The Canadian Greens / Green Party of Canada Council Functionary Elections At closing, the following members were nomi- John Grogan Nominated by: John Barranyi, Donna Dillman, Mike nated. All statements longer than 120 words have Nickerson, Roberta Clark, Christine Kilgour, Yannick been edited down with the original text, as well as John served as GPC Communications Chair, GPBC Damdurand-Manley, Isabelle Masson, Jo Saunders, the list of the current Council office holders, Director-at-Large, and as a GPC candidate in 1997 Roger Villeneuve, Caroline Manley available on the party's website at and 2000. He is an activist for media literacy with or from the Party's national a focus on universal access to alternative media. PARTY SECRETARY office at 1-866-868-3447 or
[email protected] He lets his name stand as a candidate for Leader to The Party Secretary, along with the Administra- support a principled slate of candidates for Council CHAIR tion Committee, is responsible for principle party who share a grave concern for the unconstitutional documents and administrative records of the party. The party’s Chair is to ensure that decisions of the management of the GPC Council in recent times, party, council, and committees of council are duly and the disconnect with the grassroots and the Roger Benham carried out. They also ensure that process people Global Green movement. John hopes to ensure that we do not develop a cult culture of personality are duly selected and in place for meetings of the Lives in his own hand-built log house near Telkwa politics, instead nurturing the leadership within membership, council, and committees of council on the edge of the forest.