’S ArgumeiiU Bring MNERURST HOLIDAY SGHEDllE Highw ay Deaths Toll Happiness, Success Piaahuret holiday schedale . Buy enough food at Self \Serve and Meat Department PhiehOret this weekend for another long weekend. Lon AngaltA 'btc. 30 (iP)—: WflttUn’t H be nice if every holiday-was a long one? . Want to be happier and mors President Hits Nikita We win be open all day Saturday aiid closed all day successful T Than argue mors, S e e n f o r advises educator Dr. Leonard Monday, January 2nd. ^ 38^000 1955 lUggIsrosn. HI HO MEAT DEPARTMENT “Family arguments are a good thing.” aald.K«tiggleman, O r e N T lU i^ THURSDAY NICHT W e ll Start. Your New, Year Right Chiesgo, Dec, 80 (4*)—^The president of M ims Harvey CRACKERS National Safety Oiuncil today Oonegbr-.£adH4eat<m, W. Vs. estimated the 1956 traffic V “They ' can bring a family WITH 0UAUTY MEAT— MODERATELV PRICED ^eteror oyar a period of time.” NINE PJ^. FRIDAY NIGHT death toll at 38,600—the "Although ergumenta may highest in 14 years. tend to divide a family imma- BONELESS CHUCK ROLL Tii» ssUmata came as asueh of the distely, sU members of the Our West Willingtoh farm nation took emergency action' to family will corns to better un- can send us only 20 of these pi'f-SS* hold down the frightening toll over derstandlnga over a period of wonderful Native Tom Tur the next three days, a New Tsar time' and each msmber will Vows Push holiday which safety 'officials fear have matured .to better advan keys (about 18 to 20 lbs. will set another record for deaths tage for having argued his when ready for oven),- They POT on tha highways. owa point of vlsw.” are wonderful value at 63c The councU baaed Its estUnats Arguing slso-.-makes a per- To Free All on « projection of reports of S4,iM lb. Buy one and have (Bon more sucoeanful in Iwsi- Amsriesns killed in traffic in the ness, Rlg^ltmsn said, because* enough turkey for a party first 11 monGia tg the year. men’s minds develop best . and then some for the A later aurvey, taken yesterday through Intellectual combat. next day. by the Associated Praas from in- Rlggleman aaid it’s good to complsts state police records in argue •oven if you donf know Key Went, Fla., Dec. 80 lb. which tb^ AP survey was baaed, what you’re talking about, be —The White House, hit ro r Uw long wMkmd . Tony Buyrtao. Plnthunt chlckon were complete through Wednee- cause "The lack of intorms- back aL Soviet crittciim port, recoRunonds oomo wonderful freoh SH lb. copoQi or o’A TK dsy or yesterday. Some were com- tion or facts is no deterrent to loasttng chidMBs fnah from * farm on the top of Bolton a high INSTANT S-OZ. iAR late only for ll'months and in a good argument.” President Eiaenhower, ___ bnio m r meat manager thought that thaao ipoclal largo Tom 49 Sfew York State, where official today the United States bdll tarkoom would taka can of the poultry demand but Tony aald MAXWEU HOUSE tO figurqp lag, they were complete continue to seek peacaful that not everyone waa going to have a party or had a large fam 39 M M ILT FAVORITE; through September. , liberation of captive Baro- ily . SO COME TO pINEHimST for whatever you want In The Safety Council figures that Ike Irons Draft fraahpoutUy. OF COURSE/ delayed reports, deaths througj pean peoples "until auccaaa ig TURXCTB H4w Year's Bvt and deaths li achieved.*’ ’ * CAPONS from injuries suffered late Of Message on The reiteration W the A m eH ^ ROA8T1NO CHXCKBNS LEG 0’ LAMB year will bring the over-all totkl goat was sqt forth in a etatemeiit CHICKEN Ba r t s for the year to SB.600. An actual by press sepretary Japtss C.. Hag- count probably will be available in State of Union arty aftsr it haO^bden appnvedbgr .Kama were much In demand laat New Year’a . ao we are Elsenhowsr and fleerstary of State laady with a large supply of those oconomlcal, ready to serve get your smother month. The figure would top last year’s Dulles. extra lean SHANKLJESS MORRELL. HAMS. Whole han^s weigh Key West. FIs., Dee. 30 </n — Tbs staterasat W66 raply to about 10 lbs. Buy whole or half . no cooking Jua^ heat and Safety' pouncil figuro of 36,000' President Eisenhower, ,df*RMd In fREESOOKUT deaths and is some 6,000 more criUcUBh yseterday by Nlktta g. aarve. ‘ casual fpbrt clothes, worked today Khrushchev, Rttsaia'a ConumaUst than the 33,417 UJ9. eoldiers. sail on a near-final