ASB U IVERSITY National Management NamCon’21 Conference, 2021 3rd & 4th December, 2021 Venue : Shiksha Vihar, Post : ASBM University, Bhola (Chandaka), Bhubaneswar - 754012 | Tel. : +91 674 - 2374801 - 05 | Fax : 674 - 2374900 E-mail :
[email protected] | ABOUT THE PROGRAMME NamCon’21 elen Keller, the great humanist and disability rights activist, once said, National Management “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” The Conference, 2021 Hworld has seen a number of adverse situations in terms of natural calamities, BUILDING RESILIENCE : war, pandemics, economic crises, terrorist brutality and so on, but every time it has THE WAY FORWARD regained normalcy as nature has created resilience in everyone. We have overcome all Business Innovation | Social Innovation | the problems and challenges in this world of environment in span of times. The new Technology Innovation pandemic, Covid-19 has resulted in a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and 3rd & 4th December, 2021 presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems and the world of work. The economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic is devastating. This pandemic is not only taking a toll out of health care systems and people’s lives but also impacting world economies and resulting in job losses, business disruptions and making us head towards one of the worst times ever for people on earth. All the industries are undergoing massive declines in their businesses which is projecting worse times ahead. Now is the time to develop our resilience together to overcome the intertwined health, social and economic impacts of the pandemic and ensure that the “new normal” is a better one.