draft of hla Jsn. Thaaa pictures below are to remind you of the quality of Pine- ors, Marines and' airmen kiUed In party boss, aocuring BIsentaewsr ib. 5 Stats of the Union Message to and Dulles of lerude Interforsnea’* Inmt Bork chops, Porterhouse, Sirloin and Short steaks. the 37'months'’of'tha Korean War. Congress. ’ It would be the greatsat yssr-long In aastern European affaifii The President left hts living through Cliristmsa broadcasts to MM “21 new IDEAS” 59 toll sines the'record 30,969 in 1941. quarters at tha Naval Base here at- tbosa areas. ■ 'Trsffie deaths totaled 3,680 in 9:30 a.m. (EST) and walkM two Khrusbriisv also accused th*. i_ L jl3 foi 21 SOUPS AND A REAL TREAT: November—10 per CMt more thaii blocks to hi« 4-room office sulis In Prdstdaat of having vi^ted tho M ALI'S FRESHLY ARMOUR'S /<(wif)Si-itx the same month in 1954. the base adpiinlstration building. spirit of the summit rasetlu hald 'Last weekend—termed “Black at Geneva last July. , GROUND Christmas,’’ by safety experts— Aeesmpanied by Writer TREET TOMATO 3for33e e'mphssixsd tbs mounting highway He was accompanied by hia mss- MajM* U.8. Goal tolls and caused many states to Meet Mi»s State Capitol ssge-wriUng sldt, Ksvln McCann, In his statemsnt, Hsgarty in el* CHICKEN lEGS ordsr stringent snforcemsnt efforts Attractive Mias Agnes Keir, 43 Lawrence St., Rockville, still who fiew in from Washington this fact dtnled that > J COFFEE '12 Or. Tin VEOETABLE OROUP 2 for 27c . for tbb New;. Year weekend. A can’t bslieve she's been chosen Mias State Capitol. “This is the mqrning with a revised draft of "The peacaful liberatkm of tlio Lb. new retord fbr any holiday in his- first tline anything like this has evsr happeHM to’me,” she ex the document outlining the admin captive peoples,” Hagerty aiid, hag ***" MEAT 8R0UP 2 for 35c istration’s 1956 leglalsUvt pro Imagine the Pile of Pennies This Would Make bsen, is. and—uaUl mrnioi li . tory, 639 Americans, died outright claimed. Mies Kcrr. aecretary -to Secretary of State Mrs. Mildred adilsvsd—will conttnua to 'be' in Chrl^mas accidents.. AP P, .AUnn, was one of nine contestants nominated. It wad the first gram. Thess chseka bought 1,000 acres Of land and water with waUrWorks fkciUtlss from Ctasnsy Bros, a Alao along on ths walk in the mejor goal of United StatM fW«' bureaus across the. country re time such a contest has been hpid at the Capitol. The idea orig this morning when ths towirexiduinged them for deeds to tha propsrty. Most of the 16 or 20 per sign policy.” ONCE A DAT... iVlMY DAY. ..CAMPBEtLSOUpT^^ warm sun was ths chief executive’s sona near (he general iQategei's office In the municlpsd building this morning when the deal was ported today that 34 others died inated with Capitol employes some time ago. (Herald Photo). Only yesterday Bagdrtj^ toM in tha following two and one htiif youngest broiler, Di*. Milton R. .completed got a chance/to touch or even handle the checka briefly. WhU# methods of exprossifig rt. Ib. Eisenhowerv Prosklaat of Penn iwamen at UperttoirorB vacatiiaR ' days of injuries suffered- over dlffersd, ths unanimous opinion wsa’thst ths checks reprsssnt a comforUbla nun. (Herald Photo). hsadquartan bero that noMlior tlw * ENTIRELY Christmas. sylvania State University. " .................................. tim Tbs PrsaidentrlMd a eD^ry good Prealomt lior .ha eroiiM have 39 Of the thousands grho.wers hurt cofitaim^ on iim Mhnulham. morning for iiewsnieX.fis hs step- 8 5 ARMOUR'S RONELESS la crashes on stresta and highways Bazaars Approved Uek.K Area Tobaeco Cut pad fre^ his tsmporary home. He LAND OIAKES between 6 p.m. lotisl time Friday,- Hagertya statament rei rarsifif NEWS You got frosh-drossod. poultry at Halo's: Plump Dec. 33, and midnight Monday, wore a beige sport coat of nubby Lamb legs st 69c lb. shd fresh lows Pork Roast -the C A N N ED wsavs, a ysllow checks^ riiirt with By Putuam Voters Embezzlement that position came after m S, CHICKEN Fdwl, Tondor Roostors. Young RroHort, Fryors and Dec. 36, at least 35 bad died up howsr. had apa«t Ihreo aM a liatf aiwall 7 rib cut at 21k, along with our lean Chuck Ground t* noon ‘Thundayr- ............ a , brown figund. tie. IwD'-tep BUTTER CAIE bandy ehiclion porH. Wo hovo guiek>frbtfiDd tur* at 66c will start the New Year off "easy <m your budget." Dog load Yhsse.